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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 94 KB, 640x905, 150987-Xenosaga_Episode_III_-_Also_sprach_Zarathustra_(USA)_(Disc_2)-1 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7766257 No.7766257 [Reply] [Original]

Was looking for pic related because I was missing it out of the 2 I did have.
>NTSC Well over $100
>NTSC J? $30 lol
Why the fuck is our hobby so expensive here compared to Japan? These games aren't exactly rare.

>> No.7766262

Learn Japanese, it's fun and you save money.

>> No.7766267

Amerifats amass gigantic collections and never let go of them until they die, at which point their games are swept away in some midwestern garage sale by enterprising scalpers.

In Japan it's normal for people to eventually resell 90% of the books and games they buy, and in good quality. So the market stays healthy. Or at least it was, until Youtubers started going to Japan and dropping $5k at Super Potato or whatever. Those games never come back into the ecosystem.

>> No.7766278

No, it will never collapse. If you didn't bother to buy something when it was cheap, you won't bother to buy it now, nor will you in the future.

Heh why is it always foreign fags who complain about collectors because they're poor? You're poor, deal with it. Emulate.

>> No.7766283


I'm pretty happy with my collection of <50 games, all of which I've played and mean something to me. Enjoy your epic man-cave of rotting discs, I'm sure it'll fill the void in your life where human contact is supposed to go.

>> No.7766319

Collectors have turned this hobby into mainly about flipping. Every retro store where I live here wants top dollar for beatup copies of 6th gen and below games. I came across a Twilight Princess on wii for well over $120. It needs to stop. Even Silent Hill 2,3,4, have gone way up there now.

>> No.7766354
File: 453 KB, 800x674, tmp_7235-Retrogameprices95109236812919134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You just have to wait.

>> No.7766379

>rotting discs
I own thousands of LDs, thousands more CD, and nearly a thousand DVDs and only two LDs have rotted, both from a batch with contaminated water.

Disc rot is a total meme.

>> No.7766383

Why's it need to stop? You can always emulate...

>> No.7766390

Coronavirus really has driven the process up on retro gaming across the board. I knew it was bad before, but seeing PS2s going for nearly $100 blew my fucking mind.

>> No.7766393

Or he could play it off an HDD if he freemcboots it. I'm done dealing with software via optical media and it's jacked up prices.

>> No.7766407

For every one of you there's another three people who NEED this or that on the original format. Aside from my largely speculative venture into vintage vidya, I also collect jazz records and let me tell you, many of those go for over $1000 even if there are reprints available.

>> No.7766412

Seen it for 10 bucks years ago too now only the 100 dollar copy Noone bought is left.

>> No.7766417

Please don't dry up the Japanese market, American flippers.

>> No.7766418

I've managed to sell every piece of game hardware and software I had. Then, I bought some cheap option that could emulate those systems properly. I'm feeling more satisfied this way, I play what I want, when I want, and shaved off a pretty good time I used to spend on maintaining a collection.

That said, I do agree with many here: if you don't like the state of things now, then emulate. Maybe you'll happier this way. If you have some free time, try to learn about it, taking it slow, making progress little by little, and see if you like it.

>> No.7766431

Does repairing and flipping count?

>> No.7766445


The problem with emulation is there's zero commitment involved. It's too easy to play a game for 5 minutes, then switch to a different one and so on forever.

When you have a physical collection you have a list of games you're gonna play. Emulation is great for many reasons, but it feels too flimsy.

>> No.7766453

Eh, I would say that's okay.

>> No.7766459

No. Get a job.

>> No.7766471

You can say the same thing for something like the .hack// games. I have the first two, but fuck getting the remaining ones. I'll just sell what I have and play the rest off PS2 HDD.

>> No.7766482

Eventually it will collapse. And hard. Be patient.

>> No.7766484

I understand your point, it's valid and it happens, but it's more on the player than the way of playing. Nowadays, I focus on one or two games, until I finish them or get tired. Many times, I beat again some old ones. I started like you said though: "too many options! I don't know what the fuck to play!"

My physical collection wasn't doing me very well, sometimes I played out of obligation, since I had to check if everything was working properly or just because I needed to feel my money wasn't wasted. Again, it's on the player, I could like staying with the physical collection, but I felt more satisfied changing to emulation.

I think it's good that both tastes can be attended to.

>> No.7766487

Based and ascended

>> No.7766498

So you're telling me to buy them all while I can? Thank you, will help myself.

>> No.7766582

There is a copy of this and 2 going for like $400 and still climbing on Ebay Australia, .Hack complete collection is going for like $700+ and has 7 days left, its mental.

>> No.7766658

>.hack complete collection
shit i bought 3 of those for $100 together just 2 years ago

>> No.7766668

>Why the fuck is our hobby so expensive here compared to Japan?
Sega Saturn is probably the biggest shocker when it comes to this.

>> No.7767141

Not until the generation that played it is in their 50s.

>> No.7767148

Reselling is a crime and nintendo is right to sue you. get fucked ebayer

>> No.7767163
File: 1.40 MB, 1440x2560, tmp_12902-Screenshot_20210421-0819586631394358144756312.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I had the money to go to Japan and spend $5000.

>> No.7767258

In all fairness Xenosaga 3 is kind of a rare game. But what really fucks it up is the elusive holographic cover version. The holographic cover is very rare and therefore expensive so I think sellers see that and try to pass on the regular version as more rare then it is.

>> No.7767418

What app is this?

>> No.7767479
File: 267 KB, 1000x1000, X3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This game is worth money? I bought this at like Wal-Mart when PS2's where still a thing and it's literally sitting on my DVD/CD rack to this day untouched. No less I have the first two games as well so they're all sitting toghether as a trilogy.

>> No.7767503

kek, the edit makes it look like you have an enormous copy of the game sitting behind your shelf

>> No.7767569

If you don't have a fucking massive copy of every game in the franchise are you even a Xeno fan?

>> No.7767624

I have Xenosaga (and every Xeno game) and every item in my collection has x3, x5, even x10. I could make several thousand but I hold a ton of sentimental value.
Should I sell all of them except a couple good ones?

>> No.7767629

Post pic of collection, that actually sounds cool

>> No.7767645

>See people posting about how they can't afford to get into Ace Combat 04-5-0 on original hardware anymore
>Look prices up
>On ebay completely reasonable for both PAL and NTSC copies, other than the usual few price gouged listings, maybe a little on the steep end for 0 but even then not over like, $50 US for reasonable condition copies
I think part of the current pricing crisis might just be people being fucking retarded.
For a couple of games I've really enjoyed but are prohibitively expensive for whatever reason I've gone with a Japanese copy just so I can have it on disc and on the shelf. Xenogears was the main one, since it never got a PAL release to begin with.

>> No.7767965

the game sold shitloads in japan whereas it sold a handful in usa. same deal with valkyrie profile jp version being 15 bucks sealed copy while na copy is $500 cib

>> No.7767996
File: 3.81 MB, 4032x2839, xenocollection.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recently sold my Xeno collection, but only because I'm parting with just about my entire vidya collection to focus on work/school. Xenosaga III and Xenoblade X were the hardest to let go. Funny enough, I remember being conflicted on paying $100 for XSIII, but then I was able to sell it for over $200. Not a bad deal.
All I have now are Switch and PC, so Monolith better give us Xenoblade X2 one day.

>> No.7768119

>buying games
Download the game and burn a disc or use OPL. You aren't supporting the devs by buying used games, and scumbag resellers can starve to death for all i care.

>> No.7768125

Gameye collection tracker

>> No.7768142

>>300$ for Blood Will Tell
Fuck that game isn't even that good.

Why the fuck is Sahntae 200 bucks?

>> No.7768205

We've been having these fucking threads since 2013 and the answer will always be no. You missed your chance to get games cheap go get shit for the PS3 and 360 before those blow up from a combo of nostalgia and youtubers so we don't gotta see you or some other dipshit whining in five years when those start to go up in price.

>> No.7768217

xenosaga 3 had a limited release in the west so pal copies are rare as rocking horse shit

while xenosaga 2 was mass produced,i got a copy of 2 for like 15 quid

that is why,rareity and JRPGs go hand in hand when it comes to price,luckily i was smart and collected that shit from when it was all new and snapped up every jrpg in my towns pawnshops so now i have an entire shelf of some of the rarest ps2 games im gonna drop on ebay eventually

>> No.7768226


The worst thing about this market is that it's being desperately and artificially altered by a bunch of idiots trying to validate their hobby and turn it into income. They're shooting themselves in the foot too, games are still too low a price to even be worth inflating them and they're liable to also spend whatever they gained scalping to pay for other scalpers. The sad part is that at the end of the day many of the scalped games are Nintendo games made for kids, and they're the ones who are likely to be robbed of the experience. The coolest part of this hobby was getting into all these games that were almost forgotten at a much cheaper price and then being able to talk about it with your friends. Scalpers have gotten so annoying that they're even doing it to new games like XC2 and most 3DS games.

>> No.7768228

i collect shellac for the gramophone can confirm the old shit is pricey,even a single can fetch alot

>> No.7768237

lmao bruh,retro gaming is like modern antiques,things will only go up in price

as long as there is a demand there will be high prices,lmao like bruh like 9 million people now know about some obscure game called plumbers wear ties on the 3do and it made the price soar

in a few years my collection is going up on ebay and atm its worth easy 4000 bux right now,probs will be 6k by then

>> No.7768238

XB2 being hard to get at the moment is just unreal. It's a mid size release from one of the big three vendors, sold well and even just had a character added to Smash. No excuse for Nintendo to not be printing it, and no sense for people to be honestly inflating the price when there's already millions in circulation.
That's the other thing, there's often hundreds of thousands on the low end, to approaching tens of millions of functionally identical copies of these, and for more modern releases, an infinite supply online for the foreseeable. Any scarcity is completely artificial.

>> No.7768380

I wasn't able to get everything I wanted, but I knew a guy who worked at a game/music store. He even let me borrow games before buying a few times. Still mad my dumb ass didn't buy Darkstalkers 3 (which he forgot he loaned me).

My only semi recent score was getting Rule of Rose from a local store before they knew it was expensive. $25.

>> No.7768382

All the 3DS Pokemon games are close to $100 now in my country. It's fucked up.

>> No.7768387

i got it, and the expansion, just before the price increase. i almost feel like i scammed the guy

>> No.7768487

The retro market will never collapse, that's how antiques work. Individual games may drop in price if they're ported to modern systems, but retro collecting will just get pricier over time.

>> No.7768793

I learned the other day the 3ds version of Soul Hackers is expensive as fuck, thank god I never sold it.

>> No.7768927

I think all the megaten 3ds games are expensive.

source: people ive seen whining online
i bought them all on release, so i have no idea

>> No.7768928

Most games do NOT deserve commitment. Perhaps one in five hundred console games is worth an hour or more.

>> No.7769010

Japanese games can be expensive too anon. This game being expensive makes sense.
>released in 2006 when the PS2 was slowing down hard
>small printrun
>niche series
Likely it is a little inflated because of newer Xeno fans coming from Xenoblade, but this is the kind of game that would naturally be more expensive. If you are that upset about it being expensive, PS2 piracy is not that hard.

>> No.7769030


I'm not talking about shovelware, I'm talking about genuinely good games that you never see the end of because there's so much other interesting shit to try.

>> No.7769128

Not him, but just pay all of them no mind. After all, you won't know if it's a great game until you try it yourself, no need to rush. Many times I've read some dude saying "you must play that, great game, yadda yadda", then I proceeded to play the game and didn't like it. Just play something you think it will be worthwhile and commit to it. If you don't like it, put it aside, maybe come back later if you will, but keep digging for that gold. I've found many games I liked that way, and deleted many more I didn't have fun with. In the end, I discovered that, if I'm not committing to a game, that's probably because I didn't like it, so I don't even fret about it, I just move on.

>> No.7769226

Like what? It's not like they're making new retro vidya. Everybody already knows what all the good titles are.

>> No.7769231

I price quoted by PS2 collection several years back and nothing was impressively valuable. Would it be worth repricing it now?

>> No.7769235

>just checked on a random one, God Hand
>complete $204.63

yeah, I probably should.

>> No.7769758
File: 33 KB, 480x360, received_141517054630004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>flip games daily, buy cheap as fuck on marketplace/locally/second hand websites and sell
>dumb nerds who buy from me at ebay prices think they are investing in s&p500
>I buy like 20 pokemon games a week for 1/10 of "lmaomarketprice"
>totally gona keep going up bro

Maybe, and that's a big maybe, really rare games like some sega cd, 32x and shiturn might follow a logarithmic uptrend, but no way in hell your shitmon games that sold 10 million copies will hold current value. At least not while Im alive and flipping, niggers.

>> No.7769759

cool story bro

>> No.7769763
File: 627 KB, 1080x2134, 20210518_222940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of the games i sold today, 150€ or 200us burgers. No manual. Game is trash, will colect dust and rot on a shelf. Guy was very happy with his purchase. He was obese btw.

>> No.7769765
File: 35 KB, 405x721, received_764687080881139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mint crystal, 100€, sold in 1h after listing. Have 10 more.

>> No.7769773
File: 438 KB, 2300x4096, received_916386305599432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actual good and rare game Im keeping, just for the fuck of it, dont even own a mega cd

>> No.7769784
File: 91 KB, 720x960, received_195367842319748.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just listed. Asking 200-250.
Already getting messages. One of you retards probably wants this emerald, feel free to buy it, will ship worldwide.

>> No.7769790

Damn, I bought and sold God Hand for $10 back in the day in good condition. Has it actually grown a decent sized fanbase or is this another instance of resellers being fags?

>> No.7769798

You sound very middle eastern. I would suggest driving your goat wife if you need your ego stroked.

>> No.7769803

The Dark Souls meme shone a light in older hard games that zoomers didn't even know existed. Demand spiked.

>> No.7769808

>mutts on race watch

>> No.7769820

confirmed butthurt mohammed

>> No.7769837

Samefag is same

>> No.7769840

Buy more sandnigger games mutt, suport local terrorism

>> No.7771970

Nobody wants your PAL copies lmao

>> No.7771984

Flippers in Japan must have found more profitable targets.

>> No.7772223

I've seen the prices locally come down a bit from two weeks ago. I do think the coronavirus gibs caused a bit of an artifical spike.

>> No.7772984

the current state of the retro games market is by far the worst i've ever seen it. i feel fortunate that i lost all interest in collecting video games nearly a decade ago but i sincerely feel for the kids who are just getting into it now. my advice to all the newcomers and zoomers out there struggling in this market is to set a frim 20-30 dollar limit for how much you're willing to spend for a game and let these faggot brick and mortar stores asking ebay prices to sit on their precious merchandise. its their livelihood on the line and ive seen countless gamestores come and go. don't let them play you for a sucker

>> No.7773087

I sell 1 PAL tenkaichi 3 to mutts a week for 80€ or 100 burgers

>> No.7774000

>but i sincerely feel for the kids who are just getting into it now.

At least they have hacked consoles, emulators, and digital copies sold on modern consoles. I don't care for much of >>7767163
but I'm still asshurt that chulip prices suddenly skyrocketed once I remembered that I wanted to get it and Haunting Ground prices went full retard.

>> No.7775028

There's something infuriating about people suddenly deciding they want Gamecubes and GC games and driving up prices hideously, despite nobody giving a shit back in the day. Same for Vitas costing more now than when they were still in production just a year or two back.
At least most systems have robust piracy options these days, so other than initial setup cost it's not so hideous if you just want to play the games.

>> No.7775401


>> No.7775748

Some games are already more than 100 or close on ps3,look up el shaddai for example.

>> No.7775953
File: 387 KB, 750x1284, 24CEC4F0-D23A-40EF-A378-CC5A22E29189.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just downloaded this because of your post. Thanks, anon.
Apparently I have a couple pricy games but I don’t understand why some of these, like silent hill 2 and Layton 6 are this expensive

>> No.7776308


>pokemans black

the fuck

>> No.7776387

I don’t get it either.
It’s a good game and all, but it’s not anything so crazy that it should be that much.
Maybe it’s because of the unique rumble feature

>> No.7776875

There's a huge portion of collectors who buy shit for the sake of having it rather than wanting to play the actual games and they're the ones largely responsible for making stuff fly up especially those fags who want a complete collection they can post on youtube.

>> No.7777029

i wish i had coomlected a bunch of copies of Drill Dozer when Ollies had them for 10$

>> No.7777116

I feel that way about a lot of games.
I sold Mario Strikers, DoUble Dash, Metroid prime 1&2, and a bunch of others a long time ago and I wish I hadn’t.
I also saw lollipop chainsaw in store for like 2 dollars in 2017 and now it’s kind of expensive again.

>> No.7777120

It has been deflating a little bit, but it will never go back to pre-covid numbers.

>> No.7777124
File: 230 KB, 649x948, kuon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>15 years ago bought at GS for $10
>5 years later sell old games
>want to get game again
>see pic related

>> No.7777125

I agree, its also why I prefer going to the theatre than watching something on Netflix.

However one way to kind of mitigate that is if you have an ODE on a disc-based system or a flash cart or something is to only load a small amount of games at a time rather than the entire console library. I find limited choice helps me actually play and finish things.

>> No.7777127

>The retro market will never collapse, that's how antiques work.
then you clearly dont know how antiques work. Some things stay rare and expensive, yes, but just like retro gaming trends, there is a spike of interest in a specific style/type, which changes as decades pass.

>> No.7777129

Shitmon is already lowering quite quickly. Platinum CIB went from $206 CAD to $132. I'm mad I can't find the cart because I want to sell it.

>> No.7777135

My parents have been buying and selling antiques for decades and there is definitely shifting trends. Some things always are more valuable but shit falls in value. Coca-Cola stuff is one of them that plummeted, same with metal signs in general.

>> No.7777179

No one actually wants this game to play it. Even the people who own it, they just know its rare and like having it on their shelf

>> No.7777628

>xenosaga 3 had a limited release in the west so pal copies are rare as rocking horse shit
I thought only Xenosaga 2 got a PAL release, I haven't found any infor regarding part 1 or 3 in Europe