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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 113 KB, 975x574, SANY8368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
770060 No.770060 [Reply] [Original]

So what's your favourite game series /vr/?
Pic related

>> No.770069


>> No.770071

The "u" was that obvious, eh?

>> No.770078

more like the eng/fr boxes

>> No.770090

..yes that will do it too lol

>> No.770093

Ogre Battle/ Tactics Ogre. I need to get the Snes version of Ogre Battle MotBQ.

>> No.770165
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Didn't include DS because it ain't retro. SS2 is there because I keep it on the same shelf, and because it's great.

>> No.770174
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Mystical Ninja/Goemon.

I have almost every single game in the series, save for a few I couldn't find online.

>> No.770183

going retro only I would say Adventure Island otherwise Kirby

>> No.770189

>All this taffer
an anon after my own heart

>> No.770204
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I love Metroid. Only series I've gone out of my way to collect.

>> No.770216



>> No.770295

Donkey Kong. Aside from the 50,000,000 ports of the original arcade game, I have every /vr/ DK game and most non-/vr/ ones

>> No.770309
File: 70 KB, 740x406, monkeying around.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Donkey Kong Country
My next favorite series would probably be Bomberman.

>> No.770314

>2 > 3 > 1
>not 2 >= 1 > 3 > 64
get a load of this guy

>> No.770324

>3 over 1
My nigga.

>Liking 64 at all
Doesn't deserve to be called a DK game, really. It was just Banjo-Kazooie in disguise.

>> No.770327

I haven't played 64 yet.
Why would you put 1 over 3, just curious, I was younger and 3 was my first DKC game, followed by 2, so that may make my opinion different, but I thought 3 had more level variety, mechanics, and exploration than 1. That being said, I absolutely love the ambience of 1, and I give them all 10/10.

>> No.770336


The only American release game I'm missing a copy of is Amazing Mirror. Was extremely close to completing my collection until some fuck stole it right from under me.

The hunt continues.

>> No.770341

I didn't like 64, that's why I put it last. Poor man's Banjo-Kazooie

The music wasn't as memorable, the level's didn't seem as hard, and the world map with all the not-platforming stuff to do was just kind of annoying.
My opinion might be skewed by the fact that I've only played DKC3 once, and it was after I had just finished marathoning through both DKC1 and 2 in two days.

>> No.770359
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The world map was pretty weird, and collecting shit could get pretty obnoxious, I'd give you that. But I don't think the levels are necessarily easier than 1, I'd go ahead on a limb and say they're a little more difficult. I'd say if you have the time to give it another shot, the game still has a lot of charm if you can get over the baby kong looking more like an Autist Kong.

>> No.770375
File: 186 KB, 1030x963, DKC3map.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I just played this one far more than the rest, replayed it several times.

Kiddy was annoying, sure, but the atmosphere of the world was great. I even liked the music.

>> No.770383
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I will never beat krematoa

>> No.770393


Most of the boxes are packed away but I actually have a complete boxed US Fire Emblem collection

One of my favorites

>> No.770395


>that annie

Nudes when

>> No.770397


Yeah, this one is the odd ball of the series. It;s great an I actually went back and 105% it recently or what ever the max completion is

It's got a charm of it's own. The redone OST on the GBA version is nice too

>> No.770415
File: 206 KB, 1920x1200, megaman-pewpew_00258455.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Megaman, original series including 9 and 10 but not 7 or 8

>> No.770420

of all series in existence, really op? kid icarus? out of all of them? if all vidya was to be destroyed and you had to pick one series to be saved it would be kid icarus?

>> No.770421

the NES "remakes" of 7 and 8 are pretty boss.

>> No.770441

OP, what is that yellow GBA game?

>> No.770460

Famicom Mini Kid Icarus. GBA port of the Famicom game, so it has save slots

>> No.770468

those are the famicom mini cartidges like the grey retro nes ports for america. jp ones come with a special box too and obviously had a wider selection. ive got ghost n goblins and smb2jp fc-mini. its totally boss in my famicom-gba micro

>> No.770485
File: 675 KB, 2048x1536, my_megaman_collection.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favourite game series of all time is Megaman. Not much 'retro' Megaman in here, but that's because 2 years ago I had to sell the bulk of my Megaman games collection. I only kept the stuff that had the most memories, the most enjoyment and the most value. I added a couple pieces since then (pretty much the ZX guide I got for 100¥ and the Rockman Kai Arranged album). One day I hope to have my games part of the collection refilled...

>> No.770496

>tfw all im missing from my retro mega man is x2 and x3

>> No.770497

That's sucks to hear, and I know how it feels. I had to dump my games a few times when I moved out of my parent's place to afford food

>> No.770501


Someone else has the RX Armor/Return X Megaframe kit! I always regret not getting the Ride Armor and Duo kits when I had the chance.

>> No.770509
File: 77 KB, 640x480, Super Smash Bros_May29 12_39_06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

super smash bros of course

>> No.770517


People don't care much about Return X I guess. It's nice to know someone else out there gives a damn about the guy!The Ride Armor is a holy grail man. I've never even seen one. You know what the worst part is? I bought a lot of those retro X figures at the same store. They had the ultra rare Golden Armor X from X3 in with the others. When I came back with money to buy it... it was gone. I'll never stop beating myself up over that one.

>> No.770543

iX/Return X is one of my faves; I did a bunch of translations of the Megamissions cards some years ago, so I'm familiar with all their weird intricacies and funky characters.

There's a comic shop around here that sells some vidya and also had a bunch of the Mega Armor figs; it's where I got my X, RX Armor, Zero, and Ultimate Armor X figs. I also picked up some OSTs and a Japanese version of Megaman X: Soul Eraser for GBC there.

>> No.770546
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>> No.770573

Mirror is by far my favorite Kirby game, and I've played them all except dream course. The whole Metroid map system it has going for it works surprisingly well

>> No.770581

I should love Castlevania. Universal monsters going after Barbarian Van Helsing. I just can't get into any of them though

>> No.770585
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>> No.770587


I can speak Japanese too, that's why half my stuff is in Japanese. I'm considering just buying all of the GB/GBC games in Japanese because the prices here are too insane. For what it costs to get Megaman V, I can get Rockman I-V.

>> No.770592
File: 90 KB, 640x480, al_120415_1723-bin-out.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your pic reminded me of the texture hacks i have for brawl

>> No.770597

favorite series is Dragon Quest. I'm 11 games away from having every release of the main games complete in box in Japanese, and I already have every english release of the numbered games (though not complete, cause they're expensive as hell).

>> No.770607

I've been thinking about trying to invest in a Wonderswan and picking up a copy of Rockman & Forte: Mirai kara no Chousensha. Soul Eraser and X4 are the only things I have in japanese that are Rockman vidya; everything else is manga and figures.

>> No.770609

are you gonna go for the spinoffs or what? The three Rocket Slime games are pretty kickass.

>> No.770645


Go for it. I never had a Wonderswan but I played my friend's once and it's not the worst handheld around. I have to get on that someday too. Wonderswan Rockman is the only non-mobile game out of any series I have never played. That being said it's been so low on my priorities I might not ever get to it. Just remember one of the Robot Masters doesn't have a power (I think it's Compassman?)

>> No.770654
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>> No.770667

no, not going for the spin offs but yeah, the rocket slime games are awesome.

>> No.770690

I have a wonderswan, bought it last month. It's a really cool system, and if you want to learn Japanese then it's full of games with heavy language barrier (though other, less language-dependent games also exist).

I'd recommend it if you can, they seem pretty cheap on Ebay anymore surprisingly.

>> No.770698
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Shit yeah, dawg.

Loved those games.

>> No.770713

If I had to pick a series, it's probably Mario. I've logged a good amount of time in most of the games.

The main other series I would think of is Castlevania, though honestly I tend to focus on individual games rather than a series as a whole. For example I love Berzerk, Lost Planet 2, Outrun 2, and Kid Icarus Uprising, but I don't really like the other games of their series.

>> No.770876

Castlevania and Metal Gear

>> No.773506
File: 290 KB, 640x640, virtual boy wario land.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wario Land.
There ain't a single game in that series that is less than a 9/10.

No, Master of Disguise is not Wario Land. Do you see Land in the title?

>> No.773523
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>he doesn't think Kirby is retro

>> No.773530

I thought most people agreed that 2 was crap

>> No.773537

>only Wario Land sequel not based on gimmicks
>on a disaster of a failed system

Why??? I wanted that game for standard gameboy so much, Wario Land was my favourite GB game.

>> No.773538
File: 8 KB, 224x190, 27.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, I'd almost say Star Fox, just for how much I fucking love the original, 2, and 64, but the other three games make me feel too bad about the series to say it.

Is this some kind of clever ruse?

>> No.773542
File: 1.50 MB, 1000x1000, BOMBERMAN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I might be one of the 10 fans that actually still like this series

>> No.773551
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Pic related

>> No.773556

I lost all of my GCN games when my house flooded.
At least, so I thought, until I saw Bomberman Jetters. Goddamn that game was all sorts of mediocre, especially compared to the N64 comparisons, also being able to transform into Max whenever was pretty stupid, even more so you only needed him for the occasional door.
Also the GBA Bomberman, I think it was Tournament, that was pretty fucking great.
Your tastes are 100% fucking correct btw.

>> No.773580

>personal favorite
>Pocket Bomberman

I'm still kind of amazed a 2D Bomberman platformer worked so damn well.

>> No.773598

>someone else likes Bomberman Hero
Man, I played the hell out of it when it first came out.

>> No.773597

I just want then to rerelease it and other worthwhile VB games like Teleroboxer or Red Alarm or whatever on the 3DS, with full color and proper textures and such.

>> No.773619

I think he meant retro only, as in games only released for retro systems. Kirby is throughout time and space and thus is not 100% retro, hence why he said that if it was retro-only then it was Adventure Island, else Kirby.

>> No.773628

Another herobro in here, that game was how Bomberman was meant to be.

>> No.773643
File: 80 KB, 300x385, Mechwarrior_BOXCOVER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was fleetingly tempted to go with X-Wing (RIP Lucasarts), but naw, imma go with MECHWARRIOR. Course all we have are these free-to-play shitfests now. Unfortunate fate for such an iconic franchise. All systems nominal, motherfuckers.

>> No.773645


>> No.773650

>mfw I don't have a favorite series

Metal Gear...I guess? sigh

>> No.773669

you left out wario blast, which is actually really good game and actually part of the bomberman series despite being marketed as a wario game over here

>> No.773724
File: 34 KB, 480x360, (Ani-Kraze)Bomberman-Jetterz-Ep46-[B0C74A29][(0136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's too easy

>> No.773871


>> No.773875
File: 11 KB, 480x360, qh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but it's true

>> No.773884

actually, bomberman was originally an action puzzle game, not a platformer, so that statement doesn't make much sense

>> No.773893
File: 123 KB, 500x381, tumblr_m6ecabQamt1qiygpz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mega Fella.

>> No.773897

I didn't know there were such things? are they rom hacks or fan made games or something?

>> No.773927

that figure makes me wet...
I want it so bad now

>> No.773957


That X8 is still sealed? Why? Open the thing and play it already, it's fucking good

Otherwise great collection, especially the Megaman V and X3 copy

>> No.773991
File: 39 KB, 235x244, 1364629382161.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I too like Mega Dude.

>> No.773987

oh well, it's pretty fun regardless

>> No.773998

X8 is.... good? not the guy you are responding to, but I always assumed it would be bad just because it's 3D mega man

>> No.774008

It's "2.5D" meaning it's 3D but played like X4-6. It's not that bad, but I have my issues with it.

>> No.774015


It's not 3D in terms of gameplay, just graphics. It's a very good X game, highly underrated. I put it as my second favourite X game and have been seeking a cheap copy for a long time

>> No.774016

ah, I see, I think I may have been thinking of mega man X7

>> No.774026

or assumed it would carry on in the style of X7
to add to that post

>> No.774075

Excellent taste, OP. Uprising was one of the best games I've ever played (though I've been sitting on 99.7% for a few months). I got 3D Classics: Kid Icarus, and although I haven't played too much of it, I can say that it surpasses Super Mario Bros., Zelda II, and Metroid. Also, that small box is for the Famicom Mini collection version of Kid Icarus, correct? Did you get all of these in their original packaging?

And yeah, I hate the little French logo too. Obscures the full art.

>> No.774106

>that cartridge cover

>> No.774174
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>> No.774258
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For me it's Mortal Kombat but sonic comes pretty close
Not including ones for PS2 and Xbox 360 because not retro
The one next to MK4 is MK mythologies sub zero

>> No.774395
File: 492 KB, 2000x1500, 100_1233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related. And that's not even half of my SC5 stuff.

>> No.774406
File: 191 KB, 1296x972, SC5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuk u scrub holo label 4 lyfe.
I want to trade lifes.

>> No.774446


I actually learned recently that Mortal Kombat 3 was released for the Game Gear of all systems, but only in PAL format. The fuck is up with that?

>> No.774461
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Dude. That US copy is factory sealed. So is the GBA version, the JP DC Part 2, the JP DC Part 2 inside the special edition, and the unreleased UK PS2 Part 2. I even have a loose copy with the lenticular card. Also, this is the rest of my collection, not including duplicate figures or games.

>> No.774545

Fair enough. I wish I was you.

>> No.774550

The sticker on my copy of V is peeling up at the bottom. WHAT DO?!?

>> No.774560

Why no Ultimate MK3?

>> No.774572


Peeling up from the bottom? You're fucked. Every time you put it into a Game Boy it's gonna get worse. This makes me sad

>> No.774590
File: 92 KB, 1280x720, watashi - oh shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, shit. Looks like I'm never playing that game again.

>> No.774697

I see you posting sometimes
you are one crazy motherfucker, I didn't even know this much SC5 stuff existed

>> No.774741
File: 1.85 MB, 1920x1080, my vidja.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

king of fighters

yes im a dirty mexican

>> No.774745
File: 101 KB, 600x741, FIG-IPN-5603_05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


My nigga! Just to check, have you seen these:


Got mine a couple of weeks ago but haven't opened them yet. Brilliant series, I've been thinking about making a Kid Icarus-like game for a couple of months, but I'm fucking amazing at procrastinating.

>> No.774748


I like you. Also, dat SF EX3. Doctrine Dark and Skullomania are the best ever

>> No.774764


Master System and Game Gear lasted a lot longer in PAL regions, which included Brazil. Just a matter of active install base.

>> No.774906

Plushie next to a giant stack of games is now how I will tell if people are fans.
You like this? Do you have the games? Do you have a plushie? Aww, too bad

>> No.774918

The Famicom Mini and Myths and Monsters do not have the full boxes unfortunately (I took what I could find). Maybe next year I'll start a hunt for them, or looking for a re-creation to print off

>> No.774919

I like Mythologies Sub Zero

>> No.774929

Oh, I want them. Wonder if I can get a store to order them for it....
I saw a girl playing KI on a stream once, and she showed off a bead-work of Pit. I wanted it lol

>> No.777389
File: 117 KB, 499x704, 1364436244950.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


don't have a picture of my collection but i have zelda, zelda II (both on gba classics and on 3ds vc) a link to the past (on gba) i don't have an nes or an snes... i also have ocarina of time and majora's mask on the game cube collector's disk. don't have an n64 either... link's awakening, link's awakening dx, oracle of seasons, oracle of ages. and for not retro i have minish cap, twilight princess(game cube version) wind waker, phantom hourglass, and spirit tracks

>> No.777395

oh right, and ocarina of time 3d

>> No.777427
File: 278 KB, 960x720, FF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a near complete collection including SFC Jap copies, but it got stolen about 2 years ago when my apartment was burglarized. Luckily all my NES stuff was still at my parents' house. I haven't decided that collecting is worth my time and money yet, so it hasn't been rebuilt.

>> No.777515

Wait, is that 360 game a real thing?

>> No.777517
File: 6 KB, 225x225, Megaman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Times are tough.

>> No.777618
File: 1.52 MB, 2938x2204, gng.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ghosts N Goblins series is my all time favorite series.

>> No.777625

maximo is part of the GnG line?

>> No.777629


It's a spiritual successor so I count it as part of the series.

>> No.777630

I did not know that, awesome

>> No.777634


>> No.777635


Listen to music from Maximo: Ghosts to Glory. Almost all of it sounds like the original GnG theme.

>> No.777662

I will do that

>> No.777671
File: 677 KB, 2592x1944, CameraZOOM-20130607172539447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This nigger knows where it is at. GnG is my favorite series as well, though my collection is a bit more conservative

>tfw no Demon's Crest

>> No.777679
File: 142 KB, 640x640, Monster_Rancher_Advance_2_(NA).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Monster Rancher

>> No.778014

Love KI. I don't understand why it isn't as popular as the other Nintendo original IPs

>> No.778080
File: 44 KB, 400x404, LunarGames.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lunar all the way.

I feel sorry for people who haven't played these games.

>> No.778094

I'm not sure, but I would do many lewd things for an official 16-bit game

>> No.778101

I was thinking about playing Lunar as soon as I finish Popful Mail. I have both the Sega CD and PS1 versions of both games. Which is better?

>> No.778126

PS1 has higher-quality cinemas, visuals and more plot points, but the Sega CD one was more challenging, more gritty, and was more like a traditional JRPG (random battles, explorable overworld, etc).

If you want to invest into it and be hardcore, I'd say go Sega CD first then go onto the PS version to appreciate the changes. Otherwise just go PS since it's more modern-friendly.

>> No.778139

I don't tend to count Of Myths and Monsters. To me, it would feel like counting Zelda CDi. It's not even counted in the canon, and Japan only got it recently because of the eShop.

I don't know if it's worth getting, but that's just me.

>> No.778157
File: 439 KB, 1280x960, mana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Mana/Seiken Densetsu series, but to a point... oh, the (very fond) memories of these games.

Not pictured is my copy of Dawn of Mana, which is elsewhere at the moment. And aside from its wonky camera, I actually don't hate that game as much as most.

I don't own any of the DS games, although I did find Children of Mana rather enjoyable.

>> No.778168
File: 244 KB, 1024x768, Code-Name-Viper-1024x768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it alright if there is only one game in the series?

>> No.778179

Not really a series if there is only one game.

>> No.778204

I was gonna ask why the fuck is Gun Hazard there and then I realized it's just an ad slip

Great game

>> No.778206
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>> No.778207

True, its just that I didn't ever really get into series and wanted to participate in this thread.

>> No.778209

I really enjoy it, so I'm going to count it

>> No.778219
File: 1002 KB, 3500x2322, 1368479893584.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my friend said he played this game a lot with his dad as a child (my friend being the child, not the other way around where my friend would be playing this with a child version of his dad). i never even played this game.

>> No.778239

YEAH! My dad used to put on Iron Maiden and play it for me because I could never get past the end of the third level. Happy memories. It was a big deal when he managed to beat the game.

>> No.778254
File: 347 KB, 2000x1189, 1368860082087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you must complete it yourself. you are not a real man unless you complete it yourself.

>> No.778263

I think the farthest that I ever made it through was a little over halfway