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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 606 KB, 800x600, mr skeltal, bring me a dream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7797183 No.7797183 [Reply] [Original]

Useful links:

latest muttmod

Latest overworked .txt files

Latest 1.15 MEGA:

>> No.7797332

>226997 life
I thought the life display was supposed to overroll past 32767

>> No.7797359

>supposed to overroll
Silly anon, anything is possible when you have enough squelettes.

>> No.7797551

I think those mega links are outdated?

>> No.7797557

I know for a fact 1.15 and muttmod are up to date. Overworked might be outdated though. If there's a more recent version of it, feel free to post it, overworked anon.

>> No.7797571

I guess that was an old build, because the barbarian mercenary photo is also the old one.

>> No.7797665

fucking retard link the old thread

>> No.7797785

New pastebin for Diablo 2, fixes the mod archive link and removes the link to the Diablo 1 archive.

And by request, a separate (but equal) pastebin for Diablo, based on my meticulous knowledge of its complex mechanics and features.
>https://ghostbin.co/paste/5a5fhhs (using ghostbin because its spookier, and thus more atmospheric, and also because Diablo is too mature for pastebin)
It's almost entirely a shitpost, but no one else will make one

>> No.7797798

ebic. Had a chuckle.

>> No.7798517

Does the Fade proc from Treachery remove Burst of Speed for an Assassin?

>> No.7798717

I think so.

>> No.7798743

Yeah I just dropped a Lem rune and tried it. It indeed removed Burst of Speed, that's a shame.

>> No.7798759

>that's a shame.
Yeah, it's one of the best class armor runewords.
Just not for the assassin.
Works great on my barb.

>> No.7799118


>> No.7800015
File: 606 KB, 800x600, Screenshot064.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>each superunique drops their own special item
I like it, too bad they almost all end up being useless due to their high level requirements and weak stats.

>> No.7800134

Really cool in concept.

>> No.7800689
File: 570 KB, 1415x1033, 124346473447347.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FINALLY dropped a Pul rune to upgrade the bow...and it's still not particularly good.

>> No.7800692
File: 594 KB, 1415x1031, 12434548458.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

found this, too.

>> No.7800773
File: 566 KB, 1409x1037, 123423534547457.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wew, now that's nice.

>> No.7800784
File: 744 KB, 805x628, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That resolution scaling is brutal.

>> No.7800795
File: 486 KB, 800x600, 1242343464536547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here, I'll reduce it a bit when taking screenshots from here on out just for you. I stretch it cause I'm playing on a tv screen quite far away from myself.

>> No.7802206

Threads getting slow recently.

>> No.7802237
File: 327 KB, 746x556, 1599045494356.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Diablo 2 modding
>want to increase stat limits
>doing so will destroy save files
>can't just max out all stat limits so that I never have to worry about that issue, since that will make it much easier to hit the d2s limit, which also destroys save files
>only a few hardcoding gods have extended the d2s limit, but they have no intention of ever explaining how they did it, nor will they ever release an actual mod or plugin because they almost all do strictly personal projects for giggles (or are in "alpha" hell where they talk about releasing their mod any day now, mods which have been in closed alpha for literal decades)
>this issue, which has plagued modding since the beginning, which has fouled thousands of save files, will likely stay forever
>even if D2R fixes it, it won't be worth losing out on hardcoding
>the only hope is if Dreamlands comes out, which has been in closed alpha for 6 years
>even that won't come without a cost, since it is on 1.10f and Basemod is on 1.13+

>> No.7802962

>+25 to fire claws
I mean I get it kinda but srsly wtf this seems like it could be stupid broken with the right items
also whats up with the arrow that shit is fugly I do wanna see the stats tho

>> No.7803346

But everyone will bitch up a storm when new posters come around in response to D2R developments.

>> No.7803349

>>want to increase stat limits
Is this a big deal?

>> No.7803610

Which builds can finish a P/8 Hell playthrough with minimal gear? As in gear you can find on the way without grinding?

>> No.7803669

Summon necro.

>> No.7803721

That's it? I have a trapsin I was thinking of trying out

>> No.7803736

Trapsin will struggle come act 3 and its lightning immunes, it'll be really slow, but I don't know maybe it'll work, try it out mate

>> No.7803749

I've read a few guides and apparently you're suppose to use FB as a backup. But I'm still in normal mode so I'm still new to this build.

>> No.7803756

Guided/magic arrow will clear anything in the game. Sure it'll be slow as shit, but it works.

>> No.7803760

What about magic immune?

>> No.7803761

FB as backup? On /p8? Try it.

>> No.7803780

Good point. That's why I asked as I'm assuming the guides were meant for /p1 and/or outdated.

>> No.7803781

Physical damage. Guided.

>> No.7803938
File: 524 KB, 800x600, 12434734884843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>seems like it could be stupid broken with the right items
It's honestly not that impressive. Maybe you could do something with a lot of end game gear and a fire sorc or something, but it's not particularly impressive damage. Doubly so because on a druid you only get +3.

>> No.7803942
File: 502 KB, 800x600, 12336747348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the arrows, too. They stack up to 500. It's not much of a pain because there is a cube recipe with the quiver + any health pot to restore it to about 50%.

>> No.7804178

They're probably up to /p1 only, outdated is debatable since most of the skill suggestions after the synegy patch still holds up

>> No.7804564
File: 509 KB, 800x600, 1234574574584845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>golem mastery

>> No.7804758

The sad thing is that it's no more useless than most charged items.

>> No.7804925

Not especially, it's possible to get around the issue by creating a mess of oskills/ctcs, but it's an ugly solution. Although it'd make mods far more convenient and realistic to maintain if it wasn't a problem, to such an extent that any two mods would become compatible with one another.

>> No.7804951
File: 306 KB, 975x702, 12324352374327347.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek. The muttmod makes them much more worthwhile. Plenty of 255 charge count skills at 20+ levels.

I think 1.15 did something similar too.

>> No.7805147

If you are okay with skill respecs, sorcerer might do the trick. Blizzard + firewall should be enough to clear the game, with exceptions. If you want to farm The Countess, then you respec into Lightning. That being said, summon necro might be easier.

Hell difficulty expects you to do some grinding at least for few essential runewords, I never played earlier versions but I am confident it was easier.

>> No.7805162

It might work out using FBs with Death Sentry. Once you get rid of the weak mobs, Corpse Explosion might deal with the rest

>> No.7805205
File: 2.75 MB, 800x600, summon only druid with garbage gear.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nearly any build can do it. Use cheese skills against normal monsters and malice+crushing blow against bosses. For the Ancients, pull out a Life Tap wand.

>> No.7805497

How much would that tp bow repair for at 0 charges?

>> No.7806497

These were charge skills that would actually already be useful and balanced in D2, though. They don't need many charges to be useful, and the exorbitant repair costs keep you from spamming them.

It was the offensive skills that were stupid, like "30 charges of level 5 firebolt." They balanced it by:

A) Low level of the skill
B) Only a handful of uses before it needed recharging
C) Massive repair costs that meant you could never use these as a main attack
D) Much higher level requirements than the actual skill, so by the time you could use it, it was horribly underpowered.

Changing any of A, B, or C could have made them useful. As is, they were just awful.

>> No.7806549

Changing any of the other ones except A would still leave them useless, because enemy hp is balanced for maxed skills that are multiplied several times over by synergy bonuses.

>> No.7806564

It's definitely the biggest problem. Changing the others would never make them star skills, but gaining access to, say, freezing arrow, even at a low level, would be extremely useful for a Ranger build.

>> No.7806580

You're both brainlets. Outside of early on, you would use, say, 250 charges of meteor or fireball the same way a necro uses the fire skills of the trangs set or a physical amazon uses magic arrow. You don't spam them, you use them situationally when you're in need of it. Thinking to use them as your main skills is just silly.


>exorbitant repair costs
>a ral or ort rune

The mod i'm playing does give access to better offensive skills like this >>7806564 said
Perhaps I should have shown that instead but I figured showing some skills you already can't get in vanilla would have told you that.

71,000. Or 1 ort rune + chipped gem.

>> No.7806605

Sure, my point was more that they COULD have been viable mains with some balancing.

And yes, exorbitant. You get 30 charges of freezing arrow. You are not finding an ort, or enough gold, every 30 charges.

>> No.7806620

>You are not finding an ort, or enough gold, every 30 charges.
see >>7806580
>Outside of early on, you would use, say, 250 charges of meteor or fireball the same way a necro uses the fire skills of the trangs set or a physical amazon uses magic arrow.

..but yeah okay, I get your point. I'm gonna jump out of this conversation though. The only reason I was talking in the first place was the mod. I'll let you get back to complaining about vanilla where yes, it is retarded.

>> No.7806660

Hybrid bow/jav zon is easy.

>> No.7807362

kek this is literally a MXL item name and all too I think

>> No.7807498
File: 518 KB, 800x600, 1241234321626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're part of the Talonrage plugin, which adds a zillion uniques. Sadly it doesn't actually drop unique arrows, you just have to craft them with a Fal or the lesser versions with a Tir or Thul.

>> No.7807617
File: 497 KB, 800x600, 12312423362376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well that's new. I assume this is some sort of "hey you found something really rare" signifier? It's a breddy damn gud shield.

>> No.7807826
File: 491 KB, 800x600, 123434634634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>another one this quickly

>> No.7807972

Just killed Baal on hell; having spent no skill points or used any of my class skills.

Difficulty jacks after nightmare, and normal attack becomes really, really bad. Used passion and oath up until Chaos Sanctuary, then did some grinding for Wolfhowl, which trivialized the rest of the game.

It was a really interesting challenge. Every piece of gear became absolutely essential, and I had to find weird workarounds to problems. My resists were shit on hell, so I relied on Fade from treachery to compensate. Venom from that, and enchant from demon limb, also tore apart physical immunes, to my surprise. I was expecting to have to use Atma's.

I put the angelics on as soon as I could, and never really took them off. I experimented with other jewellery, but always took a noticeable hit to accuracy. Meant I never had "Can't be frozen," but that wasn't as bad as I remember it being.

All up a fun challenge that made me learn way more about the game. Immediately started thinking about a "no stat point" challenge, but I'd need to think it through.

>> No.7808032

Gratz. What level did you reach by the end? Any decent drops?

>> No.7808090
File: 547 KB, 800x600, 1412431136237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool. I wonder what else you can get on these?

>> No.7808096

stash size aint infinite?

>> No.7808102

That's the cube.

>> No.7808123
File: 49 KB, 278x252, ThisBeltIsMyTrueReward.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Level 80.

And behold; my reward from Hell Baal. The greatest of belts.

>> No.7808128
File: 11 KB, 186x102, TheGreenPlague.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not to mention these other treasures, which I was lucky enough to find along the way.

>> No.7808134

>eth as well, just to spite you

lmao. Free gold.

>> No.7808142

I would suck someone's dick for a redemption aura jewel.

>> No.7808143

>tfw get Blessed aim

>> No.7808148

It'd be great in a merc helm or some similar slot.

>> No.7808181
File: 190 KB, 830x601, 1235484584584.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Makes me irrationally angry that this isn't indestructible.

>> No.7808194

Adamant is an old way of saying diamond. Diamond Mail is the elite version of the linked mail.

>> No.7808213

Yes but that's not the word, now is it?

'Adamantine' comes from adamantinus/adamas which means incorruptible, impregnable or inflexible. Adamant also comes from the same origin, however the two are different things.

Adamantine is the result of a working of something 'Adamant' into something even more durable. However the word 'adamant', too also implies indestructibility. "Invincible, indomitable," from greek words for 'not' and 'daman' (to conquer, to tame) from root 'deme' (to constrain, force, break).

The diamond association with 'adamant' is also from the same origin, but came after the two above words.

>> No.7808215

The simple explanation is that the modder just didn't put that much thought into it.

>> No.7808216

Yeah of course. That's why it makes me angry.

>> No.7808228

I can appreciate the modder at least getting the link to diamond mail.

>> No.7808240
File: 2.06 MB, 1294x726, d2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>even got the dodge bug

>> No.7808636

I did a max energy necro once, and it wasn't really all that different from a regular no-twink necro, and I doubt no-stats would be substantially different from max energy either.

>> No.7809012

If I want to play this game for the first time what version should I download and which guide should I follow

>> No.7809016

>If I want to play this game
you don't, it's fucking shit

>> No.7809043

The latest of course.

>> No.7809057

1.14D LoD?

>> No.7809067

Install the game from blizzard. Use that version. It's not complicated.

>using a guide on your first playthrough

Don't. Fucking zoomers I swear to god you people are an insult to the intelligence of retards. Just play the fucking game blind first time through, holy shit. You only get 1 first playthrough.

>> No.7809071

Which act in hell does a thresher drop the earliest? Act 3?

>> No.7809080

Do I need the expansion for the full experience? Im not a zoomer my friends were playing it in highschool but I wasn't into gaming. I'm going to choose necromancer

>> No.7809086

is there more of this?

>> No.7809094

Yes the expac is worth it. It adds so much.

>> No.7809103

>he doesn't know

>> No.7809139

thanks anon, im going to start my first playthrough this weekend

>> No.7809168

Have fun. Feel free to ask questions here if you have them once you start.

>> No.7809453

thanks anon

>> No.7809668
File: 32 KB, 262x263, 1618999931747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>playing pd2
>cold sorc has really good gear set and charms
>still feels like a noobshit character because almost all its items are just 1 step lower than perfect corrupt or stats
>char will never feel good enough up until the day that it gets deleted when ladder resets
chasing the dragon chasing the dragon

>> No.7809675

it seems that blizzard is going to fuck modding on refundead

>> No.7809852
File: 76 KB, 828x823, 1603620371698.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't care as long as they keep trading exactly how was
hell, bring back the RMAH from d3

>> No.7809860

Weak bait zoom zoom

>> No.7809916

Wolfhowl gave you that much of a boost?

>> No.7810018

Yeah, occurred to me that sorc and necro aren't that gear dependent. Thanks for the tip. I might just do a no class skills run with another class. Barb was probably easy mode for it, what with the good attack speeds, block speeds, cast rates, life, dual wield, and wolfhowl.

Yeah. I wasnt doing quite as much damage as I was with zeal, but it wasn't far behind. On top of that, it freed up my second weapon slot so I could finally use a shield. The werewolf also just about doubled my max life, so my survivability went through the roof. On top of that, the skill you get from wolfhowl (hunger?) Adds tons of lifesteal. Went from having to approach every situation cautiously to just throwing myself into crowds.

I should add that I was limited by what gear I had - in an ideal world I would have had beast or a BotD or something. As it was, my best weapon was an oath, and the only skill items I really had access to were Trangs, passion, and wolfhowl.

I guess the other thing is that even normal wolfbarbs aren't really skill dependent; you just pump passives like weapon mastery, iron skin, and natural resists. That would have helped, but it wouldn't have made an enormous difference.

>> No.7810061


>> No.7810434

Why is thresher so desirable?

>> No.7810471

It does slightly more damage than the next best polearm when on a mercenary.

desu retards losing sleep looking for one just because some guide or a faggot on youtube told them to get the thing are the biggest joke of this community. It barely makes a difference.

>> No.7811172
File: 531 KB, 800x600, 12543473478.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh sweet merciful Christ. Thank you. Finally a bow worth using.

Strange it's been renamed from Goldstrike to Godstrike though.

>> No.7811173
File: 550 KB, 800x600, 12432464356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also found the most overpowered helmet in the game.

>> No.7811174
File: 530 KB, 800x600, 123345574345734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and some big deeps sword, too.

>> No.7811389

People meme it does more damage because of MUH CRUSHING BLOW from infinity and obedience combined with its slightly higher attack speed when the difference in attacks per second between thresher and other elite polearms is literally something like 0,2-0,3 attacks per second, which on average means about 0,15 more crushing blows per second. I've never done the math but I would bet that the higher raw damage from cryptic axe or great poleaxe does more DPS against anything that's not an act boss or Thresh Socket. It doesn't matter either way.

>> No.7811464

Do not play the newer versions first, 1.10f+ assumes you've beaten the game before. Retards will act as if everything can be perfectly figured out, but there are billions of hidden bullshit mechanics that you need to know, like runewords and that certain skills are bugged beyond uselessness and that certain builds just don't work. You'll be playing with the dice if you start on a newer version. I'd recommend starting with 1.09 first.

>> No.7811465
File: 147 KB, 1568x442, alch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Muttmod anon, the shards are supposed to create the currency on the left, but instead you get the one on the right. At least that's what happens in PoE.

>> No.7812057
File: 529 KB, 800x600, 124377734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quite nice.

>> No.7812207
File: 486 KB, 800x600, 134436463646666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Build is about twice as fast doing baal runs just because of decrep. I'd place the bow somewhere in between buriza and windforce in terms of power.

>> No.7812387
File: 456 KB, 800x600, wow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's that...

>> No.7812403


inb4 eth

>> No.7812419
File: 504 KB, 800x600, 123346347734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Incredibly tempted to make a charge barb with one of the retardedly strong unique polearms this mod has.

>> No.7812684

It was n ot thankfully

>> No.7813858

Bros... I'm at Hell Mephisto and I have 295% MF... What drops should I look for?

>> No.7813893

Azurewrath dropped, but I'm 9 levels too young to use it. It's pretty good, right?

>> No.7813919
File: 34 KB, 680x695, 5f3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dumb question for two reasons
>we don't know your build
>hell meph can drop like 90% of the items in the game

What kind of retarded open ended answer do you want?

Yes it's pretty good.

>> No.7814102
File: 312 KB, 530x320, juri is not good for a beginner.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What kind of retarded open ended answer do you want?
You posted a wojak so that worked out.

But yeah, the non-dumb version of my post: the build is a zealot, so that makes my question, what are some good zealot drops to look out for, weapons/armor wise. I'm happy with my Duriel Shell, but I wonder what I could upgrade to from Fleshrender and my generic rare dual res amulet/rare attack speed gloves/rare boots. I wonder if that Azurewrath is something I should eventually wield or not. I have no fucking clue, this is my first time in Hell.
I could've sworn I did say that my build is a zealot in my original post, fucking hell

>> No.7814118

Why do people talk in this game like you can target farm? The loot table for any given mod is so massive that wanting anything specific just seems hopeless?

Do people actually farm for hours on end in to get a specific drop?

>> No.7814170

The thing about D2 is, as long as you're not a metafag in endgame, there are dozens of gear pieces that will work in any slot for most builds.

This depends on how much you want to farm meph and how far beyond baal you want to play. The azurewrath you got already is more than good enough to finish the game. Definitely better than fleshrender. If you want to level quickly to use it, push through to act 5 and farm the boss pack above the first waypoint on players 8. Or pindle.

Though you'd lose the crushing blow, so either keep fleshrender on switch for bosses or get some other source of it like a Gface, giant skull, goblin toe, gore rider etc etc. If you've dropped an Um rune at all, you could swap duriels shell for a duress to get crushing blow, if you also have another source of cannot be frozen. Or you could even make a rhyme in a decent shield for it.

Herald of Zakarum is a good shield to keep an eye out for, though it's faster to farm that from nightmare meph instead. Andariels visage is a good helm. Hell meph drops string of ears belt which is great, too. Same with thundergods vigour which is fantastic in act 4 and 5. Draculs grasp are good, as are laying of hands, which are very common hell meph drops and super strong. Highlords, cats eye and maras are amulets you could use.

This question as a whole is dumb though. Telling you to target farm particular uniques is pointless. Just farm until you've maxed your fire/light resistances, maxed block and replaced a gear piece or two. You don't NEED to farm hell meph. If you feel you can keep pushing through hell, then just do that.

The majority of items in the game are target farmable in a day or two with 300% mf. Shaco is a 1/500 from hell andy for example. Trivial. The only things you can't target farm quickly are the highest tiers of treasure class stuff.

>Do people actually farm for hours on end in to get a specific drop?
Yes. Welcome to Diablo II.

>> No.7814205

Oh and everything I typed out could become entirely a moot point with X particular item drop. Sometimes it's worth the farm just to see what you get and play around that.

>> No.7814219

Treachery armor (that's a runeword), Guillaume's face, Highlord's Wrath, Herald of Zakarum, Gore Riders, Dracul's Grasp. All of these drop from hell Meph. Belt is whatever. Probably String if Ears, good DR and LL.

>> No.7814257
File: 536 KB, 800x600, 124243347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love this belt.


>> No.7814307

That's just unfair.

>> No.7814310


>> No.7814597

>The majority of items in the game are target farmable in a day or two with 300% mf.
No they aren't. Unless you consider a shotgun to be a good weapon for target shooting.

>> No.7814641

Yes, they are. I guarantee you I could find any of 75% or so of items in a few days.

>> No.7814676
File: 47 KB, 395x241, 12434734734874.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Couple decent rings.

>> No.7814858
File: 531 KB, 800x600, 124334347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oy vey! Missed opportunity to give this +clay golem.


>> No.7814885
File: 503 KB, 800x600, 125357348438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally a second piece of this set.

>> No.7814919

I damn well couldn't back in 1.10 days with my MF Barb doing endless Meph & Pindle runs, with some occasional Baal.

>> No.7814925

...and maybe +gold% and some life leech.

>> No.7814938

I'm not talking about stuff like windforce, maras, tyraels, death web etc etc. Just like if I want a Bloodletter or Hellclap or Rockfleece or something similar, most uniques, it is possible to get it quickly. A sorc with few hundred mf, high players count and use a calc to find the right boss. Few days at most.

Lifesteal, intelligence, goldfind, clay golem and confuse.

>> No.7814940
File: 534 KB, 800x600, 132346347348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks pindle, I always knew you loved me.

>> No.7815068
File: 338 KB, 800x600, 121352352351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>players 3 530% magic find

>> No.7815156
File: 455 KB, 800x600, 12432362346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

.....just let me farm, asshole.

>> No.7815162

Hamachi now requires me to make an account. Is there anything else for diablo 2 multiplayer

>> No.7815184
File: 204 KB, 1233x737, m.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7815191

what mod is this

>> No.7815205


>> No.7815208

Just wanted to know what people here prefer for diablo 2.

>> No.7815213

People here are overwhelmingly singleplayer, with a tiny amount of online players. I've never used hamachi with D2 myself, so maybe give it a wait for someone to reply.

>> No.7815324

>The majority of items in the game are target farmable in a day or two with 300% mf. Shaco is a 1/500 from hell andy for example. Trivial.

>First find a ton of gear that lets you get 300% magic find
>Now just kill the same boss 500 times with your gimped stats
>This is how you get one piece of gear

You have to have absolutely no life to do this. The drop rates are stupidly low because they are designed for online not single player.

>> No.7815339
File: 1.05 MB, 1920x1080, jack where.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ton of gear that lets you get 300% magic find
300% is nothing. What are you talking about lmao? I was taking casuals into account, though. You can get it over double that on a sorc and even more than that, effectively, on a barb, and still farm efficiently.

>with your gimped stats
It's only gimped if you're a pleb who doesn't know what they're doing.

>This is how you get one piece of gear
That was the topic of the conversation, yes.

>You have to have absolutely no life to do this.
pic related

>> No.7815361

what diablo 2 version is best for a skelly build?

>> No.7815369

any version 1.10 and up. Skeletons were more numerous but much more shitty prior to that. 1.13/1.14 is fine.

>> No.7815380
File: 3 KB, 444x21, mf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ton of gear that lets you get 300% magic find
kek. I don't even have many charms yet. Not even a gheeds.

>> No.7815545

Honestly, it's very easy to get to like 200 magic find. Just get a Shako and Gheed's charm and, if you can't do better, a Wealth armor. Add in basic shit like the Gull dagger, triple Topazzed helm, Rhyme shield and maybe Ali Baba's and you will easily attack 300%. Neither of these is hard too find and you will have all MF you will ever need.

>> No.7815546

Muttmod is broked. To update to the next version, you have three choices
>manually de-aura all your items (each de-aura step will reward you with a random item, it'll be kind of like racking), and then manually re-aura your items (this will also reward a random item each step)
>upload your save files, and I will do the de-/re-aurafication myself
>ditch all your items with auras
Note that when I say aura, I refer to aura when equipped. There is no issue if it is an oskill aura. Doing it manually is described in "muttmod aura patcher". Muttmod v1k can only be played after your auras have been patched.

Thanks, fixed.

>> No.7815583

In PlugY, is there any reason to use personal stash as opposed to just always using the shared stash?

>> No.7815606

What's wrong with auras?

>> No.7815615

Also, are Tempered items supposed to have literally no modifiers like ordinary white items?

>> No.7815623

>Green Mesh Boots
>Natalya's Soul
>Soul which sounds like sole
I don't know why the fuck did I only realize that now and I'm laughing

>> No.7815625
File: 111 KB, 847x389, 123434634483.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been accumulating a bunch of aura items. I'm fine with just tossing all of them bar pic rel as it's the only +3 fanat I've found. Thanks for setting the process up.

Does this apply though to uniques and runewords? I don't have any sets yet with auras on equip, but I do have a harmony runeword and a few uniques with auras.

Yes. If it's the current version of PlugY, there is a bug If you put an item in the shared stash without anything being in the personal one, the item in the shared will be invisible and unselectable and you can't place anything in the slot anymore. Placing something into the personal stash anywhere fixes it.

I just throw a chipped gem or whatever in page 2 of the personal. Page 2 because items on page 1 slow down loading time.

I've absolutely no idea what tempered items are for. I have found a fossil, that adds X affix to tempered items when cubed. I assume tempered items are basically a 'craft your own item' sort of thing.

>> No.7815631
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Here, they must be really fucking rare though or have some way of making them, as I've only found the one.

>> No.7815667

I realized that there was one vanilla save bit setting that was horrifically bad, so I had to fix it. It will allow me to add 30000 auras instead of 0, and give them up to level 99 instead of 31.

If I were to guess, they behave like the Diablo 2 beta tempered items. That is, there are specific cube recipes you use with them that add stats and levels. So for example, it might be something like:
>Tempered + El Rune = +1 level requirement, +25 attack rating

>Does this apply though to uniques and runewords?
It applies to all items which can have aura-when-equipped, potentially even set partial-properties which cannot be easily fixed. The following set items cannot be patched with the system I set up:
>Calming Peace
>Sunspear Deflector

>> No.7815671

This sounds amazing. Should I upload PlugY stash saves too, if I have broken aura items there?

>> No.7815676

Yes, your entire save file must be patched. Specific characters will crash if they have an aura-when-equipped on themselves or their first stash page, and all characters will crash if there is a single aura-when-equipped within the shared pages of PlugY. If you can play on v1k or the re-aura patcher, then the character is successfully patched.

>> No.7815684

ah that's got to be a lie, you have picked up a few things there.

>> No.7815690

Thanks man, I'll go through and patch/toss my stuff now.

Genuinely not.

>> No.7815723

OK, then here are the saves: https://anonfiles com/dbu2P7yau2/borken_auras_save_7z. ZakarumKang and maybe shared stash are in need of fixing.

>> No.7815743

Fug I have to give up my maps to get the right pots. Thank god I've got two characters through hell already.

>> No.7815825

Do you happen to know what 'set 18' is in sets.txt? I've gone through my stash and am pulling my hair out trying to figure out what keeps causing my save to fail to work in 're-aura'.

>> No.7815831

Oh nevermind, I think I found it.

>> No.7815864
File: 570 KB, 1419x1041, 12534737437.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>potentially even set partial-properties which cannot be easily fixed
I assume there's no way to fix these and the sets should just be thrown out?

Also, do I have to do the cube formula X number of times per aura level? I did it once and it dropped the 'aura when equipped' from 10 to 9 and gave a +1 to it as an oskill.

>> No.7815894

I've noticed meph and much more frequently andy, will have less or even no drops if they die in certain spots of the map. Must be something to do with objects like chests or terrain preventing items dropping.

>> No.7815905

>Yo you wanna farm this item by running the same boss 500 times
>Before you do that you got to farm this other stuff with another 500 runs.

If I want to spend my whole life grinding I'll play an MMO at least those give me a greater variety of places to run

>> No.7815924

Anon it doesn't even require grinding to get a helm with 3 sockets and a chest with 4. Throw perfect topaz into them and you've already got 168% mf. By that point you'd have already found two rings and and amulet with bare minimum 10% mf each. That's 200% easy. From that point you can build toward 300% with random charms and other gear slots.

Stop being a faggot. It's not nearly ass time consuming as you're crying about.

>> No.7815970

>I assume there's no way to fix these and the sets should just be thrown out?
I have a solution for that which is uploaded (Muttmod Aura Patcher v2). There's also a bug with v1, which makes it so you can't remove Holy Freeze and Resist Lightning, so that's also fixed in v2.

>Also, do I have to do the cube formula X number of times per aura level?
You have to keep doing it until all of the 'aura when equipped' is converted to oskill. Then you do the process in the opposite direction in re-aura. The aura when equipped stat must be completely purged. I included an expanded guide in Patcher v2.

Set 18 shouldn't cause problems. Global set bonuses do not save stats, only auras within setitems.txt will cause problems. The only items with auras as partial properties are Calming Peace and Sunspear Deflector.

>> No.7815980
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They seem to get renamed to an evil force when doing the re-aura. I have yet to try this in v2 though.

>> No.7816050
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Your save is done. All of your converted items are on page 300.

Try installing Muttmod v1k, then replacing it with the Patcher's re-aura. It's probably just missing the string. It should show Hoary Sanctuary.

>> No.7816061
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Whoops, forgot your Sunspear Deflector. Now it should be right.

>> No.7816062

Except you can gamble the gull dagger from gheed on like level 4 or something and the rest is >>7815924. Anon just forgot to mention that you can also buy 40 mf boots from vendors. By the end of normal, you can easily run around with 300 MF.

>> No.7816074
File: 565 KB, 1409x1033, 126347348438.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks dude, you're a real champ for putting in this much effort. Got all my stuff re-aura'd now.

>> No.7816134

Are Hoary auras the same as ordinary auras? Or are they different?

>> No.7816136

Seems to be the same for me. I've got the same damage with the aura on.

>> No.7816158

How do I install the muttmod?

>> No.7816160

It's not hard to hard to get good MF, but I still don't think it's easy to target drops.

>> No.7816162

install D2SE and drop it in the modfolder. I don't know if you can do it without D2SE.

>> No.7816174
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>just lost my second Fal rune tier quiver because I wasn't paying attention
Fucks sake. I am a retard.

>> No.7816185
File: 2.01 MB, 800x600, my first mod.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They should be the same as vanilla. I made the change so that I can buff the crappy, underused Paladin auras (probably adapted from the first mod I made) without making item/hireling auras overpowered.

>> No.7816201

Looking through the todo docs you have, muttmod anon. Those purple items look wonderful.

>> No.7817253

Is there any news on the remaster yet? Figured they'd have put the multiplayer beta by now.

I kinda want to make a build with that cleansing skill. Looks fun.

>> No.7817260

best case scenario blizzard gets liquidated and that trash never gets released

>> No.7817276

Best case scenario is it winds up really good and everyone's happy.

Realistically it winds up being a disappointing sidestep/downgrade that becomes the only version of the game people play and know, while we all quietly seethe into oblivion.

>> No.7817453

I have a sneaking suspicion that the awful loading times between areas are here to stay. That will kill the game for me.

>> No.7817705
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That's one good countess drop.

>> No.7817709
File: 124 KB, 935x414, 12524343343487.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been playing the latest muttmod patch for about 15 mins now and have already found two currency items I've never seen before. Probably just luck, but did you change drop rates or something, anon?

>> No.7817901

Median bros ww@

>> No.7818028

>rainbow absorb
>based on character level
>up to 40%
>magic resist
>damage reduce
JFC might as well reduce requirements to 0 thats some mighty fine cheese

>> No.7818225
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Hell yes. Now I need 4 Ist runes.

>> No.7818241


played once, made it to act3, every skill felt ridiculously overpowered, never played it again

>> No.7818251

Is 650 attack rating for a level 17 Barbarian actually bad or something? I can't hit shit.

>> No.7818253

Where are you act wise?

>> No.7818261

I've only just finished the first quest of Act 2. I have a unique axe called The Gnasher that I've stubbornly been sticking with because of its 50% open wounds.

>> No.7818276

Your chance to hit will go up by at least a few percentage points per level, so it's worth grinding sometimes if you feel like you're struggling. Also, physical based characters like the barb and bow using amazon are just naturally worse off than spell casters. The game is a bit unbalanced early on in this regard. Feel free to sink a level or two into dexterity as well.

If you are willing to give up The Gnasher, a weapon socketed with a Eth rune will go a long way to help out. Eth runes have the stat '-25% Target Defence', which makes enemies significantly easier to hit.

You could go back to act 1 and farm the countess to craft one of these:
https://diablo.fandom.com/wiki/Malice_Rune_Word which will be decent for you. It even has double the open wounds chance that The Gnasher has.

Keep The Gnasher on your weapon swap to use on bosses as the Crushing Blow stat far outweighs most other weapons.

>> No.7818279

Sounds like your problem isn't hit chance, but rather enemies with block. There is nothing you can do about blocking except run past them. Fortunately, blocking enemies are only common in act 1 and 2.

>> No.7818372
File: 218 KB, 1272x502, 125347437438.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gives fucking 400% magic find. Found these literally back to back drops from pindle. Gobsmacked.

>> No.7818374

I'm a complete shitter when it comes to Diablo 2, what does muttmod do and will most of its mechanics/additions be self-explanatory if you're not very experienced with ARPGs?

>> No.7818391
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>Best case scenario is it winds up really good
that's literally impossible so that's not a scenario

>> No.7818398

>adds about 7x the amount of unique items and 3x the amount of full sets
>Gives you a bigger inventory
>adds a bunch of usable items that all have different functions like adding sockets, rerolling items. They're all self explanatory.
>Adds in 'Basemod' which you can read what it does here: https://www.moddb.com/mods/basemod
>Adds in 'Overworked txt files' which makes skill tooltips much more accurate and fixes a whole bunch of errors in the base game

Muttmod also adds many monsters from Diablo 1 spaced throughout the game. They are a significantly bigger challenge than most regular Diablo 2 monsters.

Give it a go. It's genuinely the best fun I've had with D2 in years.

>> No.7818410

Sounds cool, is it easy to install? I don't see a readme in the OP/mega link.

>> No.7818417

You need to install D2SE which is a mod manager/previous game version access tool. Just drop the muttmod folder into the mod folder in D2SE.

It's really quite easy.

>> No.7818421


>> No.7818431

hell ancients are giving my trapsin a bad time. fuck

>> No.7818435

Make a town portal which despawns them, keep doing it til you get an easy version to fight. Also you can drop like 2-3 inventories of potions on the ground too.

Giving the merc a few thawing and antidote potions before the fight will help as well.

>> No.7818437

>Make a town portal which despawns them, keep doing it til you get an easy version to fight. Also you can drop like 2-3 inventories of potions on the ground too.
I'll do these, thanks. My first spawn was an extra fast spinner with conviction on the jumping one. instakilled me and my merc lmao

>> No.7818450
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Got two evil force items, muttmod anon.

>> No.7819387

I can't enjoy stuff like this. Feels too much like cheating for me to use them.

>> No.7820463

How'd it go, anon? Did you win?

>> No.7820585
File: 528 KB, 800x600, Screenshot066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did! Isolated each of them using my tp staff, Madawc went down last as he got bugged here and I bugged my merc so he did the rest.

>> No.7821105

That set goes from absurdly overpowered to drop mod tier when you finish it.. If you want, I could balance it by either adding in more disadvantages or by reducing the bonuses to more reasonable values.

>> No.7821126

>either adding in more disadvantages
Do this rather than reducing the bonuses. It didn't overall increase my mf%, it just made it easier to gear other slots around it i.e. in effect just making me clear faster with the same magic find%.

Give it something like negative resistance or movespeed. Whatever you think is best.

>> No.7821169

On the plus side, it has actually made the bowzon comparable to a sorc in magic finding for the first time ever. Shame you can't make it restricted to the one class.

>> No.7821283
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>stone curse
Fucking cool.

>> No.7821862
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Not bad at all.

>> No.7822660
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>> No.7822705

Blizzsorcs are going to love this neat salad bowl

>> No.7822725
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Yeah okay.

>> No.7822765

>non-hoary item auras
You're still running the patcher. Also, only one aura can function on an item at a time, so that absurd thing is slightly less overpowered than you might expect.

>> No.7822774

Ah shit you're right, I forgot to swap it over.

>> No.7823325

>drain life -20
>drain life -15
>drain life -20
>drain life -15
Topkek kino bonuses also love the set name and the items to. Neat MF set daemonic luck for the price of your blood. So what this badboy when complete -120+ life drain, fair trade desu its OP but balanced OP. If you're not careful this will constantly kill you, greed is the deadlyist/corropting/worst sin after all. Once again kino as fuck set completely IC lore wise stat wise very OP. 100% mf + based on lv up to 150% would be legit.

Please do post the other item if you find them

>> No.7823360
File: 528 KB, 800x600, 12354665445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's another ring, so it shouldn't be too long until I get it as I'm constantly gambling entire inventories of rings to get a second one of pic related. Keep getting set rings...

>> No.7824127

Remaster test #2 is coming in 3 weeks.

>> No.7824219

I don't think you understand how irrelevant drain life is. 10 drain life is less than 1 life lost per second. On weapon damage characters, it's 100% irrelevant. You also are unaware of the full set bonus, which is +100% to all skill damage, +10 to all skills, +100% more MF. This set would be too powerful for MXL. The MF of a single piece on this set is higher than a 6x Ist Phase Blade. It's the Enigma of jewelry, there's no reason to use anything else as soon as you get 2 pieces.

>> No.7824223

Holy crap. That's ridiculous. I change my mind about what I said here >>7821126

The mf alone is overpowered. Those other bonuses are just too much.

>> No.7824234

You're forgetting that drain life is very dependent on how much max life you have. 10 drain life easily could be 1 life lost per second or more. 70 drain life would be 7 times faster, which means it can be at least 7 life lost per second, which could be quite a bit.

>> No.7824240
File: 251 KB, 1338x666, superstates.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll come up with some equally retarded disadvantages to try and justify not using it. As of now, it's impossible for me to add most stats negatively due to item stat limits (and if I were to change these limits, save files would break), so instead I'm working on a complex skill-based super state system that will give me absolute control over all stats regardless of stat limits.

No. Drain Life is just negative Replenish Life, it does not scale based on life.

>> No.7824245

>and if I were to change these limits, save files would break
If you need to do it, I'd be okay with it.

>so instead I'm working on a complex skill-based super state system that will give me absolute control over all stats regardless of stat limits
Sounds complicated. Good luck!

>> No.7824409
File: 65 KB, 246x122, life drain.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's really not much of an issue. Even the slightest bit of life steal makes it a non issue. Potions trivialize it as well, obviously. You could probably 5x the amount of drain it'd still be manageable.

>> No.7824747

Im confused, I downloaded the mega link and it is demanding a name and a CD key?

>> No.7824793
File: 39 KB, 607x669, 1609936063773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this. not knowing carbot.

>> No.7824820

Well that's probably because you need a cd key.

>> No.7824838

What are you trying to do, anon? Which mega? Elaborate for gods sake.

>> No.7825230

Is 1.15 anon still here? Any updates?

>> No.7825523 [DELETED] 

You could modify the save file format to be backwards compatible by appending to the save file format.
If a stat is limited at X, you save another value Y at the end of the file that simply gets you X+Y.
This should be backwards compatible and in modded versions allow an increase of the stat limit.

>> No.7825582

When old forum posts talk about certain builds being "unviable," is it safe to assume they mean so in regards to extremely late game? Or are some skills just universally worthless to focus on?

>> No.7825659

Mostly the former. People will call say, the bowazon, 'unviable' because it's not as good as like the sorc or hammerdin, despite it being fine, but other times they'll call something like Teeth or Poison Creeper unviable which is true. They just can't get enough damage.

>> No.7825671

Would actually be useful for bossing if you can make all teeth hit one target.

>> No.7825773

>You could modify the save file format
That requires hardcoding, which I still don't understand.
>If a stat is limited at X, you save another value Y at the end of the file that simply gets you X+Y.
I of course know nothing about coding, but based on what I know of D2 that sounds incredibly complex, far more so than expanding the d2s limit. At that point, you'd basically be reworking the entire stat system and save system/encoding (and of both PlugY and d2s). Note that stats are the deepest parts of the game, and as far as I know no modders have ever modified stats in a meaningful way.

>> No.7826906

>Drain Life is just negative Replenish Life
oh fug I thought it was 1=1hp/ps well thats just gay

>> No.7827637

Just got my first character through Hell after all these years, a zealot. What now? Feels so empty...

>> No.7827646

Do it on hardcore. Do another class. Complete a holy grail. Get a 99. Make stupid builds.

>> No.7827653

Hey, that was my first, too.

Make a sorc, and start screaming when you realise how badly melee characters are gimped in untwinked play.

>> No.7827659

>Make a sorc, and start screaming when you realise how badly melee characters are gimped in untwinked play.
This. But then make a physical barb or bowzon and realize how good you had it even as the pally..

>> No.7827670

I was stunned by how shitty the Bowzon was when I finally tried one. Especially before respeccing was a thing.

Also, just had a weird experience in PlugY. Killed Duriel, thought there was more shaking than I remembered, but shrugged it off. Immediately went to go run Baal. Got down to him, ran right up to murder Calenzo, and instead had uber diablo hurled in my face. He must have spawned exactly when I killed Duriel.

>> No.7827686

Are the mods of olde like Grapes of Wrath, Eastern Sun and Underworld any good in this day and age, or are they just zeitgeist?

>> No.7827705

Played Eastern Sun about a decade ago. I remember it being alright to change things up, but longterm, I preferred the base game. Pretty much my experience with all mods.

>> No.7827707

Were you able to kill him? Happened to me the other day. Got a middle of the road tier charm.

>> No.7827961

Pretty much the same! Max attributes but shite resists. May be handy for some build at some stage.

>> No.7828186

Can someone help me get muttmod running.? I have it in the D2SE mod folder, it shows up on the list but when I click start plugin it doesn't load anything. I have my shortcut with -direct and -txt.

>> No.7828190
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>> No.7828248
File: 103 KB, 1920x1080, strings.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>looking through the tbl files to correct all the fucked/mismatched strings
>there's a bunch of unused unique names that I've never seen before
>one of them is Dragontooth
I wonder if that's a Deus Ex reference or just a coincidence.

>> No.7828267

Though dragontooth is a very common name for a fantasy weapon, I'd say it's possible. Timeframes are close enough.

>> No.7828697
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>> No.7828725
File: 519 KB, 800x600, 123236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

really thinking about making a cast on death build

>> No.7828864

Anybody got a working link to the D2ROfflinev2.0.4?

>> No.7828903
File: 530 KB, 800x600, 123346346346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

63 is breddy gud. Could make a hell of a tanky paladin with the gear in this mod.

>> No.7828953

You probably got scammed by ISC.txt. Looking into the txt files, Rockdefender gives 50-100 DR, but due to the stat limits it can't go higher than 63. In fact, you've probably been getting scammed a lot considering how high the values are on some of the more absurd uniques.

>> No.7828969
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>In fact, you've probably been getting scammed a lot
Is this what you were talking about fixing here?>>7824240

>> No.7829021

It's related, but different. What I'm talking about there is that I can get around ISC.txt limits by autismal use of states and skills, but that has to be done by hand. It wouldn't be realistic to look through every single unique/set and find every single case where a stat hits the limit and append an oskill onto each case. Moreover, that solution only works for non-weapons, if it were to be applied to weapons it'd spill off onto the secondary weapon too.

The only proper solution is to go through and refine all the ISC.txt limits, which would completely break all save files. If no one has an issue with that, I could do it.

Theoretically, someone who knows how to code could create a program that automatically hexedits saves to conform d2s item save bits with ISC save bits, which would be a solution almost as good as expanding the d2s limit. I imagine this wouldn't be that difficult to do, although I certainly cannot do it.

>> No.7829040

>If no one has an issue with that, I could do it.
If you think it's worth it or it'd save you a lot of time in the future, I'm all for it.

>> No.7829485

Anyone played Dark Alliance? Is it worth the time?

>> No.7829586

Alright, I'll do it. It'll allow me to do a few extra things that could be interesting
>assimilate my first mod into Muttmod, which in some ways is bigger than Muttmod
>assimilate Anon's Imaginary Dream mod into Muttmod, which has a bunch of cool stuff that some anon came up with
>stat limits should no longer be an issue, if I plan things out right I should be able to get positive and negative stat values that encompass all realistic scenarios
>higher max skill level (although I'd still keep the maximum attainable level at 99) which allows for oskills to be over level 99
Note that it will take at least a week to implement the important changes and verify and bug test. In the meantime, you could be play my first mod.

Also, if you want you can try out my first mod while waiting for fixed Muttmod:
It's a huge fucking mess with minimal polish and balancing (exactly like Muttmod), but it has quite a few changes that are interesting. The skill changelog alone is 16000 words long.

>> No.7829596

Good luck with it!

Just looking through your first mod now. Seems like you've put a lot of work into this one.

>> No.7829603
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off to a good start.

>> No.7829608

Ah, had to turn off plugy.

>> No.7829620

Huh, that's weird, I can start it up without issues. Try disabling basemod maybe, I threw that in at the last second. You can do that by going into plugy.ini and changing Dlltoload=basemod.dll to Dlltoload=.

>> No.7829631

No such luck. I can play without plugy I guess, no big issue.

>> No.7829640

You could also try copying over plugy from Muttmod to see if that works. Although I can't think of any reason as to why plugy would break.

>> No.7829646

Thanks, that did the trick.

>> No.7829827
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>punch people with scrolls
Best mod.

>> No.7831167

It's very pretty.

>> No.7831178

But is it good to play? Median XL is also very pretty, but its gameplay is not for everyone

>> No.7831184

No idea. I've only just started. Got a lot of NPCs to talk to and many more quests.

>> No.7831187

Downloaded it from here.

>> No.7831226

Hey anon, is there some place to get a paladin graft charm? I've found bisibosh but he never drops that one. I'm trying to make cleansing work, but the bonus from might doesn't seem to apply.

>> No.7831235

>but the bonus from might doesn't seem to apply.
Figured that out. Just needed to skillswap to update.

>> No.7831267
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Little fellas are horrendously overpowered.

>> No.7831298

Whoops, I had Bishibosh set to drop the first 5 items instead of 5 random items. That's corrected in v2, which has been uploaded.

Yeah, expect a lot of the monsters to be overpowered. I'm not too worried about balancing or changing up this mod, if I port anything from it to Muttmod then I'll take another look at the mess I made.

>> No.7831302

Monsters being overpowered only makes it more interesting as long as they are not too OP, because you'll have to play it more like D1 where you sometimes had to plan around them.

>> No.7831304

Thanks anon. I spent probably two hours just looking at the skills and other logs before even starting this. You've made some really cool changes.

>> No.7831369

I don't think any charms work in the inventory at the moment.

>> No.7831373

Disable charm inventory in basemod. I recycled the basemod from Muttmod without thinking, so it's trying to set the charm inventory as a section that doesn't even exist.

>> No.7831374

Ah of course. Cheers.

>> No.7831570
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what music do you blast while farming?

>> No.7831619

Podcasts mostly. But music wise? Been listening to Queen recently.


>> No.7832090

Video Games OST.

>> No.7832312

Is Diablo II still the deepest game of its genre? (Either in terms of skill tree customization or in terms of itemization)

>> No.7832425
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>trash mob drops a tiara
>it's ethereal

>> No.7832512

You would only use it on your merc, anyway.

>> No.7832602

But I want a non-eth one for my stash...

>> No.7832606

Also my merc already has a ral'd eth Andy's Visage.

>> No.7832634

kira's + guardian angel is the best merc setup for travincal running, so that's a great find

>> No.7832708

Oh that's interesting. I still haven't found Guardian Angel unfortunately but I'll try that. P3 Trav is killing my merc regularly.

>> No.7833129

I'm gonna roll an HC Barbarian. What's a good build for prolonged survival? Any HC tips in general? Single player.

>> No.7833158
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>grinding for just any uniques, clueless
>some weird axe drops
>it's ethereal
This is the hardest this game got me so far, even though the axe doesn't seem like much.

>> No.7833204

Warcry on level 10+ for about 3 sec AoE stun. Berserk. Battle orders for 3k+ life even without equip. Barbarians are quite possibly the best characters for HC after summon necros and even though people like to meme, they are hardly even that bad to play untwinked. Their only downsides are the absolute lack of AoE and leveling of the first 30-40 levels is kind of a slog.

>> No.7833301

I'd argue pallys are better late game HC, but yeah barbs are great. They're also faster through the norm/nm clearing too, with their easier access to flat damage.

A point into leap is not a bad idea. Saved me once. If you really wanna go defensive you can use shields on barbs. Be careful with the skeleton flayers as well as the nilathak dungeon.

>> No.7833308

Max leap; gimp the entire game with screen-wide knockback.

>> No.7833364

>knockback on melee character is good
Yes, leap indeed can knockback enemies with a fullscreen radius but it's not what you want on a HC single player character. Barbarians have howl, taunt and warcry for that. It's certainly not advisable to invest 20 points into fucking leap.

>> No.7834397

just zod it bro. simple as

>> No.7834473

You don't roll for stats in diablo, you can just pick a character and off you go. As for HC and barbs, just don't. They're by far the worst candidates for that.

>> No.7834706

is there a list where i can see all the stuff muttmod adds/changes

>> No.7834780

>As for HC and barbs, just don't. They're by far the worst candidates for that.

>> No.7834823

Documentation and Muttification folders.

>> No.7834841

I dont get the aura thing on the mutt mod v1k,should i just stick with V1ja?

>> No.7835043


>> No.7835072

Will the +1 fire skill from magefist do anything for Corpse Explosion?
And what about the +% to fire skill damage? Or the "Adds 12-14 fire damage"?

>> No.7835286

Yes. The general (rather than class specific) + to fire skill damage affects CE.
Only necro skill affected by it AFAIK.
CE is part fire, part physical I think.
A leaf staff or hexfire should do it as well.
"Adds 12-14 fire damage" I'm 99% sure only applies to physical damage, ie. melee or a bow.

>> No.7835579
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This thing strangely soothes my OCD, it's beautiful.

>> No.7836181
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>game crashes at start of Act V
>rolls me back to before the end of IV so I get to do Diablo and all the other monsters in River of Flame/Chaos Sanctuary again

>> No.7836187

Mod? The game very rarely crashes in vanilla.

>> No.7836190

Just PlugY. It crashed during a cinematic.

>> No.7836194

Huh. Probably some windows issue I'd guess.

>> No.7836750

Does Magic Find affect stores? I'm trying to get a two-socket war sword but everything in every shop is blue. My MF is 103%.

>> No.7836834

Past a certain (fairly low) level you can only shop for socketed items in Acts I & II of normal.

>> No.7836837

That would make a two-socket war sword completely unavailable to purchase. Do they exist in any capacity (via drops or gambling)?

>> No.7836849

Drops yes. Could also roll for it.
Gambling I think you'd only be able to get a mechanic's which would be useless for runes.

>> No.7836879

Doing the cow level with zero magic find and a bunch of aoe attacks will get you the kind of items you're after.

>> No.7837876

>The general (rather than class specific) + to fire skill damage affects CE
That's nice, thanks for the clarification.
>CE is part fire, part physical I think.
Yeah, 50/50 from what I know.

>> No.7838013

What mod(s) should I get if I want the game to be difficult from start to end. Planning to do it HC mode.

>> No.7838028

Anyone running LOD 1.14d on a old computer? (Pentium 3)
I want to play between a old computer and my modern desktop, 1.14d would work better on the modern one but the copy of D2 I have on the Pentium 3 is 1.13 and I don't know if I should update it.

>> No.7838069

1.13 is more than good enough

>> No.7838079

But doesn't 1.14 run better on modern systems? The other computer runs Windows 10.

>> No.7838083

It'll probably run as well on 1.13 too.

>> No.7838084

It just makes it so you don't have to run in xp mode/compatibility. Just google the patch if you're so fucking unwilling to believe us.

>> No.7838119

Don't bother playing it now, the mod is fucked and your saves will never be compatible with any newer versions because I'm a retard and thought I made changes that I didn't. I'm working on fixing it, Muttmod will be playable again today or tomorrow.

>> No.7838261

I believe you, just making sure. Thanks.

>> No.7838476

It's that bad? Hoo boy, looks like I'm going to have tons of fun(sarcasm not intended) grinding Meph and others all over again.

>> No.7838530

I'm looking forward to it too. Not sure if I wanna go with the bowzon again or this time try a barb.

>> No.7838542

I'll probably go with pally again, because he's going to have easier time with grinding and won't need to stack the hell out of mana regen like sorc and necro would have to. Or maybe I'll say fuck it and go through with a spellcaster anyway. Will need to think of what build I'll be going for, though.

>> No.7838547

Did you have a difficult time with hell act 4? I made a pally as my second character and it felt like throwing him into a blender. Especially around the hellforge area.

>> No.7838568

Nope, I completely stopped after beating NM, because I started feeling really burned out after grinding Pindle until around clvl 75 and then planning to run Baal like 10-20 times to get some more levels and also get nifty uniques and set pieces from him. Although I did have a very hard time in NM Act 4, because of Crepuscular Knights, who weren't nerfed into oblivion at the time and some other factors that should be easier to deal with on new playthrough.

>> No.7838592

Going from NM to actually pushing through hell was slow, yeah. Once I was able to clear the stony field without running into issues, I was from then able to clear the rest of the game. Was just difficult getting to that point.

The unique armor I found, Fierysouls, which gave the ability to summon valkyries and shadow masters, really helped as the merc became a complete was of time and money in hell mode.

>> No.7839008

Holy shit, same. I had great drops from the hellforge and Diablo itself and they just got voided by the crash. It locked up during a cinematic as well so I just mash space through those as fast as possible now.

>> No.7839038
File: 2.33 MB, 1280x960, IMG_79.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't make me open the inventory.

>> No.7839041

Do it. DO IT!

>> No.7839050

Looks like age of empires.

>> No.7839071

You don't want to know how Age of Empires looks with a widescreen resolution mod then.

>> No.7839076

what's with those light trails?

>> No.7839084

Will do it later for fun when I'm back at that PC.

Some weird bug that happened the first time I switched resolutions.
Hasn't happened again after I set the resolution and start the game now.

>> No.7839787

im doing a playthrough with my friend playing this game for the first time but he cannot play often and we are progessing slow so i wanna start another playthrough. are any of the classes pretty much unusuable in singleplayer/without a party? i wanna fully beat the game on hell mode solo, including postgame stuff like uber tristram (uber tristram is the hardest thing in the game correct? i want to solo whatever the hardest thing is)

>> No.7839821

They all have at least one build capable of clearing all the way through hell.

Uber tristram is harder, but you can do it with all classes, it'll just be significantly easier with fast damaging physical builds like a smiter, frenzy barb or bowzon. Takes more gear for elemental characters, but they even out in being faster clearing the rest of the game.

Are you leaning in any direction? We could probably give some suggestions.

>> No.7839826

Based. Can't wait to get back into it.

>> No.7839957

druid sounds really fun so im gonna play as druid. dunno what build path to go for but i figure i will have it figured out by the time i finish main campaign or nightmare, then can use my respec for hell to pick a specific one

>> No.7839965

I really want to play with other new players and make a full party of 4-8 to experience this game with. anyone know good places

>> No.7839985

Yeah you can do basically anything through normal/nightmare with a druid and even to an extent hell, but to do ubers without retardedly rare/expensive gear, your best best is a feral rage werewolf druid. Lots of life leach, attack speed and crushing blow. Should be relatively easy.

>> No.7840187
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It'll be a bit weirder than you might expect due to the new systems I've added, but these changes will allow for much more depth. The next version will gain:
>arbitrary stat control (this will allow me to fix all the broken Talonrage stats, and allow for derivatives of any current stats, e.g. I could make a stat that gives +300% enhanced damage while your life is under 50% and +300% enhanced defense while your life is over 50%, and it wouldn't even cost a stat or a state which are normally very limited)
>fixed stat limits, which should encompass all realistic item stat values
>passive skill updater, which allows for passives to behave as auras, such that they update periodically
>a soulstone aura which carries out a few behaviors, like making it so confuse/convert/attract apply your MF/GF%
>10x5 charm inventory to accommodate two 5x1 charms which are needed for the stat control system (it also wasn't really intended, but this also means you can now use grand charms + large charms, instead of being stuck with only GCs + SCs)
>charm inventory is given a gold trim

>> No.7840263

10x5 charm inventory? This is going to be quite the change, especially because of all the stuff you can stack with increased charm space. Also, what's that wide 10x1 item you have in there?

>> No.7840275

>e.g. I could make a stat that gives +300% enhanced damage while your life is under 50% and +300% enhanced defense while your life is over 50%
Awesome. Looking forward to seeing what you can do with this. Could really add some flavour/specialty to uniques.

>> No.7840729

It won't give you extra space, you have to equip those gigantic 5x1 charms or many behaviors will break. You also lose one space from the Soulstone (there's a massive penalty if the Soul Aura isn't active), so technically it's -1 charm inventory spaces. Although I'll add in cube recipes eventually that let you upgrade the Soulstone so that it doesn't feel like a waste of space (also note that the -skills isn't a disadvantage, it is just to cancel out part of the +skills the Soul Aura and Sensation give).

>Could really add some flavour/specialty to uniques.
I might do a few on my own, but 2000+ uniques is mindnumbing. It would be best if you point out/make suggestions for particularly lousy/uninspired uniques as you find them. Blessing Orbs are set up to work with all uniques and sets, so after a suggestion comes in and updated, you will be able to reroll the item and obtain the new version immediately.

And now that I have these systems in place, I'll take suggestions for uniques, sets, runewords and any other items to help make this mod even more bloated. Creative designs should be possible with the amount of stat freedom these new systems give.

>> No.7840757

>It would be best if you point out/make suggestions for particularly lousy/uninspired uniques as you find them.
I'll dig around through the ~350 or so I have found and make a list.

>> No.7840927

does anyone have a copy of devilution? I don't feel like compiling my own.

>> No.7841217

Just download DevolutionX, anon.

>> No.7841321

Huh, does this mean that actual non-charm space is now somewhere around 10x3 or less? I don't see how you'd be able to have 10x5 charm space otherwise.

>> No.7842036

good thing i only got to act2, keep us posted muttman

>> No.7842203

Does anyone know how to contact the Plugy guy?

>> No.7842449
File: 13 KB, 125x100, well.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wells are based.

>> No.7842545

Based on what?

>> No.7842562

The ground, ideally. They're quite grounded - based.

>> No.7842839

try the email in the donation page.

>> No.7843054

Reading through all of this is making me want to play D2 again. I'm assuming most screenshots present are from the mod in the OP? Is it a good mod to play multiplayer or is it more balanced around single player?

>> No.7843062

>I'm assuming most screenshots present are from the mod in the OP?
The muttmod, yeah.

>Is it a good mod to play multiplayer or is it more balanced around single player?
I mean I guess you could play either.

>> No.7843065

oh and see >>7838119
I assume it's coming out soon.

>> No.7843426
File: 536 KB, 800x600, Screenshot057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's done and uploaded. The start is rather surreal, but it should be straightforward as to what you need to do. The new system is very unstable, so you may randomly explode. Make sure you have all three of the new charms active when you upgrade Adapt Form, or bad things will happen (you die in one hit without Body/Mind and are set to level 0 without your Soulstone). Also, be sure to re-equip the Soulstone every time you die, charm auras do not re-activate after death (it'll be obvious anyways since without it you'll be level 0).

>> No.7843482
File: 511 KB, 800x600, Screenshot001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon! I really like the charms, even just from a 'adds more flavour to the game' perspective. Is it possible to make them unsellable in the future? Cause I know I'm gonna be a retard and sell one by accident at some point.

RIP in peace Jackie, you will be remembered.

>> No.7843523
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No longer having my tism induced 1x2 gap between charms and scroll tomes has already made it worth losing the last save files.

>> No.7843560
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>> No.7843610

Money in inventory seems to vanish on save/exit.

>> No.7843940
File: 800 KB, 1890x1002, stuff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Off to a great start.

>> No.7843964

Oh. Shit. I got that mixed up with something else I guess. Thought it was the switch port or something I didn't care about, and was looking for the normal PC one. Skimming over it assuming it wasn't what I wanted.


>> No.7844178

Huh, I guess they hardcoded those to scale with total clvl instead of base clvl. I'll see if I change the gold limits to be constant.

>Is it possible to make them unsellable in the future?
Yeah, I'll do that.

>> No.7845047

Went through my stash and picked out a few of the more boring uniques and came up with some changes. No idea if some of it is even possible. Numbers are just filler.

>murderhorn - replace 3 to multiple shot with chance to cast battle orders, command and shout on attack
>galesong - replace hit causes monster to flee with chance to cast taunt and confuse on striking, replace -requirements with level 1 hurricane on kill and level 1 thunderstorm on kill
deathfoe - 100% chance to cast revive on kill
>warriors challenge - replace battle cry and taunt with -100% defense, - 50% life, -15% max resistance and +400% damage, charge oskill, cast dragon flight on kill
>murders mistress - replace life after kill with 15% chance to reanimate as Mistress of the Massacre
>senmets boltcaster - give 100% chance to cast x level holy bolt on striking and kill
>rattlecage - give oskill skeleton mage, mastery and resist
>spellbreaker - give complete magic immunity but remove all defense and block chance. reduce life%
>dark nemesis - 50% chance to cast find item on kill, reduce own life by 50 on kill
>brittlequick - replace attack takes damage with -200 target defence on hit and freezes target
>flicker cinch - 100% chance to cast teleport on kill, 100% cast rate
>reapers trophy - replace cold resist with x level find item
>crown of thorns - increase thorns to level 15, give aura that applies thorns to nearby enemies as well
>overlords helm - revive oskill, chance to cast mind blast on striking
>sister of the sun - 33% chance to cast meteor on kill, 50% chance to blind target on hit
>deathscraper - replace poison skill damage with 10 all resist and 10 max resist when below 50% life, chance to cast poison explosion on kill

>> No.7845049

>fanged strike - replace attacker takes damage with thorns aura, replace mana with x to posion damage, give crushing blow and teeth when struck
>northhope - replace ice bolt on striking with 10% blizzard, give 5% to cast decrep on striking
>Throne of Power - level 15 thunderstorm, shiver armor, venom and warmth oskills
>Peacemaker - 20% damage reduce when below 20% life, 100% cast howl when struck (if possible make it only apply when below 20% life)

>> No.7845473

Mate should I play this game using composite video on a CRT TV?
I noticed the title. I'm 175cm and 55kg.

>> No.7845601

Yes. Diablo 1/2 look much better on a CRT.

>> No.7845607

Why, howdy ho, Mr. 175cm and Mr. 55kg. CRT would be a good choice for Diablo, because it was made for them.

>> No.7845880

I'm the same height and just went through an awful sickness where I lost a significant amount of weight. I'm still heavier than you.

Eat a burger or something dude. 55kg is bad. Unless you're a woman.

>> No.7845941

The hell 2 is too damn difficult. Fuck this mod. I duuno how people can do the hardcore ironman shit.

>> No.7846046


>> No.7846073

Thread is dying and cannot be bumped.

>> No.7846236
File: 540 KB, 800x600, Screenshot059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Diablo 2 multiplies clvl by 10000 for the gold limit
>want to change it to a constant
>no fucking clue how to do anything in Assembly except NOP, add and multiply
>can't find any spoonfeeding solutions either
>change multiply to add and increase the value from 10000 to 30000000
I am an Assembly god

>> No.7846251

Hard to believe that she can pack that many coins in such a little money slot.

>> No.7846284
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