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/vr/ - Retro Games

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7748214 No.7748214 [Reply] [Original]

> ctrl+f
> no amiga thread

> be amiga group
> builds revolutionary new computer based around powerful video hardware
> custom chips were originally wirewrapped boards with logic
> atari offers amiga money for the completed chipsets for use in atari products
> amiga, with visible erection, takes the money
> commodore also starts to chub up
> commodore says "fuck those chuds, we'll give you more money for it"
> amiga, now with an even harder erection, takes commodore's money and sells everything to commodore
> commodore then send a cheque to atari for the money that atari had paid amiga
> this makes the tramiel family seethe with fury
> they were so furious that they never cashed the cheque - they still have it in their possession
> based amiga hippies and chads get to work with help of commodore's chip fab and expertise
> releases the Amiga 1000 in 1985 - a machine so awesome in 1985 that atari, pc and apple faggots were BTFO for all of eternity and have never recovered.

only amiga makes it possible.

>> No.7748254

no games

>> No.7748275
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>> No.7748281
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> seething this hard

>> No.7748289

>> releases the Amiga 1000 in 1985 - a machine so awesome in 1985 that atari, pc and apple faggots were BTFO for all of eternity and have never recovered.
Yet, two of them are still alive and no one ever heard about Amiga anymore.

>> No.7748293

the acorn is better, it has Doom

>> No.7748327

> eternally seething
>compares RISC to CISC

>> No.7748356

dead computer

>> No.7748402

Cinemaware and Psygnosis
games are where it’s at.

>> No.7748519
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>> No.7748805

Spend over $1k on an accelerator board (68060 CPU not included) you too can get your Amiga to perform at the level of the Packard Bell 486 PC you found in the trash and run Doom at 10 fps.

>> No.7748917

Yeah, it's pretty incredible just how powerful the Amiga was considering it could run bleeding edge software a decade after release. You make an excellent point, anon!

>> No.7748973
File: 160 KB, 1280x800, Copy of Amiga 500 Plus (Commodore-Amiga, 1991, Amiga)_10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dererer no games...

>> No.7749152

And do you think that 486 didn't eventually become obsolete?

>> No.7749257

I will never forget the absolute devastation on my Amigatard friend's face when I showed him DOOM on my 486

2 years of smugness just evaporating. Guess WINGS wasn't that impressive all of a sudden lmao

>> No.7749273

And your 486 kept up with all the latest releases, indefinitely? Is that what you're saying?

>> No.7749285

they could keep improving on the PC architecture and adding faster components to it. the Amiga and its custom chips could not do that. by the time VESA was out the Amiga was done.

>> No.7749297


what? No. We'd just been bantering each other about our respective computers for 2 years. To him, Amiga was always going to be the better gaming system because of muh architecture. I remember when I got a Soundblaster clone his smug congratulations on finally equalling an A500's sound capabilities

But then DOOM came out and it was just his personal apocalyspe. Not only was it like a game from 10 years in the future, it was something that his machine just absolutely could not ever do.

I'm not the other Anon btw, just sharing a fond memory

>> No.7749306

Every platform went out of business due to the open-ended nature of "PCs." There was nothing special about it happening to the Amiga.

>what? No.

>> No.7749315


lmao are you still coping with the failure of Amigas all these decades later

>> No.7749317

I have no idea what you are talking about.

>> No.7749324

>me: shares a story

>> No.7749326

the Amiga was like your favorite rock group. couple years of greatness and some good times and fun memories, and then it was over and most people moved on except a few bitter loser manchildren.

>> No.7749327



except while a good song in 1985 is still a good song today, the Amiga was objectively an obsolete joke like 5 years later lmao

>> No.7749331

Yeah, they became obsolete. Are you saying they didn't?

>> No.7749335

And your 486 never became obsolete?

>> No.7749337

>except while a good song in 1985 is still a good song today
whereas what seemed like a good Amiga game in 1990 may not be today. you think Superfrog or Zool haven't aged like sour milk?

>> No.7749340

Cringe @ cups on display on a bookshelf
Ultimate ConSOOMer fag

>> No.7749343

I don't know about Zool, but what's supposed to be wrong with Superfrog?

>> No.7749345
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Good point, the Amiga is objectively shit then lmao


imagine seething like this over a failed 1980s personal computer lmao

>> No.7749349

>Good point, the Amiga is objectively shit then lmao
Based on what?

>imagine seething like this over a failed 1980s personal computer lmao
What are you talking about?

>> No.7749351

>screen scrolls as soon as you tap the joystick instead of a few frames where the character can move before it scrolls
>shit level designs
>generally shit physics
>no real gameplay beyond collectation
>press up to jump
Things like that.

>> No.7749357

It's standard platformer gameplay.

>> No.7749429

ST will always be better

>> No.7749443
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>press up to jump
>standard platformer gameplay

>> No.7749520


This whole thread has been that one Amigalard coping while Atari and IBM chads laugh at him

>> No.7749525

how did US Gold sleep at night knowing all the children's birthdays and Christmases they ruined?

>> No.7749548

PCfags have 10 seconds to explain this:








>> No.7749593

Yes we know PCs weren't that good at arcade games back then but you also have your share of Amiga lemons like Double Dragon and Outrun.

>> No.7751390

nobody actually played this stuff back then

>> No.7751393

Amigatards, explain this absolute abortion of a port. Inb4 inexperienced devs cope.


>> No.7751402

Exactly what you thought. US Poop made some 19 year olds port it in two months with nothing but an arcade cab to work with. They didn't have to care; back then anything that said Street Fighter on the box would sell regardless.

>> No.7751410

>has totally blotted out the fact that Capcom turned down literal free money and refused to port it themselves

>> No.7751420

why would they anyway? they were based in Japan; nobody had an Amiga there let alone know how to program them.

>> No.7751423

Because Amigachads were too busy playing the superiour vs. fighting game on their Amigas:


>> No.7751439

>literal free money

>best selling game of 92

>> No.7751442

Amiga ports were also plagued by being heavily Atari ST copypaste. The ST was the simpler of the two machines so they'd make that port first and just lazily convert all the code to the Amiga with little attempt at actually using its capabilities. I did a disassembly of the Amiga Bubble Bobble and although it does use the blitter, there are remnants in there of bitmasking routines for soft sprites left over from the Atari ST.

>> No.7751462

Now you're just gonna upset them.

>> No.7751473

an OCS Amiga couldn't accurately recreate a CPS-1 game regardless but the conditions the programmers had to work under surely didn't help

>> No.7751670

why didn't blitters/blobs catch on in more systems?

>> No.7751703
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This is kino