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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 771 KB, 1000x1000, 3186117JapanFrontccc-57672-full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7751354 No.7751354 [Reply] [Original]

Welcome to The Garage, a thread where fans of racing vidya can discuss their favourite arcade, sim, kart, and any other kinds of racing games. If you’re looking for something new to play or are new to the genre ask other Anons for recommendations and remember to gear up and have fun.

The previous thread didn't reach a TIME EXTENSION: >>7701056

>Interested in a series to get started with?

Remember to bump, /vr/ has been faster as of late and threads get archived much quicker now. Don't be shy: ask questions, share experiences! If anyone has ideas for community events speak up!

>> No.7751367
File: 228 KB, 1280x720, 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first for BATORU GIA 3

>> No.7751801

These games look so cool.
I played a bit of Side By Side Special on the PSX, but only having a single brake button was kind of weird so I set it aside.
Where should I start with these games? Should I be doing arcade emulation or are there some console versions that are good?

>> No.7752371
File: 294 KB, 1626x1080, Rush2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone recommend adventurey type racing games like pic related with a lot of shortcuts, branching routes, and/or hidden collectibles? Are the other Rush games this good?

>> No.7752380
File: 158 KB, 640x480, 148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>adventurey type racing games
Beetle Adventure Racing

>> No.7752387

Thanks but I actually already have that one. Although for some reason my data never saves.

>> No.7752417

Top Gear Overdrive
Top Gear Rally
Multi Racing Championship

>> No.7752704

Shit thread. Fuck u

>> No.7752709

I like 2d racing games(Outrun, Hang on, Top Gear). Can someone recommend me some similar 2d racing games?

>> No.7752713

Got Model 2 emulator and it lists all these special versions of Sega Rally and Daytona USA but I can't find much info on what is different. Some examples are Sega Rally Pro Drivin and Daytona USA Turbo

>> No.7752790

They're shitty romhacks.

>> No.7752794

I enjoyed Wave Race 64

>> No.7752795
File: 83 KB, 560x547, 4AEF24E1-49E8-496E-B297-15D33FB028F8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been playing this and love it. But it’s real hard, no matter what the opponent seems to fly by at the last second. I keep buying upgrades but nothing helps. Anyone have any tips?

>> No.7752831
File: 415 KB, 2220x728, dayfzer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get standards.

>> No.7752881


>> No.7752887

Is there a favorite racer on the GBA? Sounds like a cozy thing to do before I go to bed tonight.

>> No.7753038

Whats the appeal of driving around in circles holding left the whole time rather play a final fantasy me thinks, more strategy and content desu

Racing is only alright multiplayer but single player cope modes no tanks

>> No.7753056
File: 427 KB, 546x407, RPG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Whats the appeal of driving around in circles holding left the whole time
That's just NASCAR. It's a garbage sport only southwestern americans care about. There's more types of racing than FF games in existence.

>> No.7753067

fuck you every wave race game is great, even the gameboy one, the wave physics in 64 are fucking incredible for an n64 launch game and i'm one of those people that thinks the 64 is overrated due to having only 20 good games

>> No.7753070

What is the source of that image?

>> No.7753080

>the wave physics in 64 are fucking incredible
Any racing game that doesn't involve changing gears + drifting better be amazing in some other way. Wave Race has you race around buoys. NEXT.

>> No.7753124

it's nice that you straight up admitted that you can't make the turns in wave race lol

>> No.7753153

You can take your pussy complex turns. I don't give a fuck if I'm penalised I'm skipping them and heading straight to the finish line.

>> No.7753347

he literally said it, battle gear 3

they are peak, 3 is ported to jap ps2 as is 2 but its a budget release, i think 4 is cracked and can run on pc

>> No.7753349

a shmup documentary

>> No.7753364

He didn't literally say it, he said batoru gia 3, do you know what literally means

>> No.7753441

>Whats the appeal of driving around in circles holding left the whole time rather play a final fantasy me thinks, more strategy and content desu
appeal is mostly tuning up cars, rims, nitros, getting decals, leveling up your garage, that's where the genre was headed since the gameplay was always s h i t e

>> No.7753459


Instead I just fill out some spreadsheets in excel for my own accounting, same gameplay

>> No.7753479

With realistic enough gameplay even going in circles will have you puckering your butthole because you're blasting along at 200 mph with zero driving aids in a screaming pile of cars inches from one another where the slightest collision can send a dozen cars spinning and crashing and end your race.

>> No.7753482

>With realistic enough gameplay
>/vr/ retro graphics

>> No.7753498

>implying NR2003 isn't still the greatest NASCAR game to grace the world of man

>> No.7753675

>muh graphics
kill yourself

>> No.7753970


That would be NASCAR Thunder 2003

>> No.7754103

Anyone play world racing 2? I came across it recently looking for more /vroom/ and while it has middling reviews the game footage I've seen (mostly pc) looks kinda fun. Certainly the environments look cool.

>> No.7754126

you're so dense you can't figure what batoru gia 3 is? it's fucking phonetically a give away.

>> No.7754242
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>> No.7754368


>> No.7754538

outrunners, powerdrift, gp rider, double axle, slipstream

>> No.7755404
File: 377 KB, 640x512, AMS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>make a game with the most visual SOVL out of any driving game ever
>give it the absolute worst driving physics ever conceived
name a sadder tragedy

>> No.7755539

most disappointing game i ever bought

>> No.7755556
File: 1.84 MB, 3840x2160, World racing 2 2020_15_05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EA buying criterion.

>> No.7755565

how are the jet moto games?

>> No.7755591

Good and hard as fuck like my cock

>> No.7755614

One day someone will reverse-engineer this goddamn game and either modify its driving physics or port its graphical assets into a good racing game engine.

>> No.7755771

Are motorcycle games for faggots?

>> No.7755860

Awesome. I think 2 (non-CE) is the series' peak but they're all great. I haven't played 2124 though.

>> No.7755884 [DELETED] 

Just watched a review of this


Is the drifting really that difficult? And anyone else find gamer girl Kacey an amazing representative of retro gaming?

>> No.7755934 [DELETED] 

Dunno how difficult the drifting is but I'm one of the few people who had apparently no problem with the physics model of either version of the game.

>> No.7755950
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No I don't think so

>> No.7756026 [DELETED] 

>Is the drifting really that difficult?
Not difficult, but unintuitive. I.e. bad.

>> No.7756063


I'm not him just pointing out you don't know how to use words correctly

>> No.7756719 [DELETED] 

>hurr durr even version 1 handling sucks
>video is full of him just hitting walls and making no attempt to actually drive well

>> No.7756732 [DELETED] 


>> No.7756801

What rpm should you upshift? Right before redline? Playing arcade racers

>> No.7756872 [DELETED] 

>Is the drifting really that difficult?
no but its shit

>> No.7756898 [DELETED] 
File: 1.82 MB, 200x133, 1606176323285.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And anyone else find gamer girl Kacey an amazing representative of retro gaming?
>a self-admitted shit raycevick ripoff
>and a trannoid to boot

>> No.7756902

Typically yes.

>> No.7757235 [DELETED] 

Stop posting this troon

>> No.7757436

I loved the original rush and 2049, it's been a bit since I played them but I'm pretty sure they all retain that rush feel.

>> No.7757495

Shit thread you guys. Anyway, roadsters 64 is awesome

>> No.7757498

Contribute then if you don't want it to be shit.

>> No.7757535

did you only read half his post?

>> No.7757537

Roadsters 64 is awesome.

>> No.7757558

No, I didn't. I read it all.

You could have said that without the first half of the post.

>> No.7757609

Do you like roadsters? I keep getting stuck on stage 5

>> No.7758562
File: 1.26 MB, 1000x1000, burnout-dominator[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have I ever said how much I like this theme?


>> No.7758813

love ridge racer 4, sega rally/gt/ daytona usa, outrun
played ridge racer 4 for the first time recently, loved the drifting
recommend me anything upto being on the ps2

>> No.7758891

Ridge Racer V? It's not as good as Type 4, though (and I find the progression in it a little confusing).

>> No.7758976

You can only miss 5 then you lose the race. And if you miss one you lose your top speed. Also, having to weave in and out of buoys is basically water drifting. Cope.

>> No.7758984

Why is the original Outrun 2 so fucking hard? Like, you bump the edge once and you're incapable of beating the game.

>> No.7759003

i'll take a whack at it, thanks for the rec

>> No.7759257

I'm aware of how wave race works having owned both.
>And if you miss one you lose your top speed.
Still faster to skip some.
>basically water drifting.
It's more like a hairpin turn but you can believe its drifting if you like.

>> No.7759262
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>> No.7759304
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Every time I play Kaido Racer I only play long enough to learn to drift, then I put it down again for so long I've forgotten by the next time I play.
That's nothing, I'm still obsessed with the Burnout 1 soundtrack.

>> No.7759473

Fucking lmao

>> No.7759670

well i took it for a spin and it plays like shit

>> No.7759697

no it doesn't, git gud.

>> No.7759702

but drifting automatically happens which is gay i wanna tap square and drift

>> No.7759704

the cars all have different ways to drift, they have different tolerancers and corner-drift angles.

>> No.7759708

yeah and that's gay

>> No.7759718

Just get good bro.

>> No.7760293

>Ridge Racer V? It's not as good as Type 4
it is and its better.

>> No.7760309

Weird I find Outrun 2 to be an easier time because Outrun 2006 makes you prone to fish tail everytime you exit a drift but Outrun 2 is effortlessly smooth

>> No.7760562

It’s the origin of the drifting mechanics that Ridge Racer would start using from then onwards. It’s looser and more floaty but you can see where games like the PSP games got their handling from.

>> No.7760662

oturun 2s harder because mistakes are way more punished, hitting grass for example and youre fugged

>> No.7761150
File: 2.93 MB, 640x480, Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7761290

makes me want to bust out the dreamcast

>> No.7761379

you`re here forever, we`ll get there tangentially.

>> No.7761598

This game is so hard
>that Planet of the Apes reference

>> No.7761645

Depending how you view things you can make it even harder by disabling the rubberbanding (the so-called 'no mercy' mode found in the versions other than the 3DO original).

>> No.7762000
File: 523 KB, 3840x2160, Need For Speed III_ Hot Pursuit 16_05_2021 20_50_55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what caused this but I sure as shit didn't hang around to find out.

>> No.7762017
File: 2.56 MB, 800x450, DR2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do not go gentle into that tight hairpin.

>> No.7762074

Play the superior DC version.

>> No.7762076

Love the cover.

>> No.7762078

No Exit looks like shit.

>> No.7762098


How weirdly slimy.

>> No.7762120

The original DR looks dark, dry and industrial, and can easily draw you into that feel. No Exit looks like a phone game with the shiny cars, colorful levels and chirping birds.

>> No.7762192

>The original DR looks dark, dry and industrial, and can easily draw you into that feel
No Exit is to Demolition Racer as Destruction Derby Arenas was to the Destruction Derby series.

>> No.7762328

Handles like poop because it's built on top of Test Drive 6.

>> No.7762524

we need another fun community comp, side by side would be a good one.

>> No.7763027

also the ntsc version runs worse than the pal version, has screen tearing and stuttering

>> No.7763602

How many times are you going to shill that game?

>> No.7763875

its a brilliant game

>> No.7764138
File: 71 KB, 500x500, Outrun_2_SP_Special_Super_DX_24579.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does it get better than pic related?

kinda shit but Hot Wheels Velocity X

>> No.7764148
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Noooooo crash team racing and Gran Turismo are better!

>> No.7764172
File: 178 KB, 1000x1000, speedy pepogger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>been playing Gran Turismo 2 on shitty psX emulator at native resolution with blurry bilinear scaling and popping sound whenever I dug it up all these years because that's where my save files were
>find a tool that can transfer saves between memory card formats of different emulators
>switch to Duckstation with high res rendering, 24 bit color, z-buffer geometry correction and from what I can tell flawless sound
>suddenly looks like a Dreamcast game, if not better
>given a new lease on life
Bros how can one game be so great?

>> No.7764272

youre ina VR thread, if you're just gonna be negative and don't want to play racing games then fuck off.

>> No.7764274
File: 82 KB, 510x600, battlegear-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>does it get better than pic related?

>> No.7764331

Well GT4 could output at 1080i, so that's pretty remarkable. I guess Polyphony pushes the bounds.

>> No.7764360

never ever play la rush, trust me, I'm a dog

>> No.7764369

thread theme

>> No.7764373

muh strategy

>> No.7765134

I'm looking for a game from my childhood. I don't remember much but I know it was about driving a car in a city and it had a free roam mode I think. I also remember driving a pink van and having to avoid traffic cones. Also it was a PlayStation game. I know this description is kinda retarded but it's the only thing i remember and I kinda wanna relive the nostalgia

>> No.7765140

It's not Driver is it?

>> No.7766750


>> No.7766921


What's the best console version of this?

>> No.7767232

What's the deal with Vanishing Point's physics? I feel like I sneeze on the stick and I go out of control.

>> No.7767323

Change the steering speed to low in the settings - normal and high are waaaay too sensitive.

>> No.7768546


>> No.7769424
File: 25 KB, 474x464, 1619122707717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a question in regards to emulating Gran Turismo 2 properly for the first time. First of all the PAL version has weirder resolutions than the NTSC versions anyway but still the game's resolutions are all over the place in different menus and functions. Anyway what am I supposed to do about the aspect ratio settings? Am I supposed to go with game native or 4:3 or figure out a custom aspect ratio that makes round things actually round (like the tachometer or certain round menu buttons)? Also am I supposed to crop any overscan or just leave it alone? As far as I can tell cropping the overscan centers the image a little better but since I'm playing on a widescreen monitor with black bars anyway it doesn't seem to make a noticable difference.

>> No.7769647

NTSC (US and Japan) native is 320x240, 60Hz, 30FPS. The PS1 used to stretch the output of the games (which varied quite a bit) to that resolution on your TV. Play at 4:3 with cropped overscan and don't stretch out the resolution. Widescreen hacks are ugly, but if you really want to play it at 16:9, give it a try. I heard it works better in racing games.

>> No.7769659

By "don't stretch out the resolution" I mean don't stretch it to widescreen.

>> No.7769674
File: 606 KB, 500x500, 1580734050349.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the music genre in Ridge Racer Revolution called?
I'm not familiar with electro stuff.

>> No.7769681

search up gran turismo 2 plus, it's a fan patch that fixes a lot of bugs and fixes car designs.

>> No.7769684

Nah I'm fine with whatever aspect ratio was intended for it, I just don't know which one was. 4:3 makes things look pretty wide and stretches out circular things visibly, native is only slightly narrower, the aspect ratio for making circular things circular is noticably narrower (79:64 or perhaps simplied 5:4 with overscan cropped), and I haven't even yet bothered finding an aspect ratio to make the Sony Computer Entertainment logo on boot evenly angled, but 4:3 seems pretty close.

>> No.7769693

>What's the music genre in Ridge Racer Revolution called?
Acid trip.
And a bit of EDM.

>> No.7769702

>lords of techno

>> No.7769710

Is that what you do when you play the game
I might consider trying it, possibly

>> No.7769712
File: 66 KB, 320x240, 1256030780375.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I don't even drink alcool yet I listen to this degenerate stuff

>> No.7769719

>whatever aspect ratio was intended for it
That's the thing, the gameitself may be designed to output an unique resolution (like 320x224) for example, but the TV took that resolution and stretched it out to 4:3.
PS1 game resolutions could be any of the following:
>256×224p, 256x240p, 320x224p, 320×240p, 512x224p, 512×240p, 640x224p, 640x240p, 320x448i, 320x480i, 370x448i, 370x480i, 512x448i, 512x480i, 640x448i, 640×480i
But most were designed to be played at 4:3 (their common denominator), unless they had a widescreen option. If something in GT2 doesn't look perfectly round at its native resolution, that's because it was designed like that so when the image is stretched a little bit to fit a 4:3 view, it'll look round.

>> No.7769730
File: 1.96 MB, 2560x1080, Desktop Screenshot 2021.05.12 - [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Play turn left

>> No.7769732

I kid, I kid. In all honesty though, Ridge Racer's music prior to Rage Racer was such fucking insanity that I can only call it an acid trip. Stuff like the Rhythm Shift, Rare Hero and Grip are perfectly fine dance electronic music, but then you have stuff like Drive U 2 Racing, Speedster and ROTTERDAM NATION which frankly just sounds like a fucking Youtube Poop remix.
They're alright songs, but some of them are so out there you just gotta wonder what the fuck the composer was snorting.

>> No.7769754

On second thought, early RR music might be one of the earlier instances of the typical japanese "hardcore" electronic music subgenre. You know, the sort that you normally see on japanese rhythm games these days.

>> No.7769760
File: 501 KB, 352x768, SCES-12380_2021-05-18_23-25-22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the thing though, things like circular buttons or the tachometer look stretched wide at native resolution already, and only become wider at 4:3. As I've said the aspect ratio to make circular things circular seems to be 5:4. Here's 4:3, native and 5:4 top to bottom in comparison. At 5:4 the tachometer is approximately round, at 4:3 it's 15% wider than it is tall, unless Polyphony wanted it to look like that.

>> No.7769767

There's a 60 fps cheat code floating around, try adding that too anon.

>> No.7769804
File: 109 KB, 640x480, snapshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, you're going by integer scaling, then. Developers had to make concessions due to TV output stretching by compensating with their own game's resolutions. Apparently GT2 ran at 640x480, and had anti-aliasing and bilinear filtering for cleaner polygons and smoother textures. 4:3 makes the car look normal, while the two others make it look squashed.

>> No.7769807

I've been playing around with it just now and googled PAL codes for 50 FPS, but when I boot with it enabled the internal FPS counter shows numbers fluctuating in the low to mid 30s and the gameplay is slowed down (presumably by how much faster than 25 FPS it is), so something doesn't seem to be working, will have to give it some more attention tomorrow.

>> No.7769816

Your car looks wider still, but that may just be the rally bodykit. Also your tachometer seems perfectly circular, maybe the devs screwed up the HUD scaling in the PAL port.

>> No.7769821

Keep in mind 60Hz = 30 FPS and 50Hz = 25FPS. You can force PAL games to run at NTSC refresh rates on Duckstation in the Enhancements options.
If it isn't a racing game developed by an European company, why would you ever play PAL games?

>> No.7769831
File: 1.07 MB, 3067x2048, ferare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could never get the PAL ones to work.
I don't know if Duckstation has the option to, but overclock the emulated PSX if you can. It should help if I remember correctly.
GT2 has an enhancement patch that only works for the PAL version.

>> No.7769846

>GT2 has an enhancement patch that only works for the PAL version.
Who was the retard who had such an idea?
Also yeah you can overclock the emulation in Duckstation.

>> No.7770883

Because PAL is the version I grew up with and am fond of. I don't want to play one where the soundtrack is all wrong, Vauxhall doesn't exist and stuff like Autumn Link isn't misspelled.

>> No.7771017
File: 35 KB, 605x474, excuse_me_wtf_r_u_doin_dinosaur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ROTTERDAM NATION which frankly just sounds like a fucking Youtube Poop remix.

>> No.7771019

>GT2 has an enhancement patch that only works for the PAL version.
You talking about Gran Turismo 2 Plus or something else? Because that one seems available for all versions.

>> No.7771078

Outrun 2 is really just insane man how does a game i played for the first time in like 2003/4 still feel fresh and impressive today. Truly timeless

>> No.7771087

Bg3 is great but cmon man it aint no outrun 2. Personally when it comes to weeb racers the peak has to be initial d v3 for my taste. Still salty it never got a port other than that stupid psp version

>> No.7771313

its better no question, i love outrun 2 but all those suzuki games and that on rails drifting just gets boring, battle gear 2/3 are peak imo, im playing akina in 2 atm actually if anyone fancies some time attack? it runs smooth as butter on pcsx2

>> No.7771636
File: 193 KB, 1639x941, 8667b1edf919d0f40467cb7c8ff917e7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I'm retarded. It used to be PAL only and I thought it still was

>> No.7771643
File: 220 KB, 800x597, rearenginesyourskyline.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Racing Lagoon is great.

>> No.7771676

>ROTTERDAM NATION which frankly just sounds like a fucking Youtube Poop remix.
total retard detected

>> No.7771715

>but then you have stuff like Drive U 2 Racing, Speedster and ROTTERDAM NATION which frankly just sounds like a fucking Youtube Poop remix.
it's called gabber

>> No.7771727

That's kind of interesting, I always found the sequel and it's variations to be exrrodinarily easier than the first one

>> No.7772038

I am ass at BG2, one of the racing games i consider truly challenging. I've been working on Akagi when I do play it, I think im gonna have to man up and stop being an AT babby to really get meaningfully decent times

>> No.7772043

oh wow the car appearance changes? i remember reading about this game in a magazine as a kid and it sounded like a dream, hope it'll be translated someday

>> No.7772080

this is embarrassing
i'm into japanese hardcore and you're sorta right about that at least, i've even got a couple of ridge racer remix tribute albums from jcore collectives
also some of the same artists contributed to both ridge racer and games like beatmania/ddr

>> No.7772279

Hell yeah

>> No.7772724

Yeah bruv this is peak music to you aye?

>> No.7772770

ghegs has insane times on mt akina with AT, just focus more on lines and drift execution.

>> No.7772786
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>> No.7772792
File: 1.19 MB, 3840x2160, Vanishing Point_2021.05.19-19.07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FUCK RETROARCH. That is all.

>> No.7772960


>> No.7773020
File: 143 KB, 1920x1080, emaugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay so I got the 50 FPS code to work (turns out the low framerate wasn't my computer maxing out, it was just the CPU emulation capping out and I simply had to "overclock the emulator".

HOWEVER I actually felt ill playing Gran Turismo 2 at double the framerate and high resolution. I doubt it had anything to do with the motion and some sorta motion sickness, never had this issue in any other racing game. I think the immense amount of detail simply reached a point where it shattered my nostalgia and broke my suspension of disbelief by exposing how crude and outdated the physics, driving and especially the vehicle collisions actually are. At its core GT2 is a comparatively clunky, archaic game by modern standards, and the added visual fidelity doesn't strip away this clunkiness, it actually exposes it in the first place, and on the contrary the original low framerate and resolution are what masks it and makes your brain fill in the gaps with detail and realism that in actuality just aren't there.

>mfw racing at 4x resolution, 24 bit color and buttery smooth 50 FPS for the first time and feeling physically ill with disappointment and dread

>> No.7773095
File: 63 KB, 381x228, OK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, even the more "mundane" setups (FR drivetrain on a civic) change the car's appearance. You also have some bosozuko and group C bodykits that can change it even further, it's great.
I played with no moonrunes knowledge, but I used a translated guide (http://aka.gmobb.jp/hsdrpg/rewa.html#night)) to figure out what the fuck I was supposed to do.
Bretty fun game, happy to have played it. Great OST too.
I just use the 60 fps code and nothing else when I replay GT2, otherwise with high res you start seeing white seams in the car's wheels and it looks fucking ugly.

>> No.7773098

>HOWEVER I actually felt ill playing Gran Turismo 2 at double the framerate and high resolution
Well yeah. If you increase the framerate of a PAL game to that of an NTSC, it'll run about ~16% faster.

>> No.7773118
File: 26 KB, 273x364, Re-Volt_Coverart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ctrl+f revolt
>No results
How come this old racer gets no love in this thread?
Download the game https://rvgl.re-volt.io
And play split screen with up to three buddies.
Such a good game.

>> No.7773138

That's not what I did, I injected a Gameshark code to make the game run at 50 FPS instead of 25 FPS (because once again it's the PAL version). Similar codes exist to make the NTSC versions run at 60 FPS instead of 30 FPS. The game was running at the same speed as always, just double the framerate, and it felt completely wrong.

>> No.7773208

>50 FPS instead of 25 FPS
It's 50 Hz, meaning 25FPS is the normal speed. You basically just made it run at twice its normal speed, rather than having more frames per second. Refresh rate does not always equate framerate.

>> No.7773215

It looks too good so people probably don't think it's retro. It's a fantastic game.

>> No.7773227
File: 450 KB, 2048x1366, 1621189929075.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Played it online with a few friends recently.
Wonder if we could set up some /vroom/ race nights like they do on the retro shooter threads, or some time trial leaderboards at least, it's a blast

>> No.7773313

>set up some /vroom/ race nights
i dont know the gamne but id be more than game

>> No.7774275

You think I can't tell the difference between normal speed and double speed, you idiot? It was normal speed, just twice as smooth.

>> No.7774406
File: 3.02 MB, 7680x4320, RVGL 31_01_2021 16_43_07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It has been posted in the last few threads.

>> No.7774420

gotta give gran turismo another go i've been watching my friend play it

never seen this shit in any arcade, it looks radical. i'll give it a spin if i ever see it.

>> No.7774440

>this shitty shovelware is great because i played it as a kid

>> No.7774446

Serves you right for zoomifying retro games, faggot.

>> No.7774468
File: 2.80 MB, 800x450, Re-volt toy world 2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We don't need yoiur mario kart induced drama here anon.

>> No.7775131

well you can emulate it on ps2 if your pcs decentish or if you have a jap ps2 buy it, my local arcade actually has it.

>> No.7775764
File: 335 KB, 1210x954, 1616503588794.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuckin' lekker man

>> No.7776484

that is some bright track design, damn

>> No.7776597

I don't really like this game.

>> No.7777434
File: 2.43 MB, 800x450, Night in the museum.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is the brightest track in the game, the others are a tad more subdued.

>> No.7777821

too hard for you?

>> No.7777837

>out of the blue windows install fucking implodes
>sweat like a peado in a playground I've lost much /vroom/
>damage is minor, mostly just a few nuked saves
Well gives me a good excuse to replay a few games such as POD and NFSU2. The lesson here is to backup your shit - I was saved due to having a drive dedicated solely to Vidya far away from c:\.

>> No.7777871

I had an archive of generally mods and I lost them to an hdd fuckup.
Backup your shit lads :(

>> No.7778832

NFSU2 - enhanced contrast, yay or nay?

>> No.7779101
File: 135 KB, 860x602, 51vaiv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>learnt about Gran Turismo 2 Plus patch that fixes and enhances a bunch of stuff and restores some cut content
>got xdelta patcher as instructed
>can only patch ISO files
>can't find ISO of GT2 PAL anywhere online
>decide to download converter and turn my BIN of GT2 into an ISO
>xdelta just throws a useless "file not found" error when I try to patch
>do more searching
>find a resource that provides the patch prepackaged with DeltaPatcher
>DeltaPatcher complains that checksum doesn't match when I load my converted ISO
>claims to have patched the original BIN successfully however
>boot up patched game
>can see Acura dealer in South City as promised
>can see both Vauxhall and Opel dealer in North City as promised
>license tests seem to work as far as I can tell
>game however seems to freeze whenever I try to enter any used cars listing or any screen where a rotating car is supposed to appear
>tfw too retarded to apply a patch to an image
Anyone able to give me a pointer or kindly upload an already Plus patched PAL image of GT2 somewhere?


>> No.7779321
File: 18 KB, 739x568, hzxyhezq3xu31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay so in the meantime I found a patched (slightly outdated) Alpha 4.1 ISO online after all, but it also doesn't work in my emulator, however both this prepatched ISO and the BIN I patched myself do work in my old (much worse) emulator, even with my old savegame that the patch author said would be incompatible. So now it seems like an emulator related issue, not a patch related issue, which is doubly weird because my current emulator (Duckstation current version) is much more modern, feature packed and seemingly compatible than my old emulator (psX 1.13).

>> No.7779574
File: 2.80 MB, 570x428, micro machines v4.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>museum themed tracks
Consistently based.

>> No.7779576

Blek anon, V3 reigns supreme.

>> No.7779583

4 is the one I had on DS, I've never tried the others.

>> No.7779595

You are missing out.

>> No.7779606

Do these micro machien games have options or cheats for chase camera view? Top-down view in a racing game is like getting something that barely looks like the thing you wanted for christmas.

>> No.7780876

you only need to patch the very first .bin anon.

>can't find ISO
archive dot org redump?

>> No.7781075

>>can't find ISO of GT2 PAL anywhere online
fucking retard.


>> No.7782050
File: 862 KB, 3840x2160, unknown_2021.05.22-16.35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7782060

the what
what the fuck

>> No.7782071


>> No.7782386

neo drift out

>> No.7782393

do you know how i know you're american and white

>> No.7783102

If you had downloaded it like I already had you'd know that it contains a BIN and CUE. Anyway it turned out I could patch my BIN just fine with another patcher, but my emulator doesn't seem to want to play friendly with the patched game. But that's okay, it only corrects a few spelling errors and restores a few race mods anyway.

>> No.7783121

sorry anon, my tone was unjustified.

>> No.7783136
File: 438 KB, 656x1705, l.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw the slaloms filter the living piss out of you
I could have ambitions to turn the remaining silvers into golds but those slalom bronzes just make me not even wanna try.

>> No.7783154

A shmup documentary which aired on the french channel Game One.

>> No.7783381

I think Micro Machines would be shit with the "regular" racing cameras, simply due to the track design, it would be insanely difficult to play. I do agree that there should be an option

>> No.7783947
File: 123 KB, 600x600, 1467435795914.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone managed to get the pc version of V4 to work on windows 10 in the year of our lord 2021 despite the game using this piece of shit of starforce DRM ?

>> No.7784659

I've not tried it but if you can find a crack there shouldn't be any issues - at least nothing DGVoodoo wouldn't solve.

>> No.7784865

These don't seem compatible with my windows 7 32bit
Shattered desu

>> No.7784890

it runs on the Mashed engine and that one has a chase camera that sometimes activates. I wonder it could be forced on with some cheats.

>> No.7785010
File: 14 KB, 321x418, 163252623742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>got the PS4 motion controller to play nicely with GT2
c o m f y

>> No.7785276

I can't believe I disliked Burnout 3's soundtrack when it came out. A lot of the music is great for racing to.

>> No.7785281

It's the perfect soundtrack. I own all but 1 of the albums/EPs.

It's the Ramones one I never bothered getting.

>> No.7785587

Crash Team Racing
Sonic R

>> No.7786037

I just can't fucking get into Ramones man

>> No.7786041

It's easily the weakest track on there.

>> No.7786054

I really feel it was added for name recognition. It doesn't gel well with the rest of the OST, and it's clearly from another era, and imho it's too slow for the game.
Fits Paradise better desu.

>> No.7786285
File: 39 KB, 410x408, 1562465100581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aye thanks i'll check this out.

>> No.7786340

it is shit, all the burnouts have cringe middle class white droney bullshit, terrible racing music

>> No.7786363

literal retard detected

>> No.7786639

That song by atreyu on burnout 3 ost is probably one of the gayest things I've heard in my life

>> No.7786740


>> No.7787354

The first two games don’t even have licensed music.

>> No.7788640

Which as we are learning is a terrible choice because if you can't listen to horribly forgettable Yellowcard songs then there might as well be no sound at all. Then again insinuating burnout 3 isn't the pinnacle of the series invites hostility from the true believers.

>> No.7788652

>insinuating the opposite of fact invites hostility
Deservedly so.

>> No.7788656

Burnout 3 isn't the best of the series.

>> No.7788713

yeah, that's revenge

>> No.7789012

So apparently Racing Lagoon is getting a fan translation.

>> No.7789063
File: 672 KB, 1920x1080, SCPS-45404_2021-05-18_18-14-14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanted to have a go at it once I would've been done with university. A bit sad to get beat to the punch, but I'm pretty sure the dudes behind the project have way more skill with translations than I do
Hope it gets more people to play it, it's a great game

>> No.7789073

Series black sheep.

>> No.7789526

low i.q middle class white shut ins detected

enjoy your droney bullshit.

>> No.7789551

Retards not welcome.

>> No.7789716
File: 256 KB, 1280x845, 16-35-42-1823fed667e1adbc6edf3fba7984c84f33ae10e5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's finally happening.


>> No.7789749

There's a charm to early 3D racing games other games can't recognize. All the best racing games are between 1995-2000.

>> No.7789783
File: 1.13 MB, 1631x1373, 1621803631186.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being this much of a pretentious retard about vroom music

>> No.7789846

Saturn version has better music than the original arcade version.

>> No.7789847

Most of the best ones are in that period but the absolute best ones are post 2000.

>> No.7790067

He's right tho

>> No.7790084

>it's not just threads here
>shmupfags really ARE obsessed
fuckin kek

>> No.7790125

you haven't even played the first two games, have you

>> No.7790134

il guarantee i have times in burnout 2 you cant get near.

>> No.7790145

so you would therefore know its soundtrack and the one of its predecessor are nothing like burnout 3's soundtrack

unless you are genuinely disabled and think they're the same genre of music

>> No.7790176

sure doesnt make it any better though, compared to ridge racers, battle gears, segas etc its complete forgettable wank

>> No.7790192

They aren't
>cringe middle class white droney bullshit

You really are fucking clueless, aren't you.

>> No.7790201

look how emotional you are because somweone challenged your shite taste and hit a nerve because you are a middle class wwhite tosspot


and im better than you.

>> No.7790206

Where's the emotion? I'm calling you out for what you are: amazingly stupid.

>> No.7790471

Don't waste your time with retards, anon.

>> No.7790498

I left it there, I knew there was nothing else worthwhile coming from him.

Let's get that soundtrack playing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Ptqu3e5UVw

>> No.7790520

IMO the inclusion of burnout 1 and 2's score in paradise was an excellent move as I was not particularly fond of the licensed soundtrack.

>> No.7790560

stupid for pointing out burnouts have shit soundtracks? you're crying your fucking eyes out, im stupid yet better than you at the games you're getting all defensive about in your 30s lmao

its fucking garbage, only americans would like this cringe shit.

>> No.7790667

yes it was pretty shit in paradise

>> No.7790693

What's the best post-2000 racing game?

>> No.7790701

Burnout 3.

>> No.7790717

Midnight club 2


>> No.7790743

I have my own answer but I don't want to be shit on.

>> No.7790756

Just ignore the mong. He does this regularly in /vroom/, I'm amazed the sad cunt returned.

>> No.7790759

Well, that's good to know, but I know my answer is actually highly controversial and even legit posters would probably be compelled to hostility. Not looking for a fight.

>> No.7790761

>Hates burnout music
>Likes games with nigger music
Well that explains it.
Die, ape.

>> No.7790774

say it then, nobody will give a fuck

>> No.7790780 [SPOILER] 
File: 253 KB, 500x709, 1621886198260.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7790806
File: 618 KB, 3557x2363, 1621202822827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's TXR:D2 or Wipeout HD Fury
It's comfy, wish it was a bit more varied trackwise and a bit more difficult.

>> No.7790824

You do realise 2/3 of the games music is some form of techno right?

>> No.7790831
File: 730 KB, 3840x2160, Need For Speed High Stakes 24_05_2021 21_02_40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a fever and the only prescription is more screenshots.

>> No.7790873

It's 9/10ths shit.

>> No.7790936

grow up man child, this isnt your safe space for tribe think. Unlike you i actually play the games.

not even me retard


wrap your mind around this banger not that gay fucking yank buttrock for long hairs shite

>> No.7790974

That is fucking boring.

>> No.7791021

no its amazing full of energy, not like that boring as fuck grandad butt rock shite on burnout.

>> No.7791042

It isn't though, it's fucking dull.

>> No.7791213

Shmup is the superior vidya genre, deal with it.

>> No.7791257

>Peaked the lowest point of RR music for his "argument"
I have the soundtrack of all RR games on my computer and I can attest that RRV has absolutely no good songs. Even RR6 has at least one good song.
You're a retard.

>> No.7791278

Bmups > shmups > shit > racers

>> No.7792317
File: 215 KB, 1268x941, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I make my car fast I dont speak Japanese

>> No.7792347

Educated guess:
>Tire pressure(?) I don't fucking know
>Steering responsiveness (higher = turns left/right harder)
>Suspension stiffness (higher = more grip on flat surfaces, but also more prone to losing control when hitting a bump)
>Gearbox ratio (higher = longer ratio? Which means higher top speed and slower acceleration)
>Brake power (more = stronger break)

>> No.7792592

How do I not be shit at this game? I've reconfigured the controls to something sensible, but I can't for the life of me get the feel for driving in RL and I really can't tell if it is because I am terrible or the driving is terrible.

>> No.7793045

no you, your taste is shit, american detected.

no it really isnt, back to lng hairs for queermo

why are you here? go away ffs, no one wants you cringe as fuck losers around anymore.

>> No.7793058

>chav's bipolar personality has flipped back to hating all game genres except normie shit like racing games

top kek. must still be seething he got btfo by based rob and warriors of STATE.

>> No.7793059

Outrun 2 on Xbox
Outrun 2 SP NTSC-J on PS2

>> No.7793065


>> No.7793098
File: 124 KB, 375x409, 1526556900078.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he can't 1cc gradius

>> No.7793106

just go away you idiocracy prototype, go stalk someone else.

>> No.7793286
File: 618 KB, 3557x2363, monaco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The physics are weird. Wouldn't say bad, but weird, feels somewhat similiar to Wipeout lmao
The car floats on the road rather than sit it's weight on it, there's not much lateral friction, and you can manipulate how tight it turns
It's been a while since I last played it but I remember using the handbrake everywhere. You can get by just by using that at every turn that's slightly sharp, since it rotates the car without losing much speed, but it takes a while to figure out how much brake to apply for most of the turns, since you'll be turning in blind most of the time.

>> No.7793440

>my taste is the only correct taste
You are a total fucking weirdo. Is it any wonder everyone hates you?

If you weren't such a confrontational and arrogant retard, nobody on here would care about you.

>> No.7793484

It was actually the burnout guy with the "my taste is only one everythingf else is shit" attitude, but i already knew you couldnt read.

Being hated by you lot is a sig of going the right way and a badge of honor because you guys are depressingly inept.

>> No.7793490

You sure have severe problems with accepting responsibility, don't you. It's never your fault in these situations, it's always someone else who caused it.

That is the sign that you are the problem, not everyone else.

>> No.7793528

the evidence is right there mate, he even used "die ape" to someone who liked music he didnt... nice try though mentallist.

so what racing game you playing? im going for ghegs mt akina record in battle gear 2.

>> No.7793531

>/vroom/ - discord drama
That said speaking of music playing the Brain tunes included in MCII on a real sound setup are great. The bass is absolutely ear drum destruction even when giving out a clean sound.

>> No.7793537

Evidence? You started this whole shit off with >>7786340. You don't make that post, this string of replies never happens. You are wholly responsible for it.

>> No.7793541

I'm kinda late, but there's a whole damn community for re-volt tournaments with custom cars and maps as well as modes. They managed to create a full online play just like lobbies in nowadays games which you can fully customise to your likings.

>> No.7793545

also, can nfsu2 go under term of "retro"? I mean it's 20 years old or so, don't look as retro, but still.

>> No.7793551

lmao no, responsibility is personal, i shared my view which wasnt personal but generl and in return got some sperg going nuts that anyone DARE not like burnout music (which imo is terrible).

nice try at alienation from an imagined collective though you commie. Now stop replying please, you come here to cause shit with me all the time and you're frankly boring and like i said WHAT ARE YOU EVEN PLAYING?

>> No.7793562

No, you just shat on everyone who dared to like Burnout's soundtracks and then kept digging when you were called out for being an idiot. Then you got upset when people didn't RRV's soundtrack and lashed out at them again like you do every single time you post in here.

>> No.7793563

Of course it's retro by new /vr/ standards, it's a PS2 game.

>> No.7793565

listen to this infant? i said i didnt like it cus its shit they went nuts like man children cus HOW DARE then i didnt care if they didnt like RRV but stand by my view that its better so what are you even on about?

fuck off you mentally ill man child and tell me what racing game you are playing? or are you a fucking weirdo who just stalks me?

>> No.7793567

>you just shat on everyone who dared to like Burnout's soundtracks

>i dont like that


commie and pillow fucker.

>> No.7793568

neat, then I'm a retro gaymer now.
Found some old ass car configurator so that you can edit cars how you want. Gonna install free roam drift mod and tune the car up to 1k hp. I'm surprised with how flexible this game is and modding community is still somewhat alive

>> No.7793570

>i didnt care if they didnt like RRV
Why do you constantly lie? The evidence is there for all to see: >>7793045

>fuck off you mentally ill man child
Pretty sure that's you considering you've replied twice to the same post in a clear spergout. Oh, and nice misinterpretation of events to make it look like you did nothing wrong... again.

>> No.7793574

doesn't this thread have some idiot insulting ROTTERDAM NATION from ridge racer? and you faggots instead turn in to defend the shitty emo music from burnout
burnout 3's music is fucking gay and licensed soundtracks are garbage
you're a fucking faggot too for arguing with these tasteless fucking children, honestly can you imagine a fucking 30 year old man listening to burnout music? the concept causes physical pain

>> No.7793578

what makes him an idiot for not liking such talented bands as atreyu and 'the ordinary boys'

>> No.7793580 [DELETED] 

>doesn't this thread have some idiot insulting ROTTERDAM NATION from ridge racer?

unlucky mate, you dildos started it.

now AGAIN what are you playing anon? if you insist onm keep posting off topic il have to report you.

>> No.7793589

the man children here cant handle ppl not liking what they like and want a hive... as usual. They of course dont even play the games, have no good times in anything so just do this tribal thing.

>> No.7793593

Burnout 3's soundtrack is shit, I didn't disagree with that. It's the first two that are nothing like 3's that's the issue.

>> No.7793601

>all this obvious samefaggotry
You are a sad strange little man.

>> No.7793604

its only an issue because youre a pedantic sperg,
they arent good period especially compared to other racers which notoriously have great soundtracks. 1 and 2 are better than the rest at least but still not great and ive played burnout 2 to death and am willing to get some times going here so we can see how much you really love the game.. cus no one likes poseurs.

>> No.7793606
File: 5 KB, 301x131, wrong.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beats being a stupid skinny shut in fat proto pedo who doesnt even play.

back to elf and pillow

>> No.7793607

i agree that he's an idiot for not accepting that burnout 1 & 2 have perfectly fine soundtracks free of godawful 2003 eyeliner boy music but there are people itt genuinely foaming at the mouth over the idea of someone disliking teens screeching about how sad they are as the soundtrack for a racing game
two of those are me, i just entered the thread, you must be fucking retarded though because i write completely differently from the other guy

>> No.7793612

and double tarded cus you replied to me lmao

1 and 2 are fine, but forgettable, not on par. great games though but yeah its always the buttrock fags who have the most limited music taste,

>> No.7793614

>you must be fucking retarded though because i write completely differently from the other guy
Lol are you this fucking stupid? The IP counter hasn't moved. You're writing in the exact same way and defending him. Needing two devices to samefag? What a sad bastard you are, honestly.

>> No.7793615

>retro racing thread
>half of it is arguing about burnout 3 ost being bad or not

>> No.7793617

you dismissed 1 & 2 as being the same kind of shit as 3 though which is patently false
>The IP counter hasn't moved.
yeah i've posted in this thread before, it's a general lol

>> No.7793626

>you dismissed 1 & 2 as being the same kind of shit as 3 though which is patently false
Precisely, as said in >>7793593.

>> No.7793704

I still say games set at night - especially 3d games can really mask their age as darkness covers a multitude of sins of graphics detail and the usual contrast between darkness and often bright, artificial lights is generally pleasing to the eye as human vision is receptive to contrast (a factor into why things aimed at children use bright, bold colours). It is a /vroom/ game but has aged much better graphically than most wanted has for example.

>> No.7793918

who gives a fuck, you're just being pedantic. i didnt say anywhere they were the same only that they all suck which they do.

you're the sad bastard, you stalk me, you dont play, you think everyone is me because you cant bare to think others dont agree with you, you get autistic over shit osts and no matter how many times asked you wont mention ANYTHING about racng because you dont even fucking play, you're a blatant shut in cave dweller and a virgin.

For the last time WHAT do you PLAY?

i know, it is shit though init?

>> No.7794028

>i didnt say anywhere they were the same

>all the burnouts have cringe middle class white droney bullshit, terrible racing music

Why do you keep lying, holy fuck.

>> No.7794037

Your reading comprhension is non existent, middle class white droney bullshit isnt a genre and applies generally and all fall under it and are terrible racing music.

Gamers are always dumb as shit.

>> No.7794043

>middle class white droney bullshit isnt a genre and applies generally and all fall under it and are terrible racing music.
But as established above, B3 has a markedly different soundtrack to 1 & 2. They're not comparable, that's the whole issue here.

>> No.7794046

lmao look how pedantic and autsitc you are, its fucking pathetic and you dont even play the games anyway.

Yes they are different, yes they still count as middle class white droney bullshit
yes they are all shite.

fucking sort yourself out mate.

>> No.7794056

>Yes they are different, yes they still count as middle class white droney bullshit
Explain how, moron.

That RRV track you posted above is equally middle class white droney bullshit.

>> No.7794061

lmao the RRV track is stellar well produced techno which fyi has its roots in detroit.... hardly middle class white or droney

let it go you sad clueless fuck, you're an adult for fuck sake.

>> No.7794062

>stellar well produced techno
Did we listen to two different tracks? It's dull as fuck.

>> No.7794067

you think burnout 3 has good music, i don't share your taste.

>> No.7794070

Can all of you sad fucking bastards arguing about the Burnout soundtracks kindly go and kill yourselves, you've fucking ruined this thread.

>> No.7794110

blame the yank sperg who cant handle people not liking his shit butt rock. Rest of us actually play the games.

>> No.7794120

I'm blaming the fucking lot of you. Why did you all keep carrying on with that shite? Are you all complete retards?

>> No.7794164

>american detected
Lmao nigger. Wrong again.
As I said, you're a fucking retard, as everyone else in this thread has already noticed and pointed out.

>> No.7794251
File: 2.86 MB, 1182x662, Chalk Canyon 2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want to go fast in old games.....

>> No.7794456

>oh the thread is getting some traction
>it's just two mongs arguing about music used in 20 years old games
I liked Arena

>> No.7794460

>always appealing to the hive

no, you're on your own non playing dipshite, butthurt, ceething and BTFO

>> No.7794509
File: 17 KB, 381x235, realisation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Burnout is 20 this year

>> No.7794526
File: 2.55 MB, 1299x881, 1621963351412.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes /v/ can be useful.

>> No.7794527

I said you were a retard before it even started, and I was right. Burnout's music is still fine, and you're still a dumb niger.

>> No.7794536
File: 2.70 MB, 640x492, DD2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always felt DD2 was a bit too crazy.

>> No.7794538

middle class white cringe misery into drone whilst playing game poorly. Dare you to post a single time and ill fucking destroy it for a laugh on hardware

>> No.7794539
File: 734 KB, 220x220, ohno.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go on a random yt video of Auto Modellista
>dudes in the comments saying the oldest racing games they played are GT4/NFS:MW

>> No.7794549
File: 23 KB, 482x444, scout reaction.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh no
I'm old

>> No.7794553

Given that webm is of total destruction mode which is a survival mode the game is nowhere near that aggressive for wrckin' racing or regular bowls.

>> No.7794567

auto modellista was the most disappointing game ever.

>> No.7794572

I know that. Even the regular tracks it always felt too fast for me. Didn't help that 2 was the last DD I played out of the four.

>> No.7794590
File: 26 KB, 480x360, goncern.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post fave fictional cars lads.
TF2 also becomes 14 this year and it runs like complete shit

>> No.7794603
File: 1.19 MB, 2881x2153, DOSBox 0.74, Cpu speed_ max 100% cycles, Frameskip 0, Program_ NFS 25_05_2021 20_02_33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Accept no substitutes. The mighty Warrior PTO E/2.

>> No.7794615

I remember seeing it on magazines when I was a kid and never finding a copy of it anywhere.
Managed to play it this year. How did they manage to create 2 different physics sets and make them both that shit I will never understand.

>> No.7794746

Fictional cars >>>>>> real cars
I wish it was a common practice for arcade racers.

>> No.7794749

>I wish it was a common practice for arcade racers.
It is and by a huge margin.

>> No.7794753

Renaming a Dodge Viper isn't exactly what I'm talking about. I mean Ridge Racer-tier creativity.

>> No.7794795
File: 49 KB, 720x540, 653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone remember N.I.C.E. 2 (apparently also marketed as BreakNeck)? Bit rough around the edges but the career included vehicular combat and it had hilarious early attempts at visual damage and car deformation. Became one of my childhood defining racing games after I got it in a computer game magazine around 2001.

>> No.7794798
File: 140 KB, 892x501, autos-in-nice-2_2249855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7794806
File: 8 KB, 347x145, basedlizard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ridge Racer just shits on everyone in else in that department desu.
The only other franchise that comes close is Burnout and sometimes GTA
First time I've heard of it anon is it fun?

>> No.7794832

I tried to play it recently but couldn't get it working.

>> No.7794851

It's hard to tell whether it's still worth playing for the first time or just for revisiting for the nostalgia factor, but on a technical level it was pretty impressive for a meh budget racing game in 1998. Has a pretty varied vehicle roster and as I've said the damage and weapons can be pretty funny.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tXrY4evlS_c (the fog isn't distance fog, it's either specific to the track or a weather setting, but this is pretty much the only gameplay video with some involvement of weapons that I could find)

>> No.7794883
File: 328 KB, 2032x2048, vroom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like one of those games that fills his own special niche and "feel" and that you get the urge to replay once every few months :)
Might give it a shot just for the old hockeneim + guns combo

>> No.7794893

Once every few months is a gross overstatement, I remember it once or twice a year but haven't played it in a decade. Half the reason I played it so much is probably that I had it, not that it was particularly good.

>> No.7794927
File: 137 KB, 737x737, florio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, fair enough. Always feels a bit bad to go back to some jankier racers after some nostalgia kicked in. You notice the "cracks" more when you get older.

>> No.7794935

Off the top of my head, the ones that have the largest rosters of fictional cars are
>Ridge Racer
>Demolition Racer
>Hotwheels games (well, duh)

>> No.7794941

Does a good Hotwheels game exist?

>> No.7794954

The one currently in development doesn't look too bad. If Hotwheels aren't dumbasses this time it may just turn out good.

>> No.7794971
File: 84 KB, 720x405, Italia_gagliano_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Motorstorm really felt like the last hurrah for fun racing games.
really miss it lads, shame it's both dead and not retro.

>> No.7794990

Motorstorm PR is the God of off-road racers.
>Shame it's not retro
Really, should we even care about the retro rule in this general?

>> No.7794993

at least pretend

>> No.7795057
File: 340 KB, 1080x731, 3425467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doubt the jannies or anyone else cares, but yeah, at least pretend. It's not like there are other decent generals for the genre on the site

>> No.7795265

I don't really play racing games, but am setting up a friend's console and wanted to put at least one on. What would you consider to be the best all around racing game for the PS2? I know Gran Turismo is a big name.

>> No.7795282

If he's a normalfag just give him Gran Autismo. I doubt he cares.
If he does care, give him good stuff, like the Burnout games.

>> No.7795308

Go for Burnout 3 if your friend is not all that much into racing anon. It's enjoyable even if you don't particularly care about the genre

>> No.7795441


>> No.7797508

whats the best burnout if you arent really into crash stuff but has great racing?

>> No.7797529

1 is pure racing and 2 isn't far behind.

>> No.7797728

Someone talk me out of scouring eBay for old pc racing games that can be had for pennies. Nothing GOOD of course.

>> No.7797770

what's the best turnleft game
like one with really visceral damage or something, something that really captures the only exciting thing about nascar

>> No.7797826

I don't know much about turnleft except RAISE HELL PRAISE DALE so take this with a grain of salt
I've heard good things about NR2003 and the papyrus games in generla but they seem more like sims.
There's the yearly EA games that went on until 2008 I think which should be at least decent, and then there's dirt to daytona for the 6th gen consoles which features a shitton of different minor series going into nascar, including dirt track racing.

>> No.7797834

i think the sim type is more what i'm looking for, not sure how entertaining it would be with arcade physics when you're just driving ovals
i'll check out the papyrus ones, i played grand prix legends before and it's pretty great

>> No.7797850

go for it

>> No.7797856

There's only one correct answer, and it's NR2003.

>> No.7797859

try getting a copy of al unser jr arcade racing, i remember it being pretty shit
already downloading it lol, hope it's not too annoying to play with a 360 pad

>> No.7797882

I played it with a keyboard some years back, should be fine with a gamepad, you can probably set what level of assists you want in the options.

>> No.7797897
File: 172 KB, 1200x650, minardee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even rFactor is doable with a controller, just takes some time to get used to. Try a DS4 with the gyro if you can, it works as a makeshift wheel and it's fun

>> No.7798024


>> No.7798282

i've got it working now with my dualshock 3 and it seems to play pretty well, shadows are a mess and glitching a lot though so i have to sort that out before i can start playing properly, kind of astonishing that it supports 4k resolution out of the box

>> No.7798435

You mean paradise? Aka, the franchise killer.

>> No.7798467


>> No.7798482

It wasn't a franchise killer - it was the last game they made before EA took complete control and anyone with half a brain saw burnotu being kileld becaise EA refuses to allow anything to compete against need for speed. Their purchase of codemasters is to stifle the last bit of competition they can throw money at to make go away as forza (the only real other game left standing) is backed by MS and thus untouchable.

>> No.7798668
File: 129 KB, 256x310, nfsporsche.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the best way to play pic related in the current year? Last time I played it was about a decade ago, it's one of my favorite games. I'm not even a huge Porsche fan, but it's such a comfy game, especially because of the Evolution campaign.

>> No.7798685
File: 2.96 MB, 700x394, Porsche 2021-04-19 19-50-04.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Install game
download Verok's patch
MAYBE download the devreorder tool to fix the sloooooow menus when changing controls

As ever check pcgamingwiki https://www.pcgamingwiki.com/wiki/Need_for_Speed:_Porsche_Unleashed

>> No.7799121

yeh ive rinsed 2 and thiunk il get 1

ive hear this also because its a psp port and has no crash mode init@?

>> No.7799193

Thank you, much appreciated.

>> No.7799729

Thanks to those that recommended turnleft 2003, it's pretty fun for what it is, but i have no idea who has the patience to drive a full 200+ lap race in this, got tapped lightly on the final lap of a 20 lap race and ended up third which was rather upsetting.

>> No.7799852
File: 1.00 MB, 896x1280, Neo_DriftOut_Neo_Geo_AES_JAP__75302.1557263388.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone ever play this, from the gameplay i saw seems, pretty fun

>> No.7799974

yeah i play it sometimes in finalburn, don't try it with a regular controller though, it's designed for arcade sticks, it's also pretty damn brutal

>> No.7800918

>shit grip mixed with drift handling
>career mode done in under 2h
>only 8 tracks

at least Capcom didn't make racing games anymore..

>> No.7801001
File: 115 KB, 800x533, 800px-Alfa_Romeo_164_procar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't forget the stupid powerful brakes.
Slowing down feels like an on-off button
Or the time either. I barely find time for the longer gtsport races. I guess it's worth it with a full autism simrig.

Lads, I want to try one of the early NFS games. Which one has the "heavier" handling?

>> No.7801064

Not bad, but I find it quite inferior to Gaelco's World Rally 1/2 and Kaneko's 1000 Miglia.
Have fun!