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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 169 KB, 891x387, simple as.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7725406 No.7725406 [Reply] [Original]

luv me 'af-life
luv me doo sex
luv me max payne
simple as

>> No.7725456

MP is the only good game in that image.

>> No.7725495

'ate zoomers

>> No.7725502

The second game is much better. The level design and gunplay of the first game are very bad

>> No.7725507

Agree. Deus Ex Invisible War was much better.

>> No.7725531

HL will NEVER be good and DE is overrated janky shit.

>> No.7725542 [DELETED] 

marry Payne
fuck Denton
kill Freeman

>> No.7725548

shit taste

>> No.7725569

>marry Payne
Excellent taste.

>> No.7725589

I wish PC games had physical copies like console games
>inb4 those ugly boxes that only a handful of games had

>> No.7725624

I loved the big boxes. They were dropped around '04 and replaced with plastic snapper cases.
>ugly boxes
The Deus Ex big box is a thing of beauty. The whole package is wonderfully well-done.

>> No.7725648

but they were always different sizes and you couldn't shove them all in a shelf without looking awful ;_;

>> No.7725654
File: 110 KB, 1513x851, thief big boxes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the autists worst nightmare

>> No.7727386

almost every old pc game released in a big box
>They were dropped around '04 and replaced with plastic snapper cases.
There was a transitionary period when games released in gatefold small boxes, they were as big as a dvd case, but twice as thick, so they could still fit in a thicker manual, more discs and other goodies.

>> No.7728196

never played max payne
is it good?

>> No.7728202

>I wish PC games had physical copies like console games
Pretty much every game before Steam took over (c. 2010) had a physical box with manuals and other cool shit in it.

>> No.7728340

>whole shelf fits like 5 big boxes of a game
the store can do that because each of these games is very valuable both in terms of a sale to them but also in what it does, getting one of these is an investment with a long return
>rack of hundreds of dvd boxes
i guess these are some trash. oh fucking $80 each yeah fuckoff
>online store
feels like you pirate it but also get some money stolen from you.

Downloading games is not /vr/. Get a big box or fuck off

>> No.7728347

pretty good style and story telling but generic third person shooting with a pointer makes it feel like a first person shooter with an identity crisis. the slow mo is cool and the first one has pretty slow bullet travel that works well enough. Cool scenarios, edgy setting but I kinda like all that shit. For some reason fans of the game don't seem to play a lot of other third person shooters.

>> No.7728373
File: 38 KB, 422x422, 1620101054502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7728387

>it feel like a first person shooter with an identity crisis

This. I get why people hate RE4 for killing the old style, but that more sensible over the shoulder established a new paradigm for 3rd person shooters.

That being said I still love the first Max Payne. Worth a download and play today for sure.

>> No.7728393
File: 852 KB, 740x416, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss when TPS didn't mean FPS but you see the back of someone's head and their shoulder. I like Payne but it's basically an FPS with how little your awareness of payne's position actually matters. He turns as fast as you point him and is locked to a pointer.

>> No.7728515

'ate me 'alf-life 2
'ate me doo sex 2
'ate me max payne 2
simple as

>> No.7728538

All very good games, but

Deus Ex > HL > MP

>> No.7728786

to be fair GoW completely changed third person shooters.
Like before it it was either 3rd person platformer (a-la Tomb Raider) or FPS clone.
And as much as I love GTA3/VC/SA I can't exactly tell you the controls or positioning really mattered all that much before GTAIV came around

>> No.7729910

in there, also max payne 2

>> No.7730368

based retard

>> No.7730397

fucking Norf fags

>> No.7730507

"Janky" is not valid criticism, as it doesn't preclude a game from being good.

>> No.7730518

>three good games that are liked for reasons that have absolutely nothing to do with the good gameplay in all of them
checks out

>> No.7730524

The only thing Gears of War actually did different was make crouching a core mechanic.

>> No.7730527

z**mer hands have typed this

>> No.7730596

yes, and every single 3rd person shooter has followed since

>> No.7730713

>it doesn't play exactly like Max Payne so it's bad
Max Payne basically invented the narrative-driven movie game TPS but I never hear people complain about it.

>> No.7731571
File: 97 KB, 400x550, 4b68cf29ba5e182ceb0840c9852d5ec1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You pretty much put two of the most mediocre games of the 2000's in one image. Deus Ex is amazing, but Half Life is about as boring and repetitive as working on the docks. If it was trimmed by four to five hours, I think I would've enjoyed it a lot more (due to it over-staying its welcome long before Xen). Max Payne is average at best, with a story that has that cringe-inducing edge that many "cinematic" games have. I don't believe I have ever played a good third-person shooter game (maybe besides Resident Evil 4).

Oh no, it is retarded.

>> No.7731573

And I meant late 90's to early 2000's. Fuck, that was a dumb mistake.

>> No.7731649

immersive sims are a meme

>> No.7731654

plebian taste

>> No.7731730
File: 221 KB, 1600x1143, 1_NvBtw3pEdmenVrZGhm-2ZA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice rebuttal

>> No.7731731

>this shitty thread still up

>> No.7731736

i mean if you like RE4 you can't have good taste

>> No.7731746

What is with contrarians not liking RE4? It has the best gunplay out of any third-person game ever made.

>> No.7731754

I have Thief TDP and Thief 2 on my wall.
I had Thief Gold as a kid, but I didn't keep the box because I'm dumb. A friend of mine has 2 copies because he got one for almost nothing. He has a lot of cool old shit.

>> No.7731918

This, they could've easily left out the Lambda core (or at least that fucking portal puzzle) and rail cart portions and the game and it would've been ideal.

>> No.7731928

sounds like you got filtered

>> No.7731931 [DELETED] 

It's zoomer garbage

>> No.7731960 [DELETED] 

valve shilling must pay pretty well

>> No.7731963 [DELETED] 

>if you like HL you are shill
take meds schizo

>> No.7731970 [DELETED] 

>another alf tranny samefag thread
Jannies do your job

>> No.7731983 [DELETED] 
File: 50 KB, 615x409, JS46652522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice criticism.

>> No.7731993 [DELETED] 

I never expressed dislike for the game as a whole, you mongoloid. I said those two portions are what make it fall short of excellence.

>> No.7731996 [DELETED] 

That has no english meaning whatsoever, retard. Filtered is a term people use because of their very minuscule vocabulary. You are obviously a part of the 41%.

>> No.7732002 [DELETED] 

and i disagree, now fuck off

>> No.7732003 [DELETED] 
File: 9 KB, 201x251, 0Aimages (9).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's confirmed. OP is a schizo.

>> No.7732005 [DELETED] 

shill response

>> No.7732008 [DELETED] 

kys alf

>> No.7732010 [DELETED] 

>That (filtered) has no english meaning whatsoever
Is this a troll, are you retarded, or an ESL?

>> No.7732013 [DELETED] 

You replying to the /doom/ schizo, yes he is.

>> No.7732014 [DELETED] 

die in a fire, Gabecel

>> No.7732019 [DELETED] 

you are so predictable, dude.

>> No.7732023 [DELETED] 


>> No.7732029 [DELETED] 
File: 8 KB, 372x122, uhg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you ok, alf?

>> No.7732042 [DELETED] 
File: 18 KB, 720x194, Screenshot_20210507-200035__01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guess I'm not the only retard

>> No.7732047 [DELETED] 

Shit thread

>> No.7732048 [DELETED] 
File: 20 KB, 397x97, Screen Shot 2021-05-08 at 10.03.33 am.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not samefagging either.

>> No.7732053 [DELETED] 
File: 169 KB, 1081x960, 1619839310532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree. The OP needs to take his meds before he posts again.

>> No.7732056

But DX is the only bad one.
Shit stealth
Shit combat
Shit RPG mechanics

>> No.7732089 [DELETED] 

You forgot to delete the thread lazy fuck.

>> No.7732316

It's one of the greatest games ever made in my humble opinion. Certainly a great shooter.

>> No.7732726

stop trying too hard /v/edditor