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/vr/ - Retro Games

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7738861 No.7738861 [Reply] [Original]

which one?

>> No.7738920

Neither, I'd rather play Spyro.

>> No.7738951
File: 288 KB, 1024x966, 45n67jm2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They were different types of games. 1 was the Mario 64 of the DC. 2 was a real game for points and shit, very arcade like.

>> No.7739518

Spyro is shit m8 plsy somde fuckin MAXIMO

>> No.7739906

2 has the better plot imo but it isn't half as replayable as 1.

>> No.7739925

Tough choice, but I probably have to give it to 2. The rank system adds a lot of replay value, and even though some gameplay styles are better than others, none are particularly bad in my opinion.

>> No.7739928

Sonic 1 but in reality neither sonic has always been style over substance

>> No.7739992

I enjoy SA1 more then SA2. Something about SA2's controls don't click with me and also half the levels are garbage.

>> No.7740009

For me it's SA2.
>plot is basically the logical conclusion to Sonic with an extremely kino ending scene, the bad evil scientist is so fucking shocked by the actions of his badder eviler grandfather he starts to think he should chill
>gameplay isn't the best but A ranking levels pushes level design to its limits and actually improves some like Final Rush and Cosmic Wall
>Chao Garden fuck year
>dat soundtrack

>> No.7740313

sa1 is nothing but a tech demo

>> No.7740318

Damn good tech demo.

>> No.7740327

I like SA2 but 2/3 of the game is mech shooting/treasure hunting. At least in SA1 Sonic got the most levels out of anyone. Though I’d still say the speed levels in 2 are slightly more fun than the speed levels in 1.

>> No.7740339

I think 1 is better, if only because the different playstyles are seperated into their own campaigns. I

>> No.7740351

Sonic has the majority of levels in sa2 as well

>> No.7740359

One has a lot of annoyances through out though, the flying minigame has to be done multiple times, and it’s just not very good. Also Chaos 4 fight sucks and it’s the most repeated boss fight in the game.

Casinopolis is such a pace breaker for Sonic that I practiced clipping through walls for an hour just to be able to skip it on future play throughs.

>> No.7740580
File: 589 KB, 634x448, Dx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sonic Adventure was BADASS when it came out. Tell me this whale scene did not blow your mind as a kid. Tell me going on six separate adventures for the first time in a Sonic game with crossover between the stories wasn't badass. Traveling to the past? Raising Chao? Secret eggs? Open world environments?

I still wish that Sega found a way to make this work in their future games.

>> No.7740613


>> No.7740616

The first one.

>> No.7740618

The best tech demo ever created

>> No.7740621

I like both. Very similar games with different strengths. Overall 2 just has more. Chaos are undeniably better in 2

>> No.7740638

no discussion

>> No.7740664
File: 2.99 MB, 427x358, greatest moment in gaming history.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Loved both but Sonic Adventure 2 was the one for me.

>> No.7740678

SA 1 Fans
>only 1 was good, 2 is shit!
SA2 Fans
>i love both equally/i like 2 more but i still love 1 almost as much

What is the problem with 1fags?

>> No.7740687

W-WHY CANT YOU LOVE EVERYTHING :'( *downvotes and cancels the shit out of you*

>> No.7740708

theyre very, very similar games. criticism of one extreme is not defense of the other. grow up

>> No.7740713

>theyre very, very similar games
my my, leddit these days

>> No.7740727

>i disagree, therefore reddit
single digit iq. i think you'd fit in over there more than any of us

>> No.7740974

Problem is they made treasure hunting levels larger as not sharing the same assets like 1 was for a portion of a level, and mechs are now always slow and have longer levels unlike gamma as well as both play styles being given more levels and speed levels in general seem sorter e.g metal harbor. Whereas Sonic in SA1 had the longest levels as well as having the most, the other play styles even if in total was more than Sonics were relatively short.

>> No.7741002

>they made unique levels for the treasure hunting rather than reusing assets therefore its bad
>the mech levels are longer than 3 seconds therefore bad
ok dude lol

>> No.7741152

Treasure Hunting levels in 2 having unique assets isn’t a negative and neither was making them larger. The issue is Rouge and Tails are tacked on, Tails was expected to be in the game but in the original Trailers only Sonic, Knuckles and Eggman (One character per play style) were seen. Tails and Rouge levels are shittier and mostly using similar assets to Knuckles and Eggman. They felt the need to pad shit enough to give both Tails and Rouge Kart stages that somehow control worse than any character in Twinkle Circuit.
Gamma didn’t have long enough levels the idea to expand that gameplay in itself wasn’t bad all they got was Hot Shelter as a proper stage; but Eggman and Tails are slower than Gamma, taking out the time attack incentive sucks too.
Knuckles gets improved level layouts but the radar nerf on only one object at a time sucked. Shadow doesn’t get fully original stages either in terms of assets other character stages have but still better to have more Speed stages than not. The issue now becomes are Sonics physical with the nerfed spindash and the even more linear levels the correct choice after SA1.

>> No.7741224

1 is pure soul.
2 created shadow the edgefuck so it's automatically bad.

>> No.7741245

SA1, the Sanic physics are more wild, the mech gameplay's less clunky, and fishing with Big is way past comfy.

>> No.7741256

>not going for edgehog

>> No.7741319


>> No.7741339

>Knuckles gets improved level layouts but the radar nerf on only one object at a time sucked.
?_? who ever thought this at the time?

The Knuckles levels are objectively better in SA2, especially with the ranking.

>> No.7741359

Sonic has slightly more levels than any other single character but he doesn’t have “the majority of levels” in the game. Not by a long shot.

>> No.7741369

Wow, you really showed those strawmen. Fuck off from this board, retard.

>> No.7741373

>who ever thought this at the time?
Everyone who played the game maybe?

>> No.7741374

The game is balanced so that all three types of levels make up 1/3rd of the game.

>> No.7741380

I didn't.

I A-ranked all of Knuckles levels too. Not relevant to this conversation here but I just want to say I love the knuckles levels in SA2

>> No.7741387

I know. I’m saying it would be better if it weren’t that way and the game were more heavily skewed towards the speed characters since they’re more fun.

>> No.7741423

Both, though the removal of an overworld in Adventure 2 is kinda confusing, since that makes it no longer an adventure game, just a straight platformer.

>> No.7741428

bro it's an adventure literally across all of earth AND outerspace

>> No.7741948

they are both bad games, but at least adventure had a soulfuil overworld and 6 character types instead of 3

>> No.7741960

Tail's levels are just "play sonic's levels again but with a time limit". Just a primitive version of the 5-mission system from SA2B.

Knuckle's levels are aight, but they're better on SA2B and you get rouge as well.

Who likes Amy's levels?

>>7741245 is the only person I've seen in my entire life who likes Big's levels.

Gamma's levels are bigger and better as Tails and Eggman is SA2.

So basically the three game styles that worked in SA1 were expanded and made better, and the ones that were trash were dumped like they should have been in the first place.

>> No.7742115

Rather fucking die than replay either shitpile

>> No.7742118

Why would this worse-than-5th-gen platforming scene blow your mind? You realize this was like an autopilot version of a dozen Crash Bandicoot levels right?

>> No.7742127

die then bitch

>> No.7742568 [DELETED] 


>You realize this was like an autopilot version of a dozen Crash Bandicoot levels right?

I feel bad that you can't just enjoy shit and are always thinking about what better things you could be playing.

As someone who actually grew up gaming, yeah, the whale scene was pretty mind blowing. You could even say it was one of the first uses of in-game cutscenes that were later popularized by Half-Life.

>> No.7742591

Adventure 1

>> No.7742605


Show me one Crash Bandicoot level you think had the same impact as having a whale chasing after you. I played that trial dozens of times because of how vivid and action packed those levels were. Crash was a good platformer, but the two games were attempting different things.

>> No.7742615

Ignore him he's just being a nigger, no one gives a shit about crash bandicoot

>> No.7742624

More like Rash on Hands and Coot

>> No.7743075

SA1 any day. I absolutely love the RPG influence. The massive overworld is so fucking good, and you can just play through Sonic's story and call it a day. Sure there's some filler and tons of flaws, but that doesn't take away from the fact that SA1 is an incredibly fun ride.
It really sucks Sega stopped making Sonic games like SA1. It's the only one that ever felt huge in scope. None of the other Sonics feel like that.

>> No.7743130

>So basically the three game styles that worked in SA1 were expanded and made better
Except they were all worse. Making the mechs slower and harder to turn is not an improvement. Tweaking the aiming sound to be more annoying is also not an improvement. Having bigger levels is a bad thing when the characters are now tedious to play. The same goes for treasure hunting. Having to collect emeralds in some arbitrary order thanks to the gimped radar sucks. And the stage/mission design for treasure hunting was horrible, with security hall, aquatic mine, meteor herd, and mad space sticking out as some of the worst levels in the franchise.

>> No.7743138

Nitpickin nigger

>> No.7743405

Basedro is literally retarded gay babby shit

>> No.7744034


>> No.7744048

>shadow bad

>> No.7746105

>black good

>> No.7746114

How is any of that nitpicking? Control is obviously important in a game. Even “minor” shit like the aiming sound matters considering you’re going to spend 90% of the mech levels hearing it. Sounds like you’re just butthurt because someone called out your shit taste and you don’t have a good retort.

>> No.7746135

>It really sucks Sega stopped making Sonic games like SA1

They tried with 2006 and it... didn't really go great.

>> No.7746137

SA1 hands down. In that game you only have to deal with Big's story. In SA2 2/3rds of the game are boring shit.

>> No.7746209

it's nitpicking because the dude has nothing. When told the levels are better he concedes but brings up the mech characters being slower and bulkier when they in fact have boosters to make them run fast and when several of their levels involve fast paced running, when their slow movements aren't even hard to control, and then brings up retarded shit like the sound of the lazer when I've never even heard one person complain about that. When told that the treasure levels are more expanded he brings up the radar only showing one emerald at a time, totally ignoring that the radar in SA1 made the levels too easy, totally ignoring that SA2 has a score system and the time it takes to find one emerald is tied up to your score, finding emeralds without the radar gives you a perfect rating, and so on (being able to get hints about the locations of the other emeralds would lead to score abuse since you could just find the 1 emerald, then go back and get the other two within 20 seconds). The dude clearly just doesn't like the treasure levels and will give any bullshit reason like the radar only does one emerald a time, as if the player is actually meant to find all 3 emeralds all at the same exact time instead of separately. It's just pure nitpickery.

>> No.7746220

They’re both bad games desu

>> No.7746234

Sonic Adventure 2. I never want to play Big the Cat or E-102's levels ever again.

>> No.7746249

SA1 since you can play as Amy, and also you can go fishing.

>> No.7746359

You seriously have no point to make here, you’re just rambling on like a fucking idiot trying to justify your bad taste. All of the things mentioned above are genuine flaws that make the game a chore to play. Whether or not you agree with that is fucking irrelevant when 99% of people who played this game agree that the non-Sonic levels suck ass. Cope, seethe, and dilate.

>> No.7746368

Sick appeal to majority, dude

>> No.7746378

Idk what else to say, you’re just wrong. The SA2 mechs are slower than gamma and are harder to turn, that’s a fact. The levels being bigger isn’t a good thing when the characters aren’t fun to play. It’s actually a bad thing because it prolongs the tedium/boredom. The SA2 radar makes the hunting levels 2-3 times longer than the speed levels, especially in the needlessly gigantic stages at the end of the story. It was obviously added to pad out the game and waste the player’s time. No sane person would prefer that.

>> No.7746386


Really? Being that absurdly hyperbolic doesn’t help your argument. There are plenty of people who like those stages.

>> No.7746389

Yes. Most other people don’t have an irrational reason to pretend these levels aren’t shit, unlike you.

>> No.7746390

You have no point either, you can't name any flaws, the comment about slow bulkiness is just straight up a lie since he clearly forgot that the mechs build momentum and have multiple fast sections in all of their levels, the comments about the radar is not a flaw at all, he fails to see how the emeralds are integrated into the score system and how the ranking missions work, he's literally just making shit up like the sound of the lazer to defend why he doesn't like the non sonic levels, and you're sitting here acting like everybody hates 2/3rds of the game when you pulled that straight out of your ass. If its your opinion fine but don't try and present it like it's an objective assessment. I could just as easily point to all the forums and steam groups of players who love those levels to prove you wrong. Anyway, go drink gasoline.

>> No.7746391

I'm not even him, fagass. Take your meds.

>> No.7746392


>> No.7746404

>you can't name any flaws
Stopped reading here.

See >>7743130
And stare at it until you can comprehend what the words mean. You’re free to write another novel, but I’m not reading it.

>> No.7746407

You’re not him, you just have the same IP and faggy way of talking, right? Lmao

>> No.7746410

>>7746368 was my first post in the thread.
Just accept that more than one person thought you were stupid, learn from it, and move on.

>> No.7746415

IP count didn’t change, but you can keep seething about having your samefag called out. Kek

>> No.7746416
File: 350 KB, 750x731, ok retard funky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7746418

twinkle park's driving minigame was better than sa2's tails/rouge driving too

>> No.7746419

>reaction pic

>> No.7746423

>The SA2 mechs are slower than gamma and are harder to turn, that’s a fact.
That's just not a fact, you haven't played in a long time apparently. You have apparently forgot or never even knew in the first place how to accelerate.

>The SA2 radar makes the hunting levels 2-3 times longer than the speed levels
That's not what makes the level longer, the last few speed levels regularly go 6-8 minutes if not done at speed run pace. You having one emerald at a time isn't the limiting factor for how quickly you compete it, its your pattern recognition skills. Most of the early levels can be beaten in under 5 minutes at a leisurely pace, 3 minutes at a good pace, 1 minute at an A rank pace.

>needlessly gigantic
The treasure levels are more logical in SA2. The levels are sectioned off into 3-4 clear areas instead of being one large open ended map like in SA1. Getting the emeralds is as simply as gliding to the areas, checking obvious places, and going to the next areas, whereas SA1's treasure levels have no pattern to them and are pure random. The only one that is gigantic is the last one for obvious scaling reasons.

>obviously added to pad out the game
In comparison to Big, Amy, Tails, and yes even Gamma in SA1?

You just don't like those levels. Thats fine. Just get good and you'll see the error in your ways.

>> No.7746426

Wasn't him dude, I was busy writing my last novel while you wrote these retarded accusations

Kill yourself

>> No.7746429

Didn’t read.

Stay butthurt, samefag.

>> No.7746434

Stay wrong then nigger

>> No.7746480
File: 407 KB, 1011x783, 1390432_jaquin58_chao-garden.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2 since it has the superior chao garden

>> No.7746559

1 unless you're a Chaofag

>> No.7746810

This isn't even true, SA2 fans shit on 1 all the time on this board especially

>> No.7747394

I feel like 2 would have been infinitely more enjoyable without Tails. Eggman's stages are arcadey, fast paced, and fun. Tails stages feel like an afterthought.

>> No.7747820

Emerald hunting is shit. That Rouge space level gave me aids

>> No.7747821

SA has better level design but 2 has better feeling gameplay, for the most part

>> No.7747827
File: 2.11 MB, 1280x1024, Knuckles Pumpkin_Hill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hahahah you suck. Flying around with Knuckles/Rouge is so fun

>> No.7747908

Either is fine by me, but if I had to choose, it'd be 2. I like it's chao garden more than the first one

>> No.7747914

Insecure fag, both of these games are awful

>> No.7747927

>open a thread of games you don't like
>get mad when people discuss them fondly
Yeah, I'm the insecure one.

>> No.7747969

A darn good one at that

>> No.7748010

>The best tech demo ever created
Not even close.


But the early Crysis tech demos were impressive too - they looked better than the final game.

>> No.7748139

yeah mad space is literal garbage but all the other emerald hunting levels are so fun

>> No.7748141

1 without hesitation

>> No.7749516

I played them both recently after a few years of not playing it. I will have to say 2.

>> No.7749640

oh yeah, i totally want to replay big the cat. definitely. i totally want to waste time going from zone to zone of an empty, meaningless hub world.

>> No.7749645

literal retard. the game with better controls doesnt click with you? what a failure. "half the levels are garbage" as if SA1 isnt a steaming pile on its own. what an absolute clown.

>> No.7749657

god damn your posts are difficult to read. what the fuck is up with your english? also your points are garbage. also you contradicts yourself by opening your first post with "problem is", and then your second post says they "isnt a negative". you're making issues out of non-issues and pretending that things are problems when they really arent. you arent ACTUALLY analyzing the game and content itself, you're parroting some other bullshit you heard/read before and pretending that its important when it isnt.

>> No.7749672

people with actual brains
>both are shit with GLARING issues, but 2 is a better made game with less jank and more refined design.
nitpicking flaws and desperately clawing for dominance when they're both bottom of the barrel garbage is just pathetic.

>> No.7749687
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>you can just ignore a significant portion of the content
oh yeah, quality argument right there, lol

>> No.7749697
File: 271 KB, 960x720, 1607632035865.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sa1 fags:
>i like the exploration and moving around in a big space!
also sa1 fags:
>dont make me actually run around and explore a space to find shit. i want to spend as little time as possible doing this.

truly breathtaking display.

>> No.7749703

to be fair, the high pitch sound of the aiming laser IS kind of annoying after a while. like, its just an objective fact and flaw. however, its pretty minor and not that serious. it isnt nearly as grievous of a sin as big the cat fishing.

>> No.7749707

>opinion is objective fact
Okay. At least you acknowledge its not that serious.

>> No.7749710

its actually not that they suck ass. its just that people wanted more sonic/shadow (speed levels), they're just "worse". they're just a different kind of gameplay, and not the kind they're looking for in a sonic game. much like how the other characters in SA1 are ALSO considered to be worse experiences than sonic's. thats all. when people actually look at them for what they are, they arent that bad and you're wildly overreacting.

>> No.7749714

they hated jesus because he told them the truth. stand strong, brother.

>> No.7749737

It's a tale as old as time. The first game feels kind of like a blueprint, but the sequel misses the point.

You say to yourself, "Man, what if they cut the fat and just gave us straightforward levels? This could actually be a really solid game!" But the problem is SA1's actual platform/running segments only seem good because you have to endure all the other stuff in between. You're being conditioned to think Sonic's stages are awesome because Big the Cat's are so lame by comparison. When you play SA2, you're forced to admit that what you wanted all along wasn't for this game to be perfected, you just wanted to be playing something else entirely.

Now, don't get me wrong. The whimsical, variety nature of SA1 is enjoyable on its own merits. I enjoy just blazing through the half-on-rails levels, hanging out in the areas, and listening to the borderline muzak. But to call either of these games good by virtue of their action/platform/running is a lie. It's like a virtual activity book for children—draw a line to get Sonic to the finish line, circle the 3 emerald fragments. I mean, come on, they even use Comic Sans.

>> No.7749738

if you specifically ask people about it, they will all say that it isnt good or is kind of annoying to some degree. its just that most people end up getting used to it and tuning it out because it isnt that serious and it isnt THAT bad. its still "a flaw" but its pretty trivial.

>> No.7749752

Both games were good when they came out. Most developers were still trying to figure out how to make a 3d platformer back then. Just because a 3d platformer isn't as good as Mario 64 doesn't mean it's a bad game.

>> No.7749784

>But the problem is SA1's actual platform/running segments only seem good because you have to endure all the other stuff in between. You're being conditioned to think Sonic's stages are awesome because Big the Cat's are so lame by comparison.
You have it backwards. In SA1 you can just play the Sonic campaign and ignore the rest. In SA2, you are forced to play as the other characters in order to get to the next Sonic level.

>> No.7749793

careful, nostalgiafags dont like truth.

i do somewhat disagree though. i see SA2 as a logical progression, a refinement of design and execution. however, i have always been in the camp of "yeah thats great and all, but can we just have a full sonic game? the speed levels are the best, i want more of those." city escape, radical highway, the jungle levels, pyramid cave, metal harbor, even final rush/chase were pretty great. i kept hoping that the reception of the speed levels would be heard and they would actually make a game even more refined and expanding on just those, but theres always some OTHER stupid gimmick tacked on (unleashed, generations), or the entire game's design was just a trainwreck (like 06). they arent exactly "good" games, but i kept hoping that they could make a game that was "good enough" for the character i grew up with, that i could have fun without wanting to pull my hair out at some stupid shit. theres no point in taking them seriously when they dont even take themselves seriously (those plots. those rushed deadlines and resulting jank).

sadly, sonic games are cursed. sonic team is pants on head retarded. even sonic mania, which was fan made, still missed the mark for me by copy/pasting a game i've already played, and then making new shit needlessly complex with SHIT for flow.

>> No.7749795

That’s something you can do, yeah. But I think many people’s experience with the game, at least the first time, was to switch off between characters at various times.

>> No.7749798


also, if you really are a turbo autist, in SA2 you only have to beat each stage once and then you can stage select whatever you want. if thats really too much for you, yu bought the wrong game and should probably kill yourself because its doubtful that you can handle the complexities of the real world.

>> No.7749802


I enjoy the bigger selection of gameplay styles and being able to explore the Hubworlds.

>> No.7749824

nothing like exploring that great wide emptiness. over, and over, and over....
yeah, so good. such a great addition.

>> No.7750452

midwit take

>> No.7750541

Woo hoo!

Woo hoo!

>> No.7751405

Enough people play SA 1 and 2 to come up with common nitpicks for both because it’s apparent while comparing the two. I keep reading how fast Tails and Eggman can be when using boost pads or otherwise in long stretches of level if they don’t turn, when most of their levels put them in short segmented areas turning and jumping constantly so you can’t take advantage of their potential because their acceleration sucks, meanwhile Gamma while walking is faster and transforms to a different mode to become even faster. There are trade offs from SA1 and 2, some shit got better others got worse and if there’s one thing that sucks shit is the level layouts for 2: Speed: extremely straight forward, momentum doesn’t matter. 1 by comparison is too short and though physics and momentum are relevant at least for spin dash Rickert and alternate paths; they aren’t utilized well at all like something from Windy Valley Beta. The issue with Sonic Adventure 2 is it isn’t complete improvements without any significant drawbacks that are argued about to this day.

>> No.7751464

nice contribution

>> No.7751495

I was going to say 1 but you've made me think. As a single playthrough I'd much rather play 1 but 2 really does have the replay value.

>> No.7751509 [DELETED] 
File: 149 KB, 777x750, soiboi2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nice contribution

>> No.7751512

>heckin comic sans!
upboat reddit xD

>> No.7751521

Sonic Adventure 1 was way superior
Sonic Adventure 2 had more shitty levels, worse camera, and worse controls. Knuckles had awful rap songs that would give you a headache while fighting with the camera and being lost for 30 minutes. The Tails/Robotnik levels just controlled like shit.
The mutant dinosaur boss at the end of the game was nearly impossible because the camera wouldn't show you where you were going.
Sonic Adventure 1 had its issues but its amazing how they somehow just doubled down on all the problems of the original and more.
I beat both of these games for the first time last month so there is no nostalgia speaking here.

>> No.7751532

>headache while fighting with the camera and being lost for 30 minutes
>because the camera wouldn't show you where you were going
Don't go outside grandpa, you'd lose control in a 3D environment and walk into traffic like it's Frogger.

>> No.7751537

I just 100% both games in the last few weeks myself
>2 has worse camera
both are bad but 1 is actually worse. way more instances of it changing angles and thus the direction of your input and sending you into the abyss
>worse controls
theyre identical
>awful rap songs
retard with no musical understanding or taste
>tails/eggman levels controlled like shit
No they controlled perfecly fine. They can feel slow especially if you take too big of turns but their better than e104?'s levels which were like 5 seconds long
>i got filtered by biolizard
its not hard at all. especially if you mean the super sonic/shadow final final boss, then you are pathetically bad at games

I like both games but you are being a genuine retard

>> No.7751552
File: 45 KB, 677x453, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>SA1fans just casually lay out their criticisms of the game
>whole thread SA2fags are seething at every critique, reacting like it is a personal attack against things the hold dear like Shadow and shitty rap songs

>> No.7751557

Saying the controls and camera are shit because you're spatially challenged isn't a criticism, faggot.

>> No.7751562
File: 67 KB, 654x260, Clipboard01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just casually giving criticisms
>come on guys jeez, just giving some legit criticisms....

>> No.7751619

Oh, you mean just 4 levels out of the entire fucking game? And the hub world that takes 2 minutes to navigate? Nice non-argument.

>> No.7751640

Adventure 1 I guess, but I don't care for either game. I have a kind of nostalgia for them because I remember the Dreamcast and seeing the Adventure games in demos and magazines and, as a Sonic fan, being in awe and longing for them. But when I actually got around to playing them a decade or so later I didn't care for them much at all. I've revisited both of them since then too, and I still don't like them despite my best efforts.

Maybe that makes me an honorary fan of them, but probably not. I know a lot of people genuinely love them separate from any kind of nostalgia.

>> No.7751642

so far the criticisms have been really retarded though, like the guy that didn't know that tails and Eggman can accelerate, the lazer sound is too annoying (which means he's not even locking on targets and he's just spamming the b button), or the non issue of the radar showing one emerald at a time.

>> No.7751692

lol you really have like an entire folder of these?

>> No.7751696

Did you mean to follow that with an actual point?

>> No.7751701

That you are a retard and belong on reddit

>> No.7751724

There are genuine differences between how SA1 handles speed stages and how SA2 does. But in general it's true; neither game has very involved level design most of the time. SA1 includes platforming more often, but several levels are still mostly fluff.

>> No.7751767

gamma is just sonic with a gun. go play shadow's game if you want that. gamma isnt really DIFFERENT enough from main play. what SA2 did was define and refine it to be a unique and different experience. i dont understand how "they walk slow" is a criticism at all. they're about gunning down everything in their path and getting off epic combos, with a little precision platforming between. its a score game.

people want to complain about "linear nature" of SA2 speed levels. classic sonic was linear. they made it in a 3 dimensional form. you keep wanting to argue about "exploration" of empty nothings, when the GOAL is a specific destination. you keep talking about some physics garbage and spindash jumps to literally skip parts of levels. so which is it? do you want to explore and experience the things the devs put in, or do you just want to abuse a physics engine for "lol le epic launch jumps!" to skip the experience? your contradictions just serve to show how utterly retarded you are. "but you cant spindash to skip huge portions of speed stages in SA2!" oh no, how horrible to be forced to go through the path that they devs laid out for us...

you literally have no argument beyond "im autistic, and if i dont feel like im getting some kind of special power fantasy out of my play to give me the good brain juice 24/7, then the game is shit". just kill yourselves already.

>> No.7751780

they're either making mountains out of molehills and minor flaws, misrepresenting the truth, fabricating falsehoods, getting filtered by being retarded, contradicting themselves and their own criticisms, or just plain ignoring the glaring flaws of their own game.

they arent actually making arguments. they're just making baseless claims and subjective kneejerk reactions.

>> No.7751786

oh yeah, that 2 minutes of empty nothing, over and over between stages. SUCH replayability. truly the pinnacle of the sonic experience.

>> No.7751790

>fishing with Big is way past comfy
t. never went for Big's A missions of catching 2000g fish

>> No.7751946

Next time just say “No, I have nothing to add,” or staying silent is also acceptable.

>> No.7752036

They're both shit

>> No.7752063

>way more instances of it changing angles and thus the direction of your input and sending you into the abyss
When I went back, this drove me insane. There are so many Sonic levels where the camera flips and then out of nowhere you're fucking clipping through walls and then you fall down to an empty pit of death. Just last night I played the Speed Highway level, and I died four times in the same spot because of the camera flip and the clipping. He just fucking falls right through an invisible wall and dies at the exact moment the camera shifts. Unbelievable. It's indefensible, no matter what your skill level is glitches like that will fuck over anybody, surely everybody here has had the same experience in other levels.

>> No.7752074

crash fans are the most deluded people on earth

>> No.7752092

I spent several hours trying trying to A rank Speed Highway (for some reason this is the only Shadow level that's any difficult to A rank) and nothing like that happened to me even once. Not saying things like that don't exist, though.

>> No.7752096

Both of these games play better on the Dreamcast than on the GameCube.

>> No.7753253

Ah yes, the inherently bad, incredibly shallow gameplay of the Adventure titles.

>> No.7753283

oh yeah? faggot

>> No.7753291

Speed Highway is in SA1, it isn't a shadow level and there isn't a rank system in SA1. I do remember the Shadow level you're talking about being hard to A Rank though.

SA1 has more clipping than SA2.

>> No.7753302

Sa2b still has the best chao garden.

>> No.7753726

The freedom to skip entire parts of the level or explore are both desired, whether to find alternative paths and secrets I.e S3&K instead of being railroaded into a hyper guided experience that may as well be the equivalent of holding right in Sonic 2, only now the game stops me to have me swing on vines for pure spectacle. The worst part of SA1 on replays is Emerald Coast in many ways because all the scripted loops and the orca, SA2 is filled with sections like this.
On “exploration” useless as it is I want to take full advantage of 3D space to cut through wide parts of the level because you have the knowledge to do so are are rewarded for trying. Or just find secrets, rings, lives, shortcuts etc. Neither SA1 or 2 have this in large amounts the issue is 1 has more instances or alternative paths and while present in SA2 it’s not as often.
Also if Gamma is Sonic with a gun that’s pretty great, preferable to Big the Cat on boost pads like Eggman/Tails.

>> No.7754040

This was pretty sick

>> No.7754092
File: 942 KB, 731x1094, scourge_the_hedgehog_pre_sgw_new_by_frostthehobidon_dd0s41o-fullview.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer SA2. I like how the gameplay was changed to accommodate a "speedrun" style. I also don't like how SA1 has Sonic and then I guess Knuckles and Gamma then three utterly pointless stories, plus the game's narrative does not deserve the storytelling style they gave it (very style over substance). SA2 is my favorite Sonic game to play and I'd still give the game like a 6/10 or 7/10. Also SA2 has the best Chao Garden. It even got an HD port that's fine, especially when compared to SA1 which literally just got worse every port. SA1 on Dreamcast is ok. At least it looks nice and has soul. From DX on the game which was already flawed becomes visually disgusting as well.
So yeah SA2. You could talk me into thinking SA1's Sonic stages were better but I'd still say the rest of SA2's improvements over SA1 outweigh that issue.

>> No.7754098

>and listening to the borderline muzak
You know what? You's a nigga, and I don't mean that in no nice way.

>> No.7754305
File: 169 KB, 1280x720, Unlike Mario I don't chuckle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like SA1 for:
>Refined, open emerald-searching
>Extra tension to shooting levels with time limit
>Fun interactions in the Adventure Fields
>Colorful, vibrant designs for enemies and stage background
>Callbacks to the original series and NiGHTS
>The way the storylines and levels interconnect

I like SA2 for:
>Streamlined approach to gameplay styles
>Optional replayability through A-rank missions
>Early attempts at realism in graphics
>The expanded Chao Garden
>Great soundtrack variety
>Expanded multiplayer

My ideal, pie-in-the-sky Adventure game would have
>Inventive, colorful Eggman creations as enemies
>Some key scenes in darker, more realistic locales, while most of the game locations lean towards the surreal
>Focus on three gameplay types
>Extra missions that add in time limits to shooting stages, and nerf the radar in treasure hunt stages
>Separate storylines that converge at moments, accessible through Adventure fields or menus
>Multiple Chao gardens based around both locations and hero/dark, with expansive Chao Kindergarten/Karate/Race features
>A good deal of multiplayer modes featuring characters unlockable through emblems
>Cheesy guitar, cheesy techno, cheesy jazz, and cheesy rap
>A few easter eggs or callbacks to earlier games
>Bad voice acting

>> No.7755084


>> No.7755141

I just want a legit AAA remake of Sonic Adventure from the ground up that finally lives up to the vision Sonic Team had that they clearly were unable to fully realize because of the rushed production. Plus, they can have the time to really figure out some of the mechanics and if they worked or not. Just a completely new game but it's still clearly Sonic Adventure, with gameplay that's actually fun for all 6 characters and with story changes to tighten it up or expand certain characters as well as make it less tedious to go through the same part multiple times.
That'll never happen though.

>> No.7755169

What would you do to make the gameplay better for each character?
I think the basics of Sonics gameplay are fine as is, don’t see a need for including boost but it it’s there short bursts, levels not centric on it and can move around with sharp turns as you could normally in Adventure.
Big the cat I think the swimming mechanics should be one of the primary focuses as outside fishing it’s the only unique thing about them and allowed for decent level exploration for B and A rank content. Not sure how to improve fishing as not knowledgeable on the genre, at best copy ffxv mini game I dunno. That or scrap.
Amy Rose a lot of people complain about due to speed but I think the small platforming levels were fine. Definitely make her faster maybe even SA2 fast but with a move set focused on the hammer, and reimplement proper stealth as the barrels to hide in are useless.
Tails should have a proper campaign instead of just racing Sonic but not sure what to do on levels as they are baby easy.
Knuckles pretty much fine maybe make more incentive on combat or enemies more in the way making it necessary.
Gamma also think fine but needs longer levels.
Super Sonic shouldn’t require beating all stories, but maybe make him as an unlockable in normal stages if you do beat all stories.
Would like more content overall.

>> No.7755210
File: 49 KB, 500x354, jammin'.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So fucking good.

>> No.7755316

Shadow's arm turned into literal spaghetti

>> No.7756091
File: 38 KB, 385x330, 61HTWWED4HL._SX385_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Adventure, but the Dreamcast version, not the shitty Gamecube port.

>> No.7756134

>I enjoy just blazing through the half-on-rails levels

>> No.7756147

Like both prefer 1 personally.

>> No.7756172

>ass controls and gameplay
Neither. Way to follow Nintendo's path down the style over substance garbage trail after SM64, Sega.

>> No.7756182

As someone who recently relayed both on a Dreamcast, neither games are any good
Spyro is also not good

>> No.7756187

Neither. All 3D platforms sucks. They should never left 2D.

>> No.7756657

There are a few good ones, the ps1 blaster master has some fun platforming sections

>> No.7756667

If your only experience playing Sonic Adventure is not the original Dreamcast version, you haven't played Sonic Adventure. Judging games based on bad ports is fucking retarded.

>> No.7756672

Mate it’s bad on both with the DC version having better lighting

>> No.7756903

>it becomes late at night in America
>all the Sonic threads on /vr/ mysteriously become dormant
Mmm... suspicious...

>> No.7756921

DC versions are more bugged and have less chao variations

>> No.7756930

>DC versions are more bugged
Provide any proof for your claims.
>and have less chao variations
Chao Garden sucks in any version of SA1, that's not a big deal.

>> No.7756947

>be kid in 2004
>Sonic Adventure 2 was pretty much my favorite Dreamcast game, but I was so bad with taking care of discs that my original burned copy got killed (much like my other favorite games at the time, MvC2 and Spawn: In the Demon's Hand)
>ask dad for help but he got someone else to burn the Dreamcast games for him and doesn't know how to get the games or use a CD burner
>go to an EB Games with my mom and ask if they have any Dreamcast games
>they just so happen to have Sonic Adventure 2, the exact game I'm looking for, in the case and everything
>thrilled and play the fuck out of it
>remember calling into my local Top 40 radio station during their request hour and asking if they could play Escape From the City
>for years, thought it was miraculous that they had the game (it was one of like 2 total Dreamcast games they had)
>as an adult, realized that SA2 was one of the most popular games for the console, one of the last games for the console, and probably got traded in a decent amount, so it's not strange at all for them to have SA2

>> No.7756950

>asking if they could play Escape From the City

Did they?

>> No.7756953

They didn't have the song so they couldn't play it.