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File: 2.04 MB, 4000x2100, Atari-7800-Console-Set.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7774557 No.7774557 [Reply] [Original]

>Sorry son, I couldn't find that "Nintendo" you wanted anywhere, but luckily I managed to find something even better! It's a new Atari! Only cost me $50. We have a ton of old Atari tapes in the basement already, have fun!
Your response?

>> No.7774589
File: 387 KB, 742x471, Screenshot_20210520-000138.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sorry son, I couldn't find no Sims expansion for this here PC. Your old man looked, but he did findja one for your gameboy!

>> No.7774674

>Thanks dad. I will now grow up to be heterosexual, unlike OP.

>> No.7774685

I'd be appreciative and milk as much fun out of the thing as possible. 7800 plays a mean game of robotron.

>> No.7774693

>I never wanted a Nintendo Dad I already have a Genesis

>> No.7775138

Ballblazer is one of the greatest games ever created and wipes the floor with the Famicom version, I'd be stoked.

>> No.7775186

Almost exactly how I ended up with a 7800, which died a year later. Worthless piece of shit.

>> No.7775315

>Your response?
OK, time to play some games.
NES would've been better obviously, but it was the 80s, and anything's better than watching more reruns on TV.

>> No.7775317

[lie] Cool...thanks!

>> No.7775352

>Sorry son
>We have a ton of old Atari tapes
>Your response?
Beat the shit out of the doppelgaenger and find my real parent

>> No.7775358 [DELETED] 


>> No.7775362

no shit it does. the game plays to the 7800's strengths. the Famicom and C64 versions suck because Ballblazer was not meant for tile-based graphics.

>> No.7775363


>> No.7775369 [DELETED] 


>> No.7775496
File: 282 KB, 426x441, pSjAQv7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Thank you so much for buying this for me, Dad! Wanna play some games on it with me?"

Off-topic: The Atari 7800 is probably the best looking console ever made, Atari's styling with the 5200 and 7800, black with the silver bar in the middle, is phenomenal for some reason, the thin line with the color spectrum is also a nice touch, love it.

>> No.7775509
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>> No.7775561

Maybe we could flip it for $70?

The most aesthetically pleasing console IMO is a black Sega Saturn. Really, Sega's stuff from the mid 90s was just supreme to look at.

>> No.7775671

7800 got done dirty by Tramel. The first shipment sat in a warehouse for 2 years. GCC had to sue to get paid. I feel like the hardware has a lot of untapped potential.

>> No.7775679
File: 1.91 MB, 3900x1780, Sega-Genesis-Mod2-Set.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A Saturn is always a good pick, in my eyes it's the most beautiful console of the 5th generation, much better than the N64 and PS1, although they're good in their own ways.

Sega in the 90's was pure kino, it's one of the things that makes me miss them, the Model II Sega Genesis is simply phenomenal to me in looks.

True, if it was released when it was supposed to, it would've performed better for sure, of course that it wasn't better than the NES hardware and software wise, but it would've had a 2 years head start, that could've helped a lot.

>> No.7775697

the 7800 was supposed to come out a year after the Famicom but it feels so backwards in many ways for example the shit sound and still no write lines on the cartridge slot

>> No.7775705

Fuckinh based

>> No.7775709

Lurk moar, newfag

>> No.7775752
File: 27 KB, 600x575, Atari-7800-Controller-large-image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same here, except being just a kid I was much easier to trick. Also, the 7800 had one of the most retarded, cramp-inducing controller designs of all time.

>> No.7775802
File: 908 KB, 4032x3024, rbef17a2f1v41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The worst part is knowing that while america got this abomination, the european controller looked like this:

>> No.7775880

>the 7800 had one of the most retarded, cramp-inducing controller designs of all time.
That a good controller. Especially for decathlon or track & field.

>> No.7776328

In hindsight, I absolutely loathe that controller. ...tho it may possibly be more reliable than the 2600 joysticks, which my father broke several. Which in turn, had I known then what I know now, I would have used to make arcade sticks. Watching the old fart ragequit Mountain King after that would have been priceless.

>> No.7776385

>I already have a Genesis
I'm sorry your mom left you.

>> No.7776392


>> No.7776959

honestly $50 is a pretty fair price

>> No.7776979

the 7800 version of commando is way better than the nes

>> No.7776993

>Sorry son, I couldn't find that "Nintendo" you wanted anywhere.

> Can't find the NES being sold anywhere
> Can only find the 7800

I think Dad is lying. You could go to any toy store, department store or electronics store and find NES consoles. Toy's R Us stocked the NES in all of their retail outlets. It made up like 40% of their annual revenue.

>> No.7777032
File: 625 KB, 1131x1600, adventures-in-time.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based af.

>> No.7777046

>I think Dad is lying. You could go to any toy store, department store or electronics store and find NES consoles. Toy's R Us stocked the NES in all of their retail outlets. It made up like 40% of their annual revenue.

And, if you live in the North American convenient, a more realisticc scenario would be:

"Son, I couldn't find that Atari 7800, so I bought a Nintendo Entertainment System instead. It's what all the children are asking their parents for"

Though, buying this for $50 dollars does still seem likely. Probably bought it on a fire sale, lied to the kid about not finding a NES just to pocket $150.00.

>> No.7777051
File: 470 KB, 2475x1343, adam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sorry son I couldn't find a commodore 64, but I got this, it would help you with your homework and has games, just remember to not have any tapes on when you are powering it on

>> No.7777057


continent. My mistake for not looking at the spellcheck options.

>> No.7777086

>>sorry son I couldn't find a commodore 64

That literally happened to me when I was 7. I wanted a C64. My parents looked at the price and said "no way", then they bought me a Tandy Color Computer 2 instead. Because it was cheaper. I am in Canada.

As for the 7800. I have never seen them sold here in Canada in stores. I don't even know if it had any distribution outside of the US. The NES was in every popular department store. The SMS was sold in 1/4th the locations. The TG-16 was sold in a few retailers. I had a friend with a Colecovision and Intellivision. I even saw the Lynx for sale at one or two shops. But never the 7800. My dad bought a Atari 2600 jr in the late 1980's. Those were sold everywhere. If he brought home a 7800, I would be surprised.

>> No.7777098

The nomad looks good too, great handheld.

>> No.7777146
File: 168 KB, 1000x750, Rafa2677fd1800079353404bb04aedb0a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A Saturn is always a good pick, in my eyes it's the most beautiful console of the 5th generation, much better than the N64 and PS1, although they're good in their own ways.
>Sega in the 90's was pure kino, it's one of the things that makes me miss them, the Model II Sega Genesis is simply phenomenal to me in looks.

I have owned multiple Sega Genesis systems. The first one was a model 2 Sega Genesis and it was packaged with Sonic 2 and one gamepad. You had to buy the second gamepad separate. The Model 2 was released in 1992, along with the Model 2 Sega CD. Also Sega changed the packaging design to the red stripes (Genesis), blue stripes (Sega CD), purple Stripe (Game Gear), etc to unify their packaging. The grid package design, was used from 1989 to 1992-1993. Even Sonic 2 still used the grid design for the US box art. I also have a Genesis model 1 that I purchased from a second hand shop.

>> No.7777191

I want to imagine that happened to you today

>> No.7777335

Konami were western fanboy

>> No.7777346

you fags joke, but 7800/Lynx was most interesting era of Atari. Trying to adjust to the new Jap-style of gaming, a transition between arcade traditions and new "console" style games. Lots of janky soul to be found on them, before they went full 3Dtardation.

>> No.7777359
File: 326 KB, 897x1200, 523-Sears-1986-NES[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NES at the time could be obtained for $90.

>> No.7777429

plays a mean game of H.E.R.O. too

>> No.7777616

>As for the 7800. I have never seen them sold here in Canada in stores. I don't even know if it had any distribution outside of the US.

They were sold in Canada and the UK. But they might have had bad distribution in Canada. Which is interesting, because Atari Computers were represented well in Canada. I saw Atari ST's sold in a few different Canadian department stores.

>> No.7777947
File: 8 KB, 225x225, i hurt myself today.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your response?
Dad i was born in 1998, i asked you for a Nintendo Wii. I mean thanks this will be fun maybe. Can i go to my friend's house later? I hear he got Mario Kart and i wanna play it.
Hey, when is mom picking me up again?

>> No.7778072
File: 18 KB, 389x389, 1606907444071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pulls out 9mm and shoots dad right in the face

>> No.7778085

i don't know. i pretty much always got what i wanted and if that wasn't realistic, then they told me that and i chose something else or put my own money towards it.

>> No.7778113



What? That's the NES, not the Famicom. Aren't all Japanese video game product technically imported? Was that there to distinguish it from the "locally made" Atari consoles?

>> No.7778118


>> No.7778231

$90 in '86? I thought it was still around the $200 mark. I know it was about $350 when it first released. That was some hell of a deal, even for Sears.

>> No.7778401
File: 6 KB, 225x225, one of these things.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're doing it wrong

>> No.7778664

Indeed, i'm not sure why it never caught on much, but it was pretty good.

Model 2 Genesis.
Model 1 Controller.
Sonic The Hedgehog 2.

This photo has so much SOUL.

>> No.7778681

It's the most basic kit so that's why-- a lot of people who remember the NES costing more was the big bundle that had ROB and the Zapper too.

>> No.7778687
File: 2.15 MB, 2100x1534, 1603817098962.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sorry son, I couldn't find that "Mortal Kombat II" you wanted anywhere, but luckily I managed to find something even better!

>> No.7778691

great Mario Bros port too. I used to play the 5200 version.

>> No.7778697

Something like this happened to a kid in my neighborhood who had a TG16.

>> No.7778703

>sorry son I screwed up and got you a turbographix

thats how i felt when I got the game gear. already had a gameboy though.

>> No.7778705
File: 331 KB, 908x1175, psm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Atari tapes

hits close to home. my dad called every game a tape. he even bought me PS1 "tapes"

>> No.7778710
File: 2.98 MB, 480x270, sad ben affleck.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking been there before

>> No.7778718

>implying discs aren't just spiraled plastic tape molded into a flat circle and written with indentations
your dad is an electrical engineer.

>> No.7778727

Funnily enough lots of old companies called cartridges cassettes (Nintendo did originally), since cassette literally just means "small encasing" before it became associated primarily with audio cassettes. By association, it would make sense to call a "cassette" a "tape" even though there's no actual tape.

>> No.7778728

didn't make much sense to buy a Nomad in '95 when you could save up a little more and buy a PSX or Saturn. N64 was coming a year later too.

>> No.7778729

>Christmas, 1994
>Open gift
>This is inside
>We don't have a Genesis


>> No.7778734

the serial connections are the tape.

>> No.7778735
File: 95 KB, 1000x750, tape.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

visual aid

>> No.7778754
File: 282 KB, 1500x967, 32x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7778786

>Model 2 Genesis.
>Model 1 Controller.

The model 2 Genesis/ Mega Drive was never packaged with the 6 button gamepad. Sega still treated the 3-button pad as the default. The 6-button pad was made due to Capcom requesting it for Street Fighter II: SCE. But many other games added 6-button support, like Mortal Kombat II. The Genesis/ MD model 3, which was released in 1997-1997 did have the 6-buttomn gamepad. Sonic 2 was the default pack-in game for the model 2 unit.

>> No.7778791
File: 10 KB, 400x400, 5xBR-v3.5a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>visual AIDS