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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 70 KB, 480x600, MV5BODc1MDM2NGUtODA1Zi00ZjlkLTg2ZjYtMDkyNmJkNjk1YWE3XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNzgyOTQ5MTc@._V1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7773646 No.7773646 [Reply] [Original]

>real time graphics don't look like this
>rendered 3d doesn't even look like this anymore
>high res copies of THESE renders don't even exist any more
It feels like we're falling into that 1000 years where humanity forgot how to make concrete

>> No.7773657

let it go.

>> No.7773663
File: 18 KB, 236x295, 72efd1a78d9f23498896259ac03e380c--donkey-kong-country-awesome-games.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, every time i look i find a few more of these I've never even seen before

>> No.7773686

>pre-rendered is better than real time
>modern pre-rendered is better than retro pre-rendered
what the fuck is going on bros I'm so confused

>> No.7773691

>let it go.
Not retro

>> No.7773707

This is the closest we have so far https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y6OdSvkVC-w

>> No.7773708

what did he mean by this?

>> No.7773741

very funny

>> No.7774526
File: 760 KB, 1718x1404, R8d7a2496d4f32198a27d976a0747357d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rendered 3d doesn't even look like this anymore

The SGI workstations have a distinctive look that cannot be replicated by modern software. Yeah of course modern PC's are a million times more capable. But it was the combination of software and unique hardware combination that gave those machines their own look. Maybe they one day will be recreated in FPGA? But that seems quite a ways off. I still think they look great as well. I like them more-so than the modern "Returns" renders.

>> No.7774545


>> No.7774586

not do drastic as to need an fpga. you can now (as of late last year) emulate sgi workstations on MAME and run Irix.
Currenly at like "30% of the speed of speed of a real indy" and so i don't think anyone has yet installed Alias and tried to render anything, but give it a few years and we'll be there.

What's a returns render

>> No.7774591
File: 1.33 MB, 1527x2137, R3f0003bef3beaeaefbe9439dfafeb0f6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's a returns render

>> No.7774592

Returns was such a soulless game. Tropical Freeze did much better but still didn't match up to country.

>> No.7774594

ok yeah i just looked up a high res of this (this one has some random (scanned?) dither)
Their eyes are stickers, yuck
but generally not hitting any magic, yeah

>> No.7774631

nowhere near close

>> No.7774640
File: 1.61 MB, 1205x875, dkcc2manual.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From the SNES manual for DKC2.

>> No.7774643
File: 1.66 MB, 1198x883, dixie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7774645

Anyone else feel like early CGI had warmer colors than present day stuff?
Like, compare Toy Story 1 to Toy Story 3/4 or in Kingdom Hearts.
I don't want to just say soul/soulless, is there an actual technical description for this?

>> No.7774650
File: 1.58 MB, 1191x887, manual.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7774680

It did, kinda. Those older renders used more primitive lighting and shading tech, resulting in brighter lighting and more uniform shadows. Newer tech is more advanced in terms of emulating the actual physics of light, so shadows and such are less evenly distributed and more realistic, so modern renders end up looking less cartoony and more bland. Hope that clears up a bit.

>> No.7774708

i assume he was talking about how old renders are more often more yellow

>> No.7774715
File: 1.93 MB, 1170x1785, DixieDiddy2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the way they did her hair is very eye-pleasing - it looks like a kind of notched golden chrome, but i look at this one attached and think that it seems to be a yellow cage surrounding a pinkish core cylinder

Of course in current renders it's just a yellow flat surface or actual fine hairs, both going bad directions from this

>> No.7774898

This is actually a good explanation, thanks.

>> No.7774918

It's fucked up how the Wii dkc looks much worse. It's like all the talent was in the 90s and now they've just dispersed into oblivion

>> No.7775063
File: 399 KB, 536x556, 1618383060346.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7775157

Why the fuck someone would want to replicate that stuff? Old renders looks like ugly relics of its time. Stop with that soul meme and embrace advanced technology.

>> No.7775161

ok zooomer

>> No.7775879
File: 73 KB, 516x720, 1620547146764.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>humanity forgot how to make concrete
No, no one forgot anything this render style is default on most 3d software and is easily achieved.
This is all just basic phong shaders and default hard shadows with lighting done by artists just learning the basics of Modeling and of scene lighting in a brand new thing, not many artists of the time fully understood.

This special look you describe is Maya's (Alias 3 back then) default scanline renderer and Nurbs modeling, new stuff is all subdivided box modeling. Nurbs have a wormy natural look but they are hard to attach together, notice how segmented the models are?

Basically this style of CG is considered very noobie among the cg volk, So we do everything we can to make it not look like that. But now enough time has passed I guess it can be considered an aesthetic choice rather than just noob 3d artist rendering at default settings with basic lighting . I promise you it has nothing to do with it being on old SGI's.

>> No.7775912
File: 573 KB, 480x600, 1606300853684.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7776278

>maya's (alias)
the maya renerer was rewritten "from the ground up" and looks different

> So we do everything we can to make it not look like that.
no, we know. and we've seen your dismal efforts

>> No.7776446

I don't understand why you cretins drool over the concept of having games that look like this
This would look like dogshit in motion
It would look like a straight-to-dvd 3D cartoon

>> No.7776454


>> No.7776456


>> No.7776475

This. A lot of 3D animation has gone through these issues, it's not like they forgot or were incapable of doing this render style animated, it's that it looks bad in motion.

>> No.7776483


>> No.7776492

>A lot of 3D animation has gone through these issues
what does this even mean?

>> No.7777315

lol at the 3fags that came in with muh moderns is better. maybe you should stick programming if you don't understand that these renders have aesthetics, and you just have graphics

>> No.7777397

All I got from this thread is that 30s something manchildren worship an outdated ugly CGI because "muh soul".

>> No.7777475

>he posted again

>> No.7778058
File: 459 KB, 529x705, k_rool_01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want stuff to "pop" more. Like comparing mario with exaggerated textures in Odyssey to his more plasticy look in NSMB. I don't think it works for mario as much (he honestly looks best in 3D world so there's some nuance to it) but Donkey Kong really needs to appreciate texturing more.
I know its probably hard to make it not look like shit like putting high res textures in low poly N64 games, but it just isn't the "donkey kong country" vibe in retro's games to me. they're fantastically detailed, but they look like what 2D mario should be like today & isnt living up to.
DK should focus on having hyper exaggerated realism & cutting edge effects on cartoony tex avery looking models. And also more mood/atmosphere in the environments in general, because the story & dialogue shouldn't be edgy in DK. DK needs to be silly & cartoony but also feel like you're in nature with the visuals & music in a level.
I also noticed metal mario & metals in general look especially plastic in modern nintendo games. they used to reflect harder & brighter shapes but now its kind of dulled or faded. I'm glad King K Rool got his gold belly back in smash but I wish it was more reflective. he does have a lot of detailing on his scales though so I'm not complaining, and the trailers seemed to show at least somebody somewhere involved understands the "cartoony characters/designs with realistic textures/environments" thing DK should have.

>> No.7778080

It's really because of PowerAnimator, and the way it implemented lighting.

>> No.7778092

>in low poly N64 games
anon you know that games are not being developed for the 64 any more?

>> No.7778117
File: 649 KB, 800x600, bond_archives_3dart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some of their renders were bad

>> No.7778126
File: 888 KB, 1126x500, bond_tank_3dart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like comedy bad, because they couldn't move or even seem to rotate the bond face model
but i like that they just resorted to the in-game models for the tank and car for this one

>> No.7779098


The goldeneye team just lucked out, I don't even consider them real rareware. They split off to make timesplitters anyway. More interesting to look at banjo renders

>> No.7779103

>This is all just basic phong shaders and default hard shadows with lighting done by artists just learning the basics of Modeling and of scene lighting in a brand new thing, not many artists of the time fully understood.

If this was actually noob rendering, a person would be able to recreate it. Funny that no one can top dkc2 level renders even 20 years later. You sound like a bitter graphics artist who does not want to admit that your technology and talent have both gone backwards