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/vr/ - Retro Games

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7730286 No.7730286 [Reply] [Original]

recently bought a reasonable rig, what are some good PC retro games?

>> No.7730328

You didn't even specify an era. You might as well have just posted "What are some games"?

>> No.7730332

Gothic 1 and 2 if you don't mind somewhat clunky controls (that are actually fun once you get into them better).

>> No.7730341
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Doom is the only good one.
Everything just wishes it was Doom.

>> No.7730342

Half Life and all it's expansions are good. Goldsrc has some of the best movement of any fps engine

>> No.7730449

OP here, im only concerned with PC vidya, which always seemed to me to be a rather small pool, yours would include console ones, which i dont care about

>> No.7730471

UFO Enemy Unknown
X-Wing Alliance
Grand Prix Legends
What sort of games are you even into?

>> No.7730525

freespace 2
deus ex

>> No.7730549

>everything just wishes it was an over-fellated proto-shooter with no Y axis and terrible graphics that became irrelevant the moment Quake dropped
what's it like being a child-brain?

>> No.7730601

if you're talking about doom that release in the 90s, yes. but modern doom has none of those limitations and still has an active modding community. new dozens of new mods/mod updates dropping every week

>> No.7730617

system shock 1 and 2, deus ex, fallout 1 and 2, monkey island 1 and 2, sam and max

>> No.7730635

Quake 2, lego island, idk dudr

>> No.7730647

Desu just drop what you like, I have always been a doomf*g and mainly played other FPS, played aoe2 and wz2100 and wc3
Didn't really try much outside of FPS, didn't specify any genre because uhhhhh I thought you guys liked to sh*tpost and make inane arguments about which one is the best Vidya, too much specificity is for bundles of sticks

>> No.7730749

>always seemed to me to be a rather small pool
You really know nothing about PC gaming. There are more PC games than every console library in history combined.

>> No.7730995

Quake 3 but its easier to play quake live,if you wanna get good at it you wont have time to play other games tho.

>> No.7731012

Clive Barkers Undying, if you're into horror games.

>> No.7731026

>reasonable rig
meaning, reasonable in 2021?
well that wasn't needed, any toaster from the pawn shop will run retro pc games

>> No.7731045

>modern doom has none of those limitations
Ok Graf. There's other ports you know, and /vr/ graphics aren't "bad".

>> No.7731059

Not if you want to run them in 4k or higher.

>> No.7731073
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>calling a pc a "rig"

>> No.7731118

Lords of Magic. At least that's what I would play if I had an old computer to play around on.