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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 21 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7766316 No.7766316 [Reply] [Original]

How in the fuck were you supposed to know you can fall through the lava in this one particular section?

What shitty game design.

>> No.7766340

Yeah Metroid 1 is pretty shitty, same as Zelda 1. Thankfully it got a remake, which is one of the few good games on the GBA.

>> No.7766361

but seriously how the fuck were you supposed to know? that's why I hate old NES games. I love playing them but I always get stuck at one point but I am too arrogant to look up a guide because I am also afraid of spoilers or that i will read something I didnt want to know but this shit...really how should you know? Bruteforce is the answer.

>> No.7766362


>> No.7766372

Obvious bait is obvious. I wish jannies would start deleting shit like this on sight.

>> No.7766381

How is this bait? There is literally ZERO indication you can go through the lava only in this one specific screen. At least in Super you had the indication with the other broken glass tube.

>> No.7766403

>on sight
Let me give you a little tip about how moderation works on 4chan now: The mods don't actively patrol the site. They just wait for reports to come in and then deal with posts individually.

>> No.7766410

Today's kids have no problem with bullshit artificial difficulty bullshit modern games where you have no hope of beating anything unless you're insanely lucky and yet can't comprehend actually trying shit in old games because something might look like there's an area below.
Stay on /v/ where you belong.

>> No.7766478

Okay anon, I played this game as a kid and ill tell you how

>one, once you get bombs and fairly natural to want to bomb any floors that have anything beneath them, just for curiosities sake
>two, there's an enemy that spawns under there that'll float up, cluing you off
>three, probably unintentional, but since its a vertically scrolling room, if you jump the screen will actually scroll slightly when you land which kind of makes it suspicious. I jumped willy nilly as a kid so that's how I found it
>guides/nintendo power were big at the time

>> No.7766552

They designed it that way so you would go buy the strategy guide. There was no internet back then. It was all a scam.

>> No.7766564

Invisible walls and leaps of faith were common back then.

>> No.7766598

yeah, you're supposed to network with the other kids at your school, no matter what game, one of the kids was autistic enough to try to bomb every tree in zelda etc. and for really bullshit stuff like castlevania two someone in the school has nintendo power and the knowledge will get around

>> No.7766602

Aye, and I miss them for the same reasons many zoomers seethe over them.

>> No.7766656

the companion manga functions as a walkthrough

>> No.7766695

This guys right. I found it pre-internet. I just played a lot of metroid. Also isn't that section and area a secret? Its an early freeze beam. You aren't necessarily supposed to find all the secrets in a game. Its like a hidden thing you got really lucky to find, not something anyone stumbles upon.

>> No.7766706

By asking your bros at school you dumb loser zoomie. One of the boys would come over to show you how to do it
>tfw when class nerd beat water temple for me

>> No.7766714

And that's the real tragedy of young gamers like OP, isn't it? They have no appreciation for secrets that actually hidden, so they chalk it up to "bad game design" and waste our time with threads like these.

>> No.7766820

You weren't supposed to know. They made it obtuse like that so you wouldn't beat it on a rental and would take months going over every pixel to try to find the one trick to proceed.

>> No.7766838
File: 12 KB, 120x120, samus4_4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This wasn't the only place to get the ice beam. The other one is much more straight forward. You can beat the game without ever knowing this.

>> No.7766846

God I wish I could play an nes game with this amount of pure unfiltered atmosphere and exploration again. Hell, it doesn't even need to be an nes game, I'd take an indie game at this point. I'd take anything

>> No.7766852

I reported this post for FAGGOTRY

>> No.7766853

environmental station alpha

>> No.7766856
File: 208 KB, 256x374, Digital_Devil_Story_Megami_Tensei.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Play Megami Tensei

>> No.7766868

play the 2nd one on gameboy if you haven't.

>> No.7766872

Blaster Master

>> No.7767052

I've heard good things about this game, I wonder how easy it is to pirate. I just got into the binding of isaac for the first time so I've been interested in indie games recently, I'll definitely check it out.
I'm a little too retarded for dungeon crawlers, although I did like King's Field quite a bit. Maybe I'll see whats up. King's field had atmosphere out the ass so I'm sure this would probably scratch that itch
I actually have the cart from when I was a kid, its the game that got me into metroid, though I never beat it. Maybe this is a sign
I've played this a little bit, and it does indeed rule, I'll probably play it some more. It seemed pretty action-y, which I like, but was lacking a bit on the atmosphere from what I remember. Its been a while regardless though
Thanks for the recs!

>> No.7767057
File: 18 KB, 460x215, 489.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got the game you want right here and it's even /vr/-related to boot.

>> No.7767164

This. Strategy guides were big business back then. Nintendo Power had guides in it. There were dedicated strategy guides for major games. There was a hint line for like $3.95/minute. And when you're 8 years old in the pre-Internet days you don't do shit except play the same games for hours and hours and then trade info about it on the playground with other kids who did the exact same thing.

>> No.7767341

>and it's even /vr/-related
>PC 2005

How is this /vr/ ?

>> No.7767357

Like Cave Story it's had so many re-releases I'm never sure which one I need to get. Are there any console ports where I can play with just the original PC graphics and music?

>> No.7767370

Yeah i don't like the 1980s either

>> No.7767373

From the sticky:
>Retro gaming means platforms launched in 2001 and earlier, and official game titles for those platforms released no later than December 2007 (homebrew console games made after this date will be permitted). The Microsoft Xbox, Nintendo GameCube, Nintendo Game Boy Advance, and Sony PlayStation 2 will now be considered "retro".
Windows XP launched in 2001, and La Mulana was released for XP computers in 2005, so it's /vr/.

>> No.7767674

I never heard of anyone that used that service. Didn't even know it existed until internet retards starting telling us that the entire game catalog is a conspiracy to sell hints to kids.

>> No.7767976

were strategy guides the original paid content?

>> No.7767995

No. See >>7767674

>> No.7768000

Metroid is cryptic.
Cause the rules are fucking stupid.

>> No.7768089

Just play it on Steam.

>> No.7768096

its a case of "80s developers underestimated skills of userbase", in thia case meaning some designer thought "yes, the kids will be bad enough at this and drop in the lava by mistake" and went for it. 90s on had the case reversed and ultimately developed into "lets assume the buyer has never played a videogame".

>> No.7768110

Isn't this optional? Like, you have to specifically shoot that floor, with a special bullet at that if I remember correctly. If you're there, why not give it a try? Why would it be there, otherwise?

>> No.7768114

Don't worry. Megaten is easy as piss beyond the first section, once you have settled your party.

>> No.7768623

Yeah, but you also had to filter out a lot of made up bull shit. Not sure if I miss it.

>> No.7769405

>report off-topic AND troll post
>nothing happens
polite sage