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/vr/ - Retro Games

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7793147 No.7793147 [Reply] [Original]

I just finished The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask. I prefer it to Ocarina of Time.

>> No.7793153

Return to Zork. Unfairly difficult and resorted to a guide but FMV games definitely have a lot of potential.

>> No.7793163

Streets of Rage 2 on the 3DS

>> No.7793172

>completing games
must be nice not having adhd

>> No.7793174

I have finished 35 games (mostly retro, but a few modern ones too) so far since January 2018; which is when I started keeping track.

>> No.7793215
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yesterday I got the patch in Grand Prix in Activision Anthology on the GBA

>> No.7793223

I legit liked it and preferred it to OoT when it first came out, and it's gone down as one of my favourite games ever. But no one believes me when I say that, and think I'm just being contrarian ._.

>> No.7793234

I remember coming to a conclusion back in the day that Majora's Mask was the better game but OoT was more easily accessible because it did not have barriers like the time restrictions and needing a guide. When you play Majora's Mask you need to prepare for unless you are playing casually not caring to collect all the masks. OoT is easier to pick up and enjoy.

>> No.7793354

Yes, I have seen multiple statements that basically sum up preferring Majora's Mask as the hipster's choice. To me it is just a more interesting game/experience.

I agree that Ocarina of Time is more easily accessible and palatable. I think a lot of people would get stressed out by the timer in Majora's Mask, and I like that you can even finish the game without finding out about the Song of Inverted Time which makes things like getting the dungeon fairies far easier.

>> No.7793369

I just beat Aria of Sorrow, both endings. Now I'm doing post-game stuff. Not sure how long I'll stick with it before going to the next Igavania for the DS.

>> No.7793401
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Monster Party: Let's Go Again (romhack)

it's more fun than the original

>> No.7793405


>> No.7793424
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I beat Ultima V a few days ago, although I edited my savefile at the end because I couldn't stand the grind anymore.
Talking to people, recording their dialogues in my IRL journal and piecing together a picture of what the fuck is going on was super fun. But the combat is hot garbage.

>> No.7793462

Some stupid VN that was released a couple years before the PS4 but is retro because /vr/ is now peak faggotry.

>> No.7793548


>faster transition between monster/kid forms
>fewer empty rooms with no bosses
>better graphics

Altogether pretty well-done, you could almost consider it a replacement for the original although it does have some romhack-tier "humor" in it. I think it's probably a bit easier than the original, which I used to be able to beat, but I haven't played in a while.

>> No.7793868

Ys 1 for NES. Finished it yesterday.

>> No.7795045


>> No.7795562

I guess I finished Kirby's Dream Land DX (romhack) right after finishing Kirby's Dream Land (original), both from gameboy. The only ones this year so far.

>> No.7795719

Silent Hill 4

>> No.7795726

Just beat Metroid Fusion and I really liked it.
Please recommend other GBA games I should play

>> No.7795732

Metroid Zero Mission

>> No.7795780

I can barely remember the last time I played a game through to the end. By the time I get to later stages I'm either growing bored because it's too much the same, too easy or whatever usually I just feel done and move on. It's virtually always been that way. A game that's good enough to be interesting the whole time and I finish it is a rare gem.

>> No.7795796

What games have you finished?

>> No.7795802

OutRun, I guess. Seems like I can only finish 4 minute games these days.

>> No.7795849

Fuck... Do I have this? I finish a lot of games, but the one I had already beaten before. My patience for new games is very thin, to the point I get glad whenever I stick to one, even if I never finish it. I've been trying, recently, to play some stuff I didn't before or dropped along the way. Sometimes, it's worthwhile, but most of the time I just move on.

>> No.7795872

That was my feeling with Super Aleste. Game is waaaaay too long and tiresome, even though it has its moments. One day, I decided to go until the end. I reached stage 11 and got filtered. Too hard for me.

>> No.7795898

hah, true thanks
Any non-metroid non-megaman zero games that are similar?
I really like the sprite art of Fusion

>> No.7795907

Blood with the 2 expansions. Best fps I've ever played. Level design is ace. Weapons are great. Enemies are cool. DOOM is only better cause the modding community, but base game Blood is goat

>> No.7795920

Yeah, probably. I could play games all the way through to completion when I used to take ADHD meds. Not really anymore.

I'd wager half the board has it desu, if not more.

>> No.7796037

Tough luck, man... At least, I still enjoy a lot playing my old backlog. Also, multiplayer (local) makes it easier for me dealing with new games, I have way more fun that way.

>> No.7796095

Banjo kazooie. Told by a few people it was amazing. I was disappointed. The whole thing felt like a chore

>> No.7796164
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Wanted to play this since I first heard about it but didn't want to buy a GC for it. It was pretty good on par with the og RE1.

>> No.7796352

Just beat Doom 2
I regret playing on such a low difficulty, but I can always play it again later

>> No.7796361

I'm told there's a mod for Blood called Death Wish with some nice levels.

>> No.7796609

It's not that OoT is bad, it's just that MM makes it feel incredibly basic, like a tech demo compared to what was possible given some more time and effort. It also set the stage for just about every Zelda that came after in creating a world full of memorable characters. It was weird as hell going back to OoT and seeing all these characters that had been given entire lives and backstories in MM stuck being "Cucco Lady" or "Shopkeep" or whatever the fuck random NPC job they had in OoT.

>> No.7796620
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Not seeing many replays and proof in this thread. Anyone can claim they beat any game or got any score desu. Means nothing to us on /vr/

>> No.7796627

How big is that cat or how -let is that man holy shit

>> No.7797095

Orange man secretly has a pet cat

>> No.7797096

MM is a basically a sloppy romhack of OoT.

>> No.7797102

You did beat it on Ultra Violent didn't you?

>> No.7797141

Dino Crisis for the very first time. It was awesome and I'll get on Dino Crisis 2 shortly.

>> No.7797660


>> No.7797662

Nice, that is one of my favorites. I beat it with a guide as a kid and cried when I beat it because I didn't feel I earned it and finished it too fast.

>> No.7797687

As I'm an old hand at it I beat the first Ridge Racer on PS1 on Sunday in about 40minutes. Fun game with a thumping OST.

>> No.7797689

Here's the deal:

Both are good games.
You don't have to pick between them.
You can play both.
You can enjoy both.

To say one is better than the other is a conflicted statement to make, because both are very different play experiences, despite sharing the same mechanics and assets.

>> No.7797692

Zone of the Enders. Good shit

>> No.7797769
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As a kid I always got stuck after passing the Rye guy Boos. As an adult I busted out a pen and paper to take notes, drew up maps but it was still incredibly confusing.

The amount of shit that can kill you in Zork is unmatched with any other game I've played. I think I got killed/punished once for loitering inside that house with the hellhound.

>> No.7797812
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I literally got stuck *at* Boos. It was my mom who secretly got a guide and hinted me through that part, then a little later said "fuck it" and let me consult the guide, because even she was like "how the hell are you supposed to figure some of this stuff out?" lol.

>> No.7797919
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>how the hell are you supposed to figure some of this stuff out?
It feels like the game gives you clues if you listen closely and note everything down but it also throws red herrings at you, or possibly they left in unfinished content. What was the point of the hotel with Molly the receptionist or the wizard telling you about double agents and trapping them in a 2nd room?

>> No.7797946

Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine on N64. Probably the best game i've ever played on the system

>> No.7797949

I guess that was just interesting history to add, I dunno. You were really expected to take note of everything. The way to get past Boos is in the notes in the Mayor's office, as is a lot of other stuff.

>> No.7797972

Chibi-Robo. Pretty neat game. The gibberish voices are really annoying though.

>> No.7798221

Castlevania 3. Then I beat it another 8 times and 1CC'd it. About to start the second quest on the Japanese version.

>> No.7799220

Nes TMNT. For the first time since I started it when I was 4. Not as hard as I had always thought once you know how

>> No.7799943
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SW Bounty Hunter and Champions of Norrath.

>> No.7800097

I'm trying to play the original Elder Scroll games now. I can't find my Anthology Collection though!

>> No.7800169

5cc'd Toki

will try harder tomorrow

>> No.7800202

Just finished the original Castlevania for the first time. What a fucking game. I didn't expect it to be this solid, there's basically zero glitches and almost no flickering.

>> No.7801398
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>> No.7801425

>finishes a game
>first thing he does is come to /vr/ to flaunt their gamer cred™

>> No.7801552

I think this thread is more about people chatting about games they finished, and even they didn't finished or just would like to finish, as things went through each post.

Almost no one here tried to brag about something. Fortunately, people knew better.

>> No.7801558
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In January.

>> No.7801683

I finished Red's quest on Saga Frontier. I'm playing through Lute now on new game + but I'm sort of burnt out doing the same magical side quests again.

>> No.7801730
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Beat the original Monster Party and really loved it. I'll give that a look.
As a side note it's been awhile since I've finished a retro game (Monster Party was literally the last one I beat several months ago) but I'm getting into Evergrace now. Haven't finished it yet, but I intend to. Feels like a way weirder Dark Cloud that decided to make different types of armor important to progress. Has some nice little OH SHIT moments and you can see a lot of light similarities to From's later Souls games (fallen kingdom setting, blinded priestess helping you along, one of the first characters you meet is suicidally depressed and crestfallen, dark story, etc.) It's nothing like Dark Souls as far as gameplay or atmosphere but it's fascinating to see how often and how widely they'd work on telling apocalyptic fantasy stories for so many years before really hitting their stride with it.
Also the soundtrack is goddamned bananas but fits the game like a glove.
Really looking forward to what improvements are in the sequel, Forever Kingdom, if any.

>> No.7802536

I want to play OoT again but I dont want to slog through the first 2 dungeons :*(

anyone have a savegame somewhere at or after the fish dungeon?

>> No.7802547

>retro game
You could’ve just said game, this is /vr/

>> No.7802557

Tomb Raider 2 a couple of weeks ago. Going through God of War 1 and Link's Awakening DX.

>> No.7802563

Why are you here?
Beat King of Dragons on SNES with my cousin and Ikaruga on DC

>> No.7802567

Try a randomizer.

>> No.7802752

Dragon quest 1 on nes