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/vr/ - Retro Games

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7720038 No.7720038 [Reply] [Original]

I only have one I know of here in melbourne,
Had slot of rare shit but prices were high.
Pretty comfy place tho...
They have a web page too

>> No.7720119

Yeah and I used to like going over there just to chat. I used to play "Guess the game" With the guy behind the counter and he always won. He really knew his games and played them too. Was always really nice to kids when they came over.
Really sad they had to close down but that's just life. Last I heard He was making a lot of money selling his retro games off the internet.

>> No.7720137

I have a guy who has a big retro spot in his store. He sells his shit 15-20% off what it goes for online. Cool dude

>> No.7720138

I’m in Melbourne too. There’s also the Game Garage over in Bayswater. Marketplace and Gumtree days are over. Check your local Salvos/Vinnies regularly

>> No.7720220

Didn't know about that game garage.

>Facebook mp and gumtree are dead
I don't use either of them but what makes you say that

>> No.7720392

I got a couple. My favorite is actually this one dude who has a booth at my local flea market. Not only does he have a good selection and know his shit, but he's got a bunch of friend in the biz who'll scout stuff out for me. Great guy

>> No.7720412

Used to have one I could walk to in Illinois. All the best stuff disappeared the day it arrived at the store, and their selection of gameboy games was tons of jank that was slightly overpriced.

Still kicking myself for not getting a GBA consolizer when they had one, tho. I did buy a modded DMG and while it's cool to have one, the buttons suck and I wasted my money

>> No.7720420

not a dedicated one afaik but a few gaming places that have kind of informal retro sections. nearest one mostly only resells 'minis' and maybe some old carts people had lying around since the 90s

>> No.7720423

I did, but it was closed up last year due to broken plumbing. Then COVID happened and I don't think they ever reopened.

>> No.7720443

You guys are fucking spoiled. I live in the middle of bumfuck nowhere and nothing like this has ever existed anywhere near me. The closest thing to this would be the record stores (60 miles away) that occasionally sold loose cart NES games.

My best bet back in the early 00s was flea markets, but that's a dead scene now.

>> No.7720619

~2-3 years ago bargains on Gumtree and Marketplace were ubiquitous. Now everyone has realised there’s value in retro games

>> No.7720652

Had one a few years back, but the owner got busted due owning and selling drugs. And thus the shop closed, same thing happened to an armory. There wasn't any buying due the high prices, but the places were still open to the public for years, until a whistleblower told the police.

>> No.7720670

Nope, moved so far into the sticks they dont even have mail boxes. I grew to hate my old retrro store, the prices were one thing but the ill informed dispassionate turds behind the counter killed me. They mutated and became a pawn shop basically, really weird.

>> No.7720839

Yes, just one now and it's RIGGED.

>> No.7720853

No, but I emulate or browse online ads anyway. Used to live in a place with a used games store and the oldest, most obscure platforms you could buy games for were the PS1 and N64, pretty useless.

>> No.7720857

Mentioning emulators in shops is fun.

>> No.7720903

I liked talking about everdrives and suggesting psclassic with autobleem. One guy i even directed to an import game shop i like.

>> No.7720972

Yeah. It's a nice place. Friendly people. Decent stock. And a little arcade in the back. They're on a popular shopping strip and seem to be doing well. Place is always full.

>> No.7720979

>until a whistleblower told the police
What a faggot.

>> No.7721001
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This one is pretty nice if you're in the Boston area, Replay'd. It's in Brighton. Wide selection and reasonable prices.

>> No.7721008
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There's also Bowser's Basement in Taunton if you're a little south of Boston. They go beyond retro vidya though, they have all sorts of merch new and old.

>> No.7721452
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Here's my local retro store. Nostalgia Alley in Petaluma CA.
It's decent. Bought a fair few things there.

>> No.7721456

You ever been to the retro fix in Campbell

>> No.7721460

I've never even been to Cambell. Is it good?

>> No.7721468

Also it's kinda far from me. I'd have to be there for some other reason or I'm spending potentially 4 hours in the car to check out a retro game store.

>> No.7721680

All I remember about that place is that it has a colecovision hanging on the wall.

>> No.7721705

It’s the best retro gaming store I’ve ever been too, it’s worth going one day when you happen to find yourself in the Bay Area, it will blow all other gaming stores away, it’s small, but packed with ridiculous titles and the best of all, the owner doesn’t trade/sell sports games. Only quality titles, I always leave with something when I visit there.

>> No.7722380
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I also live in Melbourne but was completely unaware of this game store.

>> No.7722436
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Fuck, I checked the prices of that store. They are selling the manual of the Legend of the Mystical Ninja for $50 bucks. That is fucking ridiculous.

>> No.7722439

I have a cool store in my area. They typically charge a decent bit less than Ebay unless it's a hot ticket item. The only thing that sucks is that because it's the only good retro store here, the good inventory goes fast.

>> No.7722889

To the rest of you Melbourne faggots: Check out Hunted Antiques in Kilsyth. I got a bunch of good shit there ages ago

>> No.7722991
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One of the few good parts of living near the Jersey Shore. Pic related and Platinum Star Games are my shit

>> No.7723007

Yes. Very over priced and 24 hour return period. We had another that eventually went out of business. I went into the old one looking for Dreamcast games and they said they don't carry them because you can just burn them. Meanwhile their shelves were filled with Wii/Gamecube games that I could just as easily download and play.

>> No.7723373

Checking google maps there's at least seven of them.

>> No.7723380

Yeah I do.

When I was younger and dumber I sold him my PS2/Gamecube collection for (relatively speaking) pennies and always regretted it.

Before the pandemic I would still pop in every few months to see what he had and even ended up buying back a couple of my games. (again, stupid)

Still, he's getting along fine and regularly messages me to ask if I have any special requests. I look forward to their reopening

>> No.7723437

My home town of thirty odd thousand people had three or four different ones over the years, but they haven't had any for the last five or six. There was one that must have run for over 20 yearsand one that was only around for a while in the 2000s. That one was a lot better than the one that outlasted it but their building was condemned and they never opened a new location. The last one in town opened right after the really old one closed and it was great. They closed right after I moved out of town though.

>> No.7723591

You bought back some of the games you sold him?

>> No.7723656

>Do you have a retro videya store in your city?

I live in Tokyo so yes.

>> No.7723668


Not the same exact copy, but for example I sold him Metroid Prime in like 2012 and bought a copy from him in like 2018.

When I started college I thought I was "done" with video games and sold a lot of my shit for a quick buck, years later I realized what an idiot I was.

I don't live in a first-world country, I can't really make bank selling rare games online because shipping is too expensive and there isn't a big enough local market. That store was the only place that gave me a sort-of-decent price for my rare PS2/GCN games.

>> No.7723741

Here in Lima I don't think there is more than 1 retro store. Or at least more than 1 that sells mostly legit stuff.
The only retro system where most games are legit here is probably N64. PS1 and 2 is all bootleg, while anything prior to them and the Saturn are nonexistent. In the handheld side there used to be a lot of GBA bootlegging but not anymore.

>> No.7723849
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Yes and the owners are all retarded dorks who want beyond ebay prices in a retail store. Good luck selling FF7 for $100. They never sell anything the same games sit on the shelves for years. You cant even find a good deal at flea markets or garage sales anymore. Thats why I emulate fuck local businesses.

>> No.7723862


lol you're talking about that place in Arenales right? it's the only decent one I know.

>> No.7723882


Brick-and-mortar stores don't cater to local customers or regulars anymore, they're for tourists who come from wherever and are willing to drop $1K+ on their childhood nostalgia. Kind of the same thing JP stores started doing with Americans who went there to strip Akiba dry.

Nowadays the best deals are online. If you find yourself in a mid or low-tier country you can sometimes find great deals.

>> No.7723902
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This place used to have a DDR machine in the back that people would hang out and play. Recently they moved to a less cool-looking location. Now they don't let people play the DDR machine anymore and just keep it up as a decoration. The guy working there did spend half an hour trying to get my eBay copy of Yoshi's Island working for me once, so I bought an overpriced copy of Ninja Turtles as thanks (because it was the least overpriced thing in the store).

>> No.7723903
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The closest one to me is in Charlotte, NC. They have a good selection plus some cool arcade and pinball machines. Their prices are really fair, especially when they do weekend discounts. I've been here many times.

>> No.7723912

I actually just checked these guys out last week. Seem cool but not the best selection at the moment. Definitely would like to check them out more in the future though.
Any idea on if the other stores in the area are worth my time?

>> No.7723921

videogamesnewyork has a very nice vibe but it's insanely overpriced. You can still find some decent JP-only/7th-gen stuff/peripherals.

>> No.7723930

If you want to know about the local arcades or other interesting shops in the area, I could tell you, but most of the used video game stores I liked closed down.

>> No.7723949

no, the store is a shitty chain. Sometimes they get good stuff and price it wrong because their staff are retarded, so I benefit from that on occasion, but otherwise it's nothing worth mentioning.

The rest were all former EB/Funco/GS that turned into FUCKING gamestop.

>> No.7723958 [DELETED] 

My local is cool, the owner and other main guy there are chill and cool. The store is messy and dirty as fuck, not everything is always priced (I hate that) and the employees seem to be constantly running around trying to do a million things. Sometimes you can't get help and the customers get some rude responses because the employees are trying to test and price a million things. The store is in a prime location for walk in customers. I'm sure rent is through the roof and I cant help but wonder if the guy moved a few blocks down and hired another person if things would be better. I stopped going in there when there was more than 2 people in there. On top of the usual actual autists who hang out there way past their welcome the store also gets swamped with fat sweaty pigs who dont buy anything besides maybe a 4 dollar gachapon ball. They can use the store as a break spot from playing pokemon go and they block up aisles and make it impossible to shop around. All this was going on thru covid still. The owner was telling me how he had to announce and ask that anyone who wasn't buying anything leave the store because they had people outside waiting to come in and after he said that like 12 fats waddled out the door staring at their phones.

>> No.7723962


there's something really sad about people who still play pokemon go, it has the same energy as funko collectors

>> No.7723976

My local is cool, the owner and other main guy there are chill and cool. The store is messy and dirty as fuck, not everything is always priced (I hate that) and the employees seem to be constantly running around trying to do a million things. Sometimes you can't get help and the customers get some rude responses because the employees are trying to test and price a million things. The store is in a prime location for walk in customers. I'm sure rent is through the roof and I cant help but wonder if the guy moved a few blocks down and hired another person if things would be better. I stopped going in there when there was more than 2 people in there. On top of the usual actual autists who hang out there way past their welcome the store also gets swamped with fat sweaty pigs who dont buy anything besides maybe a 4 dollar gachapon ball. They think they can use the store as a break spot from playing pokemon go and they block up all the aisles and make it impossible to shop and look around. None of them have any self awareness either, so they wont move out of your way, and if you say excuse me they give you a look like your being rude. All this was going on thru covid still. The owner was telling me how he had to announce and ask that anyone who wasn't buying anything leave the store because they had people outside waiting to come in and after he said that like 12 fats waddled out the door staring at their phones. I guess this is more of a rant on how adult children are ruining my local video game store. The owner should be telling these people to get lost, the employees don't have time to be entertaining these fuckers. I try having a decent conversation in the store and theres people in their 20s and 30s screeing and shouting memes.

>> No.7723986

I played pokemon go for like a year like 3 years ago. I was really depressed and it was the only thing that got me out of the house besides going to get liqour. That said, I felt like a fucking loser playing it and I never intereacted with anyone playing it. On community days my whole town looks like a tumblr/reddit meet up, before covid my local would be packed all fucking day. Good for them as long as they're buying shit, but they probably spend all their money on portable and solar chargers.

>> No.7724005


the summer that pokemon go came out it was a great moment of nostalgia and collective enjoyment but people who are playing it in 2021 are the absolute worst kind of nerds

>> No.7724715

40 bucks for a Zelda gold cart? They can eat a dick