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7722702 No.7722702 [Reply] [Original]

Would the N64 have fared better had it been released around 1994 like the other 5th gen systems instead of 2 years later?

>> No.7722718

Good question honestly. It could have been a good headstart, but overall I feel nintendo made the right choice releasing it in 96 since it have the SNES a longer lifespan, and 3d technology was developing very quickly. it's just a shame they went with cartridges.

>> No.7722720

Also it seems like PS1 didn't really start catching on until 96 or 97 anyhow.

>> No.7722723

It would've had strong early sales but eventually drop off after the PS1 launched. Being early only helps you so far when your product is inferior.

>> No.7722737

Take saturn and dreamcast as examples.
A 1994 hardware technology combined with a cartridge system would have been even worse in terms of quality and game development capabilites.
Also, psx was just too good.

>> No.7722750

No, it seems like Nintendo made some kind of mistake with third party developers considering the library for this console was so barren, it's not surprising since the same trend continued into the 6th gen.

>> No.7722798
File: 878 KB, 1242x1238, D86F3806-2E68-4EBD-AA2E-4A417C0450EF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no games
>shitty controller

Ps1 fans seethe that the n64 still became the most iconic and talked about 5th gen console even with everything ostensibly working against it

>> No.7722805

I don't think the release date was a factor in its sales, if anything an earlier release would've necessitated weaker specs and potentially a sooner replacement like the Saturn. The way things went at least the powerful processor could make up for the severly limited cartridge capacity.

>> No.7722812

>N64 has the highest share of autismal manchildren who religiously regurgitate their nostalgia
>this is a good thing

>> No.7722838

The Saturn, PSX, and N64 are near as makes no difference the same, as far as games go.
Rudimentary 3D, great 2D when properly used, hit/miss controls, shitty mediums for games(carts are expensive and locked, discs load like ass and shit).

Picking one or the other these days is peak-retard. Get all three, you're not 11 years old anymore.

>> No.7722859
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>>N64 has the highest share of autismal manchildren who religiously regurgitate their nostalgia
You can't really blame them.
The amount of brainwashing towards brand bootlicking is a norm in their culture.

>> No.7722881

I can't think of a 2D N64 game.

>> No.7722914

It has higher rated games. Which PS1 game outranks OOT?

>> No.7722916

mischief makers

>> No.7722923
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>> No.7722932

Would have had a good chance to win that generation
>and 3d technology was developing very quickly
>A 1994 hardware technology
OP stated the N64 (1996 Hardware) released in 1994. Not a N64 with 1994 hardware.
>No, it seems like Nintendo made some kind of mistake with third party developers
True. Big factor of Sony’s victory. But the titles released in the first 6 months of N64 would have blow Sony’s lineup out of the water. M64, WR64, KIG, MK64. Sony would have to rely on their marketing, 3rd party and disk space.

>> No.7723028
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Objectively false, but true for Sony fanboys.

>> No.7723029

Not sure about America, in Yurop by 1995 you could get an imported one for 700$ (plain ridiculous) At early 1996 was 400$ something i got mine in the chistmas of 96/97 with a couple of games for 380$

>> No.7723065

You're thinking too small.

N64 is iconic because the franchises that started on it went on to become staples. Stick any young Nintendo kid in front of an N64 and he will recognize half the franchises on it. Stick any young Sony fan in front of a PS1 and what are they gonns play? Maybe a final fantasy. The shittiest part of the N64 (no games) went on to become a huge reason of how easy people recognize it.

>> No.7723074

>Would the N64 have fared better had it been released around 1994 like the other 5th gen systems instead of 2 years later?
no, and it's mainly because the hardware required to develop anything for it was too expensive. this was a problem that nintendo faced the entire time, along with developers being far from impressed with the licensing costs. also, nintendo were literally telling people to buy SGI machines to develop games with. it was the only machine nintendo officially supported for development. the company was run by retards. this is why the n64 had such a shockingly small library. if anything we would have seen a couple of more games released, and i put money on it that they would have been titles made by nintendo's inhouse or rare software. that's it.

>> No.7723081

nobody gave a shit until the last 15 or so years, but it's always nice to see revisionist history come in to play, and most often from zoomy zoomzooms that think Banjo-Kazooie is peak platform gaming experience.

>> No.7723082

Nintendo millennials never grew up. We know this

>> No.7723145
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>nintendo only officially supported SGI machines for development
Objectively, truthfully, and veritably false. Eat shoelaces, bud.

>> No.7723157

If you want do anything more than debug and compile code without having to pull your hair out re-inventing the wheel, you need a SGI workstation. Esp. early in the N64's life.

>> No.7723182

>the most iconic 5th gen console
You must be living in a bubble. Hate to call out my own kind but ask me how I know you're American

>> No.7723184

America is the only country that matters retard. If you live here you should know that.

>> No.7723239
File: 54 KB, 622x266, 5th gen highest selling games.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not more iconic here which is half my point. PlayStation outsold N64 2:1
Millennial youtubers with peter pan syndrome are skewing your perception. All of my cousins had PlayStation with Tomb Raider, Gran Turismo, FFVII, etc. but none of them talk about it today because they're 40, married with kids.

>> No.7723262

keep the fake news to /v/

>> No.7723274

"Fared better" in what what? It sold 1/3 as many units as the PS1 despite being on the market a year later and leaving the marks years early. Nintendo was profitable on every console sold where Sony lost over $150 per unit. Nintendo had full control over all software licensed and published on the system, and even owned the plants where the cartridges were produced. By every metric over than gross sales, the N64 was the biggest success of the 90s and was so successful that, to this day, autistic men fume over it online. Sales really mean nothing though, it's about the end user experience; which in this case, amounts to having some of the greatest games ever made. Cope.

>> No.7724424

>Nintendo had full control over all software licensed and published on the system
Which is why it had no games, the gamecube had no games, and nintendo had to stop competing for actual gamers and market to grandmothers with the Wii. Is this really a win? I miss the SNES.

>> No.7724447

It seems like retards already proved your point lol

>> No.7724453

that's because sony fans don't like games.
They prefer movies.

>> No.7724468

>Which is why it had no games
How butthurt do you need to be to say this when the N64 not only has tons of amazing games, but the literal #1 best rated game of all time? Cope harder you funny looking queer lol.

>> No.7724625

Not the guy you replied to, but the N64 did not have an expansive library of amazing games.

Yes, it has Smash, Mario Kart, Mario Party 1-3, The Zeldas, F-Zero GX, and others. But the best games on the system were either developed by Nintendo or Rare. Very few of the system’s greatest games were not developed by them because the developers who had made some of the best games on the SNES moved to the PlayStation in response to the lack of CDs and high licensing costs.

And while they did develop plenty of good games, there’s not a whole lot of expansiveness to be found in their franchises or the subject matter of the franchises they had as many of them were primarily aimed at family audiences. The console also had a lack of 2D-based titles, particularly sprite-based ones, which the PlayStation and even the Saturn had many of. I can’t knock it off too much for that though since they were going out of style at the time.

I will contend that it genuinely makes a great system to bring to parties, but that’s about it. And if you’re a Nintendo fan, why not buy a Gamecube for that? (unless the only way you can is with the current market prices)

>> No.7724629

>expansive library of amazing games.
neither the saturn or psx.
Take the PC pill already.

>> No.7724632

>tons of amazing games
Yeah, all ten of them, and then two others per genre that might be worth playing, and that's it. No dozens of good games, let alone hundreds of them, nevermind hidden gems that you're only just discovering now like people on systems with actual libraries do. The N64 library is thoroughly grazed, the couple of decent games in it are extensively documented, what you see is what you get, and you ain't seein' all that much.

>> No.7724636

>hidden gems
lmao at this meme

>> No.7724648

Of course you'd think it's a meme if you're never experienced it because you're playing on the fucking N64.

>> No.7724659

nah ps1 is just shovelware

>> No.7724670

No cause alot of Super nintendo fans got the PS1 cause all the 3rd party titles went to playstation.
They woulda had to have mega man x4 and all the final fantasy games on n64 to keep their massive snes fan base

>> No.7724718

it would've made SNES buyers pretty mad, imagine getting a new console 3 years after the last one

>> No.7724801

Most "hidden gems" are trash that people pretend to like and list in youtube videos for easy ad money (plus resell money).

>> No.7725587

Last year I lived with a turbochad who loved the N64 and said it was the only console he and his friends had in college (he's 28). His turbochad friends loved it too. They also had Mario Kart 64 set up at one of my middle school dances (this was 2007).

I don't fully understand it but the N64 has definitely outlived the PS1 in relevance.

>> No.7725592

What franchises did the N64 start? Paper Mario? They were all on SNES.

>> No.7725601

>reddit spacing
>n-not him, b-but
yeah no I stopped reading there, I can tell without reading a word you wrote that you know jack shit about the N64 and if you didn't you wouldn't be writing an essay about why it has no good games when it's clearly one of the most popular consoles of all time. kill yourself.

>> No.7725614

>some of the greatest games ever made
Not so fast. The N64 has five games on this page. The PS1 has ten.

>> No.7725617

>not so fast, here's my wikipedia article telling you that tony hawk's pro skater 2 is as good as ocarina of time
gay, retarded, never post again.

>> No.7726235

Release a year early but mario 64 get released as it is, lets say they have killer instinct and cruisin usa, I think it could have pissed off some people and generated bad will but still interesting, didn't work out so well for gamecube. It would have been very impressive having texture filtering at home, it would have really wowed pc gamers, 3dfx was a lot later.

>> No.7726264

You know, despite OoT being a great game, people would prefer Playstation because while it doesn't have any game better than OoT, every other N64 game has many(yes, to every single n64 game, you can find a lot on PS1 that rivals it, better or not being subjective) great competitors on PS1. On the other hand, you will have a hard time to make people give up games like FFVII, Metal Gear Solid, Crash, Gran Tourism(the most selling game on PS1), Tomb Raider and so on just to play Mario 64 and OoT.

>> No.7726267

>N64 is iconic because the franchises that started on it went on to become staples
Like what, anon? I fail to think of a single series that started on N64.

>> No.7726272

>one of the most popular consoles of all time
So is PS1, that doesn't make either of them superior.