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/vr/ - Retro Games

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7787545 No.7787545 [Reply] [Original]

Metal Slug Thread

>> No.7787586

im convinced these fuckers are getting into Smash bros and you cant convince me otherwise until I see official proof of it not happening

>> No.7787596

Sorry, Smash doesn't accept unknown characters.

>> No.7787625

They are on par or greater popularity then Terry, especially for non-fighter fags. Even if someone at first went "who?", as soon as they knew it was representation of Metal Slug, a name that is well known, they would understand who the characters are/what they are from.

Just like people who probably didnt know the character of Castlevania was named Simon Belmont, but they are aware of the name of the game/series and understand there is a main character you play as in the original game.

>> No.7787708


>> No.7787727

Tips on MS3? The zombie level keeps fucking me up.

>> No.7787747 [DELETED] 

better than gunshit heroes and trashure's other pathetic attempts at arcade-style run 'n guns.

>> No.7787748

>N-nobody knows who terry is!! You're all p-p-pretending!!

>> No.7787754

ok auster

>> No.7787756

Outside of Latin America Metal Slug is absolutely more popular.

>> No.7787793

which part? its one of the easiest stages to do. Get turned into a zombie as often as you can and make use of the blood geyser bombs to clear big groups and multi hit enemies and it can also take out the first phase of the boss really fast. The only things that can hurt you are the spew from other zombies and the bosses attacks. Avoid the ice cave unless you are going for score.

>> No.7787803

How TF do I blow up the trams in Metal Slug X only using the pistol?
Like every video I see YT i'm convinced the person has autofire on, that or they where able to get to the trams with a weapon that still had sufficient ammo.

>> No.7787843
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I had to bring you this senpai.
Bait them in to puffing early and stay zombie if you are DUCKING A LOT.
Are there any SNK characters in Smash?
post a picture of what you're talking about, I 5get as I haven't played X in a while but do own in on PSX and have it in NeoBurn

>> No.7787849

What's the best way to play the Metal Slug games today?
>inb4 original hardware
Neo Geo has constant issues with slowdown

>> No.7787864
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pic related

That being said the issue is all the re-releases done by SNK are the same emulator they used for the PS1 games. So you are playing PS1 over and over. You need to change the emulator, so go with a modern emulator. It basically eliminates the slowdown.

>> No.7787889 [DELETED] 

just use autofire, brah

>> No.7787956

only a normalfaggot perspective, anybody that isn't Pokemon (with the exception of Incelroar) would be considered unknown.

that said, Metal Slug was trending hard on twitter when the SNK rep got leaked.

>> No.7787983

>SNK rep got leaked.
what are you talking about, anon?

>> No.7787992

I’m convinced that part was included just to make sure each play through netted 3-4 coins from people

>> No.7787994

not retro faggots, fuck off.

>> No.7787998
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this bullshit

>> No.7788000
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Metal slug was made in 1996. Are you bonkers?

>> No.7788065

shut up

Nintendo fucked up and left a copyright of SNK on one of their DLC packs.

>> No.7788096

what's your opinion of the upcoming MS game?


>> No.7788101
File: 206 KB, 596x900, d9gf3fa-5ce4c0b8-c0ae-4903-8747-abf80608d5ae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok anon, what you need is the laser, not the HMC. Stick to the right of the screen when the lights are flashing and duck while MASSSSSSSSSHHHHHHHIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGG the button the fastest you ever mashed. It picks up speed as it enters screen so you want to hug the right even before it gets on screen, also it won't kill you if the edge touches you and it' snot on screen yet. That's actually a hack strat.

The real strat is just spam as hard as you can and pray you can do it.
Thanks anon, I hope it's these guys and not Terry. Metal Slug is way more popular in the west than KoF. Here's some 3DPD in appreciation for your info. Also do you have a link, is there an image?

>> No.7788146

Terry from Fatal Fury was added as DLC to the latest game and 4 music pieces from Metal Slug series came with him. The reason I have a strong hunch they will be added as fully playable, is they didnt add any costumes for the Mii characters based off them, no Spirits, which if you havent played the latest game, they kind of take the place of trophies/stickers and pretty much every major SNK character did get one when Terry was added. For such a major and well known series, it just seems very suspicious to me that 4 music tracks would be the only content related to one of their biggest IPs. Plus Metal Slug 8 coming soon would only give more relevance for them being added and just their over all mechanics would transition great to Smash bros.

>> No.7788148


>> No.7788152

id play it if it came to consoles as a full, non pay to win piece of shit, but 8 is what I want to see right now

>> No.7788186

It's made by tencent. I will not fucking play it.

>> No.7788303

Also if you get fat, duck down and sit, it'll slow down the train.

>> No.7788319

Ugly 3D shit. Hard pass.

>> No.7788478

>literal chinkshit

>> No.7788858

Can I play the originals in an emulator and overclock it somehow? Would that remove the slowdown?

>> No.7788940

Yes, in mame you can get rid of all the slowdown
Also you can enter settings mode to enable blood, change difficulty etc.

>> No.7789364

>Thanks anon, I hope it's these guys and not Terry.
Anon....Terry's already in. This was from a year ago.
but this doesn't stop a Metal Slug character getting into Smash at least.

This is only the beginning and probably will be next in line.

>> No.7789369

>awesome visual art
>show off gameplay
>it's chinkshit, looks like it, plays like it.

>> No.7789371
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Nobody knows Metal Slug character unless they include the Metal Slug which would almost be acceptable.

>> No.7789395

uh oh Fio BIG!

>> No.7789397

I could see them doing something like Steve's Crafting Table where the Metal Slug can pop in any part of the stage with a press of a shield and special button.

that or make it like Wario's Bike, but as a down special and have a very excessive cooldown time to spawn again if it gets demolished.

>> No.7789412

dont have it on hand, but seen a fan mock up for how MS character would work in Smash and it essentialy had you playing as the tank, but you would have the option to jump out of it as well. I really dont think that would be too hard to implement into the game and its fortunate that the very nature of the in-universe Super Vehicle 001 tanks suppose to be compact combat vehicles, works well for them to be fully playable as a fighter, complete with jumping and alternate weapons. Its not like say the oversized Landmaster tank Fox had in some of the Smash games. They could easily get a tank in at the size of say Bowser as a heavy weight and let you jump out at any time as a mechanic, like the Rootmars fight at the end of 3 is a perfect example of going back and forth between vehicle and on foot.

Plus they could have swappable skins of the 4 main characters, and if they wanted to go the extra mile, have 4 more for the characters from MS4 and Ralf & Clark, which would also further give us classic Ikari Warriors representation and a little more KoF.

Really if we are going off of what SNK franchise deserves the most to be represented in Smash Bros, I think at least for Nintendo hardware, Metal Slug is the only one that comes close, since someone like Terry really didnt get ports of his games past 2/Special, yet MS has literally every single non-phone game available on Nintendo hardware besides the PS2 3D one.

>> No.7789417

the way I would see it working is it has its own durability, once its broken you are SoL till end of stock/match. You can jump out at any time, giving you much faster mobility and more attack possibilities, but less defense, but the tank itself never despawns, it stays exactly where you jumped out at. Also would let you do the kamikaze attack with it if the durability is getting low.

Thats also how I always imagined how Jake and the SOFIA tank from Blaster Master would work in Smash Bros

>> No.7789432

i think the tank idea would be pretty much guaranteed to be a mechanic, but I have a hard time thinking what moves you would have out of the vehicle, just cause there are so many possibilities.

Standard melee moves would be your kick, knives, tazer, maybe that sword move from 6. I guess if they really wanted to they could pull from the moves Marco had in NeoGeo Battle Colosseum.

Specials i imagine would be B for standard pistol shot, side B for short range shotgun blast, down B to throw a grenade or molotov, up B would be the jetback controlling sort of like Meta Knight's glide. Maybe another mechanic would be random weapon power up drops on the stage that would change what your normal B shot would be so you could have more fun stuff like the Flame Shot, laser beam and of course ROCK! you could also have more possibilities of fun shit like the mobile satellite and the uzi monkey. idk what over the top shit you could do for their final smash if the tank is already a part of their moves, maybe the big ass mech from 7 or summon in Rootmars or Scyther.

also forget his name but shirtless machine gun midboss dude would have to be an assist trophy or Mii costume

>> No.7790524

I fucking hate smashfags so much

>> No.7790528


>> No.7790548

demon front is better

>> No.7790556

Stop sexualizing Fio you goddamn coomers

>> No.7792617

>have to grind to level up your shot power

>> No.7792924
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what's your favorite game and way to play?

>> No.7792952

Turn into a zombie during the helicopter section

>> No.7792980

If you're using just the pistol, stay as far as you can from the tram, use your index finger and quickly vibrate the tip of your finger against the button, avoid slashing enemies, save a bunch of grenades just in case ( you should have more than 15 if you don't die). You can in fact get to the trams with enough ammo but only if you don't die, then the second to last tram gives you a Super Grenade which makes quick work of the last one if you time the shots right. Also, I don't recommend getting fat, it makes you slower and I don't recommend using the Rocket Launcher.

>> No.7792995
File: 267 KB, 1024x1365, eri_e_fio_______metal_slug__by_anasantosxp-d89zf3o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get this skank out of here. If it's not Eri or Fio I don't want to know about it.

>> No.7793302

Another tip, especially with the pistol: the max fire rate while crouched is slightly higher

>> No.7793467

take a shower

>> No.7793493

You get a fuckton of weapons and bombs on that part, but you can do it with a pistol if you mash fast enough. Here's a trick, instead of mashing with a single finger, try lifting your right hand and alternating between index and middle finger to press the same button. Or if you insist on using your thumb, try using your wrist, to relax the thumb muscles.

Incidentally the reason I stopped playing Metal Slug is that without autofire, I get carpal tunnel by the time I 1cc the game.

>> No.7793518

It's the final boss that does it for me

Autofire or not I will never be able to consistently beat that thing without dying

>> No.7793524

>runs 60 fps barely slowdowns
>better scoring
>better mechanics


>> No.7795181

At least no lewds posted of the literal who, basically OC fanart characters from that one weird ass phone game MS spinoff

>> No.7795254
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I believe.

>> No.7795360
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I'm pretty sure I posted the moveset you're talking about here >>7795254 I think it's definitely a perfect representation of how they should go about it and I do hope we see them in some capacity.
>they could have swappable skins of the 4 main characters, and if they wanted to go the extra mile, have 4 more for the characters from MS4 and Ralf & Clark
I think Nadia, Trevor and a Mars Person would be the choices after the main team, a POW or Rebel Soldier could also be possible. Though I think Leona would/should be the last pick for a costume slot. Ralf and Clark are on the KOF stage in the background but strangely Leona is missing, which is odd as she is the most popular of team Ikari and one of the more popular KOF characters in general so seems weird she just wasn't included and it's not like her modern outfit is as risque's as Mai's and even if it was her classic outfit is also available.

>> No.7795390

I think ralf and clark could be programmed to just not show up on the kof stage if selected since thats how they did toon link showing up or not showing in the background for the spirit tracks stage

>> No.7795437
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Yeah they could I just think a Mars Person and Leona would be nice alts. Sure it doesn't make much sense for a playable Mars Person but neither does playing as a Zombie or Enderman as Steve so might as well have fun.

>> No.7795739

what happened to me anons? I have so much nostalgia for these games, the sound. the art, but playing them now they just feel tedious and and boring. All the flaws com flooding through. hlep.

>> No.7795812

Ur fucked by modern games perhaps? I was testing an og xbox the other night and replayed MS3 and was charmed as fuck by all the little details and sprite animations despite playing that particular game to death years ago.

>> No.7797842
File: 289 KB, 480x360, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you 1cc'd any of the games or played on a higher difficulty. The extra challenge could revitalize your enjoyment or at the very least appreciation of the games.

>> No.7797852


>> No.7797874

What a squishy Italienne. I so desire to meet her IRL and put my penis in side of her if you can derive my intentions.

>> No.7798057
File: 970 KB, 712x890, __fio_germi_and_mars_people_metal_slug_drawn_by_optionaltypo__801ac535c5a21fa2c384aefc8d1025ca.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fio's just the cutest.

>> No.7798090

The whole thread's about tiddies and Smash, I didn't know that anybody actually played the games ever

>> No.7798137

Honestly I feel this about MS3. It's one of the best in the series. But I feel it's a little too long and it can get a bit boring. I still love it though

I prefer MS1 because you can finish it in about 30 minutes and still have a lot of fun with it.

>> No.7798392


>> No.7798429
File: 407 KB, 680x383, Fio vs Mars.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I enjoy the tiddies and the games. Shocking I know.
I've been going through the original trilogy quite a bit this last year. MS3 was my most favorite but I find myself replaying it the least and playing 1 and X a lot more. Which makes me question if I like those games more than it now, I love a lot about 3 like the branching paths, the scale, the new weapons and helpers but some sections of it feel like more of a drag than the worst sections of both 1 and X. Stage 4s boss is a fucker, most of stage 3 is a bore unless you take the Ostrich Slug path and while the final level is sick as shit I'd be lying if I didn't say some parts of it overstay their welcome like the bit with the red walkers. I think 3 definitely has the highest highs in the series but also some of the lowest lows at least of the first 3 games. X on the other hand feels a lot more balanced and really outside of maybe one part is consistently stellar kind of making it a package that sure is less good than 3 but less bad.

>> No.7798504

I did MS1 on Level-8. Anything from MS3 on very hard is just rediculous. Too much shit coming at you from every corner of the screen.

>> No.7798513
File: 39 KB, 400x400, qegFAGKf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The coom slayers of /vr/. They leave no anime cutie alone.

>> No.7798735

any idea what difficulty settings the home ports of 3 offer? I just ordered an MVS cart of 3 and want to try it on the highest setting since I can more or less on a good day 1credit MS3 Xbox version of the "Normal" setting (other option being easy), but I feel like im going to get raped aggressively on the actual arcade version.

>> No.7799464


>> No.7799515

The fuck are you talking about? The games are awesome. And I didn't even play them as a kid.

>> No.7799518

my slug just became metal

>> No.7799546
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>> No.7799582

I think a drawfag drew it while /v/ was memeing about TLOU 2's shitty sex scene, you can see the frame it is at around 18 seconds on .5 speed. I've never been able to find the sauce of who originally made it.

>> No.7800783

Huh? What's that?

>> No.7802867
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Lets kick the hornets nest some more.

>> No.7803143
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>> No.7803231


>> No.7803431


>> No.7803459
File: 178 KB, 724x604, 64h65jn6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The correct term is WO HO BIG!

I'm back bitches. I was banned 3 days because the mods in /o/ thought me complaining about another website's mods was actually me complaining about 4chan mods. Like wtf did they not read the thread?

So do you like 2 or X? I think X only fixes stage 1, as you get a unique boss not Stage 4 boss from the first game. Also did you know it was the last game the team made before going back to Irem?

>> No.7803524
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But really the last boss of X, how do I deal, ngmi

>> No.7803558

abuse i-frames with the metal slug

>> No.7803564

you don't, just say you beat it and if someone asks for proof run away

>> No.7803613

He's not the last boss. No evidence.

>> No.7804795
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>> No.7806268

So the same team wasnt responsible for 3? Always felt like that was suppose to be the final MS in a sense from the old team. Did they make anything note worthy when they returned to Irem?

>> No.7806291

3 was the last one by the original team.

>> No.7806864
File: 75 KB, 600x851, q3g4q5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

X actually came after 3 and that was. It was deved in 99 before the boys went back to Irem to make U-undersea conflict or whatever that sub game was.

>> No.7806936
File: 172 KB, 500x346, tumblr_ow178jJGX91vbsndjo1_r1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For some reason i always thought Nadia and Trevor were Siblings

>> No.7807013

So was 3 in development, decided to re release 2 as X with 3s engine, X arcade gets released first, then 3 arcade and then X ps1 version after? Cause thats how the dates seem to line up.

>> No.7807027

Oh I wasn't aware. Yeah they made X too, but I thought X came last.
More literal whos?

>> No.7807040

They were the protagonists of 4 dude, we ain't talking about some mobile spin off

>> No.7807049

So this was done by the same team that did In The Hunt then? I always wondered if that was the case or Irem just happened to publish 2 unrelated submarine games

>> No.7807051

Metal Slug 2 is better than shitty romhack X.

>> No.7807065
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>> No.7807090

Well when the metal slug show up I can generally kill it before I take 4 hits anyway but usually it kills me first

>> No.7807148
File: 19 KB, 245x208, rumers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just get out of it every time the scrolling stops. That's when it generally can't manage. You have to do a lot of memorization for bosses though, to keep the SV units. Also do get a YOUR GREAT you must keep the SV unit!

>> No.7807185

I thought YOUR GREAT was based on number of pows rescued without dieing?

>> No.7807195

Yeah you need to capture at least 10 to get a "Great." bonus.

>> No.7807289

I never knew the exact number, thats cool

>> No.7807295

I dunno about that, metal slug x feels more fleshed out to me, but it there's more cheap sections too so I get that.

>> No.7808436
File: 372 KB, 347x409, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thoughts on this game?

>> No.7809468

It's worth exploring. It was honestly the best we could get from 8 bit Metal Slug. I know a few years later we got Metal Slug Advanced, but in many ways that was worse. 1st mission was MS1 redone in the 8 bit format, 2nd mission was its own thing and worth checking out.

I have a NGPC and both games, but that thing devours CR2033s faster than a Dreamcast memory card so I can't exactly play them until I get more of those.

>> No.7809524
File: 129 KB, 701x474, slug01tt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shoot above you. IIRC there are laser and machinegun items hidden on the railway signals

>> No.7809569
File: 203 KB, 1480x725, niggers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exactly they should have some freaking DPS dumper at that part and stay GLUED to the right side so you kill it before it picks up pace.

God, I love the underground music. Hum it to this day.

It would be awesome to hear with real instruments, not the chiptunes they were running on the ROM carts.

>> No.7809631

Wow please keep posting art. Or maybe you have a link?

>> No.7810048
File: 32 KB, 434x308, 2364jh357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's all included in the PSX games. They added some nice menus to those games, it was really special.

However I have assorted crap you can find all over the internet for 4 and beyond. See this is 2002, this is after the crew at Nazca went back to Irem. In fact -U- Underwater Unit came out in May 2002. I want someone to bump with more hard-to-find booba fio images tho.

>> No.7810209

I miss Metal Slug Database. Lots of official content was stored there and an entire fan made booba section.

>> No.7810243
File: 22 KB, 413x384, 229962ff44833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does it work in archive.org or the wayback machine?

>> No.7810478

Zoomers raus

>> No.7811304
File: 28 KB, 307x223, others-04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where do we get the roms including the neo geo roms?

>> No.7811313

Only play on original hardware! Janny ain't going to like you.

>> No.7811387

Can you actually play as Fio? All the Metal Slug games i played didn't give me any options to change character

>> No.7811751

It may, haven't tried it in a long time and if i did, i dont think all the sections were available. You can probably find a lot of the stuff it had in other places now a days. They had full sprite rips, osts and all the cool concept artwork. Idk when it went down, last time i remember it being up and useable was late 2000s.

>> No.7811753

1 you couldnt select. 2 onward, Fio should be selectable in all the main series games.

>> No.7811814

any requirements to unlock her?

>> No.7811830

Yes, just start the game. She is already there for you to select her.

>> No.7811842

Aight, thanks bro. Probably was too autistic to see it

>> No.7812615

you were probably looking for an anime qt instead of the og portraits

>> No.7812846
File: 136 KB, 1280x720, q5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As the other anon said, she's in almost all the games after 2. She looks more attractive in her sprites and concept work than the character select.