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/vr/ - Retro Games

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7782457 No.7782457 [Reply] [Original]

I can’t fucking stand retro collecting today

>> No.7782476

At this point people that are too lazy to get creative will just pay a hefty price for their deficiencies

>> No.7782484

You're not entitled to cheap collecting, faggot. If you want to play games, emulate them or mod your consoles. If you want to collect games, put up with the prices and stop whining.

>> No.7782487

What does it matter? You either want to pay the price to own the physical media or you just pirate it and play the game. There are so many options that complaining about it makes no sense.

>> No.7782492

yea just pirate literally everything
i agree tho
gc is especially egregious, especially considering its not even that old
just try and track down some gc controllers and hack an old wii instead

>> No.7782493

is that a bootleg or does the retail game really look that shitty?

>> No.7782496 [DELETED] 

Then stop being a buyfaggot and take the emupill.

>> No.7782504

not opie, but i really dont understand why gc in particular has always been so inflated
i remember even 12yrs ago when i was expecting that stuff to be 1-5 bucks a pop, games were still going for practically brand new prices unless they were just third-party shovelware trash
remember seeing wind waker, disc only, for 50 fucking bucks in 2012
totally ridiculous

>> No.7782575

it's a shitty flash game

>> No.7782612

Didn't the Wii have built in Gamecube parts anyways?

>> No.7782630

yes the old ones are backwards compatible iirc
in fact, as far as ive heard, the wii is basically just a gc in terms of hardware, just with gay meme controllers instead of the excellent gc ones

imo nintendo jumped the shark several times over in terms of controllers at wii and never recovered
the n64 controller was an omen
or perhaps the gc was an accident?

>> No.7782635

Because they're sixth gen. Mario kart 64 sucks by modern standards but mario kart double dash is perfectly fine. It's that middle ground between being a retro collectable you want to own because you're a nintendo coomlector, and an actual video game you want to have access to. GameCube games are less common than any other nintendo game as well. The wiiu will be worse in time, but most of that is ported and not beloved.

The GameCube is that system we realized is worth owning after it failed. After years of being ps2 and xbox chads and calling people who still played nintendo faggots

>> No.7782639

i should clarify, the old models of wii DO allow for gc controllers. the later ones do not

>> No.7782654

64 controller wasn't an omen for the wii retard, it was just the first draft of an analog controller. Gc was more comfortable because they improved their design after years of learning and competing

And what they learned during the GameCube Era is that they can't compete with the competition at their own game

>> No.7782659

>The GameCube is that system we realized is worth owning after it failed. After years of being ps2 and xbox chads and calling people who still played nintendo faggots
speak for yourself lol
the moment i saw metroid prime i was lik
>aight im in
funny too as i inadvertently ended up with a bunch of stupid rare games. fucking cubivores is prolly the most expensive game i own and i bought it for like 15 dollars shortly after it came out because no one wanted the fucking game
not that im gonna sell any of it, its just goofy

makes sense tho
way less supply than its contemporaries, combined with the rose-tinted nintendo CONSOOMer ravenousness makes for gay, inaccessible prices

>> No.7782662

lol im just shitposting m8
always thought the n64 controller was fine personally
other than how stupid the analog stick design was in terms of long-term usability

>> No.7782665

Who cares?

Same goddam thread every goddamn day. Either save more money or emulate. This is the price you pay.

>> No.7782689

I can't fucking stand op today.

>> No.7782708

>a fucking flash game
literally worthless garbage that you only want because it has NINTENDO printed on it

>> No.7782713

Enough complaining and posting this repetitive shit. It's starting to become attention-seeking at this point. You either want to play on the original hardware or emulate. It's as fucking simple as that.

>> No.7782720

>other than how stupid the analog stick design was in terms of long-term usability
right, before you pick it up you THINK the thing you'd hate is the weird ass trident design. but actually the trident is fine and the analog stick sucking is what ruins it

>> No.7782737

lol yea im convinced the meme is just zoomers being niggerfaggots, complaining about problems they never had typical
before everyones controller got mario partied to death, i dont remember anyone having problems with it
unless they were just totally new to 3D in the first place

but damn i remember the first time i opened up my controller to see if i could fix it and about a gram of ground down plastic fell out of that little bowl the stick rests in or rather, hovers slightly above in the case of a fucked up one
an absolutely bafflingly stupid design. idk how they thought any of them would last more than a year or maybe that was the point since they manufacture hardware?
that said, considering its a literal MECHANICAL analog stick, it works damn well so long as your stick isnt sinking into itself a half inch

>> No.7782758

this is your brain on nintendo.

>> No.7782768

well it is kinda rare right?

>> No.7782798

>t. younger than my n64
n64 was most everyones first exp with analog control. brand new, those controllers worked great, and considering the time it was released they were way out ahead of the competition
sony very shortly thereafter had to release their own analog controllers to compete, and while they were obviously much better, that doesnt diminish that the n64 one was first unless you wanna be a pedantic nigger and say the 5200 was first, and did exceptionally well in that regard

also, since the actual analog device is just mechanical gears, if you can manage to lift your old worn down stick and squeeze the vertical/horizontal parts that catch on the stick, theyre really easy to fix
i have some release controllers that i did this to and it works like new, and snaps back to center perfectly

cant say the same for when i tried to fix old ps/ps2 analog controllers

>> No.7782891
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you'd be saying the exact opposite if it didn't have a nintendo logo attached to it.

>> No.7782892

collectors are fags just play the fucking game

>> No.7782947

Let people go back to work and forget about being comfy at home and it will go back to normal in time

too many outsiders entered neetdom and we simply lack the resources to take them in.

meanwhile, AH plays great as a rom on a playstation 3

>> No.7782950

Last time I checked, Behemoth was still selling this on their online store for like $15 new

>> No.7782971

It's a full game that had a free one-level flash demo

>> No.7783108

no way
the n64 had like 6 games, and the rest were mostly dogshit. imo its one of the most underwhelming consoles of that decade, due to how much of its library was just total trash, and how little there was in the first place..
also, them clinging to cartridge tech when cd was coming into its own was a massive fuckup. rom size limitations led to crappy MIDI audio, and horribly compressed textures for their polygons. meanwhile its competitors had redbook audio and much less compressed textures and dont get me started on the fog/draw distance in most n64 games

but that said, other than the aforementioned design fuck-up with regards to the analog stick wearing down too quickly, when brand new, or repaired, i find it to be a pretty damn solid controller. the buttons all feel good and rarely wear out, the trident shape was comfortable and fit in my hands well (ps controllers are made for babby nip hands), and the argument about not being able to have access to both d-pad and stick at the same time is moot as i cant think of a single game that required you to use both quickly.
compared specifically with sonys dual analog controller, i always found that the n64 had much finer/more granular control over its inputs. and not only that, but the extremely strong spring inside the chasis of the stick let the n64 have a much snappier feel to it, and so long as you dont let the stick wear down to the point where it sinks into itself which as i said is an ez fix imo its superior to its sony contemporary in its feel and ability to maintain center

that said, the saturn analog controller was the best of its time. it set the standard for analog controllers going forward, and even had analog shoulder buttons, which outside of gc, we wouldnt see again until ps3/xbawks tree fiddy
but again, sadly, the consoles library was total dogshit, and the console itself rather underpowered/underutilized for the most part

controller != console

>> No.7783120

>Mario kart 64 sucks by modern standards but mario kart double dash is perfectly fine.
Double Dash plays like absolute ass. 64 plays amazingly in comparison.

>> No.7783135

yea i never got the love for double dash
or really the whole series for that matter
the only racers on n64 that i remember really fondly are f-zero and podracer which i had on pc and it was WAYYYY better. still a perfectly playable port tho, just ugly as sin

also CTR on PS did everything MK64 did, but better

>> No.7783137

the n64 has 40-50 great games

>> No.7783145

not even close tendie

>> No.7783241

I had most of the stuff i wanted for the cube, but now those last 5 or so couple titles i still wanted are retard price now.

Dont know why ppl care about shit like Cubivore, not even that enjoyable

>> No.7783246

Poorfag detected.

>> No.7783258

What an absolute diarrhea garbage travesty of a post, that doesn't even make sense.

If you liked CTR, you would like MK:DD even better. One minute you're saying you never got one game, then the next "the whole series for that matter". You seem to just have a stick up your ass about Nintendo for some reason. At least try to make sense next time.

>> No.7783285
File: 686 KB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20210521-163127_eBay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These sold the other day

>> No.7783290

Regarding the games im missing or oppions on cubivore? Because i do own that and 100% it and can confirm its pretty boring shit.

>> No.7783301

A lot of these sales are orchestrated to push up prices.

>> No.7783314

That's around the price I remember paying for it new, and easily with inflation. What exactly is your problem? Are you thinking that simply because it's old you should be able to get it for pennies on the dollar no matter what?

>> No.7783319

You just now realize that hipsturds puzzled Ebay and shit it up?

The only reason one should use ShitBay nowadays its if one online store that sales legit has a set up store account to buy directly from them.

>> No.7783325

Liar. This was not 60 brand new.

>> No.7783335

>when ur $15 USB stick is actually worth $3000
Wii does what Nintendon't!

>> No.7783371

Imagine posting in /vr/ and not liking MIDI music

>> No.7783387
File: 1.02 MB, 1036x3088, Screenshot_20210522-195426_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats cheap as shit, OP.

Should have been buying games 12 years ago like the rest of us. You missed out.

>> No.7783389

Hardware + flash cart isn't prohibitively expensive. Softmodding a Wii doesn't even require any special equipment and you can play that Gamecube iso on it with a Gamecube controller.
So you see "emulation isn't accurate" is no excuse to be a coomllector. Clearly they can't enjoy video games unless they're spending money to consoom them.

>> No.7783487 [DELETED] 

>Clearly they can't enjoy video games unless they're spending money to consoom them.
That's not clear at. All you can say is that you think it's foolish. You have no reason to believe they wouldn't enjoy them if they weren't spending money on them. Maybe if you stopped being so amused by the shitty -oom memes your brain would work better.

>> No.7783494

>Clearly they can't enjoy video games unless they're spending money to consoom them.
That's not "clear" at all, you can't actually say that at all. All you can say is that you think it's foolish. You have no reason to believe they wouldn't enjoy them if they were poorfags and weren't spending money on them. Maybe if you stopped being so amused by the shitty -oom memes your brain would work better.

>> No.7783512

>the wii is basically just a gc in terms of hardware
The architecture is mostly the same but the wii has much more powerful chips. Kinda like PS4 vs PS5 today.

>> No.7783572

You just gotta learn to look away and move on if the prices are bad. But it does suck when it seems that everything worth buying is getting shitty prices.

>> No.7783578

Anyone named Jayden is a faggot

>> No.7783580

Because they're sought after and the Gamecube didn't do super well so there aren't so many copies out there. Plus some random guy selling his old games might look at some random game that's actually relatively rare and expensive and let it split but if he sees Zelda on the box you can bet your ass he's gonna charge top dollar for it.

>> No.7783625

Eh, it's more like retro game collecting used to be a collecting hobby that wasn't really priced as such. Even these days it's still significantly cheaper than most other collector items but going to pawn shops with a couple friends and buying some games is no longer a fun and cheap activity to do on a weekend.

>> No.7783824

Go fuck yourself painfully

>> No.7783828

t. Jayden

>> No.7783842

I bought an extra copy of F-Zero GX at a garage sale for $2, what should I do with it?

>> No.7783983
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>I can’t fucking stand

>> No.7784195

eat it

>> No.7784481

The gamecube one?

>> No.7784520

eBay is actually pretty useful if you set notifications for certain keywords.
Some people are either ignorant of the true value or something they have or are just nice enough to know how much they should actually be worth.
90% of the time though, these people don't sell games. Usually it's anime resellers. Snagged ultra rare shit like Ideon on blu ray (currently bouncing around $300 - $400 (when it released and sold for like $30 back in 2019)) and both FMA03 and its movie for $70 altogether, with box set release at that for the main series (which would normally run $300 for both).

>> No.7784648
File: 1.53 MB, 1155x673, 1507423975437.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NES, guys. NES games are rarely expensive. If you want any GOOD system to collect for nowadays, it's the fucking NES. Just got about 12 games for it this past week for under $100 that I've been dying to play.

>> No.7784793

That game actually is rare, in the seller's defence.
Not like the flash game. It's a fully fleshed out run n' gun. The flash game is an unlockable.

>> No.7784870

The problem with the NES is that the expensive games are very pricey. You can get a lot of good games for 10-15 bucks but then you have others like MrGimmick, Little Samsom or Panic Restaurant that are both good and in the hundreds of dollars. Good thing that most of them are the playable in Japanese anyways.

>> No.7784885

People complain about n64 prices but honestly they've been about the same in my experience for the past 6 years. The only ones that have gone up in price are rare or high demand games, but your average run of the mill title has been $15-30 pretty consistently for a while.

>> No.7785050

its pretty heavily compressed
even many snes games had better samples

>> No.7785109
File: 2.41 MB, 4032x1960, 20210523_080655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you think those prices suck you don't want to kmow what this goes for...

>> No.7785129

i thought i saw a listing that said it was worth 300 francs?

>> No.7785176

That's a fair price though ?

>> No.7785181


>> No.7785185


Just emulate bro. It's not worth the hassle and haggle...

>> No.7785186

Kiosk collecting isn’t for the average video gamer who complains about $80 gamecube games. I look out for kiosks and have 4 of them to my name hooked up in my garage, never payed more for $2000 for one(pokemon snap blockbuster kiosk), and lowest I paid was $700 for a sega genesis kiosk. Different price points for different collectors, don’t get angry because you find it too expensive. It’s not a stupid decision for me to buy stuff like this, but that’s because I can afford it. I also buy video games collections from eBay, collectors getting out of the game, ect, if you wanna start talking *money*, I’ve dropped well over $10,000 on a single collection before. Seriously please stop complaining about things you can’t afford. Most retro game collectors are like this, poor and picky, and complain about spending 60 bucks for tmnt on snes. And you are the kind of collectors I hate talking too. It’s like talking to a middle schooler when you are in college, you can’t take them seriously.

>> No.7785194

Jesus fucking christ

>> No.7785197

Copyright law is fucked and we should have standardized a game media format like a modern CD-I equivalent. This scarcity is entirely artificial.

>> No.7785385
File: 273 KB, 1896x497, holy shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bought some gamebcubes games about 6 months before the pandemic, figuring they werent going to get cheaper
>turns out i was right
>got Chibi robo for 60 bucks with box but no manual.
>pic related
>paid 90 for complete pokemon colosseum in September and look at it now.

Honestly at this point just buy this shit. I doubt its going to crash any time soon.

>> No.7785392

My favorite era of the NES are those late 90-93 releases, because at that point even small developers were capable of making games with production values only seen in high budget titles until then. But unfortunately most good games from that time tend to be quite uncommon and pricey, stuff like Power Blade, Shatterhand, Kick Master, Metal Storm, Vice Project Doom, etc. all $50+ games usually.

>> No.7785408

>"Oh hey, I have Alien Hominid, I wonder how much that game actually sells"
>PAL PS2 version goes for like $12
>US PS2 version goes for $26
>Gamecube version costs $88
If pricecharting prices are reliable then OP's pic is actually a fair price, but what in the absolute god fuck is up with Gamecube prices?

>> No.7785428

everyone wants to collect gamecube now. Gamecube is what the n64 was 4-5 years ago, except a lot of the games have aged better than N64.

>> No.7785456

You want to find one with the flap covering the 4 gc controller ports. Thats the best way to know itll play gc games.

>> No.7785462


>> No.7785470

>set of 100 PS2 games
>selling for $300
>its all shovelware

>> No.7785473

is now the time to start collecting wii/360/ps3?

>> No.7785496

How much is your collection worth richanon?

>> No.7785497

Also are you the guy that bought somebody's full sega saturn collection for 25k? It was listing on eBay for a while but somebody bought it. Seems like it was somebody like you if not you.

>> No.7785601

Pity nobody cares about pal games. I could make thousands selling my stuff.

>> No.7785625

I wrote that months ago, I’m glad it’s becoming a meme

>> No.7785628

>the expensive games are very pricey
No shit, huh?

>> No.7785719

>brand new
Yeah no shit

>> No.7785750

I remember buying this back in 2007 for 5 bucks.

>> No.7785830

Alien Hominid on GameCube is pretty rare. What's the problem here?
If you're too poor to afford 80 dollars, may I suggest:
- Have sex
- Get a job
- Download Dolphin
- Get the 360 version
- Get XenoGC + Swiss + SD2SP

>> No.7785853

It's literally the same chip at a higher clock speed and more power efficient. Please log off.

>> No.7785865

Quick Robin, to the fat cave!

>> No.7785893

Pretty much. PS3 is already going up and so is Wii. 360 not so much.

>> No.7785907

>Collecting rot

>> No.7785912

this game was expensive from release IIRC, it didn't have a large print run. That actually seems reasonable from my recollection.

>> No.7785915

Double Dash plays like a drunk driving simulator.

>> No.7785918

List 40 good games anon.

>> No.7785951

You can literally still play the fucking flash game for free, and there's not much of difference from the console versions. Who would pay $80 for this?

>> No.7785984

Zoomlets like the ones >>7785186 mentions

>> No.7786027
File: 68 KB, 600x600, 92lyre0qf4kz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Ebay

>> No.7786240

I’m talking about the different in prices from the cheapest to the most expensive. Collecting for the NES is cheap until you want the expensive games, then it’s fucking awful, you’d end up getting the most expensive games on the N64 for cheaper.

>> No.7786272

what app is this from?

>> No.7786319

>I would like to play (game)
>"sorry, (game) is ($$$)"
>But it is a game, surely it is only worth ($)
>"Sorry, that's the market"
Anyway learn to emulate/pirate.

>> No.7786329


>> No.7786354

Woah hey I bought Haunting Ground for 5 bucks a few years ago. I also got Alunda for like 15 which I actually considered expensive at the time.

>> No.7786365

these prices are all lower than what they really sell for too. MKR alone is $400 higher than what this says.

>> No.7786712

What about retro collecting tomorrow?

>> No.7786719
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>I can’t fucking stand retro collecting today
Then don't. You can emulate everyone on this board with a bag of potatoes and some lemon juice.

>> No.7787185

Nice pasta

>> No.7787194

>I larped that larps ago, I'm larp it's becoming a larp.

>> No.7787198

I agree to an extent, but Valkyrie profile currently has an auction going for 750, thats fucking ridiculous. Fuck that, no reason

>> No.7787202

The flash game is just like one stage you fucking retard.

>> No.7787236

Tell me about it. I just want an Oracle of Ages cart for the GBC and these prices are ridiculous.

>> No.7787392

I got a Japanese copy of Valkyrie Profile for a couple of bucks in perfect condition, for PS1 games that didn't come out in Europe I'd rather just order Japanese copies rather than American ones.

>> No.7787417

I agree completely, just was a remark on the ridiculousness of certain games prices. Like I can handle vanguard bandits and that being 150 even. But 750 is insane. I think it's tough too going into the jp releases to an extent because it just extends the problem of games getting inflated in their market

>> No.7787494

or you could just buy a bunch of great games for cheap and enjoy

you don't need to be an NES coomer that buys complete fucking sets

you can build a great library on NES for reasonable money which isn't true of GameCube or DS any more

>> No.7787815

just buy the japanese versions to put on the shelf and use a flash cart to play them

>> No.7788281

Yeah! Whats your point minus boss fights its all the fucking same. Like i said "not much of difference from the console versions"

>> No.7788286

Sorry you are poor

>> No.7788336

>Japanese GBA game
>"Factory sealed"
Someone actually fell for that scam. Japanese gba games were never sealed.

>> No.7788391

I’ll sell you one anon for a good price

>> No.7788394

I wouldn't give one cent for the average anon.

>> No.7788410
File: 3.62 MB, 4160x3120, 20210522_143030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Copped this for $150 yesterday. Just gotta know where to look

>> No.7788447

damn, you got Army Men for only $150? Nice find!

>> No.7788461

Yeah I'm having it graded.
3 of those games are $350+ each.

>> No.7788462

This. eBay sellers realize that pricecharting and everything uses eBay data so they "sell" overpriced listings to each other to drive up the price.

it's why you'll see the same listings by different sellers but its the exact same (non-stock) photos that other listings had

>> No.7788469


>> No.7789079

Remember all the great ps2 and xbox games I wanted or rented, they are mostly all about $5 to $10 with some exceptions.

>> No.7789095

I got a GC and was going to start collecting games because I never really got into Nintendo.
>then I discovered the entire market is saturated in knock offs.

>> No.7789349

I bet you wish you had gotten rich with crypto as well and could buy all the games that cryptochads are buying with spare change.

>> No.7789637

I cut my collection right back. Threw them in the bin I don't like selling games because the buyers are really weird

>> No.7790613

just buy repros from chinks who fucking cares

>> No.7790638
File: 120 KB, 680x510, surelydeliver.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


As pointed out, the irony is that it's a damn great stick that lasts forever...except that it grinds itself down into nothing. As long as your plastic parts hold up, as long as you lubricate them, as long as you replace them every so often, the thing is a precise instrument and has solid function. Compare this to the alps sticks being used in switch/ps4/xbone/etc. that are having drifting problems everywhere, because they thought using a part rated for only 1-2 million reads was a good idea (ifixit did a study on this and found that in an action-oriented game, a stick might hold up at that lifespan rating for only about 417 hours of play). The N64 sticks may destroy themselves, but they're easy to repair yourself, whereas the alps just have to be bought and re-bought (and fuck you if you have it happen to a PS5 controller, those shitsticks are absurd to replace).

I'll maintain that it could have used a rubber tip as it would have saved me a blister when I was a kid trying to win at Paddle Battle. That's a minor complaint overall though, you can add it after the fact if you really need it, and not having the rubber means replacements are cheaper to machine and to buy.

My last thought on the subject is that I'm still waiting on steelsticks to be available regularly, maybe sometime next century. Pic related.

>> No.7790659

I remember it being rare pretty much from release

They are, but only the xbox 360 version, which is a digital download to boot (and humorously costs 10 bucks but has almost double that cost in DLC available).

>> No.7790663

agreed, I bought it used from fuckin gamestop back in 2006 or so when I was interested in picking up some random GC games I had heard about on various forums at the time. I paid maybe 20 bucks and got it CIB, I sold it a few years ago for 10 times that amount and I'd really hate to be the person who paid that much for it.

>> No.7790670

Repro is just a nicer word for "fucking bootleg"

>> No.7790675

So it's not real? I'm disappointed, I like seeing photos of kiosks sometimes. Dudes make their basements look like a game store. I'd never want it, but it's an interesting little look-see.

>> No.7790682

you are correct. but these stupid prices make bootleg the better option

>> No.7790686

The problem is, the hobby wasn't gatekept enough and now we have all those zoomers, hipsters and newfags in retrogaming. Thanks to Youtubers and Social Media.

>> No.7790691

It's bizarre as all hell to me, because I have all of those games on my USB hard drive, to which I ripped them ages ago, back when I had the real discs, as it's a superior way of playing GC games (USB Loader on Wii) compared to having to cart all the discs you want to play around/move them/store them/whatever. I don't get why people bother paying such ludicrous prices unless they just love collecting them, and at some point doesn't it get frustrating to have them on a shelf and not do much with them? I mean, I have some physical games, and I get buying one to play it and experience the manual and everything, but to buy these and only display them seems so senseless.

>> No.7790696

Nintendo is like Disney, the name has value in of itself. Also, Nintendo is most beloved in America, and that's a country which has a ton of discretionary income and a ton of space in which to build big houses that can store large amounts of plastic crap.

>> No.7790705

they don't want to go the trouble themselves of decasing all that useless shit and selling the empty cases.

Yes, same with Wii U and Vita (or maybe not Vita). You're missing the boat on DS and 3DS is sure to follow.

I wonder what will happen to collecting when games hamstrung by lack of servers to get updates/do online play will become the norm in collecting rather than the exception.

>> No.7790712

Except for those shitty GBA/DS bootlegs that don't even fit into the slot.

>> No.7790920

It's similar to "homebrew" made when the console came out being called "unlicensed".

>> No.7790938

This. Faggot youtubers and ecelebs is what dealt retro games the killing blow.

>> No.7791207

Just mod a wii or get a disc drive replacement, lmao

>> No.7791226
