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File: 127 KB, 1000x407, X vs Zero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7705076 No.7705076 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone else realize that X got cucked out of his own series and that Zero is the main character? Most of the games' plots revolve around Zero in one way or another, he gets a GF, he brutally MOGGs Mega Manlet X, for maximum edginess he started out as a maverick and almost killed Sigma with his bare hands.

>> No.7705082

Zero was going to be the main character in the X series, but the higher ups at Capcom felt that the new character would alienate the old Mega Man fans.

>> No.7705101

I played as X almost exclusively. Fuck Zero

>> No.7705102

I don't care for X or Zero. I like Zero because sword, but I play as X because his powers are just more convenient and in most of the good games, Zero is not playable, or gimped/sucks.

Coolness factor, Bass is the only cool one. They're all losers except for Bass.

>> No.7705117

Megaman X1:
>X (who literally only has one line of dialogue) gets saved by Zero twice

>Villains' plan revolves around rebuilding Zero
>"Good" ending results in X getting reunited with his senpai

>Zero saves X AGAIN and the least shitty aspect of X3 was getting to play as Zero

>Zero has a qt3.14 roboserb GF, X has some fat dude
>Zero's cutscenes reveal that he almost killed fellow gigachad Sigma with his bare hands
>Zero has memorable, memeable "WHAT AM I FIGHTING FOOOOOR" cutscene while X asks Zero to kill him if he goes Maverick

>Zero's intro stage theme kicks the crap out of X's
>Entire plot revolves around Sigma's plan to "awaken" Zero, nobody cares about X
>Zero volunteers to crash the space shuttle with no survivors
>Except he makes it out alive kek
>Highlight of the game is fighting Zero

X6-X8 aren't part of my headcannon so I won't expound of them.

Yeah, those early designs for X were pretty weird. I just think it's kind of silly how little "screen time" and character development X got compared to Zero, as well as how much 90s Toonami Edgyness went into that particular character.

>> No.7705153

Zero uses a sword.
That was always stupid and cool af at the same time.
X always felt like a grown up and pussified Rock.
I feel not even the capcom guys liked him that much.

>> No.7705161

I guess we'll never know until we get a new game but did Sigma actually die at the end of X8? Fuck this baldy retard, trying to make a guy whose ass I've kicked for 8 games threatening is completely idiotic.

>> No.7705163

It took them six games to make him completely unlikable in X7 as a hyper pacifist, forcing you to use Zero or Axl before he joins the reploid cause.

>> No.7705168

Didn't X8 have a plot twist where the real villain was not Sigma that time, and it ends on a cliff hanger zooming on Axl's broken helmet jewel?

>> No.7705174
File: 25 KB, 480x192, 7j60h Doom Iris.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was actually pretty cool - they knew players were tired of Sigma getting predictably revived every single time and decided to add an actual plot twist. Shame X8 was overall kind of half-baked though. I'm not a storyfag by any means but I think that if they spent more than an hour per game thinking of plots they could've had some interesting character development etc.

>> No.7705203

The irony is that X is actually more thematically important than Zero in the Zero series.

>> No.7705247

He should be dead for good, since he was in 100% virus form there on the moon, but even if he isn't actually dead, Sigma is pretty much irrelevant now, at least as long as there's still lots of new generation reploids around.

If there's a new X game I think the plot should be something similar to Mega Man 5 GB.

>> No.7705329

Nah. Zero is more like X's big brother character. X is still the main character, Zero is supposed to be the mysterious guy he idolizes. It worked well in the first game by having him die at the end before imparting X with Buster power (because most players probably missed the Buster upgrade the first time through), though he should have stayed dead.

>> No.7705356

i only played x4 because they had ONE copy left for sale at a sam's club in ohio when i was a kid

best ost imo, never could beat a level though lol

when i watch speedruns now at 28 i can kinda see how to beat it tho lol


>> No.7705507
File: 119 KB, 280x343, RoseenkreuzstiletteFreudenstachel-Iris4GameOver.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can hide and repair himself at the same time
Hilariously bad mistranslation that isn't even consistent in localization. Seriously, get some Light capsules as Zero sometime. He confides that he doesn't actually know how he came back anyway, implying it was Wily in some form.

>> No.7705518

>If there's a new X game I think the plot should be something similar to Mega Man 5 GB.

Due to Capcom being led by retards and assholes, the next X game will be filled with zoomer irony and there will be a maverick based on pepe. I called it.

>> No.7705549
File: 286 KB, 615x950, hes_a_fan_fav_rite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If Mega Man X9 happens Dr. Cain is gonna come back with zero explanation for his multi-game absense, calling it now.

>> No.7705562
File: 1.26 MB, 1005x759, 1578954513681.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all of X series is about Zero
>Zero series is obviously about Zero again
>new and exciting game launches about the fusion of X and Zero, Mega Man ZX
>tfw you get the merge after the intro and it turns out after combining them, it's literally no different from just playing as Zero again, you even lose the model X special shot

>> No.7705567

He was on vacation.

>> No.7705578

I personally like to think that Andrew from MMZ looks kind of like Dr. Cain because he was BUILT by Dr. Cain and was there for all of the X series.

>> No.7705697
File: 117 KB, 1062x753, alsodynamocouldvebeenvile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mega Man X5 was supposed to be the explosive finale of that series
>introduce a ton of supporting characters with an intended shelf-life of one game, have them basically replace the dude who missed out on the last game since it was too busy telling its own story (oh and one of them's a tutorial guide because you're gonna play the last game first right?)
I'll never understand this.

>> No.7705752
File: 110 KB, 1036x732, 699684bb74aa11567b7c86682683dfe59fe42b3441fd4e2bda4167fa0a53afff_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because X5 was an unpolished rush job that was poorly thought out. I like how they gave X a gf though, shame she wouldn't shut up. Also yes Dynamo SHOULD have been Vile.

>> No.7705771

>least shitty axpspect of X3 was getting to play as Zero
You mean the Hyper Armor and the fucking kickass music like Volt and Gravity. Also, you sound like a pleb, especially since you like rancid dog dookie like X5.

>> No.7705775

He felt like teenage rock in X1-4.

>> No.7705782
File: 541 KB, 1309x2047, Rockman_X_DiVE_Hunter_Program_VAVA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As someone who hates this faggot it was highly amusing seeing him get thoroughly dunked on in X8. Dude just keeps coming back to get spanked like a bitch.

>> No.7705784

Where did I say I liked X5? X5 is mediocre, same as X3. X1 is objectively GOAT, X2 and X4 are contenders for 2nd best, X3 and X5 are mediocre ones.
>Leaving out Neon Tiger

>> No.7705789

Vile is absolutely based. He's just a guy who likes killing people and blowing shit up, that's what he does.

>> No.7705790

I remember the old theory that Vile was Rock who got deluded with mankind and hated X because he was the reason of why robots got banned.

>> No.7705895
File: 1.17 MB, 500x281, MERCHANDISIN'!.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7706157


>> No.7706171

At least you get to play as Mega Loli if you choose the female avatar.

>> No.7706525

>endgame of ZX Advent
>Model Z, unmerged, literally just a medal that needs to merge with a person to do something and functionally just a floating rock, goes off on its own to hold off all the previous bosses who've recouperated and shown up again for no reason while the new protag beats the game, and is successful and doesn't die in the process
They just REALLY couldn't ever stop jerking off how cool and powerful Zero was right to the end of time.

>> No.7706529

>X6-X8 aren't part of my headcannon so I won't expound of them.

>Box art literally has X holding Zero's saber
>Revive Zero again
>He outshines X at literally everything

>X isn't even fucking playable for most of the game because he's a wimpy pacifist now.
>Zero is out doing all the actual work
>Also Axl but who the fuck cares?

>X finally gets a chance to shine now that he's Zero's tag-team buddy.

Yeah, I don't really have much for X8...

>> No.7706883

>Zero gets his own series
>Kills X
>Tears down X's nation-state
>Gives Ciel the BRC whereas X probably had to retire Alia and hasn't had a gf since
>Fights himself and wins
>Unironically kills a human
>Saves the earth

>> No.7706990
File: 423 KB, 1199x601, 1581016335503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was actually Inafune who vetoed it himself, he didn't think they'd approve of someone like Zero being such a departure from the last Mega Man so he asked someone to come up with his own Mega Man design, leading to X.

>> No.7707037

The irony is that the Zero series is easily X at his best as a character, and is where he's the most important in the actual plot of the games.

>> No.7707050

Zero who is the only character who has some kind of personality is called edgy. I learned that electronic game fans don't take electronic games seriously

>> No.7707069
File: 26 KB, 396x512, UH TO ALL BLACK CREATURES.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is /vr/ finally ready to KNEEL?

>> No.7707092

Zero is OP in already-easy games; playing with X feels slightly less braindead.

>> No.7708073
File: 182 KB, 800x450, 1609351143391.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can't believe they killed off the original megachad for this shit

>> No.7708080

X is the only MM series with a story that genuinely makes me cringe. I fucking hate how edgy it is compared to the original series.

>> No.7708876

And vice-versa for the X-series.

>> No.7710073


>> No.7710565

The Zero series is even edgier, but I think it executed its story quite well and committed to the idea of being a darker Mega Man series.

X wanted to be edgier and darker, but it also wanted to have its saturday morning cartoon antics by bringing Sigma back as the real bad guy every game and never quite changing the status quo.

>> No.7710892

I agree. Zero was genuinely atmospheric, dark, etc. I also loved the mechanical design of the bosses - they were genuinely creepy and threatening.

X was edgy, but they still had that quasi-cute big feet astro boy aesthetic and were poorly written. X1 had good writing (mostly because gameplay and plot intertwine, and said plot doesn't get retarded) and designs that weren't /too/ silly.

>> No.7712610
File: 255 KB, 1394x1175, Megaman lore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
