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7731080 No.7731080 [Reply] [Original]

Sonic 2 > Sonic 3

>> No.7731087

S&K > S2 > S3 > S1

>> No.7731102

>S1 last
Filtered zoomer detected.

>> No.7731201

i like the game but its just weird. no spin dash, a few levels that are clearly designed for slow pace as if they were made for mario and not sonic. it's a very comfy game but not a very good one

>> No.7731414


>> No.7731548

1 is the best

>> No.7731578

S3k > Kin2 > 2 > Spinball > 1 > 3D Blast >>>>>>>> CD

>> No.7731632

S3&K > S2 > S1 > S3

>> No.7732408

i like them all about the same honestly

>> No.7732410
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Same. They're all pretty enjoyable, and pairing S&K with 3 or 2 is a lot of fun.

>> No.7732416


Also SOR2 > SOR3

>> No.7732525


>> No.7732539

Didn’t ask, shit taste

>> No.7732674

It's widely accepted that 2 is the best in the series.

Sonic 3 and Knuckles are 2 separate games that join for a single narrative and can't be rated as a single entry. In fact only the autists on /vr/ refer to it thusly because "muh dev's intentions" while every normal same person view Sonic and Knuckles as the 4th title in the series that just happens to have a lock on feature with the previous 2 games.

>> No.7733107

S3K blows Sonic 2 out of the water at everything but music, which Sonic 2 is simply the best at. S3K's branching level design is unparalleled, diverse and highly replayable. Its 3 selectable (1 player) characters makes it an even more replayable game. It also does away with most forms of "go fast -> get punished" philosophy that still has a few relics in Sonic 2 - generally the failure state of the game is dropping to a different route of the stage, not death - and also doesn't have Sky Chase Zone, which no one wants to wait through.

Sonic 1 is better than Sonic CD. These are a separate style of games from Sonic 2 and 3. Sonic 1 isn't about speed so much as moment. Sonic CD just thinks it's a methodical slow platformer. They play like one style that only one successfully executed.

>> No.7733124
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Sonic = Trash

>> No.7733145

I wish "ugly man picture, opinion with no other point" posting was ban worthy.

>> No.7733158
File: 2.53 MB, 317x222, 1_fOf0Azg_X0as7C1ZMP3Zmw.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>S3K blows Sonic 2 out of the water at everything but music
No zone from S3K matches Chemical Plant.

>> No.7733761

Chemical Plant isn't even the best zone in Sonic 2. It's pretty mid aside from the music.

>> No.7733779

Good thing they were talking about the music.

>> No.7734117

Absolutely. I also prefer Emerald Hill to Angel Island. But that's a low proportion of the game.

>> No.7734818
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Nooooo. You can't like Sonic 2. S3K is better in everyway!!!

>> No.7734845

Chemical Plant Zone is the best zone
S3K is the best game
These are both true and not conflicting statements.

>> No.7735453

>No zone from S3K matches Chemical Plant.
Reading comprehension isn't your strong suit, is it?

>> No.7735459

Being a contrarian doesn't make you more chad.

>> No.7735471

Multiple anons in this thread prefer sonic 2 over S3K. Face it 2's zones feel right and there's no stupid barrel haulting progress.

>> No.7735481

There's the SKY CHASE ZONE halting progress instead, for much longer than the 5 seconds to get by a single barrel. There's also godawful shit zones like Mystic Cave and Aquatic Ruin, and medium-shit zones Casino Night and Oil Ocean. Think about how much of the game is left if you "only consider the good zones".

>> No.7735483

Why are memes homo now

>> No.7735647
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>> No.7735913
File: 36 KB, 320x224, 1641639854.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Autoscroller = bad
Congratulations on being a drone who can't think for himself. SMW hacks show the power of autoscrollers really well.


And theres nothing wrong with Aquatic ruin. Just don't fall down to the bottom sections.

>> No.7736745

look at that chode lmao

>> No.7736816

Don't be mean, he has aids

>> No.7736851

That's an example of a poor autoscroller. Nothing fucking interesting going on for 12 minutes and if you snooze and get crushed it's all over again from the beginning.

>> No.7736886

Its a piss easy level. Don't spin dash and you should be right. I would play Sky chase over Marble Zone.

>> No.7739132

poor Sega want to bury Sonic so badly and forget about him but they can't