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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 1.08 MB, 1221x585, Pick one.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
770483 No.770483 [Reply] [Original]

Say you had to pick your favorite from these two and only play that game for the rest of your days.

Which survival horror did you like better?

>> No.770502

Silent Hill 1. The first time I saw the game, I was like 18. My friend was playing it on an emu on a computer at school. He was in the dark school, using that large ice pick thing weapon and just smashing those little dark guys. It was probably one of the most messed up things I've ever seen. It was so amazing I played through the game myself. To think at age 18 I could barely handle that game, how about people that played that at like age 10 or something, damn.

>> No.770616


>> No.770632

My older brother (6 years apart) had a friend spend the night and he had brought Silent hill. My god did that haunt my poor childhood mind, I was most likely no older than 10 or 11.

>> No.770631
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I played Silent Hill more recently and I give the edge to that one, though I probably gotta play RE2 again. I remember Claire really being the only thing pushing me for that game.

>> No.770671

Silent Hill is certainly the superior survival horror game, but if I could only choose one to play for the rest of my life it would have to be RE2. The gameplay is better, and it has replayability coming out the ass. What else really matters?

>> No.771695

The real question is:
Mr. X or Pyramid Head.

Mr.X breaks through static backgrounds pyramid head doesn't

I would probably end up playing Silent Hill for the rest of my days, getting trapped playing only in that town would be my punishment for liking such a good game

>> No.771707

Resident Evil is goofy as shit, but it's ten times more creative, despite having a generic premise, and the controls are tighter, whereas in SH they're needlessly wonky. It's also more fun to replay because of more shootan.
So yeah, SH is good, but Resident Evil would be a better choice.

>> No.771710

SH was the better survival horror experience, but RE2 played better. It also boasted great replay value with the multiple game modes

>> No.771716
File: 16 KB, 251x350, 9578623498576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pyramid Head
not /vr/

Back on topic, SH or RE2. It's a cruel choice because they both have outstanding merits. As a game to play for the rest of my days, however, it's got to be RE2.
>looking at a mans ass for the rest of my days

>> No.771732

RE2 for sure.

Silent Hill isn't so bad. Scared the shit out of me when I was younger. In the end though, it's a bit of a fetch quest game with not so great combat. At least RE2 is a fetch quest with decent combat.

>> No.771773
File: 1.29 MB, 2592x1936, 1367419757949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RE2 on PC and Dreamcast has a Hard mode where it's REAL survival horror, not like Silent Hill where you end up with 250 bullets and 20 healing items at the end of the game.

Also for replay value RE2 has Hunk, Tofu and the Battle mode; and on PC it also has gameplay mods where item placement is different like this one
and others still in the making too

In gameplay RE2 is better, but in atmosphere and story, Silent Hill is better.

>> No.772234
File: 164 KB, 640x480, SH1Doghouse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that picture

People seem to forget that SH1 has five different endings, a few unlockables and secrets. It holds more replay value than it would let on, but if other than just the PS port of RE2 is allowed it destroys SH in comparison.

It's a tough call. I think SH1 is more of a masterpiece but if we're talking rest of your days here most of us would go with the game that's both lengthier (two discs) with more replay value.

>> No.772243

RE2 has more challenges and overall more interesting gameplay, so without doubt RE2.

>> No.772723

Silent Hill by far.

>> No.773304

Well, both games aren't as scary on the second playthrough, but at least Resident Evil has more polished mechanics, so obviously I'd pick that. Exploring the city streets in Silent Hill is also a real chore the second time you play it.

>> No.773357
File: 685 KB, 1326x2300, 1368059045258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/v/ made an infopic on RE2.

Also, that's a very hard question OP. I grew up with Resident Evil so I feel inclined to say RE2, but at the end of the day, Silent Hill was far more scarier and still gives me the spooks today. So I'm gonna have to give it to Silent Hill.

>> No.773360

*/vr/, my bad.

>> No.775485

I know, I was there, and I think this chart is biased. It makes the N64 version more important by having a special line for shit stuff like "different blood colour WOOHOO" yet the VMU for the Dreamcast version doesn't have its special line, etc

and it makes the PC versions look like shit even though they're the bests

and it should mention the mods for the PC versions at this point

>> No.775620

I prefer Silent Hill, but I'll pick RE2 'cause of replayability and fun.

>> No.778089

I liked the original Silent Hill, but Resident Evil 2 had a much bigger impact on me. Maybe because RE2 was my first PSone game and I didn't get into Silent Hill until a couple of months ago.

>> No.779928
File: 66 KB, 299x249, 2068 I shiggity diggity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Resident Evil 2 = Better Survival (Limited inventory and saves)

Silent Hill 1 = Better Horror (Needs no explanation)

They are both excellent Survival Horror games.

>> No.779934


Resident Evil 2 = Plot that made sense

Silent Hill 1 = Plot that made no sense

>> No.779938
File: 363 KB, 1600x1200, Darkside Chronicles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic creator here, I'm working on an updated version right now (as well as one for 1,3 and CV).

I'm always looking for input/improvements.

>> No.779939


>> No.779978

pyramid head wasn't even in the Silent Hill (psx)

>> No.779980

Horror games have always been my "bread and butter" if you will. That being said, I enjoyed Silent Hill a lot more than Resident Evil. Both series have their highs and lows, but SH just had more to it for me.

>> No.780164

I don't really see how it makes the PC version look like shit.

The N64 version may have a lot of features but anyone with a brain can see that most of them are pretty pointless.

>> No.780481

Silent Hill is great when you first start playing it. Slowly walking through the dark streets, too afraid to turn your flashlight on, ducking into alleys to check your map because you're lost and don't know what's waiting for you out there. It's pretty intense stuff. Then you realize how easy enemies are to dodge and how many health items there are and you just end up running everywhere with the flashlight on because you don't give a shit.

So I'd pick Resident Evil.

>> No.780503

Good match up. Both great and I was at very different places in my life when each dropped. I'd say that I personally think Silent Hill its a little bit better but RE2 is great.

Silent hill just has more sorry arcs to follow and the rewards are more balanced. Alien laser is not nearly as game smashing as that mini gun

>> No.780514

o rly?

>> No.780520

RE2 because custom shotgun. I love that thing so much.

>> No.781371

Silent Hill did horror a hell of a lot better, that game just gets under my skin. It was the first video game to actually scare me.

However I enjoy playing Resident Evil 2 more so I guess if I had to choose one or the other, I'd pick RE2.

>> No.781479

>claire only get's one costume
and a minigun

>> No.781482

Parasite Eve

>> No.781501

It's completely the opposite, how could think something so stupid?

>> No.781513

Silent Hill isn't really a game you can play any day for fun.

It's like a great movie that chills and haunts you
but you have to be in the mood to watch it again,
because it makes you feel uncomfortable.

>> No.782027

I was just thinking about this same subject just the other night; I enjoy Silent Hill's overall creepiness, and I enjoy the overall conspiracy aspect of RE2. I hate to be neutral but they are both equal in my book.

>> No.782245


>> No.782316

Resident Evil 2. No contest.

>> No.783469
File: 97 KB, 362x563, 2fa2f5ccdf952c09ea2a49bdaa5c4e436e6f52d6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The Silent Hill games usually have good writing and characters, but actually playing them is awful. At least the RE games are fun to play.

>> No.783663

Anyone who's not blind can see that the PS1 version has better graphics. The models look more or less the same between the two, except that PS1 has more detailed textures.

Although I guess if you like awfully small textures stretched and blurred to hell that's a moot point.