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7740269 No.7740269 [Reply] [Original]

Looking at Quake source ports for a first time playthrough, but I'm not sure which one to choose. What would you guys recommend? Mainly looking for something a bit better than the Steam version but I'm also not looking for anything too fancy.

>> No.7740275


>> No.7740293

I use quakespasm, it's easy to use and you can use quake injector with it.

>> No.7740379
File: 3.33 MB, 1920x1080, quake.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

UQE with point filtering. No fancy shit for me.

>> No.7740434

vkQuake is based on Quakespasm but uses Vulkan. It has a few optional additional effects if want to enable them, but it can look as vanilla as it gets.

>> No.7740951

Quakespasm Spiked, same as Quakespasm, but works a bit better at higher than 74hz.
nope, vkquake switches out all types of texture filtering for only two, non of which is nearest without antialiasing.

>> No.7740970

Quakespasm is good enough for everything, to start with.
once you familiarize yourself a bit, you'll know whether you'd want to switch to something else.
note: latest vkQuake is currently broken
vanilla Quake had mipmaps

>> No.7741003

>vanilla Quake had mipmaps
what's your point? Do you think think the fact that the base game has it means every port does? Because I agree that it should. But feel free to try some of the types of filtering that vkQuake doesn't expose through the options menu through console if you haven't.

>> No.7741062

>what's your point?
the point is that vkq doesn't "switch out" filtering for "only two".
software quake had mips, glquake and its descendants had whatever opengl came with. vulkan is its own thing.

>> No.7741087

So just a correction unrelated to what sourceport to get?

>> No.7741095

mate, don't be obtuse.
I corrected a statement that gave a wrong impression.
if I was trying to be pedantic for the sake of it I would've corrected "74 hz" (it's 72)

>> No.7741116

But the discussion was about what sourceport to get. what makes the api being different on the one with less features than others relevant to that? And I will never learn that it's 72.

>> No.7741147

I don't really see "nearest without mips" as a feature. the only use I found for it is to fix the bad bias when using r_scale in spasm.
the different api just means a port doesn't "owe" you features vanilla never had. dosbox comes with upscale filters, should we start demanding those from quake ports?
as for "less features", vkq has waterwarp and watermips, and doesn't have those ugly model teleportations QSS introduces. so, eh. it's still my port of choice, just unfortunate that the author hasn't fixed the lighting in half a year.

>> No.7741212

I use it whenever I play at very low res (upscaling if you will) (same reason I don't use antialiasing at that point).
And I would'n't "demand" anything it "owes" from any of them, but it can be a reason to use one over another. And yes, upscaling filters would be one of those for me.
Also the first thing said about vk here was that it's based on qs, so I thought it lacking features from that was worth mentioning even if "switching out more modes for fewer" is in some way inaccurate.

>> No.7741924

Quakespasm Spiked. It's quakespasm but you can go higher than 72fps without breaking the in-game physics. It's def the best one i've used

>> No.7741991

QuakeSpasm (or QuakeSpasmSpiked) works well. It doesn't list all of its variables in the options menu though, so you'll have to scroll through your .cfg file to adjust some things, or you can just copy lines off of mine so you don't have to trial and error (you may wanna copy these into your expansion/map pack folders as well)

These are my .cfg's, uploaded them to Trancord because lazy and going to bed, but you could look at these for making the demo loops play on start (so you get the cool intro theme playing to the sound of roaring monsters and explosions), turning off the animation interpolation, turning off the smudge filter, etc.

You'll also have to use the console to select expansions or third party levels.
>game rogue
>game hipnotic
>game ad
>game dopa

After setting it up, it's just ready to play, nothing but Quake.

>> No.7742683

got you covered, pal

>> No.7742689


>> No.7742825
File: 341 KB, 600x593, sharpening.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus fucking Christ.

>> No.7742841

i use winquake
>works on my machine
I just mount the digital CD
open quake in winquake

>> No.7742843

>nearest without antialiasing.
Who cares? If you're going for a source port, why would you settle for anything less?

>> No.7742912

how is more options less?

>> No.7743157

Oh look, Graphic woke up

>> No.7743173

An option to voluntarily lower your salary is still an option to settle for less.

Those options are simply relics of being on OpenGL. There is no reason they would exist in a modern API, just like it would be absurd to offer interlacing for 4K resolutions.
I mean, they could be there, but it would be completely arbitrary.

>> No.7743206

So no need for anything "lesser" than trilinear filtering and anisotropic (, modern color palette, interpolated animations, dof, motionblur, bloom or darkplaces effects) either then? Why play an old-ass game like Quake at all?

>> No.7743359

>So no need for anything "lesser" than trilinear filtering and anisotropic
Pedantry aside, yes.

>modern color palette, interpolated animations, dof, motionblur, bloom or darkplaces effects
As the other anon said, don't be obtuse. This isn't about adding to Quake, but subtracting visual artifacts.
You'll have to specify a reason for wanting to alter anything that goes beyond creating the cleanest representation of Quake, whether that is some dumb cinematic post-processing shader, like you mentioned, or mipmap aliasing.

Do you really like aliasing just for the sake of it? Well, I can respect that, just like I can respect someone who insists on playing Darkplaces with everything turned on.

>> No.7743374

sorry for being totally ignorant on the matter, but with qspasm spiked my 144hz monitor caps at 70hz. i havent found anything about it online, how do i go about it?

>> No.7743390

"host_maxfps 144" in console

>> No.7743393

I gave a reason earlier (its sharper at lower resolutions) but you're arguing against having options (that exists on the base vkquake is built on). do you not think that the burdon for a reason goes back to you?
try "host_maxfps 144"

>> No.7743394

Why did QuakeWorld and Quake 2 get rid of precise FPS caps in favor of that which infamously rounds to 125 FPS?

>> No.7743415

I just use FTEQW.

>> No.7743452

>I gave a reason earlier (its sharper at lower resolutions)
How so? Anisotropy gracefully restores whatever detail was lost with conventional mipmapping, and given enough samples, it's as sharp as it could ever get. Texture shimmering doesn't really constitute sharpness, just a lot of noise.
But I can't judge you if you like how it looks.
>but you're arguing against having options (that exists on the base vkquake is built on). do you not think that the burdon for a reason goes back to you?
I was asking what could justify said options, and if that's on the grounds of what the codebase is based on, again, that's just a relic of how old OpenGL worked to facilitate differing capabilities of early hardware.
I'm not against having more options, but I expect there to be a reason for their existence and the work required to reimplement them, either as a subjective preference among people, or some real tangible benefit.

>> No.7743461


>> No.7743554

>for the same reason nearest is sharper compared to linear, and the same reason no anti-aliasing is sharper than fxaa, an amalgom of everything behind that pixel turning all the colors into blurry inbetween blurs very similar to linear filtering as soon as more colors than one fits in a pixel (super low res or because there's a bit of range between you and it).. and yes, ultra subjective. and yes it shimmers (regarding that, I think aliasing is so distracting because it stands out in high resolution, I'd rather look at pixel art than a puddle of mud)

>> No.7743558

was trying to open with
>How so?

>> No.7743796

>for the same reason nearest is sharper compared to linear
Sure, but it's not at a pixel level, so there is information in between texels to fill. Mipmap artifacts are a matter of display resolution, and they would theoretically be eliminated by upping the resolution indefinitely.

>and the same reason no anti-aliasing is sharper than fxaa
Because FXAA, as the name implies, is purely a cheap approximation. It can only dream of matching the ground truth, i.e. SSAA.

If you think even SSAA with a conventional box kernel looks blurry, well, to each their own.

>> No.7743830
File: 680 KB, 2689x1298, Extreme example.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I said several times that I'm talking about lower resolutions. If I'm playing at higher, I both change texture filtering as well as activate ssao (or technically just switch to vkQuake as I had that set up like that anyway, making it smoother than deleting it and setting up a new batchfile with a new autorun for the same port of every different game run in the engine). Lower res and higher res has completely different issues, what's smooth in higher res is blurry in lower and what's crisp in lower would be noticable jagged in the context of an otherwise high res image.

>> No.7743870

Gah, there's something uncanny about everything in that image.

Whoever he is, he's right, filters are ghastly and ugly looking.

>> No.7743891
File: 250 KB, 1024x768, quack2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought you were playing on a CRT or something. That looks like you're trying to emulate non-VESA vanilla Quake, in which case, nothing beats software rendering, but applying an 8-bit palette filter certainly gets close.

>> No.7743894
File: 245 KB, 1024x768, quack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7743915

Anything based on fitzquake which is spasm and all its derivatives. Dark places is ugly as fucking shit adding unnecessary effects and fucks with the physics putting quake world physics in the single player. It sequence breaks some fan maps I have played because the slightly increased jump height.

>> No.7743931

>I thought you were playing on a CRT
I used to. fell of my desk and started glowing.
I'm just doing what I think looks nice but preferred the look of software before I found out about sourceports (but doesn't everyone, none of us use linear filtering, right?).

>> No.7744079

>pixels are sharp in high definition resolutions
whoa...we're on to something in this thread...

>> No.7744091

the image is sharpened in post, there's strong haloing. nothing to do with resolution, just plain retardation.

>> No.7744146

Are you being a faggot on purpose? The game does NOT look like that unless you apply some sort of filter or post processing.

>> No.7744250
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>> No.7744289

Video bandlimiting, SOVL.

>> No.7744503
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>> No.7744530
File: 52 KB, 878x641, Screenshot 2021-05-11 143231.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a somewhat better image. Pretty much every pixel that makes up the HUD has a halo around it.

>> No.7744534
File: 14 KB, 400x300, dryheave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7744585

I dont see shit i think its your monitor

>> No.7744608

Get your eyes checked.

>> No.7744724

Get your video cable checked.

>> No.7744760


>> No.7744826

This and DarkPlaces if you're looking to play it with fancy graphics.

>> No.7744831


>> No.7744839

Based boomer.
Just increase the fov to 110 and the rocket launcher will look like a giant dick sticking out of the middle of the screen.

>> No.7744863

I remember I tried WinQuake on a Windows 7 laptop about a decade ago, it ran fine natively, but after maybe 60 to 120 minutes of playing, the whole screen would get all fucked with colors. Usually that had something to do with Windows Aero/Windows Explorer in Windows 7, but I couldn't make it stop happening with the typical method of writing a .bat file which temporarily kills explorer.exe while you play (which worked with Diablo).

Anyway, if you like it old fashioned, that's all QuakeSpasm is inherently (but with more resolution options), so if you ever need to play it on a new machine, that's a good port.

>> No.7744968
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>> No.7745029 [SPOILER] 
File: 143 KB, 469x330, 1620769001460.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7745091
File: 163 KB, 1366x768, Penis Launcher.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
