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File: 71 KB, 800x557, 37382-wipeout-64-nintendo-64-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7695857 No.7695857 [Reply] [Original]

It's almost sickening how much better this game is than F-Zero X.

>> No.7695876

Very interesting. Could you give us a detailed explanation on what led you to such strong opinion on the topic? While we appreciate your passion on the subject, an opinion is seldom understandable by a wider public without some accompanying examples to better illustrate the topic of discussion. I personally would be very happy to see some quality comparison between these two futuristic racers for Nintendo 64 console instead of a single inflammatory sentence.

>> No.7695886

Wieout 64 is slower and less impressive looking. I'd also put the Extreme-G games above Wipeout.

>> No.7695893

its even a good wipeout game?

>> No.7695904

well, for starters: sneed

>> No.7695906

Okay, first and foremost, I own both games, however I never played or owned either of them until a few years ago. I picked up F-Zero X first, long after having played F-Zero GX (which admittedly, is better than either of these games, but that's unrelated and I digress). So, I have no implicit nostalgia or bias going into this -- what I think is based purely on my observations as a semi-retarded adult. Now, my issues with F-Zero X are basically twofold: graphics and content. While I think F-Zero X has a lot of "style", I simply don't like the rock and roll aesthetics nearly as much as the nuanced, ambient vibe of Wipeout. The music in particular, I find grating and annoying. What bothers me most though, are the in-game graphics. The tracks are absolutely barren. I have a hard time even telling most of the levels apart since, outside of their respective skyboxes, they look and play almost identically. From the get-go, this makes the game far less interesting. By comparison, Wipeout has fewer tracks, but they are much more visually rich and graphically impressive, and as far as I can tell, both games run somewhere in the tune of 60fps (probably less in the case of wipeout, but it is by no means a 'slow' game). Now were the game simply worse looking and worse sounding, I could live with it -- but my biggest problem is that the gameplay is just not engaging. Wipeout offers a diverse series of gameplay styles ranging from your usual "race to the finish" modes alongside weapon-based combat and much else. Navigating the game's far more detailed levels while blasting opponents into bits is purely more fun than F-Zero
s mundane and repetitive gameplay, which rarely strays outside of traditional racing. The game's focus on simplicity would be fine if it were augmented by interesting levels, interesting music or unique gameplay modifiers, but it doesn't have anything of this on offer. As a whole, I just find it very boring and sterile, while Wipeout is actually fun.

>> No.7695918
File: 8 KB, 114x114, NESticle_hand2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

F-Zero X is not even remotely overhyped. If anything its a fucking crime that every single person on Earth hasn't had an opportunity to play this game with a dear friend. It's easily one of the greatest games ever created, a literal testament to the ingenuity of man. A copy and a Nintendo 64DD should be launched into space for aliens and future generations to experience what made us great. Despite our problems; wars, cancers, hatred —there remains one thing for which we can never be shamed: Masahiro Sakurai's F-Zero X

>> No.7695923

Sorry, I complete disagree. I consider it a solid 7/10 game, but that's it. In fact, I'd say just about any racer you could randomly pull out of a bin would offer more long-term fun than F-Zero X. The game is literally nothing more than navigating extremely simplistic, barren tracks over and over, ad nauseum. There are some modes like Death Race which offer slight changes in gameplay formula, but even here, the core mechanics remain the same. I have a hard time forcing myself to enjoy the game when it offers literally nothing but a series of nigh-identical tracks and vehicles. Wipeout on the other hand, has beautiful tracks with a ton of personality, and the weapons alone make it much more fun to play. Either way, F-Zero GX stomps them both and makes X completely irrelevant.

>> No.7695938

>casualfag needs power ups and gimmicks to enjoy a racing game
Opinion discarded.

>> No.7695940

>can enjoy ultra-repetitive gameplay with no variation and mind-numbing track design
Low IQ

>> No.7695942

The game has more depth than whatever casual trash you think is good, that includes wipeass.

>> No.7695956

>The game has more depth
Okay, how? Once you've mastered a particular vehicle's handling and you know the obstacles of a particular track, there is literally nothing left to the gameplay. You might be able to drudge up some kind of pointless meta like "b-but you need to shift the stick very slightly at this particular corner!" in an effort to make the gamer seem deeper than it really is, but literally every game has a meta. The core gameplay, objectively, is extremely simplistic and simply does not offer as much as Wipeout does. Explain to me, at a high level of gameplay, what skills you need to learn that differentiate you from a low level player and how this has any significant impact on the game.

>> No.7695961

>Okay, how?
>what skills you need to learn that differentiate you from a low level player and how this has any significant impact on the game.

>> No.7695964

Oh no, sorry, I'm not going to watch any videos. I own the game. If you can't explain in your own words what makes the game deep, then you don't have an argument.

>> No.7695973
File: 2.89 MB, 640x480, F-Zero X Silence 3 1'23.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>linking to detailed explanations with direct video proof is not an argument but posting nonsense with zero evidence apparently is
I'll just accept your concession now.

>> No.7695975

>I can't actually explain my own argument so here, watch this video
You already conceded, thanks for playing.

>> No.7695982

My argument is that the game has way more depth than the casual trash you like. My proof of that assertion and answer to your questions comes in the form of direct video proof. What do you expect me to describe what happens in the videos play by play? What would be the point of that?

>> No.7695986

>why is the game deep?
>"my argument is that the game is deeper"
Big think.

>> No.7695990

>how is the game deep?
>here is a detailed explanation of the game's mechanics
>"durr dat doesn't count because... it just doesn't ok!"

>> No.7695995

Nice self wank

>> No.7695996

You didn't provide a detailed explanation. You provided YouTube videos. That isn't an argument. In this post >>7695906 I explained, in detail, my reasons for why I prefer the game to F-Zero X. If you provided a similar written explanation alongside a video to back up your claims, that would be fine. Asking me to watch completely subjective videos in place of an argument though? Sorry, that's a logical fallacy, and all I'm gleaming so far is that you are extremely butthurt because deep down you know the game kind of sucks too. Please provide an actual argument or I'm afraid you automatically lose this debate and I won't be engaging you any further.

>> No.7696004

>You didn't provide a detailed explanation.
The first video I linked is literally an in depth explanation of every aspect of the mechanics within the game. You posted some subjective nonsense about how you personally prefer casual shitty games.
>Asking me to watch completely subjective videos in place of an argument though?
The video is not subjective in any way. It is an objective analysis of the mechanics within the game by a guy who has many world record times within the game.

>> No.7696013

>The first video I linked is literally an in depth explanation of every aspect of the mechanics within the game.
I'm curious as to why, then, you can't simply provide a similar explanation yourself? If we were in a political debate standing at podiums and you asked for a YouTube video to be shown in place of your worded argument, you would be laughed at because that's extremely retarded. Again, you fail to provide any semblance of actual reasoning for why F-Zero X isn't a barren, boring and mundane game in the face of observable facts pointing towards those exact conclusions. As a result, you have lost this argument and I'm afraid I have no further interest in speaking with you about this subject. Good bye, now.

>> No.7696023

>I'm curious as to why, then, you can't simply provide a similar explanation yourself?
Do you see the length of the video? Why spend so much time typing up an explanation when the video is exactly what you asked for? You didn't ask for my opinion, you asked for how the game has depth. The fact the information comes to you in the form of a youtube video has no effect outside of being convenient and a better argument since it has video evidence for everything being said.

>> No.7696035
File: 123 KB, 954x366, asdf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wieout 64 is slower and less impressive looking.
I'm not sure about it being slower, you're probably right, but how could you possibly call F-Zero X more visually impressive?

>> No.7696062

Fzero has tracks wider than your mum's ass for casualkids to droll about "muh speed" without needing to connect two neurons when arriving on a turn. And yet the autists still pretend glitching out of the track and skipping half of it like a coward is "more skillful". It's pathetic, really. Even Extreme-G is better.
Also, powerups in Wipeout increase the difficulty of the game because not only do you have to navigate narrow tracks, but also mind your opponents' attacks without losing speed. But F-zerofags wouldn't know anything about physics or nuance.

>> No.7696069

>But F-zerofags wouldn't know anything about physics or nuance.
Said the casualfag coping with the fact he can't handle F-Zero X's physics or nuance.

>> No.7696070

> how could you possibly call F-Zero X more visually impressive?
Smooth 60 FPS.

>> No.7696079

framerate = visual quality
That's performance. By this logic, there are boat loads of NES/Genesis games that are more visually impressive than Wipeout 64. Besides, Wipeout runs at altogether similar framerate until you play 4 player battles.

>> No.7696087

>F-zero's nuance
Shut the fuck up.

>> No.7696090

If it wasn't retarded enough that he's using unintentional glitches as an argument for the game's depth, you can literally do this same stuff in Wipeout 64 on top of it having 10x more depth in every other conceivable way.

>> No.7696094

>it isn't skill if I can't do it
Why do casual gamers infest online discussions these days?

>> No.7696098

Why do you keep referencing arguments that nobody made? I don't recall him saying he couldn't do it, rather that it was retarded to use glitches as proof of the game's depth.

>> No.7696105

>I don't recall him saying he couldn't do it
It is implied by his coping.

>> No.7696106

You can glitch in Mario Kart 64 to get 3 second laps by exploiting glitches in the tracks. Doesn't mean you're good a the game.
As I said, shut the fuck up.

>> No.7696108

So basically you're just retarded?

>> No.7696112

sure speaks volumes when F-zero's most famous appearance is in smash bros lmao

>> No.7696129

>Smooth 60 FPS.

This. WipeOut 64 runs at 30FPS, not sure if it is locked though. F-Zero X runs at a locked 60, which is why so much track detail was stripped away. It is the only N64 racer to run at 60fps.

>> No.7696131

>You can glitch in Mario Kart 64 to get 3 second laps by exploiting glitches in the tracks.
Okay. That isn't what F-Zero X is like though.

>> No.7696143

Kys australia-kun

>> No.7696147

>learn how to fly off the stage and onto other parts of the track to skip ahead
wow such depth

>> No.7696148

>It's not what it's like
>video shows player flying off the track and skipping huge portions of it within the first 10 seconds
Oh right, I also forgot this game had tracks so forgiving that some of them don't even have walls and are just tubes so you don't even need to worry about turning left or right.

>> No.7696151

If this fellow was being honest with himself, he'd realize that what he likes about F-Zero X is flying off the track and zipping around the sky for a few seconds. That's fun and all, but it doesn't make the game deep. In fact, it arguably makes it very shallow.

>> No.7696153

>skipping ahead in a racing game
The horror... the horror...
>I also forgot this game had tracks so forgiving that some of them don't even have walls and are just tubes so you don't even need to worry about turning left or right.
You've actually never played the game if you think the tubes are an example of forgiving track design. Or that you don't need to turn on them. Way to expose yourself.

>> No.7696158

>The horror... the horror...
Horrible gameplay design, yes.

>> No.7696161

>That's fun and all, but it doesn't make the game deep
Let's see you do it.
>depth = bad
The casual mindset.

>> No.7696162

You'll lose adherence to the track if you go from the outside... and then fly right back onto the track, which is braindead easy to do. You might as well not even care to turn.

>> No.7696164

>completing negating any actual skill by simply learning the right spot to skip ahead in a track = depth
Retarded mindset.

>> No.7696170

>and then fly right back onto the track
And lose all acceleration unless you purposefully set yourself up for a dive before leaving the tube. Why are you on here talking shit about a game you've never played?
>learning a skill isn't skill because... it just isn't ok!
The casual wants to be good at games without learning how to play.

>> No.7696175

>learning a skill isn't skill because... it just isn't ok!
If you want to convince yourself that this game is "deep" when you need only learn the right spot to pull a skip glitch, you are not very bright.

>> No.7696176

>Lose all acceleration
Doesn't seem to be an issue in any of the glitchy gameplay you're posting. Inconsequential garbage.
There's a reason why most futuristic racers have historically copied Wipeout's mechanics and design philosophy instead of F-Zero's.

>> No.7696184

>when you need only learn the right spot to pull a skip glitch
Let's see you do this "skip glitch".
>Doesn't seem to be an issue in any of the glitchy gameplay you're posting
That's because he sets up for a dive before leaving the tube. You'd know this if you ever actually played the game yourself.
>There's a reason why most futuristic racers have historically copied Wipeout's mechanics and design philosophy instead of F-Zero's.
Because casualfags like you ruined gaming.

>> No.7696190

>Let's see you do this "skip glitch".
So if I post a video of myself doing this very thing, you'll admit that F-Zero X is simplistic and repetitive?

>> No.7696194

Yeah sure thing.

>> No.7696197

>I will admit that F-Zero X is simplistic and repetitive if you can do the thing that anyone can learn to do
Lmao thanks for admitting it.

>> No.7696201

>I could totally do that impressive thing if I wanted to man, I just don't want to
>I'm smart but lazy
Peak cope achieved. You won't even attempt it.

>> No.7696206

>That's because he sets up for a dive before
Flying over half the track.
You wouldn't complete a single perfect lap on Phantom speed without ricocheting off walls, faggot.

>> No.7696208

If the game being shit is predicated upon me showing you a video of doing something, then you've already admitted the game is shit. Like I said, you're not the brightest.

>> No.7696212

>Flying over half the track.
Not even half the track and you wouldn't be able to do it even if you tried for hours.
You aren't even going to attempt it? What a coward.

>> No.7696214

>You aren't even going to attempt it? What a coward.
I don't have a capture card and I still wouldn't do even if I did because you just admitted that your favorite game is shit lmao. You know, instead of clinging to a casual kiddy racer, you could just go out and buy a copy of the vastly superior game for $15 and stop being a retarded faggot.

>> No.7696218

So you just pretended to have even an ounce of testosterone just for an epic gotcha when someone dared you.

>> No.7696223

>I admit the game is shit but you need to prove it to me!
I don't know what else to say. I guess you'll just have to keep coping, buckaroo.


Here, for when you finally decide to develop good taste.

>> No.7696226

If some obvious retard could tie WR in F-Zero X on a whim that would be a good reason for me to say it sucks. But that clearly isn't going to happen.

>> No.7696242

my nigga

>> No.7696252

Don't know don't care

>> No.7696264

I feel like F-Zero evangelists are typically people who don't play racing games. Kind of like Smash and fighting games. F-Zero is a racing game yes, but the nuance in the game mainly lies in perfecting huge timesaves and the lack of nuance in the rest of taking a line through a track makes it feel more like an action game than a racing game. The same goes for GX - the bulk of the inputs a player makes at the highest level in it are dedicated to "techniques" and non-steering stuff. Wipeout shares more DNA with Gran Turismo or Sega Rally than it does F-Zero, and F-Zero shares more DNA with something like speedrunning Sonic Adventure or SM64. This doesn't mean anything about the quality of either game, by the way.

>> No.7696265


>> No.7696271

this but inverted

>> No.7696273

>wipeass is generic and F-Zero is unique
Yes, we know.

>> No.7696279

I like both.

>> No.7696285

Something overlooked about F-Zero by its most fervent evangelists is that in typical racing games you can grind laps and perform consistently well and get into the "zone" while trying for times where in F-Zero if you're going for the best times what's not shown on the YouTube videos people like to link is the constant Tony Hawk Pro Skater style restart restart restart that precedes successful runs on account of how difficult a lot of the skips are to execute.

>> No.7696295

I think this goes overlooked because it makes zero sense and is something you invented in your head. Most attempts at a new time in a racing game or speedrun end with a restart within the first few seconds.

>> No.7696302

It depends really, in something like Wipeout they can go a bit longer because of the tracks being so short and the runs being five laps. In many other games you have "hot lap" modes where you try for the best time, continually, on a single lap without restarting.

>> No.7696304

Oh, and no, I didn't invent this in my head. You've just never watched F-Zero streams I guess? I don't appreciate you trying to gaslight me just to defend your perception of F-Zero.

>> No.7696309

>Oh, and no, I didn't invent this in my head.
Yes you did. It makes literally zero sense whatsoever.

>> No.7696319

>doing insanely hard, by your own description, tricks in a very fast game, doesn't require ever restarting and especially not restarting a lot
Just watch some streams of good players grinding times on Twitch. This isn't difficult. It sounds like a lot of people on this board who are frothing-at-the-mouth F-Zero zealots either don't play the game or play it poorly and LARP that the're good at it.

>> No.7696326

>watch someone who has hyper optimized a game restart constantly
No shit retard. If anyone gave a single fuck about wipeass enough to optimize runs in it the results would be the same.

>> No.7696330

If you compared the rate of success on attempting a lap with high level F-Zero techniques and in a game without Smash Melee style insaneo "advanced tech" there would be a gulf of difference. You're delusional.

>> No.7696335

>s mundane and repetitive gameplay, which rarely strays outside of traditional racing
want to know how i know you're dogshit at F-Zero X?

>> No.7696345

You're delusional if you think wipeass wouldn't have just as quick a restart if people gave a fuck about it.

>> No.7696348

>Wipeout shares more DNA with Sega Rally
Another great point of its superiority.

>> No.7696351

>You can glitch in Mario Kart 64 to get 3 second laps by exploiting glitches in the tracks. Doesn't mean you're good a the game.
Yes it does. The player with the record for beating the game with skips in MK64 is also the player with the record for beating the game with no skips.

>> No.7696352
File: 3.18 MB, 4360x2984, 20200929_194305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you can read this, you're not playing F-Zero X

>> No.7696362

Hehe, I remember that commercial.

>> No.7696364

>the nuance in the game mainly lies in perfecting huge timesaves and the lack of nuance in the rest of taking a line through a track
I bet you can't even do optimal power slides.

>> No.7696374

high end time trials for all racing games is reset heavy. it's not unique to f-zero x.

>> No.7696383
File: 29 KB, 700x480, mgs-fucking wipeout even the subpar 64 ost is miles beyond fucking buttrock for long hairs and balding ball bag skinnyfat nintendonut proto trannies wanking to queer characters in fucking onesies..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's an improvement

>> No.7696406

Bro this is sick as fuck

>> No.7696415

>By this logic, there are boat loads of NES/Genesis games that are more visually impressive than Wipeout 64.

>> No.7696523

>nintendonut proto trannies
now this is the quality I come here for.

>> No.7696716

Why is Wipeoutfag even here when he's so universally hated? Same thread, every time, same complete misconceptions of better games, every time. What's the point? To get fewer people interested in an unlikeable person's favorite game?

>> No.7696739

>Wipeout shares more DNA with Gran Turismo or Sega Rally than it does F-Zero, a

WipeOut is a combination of F-Zero and Super Mario Kart, when you break it down. The weapon system is quite similar. The difference is that WipOut is set in some sort of weird dystopian future set to techno, house, dance, electric, industrial beats. Just like every other UK made PS1 game from 1995-1996

>> No.7696768

This is a mock CGI rendering that was made by Psygnosis as a conceptual pitch video to Sony: The original pitch video looks more like a rally meets Wipeout game, with some sort of odd "lob a bomb into the hole" ending. The final game ended up being a circuit racer.


This footage was later sold to whichever studio made the movie Hackers:


>> No.7696843

>F-Zero GX is better than X
Now your shitty opinion in the OP makes sense

>> No.7696847

>the weapons alone
The weapons are the worst thing about the Wipeout series, which is still great

>> No.7697072

>Just like every other UK made PS1 game from 1995-1996
wipeout started it and no it isnt anything like fqueero, the physics makes sense is a feasible way and the driving skill reflects this.

>> No.7697083

Go do some clown tricks.

>> No.7697936

>wipeout started it and no it isnt anything like fqueero

I'm talking about the original F-Zero and Super Mario Kart on the Super Nintendo. Conceptually, WipeOut borrows heavily from both of those games. WipeOut plays quite differently, though.

>> No.7698273

F-Zero X > Wipeout 3 > F-Zero GX > Wipeout 2097/XL > F-Zero SNES > Wipeout

don't @ me

>> No.7698392

I would like a new F-Zero one day.

>> No.7698580

>I would like a new F-Zero one day.

The question is: who would make it for Nintendo? ACC and GX were both made by Sega's internal team Amusement Vision, which has long since been defunct. I don't know if Sega has a team that can make a good racing game now. Maybe Namco? Or perhaps, Code Masters?

>> No.7698586

Namco doesn't make racing games anymore and CodeMasters doesn't make arcade racers.

Sega actually DOES still make some new arcade racing games, but I have no idea if they could still make something cutting edge again.

>> No.7698596

>want to know how i know you're dogshit at F-Zero X?
because I spend my time playing better games

>> No.7698615

what X niggers fail to realize is that, even if you pretend X is deep (it isn't), no amount of depth accounts for the game being boring and gay to begin with. the tracks are just wide open roads with the occasional dirt patch or tube and there are basically no details or interesting lighting. the skyboxes are generic as sin and look like they were taken out of a SNES game. the music is absolute fucking garbage. I don't care if X had the deepest gameplay in the world, it looks and sounds like garbage and it isn't satisfying to play. it's boring, it's garbage.

>> No.7698617

>"If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough." - some smart guy I think lol iunno watch this philosophy video https://youtu.be/J8_DCEqD49o

>> No.7698624

IMO he could probably explain it if he wanted to, he just knows that there would be no way to explain it that wouldn't result in revealing how simplistic and boring it is. he likes flying around the levels. that's the fun of the game for him. that's it.

>> No.7698638

>wipeout nigger has to samefag his own thread to make a point

>> No.7698642

I'm not him, I'm making fun of your inability to elucidate your own cognition. You're clearly just heiney whining because you can't, for whatever reason

>> No.7698643
File: 100 KB, 1079x536, ta da.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7698648

don't bother validating yourself to him. if he can't explain his own argument, he isn't worth arguing with.

>> No.7698651

you're most likely dogshit at Wipeout too, honestly.

>> No.7698658

Seek help OP.

>> No.7698664

>assmad retard can't explain his own opinion
>stews for 2 days straight
>thinks everybody in the thread is OP because he's mad about getting BTFO
many such cases

>> No.7698668

The Wipeout retards in this thread are in for a rude awakening when they learn that one of the best F-Zero X players is also literally the best Wipeout 64 player while putting in a fraction of the time and effort into Wipeout than he does into F-Zero lmao.


>> No.7698678

>caring about what a tranny speedrunner does instead of caring about playing a fun game
and there's your problem

>> No.7698679

Is there a more mentally poster than auster?

>> No.7698684

Tranny or not, it's proof that F-Zero X objectively has more depth than Wipeout 64

>> No.7698686
File: 11 KB, 325x325, zeekybomb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A minute out of my day for him to see the flimsy reasoning he exudes is enough for me!
>If someone disagrees with me that means they're supporting the opposite
Cry harder and die mad, Sega Touring Car Championship master race, goodbye

>> No.7698689

it's actually proof that you're very low IQ. less people play Wipeout 64 because it's a barely-known 3rd party port whereas F-Zero X is a widely-known Nintendo game on a Nintendo platform. no shit it's easier to be the "best" at a game that barely anybody plays. holy fuck shit you are dumb.

>> No.7698690

It's also easier to be the best at a game with no tech or depth in optimization.

>> No.7698694

such as F-Zero X?

>> No.7698696

>CodeMasters doesn't make arcade racers.

The Dirt series is pretty arcade-like.

>> No.7698707

F-Zero must be based if it makes OP seethe this hard.

>> No.7698719

>he reassured himself, to nobody in particular, anonymously on the internet
More like freebased lol lmao

>> No.7698738

No, that game has insane tech and optimization. Wipeass has nothing because nobody gives a fuck about that shit series.

>> No.7698778

>In my personal opinion, nobody gives a fuck
Fix'd. Only someone desperate to belittle their opposition would say something so brazenly vacuous

>> No.7698786

It is objective reality that wipeass is a significantly less optimized game with less depth. You can cry about it in your thread where you got BTFO days ago all you want, it won't change reality.

>> No.7698793

I own both games. Wipeout 64 is just a better game than F-Zero X, by every objective metric.

>> No.7698806

>ip count didnt go up

>> No.7698809

Nice b8. Wipeout may be slower, but compared to Extreme G it might as well be Fzero. Compared to Fzero abd Wipeout, Extreme G is a flip book.

>> No.7698835

Did you forget already? I say Sega Touring Car Championship tears donuts around F-Zero AND Wipeout. I have no affiliation with your squabbling beyond making fun of your inability to use your words.

>> No.7698845

it's almost like the same autists have been arguing for 2 days now...

>> No.7698847

Absolutely based. STCC's sense of speed is insane.

>> No.7698848

>I say Sega Touring Car Championship tears donuts around F-Zero AND Wipeout
Are you trying to be more retarded than the OP?

>> No.7698858

Game looks broken

>> No.7698870

>uses youtube videos as an argument
>calling anyone else retarded

>> No.7698875

>an in depth video explanation of exactly what I asked for isn't an argument because... it just isn't ok!

>> No.7698904

no, it isn't you fucking retard. a video that someone else made is not an argument. this is like telling someone to read a book to explain how you feel about an issue. if you cannot concisely explain at least the basic premise of your argument in your own words, then you don't understand the topic you're talking about. plain and simple.

>> No.7698914
File: 310 KB, 1079x1625, we got a wiggler.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure, why not...
>Ultra fine tuned recreations of real vehicles
>With additional tuning options
>Unlockable tracks and modes for high level players
>Hidden car skins
>Hidden date-specific modes
>Eurobeat soundtrack, and other music if that isn't your thing
It offers endless replayability, insane customizability and the control has a level of depth and precision that demands perfection. If it's retarded to want to achieve the best time with customizable car tuning and hyper sensitive control, you're basically calling all racing simulation games retarded.
Use your words. If you can't easily explain it, you don't understand it. Simple.

>> No.7698927

>if you cannot concisely explain at least the basic premise of your argument in your own words
The basic premise is that F-Zero X has more depth than wipeass, you asked how and I gave you a video of exactly how.
>If you can't easily explain it
What do you want explained? The tech within the game and even the basic mechanics are all explained within the video.

>> No.7698929

.>The basic premise is that F-Zero X has more depth than wipeass
that isn't an argument. that's you making an unsubstantiated claim and then calling the game "wipeass" because you're a pseudo-intellectual retard that grew up with exactly one (1) video game that you don't even have a validation for liking. if you could actually explain how F-Zero has more depth than "wipeass", that would be called an argument. except you don't do that, because you don't understand the game you play.

>> No.7698938

What is is about f-zerofags that makes them rabid when someone says they don't think their (dead) sacred cow isn't their favorite racing game?

>> No.7698943

it isn't even f-zero fags, it's literally this one guy that pollutes every wipeout thread and links to the same shit videos and makes the same non-arguments every time. and the reason he seethes is because he's holding onto childhood nostalgia instead of accepting that there are better games to play.

>> No.7698945

>if you could actually explain how F-Zero has more depth than "wipeass", that would be called an argument
If a detailed explanation doesn't count as an argument because... it just doesn't ok. Then what exactly are you looking for? Me to randomly describe one of several advanced techniques within the game?

>> No.7698949

>when someone says they don't think their (dead) sacred cow isn't their favorite racing game?
that's not what anyone said.

>> No.7698951

Maybe don't start a thread talking shit about a game if you can't handle differing opinions without crying.

>> No.7698953

you have to be trolling. nobody can seriously be this retarded.

>> No.7698957

Not an argument.

>> No.7698964

neither is literally anything you've posted in this thread.

>> No.7698967

Literally bitching within the first 10 replies.

>> No.7698969

Why is a detailed explanation of exactly what you asked for not an argument because it is explained in a youtube video instead of a 4chan post?

>> No.7698973

Are you illiterate? Read my post again.

>> No.7698978

why are you responding to bait? they're obviously not interested in good faith discussion.

>> No.7698980

because someone else's video has nothing to do with your understanding of the game. if you cannot explain in your own words why the game is better than wipeout, then you have no reason for saying that, meaning that you are literally spouting opinions for no reason other than to have them, making you essentially medically retarded

>> No.7698989

>If a detailed explanation doesn't count as an argument
You provided no explanation to anon, you deferred to someone else.
>because... it just doesn't ok
And now it's obvious why you can't argue coherently, you post like a retarded 9 year old girl.

>> No.7699000

>if you cannot explain in your own words why the game is better than wipeout, then you have no reason for saying that
My own words are that the game has more depth and is more fun to play as a result. My proof of this is that video but since you seem to hate it for some reason there is also a transcript of it here. https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/n64/197414-f-zero-x/faqs/75061
>You provided no explanation to anon, you deferred to someone else.
Well yeah, all the game's tech and mechanics won't fit in a 4chan post.

>> No.7699004

I want a game that has Wipeout's weapons and aesthetic, but lacks its horrible driving mechanics. I want a Wipeout game that controls like F-Zero.

>> No.7699006

f-zero only resembles a racing game if you're playing it at a very low level, once you get good at it skipping 99% of the tracks World Record Any% Style is the only way you're allowed to have fun with it.

>> No.7699010

>My own words are that the game has more depth and is more fun to play as a result.
so your words are unsubstantiated claims with no actual reasoning behind them. okay, with you so far.
>My proof of this is that video
anddd now you've fucked up. that video isn't proof of anything. nobody should be forced to watch a video in place of an argument to begin with, and the video itself isn't even an argument. you've literally spent 2 days arguing not in favor of f-zero's superiority, but of the legitimacy in using a video to make an argument. that's what you're actually arguing about. you know why? because you can't explain why f-zero is better than wipeout, because it isn't.

>> No.7699014

>that video isn't proof of anything
How is an objective in depth video not proof?

>> No.7699019

you're a midget walking up to a tall guy with a picture of a taller guy in your hand, shouting "look how short you are!". you are literally one of the stupidest people i've ever encountered on this website.

>> No.7699026

See now this is the guy who knows all about argumentation. Clearly the only way anything can ever be explained objectively is in a 4chan post with zero evidence.

>> No.7699032

if you cannot understand why it's retarded to use someone else's video as an argument in place of your own words, to demonstrate your own understanding of the topic, then there is literally nothing else i can tell you. you're stupid and you have illogical opinions, i guess that's all there is to it.

>> No.7699037

>all the game's tech and mechanics won't fit in a 4chan post.
If you can't
explain it, you don't understand it.
Simple. We're not asking for an elaboration, we're asking for an overview. Just summarize the video. If you can't do that, you don't understand the video. Thus you don't understand your own argument.
Show you understand your evidence, then you can claim it as a part of your argument. This is not a hard concept to grasp.

>> No.7699054

F-Zero X has a lot of tech and depth in its mechanics. It is far too much to go over in a single 4chan post, so I refer you to this link. https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/n64/197414-f-zero-x/faqs/75061

>> No.7699058


>> No.7699063

Not sure what's funny about an explanation of the game's mechanics.

>> No.7699067

have a good one bud

>> No.7699070

have we gone so deep into shitposting that it’s come back around to encouraging actual discussion?

>> No.7699073

Wipeout sucks.
Now everyone hates it after OP thread.
/vr/ will forever laugh at their europoor fanboys.

>> No.7699090
File: 147 KB, 638x292, monkey-brains-pc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't know what simplify and overview means
I'm getting the impression that you're so desperate to cite YouTube videos without actually citing any specific point from them because you watched the video a handful of times a while ago and can't be bothered to explain yourself nor rewatch it again

But you will spend days going blue in the face because someone disagrees with your unsubstantiated point which upsets you and people should just accept what I say as fact without relating it to what I'm saying because that would make too much sense.

Are you a Calvinist, perchance?

>> No.7699108

>I don't know what simplify and overview means
I'm not going to dumb down a perfectly fine explanation of the mechanics within the game because you only accept information in the form of unsubstantiated 4chan posts, sorry.

>> No.7699124
File: 188 KB, 401x455, a90.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people still shit flinging wipeout vs F-zero even if they set out to achieve completely different goals gameplay wise

>> No.7699129

>they set out to acheive copletely different goals
no they don't. they are both futuristic racing games that function 80% identically outside of their respective gimmicks and aesthetics. you are a centrist pseud and you should drink expired baby formula.

>> No.7699130
File: 1.37 MB, 430x360, 1581288106488.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit is like straight out of a 1998 usenet forum.

I can't believe how absolutely autistic some of you 30+ year olds are to keep a thread like this going for so long. Don't you people have jobs?

>> No.7699135

Worry about losing your own virginity before criticizing anyone else you stinky anime-posting clown shoe

>> No.7699156
File: 464 KB, 754x569, VckSa1cp7xln9X016hFcNe_0TQUQOgpCv1Bu3W1NiV8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Corroborating my argument with a citation of a video is not substantiation
Yes it is. You're on step two:
>1: make premise of argument
>2: present evidence to corroborate argument
>3: substantiate original argument premise with relevant citation of evidence
Come on, you're so close. Just cite the parts that are relevant to your premise. I'll even give you the framework:


>> No.7699162

-Narrow tracks with fewer machines
-almost no danger of falling out
-power ups
-different speed classes
-You're mainly worried about the opponents over the track
-different design philosophy

-Wide open tracks with 30 machines
-Health is always an issue, along with managing boost
-no powerups
-reliance on hitting jumps correctly
-no class system

Literally wildly different games. If you take away the future hovercar aesthetic of both you wouldn't be comparing them.

>> No.7699171

>Just cite the parts that are relevant to your premise
The relevant part is the entire thing. You just want individual parts of it to discredit because refuting the entire thing is too much effort.

>> No.7699179
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>> No.7699181

>f-zero has wide tracks
Sounds like you only played the first track

>> No.7699184

What you're trying to do is so transparent at this point and I'm not falling for it.

>> No.7699193
File: 12 KB, 205x146, images (1)~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7699217

>Literally wildly different games

Nevermind the fact that there's a Net Yaroze prototype made in 1997 by an anonymous jap called Hover Racing that basically combines Wipeout's physics and unforgiveness with F-Zero's aesthetics where you have 6 different thrusters + 2 yaw flaps you need to master in order to beat the courses (which are narrow and not forgiving at all). Good luck getting past the tutorial.

>> No.7699237
File: 6 KB, 89x95, BLANK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In all seriousness though since you've refused to explain your reasoning beyond "it has better depth" all that's left is BLANK

>> No.7699246

>it has better depth
As demonstrated by the guide I have linked in two different forms. But I forgot argumentation 101: if it isn't an unsubstantiated 4chan post it doesn't count.

>> No.7699298
File: 46 KB, 599x441, hqsa0ku67piz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You do know that citing the relevant part would show you understand what you're saying and by constantly trying to weasel out of it you've effectively conceded, right?

>> No.7699304

>citing the relevant part
The entire thing is relevant.

>> No.7699331

lmao at these Wipeoutsperg copes.

>> No.7699351
File: 1.23 MB, 1227x991, USE YOUR WORDS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What is a summary
>What is a overview
>What is a compendium
I would have accepted "maneuvering a ship through the air is harder than on the ground", problem is how that is now my argument, because I didn't cite a YouTube video to explain that moving through open 3d space has more spacial variance than being on a track, because I used my words. I certainly hope that wasn't your actual argument, because then it would seem that you did indeed have no idea how your "evidence" is even related.

C'mon, you can do it. I believe in you!

>> No.7699356

>"maneuvering a ship through the air is harder than on the ground"
Massive over simplification that gives the wrong impression. This is why it is important to describe things in depth rather than some subjective post with no detail about the actual mechanics.

>> No.7699382

dude he's clearly just trolling at this point. you're wasting your time.

>> No.7699386

It's an example, and an example of a summarization at that. If you know why it's wrong, then you clearly have some idea on what to say.
>Describe things in depth
Yes, with your words. If you actually can't do it in 2000 characters because you're obligated to go that far in depth, then make another post! I really don't see why you need this explained if you know how exactly you need to describe it at length.

It really comes off like you just want to copy-paste the transcript. Come on, you've been at it this long, give it the old college try.

>> No.7699391

I've got time to waste, in case that wasn't entirely obvious.

>> No.7699394

>describe this thing to me but do it worse than it has already been done just because I said so

>> No.7699418

>do it worse
No worse than refusing to address your opposition whatsoever, which logically acts as conceding. Come on, I know you'll do fine by it.

I mean unless you have to get your hair wet. Then I completely understand why you're acting so obstinate.

>> No.7699430

You're the one acting obstinate. I gave you exactly word for word what was desired. I'm just not going to put it into a 4chan post because it isn't necessary.

>> No.7699449
File: 2 KB, 125x111, 9649538563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wipeout has steering and accelerating. Getting a good time just requires you to steer optimally.

F-Zero X has steering, accelerating, and a literal novel's worth of tech. Getting good times requires you to do thousands of hours worth of techskill practice on top of steering optimally.

doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out which game has more meat to it.

>> No.7699485
File: 46 KB, 319x480, shamefurdispray2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's been explained many times why it is, but despite the many chances I offered you clearly don't care to explain yourself beyond "there's a lot of depth and this video explains why and no I'm not telling you how it does".

If you can't explain why, your premise is worth diddly squat in the context of this conversation. Look, >>7699449 sufficiently summarized the issue. I really don't see why you were so obstinate but what I do know is that you were so concerned about being specific that you completely dropped the plot. Failure

>> No.7699495

>what I do know is that you were so concerned about being specific that you completely dropped the plot
The plot is that F-Zero X is a more complex game, the proof is now available in two forms in great detail linked in this thread.

>> No.7700121

Its actually less complex but more difficult.

>> No.7700292

Anon, this has been done to death. Wipeoutfag is literally not here to be reasoned with and will not ever be persuaded. He's been repeating points that get constantly and consistently defeated every time he makes them, and still makes them. If he were here to listen instead of jerk off his own opinion forever, he wouldn't still be posting it.

>> No.7700305


>> No.7700310

Most of these fzero tricks are glitches and cannot be performed normally. Now if you mean trackmania, that clone of the tron and some modern indies. These tricks became gameplay mechanics

>> No.7700314

Grinding against a wall to go faster via glitching.

>> No.7700317

>via glitching.
Drifting is not a glitch.

>> No.7700336

>nooooooo stop playing the game in a way that i don't like

>> No.7700342

>Hurr the game is difficult if you do gamebreaking shit the developers never intended or wanted you to do
Fuck off.

>> No.7700353

The game is actually more difficult if you play without learning any impressive tech, beating all cups on Master and all staff ghosts is insanely hard without at least using side attack cornering. Also I seriously doubt anyone on any development team has ever given a single fuck how someone plays their offline video game.

>> No.7700360

I've talked about this game in /vroom/ before, it's one of the most underrated racing games of all time. On top of that, the soundtrack is awesome.

>> No.7700365


>Also I seriously doubt anyone on any development team has ever given a single fuck how someone plays their offline video game

Aren't you being a little dishonest?

>> No.7700374

No I genuinely think that. Maybe there's like one Phil Fish or Jon Blow in the world that would actually whine that someone "didn't get" their game but everybody else in the world would just be happy that people are enjoying something they made.

>> No.7700380

Wow what a shit thread

>> No.7701157

Say that to my face, not online you fucking nigger
We'll see how right you are

>> No.7701259

>cool, a wipeout/f-zero thread!
>It's just autists bickering
What a waste. I will like both while you pass your time being absolute and unlikable morons.

>> No.7701325
File: 223 KB, 996x496, playstationgames.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Running racers > Future craft racers

>> No.7701643 [DELETED] 

You mean like bunnyhopping and rocket juumping in Quake? Tech the entire competitive scene revolved around?

I'm more interested in playing the game that was released, not the game the developers wanted to release.

>> No.7701653

>shit the developers never intended or wanted you to do
You mean like bunnyhopping and rocket jumping in Quake? Tech the entire competitive scene revolved around? Tech that literally improved the game?

I'm more interested in playing the game that was actually released, not some abstract concept that someone on 4chan prescribes as developer intent.

>> No.7701661

>You mean like bunnyhopping and rocket jumping in Quake? Tech the entire competitive scene revolved around? Tech that literally improved the game?
not really, it's more like trannies teleporting through walls in mario 64

>> No.7701698
File: 2.15 MB, 616x452, Stomp on the Thwomp.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's more like trannies teleporting through walls in mario 64
no it isn't, it's more like the actual movement tech in SM64.

why do people like you, who are objectively dogshit at games, pretend to know what you're talking about?

>> No.7701715

>the glitches i like are ok, but not the glitches i don't like
Yep, he's a retard.

>> No.7701743

imagine being a world-class expert of a game easily completable by first graders. ease off the HRT and you won't get upset so easily.

>all glitches are good
makes you wonder why they bother with QA, don't it

>> No.7701838 [DELETED] 

Painfully embarrassing non-arguments. You're stuck in a loop, anon.

>> No.7701842

>i'm not good at anything, so here's how i place myself above people who are good at something: the post.

>> No.7701868

>You mean like bunnyhopping and rocket jumping in Quake?
There is literally a secret in Quake 1 that can only be obtained by grenade or rocket jumping into a portal. Rocket jumping has been around since Doom, and by Quake 3 it was a staple of the series. You are a retarded child and you should never post again.

>> No.7701887

>doesn't even try to attempt to address bunnyhopping
Your embarrassing "gotcha" doesn't change anything about my point.

>> No.7701898


>> No.7702038

>You mean like bunnyhopping and rocket jumping in Quake?
Yes, the "tech" that Carmack himself tried to get rid of because it made every game into a one-sided massacre in favor of whoever had more experience in the game.

>> No.7702081 [DELETED] 

>it made every game into a one-sided massacre in favor of whoever had more experience in the game.
yeah, how terrible that people who are good at the game would win.

>> No.7702095
File: 244 KB, 495x352, 7657865657.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How terrible that people who are better at the game would win more matches. Truly awful design.

>> No.7703390

I'm just trying this out now
Is there a way to go faster other than holding A and using all your boosts/weapons/whatever with the B button once you can? Because I'm doing the story missions now and I can't even beat the first one unless I use autopilot, which allows my ship to move way faster for some reason.

>> No.7703407

Carmack knows jack and shit about good gameplay.

>> No.7703410

>Truly awful design
Quake's been dead for over a decade, so I guess it is.

>> No.7703420

>allows my ship to move way faster for some reason
Autopilot does exactly what it says, including making optimal turns without losing speed. Ask the folks at the /vroom/ thread for pointers.

>> No.7703445

I mean it instantly ramps up in speed, at least it appears that way. Is holding down A and moving the stick really the fastest way to go? If so then the main single player missions are pretty hard I guess

>> No.7703531

>time goes backwards
broken, yes

>> No.7703539

I don't need to address everything in your post because you've already stated something false and retarded

>> No.7703552

In Wipeout 64 the challenges lock you on to a specific ship. In the first one you have to play with Feisar, the team with the slowest ship. On later challenges you'll get to play with Qirex and Piranha, which are the fastest ships in the game.
Of course, you can just play Single Race with any ship and track you want.

>> No.7703560


>> No.7703839

I'ma skip the entire thread and just give my two cents about why I like F-Zero more than WipeOut. I feel like I have more control over turns in F-Zero while in WipeOut, I don't like how the machine shifts sideways across the screen on every turn. It feels slippery, like I would have to correctly time the turn at every moment.

>> No.7703842

Ah, so it is hard on purpose. Gotcha
Guess I prefer that over it being too easy

>> No.7703960

sorry but a jaggy untextured single poly unmoving on the screen rendered at 10k frames per second is not better than actual graphics at 30. hopefully you can see why this is an only slight exaggeration compared to fzero x vs. anything

>> No.7704017

>I don't like how the machine shifts sideways across the screen on every turn
It's almost like the racers are detached from the track surface.

>> No.7704290

Why are you mad?

>> No.7704310

Thank you, this is the most honest fqueero fan response and proves hwat ive always said, fqueero is more popular with female brained hyper sois who need dildo in a onesie to relate to with raditude and the illusion of WHOOSH and VROOM with none of the logical conventions and skill required to do well like in other racers and wipeout, you can just sldie along the walls WOOO

>including making optimal turns without losing speed
wrong, to any pro player autopilot is slower.

>> No.7704334

Go do your fucking clown tricks.

>> No.7705083

The best Wipeout player in the world agrees that F-Zero X is the harder game. You can even go to his stream and ask him if you don't believe me.

>> No.7705129

>fqueero is more popular with female brained hyper sois who need dildo in a onesie to relate to with raditude and the illusion of WHOOSH and VROOM
what in the fuck does this delusional gibberish even mean?

>> No.7705239

>The best Wipeout player in the world

zero x TT is harder cus its arbitrary nonsense, woo leave track at exact pixel!

its a joke. Who do you think is the best wo player? i think i know who youre gonna say and youre way wrong.

>> No.7705263

>Who do you think is the best wo player?
WMJ. If you think I'm wrong, post someone with better times.

>> No.7705273

>woo leave track at exact pixel!
you know there are a ton of tracks without floating or dives, right?


i guarantee you wouldn't be able to come within 30 seconds of this time lmao.

>> No.7705279

>cus its arbitrary nonsense
As opposed to what? It's not like there are real world examples of floating space toboggans. These are video games, you utter retard.

>> No.7705284

literally knew you were gonna say and now i know youre a clueless fuck, the best wipeout players in the world by far are arnaud senaud and al sartwell, you fucking idiot, wmj has literally one good time in 3se where as those guys have wrs in every fucking og game for every track in every fucking class, WMJs not even close to the best wo player you absolute mong fuck.


fuck off dick sneeze.

>> No.7705290

and i guarantee you cant come within 30 secnds of my wipeout 3 times. If i got caught playing that shit id get murdered for being gay and rightly so.

>> No.7705291

you fuckng smeg, its arbitrary because its a glitch, wipeout you abide by the well programmed sensical physics of its world.

>> No.7705293
File: 101 KB, 1027x666, chrome_8fN4ViC33M.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you retarded?

half of these tracks don't even have times on the site you linked.

>> No.7705294
File: 1.14 MB, 1453x1476, ps1_Wipeout2097_front_eu (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>arguing in favor of a botched 64 port
holy shit am i glad i don't associate with you

>> No.7705303

cus no one plays fucking wo64 you fucking retard, WMJS the best in a game no one plays lmfao now go look at the ORIGINAL TRILOGY which is where the best players reside.

>> No.7705308
File: 46 KB, 977x565, chrome_vatVgPRBvO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these are the Kiles Bridge times on that site (none of the others have times) and literally all of them are slower than WMJ's LOL

>> No.7705310


hardly any racing games there have the best players.

>> No.7705316

because no one played it, again NO ONE cares about 64

go look at 1 xl and 3, funny how WMJ only did the EASIEST track in 3 on shitty S.E and NO other tracks.....

>> No.7705335

One of you go beat my manortop time done on 3 NTSC U on a shitty dpad, are you talkers or porkers?


>> No.7705357

>steering and accelleration
So what you're saying is that the game has no mechanics.

>> No.7705361 [DELETED] 

>wipeout you abide by the well programmed sensical physics of its world
What's nonsensical about F-Zero's physics? Aside from floating, which doesn't actually work most tracks, everything makes total sense.

>> No.7705384 [DELETED] 

>zero x TT is harder cus its arbitrary nonsense, woo leave track at exact pixel!
yeah how weird that cars with rockets on them would be able to fly LOL

>> No.7705386

It's official. Wipeout players don't understand how to press buttons, they just know how to steer lmao.

>> No.7705395


f-zero x is kino. wipeout wishes their game was this intense

>> No.7705415

Great run. Too bad f-zerofags will just run away from a challenge. Or skip it, as they usually do with their "tech".

>> No.7705517

>NO ONE cares about 64
this thread is about wipeout 64 you spastic.

>> No.7705525

>"run away" from a challenge by introducing an even greater challenge
Sounds more impressive than steering and accelerating.

>> No.7705535

I found this cartridge in the woods when I was a kid and it worked. All hail nintendium

>> No.7705993
File: 40 KB, 383x398, chav.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder this is the biggest wipeass fan on /vr/. A literal clown from /shmupg/.

>> No.7706008

believe it or not, there's more than one person who likes playing this game in the world.
stop projecting treasure tranny.

>> No.7706014

Yes but you're the biggest fan, despite not having anything close to WR in any of the games.

>> No.7706020

you really need to get laid

>> No.7706021

lmao who the fuck cares? get some self-awareness

>> No.7706026

Said the clown.

>> No.7706035

Nah it's australiatranny-kun

>> No.7706041

No this one is for sure clp. He linked to his Twitch nobody watches earlier in this thread.

>> No.7706142

you must have autism because you've used the same insults like 20 times in this thread alone. i repeat, get laid.

>> No.7706641

Silence, you vile mummer

>> No.7707360

clown, gotcha, etc.

>> No.7707395
File: 49 KB, 612x408, istockphoto-469989746-612x612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>me waiting for someone to challenge STCC

>> No.7708053

> and youve repeated get laid 20 times

low iq

>> No.7708103

instead of this drivel why haven't you or anyone else taken up my challenge?

>> No.7708104

What challenge? Don't fall asleep playing wipeass? I don't think I can do it.

>> No.7708108

beat my manortop time posted in thread.

>> No.7708109

>wipeass times

>> No.7708118

>Slow as molasses "cinematic" 25 fps
>High speed silky smooth 60 fps
Wipeout is trash, F-Zero is a masterpiece.

>> No.7708143

>silky smooth 60 fps
Thats because it's cars and tracks have zero detail. This is expected from rushed shitty games not from Nintendo.

>> No.7708150

The slight trade off in "detail" is absolutely worth the framerate increase.

>> No.7708170
File: 366 KB, 2408x736, wovsfzero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The cope in this Nintendrone is deep.

>> No.7708173

How do you consistently get the worst emulated screenshots possible for these comparisons? Are you just mentally retarded?

>> No.7708201

>Smash Melee style insaneo "advanced tech"

This is a strange comparison at this point. You're not wrong to say that there's a gulf in the community of Smash and the FGC, similar to F-Zero and other racing games, but the appeal of Smash is still relatively close to fighting games, in that the main point is competing against other people, knowing when to attack and defend, and using movement/spacing to your advantage.

The point is that, while Smash has 'advanced techniques', and a wide variety of additional modes, it isn't all about doing techniques better to be straight up faster over the core fundamentals already mentioned, any more than Tekken is about Korean backdashing more effectively then your opponent.

Conversely, F-zero is still a racing game, but it has a community more focused on perfecting its technical shit than about head to head racing, where there's much more emphasis on consistency and defending against opponents trying to pass you when racing close etc.

>> No.7708809

>Wipelets would rather play movies than video games
checks out

>> No.7708819

>Conversely, F-zero is still a racing game, but it has a community more focused on perfecting its technical shit than about head to head racing, where there's much more emphasis on consistency and defending against opponents trying to pass you when racing close etc.
What? Almost every racing game community only cares about solo time trials at the upper skill levels.

>> No.7708994

actually I've only told you to have sex twice, though you might need even more encouragement.

>> No.7709009

its the classic sign of a plebian, they never seem to realise ths.

you sound like a sophomore.

>> No.7709016

>you sound like a sophomore
you sound like a woman, which is ironic...

>> No.7709362

Well yeah there's a reason why Wipeout had a new release last gen and F-zero was reduced to the role of a cameo in a mascot fighter.

>> No.7709560

explains why you keep your distance

>> No.7709564

>the role of a cameo in a mascot fighter.


>> No.7709704

Is that your shopping list?

>> No.7709716

Can a Janitor please delete this shitty flame fest between two jackasses already? I can't believe this shit is still getting bumped.

>> No.7710360

>check thread
>no ones taken up my challenge

vintage VR non players.

>> No.7710469

Nobody cares about wipeass, clown.

>> No.7711905


>> No.7711961

wipeout can wipe my dirty asshole

>> No.7711982

over two games

>> No.7712513

are you describing wipeout? sounds like it, since the only mechanics are accelerating and steering.