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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 722 KB, 999x971, soyfilter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7718201 No.7718201 [Reply] [Original]

>imagine unironically thinking this looks good

Filter users are scum.

>> No.7718297

this looks ok to me. Could you provide an example of what you find acceptable?

>> No.7718336


>> No.7718340


>> No.7718352

That's a shitty filter.
Rainbowing is the kind of artifact you'd see on a shitty TV with a cheap comb or notch filter.
Using a filter to simulate the scanline/mask/grid of a CRT makes sense. The sprites look like what they were designed to look like.
Using a filter to simulate a CHEAP SHITTY TV is the height of low-functioning autism. OP's pic related.

>> No.7718358

That "cheap shitty TV" is composite output, which is what NES sprites were designed for.
Though there are people who use these filters for stuff like the SNES which is retarded

>> No.7718402

Composite video doesn't look like that on a good TV.
I owned a 32" Trinitron XBR in the 90's. My games didn't look like that.

>> No.7718413

>composite for SNES is retarded
>*Chrono Trigger joins the chat*

>> No.7718547

>Using a filter to simulate a CHEAP SHITTY TV is the height of low-functioning autism.
a lot of games were literally designed with composhit output in mind but enjoy your unblended ditheirng I guess
that being said most nes games don't really benefit from it, and the fucking retard who took the picture somehow made it look worse than it should

>> No.7718613

>imagine caring this much about stupid things people not involved in your life do with themselves

>> No.7718657


>> No.7718658

>thinking this looks good
Fix'd. What retard plays with filters ironically?

>> No.7718817

In 1986 that did look good.

>> No.7718824

The difference is your eyeballs are glued to the PC monitor

>> No.7719305

this is pretty much the relevant factor that almost never comes up in shader threads
if you're sitting close to a monitor then crt filters are gonna look like dogshit except for super light ones like easymode

>> No.7719316 [DELETED] 

>hurrr y u care so much durr

Go back to Plebbit you drooling mongoloids.

>> No.7719348

Good discussion going on in here, very informative

>> No.7719398

Nice blog OP, but I don't remember subscribing.

>> No.7719408
File: 874 KB, 1536x2048, 78764F90-33A4-4ABD-AED5-22C57A86E2B5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think they can look good

>> No.7719409
File: 247 KB, 1280x1280, 1619682995674.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7719542

You autists should start following your old advice and stop coming to threads to bitch and moan about others posting what you don't like.