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File: 45 KB, 622x600, baroque.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7747538 No.7747538 [Reply] [Original]

Let's have a discussion about Baroque.

If you're not aware, someone has recently finished translated the entire PS1/Saturn version and uploaded it to a neocities website. You can find it by googling "The Nerve Tower". Unfortunately, he was unable to inject the translation into the game due to technical difficulties.

I've played the PS2 remake but I'm much more interested in the PS1/Saturn version due to the superior aesthetic and soundtrack. I might just start it up and play it using the website as a guide.

Interestingly, Sting has recently ported the PS1/Saturn version to Nintendo Switch, JP only of course.

What do you guys think of the games and the lore? Do you think it would be possible for someone to add the translation to the game? How hard would that be to achieve?

>> No.7747545

Which version is better: PS1 or Saturn?
Does this game runs on a Saturn emulator?

>> No.7747562

Someone is doing it apparently
I truly he succeed but if not I guess the Nerve Tower site should be enough help to complete the game

>> No.7747585

That's a good question, I thought both versions were identical but it seems I was wrong. From a quick google search:

"Now I'm playing the PSX version, which I got from the PSN. It's the same as the Saturn one in graphics and music (except for transparencies, which are better here, and the fact the PS3 can upscale it... doesn't change much though), but there's the Collector now, and when you save the game, it doesn't tell you to shut down the console, it just sends you to the main menu. All the lists are there too, except the Baroques list, because there is no Baroquemonger in this version.

The dungeon has been extended (32 floors against the Saturn's 21), and characters positions are similar to the remake ones. Having more floors means that you have more time to level up, so the difficulty has gone a tad bit down. On the other hand, consciousness orbs are unbalanced: there's 8 of them in the first 20 floors, and 10 in the last 11 floors."

Sounds like the PS1 version is more definitive.

>> No.7747590

It's nice to see interest in this weird obscure game. I also found this https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/boards/937839-baroque/79005542
I wonder if they're the same person.

>> No.7747737

Fucking sweet at last there's the Baroque translat-
>Unfortunately, he was unable to inject the translation into the game due to technical difficulties

> I'm much more interested in the PS1/Saturn version due to the superior aesthetic and soundtrack
So am I.

I refuse playing through games with a translation next to me, it really kills the flow of the game.

>> No.7747762

Great game. Finished the PS1, may give the Saturn version a try.

>> No.7747791

Kek. My feelings exactly. My heart stopped for a second when I saw the word "translation". The original version is very bleak and immersive, so having to keep checking the guide would definitely ruin it.

Btw, anyone know any other "dark" dungeon crawlers? Perhaps I should've made it a general retro dungeon crawling thread.

>> No.7747793

How difficult was it? I remember struggling a lot with the PS2 version, mainly because of the jank ass controls and camera. Does it also have a tight timer?

>> No.7747813

The Saturn/PSX version is a first person dungeon crawler with prerendered 2d enemies

>> No.7747818

There's always King's Field, and Shadow Tower if you want it darker.

>> No.7747825

We're talking about this? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baroque_(video_game)

I played the Wii version of that. I had been drawn in by an official website for the game I think, with little mysterious profiles for a bunch of the game's crazy-looking characters on it? That was highly intriguing. The game just seemed boring though. I didn't really get anywhere in it. I don't know whether I still have it. Probably not...

I think my judgment at the time was that it was a potentially very interesting game that was ruined by the fact that you had to do a lot of slow, unfun busywork in it, or something like that. I don't know. I certainly didn't give it very much of a chance. Maybe it's awesome?

>> No.7747828

>I've played the PS2 remake but I'm much more interested in the PS1/Saturn version due to the superior aesthetic and soundtrack. I might just start it up and play it using the website as a guide.
I was thinking the remake couldn't have been that inferior in terms of aesthetic and soundtrack until I actually looked it up, holy shit what were they thinking?

>> No.7747982

The PS2 version depends a lot on running in circles to avoid enemy attacks. How does the Saturn one work?

Played all of them. Shadow Tower is one of my favourite games of all time, both the original and Abyss. Although Abyss suffers from becoming too faceroll at some point. Still, very entertaining to barge into the last boss with modern weapons and just shoot it dead.

The gameplay isn't great sadly. It's dungeon crawling with very basic combat and a strict timer. The janky controls don't help. However, the lore/atmosphere/characters are very interesting and are the main attraction here.

I know right? Maybe they thought going full anime would make it more appealing? For reference, here's a post that details the difference:
That first pic... Jesus Christ why?

>> No.7747986

The Dark Spire on the DS?

>> No.7748001

>The Dark Spire
I don't know this one. What's it like?

>> No.7748006

A wizardry clone game that even has the option of looking like it was released on Apple ][.

>> No.7748009

The fact that the remake was not in first person anymore already killed the game.

>> No.7748094

Yeah, I've got pretty much the same tastes but I like King's Field more, it's my favourite series.

>> No.7748105

>The gameplay isn't great sadly. It's dungeon crawling with very basic combat and a strict timer. The janky controls don't help. However, the lore/atmosphere/characters are very interesting and are the main attraction here.

Yeah I'd probably get to like it more or less if I played it intensively. I loved the lore in Dark Souls, and spent some time puzzling it out and pondering it and all that... I do like that sort of thing. But Dark Souls is fun mechanically too.

When I was a kid I would have had patience for tedious gameplay, but then I wouldn't have been hardcore enough yet to deal with any difficult challenges or to think carefully about lore. And now I'm too impatient with mechanics that aren't fun. Maybe I can't ever have enjoyed this game. Oh well.

>> No.7748137

That sounds great. I'll look it up. Cheers.

I agree. First-person dungeon crawling is always superior. It's also literally less dark, all the floors have movie studio lighting in the remake for some reason.

My nigga. I wish I could play them again for the first time. What other games do you enjoy?

Sounds like a case of try it and see. The story is definitely not linear and you have to piece it together, so you may enjoy that aspect of the game. However, it's all about how tedious you find the gameplay. For me I found it unbearable at first, but I pushed through.

>> No.7748153

>if you want it darker.

>> No.7748210

Stuff like Echo Night, Baroque when it will be translated, etc... I like slow paced fist-person dungeon crawler/adventuring, fellow man of culture.
How about you?

>> No.7748230

Oh shit. You reminded me of Echo Night. That entire series is still on my list to play.

Pretty much any of the old From Software games. I’m currently playing the first Shin Megami Tensei game. Not quite the same but it’s still a dungeon crawl. I managed to find an old iPhone while cleaning out things so I’m playing the short-lived official translation of the game.

>> No.7748252

>First-person dungeon crawling is always superior
100% this.

>> No.7748259

SMT is pretty damn good. A shame the sequel is really inferior, gameplay-wise.
Have you ever tried SMT 3? I've heard there's a remake coming, but the original has a nice dungeon crawling feeling at times.
How about Wizardry?

>> No.7748260

the atmosphere in baroque on saturn is obscenely dense. Damn shame what the remake did to it. It's one of those games that just progressing will make you feel uneasy. Mostly thanks to the audio design.

>> No.7748295
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Yep I’m really enjoying it so far. It holds up pretty well in every way.

SMT 3 you mean Nocturne? It’s third person view but still a damn good game with a really nice end of the world vibe. I’d 100% recommend it if you enjoyed SMT1.

I’m not familiar with Wizardry at all interestingly, even though I hear about it all the time. What do you think of it?

Damn, you’re making me want to play it even more. Good audio design helps a lot with immersion. I listen to the OST from time to time and it’s fantastic.

>> No.7748303

>not familiar with Wizardry
Mate, you are missing the best first person dungeon crawling rpg ever made. Any of its clones are amazing(and yes, first person SMTs are part of its clones).

>> No.7748324

Yeah, I mean Nocturne.
I can't really give an opinion on Wizardry, the old ones are too, well, old for me, I can't grasp the gameplay and typing out spells is already too damn cryptic for me. But maybe you'd enjoy it.
I'd recommend trying Tales of the Forsaken Land on the PS2, it's a Wizardry spin-off that was developped in Japan, with a fairly standard gameplay.

>> No.7748329
File: 40 KB, 640x480, FA31B417-B6BC-44A2-8FF2-C01B582DF801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well shit. Where do you recommend I start? There’s like a billion of them

>> No.7748331

>I can't grasp the gameplay and typing out spells is already too damn cryptic for me
You can play the PS1 port of those games. Apparently the PC-98(or is it 88?) has the best port closest to the original and still great.

>> No.7748340

If you've ever played doom 64 there are parts of the game's ambient soundtrack that can sound like there's monsters lurking around. Baroque does this too, but better as it has a carefully tuned distance fog which allows certain objects to fade in, monsters being one of them. This means you'll hear groans and low roars, it may be part of the games OST or the monsters in your vicinity. Makes the whole game feel uneasy and tense. I'm EOP and not having much difficulty playing it. stats and items are easy to comprehend and the menus are simple to navigate.

shining in the darkness and shining the holy ark

>> No.7748349

Also, 6, 7 and 8 are a trilogy where you can keep your party from the 6th game all the way to the end of the 8th game. So you should play the gog version(not the gold version, it sucks). If drawing maps is not your thing, the last 3 have mods that does that for you.
Keep in mind that unlike the first 5 games(4 being the hardest and only for the most wizardry fans) they are completely different and unlike the original wizardry games. The japanese wizardry-clones are always based on the first 5 games, btw. Including the Wizardry for PS2 recommended above.

>> No.7748374

Wouldn't it be funny that the Switch version got translated all of a sudden?

>> No.7748383

That sounds excellent. Using the distance fog well can make a huge difference. This reminds me of Silent Hill 1 where it adds to the tension. If it’s simple like you say then I may just bite the bullet instead of waiting around. I wish I could help put the translation into the game but I’m completely ignorant when it comes to this kind of thing.

Thank you, that’s very helpful. Having the same party for 3 games sounds pretty cool actually. Although I might pussy out and just go for the PS2 version first to ease me into it.

>> No.7748386

They did port it out of the blue so who knows. They’ll definitely get my money if they do though. Or maybe they’ll do yet another anime remake kek.

>> No.7748526
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Why is this thread so helpful and comfy?

>> No.7748531

Try out Sleeping Cocoon on the PS1 if you haven't.

>> No.7748596
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Glad I'm not the only one. Must be something about the genre. Sadly need to go to bed soon, but I'll probably do a dungeon crawler thread soon. Maybe that will help people discover new games to play. I already got two good suggestions from this thread.

I looked up a video. What the fuck am I looking at? Seems intriguing even though I'm not sure what it is.

>> No.7748608

Sleep tight, anon.

>> No.7748656

It's a dungeon crawler with very imaginative worldbuilding and loads of unorthodox game systems. Highly recommended to anyone who can read moon.

>> No.7748791


This kind of game is about the slow unfolding of wonder, and wonder is incompatible with meanness

>> No.7748837

Seems interesting, will try it.

>> No.7749441

Is Baroque Sting's biggest game?

>> No.7749487

Is Baroque the only action-rogue like that actually resembles a roguelike? It straighted ported the mystery dungeon style items and kept practically all of the tactical depth.

Crap like Spelunky is less of an action roguelike then Diablo 2, and thats saying something.

>> No.7749529

so can somebody else figure out the technical problems and inject it instead?

>> No.7749842
File: 33 KB, 209x320, 9E475769-3902-4DCD-8A5F-491BFF6C219B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That’s a great way to put it. I think that’s what I look for in video gaymes.

I think so. They also made Riviera: The Promised Land on GBA/PSP which was well received.

That’s an interesting point. I actually can’t think of anything else that does that, but new to the roguelike genre so I wouldn’t know for certain. I do love that aspect of Baroque, especially how weird the items are.

Apparently the guy on GameFaqs has figured it out, but there haven’t been any updates for a few months. Maybe someone with technical knowledge can explain it to us like we’re 5?

>> No.7749916

well since yo already knew about KF and shadow tower then i guess you can check Wizardry Tale Of The Forsaken Land the atmosphere is top notch and the art is great
and of course there is SMT, i'd recommend the first game (it had recently a GBA english translation) and Nocturne and also Strange Journey those 3 are the darkest in the series

>> No.7749937

Wizardry Tale of the Forsaken Land is next on my list thanks to the other anon in this thread. You just confirmed that it will be my next game to play.

I'm currently playing through SMT1 and loving it. I only played the newer ones (Nocturne/SJ/IV) but so far the first one is holding up pretty well. It's shocking how much of it they recycled in IV.

>> No.7749946

I played both the PS1 and SS versions, I think that being in full japanese adds to the experience.
It's like these jap devs that talk about playing Wizardry in English and not understanding shit, making up stuff as they play and in a way giving way more depth than it has.
Glad to see someone work on it tho

>> No.7749969

This game's aesthetics are 10/10 but I've always heard that it really just isn't fun to play, to those who played did you find it enjoyable to actually play?

>> No.7749971

I tried playing Baroque a few years ago but got filtered pretty hard because I had never really played a dungeon crawler like this before and I was pretty new to studying Japanese at the time. My Japanese is a lot better now, but I’m probably still ass at dungeon crawling. Any advice for starting out? I’d really like to give it another shot.

>> No.7749976

Unrelated question, any retro game you would recommend to improve Japanese?
Currently playing DQ5 and it's pretty much my current level.

>> No.7749984

Why would those fucking Sting retards even port it to Switch without translating it? If moon, another game no one gives a fuck about, got translated then why not Baroque too?

>> No.7749986

ah yes there is also Persona 1 it's actually a very dark game (the art music atmosphere rivals Baroque in it's eeriness) and will satisfy anyone who loves Retro dungeon crawlers, get the PSP version and make sure you use the PSX OST patch, the newer OST kills the creepy vibe the original had
here is a comparison
PSP OST: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eW69v1qjsuM

PSX OST: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HS-JxU3jgHQ

>> No.7750000

I always thought Persona was more (too?) light-hearted compared to SMT, with a more limited gamepaly.

>> No.7750008

oh shit while listening again to the PSX music of Persona 1 i remembered the composer also worked on a certain PS2 game that am sure it will catch the attention of you


it's basically a Shadow Tower game but sadly it's only in Japanese

>> No.7750020

the new Persona games (3,4,5) are the ones who are known for being weeb dating simulator although they have no limited gameplay, they are still massive dungeon crawlers
and the older Persona games (1 and 2) are exactly that but more serious and dark without the weeb shit
the difference between old Persona and new Persona is like the difference between Majora Mask and Wind Waker
see the opening of Persona 1

now see this abomination

>> No.7750031

Is Hellnight (aka Dark Messiah) good?

>> No.7750042

I couldn't bear to play more than one hour of Persona 1 because I don't know, it felt wrong and dull compared to me. The whole formula misses something for me to enjoy it.

It's okay; it's overrated because it's never really scary and it doesn't live up to the good start. Some areas are fantastic, but the final parts are a chore. I like that you can get other sidekicks with unique abilities if the first one is killed.
I just wish I knew the first one had a magic attack that randomly activates when you press a button which you NEED to finish the game with her.
The engine is pretty cool, very King's Field-esque.

>> No.7750056

it's no rpg but if you like the horror genre or into the games mentioned in this thread you should check it out
it's basically a PS1 Amnesia game but it's made by Atlus so you know it's going to have a Bizarre SMT tier atmosphere
it had also a spiritual sequel on the Dreamcast and this time it's an actual RPG and still bizarre as the first one

>> No.7750078
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Ha, that's funny because that's also what Miyazaki said about Dark Souls. But there's a difference I think between knowing SOME English and having to fill in the blanks and not knowing any English at all.

I'm a piece of shit who will play a game just for aesthetics/atmosphere and put up with dogshit gameplay kek. I haven't tried the original version so perhaps the other anon who did play it can enlighten us.

Like the other anon said, it's basically a roguelike in first person view. If you're not familiar with the genre then I imagine you'd get filtered hard playing one in a foreign language. I only played the PS2/Wii version so I can't help much. In that game, the most important thing was to make sure you send essential items to the surface when you can. You are expected to run through the dungeon many times, it's just part of how the story is told.

I never played Persona games but holy shit, what the fuck is this? The PSP one is butchered. Fucking weebs I swear.

Oh man, that looks incredible. God damn moon runes. Maybe I should start to learn it slowly... I feel like I'm missing out on a lot of cool obscure games.

Japan works in mysterious ways. It's such an odd choice in the first place to port the original and not the PS2/Wii version.

>> No.7750079

it's not a game for everyone, first time i played it i dropped it after few hours but after i played and loved the other older SMT games i came back to it and this time i managed to like it this time i ended up beating the game 6 fucking times (3 on each ending)
and am talking about the PSP version the PSX version plays like shit and it had half the content cut

>> No.7750090

speaking of Wizardry Tale Of The Forsaken Land it had a sequel on the PS2 that i heard is even better but as usual it's Japan only...


>> No.7750128

>I'm a piece of shit who will play a game just for aesthetics/atmosphere and put up with dogshit gameplay kek
Not that anon but I’m exactly the same. That’s why I got interested in Baroque in the first place. Still haven’t played it though. Visuals and sound design are what I value the most in any game and anime for that matter

>> No.7750156

I really can't play Despiria without knowing runes :(
Is there perhaps a DC emulator that works with text hookers so we at least Google translate it?

Yeah, it kills me knowing I'll never get to play it...
Just listen to this sweet ass song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o5B3_-YH4ZQ

>> No.7750168

i know that Retroarch have a machine translation

it should work on Dreamcast games, and recently they finally had a PCSX2 core so i guess you can also use it for PS2 games but i don't know the auto translation is not accurate so it won't feel right

>> No.7750169

Yeah, but I really dislike Retroarch, and I'd rather have real "text" translation than a machine guessing at picture.
Man I sound like a little bitch...

>> No.7750234
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Wow, that's really cool though. This was unthinkable just years ago. Perhaps one day the technology will be good enough. I wonder if there is one for a PS1 emulator? I don't even know which emulator the cool kids use these days for PS1, I mostly just use my PS Vita for comfy bed gaming. I don't think it's being a bitch to not want to learn fucking moonrunes to enjoy video games.

A man of culture. When I do watch anime (which isn't often) that tends to be my priority as well. Serial Experiments Lain is wonderful in that regard for example.

>> No.7750241

If you like Lain you should watch Texhnolyze and play The Silver Case if you haven’t already

>> No.7750253

a reminder that Lain PSX game was translated to English but for some weird reason it's on a web format instead of being a n english patch for the PSX ISO

>> No.7750269

>I wonder if there is one for a PS1 emulator?
Some people on the web say they manage to get their psx emulator to work with text hooks, but I haven't been able to do it.

>> No.7750280
File: 74 KB, 500x375, lain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Texhnolyze has been recommended to me before but with a warning that it's a soul-crushing experience. It's definitely on my list for the next time I get anime craving.

The Silver Case sounds interesting. I have mixed feelings about Suda51 games though so we'll see.

Thank you! I had no idea. A website sounds weird... I'm guessing the game is a pain in the ass to hack? In any case I guess it will do.

I don't even know what a text hook is, so that's probably not a good sign. I'm currently sitting through boring Zoom lectures so I'll do some research on that later.

>> No.7750292

>I'm guessing the game is a pain in the ass to hack?
yeah from what i saw the game have lots of cutscenes and pictures with texts written in it and as you know it's hard to translate the writing if it's a part of a cutscene or something hence why many translated games leave them in Japanese
here is an example see the menu

>> No.7750294

seconding the silver case recommendation. great game.

>> No.7750302

Hmm OK, my interest is piqued. I see that there's a HD remaster. Do you know if it's a good way to play the game? Or is it butchered somehow?

>> No.7750308

that's actually a good question. i'm pretty sure almost nothing was changed, and if anything was, suda was directly involved in getting it re-released so i trust him on the changes. that's my two cents. it's really just a visual novel so there isn't much to change anyways.

>> No.7750310
File: 745 KB, 1024x2880, yu no comparison.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's really just a visual novel so there isn't much to change anyways.
See pic.

The Silver Case HD remaster does look the same though, so that's promising.

>> No.7750317

yeah you're right for sure. i'm not sure why i didn't consider that, i was only thinking of the script. i had forgotten but actually the remaster version was the first time it was released in english, but it looks like nearly all the assets are the same so you should be good to go.

>> No.7750327
File: 501 KB, 1680x1011, 3VC2T.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't even know what a text hook is, so that's probably not a good sign
It's just a way for another program to find out the text that's being displayed. Since it's really text it can be translated fast; machine translation is still pretty bad, but at least you can approximately understand what's going on.

Good luck with your Zoom class!

>> No.7750526

Does the HD remove any ecchi scene? Even the naked scene they were able to hide most of her ass.

>> No.7750568

There is a menu option in the remake to enable 1st person, and this will make the game function identically to the original, even the looks of the attacks will be adjusted to match the original.

>> No.7750601

the silver case it's not good as Lain
Suda51 is a terrible writer who makes his games bizarre and confusion as possible but they end up becoming kind of silly and cartoonish
first you must play Killer 7 (his best work) if yo liked it then you should check his other works like the silver case if not stay away from it

>> No.7750713

It’s the same, don’t forget to switch everything (music etc) to “original” in the options though

>> No.7750717

Also for all the Silver Case fans: Moonlight Syndrome translation is in the works. Yes, an actual patch, not youtube subs

>> No.7750763

seems like a downgrade, but maybe japan is less into pc98 aesthetics than weebs

>> No.7750795
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Ah I see, that's interesting. I mean even if it's completely terrible, you can at least understand the menus etc.

See, that's my experience with Suda51. He can be good but when he's bad then oh boy, he's fucking terrible. Interestingly, I think those two are the only Suda51 games I haven't tried, which are apparently his best work kek.

The remake does not have any adult scenes. All removed.

The characters also look much younger, which is more up Japan's alley these days I guess.

>> No.7750814

I love Riviera but it seems very much to be a cult classic. Baroque is the only Sting game I've ever seen anyone talk about, and even that's rare.

>> No.7750829

Baroque is also a cult classic only talked about whenever the topic is hidden gems or bizarre titles
Yggdra Union and Gungnir are the most known games of Sting, and even so they are still niche

>> No.7750836

Yggdra I could see since it's had so many releases and spin-offs. I have never seen a person talk about Gungnir. I know I'm just going off of anecdotes but Sting games in general practically do not exist to people I see in the wild talking about video games. Maybe I'm not hanging out in weeby enough areas.

>> No.7750864

there is also a series called ''Utawarerumono'' i haven't played it but it seems to be gaining popularity around weebs

>> No.7750895
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What do you mean, a downgrade? Don't you love less detailed, lazy shading, dead fish eyes nu-anime?

>> No.7750915

entering the HD era was a curse for japanese VG and anime artists

>> No.7750924
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I don't see what you're talking about.

>> No.7751175
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I fucking threw up in my mouth.

I think that's part of the problem. I don't know how to put it into words without sounding like an edgelord, but it's like >>7750915 said. It's rare if not impossible to find a game with anime artstyle these days that doesn't go for the disgustingly bright and colourful moe kawaii shit. It's a pity really.

>> No.7751197
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I can't hear you, mister huge pauldron lover.

>> No.7751279
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This shit breaks my heart.

>> No.7751283

Those pauldrons are chad as fuck.

>> No.7751334
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Eat it until you like it, anon.

>> No.7751380

Why did this thread turn into a thread of sadness?

>> No.7751947

KitN and DT2 are decently popular too, not around here though.

>> No.7753230
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I guess I opened the can of worms by posting that Yu No comparison pic.

As for Baroque, I think I’ll try to get in touch with this MrMoogle guy and see if there’s anything a bunch of losers can do to help with the translation.

>> No.7753403

>I guess I opened the can of worms by posting that Yu No comparison pic.
Well okay, I'll stop posting those comparison pics.

Ever played Ultima Underworld?

>> No.7753408
File: 1.32 MB, 2337x1750, 1615533514157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

love me some obscure creepy ps1 aesthetics

>> No.7753415

I can't put my finger on the one above Blood Omen.

>> No.7753429
File: 284 KB, 1916x1440, 1619028995402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

echo night 2

>> No.7753432

Strange, even though I enjoyed it I have no recollection of the scenery. Thanks again to Gemini for the translation.

>> No.7753480

How are they dealing with unsubbed monologues?

>> No.7753503
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No worries. The remake is offensively ugly so I understand.

I actually have not. I understand it’s basically the granddaddy of them all. I grew up with Jap consoles and didn’t have a proper PC until I was older, so I missed out on a lot of classic western games.

Would you say it still holds up today? Does it need any mods to make it work or provide QoL?

God I love this aesthetic so much. I’m glad that there’s so many retro games I missed out on because it gives me a nicely sized backlog of good games.

>> No.7753508

You have a list on these games? I know some are uber popular but some stuff is escaping me.

>> No.7753513

I wouldn't say it holds up today. It's a typical western, too-open-ended game in which you're on your fucking own right from the start.
I've tried it a few times over the years, and I always quit with frustration after half an hour because I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing, what I'm supposed to do, and how the gameplay works (even the interface is cumbersome). Just one big, confusing, and primitive experience :(

>> No.7753551

Seconding this. Can a kind anon name those games?

Oof. That’s what I was expecting. Apparently there are mods to enable using the mouse to move the camera among other things, but I’m not sure how much that will help. I feel like such a zoomer.

>> No.7753558

Going from left to right, starting at top:
Oddworld, Fear Effect, ??, Koudelka, Hellnight,
Alundra, Vagrant Story, Echo Night 2, ??, Breath of Fire IV,
Shadow Tower, SIlent Hill, Blood Omen, Parasite Eve, ?? (Evil Dead?),
??, Nightmare Creatures (or Deathtrap Dungeon), Heart of Darkness, SoTN, ??,
Tomb Raider, Vampire Hunter D, ??, Brightis, Nocturne?

I should look into the mods, but I also feel like a zoomer playing this. I guess it's just a gameplay that's really not for me.

>> No.7753561

Wait I think I'm retarded, bottom right must be Alone in the Dark 4.

>> No.7753621


After Fear Effect is Tenchu
After Echo Night 2 is Covert Ops: Nuclear Dawn
After Parasite Eve is Shadowman
Before Nightmare Creatures is Dino Crisis
After SoTN is Enigma
After Vampire Hunter D is In Cold Blood
Last one is Alone In The Dark: The New Nightmare

>> No.7753630

Dino Crisis 2* not the first one, my mistake.

>> No.7753772

Thank you anons.

>> No.7753804

I’m living in Japan, so I started by just going to the Book Off and grabbing whatever ps1 game looked interesting. I had a few that were way too difficult for me like Baroque before finding a few more manageable rpgs like Wild Arms and London Seirei Tanteidan. The trick is just finding something you want to play enough to fight through the difficult language.

>> No.7754663
File: 19 KB, 381x285, nerve tower man.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got a reply from the person behind The Nerve Tower website. How difficult is it to do this kind of thing? How can we help him?

>> No.7754724

Man, I know, played and finished every single game there. 5th generation was really the only good 3D games generation.

>> No.7754818

I'm sorry anon, I can't help because I got filtered by super nes pointers a decade ago and decided romhacking wasn't for me :(

>> No.7754925

Well, at least it's getting some work on it. At the end, is it the PS1 or the Saturn version?

>> No.7754983

Yeah, might be another Garage success story if we're lucky. I asked him now and I'll you know if he replies.

>> No.7755021

Misleading. Fuck you

>> No.7755049

Technically there IS a translation, it's just not inserted into the game :^)

>> No.7756198

How weird is that they put so much work into it for it to plainly just not work in the end?

>> No.7756691

I really like the aesthetics and ost of Baroque. I hope the translation stuff is fixed someday so I can finally play it because wow the ps2/wii version looks ass

>> No.7756750
File: 65 KB, 1320x743, 63339E67-84C6-4AF6-9705-85F7463F8564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well the guy who did the translation has limited experience with rom hacking. He did post around random forums a while back asking for help with injecting his translation into the game but be got very few responses. So hey, if anyone is good at this shit do go ahead and contact him. You’d be doing God’s work.

>> No.7757069

I don't have anything to offer there, sorry. Best of luck.

>> No.7757079

He has just confirmed it's the Saturn version. Apparently they're both the same in term of injecting text into the game.

>> No.7758821

Is there anything like this for other consoles?

>> No.7760605


>> No.7760678

>The game was later ported to the PlayStation, releasing on October 28, 1999 with the subtitle Distorted Delusions.[4] Several changes were made to the port including adjustments to floor generation, a new vendor in the town, and decreased difficulty.[36][42] There was also an opening narration during one of the demo movies provided by actress Minami Takayama.

Darling choice imo, specially considering that the Switch version is based on the PS1 version and somehow the PS2 one, and is likely to be translated too if stars align (a lot of no-way-they'll-translate-this games have been coming out, it's possible!)

>> No.7760725

>Sounds like the PS1 version is more definitive.
How could it be definitive if there's no Baroquemongler in that version?

>> No.7760736

BTW could you ask them if they've considered the Switch version, at least testing it?

>> No.7761035
File: 1.67 MB, 1920x1080, 0isfrw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably nothing as close as that unique feeling. The PS1 had like 100 obscure JP games, horror, pseudo-vns and the like with this kind of aesthetic. Not exaggerating, some of them titles that seem straight out of a fever dream and the only thing I can see resembling would be very particular obscure independent PC titles with lots of gore. Due to characteristics the only console where to look for similar ambiance is the Saturn, but my knowledge is surface level and not enough to recommend specific titles. Maybe Wachenröder, blending the chibi artstyle of that Breath of Fire image with semi-gothic and futuristic enclosed scenery.

Also >>7753408 this is missing Shadow Hearts

>> No.7761538
File: 192 KB, 610x591, 1602504688166.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Shadow Hearts worth playing? I had an okay time with Koudelka.


>> No.7762095

is /vr/ generally not like this? first time stumbling in here and i'm genuinely shocked to find people who are moderately intelligent and still on 4chan lol

>> No.7762101

The board used to be really nicer before the last retarded rule change.

>> No.7762104

what was the rule change?

>> No.7762108

was just about to post hungry ghosts. besides baroque, it's like the _one_ game i want translated that no one ever talks about. it looks so fucking cool

>> No.7762109

>is /vr/ generally not like this?
Nah, people prefer to shitpost about filters, save states and console wars.

>> No.7762123

Allowing ps2/xbox/gamecube/GBA on the board. Which dramatically sped up the board and lowered the quality because thread about those take up so much space.

>> No.7762135

Yeah. Watching Kingdom Hearts threads on the place is downright uncanny. Should have made a whole other board for that.

>> No.7762453

the people posting ITT are the same ones you see in the low effort threads shitting up this board
we just love to shitpost but when we see a genuine thread about video games rather than console wars or X game is bad we'll respond in a serious/polite manner

>> No.7762839

speak for yourself schizo

>> No.7763735

No, reddit.

>> No.7764271

Nah. I've been trying to get off this god damn website for long enough. I just don't post anymore, too many brats.

>> No.7765020

Hmm, good question. I'll ask them and see.

Sorry anon, can't help there. I played Shadow Hearts ages ago. I remember it being dark and edgy in a good way though.

This is the first thread I've made in a while. I don't know about this new rule change the other anon mentioned, but /vr/ has always been one of the ok boards in this cesspit of a website.

I expected this thread to die or be shitposted to death, so I'm glad to see this wasn't the case.

>> No.7766167

Shadow Hearts is definitely worth playing and being talked about in this thread.

>> No.7766202

This is one of many PS1 JP exclusives that I discovered years ago and really wanted to play. Aesthetically there was something very special going on with turn-of-the-century JP games.

If this game looks interesting to you, here are some others you might wanna check out:

Kowloon's Gate
Garage: Bad Dream Adventure
Gadget: Past as Future
Hungry Ghosts
Michigan: Report from Hell

>> No.7766774

Sound similar to tonetta

>> No.7767676

>Kowloon's Gate
That game's having a sequel (Kowloon's Rhyzome) and a weird ass VR reinterpretation soon. Fingers crossed for a translation.


>> No.7767687


I'm digging the look.

>> No.7767691

Is it even about baroque music

>> No.7767741

So someone could put out a switch patch then considering its the same game?

>> No.7767747

There's someone already asking the person translating the game, but I'm going to guess there would be issues since Switch emulation is not as far as Saturn/PS1 (thus more difficult to test) and the Switch is not as widely hacked as the prior consoles. Hugely depends on how similar the structure of the game is between 90s version and 2020 version.

>> No.7768437

>The PSP one is butchered. Fucking weebs I swear.
The PSP track's actually based on a completely different track from the original, it's not quite a fair comparison. Arguably not a good choice but all the same, not apples for apples in terms of the PSP remaster's style. It's otherwise a pretty excellent updated rerelease, and absolutely the only way to play in English. The global PS1 version was butchered.

>> No.7769098

If only they made a 1:1 updated soundtrack instead of what they did!

>> No.7769870

anyone got more PS1 aesthetic collages like these
building up a folder of references for my own game

>> No.7771272

Arx Fatalis

>> No.7773115

They had to change the entire OST due to the fact that one of the composers died

>> No.7773415

Wizardry is split up into two different universes. The first five games are set in Llylgamyn and are all connected in a fairly grounded Medieval Fantasy setting, whilst 6-8 is it's own setting and trilogy set in a really alien fantasy world (especially 8). You can start with whichever one you prefer as a setting. Although with the original series it's best to go with the JP PS1 ports rather than the originals. Whilst the 6-8 Trilogy is better on PC

>> No.7773432

Used to be like this until classic PC FPS Shooters got rather popular amongst normies, and some autists from /v/ started invading and spreading their shit both in /doom/ and outside of it. Things have slightly stabilized, but the new Y2K rule kinda caused an influx of zoomies. Shame cause I was fully for a /y2k/ board rather than a rule chance, but mods are retards sadly. You could also argue that Console War faggotry and filter threads were already ruining things, but at least those had their own containment threads.

Nah, it predates the rules. Months before the rule was changed, /vr/'s thread quality diminished greatly due to newfags and zoomers polluting the board. Especially with ALF spamming his dogshit fucking opinions.

>> No.7775176
