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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 153 KB, 420x765, mmx2-cover-art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7710702 No.7710702 [Reply] [Original]

This game was supposed to be a fun platformer for people at the age of 12,13 and 14
instead this is a nightmare of autism and cheap death

>> No.7710705

>nightmare of autism and cheap death
Git gud

>> No.7710721

OK, so here's something we all knew even back in the 90s:
-Mega Man X peaked with the first game and was on a sharp downward trajectory ever since.

Moral of the story, don't stress with the games after, they're mediocre at best, we all know.

>> No.7710752

X2 is better than X because the level design is just as solid but it starts you off with the dash.

>> No.7710757

X2 and X3 are the easiest games in the entire series, you can dash jump over everything including the little platforming there is. Don't even get me started on the bosses which all reset their patterns when you attack them with their weaknesses, some of them being the worst in the series like fucking Wheel Gator.

>> No.7710787

The fact that one of the only good stages in the game was almost scrapped (Flame Stag) tells you all you need to know

>> No.7710803

>having 54 game overs because you have not the adequate weapon and you don't know meme boss pattern
I think this is called cheap design

>> No.7710806

>zoomer post
Everyone thought X1-X4 were all amazing in the '90s, underage faggot.

>> No.7710825

>Don't get me started on the bosses which are easy to defeat when you use their weaknesses on them
Play X3 again with Buster only, easymodofag.

>> No.7710845

>t. projecting zoomer ousting and embarrassing himself in front of hardcore /vr/ oldfags

>> No.7710864
File: 106 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Let's make a game without boss order, with meme upgrades, with many hidden items and hard as fuck
>I don't care if most people don't have time to spend 6 hours playing every day, let them rent this for 3 months!

>> No.7710871

>saying Yikes
Proven underage and proven faggot. I bet you don't even now what Funcoland is.

>> No.7710898 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.22 MB, 150x150, 1619920001608.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>name drops fucking Funcoland like it's cool or some shit

>> No.7710926

It's where I bought one of the games.

>> No.7710942

Not an excuse, faggot. In the classic series some bosses could still fuck you up even with their weaknesses and latter X titles "fixed" this by giving them long invincibility frames like that drill bear nigga.

>> No.7711170

X2 is the alpha male's megaman X of choice.

>> No.7711237
File: 149 KB, 500x500, 1616947410518.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm playing Rockman & Forte, it's a pretty hard game. harder than MX series. I'm really liking it.

At the beggning it felt strange, because it's so different from the classic MM style. But it really grew on me.

Cheap death in these games are okayish, the idea is to memorize the stages.

>> No.7711239

>Wheel Gator.
I liked him.

>> No.7711253

Using weaknesses on bosses has always been a built in easy mode. They were all built around being beatable buster only and that is the metric by which they should be judged. If you're whining about lack of challenge then why don't you do a buster only run? That's exactly what it's for.

>> No.7711281

X2 is also more balanced. X1 has a weird as fuck difficulty curve that more aggressively favors a certain boss order. Getting the hadoken is also dumber process than the shoryuken.

>> No.7711292

God what an ugly box cover. I thought Japanese boxes were supposed to look nice.

>> No.7711318

I find Forte easy to pass stages, but MM easy to defeat bosses. To this day, I'm glad mom bought that game instead of MM7 when I was a kid some decades ago.

>> No.7711362

Rockman and Forte is fucking based and the true MM7. It's literally the only game in the entire series where I actually felt the need to use special weapons to get through regular stages.

>> No.7711495

I'm tired of people who think young kids needed easy games. They needed easy to UNDERSTAND games but if anything an adult doesn't have the time or dedication of an average 12 year old with a hard platformer. I trudged through severely bullshit games at that age that I would never bother with today and am probably so out of practice at that I couldn't beat them anymore. Shit, 8 year old me beat Battletoads and adult me just gets wrecked in Terra Tubes and Rat Race. Fuck being old.

>> No.7711520
File: 8 KB, 256x512, MMX2Hunter304E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine the tears if they'd left X-Hunter stage 3 like this

>> No.7711524

>I'm tired of people who think young kids needed easy games
Only people that sucks at video asks for that. The feeling of finishing a hard game as a kid is something I'll never feel again. The closest to it is finally finishing games I was never able to as a kid.

>> No.7711618

Is this harder than the other MegaMan games? This series is considered difficult anyways

>> No.7711628

No, the X series is dumbed down across the board compared to the classic series.

>> No.7711660
File: 1.13 MB, 564x606, Autism.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

X2 filtered me too

>> No.7711668

Please don't post this webm ever again

>> No.7711676
File: 1.80 MB, 313x248, Troon Scare.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7712040


All you have to do in X-2 is keep running while unleashing a charge shot once in a while. It's the easiest game in the trilogy. And it's exactly why it's the worst.

>> No.7712386

The problem with that kind of stuff isnt that its hard but that its slow. They pulled that shit in X3 with the snail platforms along the spike wall and its the worst part of the game.

>> No.7712403

magazine review says otherwise boomie

>> No.7712451

That guy probably killed himself after this.

>> No.7712462


Is this run on YT?

>> No.7712494

Mega Man & Bass was a lot harder than x2

>> No.7712739

>This game was supposed to be a fun platformer for people at the age of 12,13 and 14
The X stands for X-treme faggot, only the radical kids can enjoy it

>> No.7712771

I liked the snail platforms, it gave you extra time to listen to the rockin' music.

>> No.7712907

X3's music isn't good though. The compositions are ok but the instrumentation is grating.

>> No.7713125

Thanks for the laugh, lmao.

>> No.7713135

>using boss weaknesses
Please don't tell me any of you do this

>> No.7713168

Some bosses are basically impossible on your first encounter (X2 had the most ones) so you either use their weakness or collect upgrades which at that point is basically the same thing.

>> No.7713316

>fun platformer for people at the age of 12,13 and 14
>a nightmare of autism and cheap death

>> No.7713343

You have a franchise littered with games that have poor stage design and/or bad control and you pick on X2? Try X6, or Zero 1, or pretty much any classic game and get back to me.

>> No.7713781

X2 you can start with any of them and not have much of a problem. It's X1 where you get your ass kicked starting with, say, Octopus first. That's what makes X1 kind of irritating. The stages are all designed to be done without the boots but nearly every hidden item requires them and several boss fights are a pain if you don't have them. So Penguin is almost required if you don't want to get beaten to a pulp and revisits up the ass.

>> No.7713804

>bad control
The only game with shitty movement is MM1 with its slippery movement, all the other games but especially the X series are perfect when it comes to that.

>> No.7713819

MM2 has the slippery stop too. It might be shorter though. MM3 also has a shorter slide than 4-6. 6 has that annoying quirk of not being able to cancel a slide into a jump.

>> No.7713821
File: 5 KB, 263x136, 120218_megamanx2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

X2 has the best character in the whole series though.

>> No.7713826

I miss this green nigga like you wouldn't believe.