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File: 75 KB, 593x732, Ron_Gilbert_PAX_2009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7744848 No.7744848 [Reply] [Original]

>Speaking to Computer Gaming World in 1987, Gilbert said "The Commodore 64 has been around for a long time and they've sold tons of them. It's a very good 8-bit machine and we're committed to making stuff for it." He then voiced his skepticism over next-generation hardware. "We're not so sure about the Amiga and Atari ST. It's true they can do a lot of things the older computers cannot, but we aren't necessarily convinced that they're the miracle machines everyone thinks they are. We'd prefer to see how the market goes before making any strong commitments to them."

>> No.7744870

Video games taught me to expand with care. Overreach leads to quick defeat.

>> No.7744905
File: 75 KB, 1104x720, Brian the Lion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>another American gets filtered by the Amiga
No surprise.

>> No.7744907

his name was Robert Paulson

>> No.7744914

The North American market largely skipped 16-bit home computers and just went from 8-bit machines right to PC compatibles.

>> No.7744916

all of them were shit. amiga, c64, spectrum, all shovelware and yurotrash machines. only good for making chiptunes

>> No.7744920

rubbish m8

>> No.7744923

fortunately LucasArts weren't Yuros and they made actual games not whatever the hell Elite and US Gold were doing

>> No.7744938



>> No.7744961

LucasArts actually only developed 9 games for the C64 (Koronis Rift, Ballblazer, Rescue on Fractalus, Labyrinth, PHM Pegasus, Habitat, Maniac Mansion, Strike Fleet, and Zak McKracken) and published another three games made by UK devs (Indy and the Last Crusade, Pipe Dream, and Night Shift).

>> No.7744973

The 80s was a weird time for Meat Loaf

>> No.7744980

Yeah, even Rundgren was working on Amiga shortly after this talk


>> No.7744990

and there's the rub. doing all that cool parallax scrolling required a lot of programming skill when it was so much easier to just make a platformer on the Mega Drive with its two independently scrolling playfields.

>> No.7745156

the story behind the development of Maniac Mansion is really interesting and what they had to do to get the game to work on C64

>> No.7746705

cope american fags

>> No.7746770

dude it was pretend
dude it was a simulation
Why are all his endings so shit?

>> No.7746782

Cope with what, exactly? 95% of your good shit landed on machines for first worlders.

>> No.7747010

that looks like when a movie or tv show has a scene where the characters are playing super nintendo and instead of using a real game they make up a fictional one thats just a short animated clip

>> No.7748297
File: 741 KB, 829x415, 1597248885098.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

absolutely filtered. there weren't too many americans that mastered the amiga for some reason. brian the lion was trash btw

> american made machines
> eurotrash

>> No.7749676

Bro, PC cpmpatibles WERE 16 bit, even if the dominant hardware was capable of 32 bit processing.
32 bit didn't arrive to PC until NT 3.51, and not until Windows 95 for wide adoption.