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File: 61 KB, 500x495, 52462-Tony_Hawk's_Pro_Skater_2_(E)-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7756067 No.7756067 [Reply] [Original]

The perfect game doesn't ex.....


>> No.7756092

You’re right. If I could only choose one retro game it would unironically be this

>> No.7756104

Although I think you could pick she choose things you like better in 1 or 2, I think 3 is the perfect take on it's gameplay and level design. 4 wasn't bad but went a little too far out there for me. Underground did the mission system better than 4 imo.

>> No.7756151

3 is one of my favorites too, so is underground. idk right now I feel like 2 is the best but sometimes i feel like underground or 3 is better.
I love american wasteland as well, and Tony hawk 1 is fun to speed through.

>> No.7756153

American Wasteland might be my favorite, if I blind myself to the stupid updapunk fukk the man!! themes lol. That shit is draining at this age, so I prefer the simplicity and arcade nature of 1-3.

>> No.7756197

I love the first 3 games. It's provably my favorite sports game because of its arcade-like nature.

>> No.7756237

The N64 port fucking ruined this game for me, fuck the N64

>> No.7756251

I played it on ps1. I brought up the game to my friend and he said he had it as well.
>hyped as fuck let's have a sleep over
He pulls out a cartridge that night
Holy shit the controls were bad. The C buttons just don't feel right at all.

>> No.7756521

I played it on playstation first but honestly I think the n64 version is fine.

>> No.7756559

That's not the Dreamcast version

>> No.7756601

The mechanics of this game really burrow their way into your brain. This is one of those games I simply have to play at least once every couple of months since nothing else is quite like it. Grind Session and Dave Mirra and stuff are cool but THPS2 is the king.

>> No.7756625


>> No.7756780

Bro nobody fucking played this game on dreamcast. Nobody had a dreamcast. Everyone had ps1 and ps2. Dreamcast was gay and had a big ugly controller and a shitty d pad and shitty thumb stick. That's why it fucking flopped and got shit on by the PS2. Tony hawk was designed for the playstation controller. Only hipster faggots pretend to like the dreamcast.
Granted I actually like the dreamcast and the dreamcast versions of thps 1 & 2. It has better graphics, but I like the nostalgia and the controls of the ps1 versions. It's the version everyone played. Dreamcast didn't even last long enough to get thps3. Even the n64 got thps3....

>> No.7756863

PC version has the best music. Never played console versions back then. Was disappointed learning with emus that console music is different.

>> No.7756895
File: 17 KB, 220x282, 220px-Tony_Hawk's_Pro_Skater_3_Coverart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember playing THPS3 on the PC and discovering the photo editing and drawing software that came with your dad's first digital camera could open the texture files for editing the board skins?

>> No.7756927

Semi related, but this reminded me of the god awful feature in Underground 2 where you could use the eyetoy to take a picture of yourself to put on your character. I think you could also email a picture to some neversoft center for them to do it too. Always looked awful and eerie.

>> No.7756965

I play with the rumble addon with the Dreamcast and it feels insane, I feel like it has the strongest rumble out of any controller and on certain THPS2 terrain/wall grinding it goes off hard

>> No.7757016

I should try the DC version. I recently emulated MK4 on PS1 and played the DC version after because it has 6 new characters/endings and it felt like almost a ps2 version of it. Even the controls felt a lot better.

>> No.7757309

American Wasteland is like 95% tutorial, and the other 5% is cringe dialogue

>> No.7757313

Dreamcast version has awful audio but better everything else
THPS2X is the real THPS2

>> No.7757315

You sound like a fucking twat

>> No.7757341

Redpill me on how to "get" this game.

>> No.7757352

But no loading screens!

>> No.7757485


The skating is SO free flowing and being able to go between a place to place seamlessly had me just free skating more than any other thps game did.

>> No.7757515

That's fair, it's the best iteration of that engine the series has seen, but if you like these games for how their goals are designed, THAW is trash.

>> No.7757536

Oh yeah, I tried replaying with a friend and getting through the game is a drag. The real goal is finishing it all without dying of cringe to unlock all the locations lol. The half breed mutt love interest makes me want to bash my head into the wall.

>> No.7757832

It is really incredible how good this game was. I never cared for skating, or rock, but THPS2 was incredibly fun, easily one of the games I put most hours into.

>> No.7758180

Is thps2 genuinely one of the most universally loved games ever? Even people who dislike the genre have appreciation for it, or find themselves enjoying it despite having skateboarding in general. I never see people trying to claim thps2 is a bad game

>> No.7758429
File: 120 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

THPS 2 is such a great game. The most absolute perfect example of "nailing the sequel" ever made. It had everything that made the first game fun, but with new additions that expanded upon the gameplay without fucking it up.

When I was in High School, my friends and I would build skateparks using the Build a Park function of this game. Since it was the Dreamcast port we would then all take our VMUs to school and trade parks with each other using the VMU to VMU data transfer function.

Shit was, as the kids say, pretty cash.

>> No.7758436

>Dreamcast version has awful audio but better everything else

Only if you're playing a burned copy that had to have the audio downsampled to fit on a CD-R. It's pretty clear you didn't play the retail version.

>> No.7759139


>> No.7759141

fucking faggot.

>> No.7759743

I’m a Dreamcast owner but this is true.
Tony Hawk = PlayStation

>> No.7759753

Playing THPS2 with the music quieted and with the Crystal Method playing has become my preferred way to play.
Here's a fun two-player challenge if you have a friend. Enable moon physics and go to Up, Down, Repeat under premade custom courses and see who can get top score.

>> No.7759758
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messed up my spoilers lel. Haven't used them in over a decade.

>> No.7759848

>THPS2 with the music quieted
glad i'm not the only one who did this. i liked the public enemy song but for the most part it wasn't really my type of music as a kid

>> No.7760642
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>> No.7760648

I had a neighborhood friend and we played it only on his Dreamcast. That being said, he was a richbitch who even owned a Neogeo Pocket.

>> No.7760710
File: 138 KB, 602x526, main-qimg-44d9ef583a6cda26c6eeb77a127cd716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7760793

>tfw played SmackDown! vs. Raw first so this song will always be associated with that instead to me

>> No.7760913
File: 800 KB, 900x600, tony-hawks-pro-skater-2x-04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Audio is fine. The only REAL issue with the DC port is the laggy menus. Not really sure how they performed worse than the PS1 and even GBA versions, while actual gameplay was fine...
>THPS2X is the real THPS2
Sounds good on paper but the UI is utterly soulless. Pic related.

>> No.7760967

>level up Speed too far
>game artificially slows you down while in the hallways so you don't skate through it before the loading finishes
THAW is crap.

>> No.7761008

i prefer the music in THPS1

>> No.7761223

Audio is compressed in the retail version anon. You must be deaf.

>> No.7761238

hey, you know what today is?

>> No.7761292

No it isn't, you're just trying to divert attention away from the fact that you got called out for playing a CDR copy and claiming it was the same as retail.

>> No.7761295

Fuck you retard. Compare the two right fucking now and tell me the Dreamcast audio isn't compressed, because it is. Fuck you, you're wrong.

>> No.7761310

Imagine getting this mad because you got btfo on 4chan

Sonyggers are fucking faggots, I swear

>> No.7761546

I mean it was one of the first AAA games to heavily advertise no loading screens after the initial boot. I'd cut them some slack on that one.

>> No.7762532

Pretty much this. I think in some ways THAW is my favorite to play but the story mode is trash. I do like that they pretty much made "create a park" the story though, going around stealing cool shit was pure kino.
THUG1 was actually my first and will always be my favorite though. THUG2 is meh, and the originals filtered me as a kid bc you cant get off the board & it always bothered me.

>> No.7762662

American Wasteland was this weird mishmash of crustpunk/fuck society and consoooooom merchandise. The first thing you have to do in the game is go into a clothing store and buy a new outfit from a selection of clothes that are covered in company logos... even though you're homeless and are literally sleeping on sidewalks and later on an abandoned mattress you found in a sewer. It's like it's trying to be punk but with corporate sponsorships, and it just ends up being shit as a result.

This "style" even extends into the soundtrack, where it's a bunch of classic punk songs re-recorded by modern pop bands.

Also, Mega's oil rig level was originally one of the bonus levels that were added to THPS 2X on the Xbox, which is hilarious to me.

>> No.7762992


>> No.7763728


You can get adapters for playstation controllers on it. Which was a thing back then too, when purists found out it was by far a better version.

>> No.7763809

Nobody fucking bought adapters to use their playstation controllers on dreamcast except for turbo nerds like adam koralik.

>> No.7763828

If it actually worked it wouldn't be a bad idea. Problem was getting a regular controller to work was a hassle half the time. Now imagine you've got some extra shit you have to plug in on top of all that makes for an even bigger headache.

>> No.7763831


Na they came out pretty fast cost not much and you just kind of plug it in.

>> No.7763847

I'm not coping. I love the dreamcast and the dreamcast version of this game. I'm just telling the truth.
Thps2 on playstation is the version of the game that actually sold millions of copies and is the reason thps2 is the best selling action sports game of all time. In the grand scheme, nobody fucking bought the dreamcast version. Everyone had the playstation version.

>> No.7763860

Barely anyone bought a dreamcast in the first place and only a small percent of those dreamcast owners actually bought that accessory.
Imagine your game system is so shitty you have to buy an accessory to plug in a better system's controller. No wonder the Dreamcast fucking flopped.

>> No.7763904


Yeah well hate to break your nostalgia bubble but. People actually did have a dreamcast.. proper gamers understand SEGA as being based. And if you read game magazines they would say right, it was way better than the PSX version, by a mile. Thats not even with plugging in a VGA out option to svideo/scart which was not common back then. Even so people who bootlegged it had longer loading times and compressed audio. So yeah.

However today, if you play it on the DC you have mods galore.. SD card reading for instant loading.. HDMI out, and you can even stretch the geometry to have about halfway between 4:3 to 16:9. You need a proper scaler but you can get some more screen action. And the graphics are something youd expect from a PS3.

>> No.7763937


It did come out 6 weeks before the DC, and then it was clocked a few times by then with a hefty memory stick progress. but the best version is without a doubt the DC. the HD remasters are nice but its not that authentic sameness.

>> No.7763943

Is the new 1+2 thing on Xbox Series X good or nah? If you guys say it's a faithful port that plays the same then I'll probably get it

>> No.7764007


Its good but its not a carbon copy with better graphics.

>> No.7764049

Just got it today on PC actually. It controls pretty well. It feels a lot like playing classic mode on undergoing. The level design has the same soul, but I don't really like the graphics though. They aren't appalling and are genuinely good, but there isn't much personality to it. I can't really explain it other than saying it looks like an unreal remake like Spyro and Crash.

>> No.7764058

*On underground

>> No.7764075

So playing it isn't quite the same experience?
Could it work as baby's first THPS?

>> No.7764087


Nah it captures it really well its just not like exactly the same, enough differences to make you miss the original formula.

>> No.7764096

The controls for ps1 might be clunky to jump into in current year without any experience, but at the same time if you start out with the remaster (or what ever it is considered) then the old controls will be even MORE frustrating to jump into if you decide to try it.

So my answer is yes and no. If you want to experience the game how it was meant to be then do the ps1 game. If you want to just jump into playing a thps game then the remaster is not a bad place to do it.

>> No.7764120

manuals killed thps

>> No.7764125

>not the PC version
american consoleplebs should be quiet

>> No.7764127

awful take here but i really prefer THPS2 on PS1 compared to any other version specifically due to the lower fps. everything else feels too fast and smooth in the wrong way i don't know how to explain it. any other game i'd welcome the improvements but not for this one. it just feels perfect to me.

>> No.7764142

It's good, but it doesn't play the same. It's a faithful port apart from the fact that it uses the expanded THUG moveset and not the original THPS2 moveset, so you have access to moves that extend your combo in ways that weren't possible in THPS2, like reverts, spine transfers and wall plants. I like it because I've always preferred THUG to THPS2, but it's definitely not the same game. I also think it's less of a "perfect" game because of this, since despite having a new moveset, it still has the same old levels, which weren't designed with the new moves in mind.

>> No.7764150

best song

>> No.7764151

almost done beating the first one and it's fucking awesome. people hate on it because it's not an insane combo freeplay like THUG2 but the way it's set in it's own gameplay system is even better. one good ass run or you're on your ass.

>> No.7764154

>trading parks
sounds pretty fun if you ask me

>> No.7764189

Dreamcast did sell well when it first came out, but it was a mere speck of dust compared to actual quality consoles like the Playstation and PS2.
The ps1 version of thps2 is the iconic version that everyone played and remembers. When people talk about thps2, they're talking about the playstation version.

>> No.7764202


But they wish they played the dreamcast version because its better.

>> No.7764213


You also have the sega tech of zero lag input, made for competitive arcade machines in competitions and so on. Its just a better version. Sorry man. Your childhood was a lie, or at least, lacking polygons colors and draw distance.

>> No.7764237


>It's the version everyone played.

I actually played it on the N64

>> No.7764242

>You also have the sega tech of zero lag input
I legitimately think this is drawback in the tony hawk series specifically. (at least on 2)

With the *slight* input delay on the playstation version I had a more clear sense of weight. It felt more "realistic" to move and jump around.

Without that and with every input being instant, it just feels like i'm a weightless toy. Everything feels more fake. You know what i mean?.

Everything else is objectively better on DC though even if i prefer the ps1 version personally.

>> No.7764243

No they saw that big ugly controller and knew dreamcast was shit. Most people forgot the dreamcast even existed by 2002.
It's not really impressive that the dreamcast could play 5th gen games better than 5th gen consoles. Anyone with a brain just waited for PS2 so they could not only play all their favorite ps1 games, but new games like gta 3, and tony hawk 3, 4, underground, etc. games that dreamcast never got.
Bro I know the dreamcast version looks better. I own a dreamcast and a real copies of both the tony hawk games for it. I love the dreamcast and the dreamcast versions of the tony hawk games. All I'm saying is that the PS1 version is the iconic version of the game that everyone played and ultimately the version that will be remembered decades from now.

>> No.7764245


>> No.7764247

Definitely the worst version of the game, but it gets the job done well enough. Soundtrack was a bummer. I own all 3 on n64 and I like owning the games in cartridge form.

>> No.7764249

>Anyone with a brain just waited for PS2 so they could not only play all their favorite ps1 games, but new games like
So in your world every gamer was like 16 years old and subscribed to multiple gamer magazines? Kids don't think like that and kids were the ones getting the games most of the time.

>> No.7764261


Just accustomed to it and feels right.

>> No.7764269

Most kids didn't get to buy game systems at launch, so by the time most average kids would even get a chance to get a dreamcast, ps2 was already out. Dreamcast was only out for a year before ps2 dropped.

>> No.7764282

Great soundtrack

>> No.7764284
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And do more remasterd of it >>7764154

>> No.7764287


>> No.7766253 [DELETED] 

Based on what?