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7717104 No.7717104 [Reply] [Original]

is it considered cheating to save in doom 1 & 2? im a newfag to them and i refuse to play anything below uv but im so sick of pistol starting the levels im stuck on (e4m6 and refueling station)

>> No.7717110

It's built in, so it's not *cheating* but it's cheap, and you'll be in deep shit if you use it for speedruns. However,
>i refuse to play anything below uv
You'd rather exploit the save system than turn down the difficulty? Shiggy diggy.

>> No.7717118

im not saying i wanna savescum i just wanna have my weapons and shit at the start of the level

>> No.7717119

This. Start with knee deep and get your bearings.

>> No.7717127

i did lol

>> No.7717129

I can't tell if you've confused Knee Deep for a difficulty level or you're just telling him to start from the first episode for some reason.

>> No.7717135

The manual literally says to save often. If they didnt want you to do that, they would have put in checkpoints or save stations.

>> No.7717138


>> No.7717139

>refuse to play anything below UV
Ow, the edge.
Just start slow like literally everyone else in the universe there Chadly McChadman. It wont harm your precious gamer cred if someone finds out you played Doom on Hurt me plenty.

>> No.7717140

with what?

>> No.7717143

okay thanks idk i just dont wanna play like a pussy

>> No.7717156

I am a retard that confused HMP with E1

>> No.7717191

So if I understand you right, all you want to do is start a level in the same state as you initially entered it. Nothing wrong with that. Just do a save at the start of the level and you're all set. I wouldn't consider it cheating in the least.

>> No.7717261

I always use the “All weapons” cheat.

>> No.7717356

Using saves and playing continuous is fine. However, be conscious of how much you're saving, so that you don't do it too much and it becomes a crutch which takes away from your enjoyment of the game.

Everyone's gotta start somewhere. You'll get better at the game as you go.

>> No.7717446

Saving besides built-in checkpoints (if there are some) is cheating and literal equivalent of savestating (which is also cheating). Of course you can use it but don't say you've beaten the game fair. Simple as.

>> No.7717480

I used to have the same autism when playing pc games, console retro games had limited lives/continues, so I didn't worry about whether my playthrough was "legitimate". I found using the keys in retro fps games as checkpoints to be more sensible than completing levels in one sitting, especially for build engine games where a door could kill you.

>> No.7717543
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id soft not only allows you to do it, it encourages you to do it.

>> No.7717674

After episode 1 it's pretty obvious they expect you to crank up the difficulty and savescum.

>> No.7717682

>i refuse to play anything below uv
UV being the "default" difficulty is such a massive meme. Especially for custom wads where the intended difficulty is HMP.

>> No.7717715

>Of course you can use it but don't say you've beaten the game fair. Simple as.
This is autism. Someone who uses save-states beat the same challenge as someone who doesn't use save-states, but spent less time doing it. It has nothing to do with "fairness."

>> No.7717718

Why would it be cheating? It's a built in aspect of the game. Are you retarded?

>> No.7717723

>is it considered cheating
CARES if you "cheat" in a FUCKING single player game. Now, can we PLEASE STOP HAVING THESE THREADS?

>> No.7717751

>UV being intended difficulty
I think this has to do with how Doom's original three episodes just doesn't go very hard for the most part. Of course I can say that having played it hundreds of times, but it just doesn't throw a lot of harsh curveballs at you, a few ambushes here and there, but there's only like a couple throughout the original which are straight up cruel, 8 times out of 10 you have plenty of room, and usually enough ammo to get by.

>HMP is intended for usermade maps
This actually varies a lot, it'll depend on the author. Personally I balance my levels to be as harsh as I myself can handle on UV, adjust it with lots of testing, then get input from other people, listen to what they think would improve the setups and encounters, etc. After I've fine-tuned it for UV, I then go and adjust spawns for lower difficulties, subtract some, replace some others, add more resources for the player to use, etc.

There's also people who will not even bother adding support for different difficulty levels, so that you'll get the same spawns no matter what skill setting. IMO, this is kind of lazy design.

>> No.7718502
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This. Just have fun OP.

>> No.7718610

>beat the same challenge
>hard boss
>save state
>hit him once
>save state again
>if he hits you, just load state
>beat the same challenge
>same challenge

>> No.7718615

honestly doom should have just had shotgun start, starting every level with a borderline joke weapon is guaranteeing a non insignificant part of the game is going to be built around tedious cheesing.

>> No.7718635

I normally go with this. Saving before each door, room, or big encounter feels like cheating. But being setup to redo the whole level again feels somewhat legit.

>> No.7718645


>> No.7718659

It's not cheating but it makes a lot of the level design redundant. you'll have entire sections of levels lead to something utterly meaningless like a shotgun pickup.

>> No.7718669

Doom has surprisingly few cheap deaths that really set you back honestly. There are a couple of sketchy crushers I guess. You could die really fast to the episode 2 end boss before you're aware enough to avoid it but that level actually starts you next to a stockpile of a good weapon and ammo needed to fight it and you can get out there right away, so there's nothing daunting about having to try it again. You can choose to only save when you quit playing and have a decent time even on a first playthrough.

>> No.7718673

i just set an obscenely high difficulty and iddqd
more fun to me

>> No.7718684

Yeah yeah ability to replay every single shot and little step isn't cheating at all.
> B-but I save only when *put random events here*
Cool, try to beat the game fair now. Git gud.

>> No.7718726

Really tired of
"Is using [insert stock game feature here] cheating?"
It's not cheating unless it comes from a cheatoue region of France

>> No.7718730

I think it's perfectly fine to make a save when you pick up a key if you feel like it.

>> No.7718861

I forgot how insane Wolfenstein gets in the later episodes.

>> No.7719174
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Learn to avoid projectiles. Better yet, learn how to incite demon infighting.

>> No.7719182

With Usermade maps I usually start on HMP pistol start to get a idea of what the demon placement is and how to engage them. After I'm done I try to finish it on UV pistol Start and see how far I can get. You're right though, there are plenty of usermade maps that dont change anything between the two difficulties and it does feel lazy.

>> No.7719227

Doom is supposed to be played on UV, anything else is pussy shit.

>> No.7719251
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In Doom 1 there's a pretty nasty ambush at the end of E1M6, where you'll get locked into an arena and crowded, on UV it's actually fairly harsh, every now and then, it actually still gets me.

In Doom 2, there's a mean as FUCK trap in Map 09, where you get a bunch of shotgunners popping out in front of you, and a whole row of chaingunners opening up behind you, while you're on a narrow-ish walkway (with hurtfloor pits on the side). Possibly you auto-switched when you picked up the rocket launcher which baited you in, so you're faced with the possibility of either blasting the shotgun baldies with rockets, which is going to hurt you, or you'll have to wait for your weapons to switch while you get Alex J. Murphy'd.

>> No.7719292

Saving in Wolf3d is cheating, since you have lives.

>> No.7719295 [DELETED] 

These levels of sad cringe...

>> No.7719319

There is nothing wrong with a couple of saves. At the very least you should save at the start of ever new level so you can have continuity in your game. It feels better that way.
Pistol starting every level is more of an advanced self-challenge for folk who want to get some extra play from the game after clearing it.

>> No.7719521

This. Pistol starts mostly serve as a punishment for death.

>> No.7719529

That shit was made up by /v/ posters a decade ago because they were buttmad about regenerating health being a cliche mechanic at the time.

>> No.7719540

having a good time while playing is considered cheating

>> No.7719551

>accidentally save right as boss is hitting you with one hit kill attack
>die right as you load, no way to avoid
>have to start over
Nothing personnel, kid

>> No.7719571 [DELETED] 


>> No.7719607

Challenge is fun though.

>> No.7719691

That's what people call Stockholm syndrome.

People don't play games for challenge. They play them because they want to pretend to be an athlete or a wizard or a soldier. The challenge is secondary; the idea that it's the main appeal is and was always a cope for shallow mechanics, trash gameplay and a justification for Capcom and Konami screwing over game renters and arcade owners trying to gain revenue.

>> No.7719870

I've never seen such a cope in my entire life.

>> No.7719896

I've never seen someone be this wrong in 4chan in over 15 years

>> No.7719913
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>> No.7720026

No. Save when necessary. Just don't do it for speedruns (if that's your thing) or else you'll get your times rejected.

>> No.7721849

play on HMP for your first run through anything. Playing UV blind the first time is for people who've been playing since '93 and have already gone through the gauntlet of Plutonia and all the challenging PWADs.

>> No.7722009

I save scummed on my first run of doom 2 cause the maps are long but not fun.

I did endure in doom 1 and plutonia as the maps were more fun

>> No.7722024
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play in whatever way is fun for you. the only people who care the ones who can't cope with others playing the game in a less punishing or easier way.

>> No.7722134

Imagine playing doom without cheats. IDDQD

>> No.7722261

If you find UV too easy just play UV -fast