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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 703 KB, 413x872, ceearetea.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7736445 No.7736445 [Reply] [Original]

I thoughts CRTS were supposed to make old games look fantastic. This looks exactly the same and I expected the textures to blur together more nicely. This is honestly placebo tier differences

>> No.7736454

you're right, it makes no difference, nothings matters. play retro games stretched to 16:9 on a 4k TV with all the filters turned on.

>> No.7736456
File: 623 KB, 530x437, dkc2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

obviously that looks retarded but this looks the same as my LCD with scan line filters

>> No.7736457

You need a really shitty CRT being fed composite for things to “blur together more nicely”.

>> No.7736458

then why the fuck does /crt/ and other retro enthusiast fags use PVMS and other monitors that make everything look just like an emulator but with scanlines

>> No.7736459

CRTfags who uses CRTs for graphics are a minority. The biggest selling point is lack of input lag and pixel response time.

>> No.7736462

The lack of input lag and ghosting.

>> No.7736469

tv model? size? composite/component/svideo/scart? all I'm seeing is an out of context photo of a screen with no information attached.

>> No.7736474

PC monitor, vga, 240p, 15 inches

>> No.7736475

>PC VGA monitor @ 240p
There’s your problem.

>> No.7736478

literally whats the issue, its a crt, has real scanlines, emulated maybe but it looks trashy.

>> No.7736479


This, and the colours have a lot more depth than an LCD, especially the blacks.

>> No.7736480

You're a fuckin idiot

>> No.7736484

PC VGA monitors are WAY sharper than your average consumer CRT.

>> No.7736491

1. fire up the emulator
2. turn on bilinear filtering
3. sit with your head more than a foot away from the screen

wow it's magic

>> No.7736494

doesn't everyone hate bilinear filtering and look like shit

>> No.7736502

mostly because they're judging it based on the comparison between having it on and having no filter at all which they experience in real time

if you just compare them side-by-side of course it's going to look like you just made everything blurry, yeah, but it looks worse when (1) your face is half a foot from the monitor and (2) when you're just looking at a static screen in the game rather than playing it for a bit

once you get used to it and go back to no filter you start to realize why the illusion works and you can never unsee it or go back

>> No.7736521
File: 767 KB, 1760x1656, 14488703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CRT haters coping big

>> No.7736531

A lot of the blending doesn't come from the CRT but rather the composite video signal, use a NTSC filter if you wanna see it in action. But even that is a minority among CRTfags. Go to other CRT communities and you'll see that most CRTfags want a sharp image (hence the popularity of PVMs, Trinitrons as well as RGB mods for stuff like the NES). It honestly sounds like you made a rash decision based off /vr/ memes.

>> No.7736550

>prerendered 3d looks like shit


>> No.7736576

PVMs are the retro gaming equivalent of mechanical keyboards. If you want your game this sharp and pixelated you might as well play on an LCD.

>> No.7736581

>if you want your analog signal to look as good as possible you should use a digital display
ah yes this makes sense

>> No.7736601

CRT are more about input lag, latency and motion than anything else.

>> No.7736753

Nice bait but your pic looks nothing like a CRT. Nice try faggot. Bunch of dorks taking OP seriously in here too.

>> No.7736836

>normal CRT with composite
>PVMeme or Trinitranny with RGB

5th gen and earlier should be used with composite exclusively. Classic examples are FF IX (the menus and text boxes look much better, the backgrounds look amazing), Silent Hill (proper dithering) and Sonic waterfall, but there are many others.

>> No.7736867

>CRTfags want a sharp image
this is fucking insane. I had no idea I was keeping company with people like this when I was saying CRTs are good.

OP what connection are you using. what cable

>> No.7736880

I'm not to implying that it is not the case, but do you have numbers on input lag and latency? I don't really care about the motion.
I played snes, ps1, ps2 and some pc games on CRT display. I stopped using CRT displays when I got a ps3 and a laptop and the switch never really bothered me.

>> No.7737057

CRT only makes a difference with a few games visually and all games that use light guns.

>> No.7737145

Minus the extreme dimming.

>> No.7737180
File: 62 KB, 800x600, The Thoughtser.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I thoughts
No matter how hard you try you can't cancel the internets

>> No.7737194

But that's how arcade monitors looked

>> No.7737206

>Sonic waterfall
Yea make the entire rest of the game look worse so some waterfalls you only see for a few seconds work right. Composite really only benefits a select few early 3D titles.

>> No.7737375

Noooo my square pixels will look roundish noooo, never mind that composite smooths the image, makes tons of 2D games look more elaborate like rounder vegetation, noooo, I want my CRT to look almost as bad as an LCD with square pixels.

>> No.7737396

Why are you using "square pixels" like its a bad thing on a retro board?

>> No.7737409

They’re retarded. Composite is based and soulful.

>> No.7737412

Ahahahaha no. Arcade monitors were good, but not PVMs.

>> No.7737413

Because square pixels is what you get playing on a emulator. It's the reference for those who never actually played a retro console or last played one 20 years ago, then jerk off to [shitty indie "nintendo hard" classic hardcore """retro pixel art""" game # 75,369] with horribly drawn sprites.

99.99% of people experience round pixel visuals, on a composite signal (or RF if poorfag). That's what games were designed around. That was the standard.

Composite NTSC signal > Shitty LCD look "muh crispy" 2D RGB

>> No.7737425

>PC monitor

>> No.7737426

It matters.


>> No.7737467
File: 51 KB, 250x342, smb1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's the reference for those who never actually played a retro console or last played one 20 years ago, then jerk off to [shitty indie "nintendo hard" classic hardcore """retro pixel art""" game # 75,369] with horribly drawn sprites.
Did you never play on an arcade machine or read a gaming magazine growing up? Because that's where you'd see square pixels. Most people had to use composite and thus games were designed for that, true. But square pixels was seen as just a cool stylistic choice for many.

>> No.7737485
File: 1.36 MB, 2656x1494, trin_20210322_185556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no placebo here bro

>> No.7737497

Collectively, the total time everyone spent playing consoles is orders of magnitude higher than that spent on Arcades.

Yes, I played Arcades. That doesn't change anything.

>> No.7737516

Is that a Panasonic tau?

>> No.7737569

Yes, and? My point is that while most people dealt with composite cuz they had to, people were absolutely fine with the square pixel look, and many enthusiasts wanted it. Why do you think gaming magazines almost always used RGB screenshots if it really looked worse than composite? I think composite has its place but when you see a bunch of NES era adults rush to destroy arcade machines to RGB mod their consoles this whole "composite is the true way to game" fad becomes so funny.

>> No.7737732

People ripping PPUs off playchoice pcbs to play NES in RGB are ultra based.

>> No.7737807

the reason for rgb/component being superior doesn't really have much to do with sharpness, though it is nice to have for more detailed 6th gen games etc. It's the fact that the color saturation and etc is soooo much fucking better. the image is way more vivid and looks how a video game should.

re: OP, when I was a kid I could never figure out why it was that games always looked better on our TV than emulating on a VGA monitor. Certain things like sprite explosions in shmups or w/e where the whole screen flashes white jump off the screen way more. I still don't know why but my theory is that PC monitors probably had to have way more voltage regulation etc to prevent blooming, creating a more controlled but "flat" image, because otherwise text and spreadsheets etc would have been unreadable at high resolutions. can any smart anon confirm/refute this thinking? genuinely curious

>> No.7737897

>says SONY on the bottom
Not that guy but looks like 27FV310 which is a youtube meme set.

>> No.7737938

On youtube there's videos where they made those tests. LCD's the better the image more processing they have to do which results in more latency.

>> No.7737941

Play a game with dithering like earthworm jim
Or just look at waterfalls in sonic 2

>> No.7737993 [DELETED] 
File: 162 KB, 1188x693, rgbnes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was one of the earliest hardware mods for the NES. That people claim that leaving composite behind is zoomer revisionism just reeks of LARPing.

>> No.7738001
File: 162 KB, 1188x693, rgbnes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based. It was one of the earliest hardware mods for the NES. That people claim that leaving composite behind is zoomer revisionism just reeks of LARPing a childhood they didn't have.

>> No.7738007

More likely your monitor was better calibrated (as you said, to make text actually readable) and your TV was just set to be as bright and saturated as possible straight from the shop. The monitor was more "correct" but a correctly calibrated image usually doesn't have the wow factor needed to sell a TV.

>> No.7738104

saying that because composite was the most common connection it's the "right" way to view games from back then, is like saying that because most people today watch heavily compressed streaming video on shitter LCD displays, watching high-bitrate nice quality video on an oled/late model plasma is a "śoy zoomer cope" and inauthentic or w/e. needless to say, sour grapes abound

>> No.7738329
File: 112 KB, 500x388, drmario.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wonder how much the glorification of composite is from millennials/zoomers influenced by trends like vaporwave instead of adults who actually grew up in the 80s/90s. i know the crtpixels guy is a gamecube babby himself kek

>> No.7738426

>Why are you using "square pixels" like its a bad thing on a retro board?
Damn, this kind of proves I am literally posting with zoomers pretending to from my era for some kind of gay nerd cred

>> No.7738445
File: 150 KB, 604x449, mario1manual.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like you're in good company then.

>> No.7738485

>because in the paraphernalia the graphic designer made a stylistic choice
fuck off idiot. do you want them to print little cropped screenshots?

>> No.7738527

So you're saying that the square pixel look was seen as a stylistic choice even back in the 80s? Glad we can agree.

>> No.7738553

>says SONY at the bottom
Had to double check it’s barely visible

>> No.7738602

I don't, in fact, it's my go-to filter for emulation. However, I must note that I play on large screen, connected from a Raspberry Pi. I find it better than trying to replicate a CRT, there's not really a filter that gets there, for me at least (even CRT Royale). So I just aim for the clean and sharp image, but the default is way too sharp, so I tone things down a bit with the bilinear filter. I could upload some pics, if you want, so people can rant all over it.

>> No.7738648

Same poster, just to add: I'm pretty fine with the input lag my LCD TV has, I can't notice it at all, as if I was playing on my old CRT. It's a Sony Bravia TV, image adjusted to game mode. However, I tested my Raspberry Pi with many other LCD TVs and some of them do have a nasty input lag, making things almost unplayable. So, yeah, not every modern TV is suited for retro gaming.

>> No.7738752

Also if you're taking the time and effort to boot up old hardware you might as well round off the nostalgic experience with a tv that fits with it.

>> No.7738757

>CRTfags who uses CRTs for graphics are a minority
doubtful, it makes SD content look better full stop

>> No.7738782

The Pi is known to have pretty bad input lag for emulation, anon.

>> No.7738803

I'm the anon you quoted. I've heard some stuff about it, but some years ago. As of now, I feel no input lag, provided the TV is good enough. Even on games where timing is very important, I can do just fine.

My Raspberry Pi model is the 3B+, my system is Batocera Linux. I did struggle a little with RetroPie, since it needs some fine-tuning, maybe that's also what gave people a bad impression, I don't know.

>> No.7738896
File: 72 KB, 813x611, 2zj79s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>RGB monitors were good, but not RGB monitors

>> No.7739274

we call them african americans now anon

>> No.7739317


>> No.7741235


Those little dots on the screen aren't even visible in real life - they just turn up in photographs.

>> No.7741259

Either you didn't calibrate your tv's colors or you're using an older snes which is known for poor video out quality.
Also kudos to playing the jp version which has much prettier overworld renders.

>> No.7741260

thats a PC monitor running retroarch on the English ROM

>> No.7741286

>you start to realize why the illusion works and you can never unsee it or go back
Does it vary by model? What does "is known to" actually mean? There's a similar debate about input lag in the emu handheld thread but only recently did anons start posting actual data.

>> No.7742649

I'm >>7738803, and, from my tests, the most important for low input lag are: the TV you're using and the system running on your Pi.

I don't feel any input lag with my current setup and can play just fine, even games tight on timing for your inputs.

>> No.7742692

shut up dumbass

>> No.7742734

not within games
graphic designers don't make games dude

>> No.7743345
File: 609 KB, 482x683, tvgamer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The discussion wasn't about what game devs intended but rather what people back then thought. Most gamers were okay with the square pixel look because it was seen as a stylistic choice

>> No.7743674

>i have never seen a CRT in real life

>> No.7744862


>> No.7744947

FV310 series has 27, 32, and 36" only.

>> No.7744953

meant for

>> No.7744957

its a 320. 27in.

>> No.7745130


>> No.7745172

You got gaslit by hardware trannies, congrats.