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/vr/ - Retro Games

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7778239 No.7778239 [Reply] [Original]

Video game crash? What video game crash?

>> No.7778242

That shit only happened on US.

>> No.7778280

You mean the american video game crash.

>> No.7778312

*gets stabbed by pakis

>> No.7778416

Can't crash if you never got off the ground.

>> No.7778446

America got a video game crash
Europe was stuck with video game trash.

>> No.7778469


These two posts hit the nail on the head

>> No.7778479

Exactly. The video game crash happened in America and video games never became popular ever again. They didn't get the NES, snes, ps1, Saturn, etc. They were stuck with absolutely nothing, not a single video game was released there ever again

>> No.7778484

Well, one of those two had the crash because of the trash.

>> No.7778496 [DELETED] 

Seething American in this thread.

>> No.7778502

You're right, the American games industry never recovered. Thank God for the Japanese, eh?

>> No.7778558 [DELETED] 

Based & Bongpilled.

>> No.7778764
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It was because there was a surplus of shovelware. No quality control, much like this thread.

>> No.7778792

Love that game. The jar level was cracking.

>> No.7778839 [DELETED] 


>> No.7778847

Loov meh speccy simple as

>> No.7778851 [DELETED] 

Why do retarded Pakibongs call it "Zed Ex"? Z is pronounced "Zee". It's the Zee Ex Spectrum.

>> No.7778906
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Famine? What famine?

>> No.7778951 [DELETED] 

Because we didn't need to water down the language for the baby minded

>> No.7778962

Willy is a proper classic. Simple as that.

>> No.7779171

And also only affected consoles. The "crash" is really overstated. All it meant was the 5200 and Colecovision died early.

>> No.7779507

Exactly, Japanese games are what everyone remembers, not the speculum

>> No.7779534

Maybe your country only remembers foreign games, but everywhere else managed to avoid having to dump their own in a landfill.
It's strange just how hypercompetitve burgers get when someone mentions a micro, even one that's only two steps removed from a pocket calculator.
Hope you enjoyed your imported games. We enjoyed ours, and we made them ourselves.

>> No.7779553

Im a burger and always had a fondness for 80s/early 90s Brit gaming with the micros and master race system. Kinda like how disgusting retro weebs fetishize jap games. Being some kid going to pick up some cassettes for your micro for cheap as fuck at practically anywhere that sold anything. Super primitive but soulful handmade games. The great sounds and visuals of the Amiga. Wish getting actual hardware to work in ntsc regions was as easy as jap tech.

>> No.7779746
File: 4 KB, 640x480, Spectrum_Altered_Beast.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No need for vidya crash when you got colour clash!

>> No.7779757 [DELETED] 

Hey there, fellow Americunt. Got a licence fer that there life?
*gets shot, stabbed, beaten, and raped by blacks*
Don't throw stones in glass houses, mutt.

>> No.7779760 [DELETED] 

>Hey there, fellow Americunt. Got a licence fer that there life?
*gets shot, stabbed, beaten, and raped by cops*
Don't throw stones in glass houses, mutt.

>> No.7779775

Just remember who Sony chose to sell their first console to the west. Wasn't any mutt games that adorned the covers of pop culture magazines everywhere. Wasn't mutt games that you saw all over other media at the time. It was the likes of Tomb Raider, WipEout, GTA, etc. That isn't up for debate. Sony became the unstoppable gaming juggernaut in the west because of us, not you. Cope.

>> No.7779780 [DELETED] 

>*gets shot, stabbed, beaten, and raped by cops*
Quite possibly the dumbest thing I've ever seen posted here.

>> No.7779789 [DELETED] 

Truths can be painful, anon

>> No.7779797

its shit on the mega drive aswell

>> No.7780374

I'm not American, so you're little rant is wrong right off the top

>> No.7780479

Well you're sure sounding like one. So, where are you from what made you hate the spectrum?

>> No.7780576

I think anyone with functioning senses hates the spectrum.

>> No.7780669

>functioning senses
Tastes fine to me

>> No.7780703

That's a good point actually, the Playstation was pretty much dominated by Japanese and British games. Not so much anything else. In the early days everything was Destruction Derby and Wipeout then it was Tomb Raider, Driver, GTA, F1, Carl Cox with that Music 2000 game, etc...
Come to think of it was there a single notable US release for the Playstation? Apart from yet another port of Doom I don't think there was one.

>> No.7780717

Mortal Kombat 3 was a big early game for PS1. ESPN Xtreme Games was somewhat known too.

>> No.7780718

>Come to think of it was there a single notable US release for the Playstation?
Crash. Specially 3, the first non japanese game in the top 10 most selling ps1 games.

>> No.7780719

Those are good shouts. Don't know why I didn't think of Crash specficially but I also remember ESPN making some early waves along with Road Rash.

>> No.7780731

Literally everyone in the world who doesn't come from a few islands off the coast of France knows it's shit

>> No.7780742

Crash was actually kind of late to the party. Its why there was some curiosity back in the day over who would be PlayStation's mascot, back when that kind of thing was expected. Launch window PlayStation had a totally different personality, with games like Rayman, Jumping Flash, Toshinden, etc. Crash and then FFVII caused something of a paradigm shift.

>> No.7780746

Toshinden was one of those games everyone played on a demo disc but nobody actually owned. It's strange how it's become so ubiquitous of the early Playstation years. Tekken wasn't that far behind and that wiped the floor with it.

>> No.7780750

Didn't know the Spectrum was popular in Corsica and Sardinia.

>> No.7780756

Personally I think Toshinden 1 is better than Tekken 1. Tekken 1 was like molasses.

>> No.7780815

What was the other one around the same time as Toshinden that was pretty similar?

>> No.7781171

Did know chavs fail English and geography

>> No.7781185

The spectrums mere existence makes people seethe and that's a good thing

>> No.7781280

Yeah but they're really good at helping big Gav put his bins out.

>> No.7781338

You cannot possibly be this dense

>> No.7781369

>my subjective opinion is objective reality
You are profoundly stupid. Why even post here?

>> No.7781393

You mean when America fucked themselves over in glorious fashion as they always do?

>> No.7781568
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As dense as the 30 stone chav who can't read or find England on a map? Of course not.

>> No.7781607

Japan originally, moved to Canada when I was 9

>> No.7781657

No, seriously, you really can't be that dense to not get a very simple joke.
What is it with micro threads that bring out the seething Americans?

>> No.7781789

Micro threads are shit posts, there's never actually discussion.
Music 2000...F1....Driver...those are shit games. Did you never hear of crash or spyro?

>> No.7781805

>Did you never hear of crash or spyro?

>> No.7781826

"Our video game quality sunk to the absolute lowest dregs possible but people were dumb enough to keep buying it" is not the epic own you think it is.

>> No.7781843

Two series that sold the most on PS1, anon.

>> No.7782167

This is why Americans don't like your threads about micros, you're constantly just shit posting.

Comparing British micro games to american/Japanese games will always get you shit on. The games for major consoles were always better, and there's no reason to be butt hurt about that. Spectrum was not meant to be a stand alone AAA game machine in the first place. It has a lot of charm and is very capable for a cheap machine that was around in the early 80s. The appeal of micros is different then dedicated game machines. These were cheap simple machines that had some decent graphics and sounds capabilities. They were great for bedroom coders. They were more about learning than entertainment, and that was a good thing. The UK had a scene where people could share/create homebrew games and software. They could also create music applications or just use them as learning tools for computer science. As a kid the dedicated game console appealed more to me, but as an adult, I would have been happier with a spectrum or commodore. I can see why people would constantly compare spectrum and nes and call spectrum shit, but they were never meant to compete in the same space. It makes just as much sense to co.pare the two and call the NES shit because it couldnt run homebrew or double as a development environment.

>> No.7783798
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>no, seriously, i am really that dense that dense to not get a very simple joke
>What is it with speccy threads that bring out the seething britfags?
Your sad little unfunny cunt who sees americans everywhere

>> No.7783850

Fucking state of this post

>> No.7783930

>Wasn't mutt games
>Tomb Raider, WipEout, GTA, etc

>> No.7783941

pleb with poverty taste detected
that looks like a million bucks

>> No.7783959

Are you retarded?

>> No.7783960

I only know there were Virtua Fighter and maybe Soul Edge at the time. There were stuff like Dead or Alive, Tobal, or Star Gladiators but iirc they're a bit later.

>> No.7784765 [DELETED] 

You're in no position to talk about crime stats and minorities, fucktard. Just who remember who gets it in the neck the most in /pol/, and why. And no, I'm not talking about the Jews.
>Exactly. The video game crash happened in America and video games never became popular ever again. They didn't get the NES, snes, ps1, Saturn, etc. They were stuck with absolutely nothing, not a single video game was released there ever again
Just like everywhere else, then? Except there wasn't a crash anywhere else... :D
Literally none of those are, you spastic. So STUPID.

>> No.7784775

You're in no position to talk about crime stats and minorities, fucktard. Just who remember who gets it in the neck the most in /pol/, and why. And no, I'm not talking about the Jews.
>Exactly. The video game crash happened in America and video games never became popular ever again. They didn't get the NES, snes, ps1, Saturn, etc. They were stuck with absolutely nothing, not a single video game was released there ever again
Just like everywhere else, then? Except there wasn't a crash anywhere else... :D
Literally none of those are, you spastic. So STUPID. Out, zoomer. OUT.

>> No.7784798

>Your sad little unfunny cunt who sees americans everywhere
Well, they're not hard to miss. On, or offline.

>> No.7785164
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>The "crash" is really overstated. All it meant was the 5200 and Colecovision died early.

>> No.7785167
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unironically kys

facts. spectrum was never popular outside of uk and some commie countries.

>> No.7785182

Fun fact: The term shovelware originates from the fact that American devs churned out so many shit games that they had to bury millions of them. Then the fat cunts dug them all up and put them in a museum in an attempt to pad out their history text books.

>> No.7785260

To be fair, you'd want to pad out your history textbooks too if your country had no history before the 1970s.

>> No.7785383

>Never THE computer
>Never drew a dime
>Heavy graphical constraints (two colors per each 32x24 grid leading to attribute clashes)
>Shit chiclet keyboard
>Shit RAM capacity even by 1982 standards
>Needed exploits and performance enhancements to make games work
>Later revisions with increased memory broke compatibility with older games and higher failure rates
>LAN system used by nobody, not even schools
>Software mostly stored on cassette tapes that can break easily and can be copied by literal whos having an audio equipment
>Microdrive used by nobody as it's too small and has even more brittle tapes
>Controllers can only emulate keyboard input
>Only one controller can be used for games, except for a limited number of ZX Interface 2 games
>Is the computer equivalent of that one insufferably mediocre middle manager whose sole professional """""""achievement"""""" is using the same shitty machine for over 30 years
>Spent the later life of the system's lifetime buried by superior computers and gaming systems
>The biggest impact it had on the business was millions and millions of shovelware that piggybacked titles originated on higher performance systems and having its legacy siphoned by a failure of an electric vehicle.

>> No.7785460

Zx pushed to its graphical and music limit in 1990


>> No.7785532

>Never drew a dime
Of course not. They don't have dimes in the UK. Only 10 bong coins.

>> No.7785552

Technically it's 10 centibongs, at least since decimalisation.

>> No.7786220

It was either Tobal or Bloody Roar I was thinking of. Again games I only ever played on demo but really playable.

>> No.7786235

Bloody Roar was on the demo disc that was included in some PSX releases (alongside playable demos for things like Parappa the Rapper, Intellience Qube, and Crash 2).

>> No.7786589

The Brits didn’t even have an industry, they had a bunch of high school students programming jank over the course of a week.

>> No.7786970

Oi, watch yer gob! Dey was crankin' out roight proper classics! Nintender 'ad nutting on dem young lads and their amigers

>> No.7787064 [DELETED] 

>what is Ultimate (before they defected to Shitendo), Bitmap Bros, Psygnosis, Sensible Software, Team17, Bullfrog, and the list goes on

>> No.7787118
File: 5 KB, 256x192, F99EC8A2-B382-41FB-B1FF-373D49623D5F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are some of your favorite quintessential ZX Spectrum games?
Mine are
Mr Bollocks' Freaky Pudding
Willy Dicky and the Jammy Dodgers
Manic Bongus and the Penis Pongus
Bubble and Squeak 2: The Sticky Banoffee Whillamawizzer
Chuckie Fuckie and the Argie Bargie
Dizzy Egg vs Margie Thatcher
Turd Trouble (later renamed Eric And The Floaters)
Foetus Faeries
Her Majesty's Nutty Knickers
Todger 2
Wankin' Wally!
Plasterer's Revenge
Big Ben's Big Bong
Demoscene 005

Honourable mention for Plumber's Pipe Challenge (Though you had to program this yourself).

>> No.7787119


>> No.7787126

A list of absolute bangers right there.

>> No.7787551

>Never drew a dime
Back to /pw/, you go.
>Software mostly stored on cassette tapes that can break easily
You're an idiot.
>Shit chiclet keyboard
Yes, yes, and all the rest. Didn't sink our industry, though, did it? You see, it's all about the games. We didn't need to be rescued by the Japs because we were actually competent at making games.
>inb4 muh no software, and you just liked crap
Are you honestly going to compare retard burger tastes to sophisticated Yuro tastes? You were drooling savages then, and things haven't gotten much better. Look at your vidya magazines. Loud, in-your-face crap, but with little substance. Just face it, no one from your own country bought your own best games; all you knew was crap, and we basically had to teach you what was decent. You were (are) that stupid.

>> No.7787565
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>Turd Trouble (later renamed Eric And The Floaters)

>> No.7787574
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US videogame crash? What US videogame crash?

>> No.7787594 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.7787818

>Look at your vidya magazines. Loud, in-your-face crap, but with little substance
Come on. I'm well aware of British game mags in the 80s and the wacky punk rock aesthetic they loved pushing. An American magazine of the time like Computer Gaming World was extremely anodyne and you'd think they were plugging office software.

>> No.7788359

Spectrum games are like surrealistic anti-games.

>> No.7788397

>...but with little substance
Funny how you focus on presentation, but not on actual content... Nitpicking isn't going to change the fact that burger magazines were vacuous. Keep deflecting.

>> No.7788414

>my subjective opinion is objective reality
You've posted that a million times before. It isn't getting any less retarded.

>> No.7788537
File: 125 KB, 786x708, Eric and the Floaters.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Eric And The Floaters
What the fuck. It's real.
Explain this one, brits.

>> No.7788560

The first Bomberman game was ported to almost every computer. Eric and the Floaters was the British localization. The design of Bomberman which reused the robot sprite from Hudson's port of Lode Runner wasn't established yet, Bomberman was just some ordinary guy in a straw hat.

>> No.7788564

oh yeah and the floaters is of course a reference to the balloon monsters.

the original joke earlier was 10/10 btw

>> No.7788620

the crash you get after 10 minutes of awful screeching when your game doesn't load right

>> No.7788865

It was more the Atari crash than anything.

Arcades were doing fine. And hell, the colecovision was doing better than ever during that period.

Yes it effected the industry in America, but it wasn't going to wipe gaming off the map.

The Nintendo didn't save shit, it capitalized on the current state of the market.

It didn't sneak into toy stores pretending to be a toy. Rob was a value ad, not a disguise.

Yes stores were apprehensive about buying stock of what appeared to potentially be a flop console. It's not that toys r us wasn't selling video games anymore, they just didn't want to get stuck with what could be non selling shit, they learned their lesson after taking in stock of whatever garbage startups were trying to sell.

The NES could have never come out, and while things would certainly be different, gaming would not be dead.

Nintendo didn't save gaming

>> No.7789062

Words like "bomb" or "ninja" were verboten in Bongland at the time so they had to change the name for Bomberman there. Why the fuck it had to be "floaters" is beyond me, couldn't it just be "baloons"?

>> No.7789201

There was also a surplus of shovelware and lack of quality control in the American market, thats why it crashed.

>> No.7789790

>Why the fuck it had to be "floaters"
Spiteful translators?

>> No.7789798

>Manic Bongus and the Penis Pongus
Favorite of the list.

I want Larry to do reads of these.

>> No.7789808

I swear I've actually played some of these

>> No.7789815

Considering Balloms were balloon monsters, just seems like an easy catch.

>> No.7789826


>> No.7789834

It was a reference to Carl Sagan's Cosmos.
>He said on his TV show, Cosmos: A Personal Voyage, that “vast living balloons could stay buoyant by pumping heavy gasses from their interiors or by keeping their insides warm.”
>He added: “They might eat organic molecules in the air or make their own with sunlight. We call these creatures ‘Floaters’.

>> No.7790517

that were Americas problem, back to the colour clash fun for us

>> No.7790585

There are some cool things unique to the very first version of bomberman: the bombs can blow up half tiles. Bombs placed in the exposed half tiles can explode monsters while leaving a wall so they can't come forward to you. And the monsters have different "aggression" levels depending on what you do in the stage. I wonder why the aggression concept wasn't carried on to the later games. I suppose they had more varied monsters by that point, but it would definitely add some difficulty if monsters changed their movements like they do here in the middle of a stage.

>> No.7790614

>It isn't getting any less retarded.
That's subjective.

>> No.7791581

The only reason the Spectrum was popular in Bongistan was because it was inexpensive, not because it had any good games.

>> No.7792206

It's a sign of insanity - which invalidates the poster's comment. Or is it a case of "insanity for thee, but not for me"? And it is retarded; if you're perpetually making a claim without evidence, then you are objectively DUMB.

>> No.7792220

You're a child molester? You love to fuck your own father? You snort the jizz of homeless people off of your whore mother's toxic cunt? See how this works, imbecile? Provide evidence, or shut you cock sucking mouth. Fucking American retards...

>> No.7792254

Brits do not know anything about good game design.

>> No.7792319

>It's a sign of insanity
>my subjective opinion about Anon is objective
If you haven't figured out yet I'm just fucking with you for strawmanning that Anon thinks his opinion statement is objective just because he didn't autisticly put "in my opinion" at the end.