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7737487 No.7737487 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Franchises that peaked on the first game

>> No.7737515

do add ons for the first game count as first game in the franchise? If yes then Half Life

>> No.7737520
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2 was good, but nowhere near as great as the first. I didn't even touch 3. When they announced it wouldn't be as scary, I said fuck that.

>> No.7737536

I forced myself to finish 2, DS1 was unmatched

>> No.7737598
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I know this isn't the most popular opinion, but i'd take the 1st Crash Bandicoot game over all of the others.

When it comes to what the best game in the series is, most people narrow it down to the original trilogy, out of them the original is the one that's usually most disliked, for being the most primitive, having the worst controls, being too hard at times, but personally the reason it's my favorite is all of those things.

The simplicity of it is charming, the lack of a warp room makes it the one with the most adventurous feel, the lack of gimmicks makes it the most platforming focused, and while the difficulty can be tough for some, it's way less annoying than the relics in the 3rd game or the N. Sanity Trilogy, at least to me.

I'm always switching back and forth between the 1st and 2nd games when it comes to what's the best in the series, but usually my favorite really is the original.

>> No.7737604
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>> No.7737605


>> No.7737782
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>> No.7737802

Devil May Cry
Silent Hill
Mega Man X
Deus Ex
Star Fox

>> No.7737813

Do you actually prefer Tenchu 1 over Wrath of Heaven? I'm not saying you're wrong or anything, but I've been meaning to get around to Tenchu 1 and 2 and I'd be surprised if 1 was better than WoH, which I think is fantastic.

>> No.7737815
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I hate the voice acting added to the re-release. Also, for some reason it looks ugly in the remaster too, I don't know what they changed, but it looks really different from the original, even when I run the GC game in dolphin.

>> No.7737830
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>> No.7737832

>Star Fox
64 shits on both SNES games

>> No.7737834
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Super Mario Kart

I like MKDS and thought MK8 was pretty good, but overall, I feel like the series set a standard that itself was unable to match with the first installment.

Having finally gotten a PS and played it recently, I can say however that Crash Team Racing feels like a true successor to Super Mario Kart. That game is really fucking good.

>> No.7737836
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This one 1000 times. Was blown away by the 1st, played it first time around 15 years ago. Second is okay but worse in almost every regard, finished it. And third appeared to be a complete low-budget garbage, dropped it after half an hour.

>> No.7737843


>> No.7737848

DMC1 played like its age, it's ludicrous that 3, 4 and 5 still play like a 01s PS2 game

>> No.7738534
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easy answer, none of the other games even come close

>> No.7738965

that's crazy too because they set the bar so low

>> No.7738971

I prefer the second but the first is great too

>> No.7739129

Max Payne

I agree, I played the trilogy last month and I found 1 to be frustratingly hard and I remember getting pissed at it for a lot of reasons, mostly the fact you can only save in bonus levels and some questionable deaths due to hit detection. But after finishing it, learning I could just restart a stage when I failed a bonus level (one stage before the end of the game too) and playing the others. I really just enjoyed 1 more than 2 and 3.

Exploring the world map really gives the game a feeling of adventure whereas the warp rooms take that magic away. I really liked the music of the first game over the others, Heavy Machinery is my favourite track just from that cool intro and nothing ever topped how catchy the whole song is to me. The bosses were hit and miss though.

I 100%'d 2 and just finished 3 normally and I remember finding them both quite simple compared to 1. 3 took me like 4 hours to complete and 2 was around 11 (but outside of 100% it was probably 4 as well), but the original Crash took me 8 hours and it felt like a real challenge to get through, each death felt painful and I remember grinding up lives and hoping to God I won't get a game over and kick me back 3-5 levels. In 2 and 3, I don't even think I had a game over.

>> No.7739461

good answer

>> No.7739493
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>> No.7739523

>silent hill

what the fuck is wrong with you? 2 blows it out of the water and its one of the besg horror games ever made.

>> No.7739524


>> No.7739529

2 is too easy unless you play on hard but then it just becomes tedious as fuck in some part.
The only thing 2 did better was story and graphics but thats a given.

>> No.7739543

2 was a lot more fun to play

>> No.7739603

V is superior in every way

>> No.7739606



>> No.7739697

not it's not you filthy Reddiot nigger contrary to what your favorite e-celeb said, 2 is inferior to 1 is every single aspect except the graphics (obviously) and the music

>> No.7739752
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>it's fun therefore its better

yeah nah, that's not how this works buddy.

>> No.7740120

Based, the first is my favorite as well. The constant oppressive atmosphere, the tight as balls timing based platforming and the sheer difficulty all make it the best one for me.

>> No.7740126

2 was way better than 1.

>> No.7740263
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>> No.7740418

You mean III (Famicom)

>> No.7740425
File: 87 KB, 225x169, GCN_MarioKartDoubleDash_enGB_17_TM_Standard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

play double dash, peach is cute in back

>> No.7740448

Lmao no at that point GoW was becoming cinematic shit

>> No.7740449
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>> No.7740462
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DS3 definitely leans into making it more of an action game but I can't say it wasn't fun, the gun customization options were amazing. My only real gripe is the autosave fucking you in certain places and the real ending being DLC but it's fucking EA what do you expect. Still worth playing though

>> No.7740487


>> No.7740493

t. neil (((druckmann))

>> No.7740509
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Based, 2 does almost everything better gameplay-wise

>dual wielding
>more enemy variety
>more plasmids
>video camera vs photos
>actually getting to go outside and dick around underwater looking for ADAM slugs
>getting to lay out elaborate booby traps for splicers before your little sister starts gathering
>DLC is a really good self-contained story with actual character development and progress and not just a bunch of gimmicky challenge rooms
>decent multiplayer for those who care about that sort of thing

I mean, 1's amazing too but it genuinely shocks me how many people insist 1 is vastly superior. Even if you think the story is better so fucking what? The story from 2 isn't terrible and the gameplay is improved in almost every way. The only thing I really liked better about 1 was the way the city was rendered in the background.

>> No.7740513

Tooie was great, but not for the game. Multiplayer minigames.

>> No.7740519

Are not the rest of the games all minigames/puzzles?

>> No.7742308

what's wrong with 2 and 3?

>> No.7742313

2 still has the best gameplay.

>> No.7742365

I genuinely haven't heard a single good thing about Crystal Chronicles' sequels, and I hear they fucked up the remaster by making the load times longer and making the multiplayer system worse than the original.

>> No.7742376

Absolutely fucking not. Incoherent story, shitty gameplay, the lack of mindfucks the first game have and the map design with 90% of doors being jammed for ko reason make this whole shit a torture to go through.

Literally only old impotent senile boomers can love this shit

>> No.7742492

100%'d it back in '03 or whenever, didn't think it was all that good. I know people play it competitively but that's hardly a reason for me to give a shit.

>> No.7742497

bold take given the original is grindy as fuck

>> No.7742517

sequels were completely different games, but that's not really why they failed. The problem with CC was that it was really a very simple game with not much depth to it. It does have a lot of hidden information shit (since Kawazu loves obtuse and opaque systems), but the reason people loved crystal chronicles was for the atmosphere, for the music, for the feeling that it gave you as you played it, and for the multiplayer (if you were ever able to do it). The sequels didn't have anything close to the atmosphere and were also often very different games.

The remaster just fucks with things that weren't broken and is sloppy like the other Square-Enix cash-ins on mobile (yes it's also on switch/PS4 but it feels like a mobile port in terms of effort).

>> No.7743218

SH2 had worse gameplay which makes it harder for me to enjoy it overall. Even some of the people who worked on it said the gameplay is a little disappointing.

>> No.7743361

2 was great and I fucking loved it at the time but yeah 1 is still the best. 3 is alright but nowhere near the first 2 games. Shame Visceral is dead, I was really hoping this series would become the next RE.

>> No.7743365

I pretty much agree with this except for Diablo. D2 is better in almost every single way.

>> No.7743370
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I’m surprised no one posted this yet.