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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 437 KB, 1006x1008, the_appeal_of_shmups_stg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7723779 No.7723779 [Reply] [Original]

I purchased some shmup bundles on PC and I see the appeal of these games.
Gunbird tests my ability to react to really fast bullets while R-Type Dimensions test your ability to solve puzzles on the fly and navigate mazes haphazardly.

Only problem is the replay value is lacking content wise, not that many stages from what I've seen.

>> No.7723823

The replay value is completing on one credit, then playing for score.

>> No.7723831

>the appeal of these games
cute girls

>> No.7723835

nice feet

>> No.7723859 [DELETED] 

WE JUST WANT A...Loli footjob

Every day I'm jackin' it


>> No.7723873

The replay value of arcade games is to do them better than last time.

Shmups in particular are kind of autistic because they suck at multiplayer (with notable exceptions like Twinkle Star Sprites) and have arcane scoring systems. But if you just play them for fun it's fine.

>> No.7723926

I have a much harder time with early raidens than bullet hells. The slow speed and the moderately fast bullets get me,also if you play with arcade settings using the checkpoints. The soundtracks for 2,3, and 4 are great.

>> No.7724034
File: 748 KB, 1200x901, 64948546_p0_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me it's Dimahoo.

>> No.7724056

Depends on the game. The replay value in Gradius, for example. can be how far you go with no upgrade, without upgrading speed, trying to recover in hard places and so on.

>> No.7724105

You're credit feeding. You are not playing as they were intended. Infinite credits were added in the ports because game journalists complained.

>> No.7724112

Good shit


>> No.7724153 [DELETED] 

Psikyo shmups aren't about reflexes, it's about figuring out where the safespots are in the extremely fast patterns and good positioning so you don't get fucked. It's basically the same kind of puzzle solving as R-Type's mazes.

>> No.7724216

depends what you mean by reflex
Gunbird 2 does need some very quick and precise movements, highly dexterous even if they are memorized and anticipated.

>> No.7724221

>guwange is a run n' gun
sure but so what?
I'm not telling anyone they include anything, I'm telling the poster above that his perceived narrow interest is caused by his narrow definition.


If you only care about true 1000x folded nipponese hardcore score attacks that's fine, but don't act like shmups are struggling when I can name X Y and Z recent shmups that have gained a following withot scoring 'tism

>> No.7724248

Shmups have been based around limited credits/lives since the beggining. Having them be morphed into something for casuals is not only killing it but ripping off it's face and wearing it as a mask.

There have been plenty of shmups that have been entry level while still maintaining limited continues and lives. If someone wants one all they need to do is ask.

>> No.7724305 [DELETED] 

Pretty based

>> No.7724323
File: 36 KB, 469x355, davido.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is your favourite scoring mechanic and why? Just a mechanic.

I personally like what you can do in the mushis, go point blank and collect the rain.

>> No.7724354

All time favorite is bullet reflecting. Only Takumi shooters (Giga Wing 1/2, Mars Matrix) seemed to really perfect it by making it feel really weighty and powerful. Play RefleX for the opposite feeling, you'll know what I mean.

Second place, and this is also hyper specific, is the Buzz system in Psyvariar series. It is practically the perfect risk/reward grazing system. And chaining level ups make the game endlessly repayable as you perfect and fine tune your routes thru the stages.

>> No.7724373
File: 858 KB, 578x767, spoider.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the appeal of these games
Saying you 2ALL Strikers and then hiding when asked for proofs.

>>guwange is a run n' gun
Let's discuss one of my favourite games, Guwange.

I like Guwange. Guwange I like. I don't even know why. It has a spider kitty. It's kinda reasonable for beginners. Nothing of it seems memorable, but I dig it like it was a waifu or something.

When I pick the archer grill, I am at home. When I shoot through the very weeb setting, I feel like a boss.

What makes Guwange so special, /shooterg/?

Do you even like it? I hardly see it mentioned, but an anon just posted about it calling it a run n gun.

>> No.7724416

>don't act like shmups are struggling when I can name X Y and Z recent shmups that have gained a following withot scoring 'tism
what are you talking about? Take your meds

>> No.7724419 [DELETED] 

Highly based taste

>> No.7724425 [DELETED] 
File: 633 KB, 2000x1500, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gun.Smoke is the superior autoscrolling run 'n gun.

Thank you based Chadcom.

>> No.7724432 [DELETED] 

Yeah I'm thinking we're back

>> No.7724451 [DELETED] 

>you know who disappears
>shmup discussion flourishes
Imagine my shock!

Gigs Wing is legit but fuck the trillion billion gazillion scoring digits

>> No.7724454 [DELETED] 
File: 35 KB, 436x358, 1540440425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you honestly explain to me why you hate Cave? Is it just some autistic zoom-zoom contrarian thing to larp as a boomer?

>> No.7724465

29 year old Millennials hate Cave for killing the genre

>> No.7724474 [DELETED] 


>> No.7724476

>Boomer hate cave
>Doubling down on this LARP
Ok Zoom Zoom, when you say "killed the genre" you must mean perfected it. And you just can't cope with the bar of competition being set so high.

>> No.7724502

Long games are not as good for replaying

>> No.7724574 [DELETED] 

It's honestly insecurity about the art style. Cave stopped with the industrial aesthetic and picked up Moeshit after they saw the success of touhou in 2007.

>> No.7724624 [DELETED] 

>arbitrary slowdowns because of shitty programming skills
>gimmicky scoring systems to compensate for the casualised survival
>is the jarpig secondary's that rarely plays shmups preferred shmup developer

Yep, I'm thinking CAVE is trash.

>> No.7724630 [DELETED] 

>gets called out or face 2-Alls
>spends all day shitting on Cave because its the most popular dev on shmups.system11
Ok Ric seethe, cope and dilate more

>> No.7724631
File: 442 KB, 1024x768, th18x2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>the jarpig secondary's that rarely plays shmups preferred shmup developer
you called?

>> No.7724776 [DELETED] 

>muuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh jaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarpiggggggs
Ric becoming more and more a caricature of himself. The nervous breakdown is right around the corner.

>> No.7724838 [DELETED] 

>those hands on the right
god i wish that was me

>> No.7725298

Imagine being this retarded. What is the ESP series? Even Progear has moe/otaku aesthetics, as does DOJ--when it comes to their character/element doll design.

>> No.7725320

really dig how Progear's gunner affinity ranking doubles as a loli dating simulator

>> No.7725331 [DELETED] 

Anime style is different from moeshit. Notice the games went to crap precisely after the release of DOJ.

>> No.7725340
File: 1.20 MB, 3264x1836, 20160330_164325_HDR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw the goblin loli is objectively the strongest ship partner

>> No.7725342
File: 322 KB, 361x512, unnamed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meanwhile, this is what they used to make before turning into pedophile otaku pandering. You can't deny the cultural shift.

>> No.7725407

This is a shmup thread not social commentary about Japan. What are you playing and where is the proof

>> No.7725412

You don't have a come back for that, huh?

>> No.7725415
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And that's a good thing.

>> No.7725428 [DELETED] 

Kys pedonigger.

>> No.7725439
File: 96 KB, 600x674, laughing_best_witch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not as long as I have cunny.

>> No.7725452 [DELETED] 

found the homo

>> No.7725535

yes guwange is based. even if the gameplay weren't solid (it is) it would succeed on the strength of its setting and enemy designs alone

>> No.7725620
File: 274 KB, 1000x599, 622308-pockyandrockyreshrined.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey Natsume, I know you're lurking this thread...this better come out on PC you jap bastards!

>> No.7725759
File: 161 KB, 900x1000, 64480809_2188044531311163_3944108595796246528_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like simple scoring: kill enemies, collect medals (no fucking chaining), reveal secrets, maybe a boss milk here or there, reward me for NMNB, etc. Because this lets me play as if I'm doing survival but in a very optimized way.

I don't like weird gimmicks that you have to research in strategy guides to really figure out. Giga Wing is fine in the gimmick department because the shield mechanic and scoring are easy to grasp, but hard to master. That's how it should be.
I don't like big initial learning curves. That's why Garegga + Dimahoo scoring has no appeal to me. I don't like super strict DDP routing. I don't like sitting at the top of the screen point blanking everything like in Mushi/Futari games. I don't like switching modes and doing giant cancels like in Galuda 2 or DFK, etc. I don't like grazing because it feels wrong to hug bullets in a shooting game.

For Cave I would say the most appealing scoring is in Dangun Feveron and Esprade (despite the long boss milks).

>> No.7725914


>> No.7725943
File: 408 KB, 1536x2048, po.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

should I be on stick or pad if I'm being serious going for 1cc

>> No.7725951

All scoring systems boil down to memorizing spawns. Maybe not necessarily sitting at the top of the screen but all scoring is memorization.

>> No.7726103

got no problems with memorization itself, it depends what it takes to achieve it -- whether I find the process fun. The way you memorize a long DDP chain [or futari original spawns at the top of the screen] doesn't appeal to me. It's a type of trial and error that benefits greatly from copying replays carefully, step by step.

>> No.7726116

>doesn't appeal to me. It's a type of trial and error that benefits greatly from copying replays carefully, step by step.
*Which is unappealing and more importantly the self-discovery part of routing it on your own is even more unappealing imo*

>> No.7726150
File: 222 KB, 250x250, 1573901628927.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate puzzle/maze levels in shmups. Seriously fuck that shit. I'm trying to work myself up to 1cc'ing Strikers 1945
holy shit. Maybe stick. Birth defect?

>> No.7726218

wtf my dude

>I'm trying to work myself up to 1cc'ing Strikers 1945
1cc first loop or full game? I'd say concentrate on later stages and bosses either way, 1-4 is p easy

>> No.7726220

>1cc first loop or full game?
just first loop for now. I'll be practicing on later stages for sure.

>> No.7726396


>> No.7726458
File: 1 KB, 252x26, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw got almost 300 shmup osts in FLAC
>don't even listen to them

>> No.7726481

no point in having 300 OSTs, you only need 18 (each touhou)
doesn't get better than that, really

>> No.7726495

post torrent

>> No.7726498 [DELETED] 

envision the aroma

>> No.7726520

When are you invading Earth?

>> No.7726531

Thoughts on MushihimeTAMA lads?

>> No.7726552

cool and boobas

>> No.7726553

I didn't download them all from a singular torrent

>> No.7726561

Then make one

>> No.7726562 [DELETED] 

Nah, fuck shmuptrannys

>> No.7726567 [DELETED] 

post the 2ALLs

>> No.7726569 [DELETED] 

post ost collection

>> No.7726572 [DELETED] 

can't believe chum is sleeping with cee

>> No.7726603 [DELETED] 


>> No.7726613 [DELETED] 
File: 66 KB, 800x800, 1608353429987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


why does this makes WAV/Apple fags seethe so much

>> No.7726618

FLAC is for archival purposes and can convert into any format you want including Opus, the current best lossy format. Don't tell me you are still using mp3's?

>> No.7726691 [DELETED] 

shmup thread not audiophile SHITE
wut u ply?

>> No.7726706

Hearing the difference now isn't the reason to encode to FLAC. FLAC uses lossless compression, while MP3 is 'lossy'. What this means is that for each year the MP3 sits on your hard drive, it will lose roughly 12kbps, assuming you have SATA - it's about 15kbps on IDE, but only 7kbps on SCSI, due to rotational velocidensity. You don't want to know how much worse it is on CD-ROM or other optical media.

I started collecting MP3s in about 2001, and if I try to play any of the tracks I downloaded back then, even the stuff I grabbed at 320kbps, they just sound like crap. The bass is terrible, the midrange…well don’t get me started. Some of those albums have degraded down to 32 or even 16kbps. FLAC rips from the same period still sound great, even if they weren’t stored correctly, in a cool, dry place. Seriously, stick to FLAC, you may not be able to hear the difference now, but in a year or two, you’ll be glad you did.

>> No.7726730 [DELETED] 

Dont ever fucking @ me again.

>> No.7726732

Chum only likes 2hu girls

>> No.7726750
File: 28 KB, 273x410, 1620262642463.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for me it's gun ém ups

>> No.7726956

no wonder he couldn't get those 2Alls with those mitts

>> No.7727193

Ayy lmao

>> No.7727327

Thunder Dragon 2 needs a switch port asap

>> No.7727482 [DELETED] 

I know that retards, thing is: It's stupid too use FLAC for listening (which pretty much most people do with it)

>> No.7728126

Whats wrong with Einhander?

>> No.7728157
File: 114 KB, 267x374, Ibara_arcade_flyer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

False advertising. It's impractical to play "Einhander" one-handed. I prefer shmups that use 2-3 buttons. Employing a flight stick, I can then easily grind routes without interrupting my masturbation schedule. It takes some adjustment, but the apparent imprecision can easily be compensated for with just a few months of practice.

>> No.7728524
File: 947 KB, 1157x1194, 765t6756.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7728535


>> No.7728545

nah, pretending to like 2poo doesn't net you that hardcore gamer street cred like pretending to like caveshit does.

>> No.7728560

ah, what would happen to my cred if I claimed I 2ALL'd DOJ?

>> No.7728667

it wouldn't matter, because /vr/'s cavecucks (read: jarpigs) won't share their shmup progress and are interested only in seething about real players like tardo.

>> No.7728705
File: 3 KB, 148x125, 51183.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depends if you posted proof or just claimed it then ran away when asked for proof.

>> No.7728768

Damn that's some fat feet

>> No.7728891

nothing, every neet has. you need to pretend to have an asian gf if you want cavechad cred.

>> No.7728919

Thoughts on the M2 G-Darius compared to MAME?

>> No.7728932

avoid 3D, play 2D.

>> No.7728936

It's a 2D game

>> No.7729003
File: 2.82 MB, 718x568, g-darius_eclipseeye.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a guy made a big comparison video here with all versions side-by-side:

It's pretty comprehensive. M2's version compares very favorably to the PCB. I never played the arcade version but it's a revelation compared to the PS1 port I was used to. I was able to beat G-Darius on the PS1 without dying but I don't think I can do that with this version.

>> No.7729021

Any games as perfect as Ikaruga out there? God damn I wish they'd put RSG and Gradius V on switch, I haven't played either of them ever and I don't want to play them emulated on PC because I wouldn't know when to stop tweaking them to get them working as intended.

>> No.7729054

double check the sprites

>> No.7729060

just gotta post the S2ALLs and you'll be fine

>> No.7729206
File: 406 KB, 647x863, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dude, what if... we took a Gradius boss but made it shittier?

Bravo, Triangle Service.

>> No.7729608

Gradius bosses aren't that special to begin with

>> No.7729624

Exzeal is Fujino scraping together his remaining shmup ideas... which weren't even that good to begin with. Also his fetish with wrist/thumb ruining joystick wiggle is worthy of the rope.

>> No.7729832 [DELETED] 

>>you know who disappears

>> No.7729858 [DELETED] 

I wish to be the Marion.

>> No.7729871 [DELETED] 

some spanish guy

>> No.7729881 [DELETED] 

ain't no one missing him.

>> No.7729901

shock poopers and metal Slugs peak shmups

>> No.7729912

demon front has entered the chat.

>> No.7729924

that one is cool too

>> No.7729942

Taito > Team Shanghai > Treasure > Cave > Raizing > Psikyo > Irem

don't @ me nerds

>> No.7729947
File: 10 KB, 200x200, trigon_0001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i fucking love trigon

>> No.7729951

isn't "Team" Shanghai just one untalented guy who made games with ugly art to spread his shitty music?

>> No.7729952


>> No.7729986

it's the touhou guy yes, but the games are awesome and the music is the best in the genre

>> No.7729993

touhou is it's own genre, so yeah it's going to have the best touhou music by default.

>> No.7730068 [DELETED] 

shit only zoomers say

>> No.7730069


>> No.7730197 [DELETED] 

seething 2poo trans

it is quite fun but I never got far in it, unfortunately

>> No.7730303

hating on popular things does not make you an interesting person

>> No.7730365

2hu music fucking horrendous, I can see the appeal for the games but how shit your music taste has to be to enjoy ZUN music, it's a mistery to me.

>> No.7730398


>> No.7730406

show curtosy

>> No.7730530
File: 48 KB, 376x340, bmthou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I admit touhou music and art sucks, yet I enjoy the games

>> No.7730534

what's the scoop on ric m8 ?

>> No.7730826
File: 100 KB, 300x275, smug_gay_samurai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's the matter, too scrubby to enjoy some memorizers?

>> No.7730829

yeah, i really gotta cut down on the blunts

>> No.7730839

Scrubby ship.
Let's see those Psikyo 2 Alls then

>> No.7730883

I've ascended beyond Psikyo 2-ALL'ing. They are too boring to me now after clearing them years ago (no, I didn't save the replays back then, so stop asking anytime).

>> No.7730963

When did Dadshmups peak, and why did the genre start degenerating into tranmaku?

>> No.7731051

>Let's see those Psikyo 2 Alls then
Let it go.

>> No.7731239

Now that the dust has settled, can we all agree that leader of the scene Mark MSX's takedown of R-Type Final 2 was absolute ludo kino?

>> No.7731250

>ludo kino
It's kino to watch someone so thoroughly uneducated about the genre churn out constant 30 minute vlogs about them while getting all the facts wrong

>> No.7731461
File: 24 KB, 500x500, avatars-000210437202-h5qrjk-t500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7731476

tfw you fall for the exzeal meme

>> No.7731539

kek x2

is that muscular dystrophy?

>> No.7732018

To be honest if a scoring system becomes too complicated I don't even want to try. Sometimes simple is better. Looking at all the ugly goofy shit in say, Battle Bakraid or Hellsinker, where you manage a hundred different factors. It's complex just to be complex.

I think gimmick shooters are better in this regard, especially the turn of the millennium games. Base the game around one central idea and push it to the limit. Like Giga Wing, the Shikigami series, Ikaruga, and to a lesser extent something like Radirgy.

While I think cave games are fine they definitely started becoming too system heavy and weighted down by broken/esoteric scoring systems imo.

>> No.7732097

I prefer to call them "think em ups"

>> No.7732149

Then start apologizing publicly

>> No.7732164

Dadshmups still going strong, even newer Space Invaders games are nice

They will outlive this silly bullet hell fad

>> No.7732205

Marion's puffy smelly feet.

>> No.7732214

Get a Gunbird 2All (without lying)

>> No.7732276 [DELETED] 
File: 1.23 MB, 254x254, 1618736340809.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Franky people need to double check what they read on wikipedia before they come blasting me in the comments section of my review with misinformation. Kazuma Kujo, who a bunch of people keep touting as the equivalent of "Irem Staff" is NOT the director of R-Type Delta and the other R-Type games we know and love. That director's name is Hiroya Kita. The only shmup R-Type game that has been directed by Kujo is R-Type Final 1, which itself has a mixed legacy from fans of the series. The point I made in my video and will continue to make is that this new studio that Kujo has made called Granzella is by no means remotely equivalent to the legendary studio Irem. Just because Kujo and a few members of his staff worked at Irem as some point, this does not mean that they are the equivalent team to the Irem staff that produced the classic series that we know and love. Unless I missed when game directing talent became something you could just pass on via job description. But I suppose I am not a "true fan" of R-Type for recognizing this distinction and the noticeable dip in quality between Delta and Final 1 and 2. Honestly I find this amount of blind fan boyish at this point tiring.

>> No.7732319 [DELETED] 

for me it's resident evil village

>> No.7732364
File: 185 KB, 502x931, mushi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They will outlive this silly bullet hell fad
Nothing silly about some big 'ol mushi tiddies dodging thousands of bullets, maybe if you got gud you'd stop being impotent too

>> No.7732375

There are so many shmups out there now across the history of games that even if you don't find the prospect of mastering them enticing there should be enough shmups to graze and play for casual completion to last you a long while.

>> No.7732378
File: 111 KB, 800x920, 362AB924-047E-43B0-A79C-45B1FA12E59F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My man.

>> No.7732928
File: 278 KB, 511x567, anime iq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i noticed today trannies feel threaten by girl shmup player showing Gradius. why they like this?

casual play is always good but when you get better you want to do both because casual is more for relaxing and harder mastery shmup for exciting challenges

>> No.7733023

I'm sorry I lied. Happy?

>> No.7733026

>They will outlive this silly bullet hell fad
Dodonpachi got released in 1997 and still going strong. Get over it, gramps!

>> No.7733028

where's the gunbird x cotton crossover?

>> No.7733119

>i noticed today trannies feel threaten by girl shmup player showing Gradius. why they like this?
girl envy, pussy envy, attention envy ?

Gunbird is vertical, Cotton is Horizontal and they play so different.
Gunbird x Game Tengoku could work betters

>> No.7733295
File: 95 KB, 735x925, raidendx_01_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are the most manly shmups and why are they all military style shooters with fast bullets and hard recovery?

>> No.7733298

>hard recovery
After the 3rd stage if I die it's all over and I give up.

>> No.7733361

>I give up
git gud

>> No.7733382 [DELETED] 

has ricky admitted he lied finally?

>> No.7733394 [DELETED] 

we'll never know he disappeared from all discords

>> No.7733415

Couldn't be bothered to invest that much time into it. If I can't beat it organically I move on to the next game.

>> No.7733437
File: 54 KB, 500x368, never scored.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7733445

for me it's lying about achievements

>> No.7733449

If there is no replay, you shouldn't believe it.

>> No.7733457

actually if it's not done on an official arcade it #1 doesn't count, #2 probably cheated.

>> No.7733460
File: 77 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (94).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hey I finally beat Raiden. All I had to do was watch AGDQ and use save states to learn everything.
>I totally beat it on my own!

>> No.7733476

What is that?
>save states to learn everything
Save state was a mistake.

>> No.7733479

Why #1?
#2 makes sense in some cases, but for a simple 2 loop? Just show you character can die and get game over before and after the 2 loops, for example. But yeah, could use autofire to make the game easy and so on.

>> No.7733484

Speedrunners (sometimes) will show a game over/Full-restart before a replay to show it's not a recorded movie/input file playback which are easily cheated.

>> No.7733502

>show you character can die
>how a game over/Full-restart
as easily faked as a twitter screenshot. this is not proof of anything. It's honestly amusing how naive and easily swindled you must be for suggesting this as proof.

>> No.7733507

Tell me again how that would not work in a real arcade. Unless you think one can't cheat on those.

>> No.7733513

of course that is just a bare minimum, but how do you fake that without splicing videos?

That's usually a bare minimum and not ideal, other requirements get added like button input display, hand cams and audible button clicks, and live streaming etc.

>> No.7733521

>That's usually a bare minimum and not ideal, other requirements get added like button input display, hand cams and audible button clicks, and live streaming etc.
Yes for someone like ricardo or perikles all those requirements would be necessary. Edusword has learned his lesson but still hasn't apologized publicly so he is still on the HOOK

>> No.7733546

personally I don't think gus' runs are legit because not done on original arcade hardware. his AGDQ run was most likely a replay he recorded and played back to the audience. He can't even get past stage 3 at the arcades so...something is wrong

>> No.7733558 [DELETED] 

he went back to playing rpgs he posts on /vrpg/ regularly, don't wait for the STrikers 2ALLs lol

>> No.7733565
File: 194 KB, 800x600, ss_791797e0e75cf7158df9ba4c35603e638cae68dc.1920x1080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good games should have some measure of rng.

>> No.7733574 [DELETED] 

Let it go, nothing to see here.

>> No.7733576
File: 219 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (95).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course. I love chasing my thunderfury binding. It's been over a year now but surely it's going to drop any week/month now.

>> No.7733672

Honestly you'd only want some of these extra things if you are already suspicious. If you hop into a stream of someone who manages a great score, 9 times out of 10 you will catch the 50 minutes of painful restarts that transpire before the Magic Run happens.

>> No.7733720

>He can't even get past stage 3 at the arcades
that's because he sucks with sticks and only knows how to play it with an xbox 360 pad.

>> No.7733739

>he sucks with sticks
That is a shit excuse. Sticks are better to play shmups, anyway.

>> No.7733774

>being this gullible

>> No.7733879

For real? Most my mp3 files are working just fine. Spectral analysis are pretty accurate and don’t show signs of file degradation. How can I visually spot signs of data loss in lossy formats?

>> No.7734053

For me it's a drug zapped brain that makes me annoying to be around.

Just play Gunbird 2 bruh
Everyone shits their pants at the thought

>> No.7734069

Gunbirdo 2 is pure wankery. Wtf is going on in that shit

>> No.7734080

>Average user score: 4.1


>> No.7734219 [DELETED] 

ric or cee, who would you banish from the community?

>> No.7734228

All the fags in this thread that instead of playing smhup, keep talking about ecelebrity.

>> No.7734304

>hurr durr post your 2ALL Strikers

>> No.7734351

Y- yeah 2all'ing a game is pretty meaningless anyway..... ri-right fellas?

>> No.7734370

What is the definitive cunny shmup?

>> No.7734440

Post yours in that case

>> No.7734587

>After the 3rd stage if I die it's all over and I give up.
That's a lot of shmups. Especially if you need to hoard lives for the TLB.

>> No.7734617 [DELETED] 

>autistic trial and error: The Genre

This semen slurping cum gargling aids swallowing genre isn't for me

>> No.7734639 [DELETED] 

Twinkle Star Sprites doesn't suffer from that.

>> No.7734651 [DELETED] 

>trial and error
>how was I supposed to know to dodge the bullets
>this is artificial difficulty :'(((((

>> No.7734689 [DELETED] 

Stick to your RPGs then, noob.

>> No.7734736 [DELETED] 

He has a point. 1cc for most of shmups requires intense memorization even if you have good reaction, let alone score autism.

>> No.7734739


>> No.7734741

Let it go.

>> No.7734876
File: 840 KB, 288x206, DONTBEPANIC.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

twin eagle 2 is fun

>> No.7735150

DingDongwhatchi?.. just more cookie-cutter, boring "shots-everywhere" junk to BORE me to TEARS, sorry. Last one of these new games I tried was Ikaraga... Sorry! but I learned to play color-matching games when I was two, don't need to do it anymore! Deleted THAT computer application from my Dell desktop after about 20 minutes.

R-Type, Gradius, Darius... those classics are a little more up MY alley. No TINY hitboxes to make the game look harder than it is, no half-naked japanimation cartoon girls, no gimmicky scoring to cover up the total lack of any real substance... just a little thing called good old-fashioned GAMEPLAY that seems to be forgotten nowadays... yep, I love all the super-duper powerups, and checkpoints.. yes recovery is HARD but not IMPOSSIBLE. You actually have to put in a little elbow grease to get your strength back! Something the little ones today could stand to learn from, if you ask me! They seem to want games where you can kill everything on the screen with one button press, right after inserting a coin! Instant gratification with no challenge. And personally, I usually prefer a "side-view" kind of shooter compared to a "bird's eye view" one, all those obstacles give levels a lot more personality, not such a common thing when every me-too game wants to look and play the same.

Me, I've been playing a lot of R-Type part two lately. I can only clear a couple of boards on my first man right now. I may wear out my joystick before I can manage my one quarter win! But I don't quit! What can I say, I prefer a little hard work to getting a free handout! Playing some Wings of Wor on my Sega too, and Biohazard Battle. Great vintage stuff!

>> No.7735262

Not so fast. You think Psikyo 2 Alls are the epitome of difficult shmup achievements? This shows how naive you are. Secondly, ric doesn't post here and he already proved harder results with Thunder Dragon 2. Let's be real, he lives rent free in your head because he dared to speak against gay elf games and shmul posers, and for that they hate him.

>> No.7735267


>> No.7735326 [DELETED] 

>Secondly, ric doesn't post here and he already proved harder results with Thunder Dragon 2
>kuso clear of TD2
>harder than Gunbird 2 2all

Sure thing rickagi

>> No.7735365

Your fault for trusting reviewers. Not too smart are we?

Post your replays son do u even shmup?

But a tranny likes that stuff specially if chasing bugs is a possibility

>> No.7735519

How many hours should a Strikers or Gunbird 2 ALL take an average decent player ?

>> No.7735539

What is the point of doing 1cc if it's on mame/emulator and not on a real arcade?
No one is going to believe on your replays and say you cheated.

>> No.7735572 [DELETED] 

What is the discord shmup people talk about? Can someone send an invite?

>> No.7735591

>implying you can't cheat on real hardware
Cool ignorance, brah.

>> No.7735594

point is to get good so you can one day go to an arcade and do it legit, for real, and have it recognized and counted. I agree, playing STRICTLY on console or mame is amateur westie cope

>> No.7735597

Yeah, but at least one is ignored by default

>> No.7735603

Arcade with staff verification is the most safe and authentic way to do it legit

>> No.7735614

Authenticity tier and what MATTERS:

#1 arcade
#2 arcade
#3 arcade
#4 ....
#100.... cheated runs, spliced videos, streaming, streaming with handcam, perikles run, ricardo 2all claims, vod with input display, etc, all trash

>> No.7735619

>streaming with handcam
Might as well just do spliced videos at this point.

>> No.7735639

For fun. Credit feeding is boring.

>> No.7735915

But there's no point in gitting gud at an arcade game if you're not doing it to compete against others. Might as well just enjoy a comfy JRPG instead, would be less a waste of your time.

>> No.7735930
File: 643 KB, 960x1280, coom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I visit local arcades in the summer, and foreign arcades on my yearly spring vacation, so it makes my home practice more interesting.

>> No.7735947 [DELETED] 

>Billy can't be that good at Donkey Kong! Nobody is! It's just gotta be MAME!!!!1

>> No.7736001 [DELETED] 

Does he ever play hard games like shmups, or just pac man and DK shite he's been cheating at for decades?

>> No.7736103

He's never even played Defender. What a joke.

>> No.7736325 [DELETED] 

>ric doesn't post here
lmfao, he does and when it gets pointed out he lies again and again suddenly deciding he can but gets banned on sight! this has happened multiple times now.

>and shmul posers
Whilst being the biggest one?

>Let's be real
Either rick or his boyfriend.

>> No.7736436 [DELETED] 

Let it go.

>> No.7736442 [DELETED] 
File: 911 KB, 200x159, no.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shmupg harbored a known terrorist
>just forget it bruh!!

>> No.7736453 [DELETED] 


>> No.7736823

>Let it go.
Not until we get a full confession and apology.

>> No.7736916 [DELETED] 


>> No.7736924 [DELETED] 


>> No.7736926
File: 182 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot (13).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think challenge is what makes a game engaging to begin with. It's not so much about recognition for overcoming the challenge.

>> No.7736940

This. I'd love to be able to play those games on arcade, but not only I live in the middle of nowhere, I have yet to find a single arcade here.

>> No.7736951

I'm sorry I lied. Now let it go. Get over it. It's OK. Let's be real.

>> No.7736960

Make streamable clip, need to hear the jajaja accent

>> No.7737214

Anyone else just not give a shit about score?

>> No.7737303

yes, casuals

>> No.7737321

casuals don't play this genre

>> No.7737356

For some people, either you care about score or you don't play this genre, it seems.

>> No.7737404

I go for 1cc so I'm not a casual.

>> No.7737429

99% of the time yes. Sometimes you find a game where the scoring is too good to ignore and you are compelled to push yourself. Those games are the keepers.

Otherwise I'm pretty content with scrubby 1cc's.

>> No.7737445

I don't really give a shit about anything

>> No.7737462 [DELETED] 


>> No.7737469 [DELETED] 

>For some people
The people that are way outside of the visible autistic spectrum.

>> No.7737479 [DELETED] 

>shmupgang turning on /our guy/ Mark MSX after the R-Type review
Markbros this can't be happening...

>> No.7737486

Who is that and what he did?

>> No.7737573 [DELETED] 

>ever /shmupg/'s guy
Spotted the poserpig.

>> No.7737574 [DELETED] 

>/our guy/ Mark MSX
Literally who?

>> No.7737578 [DELETED] 

shmupgang =/= /shmupg/
How fucking new are you, casualfag

>> No.7737583 [DELETED] 

Back to your pozzed discord circlejerk, tranny.

>> No.7737637 [DELETED] 

Shut your your ass up faggot, trying to fit in using "poserpig" and exposing yourself as someone with ZERO /shmupg/ lore knowlegde

>> No.7737679

>having /shmupg/ lore
No wonder people here don't post replay, they waste their time discussing non-related stuff instead of playing and talking about the games themselves

>> No.7737691

r.i.p your hand bro

>> No.7737791

Are there any shmorps that are randomly generated instead of autistic as fuck trial and error replay the level until you learn it shit gameplay?

>> No.7737814


>> No.7737841

roguelites are the hot indie trend, enjoy your slop

>> No.7737852

There's plenty of indie garbage that does that and they constitute the worst shmups ever made. Piss for level design because its random and shit visuals because the people behind them have neither talent or a proper artistic vision

>> No.7737862

I think it could be done well, it just isn't. Xeno Crisis has randomized levels and it works.

>> No.7737865

Randomly generate levels is the game dev saying fuck you to players since the dev didn't even care about their game enough to make interesting levels.

>> No.7737871

Haven't played it but it looks signicantly below the quality of the best handcrafted levels and even the mediocre ones. If you want shmups that depend less on memorization and more on skill thats what the danmaku ones are.

Randomization of bullet patterns adds nothing but ensures you will always have bad levels. I think these shitty indie roguelike just appeal to bad players because all they need to do is keep playing and eventually they will be given a lucky configuration allowing them to win without skill. They hate hardwon success.

>> No.7737885

There are good roguelites, but yeah the shmup ones suck.

>> No.7737924

Random levels always mean shit levels, which means a shit game. The only reason real roguelikes get a pass is 1) they are games based on hidden information (you have more unidentified items then you have identification scrolls) and its not hidden if you can just memorize it 2) They are games about tactics and they create dynamic tactical situations by randomizing things, same reason X-com works when randomized. The tactical level is so deep it justifies it.

In pretty much all action-rogulikes I have played hidden information is either nonexistent or virtually insignicant. The tactical level is shallow and not dynamic (you don't dynamically switch things up to just deal with each new encounter, you just find whats effective and stick with it until you find something more effective, like a fucking jrpg).

Can you point to examples of good roguelikes? As far as I have seen they are always the worst in their genre. Isaac for instance is not only the worst overhead shooter I have ever played its the worst game I have ever played.

>> No.7737932

Monolith is good tho

>> No.7737978

>Anyone else just not give a shit about score?
me and i have decent scores, it's completely meaningless, just play for fun and save your energy for worthwhilst pursuits, games don't take much at all if you stick with the same shmup for a long time just an hr here and there you will get good scores.

>> No.7737983

It's more about execution and adaptation to whatever you come across. Two of my favorites are Spelunky 2 and Crypt of the Necrodancer.

>> No.7738037

Outside of the stuff that veers super heavy on memorization like Splatter House those are skills needed for any older game.

I have a theory that action roguelikes are enjoyed by people that just don't appreciate quality level design. It would make sense in that context to prefer an endless amount of bad levels or a few good ones. Sort of like how someone that doesn't care about quality in food would prefer a few convience store chocolates to a single luxory choclate.

>> No.7738052

I can appreciate good level design. Roguelites are still fun though. I don't agree that random generation is inherently bad, but I wouldn't want it in every game.

>> No.7738071




>> No.7738717

I was going to get into Ketsui but I noticed a guy named moglor is playing it close to the world record so it's pointless, what Cave should I try instead?

>> No.7738737

>I go for 1cc so I'm not a casual.
I simply say I have 2 Alls so I can hang around the good players and make fun of posers.

>> No.7738751

Why do you mean it's pointless?

>> No.7738818

mayhe his point is to be the best in the West at some Caveshit in a year or two (not 4 or 5 or 10)

>> No.7738903

It's not stupid if you are playing the digital audio back on quality gear. Maybe for you on your 20 dollar ear buds.

>> No.7739016

>yes recovery is HARD but not IMPOSSIBLE
eat dick worms ricky!

>> No.7739028

What a great insufferable boomer dad impression.

>> No.7739029

how can you say TD2 is harder than Psikyo 2-Alls when there's only one proof video
regardless true or not for his 2Alls, his fucking big mistake for being a big mouthbreather

>> No.7739030 [DELETED] 

Why am I banned

>> No.7739032 [DELETED] 


>> No.7739048 [DELETED] 

are you this new? get out of here!

>> No.7739059
File: 140 KB, 694x870, crap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>post replay
>route gets copied, all my strats stolen
>get doxxed
>end up on kiwi-farms with personal secrets revealed
No thanks! Setting my shmup streams and replays to private tyvm

>> No.7739061

Guwange still has spaces for westie records up to counterstop, even /ourguy/ MarkMSX got btfo'ed

>> No.7739065 [DELETED] 

>get out of here

>> No.7739068

The Japanese were always right, hiding strat is the best

>> No.7739075

>Japanese were always right
As always, when it comes to being an schizo gamer.

>> No.7739076 [DELETED] 
File: 105 KB, 600x800, 1617496514256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sick mame setup bro! where'd you get the banner art?

>> No.7739106
File: 40 KB, 386x586, 1620506745456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What shmups do people like you 1cc? Got any replays to share?

>how can you say TD2 is harder than Psikyo 2-Alls
TD2 is harder than Sengoku Ace 2-all that's for sure

>> No.7739228

>What shmups do people like you 1cc?
Gradius series, R-Type series, some Compile games, some Psikyo ones.
>Got any replays to share?
see >>7739059

>> No.7739613

>TD2 is harder than Sengoku Ace 2-all that's for sure
Based Ric moving the goal post. TD2 is harder than Sengoku Ace 2-ALL is the easiest Psykio 2-ALL, let's be real.

>> No.7739663

>Got any replays to share?
Well you certainly haven't lmao

>> No.7739718
File: 379 KB, 688x573, seal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you shouldn't have talked all that shit about jrpgs tardo, now look at you

>I visit local arcades in the summer, and foreign arcades on my yearly spring vacation, so it makes my home practice more interesting.
well aren't you the lucky boy? what do you play?

>> No.7739745


>> No.7739790 [DELETED] 

MarkMSX is a cringe redditor and certainly not /ourguy/

>> No.7739815 [DELETED] 

No one ever said that but the poser who thinks shmupg and shmupgang is the same thang

>> No.7740147 [DELETED] 

shmupg is abbreviation of shmupgang because we control the narrative now.

>> No.7740168 [DELETED] 
File: 18 KB, 323x570, b53.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope you murderers are happy. You drove out retardo, the last westie who still cared about shootemups and could intelligently discuss them. You deserve the cesspool you've created for yourselves when he gave you a real place to share and collaborate. Pic related is you.

>> No.7740185

>Haven't played it but it looks signicantly below the quality of the best handcrafted levels and even the mediocre ones.
yeah well you're wrong. no static layout just means you have to learn crowd management and get a feel for how to deal with various groupings of enemies instead of memorizing where to stand to win. 'empty room that enemies flood into' is all the level design it needs.

>I think these shitty indie roguelike just appeal to bad players because all they need to do is keep playing and eventually they will be given a lucky configuration allowing them to win without skill.
I think they "get" reflexes but not anything else you'd need to win. even Flappy Bird is randomized. basically every mobile game is whack-a-mole.

>> No.7740207 [DELETED] 
File: 29 KB, 530x290, 1 second hyper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>...could intelligently discuss shmups
yeah, nah.

rng levels could work in turn based games like mystery dungeon games and roguelikes, but they are less interesting and enjoyable in action games where level design influences gameplay. Imagine Gradius 3 or R-Type with RNG levels, fuck that

>> No.7740268 [DELETED] 

Tfw playing jarpigs feels like homework

>> No.7740287 [DELETED] 

>the last westie who still cared about shootemups
you mean jaimers and based bareknuckleroo?

>> No.7740328 [DELETED] 

Whats up with that

>> No.7740332 [DELETED] 
File: 199 KB, 1071x320, 20210510_171205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic lel

>> No.7740369 [DELETED] 

MarkHomosex prowls reddit and tries to trick others into buying fake scam crypto

>> No.7740370 [DELETED] 

Is he on the dole bro's

>> No.7740373 [DELETED] 


>> No.7740374 [DELETED] 

touhou patterns and levels look like crap after you've played Cave shmups for a while, I don't see how people care to waste time grinding that 2poo trash

tardo got what he deserved and honestly became really annoying. he talked like a fucking robot I'm guessing he was on psych meds that numbed his personality or had actual asburgers

>> No.7740451 [DELETED] 

shmup expert jaimers still enjoys touhou and plays every game until he gets NMNB runs
I'm thinking the series is based

>> No.7740484

What the No Miss mean in Touhou?

>> No.7740939 [DELETED] 

this. people like chav have been referring to shmupg as shmupgang for years, lmao at the sealtard trying to fit in and co-opt the name.

>> No.7741161

It's the complete opposite but you're too dense and have zero reading skills

>> No.7741175

Works for Tetris. Also of course Level Design will influence game play in any genre .

>> No.7741213 [DELETED] 

Lmao can you stop exposing yourself as an outsider? we don't like your kind here.


>> No.7741403

Just got R Type Final2 on steam; I hope it's decent. To be honest it already looked way better than Final based on videos and the demo.

Deathless run, I think the origin is a Japanese rendering of "mistake"

>> No.7741416

I see. No Death would make sense. No miss could mean so many things, but I get it now.

>> No.7741465 [DELETED] 

>he gave you a real place to share and collaborate
He made it, well technically it's not his own
But it's ironic that he abandoned the place at the end lol

>> No.7741479 [DELETED] 

look the difference on >>7741213

>> No.7741607 [DELETED] 

chumlum vs. nameschonvergeben, who's the superior 2hufapper

>> No.7741614

>Imagine Gradius 3 or R-Type with RNG levels, fuck that
loaded examples, consider Fantasy Zone with RNG base layouts. spawns might already be partially random in FZ, not sure.

>> No.7741621

so, is it mandatory to be an ostrich to join the shmupgang?

>> No.7741627

>chav streaming belt scrollers


>> No.7741778


shmupg and shmupgang are 2 diff groups.

>> No.7741791

I'm knew to this thread(and this genre). Should I just play those games or I have to know random shit like shmupg and shmupgang?

>> No.7741823
File: 108 KB, 361x429, 1616793844474.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying speed-troons play shmups
Why can't we have a wholesome Shmup thread without people like you seething and dilating?

>> No.7741831 [DELETED] 

shmupg is shmupgang because we gang up on the secondaries and jarpigs in the community to weed them out and clean house, can't believe you clueless newfaggots can't even get something basic like this right. kek

>> No.7741838 [DELETED] 

What are those?

>> No.7741850 [DELETED] 

Non-players who orbit real shmup players, rarely if ever playing shmups themselves.

>> No.7741870 [DELETED] 

Why are half of shumps games pedophile bait
Makes me cringe

>> No.7741879 [DELETED] 

Modern japanese gamers only buy (shmup) games that have loli characters.

>> No.7741906 [DELETED] 
File: 427 KB, 859x542, shmups_tranmaku.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because you haven't played enough Dad

>> No.7742132 [DELETED] 

me on the right

>> No.7742621 [DELETED] 


>> No.7742664 [DELETED] 
File: 71 KB, 1280x720, 1620610893227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Non-players who orbit real shmup players, rarely if ever playing shmups themselves.
we call those lil rics

shmupg is the gang that btfo ric and cee and makes fun of gus for fucking doggies.

do you stream 1943? great retro game

>> No.7742678 [DELETED] 

t. tohotranny

>> No.7742710
File: 31 KB, 519x344, soft drinking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That doesn't mean that it made any kind of impression on me at all, lmao. Must've forgotten about it.

Do people play this on Fightcade? That would be fun to try.

>> No.7742793 [DELETED] 

>we call those lil rics
but... muh td2 5m... m-muh gradius 3-all...

>> No.7742850
File: 80 KB, 500x710, Sexy-Parodius-ver-AAA-cover-MAME.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>try to learn new shmup
>it's objectively great, probably better than the shmups I normally play...but
...but I'd rather just get better at the 2 or 3 shmups I already know and am good at desu. is this a cope?

>> No.7742894
File: 8 KB, 256x224, Uchuu Keibitai SDF (Japan)-0001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why don't more vertical shmups have real level design

>> No.7742895
File: 1.24 MB, 800x1182, cotton_teatime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sometimes you just have a game you keep on coming back to. I have that new Cotton game, and it's awesome and I want to push it for score, but I am still trying to finish out my goals in my current shmups. And I just grabbed the new R-Type game...

>> No.7742924

People who prefer vertical shumps lack the skills to be able to pass levels like those.

>> No.7743148 [DELETED] 

I accept your concession. Let it go.

>> No.7743152

Ennemy placement and flow is level design

>> No.7743183 [DELETED] 

what? shmupg and gang are different.

>> No.7743195 [DELETED] 

*used to be different.
shmupg was a general thread, it died & shmupgang took it over.

if you mean a few loud regulars from shmupg? they got btfo.

casual play some shmups get gud at others, not complicated

>> No.7743197

nothing, einhander is based

>> No.7743303 [DELETED] 

the gang was directed to the peeps on mark/lix cord
but w/e, doesn't matter now

>> No.7743337 [DELETED] 

Go back to your seal sever, tranny

>> No.7743991

Anyone play the new Cotton game? It just got an update that fixed the fugly bloom and lighting effects so it plays better now. I think it's fun and Cotton a cute

>> No.7744267

it's the worst hori on the ps1 tho

Gradius Gaiden > R-Type Delta > Thunder Force V > G-Darius > Einhander

>> No.7744310

all those games are good. it's like being the slowest runner at the olympics

>> No.7744434

true, but it's also overrated by jarpigs who only care about it because MUH SQUARE made it

>> No.7744523

I like Thunder Force V a lot but I don't know if I'd call it better than Einhander. For one, Einhander has challenge outside of its final boss.

>> No.7745139 [DELETED] 

>they got btfo.

chav - exposed on the dole
tardo - anally ravaged by onion-drink
Mad Maxine - transitioned
kraut - interpol'd
machine gun nig larp spammer - transitioned
sinoc - scammed and blammed
Patchouli fag - transitioned
Gus - anally ravaged by Doberman

Yikes, they all end up badly one way or the other...

>> No.7745265 [DELETED] 

I miss based Harry, he was a good lad.

>> No.7745672

Way too much downtime in the early stages. Besides that, not much.

>> No.7746218
File: 10 KB, 325x344, WACKY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm fuzzy on the lore, is mad maxine the one who said shmups are easy and was going to prove it by beating gradius iii snes blind? then got MOAI'd and shat out huge walls of cope for eternity?

>> No.7746267

For me, it was the guy who called us STG Cult for not allowing Nuclear Throne into the general.

>> No.7746531

>I think these shitty indie roguelike just appeal to bad players because all they need to do is keep playing and eventually they will be given a lucky configuration allowing them to win without skill. They hate hardwon success.

How is this not better than dying over and over until you brute force learn the correct pattern? That's not skill. It's memorization. Studying and doing homework on level layouts is not skill. And it's not impressive. This is exactly what soeedrunning trannies do. They play a game for 1000 hours and learn what pixel to stand on every second. That's the entire shmup genre.

>> No.7746539 [DELETED] 

Seeing Plasmos Donpach progress is really impressive and how he dissects patterns and chains is inspiring. Makes me excited to keep on keeping on!

>> No.7746761

too hard for you
back to final fantasy 5 fiesta

>> No.7746771 [DELETED] 

I want to suck on them.

>> No.7746780 [DELETED] 

He's def vibing when he plays totes awesome

>> No.7746792 [DELETED] 

I know the meme about jaimers being best in west but plasmon is better simply better and has world records that overshadow anything jaimers does

>> No.7747654 [DELETED] 

Jaimers could beat those records if he wanted to

>> No.7747665 [DELETED] 

>Mad Maxine - transitioned
>machine gun nig larp spammer - transitioned
>Patchouli fag - transitioned
Attention whore players always end up becoming trans, it seems.

>> No.7747692 [DELETED] 

>Gus - anally ravaged by Doberman
can I get a quick rundown?
I've heard about this for a while but what happened exactly?

>> No.7747696 [DELETED] 

those boobs are ridiculous lol

Jaimers doesn't have the talent and long-term focus Plasmo does

>> No.7747812

Lol at that pic

>> No.7747814

If it's objectively better then you should play it instead genius

>> No.7747864 [DELETED] 

Jaimers could get any record he wants. Remember that.

>> No.7747882 [DELETED] 

Jaimers is garbage at any shmup he hasn't grindmonkeyed for hundreds of hours.

>> No.7748136 [DELETED] 


>> No.7748283

what's a really gorgeous looking 2d game that doesn't have any major gimmicks?

>> No.7748309


>> No.7750379 [DELETED] 

is mark incapable of properly reviewing any shmup that isn't a Dodonpachi-like?

>> No.7750548 [DELETED] 

Why review properly when you can scam redditors into your patreon and crypto?

>> No.7750737 [DELETED] 

Plasmo is really good but keep in mind that his WR's are some of the easiest cave records, his donpachi score doesn't seem any more impressive than jaimers' ketsui score let alone his ddp which is a fair bit stronger, and both of those are complete jokes compared to the WR's in said games.
plasmo says he has put way more effort into pink sweets than donpachi though, so that score might btfo jaimers' ddp score but who knows because only 5 people on earth have ever played PS for more than 10 minutes.

anyway jaimers is obviously the normie "good western shmup player" pick, there are at least 10 westerners on a similar or higher skill level, iconoclast, pazzy, bananamatic, just to name a few.

>> No.7750743 [DELETED] 

What are you on about, Jaimers' picks up games really quickly, his problem is exactly not being able to stick with games for a long time, has only done it a couple times.

>> No.7750774

>Plasmo is really good but keep in mind that his WR's are some of the easiest cave records, his donpachi score doesn't seem any more impressive than jaimers' ketsui
Are you confused or joking? It's stunning how little you know about the subject. Donpachi is one of the most demanding and intellectually demanding Cave shmups. It has been pushed hard by Japanese players who are World Record level.
i.e the current WR holder for Donpachi type B pushed type C to an impressive 53,3 million back in the 1990s. It was then overtaken by 両替士 to 55,8 million (両替士 holds world records in both Giga Wing and Thunder Dragon 2). Afterwards it was pushed by JMB-りゅう to a monstrous 62,8 million (JMB-りゅう holds the Gain world record in Great Mahou Daisakusen). Plasmo not only beat 62,8 million but beat it convincingly with his famous 66,2 million performance, thus out performing some of the best in the craft.

Jaimers is certainly talented but anyone who thinks he's equal to someone like Plasmo doesn't understand what is going on here.

>> No.7750821 [DELETED] 

Hi Plasmo

>> No.7750867 [DELETED] 

GAYmers isn't fit to wash pazzy's ballsack, it must be said

>> No.7750873

Are you joking? No one pushes donpachi to even 1/3rd of the level that WTN does, everyone else's score in that game is a complete joke compared to his, 92m vs 66m, hmm yep seems like they are on a similar level to me.
A game being hard or intellectually demanding doesn't matter when the game has 5 players, WTN's score is extremely good and the other WR's are very nice scores as well but type b/c are bad WR's and nowhere near as good as you are making them out to be.

Also out preforming a top tier player in a game doesn't mean you are top tier yourself, god players don't go for god scores in every game they touch.

might be getting baited here though, but whatever.

>> No.7750886

>what are ship types

>> No.7750901

In most CAVE games ship types score very similarly, there is 0 chance WTN's score is not by far the best, maybe the other types can't do full phantom/magnum? that would be 10m which is extremely significant but he wouldn't have gone for those regardless and i've never heard of them being type A only.

>> No.7750907 [DELETED] 

do you play shmup yourself or you're just some cheerleader?

>> No.7750914 [DELETED] 

>iconoclast, pazzy, bananamatic, just to name a few.
no arcade world records, they aren't even close.

>> No.7750921 [DELETED] 

because they don't avoid games that have real competition lmao

>> No.7750973 [DELETED] 
File: 2.55 MB, 1339x754, yep.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>7750907 Yeah I play, how about you guys?

>> No.7750986 [DELETED] 

yep, no world record

>> No.7750997 [DELETED] 


>> No.7751000 [DELETED] 

>LARPing as someone else online

>> No.7751005

What game is that?

>> No.7751009

Ketsui PS4 port

>> No.7751019
File: 42 KB, 320x224, unnamed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really wanted to like Viewpoint, but after sampling it I just can't ;_;

>> No.7751138 [DELETED] 

soidrink wasn't even doing anything, don't know why ric had to sperg out like that.

>> No.7751327 [DELETED] 

tardo thought it was HIS zone and gus cucked him with a devastating "just games brah"

>> No.7751335

What the fuck is a 2 all

>> No.7751346 [DELETED] 
File: 68 KB, 400x400, landolt_shiggy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't go on based tardo's server


>> No.7751358

Some games loop back to beginning once you beat it (think Ghouls and Ghosts "this is an illusion by Satan!" false ending). Beating the first "loop" is called a 1ALL. Beating the second a 2ALL and so on. Some games end after 2 loops, others go infinitely on (like Gradius).

Tardo is such a good player he 2ALL'd all three Strikers 19xx games, which are very difficult. Curiously never shows proof and deleted his channel when asked. Strange!

>> No.7751598 [DELETED] 

sup Tardo, where are the replays?

>> No.7751886 [DELETED] 

Blah blah blah
Everyone writes lots of words of nothing. The fact is, you will NEVER be as good as Jaimers. Discussion over.

>> No.7751901 [DELETED] 

I thought eceleb stuff was against the rules. Why is this the only thread where people get away talking about streamers and shit that nobody cares about?

>> No.7751921 [DELETED] 

Because this is the thread of hardcore games. The rest of the discussions are of casual gamers who do not interest in skill.

>> No.7751960

In one continue?

>> No.7751970 [DELETED] 

Containment thread.

>> No.7752012
File: 92 KB, 500x501, born_to_byde.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What other classic series have had a new game relatively recently?

>> No.7752028
File: 64 KB, 1056x672, cotton2_witches.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a new Cotton game in over 20 years, with these two cuties!!!

>> No.7752052 [DELETED] 

Bullshit this is creepy kiwifarms twitch streamer stalker thread. You're more interested in drama than autistic videogames.

>> No.7752053

Who is Tardo? Also, why he would say he did that if people would ask him to prove it?

>> No.7752056 [DELETED] 

It's one reason I avoid general, they always have eceleb stuff.

>> No.7752207 [DELETED] 

Post your scores big boy

>> No.7752215
File: 1.53 MB, 1500x1500, 6jj7478.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This image LOL
That fucking slug that is just chillaxin and you make him agro with your human preachary.


>> No.7752359 [DELETED] 

Reminder all this shitposting is 2hutrannies seething about pros rightfully shitting on their tranny games with cringe garbage music

>> No.7752369 [DELETED] 

Weird how the Tardo irc shill post and the reply to it got deleted
Could it be that.. it was really tardo himself... I thought he let it go... oh no no Rickybros we can't let it go...

>> No.7752374 [DELETED] 

2hu suck yup but post your scaore's biggy boi so you'll prove you're not a tron urslef, trooony tron mctrunk.

>> No.7752396 [DELETED] 

>hating touhou

>> No.7752407 [DELETED] 

No one cares about this swiftly dying genre, even touhoufags are over a decade old.

>> No.7752410 [DELETED] 


>> No.7752486

Where are they selling the new Cotton game, and who made it? Please don't tell me it's another switch game.

>> No.7752579
File: 34 KB, 246x400, s-l400 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Please don't tell me it's another switch game.


>> No.7752586

donot forget ric claims 7000 hours of shmup practice and other hard clears besides the Strikers trilogy 2alls but after 8 months he still couldn't clear daioh 2 loops. funny innit?

>> No.7752591

Switch is getting hollywood-tier in terms of reboot rehashes. Why can't anyone come up with something original/good anymore, and why are normies so obsessed with nostalgia these days?

>> No.7752597

It's on everything, switch, ps4 and soon pc/steam. Saturn tribute is going to be the same way. Beep produced the reboot/tribute/2021 but so far reboot was developed by the trouble witches team.

>> No.7752606

>hollywood-tier in terms of reboot rehashes. Why can't anyone come up with something original
I can't remember the last time modern consoles had anything original.

>> No.7752650

R Type Final 2

>> No.7752692 [DELETED] 


>> No.7752826 [DELETED] 

Finally, shmups are getting a bit less autistic now and are appealing to people with healthy social lives instead of friendless spergs on the dole:

>Our very first collaborative title, Fingeance, is sort of a reverse Moby Dick. As a fish, you’ve suffered the ultimate indignity: the loss of your gills. Unable to breathe underwater, you cobble together a sub and seek revenge with the help of a mysterious Dolphin friend.

>Fingeance is a four-player shoot-em-up that places emphasis on teamwork and strategy, discarding traditional twitch-based gameplay. The game is built with Team Friendliness at its core, meaning that even the most novice player can be a choice asset to the team. To brave the highest difficulties, though, your decision-making will need to be razor-sharp. You’ll need to make the most of every randomly-generated weapon and enemy that comes your way.

>Imagine Faster Than Light meets Jamestown meets Team Fortress 2. Then, add four tiny fish, a comic book style, and a veneer of seething vindictive rage. That’s Fingeance.

>> No.7752910

a former community member who lied about his shmup achievements and thought jrpgs were the devil and literally ruining the genre by luring good shmup players away and insulted anyone who disagreed.
he made his own server for himself and only he is in it now by himself talking to himself

why post this on a retro board? better go /v/

>> No.7753012
File: 155 KB, 1200x675, screenshot_12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like the anon said, it's on soitch and snoy's ps4 and is supposed to come to pc eventually (probably when all the physical sales peter out). It's basically an all new game, new sprites, new graphics, new game mechanics, masquerading as a 'remake', more of a re-imagining (a reboot?). It's great btw.

There's also some teaser for a brand new Cotton game for arcades, but something tells me it will be more of a party-esque game that you'd see like that new Umihara Kawase multiplayer game. If I had to take a wild guess. Just a hunch.

>> No.7753072

i dont know to me the replay value is high vs any jrpgs or any story oriented game for that matter

>> No.7753090

The replay value of story-heavy games is 0. You already know the plot and replaying it as soon as you finish it is not going to make the plot different, in some cases it's even boring when the early part is slow as fuck.
No one reads the same book as soon as they finish it, for example, and if the gameplay is shit, they might as well just re-watch the cut-scenes on youtube. For shmups, the gameplay is the focus 100% so when you like the game, the chances of replaying it after you finish is quite high.

>> No.7753093

replay is just playtime and jrpgs win in playtime and every other metric

>> No.7753097

True going from beginning to end isn't where shmups get their replay it's from grinding a segment or stage over and over, which is just playtime.

>> No.7753101

jrpg's are a pump 'n dump genre, once u know the story there's no reason to go back and slog thru it again

meanwhilst shmups are forever thanks to the scoring

>> No.7753103

You've never played any RPG with job classes, alternate character arcs, skill allocation, or branching paths before apparently.

>> No.7753110

personal challenges will add replay to any genre.

>once u know the story there's no reason to go back and slog thru it again
it's not about just knowing the story, it's about re-experiencing it, experimenting with new things, and enjoying the journey not just the destination

>> No.7753125

nah first time you watch a good movie or read a book you're going to miss a lot of details, that's why people do rewatch and reread books even if it's not instantly right away. Same with jrpgs and even very linear jrpgs will have gameplay differences to change things up with each play through

>experimenting with new things, and enjoying the journey not just the destination
This reminds me I need to replay FF9, I heckin' miss Vivi, Steiner and Garnet and still need to get Excalibur legit

>> No.7753309

>it's not about just knowing the story, it's about re-experiencing it, experimenting with new things, and enjoying the journey not just the destination
This is true with shmups too you know, especially those that have added mechanical depth that can change the whole way you play.

>> No.7753314

Ah yes the great depth of bing bing kaboom

>> No.7753321
File: 814 KB, 480x253, boys girls.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>jrpg bad me no understand
>shmup depth
quick question for u troons, is the pic true or false? this is an important litmus test for a shmup study I'm doing

>> No.7753362

you're wrong its better than TFV and cereal box delta and g fagius.

>> No.7753484

how did switch bribe devs to give it's shitty eye squinting, laggy, low res - gay ass console so many early releases?

>> No.7753640

good sales probably
don't really know why people bought a shitch in the first place tho

>> No.7753828

But I'm an rpg fan, anon. I was talking about story-heavy games, Wizardry is the best rpg and it's not story-heavy one. The fact that you think RPG == Story-heavy games means you didn't play many rpgs apparently.

>> No.7753897

rpgs with explicit narratives can have all the things he mentioned (job classes, branching paths, etc), you're the one who hasn't played many rpgs if you think story-heavy rpgs means 0 replay value

>> No.7754118 [DELETED] 

>caught cream streaming pc98 touhou the other day

i knew (s)he wasn't a true Dad player.

>> No.7754135

Tell me about the replay value of FFVII.
The games that have job classes, branching paths, etc among jrpgs are quite small.

>> No.7754209

720p is low Res? On a board where people literally praise 240p/480i games 24/7

Give your head a shake retard.

>> No.7754596

>720p is low Res?

>> No.7754643

What? I meant specifically games like DQ 3 and 6, FF 3 and 5 (character classes), Romancing Saga and Trials of Mana (branching paths, different starting characters). All of these games are replayable because theoretically each new party can be different, and in the latter games, entirely different areas and levels each replay.

These are all expected features from almost every RPG made after 1992.

>> No.7754697 [DELETED] 
File: 19 KB, 450x450, cream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what did you say about me you little bitch?

>> No.7755841

You're proving his point lol

>> No.7755851

>These are all expected features from almost every RPG made after 1992.
No FF have that besides V, funny no? Weird enough, you can play all classes in a single run of FFV.

>> No.7755856

>All of these games are replayable because theoretically each new party can be different, and in the latter games, entirely different areas and levels each replay
True for Romancing Saga and Trials of Mana, not true for DQ and FF.

>> No.7755876

FF6 has characters designed to imitate job classes and the party roster is massive enough to have different rotations.

>you can play all classes in a single run of FFV
Call it cope, but that's not really in the spirit of the game. It would take a very very long time to unlock every class for every character. In a realistic run you would have to make choices of which class to use, which to prioritize, which to neglect, which to ignore.

Sure it is. I have a new party every time I play 3, and each replay of 6 has had a different class for the hero and I like to throw things up and see which characters are better as so and so from last run, so sometimes Muriel goes the sage route, other times the superstar route, I'd really like to try her out as a magic knight one time. Plus 6 has recruitable monsters, but limited party size, so almost every run has a different option of which monster you could recruit, how many humans you're willing to part with to take their place, and so on.

>> No.7755878

>only jrpg I know is ff7
FF7 has tons of secrets and content and becomes open world making your play throughs quite different. My first run I missed a ton of things, didn't beat the Weapons or get all materia, etc i got to Seph at around lvl 42. My second and third play throughs I beat all weapons had maxed out all the characters and visited places and content I missed. The game is huge easily put 100-300 hours in a play through depending how leisurely you take it, if you use a guide, etc
The story is convoluted as heck too so doing it multiple times will help you see what's going on.

>> No.7755881

Why are do all you hardcore shmup faggots talk like this? Are you aware you sound like a male Starbucks barista married to a man? Just say it like a guy who lives outside of a communal living space in downtown Sacramento. Try it on for size sometime, try saying "Demon Front is also good" instead of some insufferable faggy memespeak. You make everybody related to shmups look like faggy middle schoolers talking like this all the time. Fucking hell

>> No.7755890

They don't need job classes or branching paths desu, people do replay FF and DQ games a lot just because they are fun. And like the other anon said they have so much content youre bound to miss things if you only play once.

>> No.7755904

It's just games

>> No.7755952

Who will be first to redeem himself? Perikles with Tengai 2all, or ric with Strikers trilogy 2alls (and live webcam apologies) ?

>> No.7755972
File: 246 KB, 424x426, 3e567j86748.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Demon Front (Chinese: 魔域戰線; pinyin: Móyù Zhànxiàn) is a side-scrolling run and gun arcade game released in 2002 by International Games System. It shares many characteristics with the Metal Slug series.

>> No.7755993

>shares many characteristics with the Metal Slug series
Is not this because many members of Demon Front dev were part of MS team?

>> No.7755996 [DELETED] 
File: 8 KB, 184x184, 1617404301145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shmup discord servers are insufferable

>> No.7755998 [DELETED] 

no, it's because it's a chinese clone. are you not aware that they do this shit? I know you probably didn't play TF2 but they straight up copied everything about that too, because it's china.
The people that did Metal Slug went back to Irem.

>> No.7756007 [DELETED] 
File: 652 KB, 640x360, 1597577989077.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

will chinks ever do anything besides copymonkey

>> No.7756205

i think you're thinking of Dolphin Blue

>> No.7756223
File: 83 KB, 678x730, lol2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tengai 2 All is hard as fuck, even for a shmup. Doubtful

IGS has a taiwanese team, don't think it's related to Metal Slug games at all.

they're getting funnier lol

>> No.7756887

you defo havent played any igs games, they arent clones at all, they always build on it and add new ideas.

>> No.7756892

if you can't beat em join em.

>> No.7756908 [DELETED] 
File: 889 KB, 220x123, 1601039209111.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they arent clones at all
they just happen to resemble and play just like superior japanese games

how does mao cock taste?

>> No.7756974 [DELETED] 

This is a shmups thread not IGs bmups

>> No.7757260 [DELETED] 

they arent even chinese theyre taiwanese and no they dont play like them, only a retard who cant play them properly thinks this.

>> No.7757261 [DELETED] 

>they arent even chinese theyre taiwanese
what's the difference (besides taiwanese being traitors)

>> No.7757383

It's literally high definition.

>> No.7757419

720p switch is not very good and switch can barely maintain that in hand mode

>> No.7757628 [DELETED] 
File: 2.02 MB, 498x286, 1594805143716.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they arent even chinese theyre taiwanese
delicious mao penis
>only a retard who cant play them properly thinks this.
lets see you playing them properly big boy

>> No.7757672

>play properly
meaningless , a clear is a clear

>> No.7757678 [DELETED] 

Taiwan escaped communism and was occupied by Japan so they're based

>> No.7757682 [DELETED] 

>liberal faggots like western nations

>> No.7757692 [DELETED] 

>1 social credit point has been deposited into your account

>> No.7757694

Demon Front actually has a lore more verticality and platforming, the only thing that compares is the tomb level in Metal Slug 2.
I don't like the pokemon exp thing. Farming melee kills to powerup is boring.

>> No.7757704 [DELETED] 

Taiwan is free market and culturally closer to traditional China.

>> No.7757708 [DELETED] 

they're gay mindless drones and ruled by a woman now so not based

>> No.7757743 [DELETED] 

Didn't realize Biden was a woman. Trump lost btw.

>> No.7757753
File: 306 KB, 620x465, 1591810167202.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't like the pokemon exp thing. Farming melee kills to powerup is boring.
mfw chongs can never fight the urge to add SHIT rpg mechanics to their cheap knockoffs of superior nihonjim games

>> No.7757758 [DELETED] 

trump is just as cucked and is basically a 90s democrat. if you're not full on national socialism like based china then you may as well fuck off.

>> No.7757780 [DELETED] 
File: 194 KB, 972x1024, 1617509227899.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trump is just as cucked and is basically a 90s democrat. if you're not full on national socialism like based china then you may as well fuck off.

>> No.7757797

Yes at least you can get max level from the start through cheat codes.

>> No.7758018

I'm gonna be a shmup Content Creator!!

>> No.7758107

turned this and had it playing in the background, and suddenly
>(You) (You) (You) (You)

>> No.7758461

Good luck

>> No.7758503

Based mods purging drama from thread. All hail the Bydo.

>> No.7760108

where are the gradius 4 streams, chav

>> No.7760151
File: 280 KB, 300x439, 300px-ThunderDragon-HISU-EN-SR-1E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn thunder dragon 2 final boss has a ton of hp wtf

>> No.7760543
File: 37 KB, 281x613, cunnychad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why yes I exclusively play psikyo games how could you tell

>> No.7760604

He's trolling you. The only time quality is lost is during conversion to mp3

>> No.7760945

which games are less on the bullet hell end of the spectrum?

>> No.7761945

everyone who plays these games is on the spectrum

>> No.7761954
File: 615 KB, 1280x720, Cotton-Reboot_Screenshot-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most shooters made before 1995, 1996. There are some interesting in betweeners from that period but the games were definitely skewing towards elaborate bullet patterns and higher difficulties till the traditional market for the games crashed around the turn of the century.

Mentioned before but that new Cotton game on PS4 and Soitch is extremely not bullet hell, and is the closest thing to an "old school" shooter in the last few years.

>> No.7762084


>> No.7762164 [DELETED] 

>muh warriors of fate
leave it to a cavecuck like rob to have shit taste and choose capcom's least interesting belt scroller as his favourite.

>> No.7762424 [DELETED] 
File: 101 KB, 800x800, 1592126165830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7762520

i swear down aside from being 30 mins too long the game has the shittest most wanky hotboxes of any bmup ive ever played, is slow mad repetitive and every boss is basically the same thing sans minor differences, im gonna stick with it til i 1cc with akala but then fuck that shit im out. Robs top 2 games are both asian themed....... there is no thought beyond that.

>> No.7762714

Who's list will you download next? Maybe junos?

>> No.7762819 [DELETED] 
File: 1.70 MB, 2000x1500, 1605330651087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. hates bmups that are all about the fundamentals of the genre... only likes bmups that let you dive all over the screen like a tard... really makes you think... SAD!

>> No.7762873

He likes warriors of fate too

>> No.7762879 [DELETED] 

bmups are fucking low iq shit

>> No.7762883 [DELETED] 

Nah that's ccwi and similar games

>> No.7762910 [DELETED] 

>danmaku low IQ
No, blacks and women don't play danmaku.
Just high IQ trannies (rumski) and welfare recipients.

>> No.7762919 [DELETED] 

post the venn diagram of neet/welfare recipients and shmup players

>> No.7762940 [DELETED] 

post ur hardest dips clears lad

>> No.7762957 [DELETED] 
File: 29 KB, 428x284, q5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

those would be fighting games, brah
have you never see the kind of people that go to fighting came tournaments?

>> No.7763000 [DELETED] 
File: 327 KB, 859x960, 1600779631430.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have you never see the kind of people that go to fighting came tournaments?

>> No.7763107

Is that retro shmup training event happening?

rum coaching mushihimesama futanari but his big old adams apple is visible in stream... I like Cave shmups but I'm not going to be coached by a delusional masculine rather learn shmops by me self. Is Espgaluda 2 as bad as they say?

New cotton is a new game so not really retro now is it?

>> No.7763615
File: 215 KB, 800x1152, 251145-fantastic-night-dreams-cotton-sharp-x68000-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the original retro x68000 cotton is included on it ;^)

I was playing the original earlier today, but fucked up and died to the cyclops boss. The power-down penalty on all the Cotton 1 games is pretty harsh.

there's also routinely talk about remakes of retro games, like Toki, Wonder Boy, Monster World, etc.

>> No.7764276

Just finished 2-alling all the Psikyo games, AMA (unless it's about replays)

>> No.7764278

where as i don't, it's boring as fuck, crazy repetitive even by bmup standards, the hitboxs are full retarded, capcoms worst bmup.

>> No.7764942

Chave what's your bmup tier list, would be interdasting to compare to Robs and Junos

>> No.7764973
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filtered by bmup fundamentals... sad... and cope.

>> No.7765067

Are you more of a score or survival player? Thanks!

>> No.7765143

Let it go.

>> No.7765317

Knights of the Round will always be the superior Capcom arcade hack 'n slasher.

Fuck WoF and fuck Rob.

>> No.7766409

7000 hours of shmup practice in dadshmups. Do you know how many hard clears I have that make Strikers 2alls look like jarpig shit you slimy fuckers? I'm the satis of dadshmups. I bet you played a jrpg once and enjoyed it, didn't you? Exposed.

>> No.7766502

>have an achievement in a game/category that nobody, not even another player, compete in
feels good

>> No.7767506
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>> No.7767758
File: 196 KB, 800x1128, a72fb3b6e141f9000e1db29b4ebac93b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop playing gay 2d shit

>> No.7767779


>this game I can easily beat is the best
ok keep getting btfo by Chads of Fate

>> No.7767807

don't drag based combat into your faggot shit

>> No.7767814

Recommend a newbie cool af but relatively easy shmups
I enjoy Twinkle Star Sprites, Einhander and Espgaluda very much

>> No.7767821

For me the Strikers 1945 trilogy is really easy. But I have 7000 hours of shmup practice.

For someone like YOU I'd recommend R-Type Leo or Sexy Parodius (without special stage)

>> No.7767842
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>> No.7767936

Gradius Gaiden

>> No.7768021

He said around ~7000 hours.

>> No.7768048

Almost six months of using a fight stick. I still play better on pad. What do?

>> No.7768059

buy seimitsu parts

>> No.7768438

most underrated post in the whole board

>> No.7768454

Shmups giving me headaches, something about the motion, focusing on tiny areas and colorful bullet spam. Switched to platformers and beat em ups and it doesn't happen. Anyone else get this?

>> No.7768867

Which one do you enjoy more? Pad or the stick? The answer will tell you what to do.

>> No.7769180

wait a second, so Type B in Dodonpachi is actually based and good? Or is it just that glitcho ruins the fucking game

NAL got some stupid high score with Type B, 843 million?

>> No.7769198

Jaimers could beat that if he wanted

>> No.7769545

>critiquing BASED Mark's review of r-type final 2
wow you big dumb idiots really fucked up now

>> No.7769717

Didn't watch but thumbed down just to be safe

>> No.7769731
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how is pic related? particularly the switch release

>> No.7769734


>> No.7769797

Same, poor little white boi can't hope to compete with the almighty hunky junkie.

>> No.7769885

he was right with his points in his review, but he also should have noted that R-Type was never good.

>> No.7769906

t. danmakuck

>> No.7770172

>Infinite credits were added in the ports
literally all arcade machines can be set to free play, sempai.

>> No.7770512

t. Mark

>> No.7771320

underated, 2 is best and ebisen rinsed it not long ago.

>> No.7771324

>ok keep getting btfo by Chads of Fate
>be cee
realise it has shit hitboxs, lots of luck based play , is over long and too slow, walk away no problem.

>be rob
take forever to realise the same things but CAN'T LET IT GO until completed like a heroin addict.

>> No.7771345
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>> No.7771825
File: 318 KB, 936x1312, 1617027884564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post your bmup tier list already Chav

>> No.7771927

Jupiter is best gorl.

>> No.7771932
File: 44 KB, 500x624, chad cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just beat a hard shmup
whut to play next?

>> No.7771935

Go for the Stroikers trilogy 2-ALL

>> No.7771937


>> No.7771975

wot did you beat?

>> No.7771993

gunbird 2 of course

>> No.7772015


that's a good one, maybe

>> No.7772354

funny innit?

>> No.7772418
File: 223 KB, 713x953, 732f885a070205ba0d9bce8f2b5bd5d6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice sailor butt but I am already married to DS

>> No.7772481

Paging 1cc
What is this game

>> No.7772512

chav is a bmup poser, can't even 1cc final shite, sad!

>> No.7772535

Its just games bruh

>> No.7772541

You ungrateful slimy fuckers.

>> No.7772542

Chav-Ric two sides of the same coin

>> No.7773009

>capcoms worst bmup.
nah, that honour goes to battle circuit.

>> No.7773112

wtf Tardo plays fighting games now

>> No.7773340

what? ive 1cced it on hardest dips mate

>> No.7773347

>Chav-Ric two sides of the same coin
offensive and wrong, i apologise when i make mistakes.

>> No.7773427

tardo only plays fighters for survival against the cpu tho

>> No.7773793

chav sucks, it must be said

>> No.7773917

new thread?

>> No.7774063


What is this? a thread about shmup or some e-celeb /vg/ bullshit?

>> No.7774137

Sorry bud ya gotta lurk more if you wanna hang with the big dogs

>> No.7774231

where's the replay

>> No.7774385

what about fps?
does it happen with games like r type?

>> No.7774552

The genre is dead, there's nothing else exciting.