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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 140 KB, 600x450, Phantom Gear.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7741573 No.7741573 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.7741585
File: 246 KB, 800x556, tanglewoodscreens02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7741641
File: 42 KB, 320x240, flink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not showing the master of 16 bits pixel art
Shiggy diggy

>> No.7741747

That's barely impressive.

>> No.7741768

try though they might with homebrews the game design and artwork will always look modern especially the character design and choice of colors neither of which were what they would have done in 1992.

>> No.7741779

Earthworm Jim 1 and 2 are all you need to prove this point.

>> No.7741782

Is this an observation or a criticism?

>> No.7741786

That is the problem with those games. They always have modern designs. It's the kind of game that I can't see being released back then.

>> No.7741789

No shit, they had 16 bits to work with, do you have any idea how permissive that is? You can do a lot of detail and shading.

>> No.7741793

I really wish there was an actual style guide on how to make homebrew games for retro consoles look, you know, retro.

>> No.7741794

>muh anachronistic art style in a game made in 2020s

>> No.7741797

too bad about that sound though. the ringtone my rice cooker makes when it finishes cooking is better than 99.9% of genesis soundtracks

>> No.7741810
File: 36 KB, 1280x960, 287787.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's not to be ashamed, the Mega Drive lasted a decade and games in the beginning looked different from those at the end. Early stuff clearly looks like 1989-90 in its art style, design choices, and general "feel."

>> No.7741813

>boohoo games released for consoles from 1992 today should look like they're from 1992 because there aren't enough games from 1992 already
Instead of celebrating gaining a little variety you complain that you don't get more of the same, you fucking shmucks.

>> No.7741815
File: 89 KB, 320x224, spot goes to hollywood (1995).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and a late game like this definitely looks like the mid-90s

>> No.7741819

This looks fucking awful and there's nothing anyone can do to convince me that games looking like this should be made today.

>> No.7741825

a shame that in the cartridge era at least Nintendo had far better sound hardware. there's absolutely no contest when you consider how much worse the Master System and Genesis sound to their Nintendo rivals

>> No.7741826

I play retro games because I hate modern games(and their modern design), why the fuck would I want to play modern design released for old consoles?

>> No.7741828

I would but anything made after 2006 looks too god damn colorful and cute in the wrong way.

>> No.7741836

The MD was scaled down arcade hardware and arcade machines in that time in general didn't have very good sound, it was usually some off-the-shelf Yamama PSG that sounded like the music was being played inside a tin can.

>> No.7741845

Especially the abundant use of vaporwave colors (all that blue and pink) is distinctly 2010s.

>> No.7741848

You shouldn't mistake better sound on average for better hardware. The Mega Drive sound chip is like the PS3 of fourth gen sound, technically more capable but more complicated to program so a lot of developers half assed it.

Also a lot of people have exposure bias from having owned an SNES and preferring its sound because they're used to it. I had neither and I find both intriguing when they're done well.

>> No.7741852

Nobody forces you to play modern games for old consoles, and it's not like you're starved for choice when it comes to actual old games. Would having one additional old-styled game really make a difference?

>> No.7741856

LOLno the SNES is far more bullshit to program because the sound chip has its own instruction set which is literally just 6502 opcodes but with completely different pnemonics for some reason. That said, the Mega Drive couldn't possibly do ALTTP's music or some of Square's soundtracks.

>> No.7741867

Anon, I just said I don't like. It doesn't make a difference for me because I'm not going to play it, it was this guy that went full retard:
just because someone said something about those homebrews.

>> No.7741869

And a fire truck can't be a dump truck. What's your point? They're different systems and an SNES soundtrack will very obviously be programmed to take specific advantage of the SNES hardware.

>> No.7741871

>Also a lot of people have exposure bias from having owned an SNES and preferring its sound because they're used to it.
This actually goes both ways.

>I had neither and I find both intriguing when they're done well.
True. For a good comparison, see the soundtrack to the official port of Doom to the 32X, versus some dude on YouTube recreating the soundtrack proper for the FM Synth, it ends up sounding very good.


The SNES had its own shares of masterpieces and turds when it came to music.

>> No.7741883

I feel the MD's twangly sound fit gritty games like Streets of Rage better while the SNES's soft sound fit cute games like SMW better.

>> No.7741896
File: 1.74 MB, 320x240, 1459884894919.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at all the layers in the background.

>> No.7741902

it's not good. I'm not going to celebrate it. Move on.

>> No.7741913

Feel free to ignore it.

>> No.7741938

Is that one at least good or just hipster millenial woke bait?

>> No.7741952

At least MD games (almost) never have bank switching so you don't end up with the problem you get with NES homebrew where games are all NROM or UNROM 512 because they can get those boards from AliExpress cheaply.

>> No.7741961

This could be avoided if they just put the ROM on Steam instead of insisting on a physical cartridge release.

>> No.7741971

Not really, it’s just most megadrive games used the comic sans of preset instruments

>> No.7741972
File: 85 KB, 688x291, sonic 3d blast comparison.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. At their best (aka games that aren't arcade ports) the Genesis and SNES ran some beautiful games.
1988 hardware competing with 1994

>> No.7741979

Meant for >>7741825

>> No.7741982

I don't get the reason for it either. devs back in the 80s would have killed for the freedom to use any available cartridge configuration instead of what was available and the publisher was willing to pay for. so why make a physical cartridge release and limit yourself like that?

>> No.7741995

Because people want to own it physically to play on their original hardware obviously. Saying nesfags should deal with steam is retarded

>> No.7742005

you can...uh...put it on an Everdrive if you want to play it on a real console? derp.

>> No.7742016

Don't homebrew guys insist on physical releases so the game doesn't get pirated? I've heard that before.

>> No.7742030

Few retrofags will want to do that. If they are playing on original hardware, odds are they want an original official cart release of it. No reason nes homebrew devs cant just release the rom to download and play either by a emulator or ported to run on other platforms, which they already do, but to say "No, just get a flash cart and buy the rom", is going to kill a large portion of interest in your homebrew you want to get paid for making.

>> No.7742045

I wipe shit

>> No.7742054

Amazon's Running Diet was just released as a free ROM download though that was made by some Japanese guys. that was MMC3 IIRC.

>> No.7742113

Actually the big issue with modern homebrew is that a lot of this stuff is made by Euro demosceners and as usual they will never ever into game design.

>> No.7742117

Vectorman and Gunstar Heroes obviously looked butter!

>> No.7742138
File: 35 KB, 2400x1800, What_Remains_07.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's more like they make stuff like noodle limb sprites that nobody would have done back in the day because it turned into an illegible mess on the typical 80s consumer TV>

>> No.7742149

The bg graphics are pretty nice and look like something that a commercial NES game could have convincingly used.

>> No.7742164

No SNES homebrew of note because it's so shitty to code for that nobody can be bothered.

>> No.7742176

>This looks fucking awful
You can't even appreciate it's character design. Back to /v/ with you.

>> No.7742181

You just like the colors a lot, tastes have changed since the 90's.

>> No.7742202

In english please?

>> No.7742204

what were the biggest and smallest Mega Drive games released anyway?

>> No.7742207

I think Phantasy Star IV was the biggest with 64 bit mega powah!!!

>> No.7742219

Phantasy Star IV is 24 megabits so it's not the largest one at all, there are 17 games to use a 32 megabit ROM and Super Street Fighter II is 40 megabits

>> No.7742221

based indie pixel artists flexing on old hardware than eurojankers do

>> No.7742225 [DELETED] 

*taps on your prescription*

>> No.7742228

Flink is literally textbook eurojank, idiot.

>> No.7742229

cyan, magenta, and yellow/orange desu

>> No.7742232

keyed unorthrodox eurojank game then

>> No.7742235

I think SSF2 was the largest one released in the Mega Drive's commercial lifespan. As for the smallest, Flicky, Columns, and Ms. Pac-Man use a 1 mbit ROM although they don't actually use all that space--the latter two are about 80k in size and Flicky is only 42k, meaning that 62% of the ROM is empty and unused.

>> No.7742267

The Taiwan number 1 RPG!

>> No.7742270

Also FWIW PS4 is really 2.3MB, it doesn't use all of the ROM space it has either.

>> No.7742272
File: 186 KB, 768x672, a2a513c8-b68e-4c78-9456-5e4adb210619_base_resized.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7742298

So in that spirit I believe in fact Flicky is the smallest MD game in terms of the actual size of the code+graphics+sound data.

>> No.7742314

The smallest SNES game in terms of ROM space is Space Invaders which uses a 2 mb ROM and I do not know if there are any others but again it doesn't actually use all of the ROM and is in fact just 106k in size. In general SNES games are bigger than MD ones as the sound and graphics data don't compress as well.

>> No.7742318

it's just... bouncing there.


>> No.7742326

lyl why didn't they just use a smaller ROM instead of waste that space?

>> No.7742346

Whatever ROM size you can get a good deal on. (^:

>> No.7742360

theres no money in homebrew anyway

>> No.7742361

I looked at Ms. Pac-Man for the MD and the ROM has a ton of empty space, it's not even close to being filled up all the way.

>> No.7742363

That looks like shit.

>> No.7742537

Still, devs are getting more buyers for carts then ppl paying to DL the rom.

>> No.7742576

Again, it's not so big a deal with MD homebrew but it is a liability with NES homebrew due to the giant amount of cartridge configurations used and by insisting on a physical release you really limit what you can do with the game.

>> No.7742592

Check out orange island, pretty sure thats going to use custom guts in it. It wilk cost more to do, but can be done. Just cause nes devs could do it, doesn't mean they are going to so saying the mass available parts for boards is holding back the scene isnt really true at alk if the devs are not doing games that need them. In the end of the day though, nesfags regardless are still going to be more interested in paying for a real cart then they are paying to DL the rom for a flashcart.

>> No.7742596

big difference is the 3D revolution. You can clearly see how the sprites in that image were modeled in 3D software and then rendered as sprites. A hallmark of the days of Toy Story and Donkey Kong Country.

>> No.7742608

>he never played based Rape Games

>> No.7742613

yeah, when I saw the screenshot at first I thought it was from the first NES TMNT game.

>> No.7742620
File: 681 KB, 1029x881, mtns.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but see they do stuff like an NROM homebrew that looks like a late period NES game from 1992 when if you're using that ROM size it makes more sense to do 1984-ish stuff like Door Door and Ice Climber with black backgrounds and very simple graphics. 'cause that's what NES games looked like in the beginning.

>> No.7742637

I think the issue is a lot of these guys are Euro demosceners who sucked at game design in 1985, they sucked at it in 1995, they sucked in 2005, they sucked in 2015, and they suck now.

>> No.7742641
File: 3 KB, 256x240, images.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bootleg demakes will always be infinitely more impressive to me than any homebrew.

>> No.7742654

>homebrew more impressive than homebrew
nigga i'm too stoned for this kind of post

>> No.7742657

dude sneed lmao

>> No.7742674


they didn't do a bad job for a bong dev team making a game based on a fucking soda mascot

>> No.7742695

You are retarded.
Yes they can. The extra storage is what helps. Being limited to small storage size meant plenty of games had to force their games to look same-y and mostly 'ugly'. Tricks have also been invented that developers just didn't do or know about, that further color and sprites.

>> No.7742701

No. They make money from collectors that NEED every cart.

>> No.7742712

>Tricks have also been invented that developers just didn't do or know about, that further color and sprites
That's called having modern tools to design art and homebrew guys having all the time in the world to perfect the artwork instead of having to get it finished in 3 months.

>> No.7742764
File: 1.10 MB, 1343x1007, shitty indie pixel art 1 small-210510-211538.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the background? its decent
the characters? lol

>> No.7742837

oh wah wah wah they made a MD homebrew and the characters dialog had a joke about Reddit in it. as if back in the day they totally never inserted cheesy forced 90s pop culture references.

>> No.7742890


>> No.7742896

16-bit color implies 65,336 colors. the Mega Drive only had 512 (9-bit color) and could display 64 on screen at once while the SNES had 262,144 colors (18-bit color) and could display 256 on screen at once.

>> No.7742902
File: 23 KB, 400x200, no guys you don't understand it's a direct upgrade.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7742904
File: 34 KB, 400x315, HOW CAN NINTENDO COMPETE.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7742907

Still cringe and uninspired

>> No.7742908
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>> No.7742929

I guessed it's because they imagine people expect an NES game to look like that instead of Ice Climber.

>> No.7742939

What would happen if a scene had more color than what a console could display? Would some colors just be equal to some neighbor color instead of their original color?

>> No.7742941

what about that dude who was shitting on Micro Mages because he complained the sprites were too small?

>> No.7742950

I don't think you could if you wanted to because retro game art styles were intuitive and came out of the cultural environment of the time. so you couldn't make a game look like 1992 simply because it isn't 1992.

>> No.7743098
File: 41 KB, 400x600, 1613139861449.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7743154

Why didn't games back then have detail like that? Do graphics like this only seem intuitive in hindsight?
It cuts both ways. Some pixel art designs need a CRT to look good, which is a bad idea for any current game except for if it only runs on original hardware.
>inb4 zoomer

>> No.7743676


It doesn't work this way. You have 4 palettes, 16 colors each. Any tile uses only these 16 colors, and you decide which palette (from 4) this tile will use. Then, there can be some trickery with mid-frame color change (like Sonic underwater palette) or use of shadow/highlight tech, but in simplest case you have only 4*16= 64 colors. Even 61, because 1st color of each palette is transparency (only for 1st palette it used somehow - as a background base color).

Then, you can use cram graphics garbage to create more colors:
But that's a very strong magic.

>> No.7743696 [DELETED] 

zoom zoom

>> No.7743715

Nobody wants to work on an overclocked NES, they'd rather work on the NES and deal with its shortcomings or the Genesis because programmers fucking love the x68k way more than any other chip known to man.

>> No.7743837

Genesis had Blast Processing, how course it will run Sonic 3D Blast

>> No.7743876

Literal NES/SMS graphics on the Genesis. Shameful release even if it was early (the game sucks too)

>> No.7744078

>Nobody wants to work on an overclocked NES
i mean, the architecture just sucks and it requires you to jump through flaming hoops to do anything. the chipset is a lot more complex than the Mega Drive's, the sound processor is a pain to deal with, and the memory map organizes everything in retarded 64k segments like a DOS PC. yes it does offer more colors and some other neat features the Mega Drive doesn't have but just getting a tile map and sprites up and running is so much more work.

>> No.7744161

the Famicom port looks like a Gameboy game. kek.

>> No.7744186

surprised how readily Sega licensed ports of their games on other platforms back then

>> No.7744204

Sega's consoles weren't very successful in Japan so they licensed ports of their games as a means of getting some extra revenue to make up for it. They quit by 1991 once the Mega Drive's success in North America and PAL regions was assured, but in the mid-90s with the Saturn not doing so well they returned to licensing PC ports of games.

>> No.7744217
File: 3.67 MB, 357x250, PastLawfulClownanemonefish-size_restricted.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*blocks everybody's path*

>> No.7744227
File: 7 KB, 320x240, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Atari 2600 games can look this good?!

>> No.7744243

Damn son

>> No.7744254

One of the comfiest homebrews ive played for the nes and looks very nice, so fuck whomever said that

>> No.7744256

Exactly why programmers love the genesis. The 68K is still one of the most fun architectures to date.

>> No.7744302

cool, the MM programmer is in this thread

>> No.7744489

Is this the forgotten prequel to Daytona USA, Daytona Kenya?

>> No.7744513

strangely enough there wasn't anything else that could display 256 colors until the Amiga (designed by the same team amusingly)

>> No.7744572

That's a semi-modern (2006) homebrew.

>> No.7744584

You heard how Sega wanted to license (gulp) US Gold to port Sonic to home computers but then didn't because the MD was selling well enough? Dear god we dodged a bullet there.

>> No.7744593


>> No.7744597

in Japan all the arcade guys knew 68000 asm and Europe all the Amiga guys. in the US idk, 16-bit home computers weren't really popular here and it was more used in productivity/server/workstation machines.

>> No.7744605

Its a pity that Capcom didn't come to their senses before letting them loose on Strider...

>> No.7744615
File: 40 KB, 765x431, 77.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sonic on the Amiga
>16 colours
>code is copypasted from the Atari ST so no use of the blitter
>15 fps
>press Up to jump
>pick either music or sfx
>huge US Gold logo occupying 1/3rd of the screen area
>in mid-jump
>Insert Disk 3

>> No.7745162

There's an off chance Probe or System 3 would have been assigned the port but most likely it would be Tiertex.

>> No.7745209
File: 29 KB, 336x188, hqdefault (39).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Couldn't be as bad as this

>> No.7745274

No amount of wishing would make the OCS Amiga be able to run Sonic anyway, at least not the Mega Drive one--the Master System Sonic could be ported easily.

>> No.7746236

So how do you pick a ROM size for a homebrew? Is it just like throwing a dart at a dartboard and going with what comes up?