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File: 620 KB, 959x341, castlevanias.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7735083 No.7735083 [Reply] [Original]

Which is the better 16-bit Castlevania-Castleroid-Metroidvania?

>> No.7735094

Dracula X.

>> No.7735109

Bloodlines > Rondo of Blood > Super Casualvania Bore

>> No.7735127


>> No.7735139

Recently I have replayed those 3 and Dracula X is really the better of the 3, then Bloodlines and last IV because IV has too many gimmicks.

>> No.7735159

i dare you to say that to my face and not online and see what happens

>> No.7735168

They all suck. 16-bit was the beginning of the end for gaming.

>> No.7735175

We've hashed this out a thousand times, and the consensus is always the same: OP is a faggot

>> No.7735198

Why does X68000 Castlevania always get snubbed from these discussions?

>> No.7735205

>16-bit was the beginning of good gaming.

>> No.7735206
File: 451 KB, 3900x1500, CV4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Super Castlevania IV mogs the others so hard and anybody who says otherwise knows nothing about gaming.

>> No.7735207

Because these people have not played it.

>> No.7735208

Personally I'm gonna go with Bloodlines then Rondo. Then Super Castlevania.

The only reason I put rondo of blood 2nd is cause it has to many cheap deaths imo.
>inb4 get good
I just think dying in 3 hits is kinda fuckin cheesy imo.
It does have alternating paths, great music, graphics etc
but the cheap deaths kinda over ride it. Its cool its got save states and thats dope and balances the shit out of said cheap ass deaths.

But Bloodlines is the best cause of Eric. New character. New play style. Still gives you the option to pick the other character with the whip.

So a person isn't forced into the new play style. Can still play it with a regular castlevania guy.

Great music, good bosses, dracula isn't cheap af. Stages are cool. Its great

>> No.7735210

No that was 32-bit / the Niggerstation.

16-bit was the last good gaming gen.

>> No.7735214
File: 172 KB, 6400x360, Bloodlines 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7735217

>to think you couldn't just fall on the start of the stage and get to the floor below

>> No.7735219
File: 159 KB, 9184x480, Rondo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7735223

I prefer 4 but this is quite deceptive

>> No.7735229
File: 2.95 MB, 8838x1485, Bloodlines 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7735231

X68000 is my pick, with IV second, Rondo third, and Bloodlines last. But I love them all.

>> No.7735232

I never knew about that Charon there. Where does he takes you?

>> No.7735238

Thats the same game as Castlevania Chronicles on PS1 right? Love that fuckin game.

Never played the X68000 version of that game but i got the PS1 version

>> No.7735245

The PS1 version is shit compared to the x68k, anon. You should play it.

>> No.7735246

If you've played the classic mode in Chronicles you've played X68000. There might be some minor quirks that differentiate them but they're the same game.

>> No.7735249

I'd have to emulate it. But i'll check it out then. See the difference.

>> No.7735254

Yeah i beat both modes classic and arranged.

>> No.7735269

Wrong. 16-bit was when they focused more on graphics than actual solid gameplay.

>> No.7735285

I honestly think Castlevania 4 is the worst classicvania that isn't on Gameboy. It looks bad, sounds bad, controls good, but has shit level design and combat.

>> No.7735287
File: 465 KB, 4888x4744, Bloodlines.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but has shit level design
Yeah not nearly enough straight lines and auto scrollers.

>> No.7735290

Fuck off tranny.

>> No.7735293

Nah fuck off. Chronicles is a perfectly fine port, they even have options for the easter eggs like the clock and the different soundcard arrangements for the music.

>> No.7735294

Chronicles is very faithful. It even supports all of the Roland versions of the soundtrack.

>> No.7735317

Level design is more than just layout, it's also how the enemies are placed, how the levels look and feel, and how they flow. CV4 has too many fucking brown and dark green and gray levels. the only visually interesting level is the treasure hoard and maybe the library. It never feels good to kill anything but bosses because the lackluster wimpy hit detection.

Also the one literal RNG disappearing block bridge segment in Castlevania 4 in chapter 8 is without a doubt the single worst level in Castlevania history, you do not get to shit on Bloodlines to defend 4 for that absolute nonsense.

>> No.7735319
File: 88 KB, 8800x736, Rondo 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lackluster wimpy hit detection
>Also the one literal RNG disappearing block bridge segment in Castlevania 4 in chapter 8 is without a doubt the single worst level in Castlevania history
Damn you suck at video games, no wonder you prefer hallway level design.

>> No.7735329

lmao this level is fun as fuck, Castlevania is more about fighting enemies than jumping on platforms and navigating levels anyway.

>> No.7735331

>buzzwords buzzwords buzzwords
You might fit in better there.

>> No.7735339

IV's level design has always been more interesting to me than Bloodlines's or Rondo's, despite the combat being generally easier. Bloodlines is often both too gimmicky and too simplistic, and Rondo's is likewise excessively flat. I got the sense that Rondo was trying to emphasize combat more, but aside from a few instances with specific enemies it never does enough with it to justify how much less engaging the level design is. I wouldn't call either game boring and I like them too, though.

>> No.7735341
File: 456 KB, 4700x1400, CV4 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Castlevania is more about fighting enemies than jumping on platforms and navigating levels anyway
Pushing the one attack button to effortlessly defeat enemies in hallways is just so engaging.
Nothing I said was a buzzword, cope.

>> No.7735346

>nothing i buzzword buzzword buzzword

>> No.7735347

What's great is, all four 16bit options are different in plat style yet still classicvania in format. Whereas all of the metroidvanias are basically the same.

>> No.7735357

Stop telling the truth, you're going to upset the retards

>> No.7735359

Metroidvania is a cancer, worse genre. There is only one series that can pull that off well: Metroid.

>> No.7735360

More like he's going to attract more tryhards.

>> No.7735363

Even the bad port of Rondo on the SNES is wildly different from the original version. Why did IGAvania have to ruin this great series, lads?

>> No.7735371

What is tryhard for not liking a genre? Are you a tryhard for not liking shmups, for example? Fucking retard.

>> No.7735373

I like em, but they are a limited genre. That whole format is limited in a way. That's why speedrunning them became the challenge, not just for metroidvanias, but metroid games themselves.

>> No.7735385

>literal RNG disappearing block bridge
Except it's not RNG, I'm being completely serious when I say that you are probably literally approaching it wrong. I cross it first go nearly every time because I don't hesitate too much and back away from it. I don't know what exactly you do, but if you're having shit like not enough blocks around you when you need it happening, that's honestly on you and I'm earnestly not trying to be rude about it or anything.
>lackluster wimpy hit detection
That's especially on you, quit tilting your directions when you whip.

>> No.7735420

Alright then im not gonna try and emulate the X68000 version lmao


I enjoy the GBA harmony of dissonance. Where you play as a dude that looks like a girl and has a whip as the main weapon

>> No.7735429

Yeah but when the lines are so damn straight that enemies have no choice but take you on with your superior options, the combat isn't exactly all that fun, either. Gonna piggyback off of this anon's post >>7735339, the only levels I particularly like in RoB are 3A and 5A. The chapel actually places enemies well in areas where the structure benefits them in some way to make things harder for you, like armored knights stabbing at you from above, below, and that one section right before the alternate exit where they try to poke you into falling down a hole. There's numerous places where all these different enemy types that AREN'T just another weaksauce axe armor wanting to duel you are placed together to liven things up, like a set of bone pillars blocking you while skeletons swing in with bone ropes. It really does a good job of giving you good classicvania level design and enemy synergy while working those aspects with Rondo's emphasis on different routes and upgraded mooks. Stage 5 isn't big on platforming, but it still does a good job on yet again showcasing Rondo's increased mook AI. Those are the only levels where I get that, though, so while I personally wouldn't call Rondo straight up bad or anything, I do think it's sort of drops the ball where other games don't and even with its own ideas

Except the bosses, the bosses are great.

>> No.7735440

>Whereas all of the metroidvanias are basically the same
I agree with you on the classicvanias wholeheartedly, but on this point only to an extent. Yeah, they all use SoTN's template, but I honestly find that each and every one of them aside from maybe AoS prioritie things so differently that they're rather different.

>> No.7735452

As I said, I like the metroidvanias. It's just that, when I play one, playing another one feels tiresome, because of their similarities, so I can't marathon games. Plus they take long to beat unless I play fast, but playing fast feels like I'm missing most of the game so why bother.
The 1990s classicvanias all feel different enough where playing though several of them in a marathon feels fresh. Konami really pulled no punches in creativity in the 90s. A truly greater time.

>> No.7735454

Now I call red pill

>> No.7735482

IVtrannies getting BTFO itt

>> No.7735486
File: 2.06 MB, 4500x2300, CV4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hallway lovers live in their own reality.

>> No.7735494

SotN shits on all the boomervanias

>> No.7735496

I can understand that. Its like playing a final fight clone. Its just trying to emulate a better game. While this "clone" is good, Its just kinda meh.

In the other GBA Metroidvania's i always feel like i have no idea where the fuck i'm going. The maps feel harder to memorize if that makes any sense. The only 2D metroid i've ever beaten and i'm not gonna lie is the GBA Zero Mission game. The only other Metroid exposure is the Prime Series. Those games i memorized the maps. I just stop playing if the map is too samey

>> No.7735538

I find the Metroid games have denser maps, which allows better memorization. And finding powerups while backtracking isn't a chore, and you don't have to grind out items.
The biggest problem, IMO, with metroidvanias is having to grind equipment and sometimes items for the combat system the game uses. Just have chests hidden throughout the large map to make exploration more fulfilling, fuck grinding enemies for shit.