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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 15 KB, 441x298, Nintendo64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
765909 No.765909 [Reply] [Original]

Looking for some must-play 64 games

For starters, I've never played Banjo-Kazooie or Conker, so I'll definitely get those. Maybe Banjo-Tooie if I like Kazooie

Any others worth getting? I've played the "main" ones already like OOT and SSB.

>> No.765921
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Yo vereh luckeh.

>> No.765951


>> No.765961


>> No.766003


>> No.766029


>> No.766061

Mischief Makers, Donkey Kong 64, Turok, Bust a Move 2, Kirby 64, Mario Kart 64

>> No.766069
File: 16 KB, 280x607, List of games.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's my list of N64 roms. I've crossed the ones I don't think you should play, but the rest are a must in my opinion.

>> No.766070

Jet Force Gemini

>> No.766078

Oh, cross out Pokemon Snap and Puzzle League, as well, you might not like them.

>> No.766086
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Body Harvest
Space Station Silicon Valley
Perfect Dark
Harvest Moon
Turok series

>> No.766089
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Custom Robo and Custom Robo v2

>> No.766106





Don't play Virtual mode though, that's for dicks

>> No.766107

Mischief makers.

Can not stress this enough. This game is so underlooked it hurts

What other game lets you ride a cat. riding a missle

>> No.766121

Oh, and this. Mischief Makers is great.

>> No.766123

Meh, it can be hard to get into though, unless you are already a die hard Treasure fan.

Its kind of hard to suggest anything, because if youve played all of the "main" 64 games, youve already played all of them, heh.

My suggestions: Bomberman 64 1. 2 and heroes are optional. Also 2 has 2 player co-op, which rocked my brother and I's world at age 7.

Play Kazooie before Tooie. If you liked them, then play Donkey Kong 64.

Also, Diddy Kong Racing, which *actually* has a fun single player mode.

Any type of game you are particularly interested in?

>> No.766130

Oh, also Kirby 64, which is the best my favorite Kirby

>> No.766161

OP gave up.

>> No.766192

Since I dont know what you mean by "the main one's", here's some of the one's off the top of my head:

Cruisn' World
Cruisn' Exotica
Cruisn' USA (only if a good laugh is worth $5)
Mario kart
star fox 64
Bomberman 64's
Clay Fighter 63 1/3
Doom 64
Harvest Moon 64
Mario Party's
Ogre Battle 64
Paper Mario
Shadowgate 64
Super Mario 64
Smash Bro's
diddy kong racing
Pokemon Stadium (if you have red/blue/gold/silver)
F-Zero X
Kirby 64
Pilotwings 64
Yoshi's story
Clay fighter
Space Station Silicon Valley
Mischief Makers
Chameleon Twist
Jet Force Gemini
Forsaken 64
Body Harvest - 8

>> No.766265

Anybody played Forsaken?

It's essentially Descent, on N64. Looks cool, but the graphics look kind of cruddy

>> No.766502
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This > Any 3D Zelda game.

>> No.766517

F Zero X

>> No.766603

Ogre Battle 64
Jet Force Gemini

>> No.766729

I was playing this on an emulator with my friend the other night and it was pretty fun. We changed all of the controls so it was like playing a modern FPS... It was fun playing something that fast, chasing each other through tunnels and stuff.

>> No.767929


>> No.768046

It baffles me that Konami hasn't done another game like this.

Shit was so cash

>> No.768047
File: 63 KB, 738x654, 1332174961466.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a single one of you slack-jawed faggots has mentioned the only game you need.


>Don't agree, you're a caj (short for casual)

>> No.768059

Games made by Rareware itself are awesome

>> No.768062

your opinions are shit, that's why no one has posted it.

>> No.768078

dude that's like giving a nickname to yourself, you can't just invent slang all of a sudden. you're like ssj4faggot

>> No.768080

Caj Deteced


>> No.768084
File: 30 KB, 300x254, AutismTheMusical.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I finished that game as a kid (I wasn't allowed to have a new game until I'd completed the previous) and it was awful. The magic system had only a handful of useful spells, the combat was repetitive and dull, the story and characters were nonexistent, and the basic melee attack was vastly more effective than the magic. The worst part is the game is completely without difficulty of any kind. Just let the enemies kill you and you'll wake up at the nearest inn with 1hp. There's no reason to bother using healing magic for anything but the boss battles.

Easily one of the worst games on the system. The graphics aren't too terrible, but they really just look like a slight upgrade from Mario 64 in spite of coming out 2 years after.

>> No.768096

you were too caj for this game man

>> No.768112

Sorry 'bout your shity vidya childhood

>> No.768113
File: 218 KB, 1280x1422, sosexistbecauseboobs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The complete lack of difficulty, monetary system, and story would suggest otherwise. You're clearly trolling. Go back to /v/ with the rest of your ilk.

OP, you might enjoy Megaman 64. It's a port of Legends that gets rid of most of the load times, making it a vastly superior game. I'd also suggest Resident Evil 2 for basically the same reason.

>> No.768119
File: 35 KB, 640x415, KingsQuest8_1gr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's okay. The year after I got a paper route and started buying my own games. Sadly, my first game was Loadrunner 3D for the N64. I have made some poor choices in life. Such as this gem.

>> No.768127

It's cazh, you cazh

>> No.768128

Obviously you weren't paying attention you caj dumbshit

The only thing you're right about is the money system, and honestly, who doesn't love a game where niggas give you free stuff like bread and warp wings?

>> No.768130

zhit was zo cazh

>> No.768131

I start up this game every now and again because mindless repetitive griandan strikes me as "Might be fun this time around" Last time I did i was had just finished off the first boss after 3 hours of straight grinding so i could DPT race him. I was in the cannon after the forest when my friend hit the esc key on my computer, freezing the game. I wasn't so upset that I just lost three hours of work more than i had ost three hours of my life.

>> No.768137

Slang has to start somewhere, I for one welcome our new Caj overlords

>> No.768138

waz, filthy cazzzzzzhh

>> No.768136

Caj like Raj you Faj

But keep up the good work

>> No.768145
File: 15 KB, 279x216, 1332175028200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw it was me who did that
>mfw I don't have a face

>> No.768152


So starting over at the inn is a sign of the game's extreme difficulty? You don't even take a penalty for doing so. You keep all the experience, items, and progress save the fact you have to walk back. At least Final Fantasy 13 would make you start the fight you died on over. Your precious game is more casual than FFXIII.

>> No.768160

You don't seem to get it little boy. Nobody said the game was hard. We're talking about the people who play them.

And all those features make it a good game.

>> No.768161
File: 69 KB, 319x441, Kumagawa 『7』.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quest 64 is objectively the greatest RPG ever made.

>> No.768176
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Rock & Water magic Master Race reporting in.

>> No.768189
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That's fine, I'll just delete your save data again

>> No.768201

Don't you mean only race? because you should NEVER put spirits into fire or wind.

>> No.768312


>> No.768357
File: 191 KB, 655x490, list.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rareware video games aren't that good...

>> No.768878

they are really overrated sometimes and Killer Instinct Gold fucking terrible.

>> No.769458

Nah, KI Gold was a good game, it's just that the N64 controller wasn't suited for it. On the Saturn or PS1 it would've been great, but the trident is not a good controller for fighting games, so it was really fucking tedious to play it.

>> No.769482

I really hope caj doesn't catch on.

>> No.769485

Oh, I'm sorry, are they 2good4u?

>> No.769651
File: 67 KB, 617x431, 235464357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Star Wars Episode I: Racer

>> No.771103

>Rareware video games aren't that good...
Perfect Dark.
Best game ever.
'Nuff said.

>> No.771106

>mfw nobody has mentioned Turok 3: Shadow of Oblivion.

Turok 3 vs Turok 2:
Turok 3 has:
Less fog.
Better framerate.
Better storyline.
Shittier weapons.

>> No.771117

WWF No Mercy
rayman 2
f-zero X

Too lazy to see if these were mentioned.

>> No.771231

>aren't that good
Mario Kart 64
Star Fox 64
SM 64

All of those are good games and you know it.

>> No.771245

I beat that game and played it over several times, I hate that it
is so commonly ignored.

>> No.771250

I want to buy CBFD for N64; however, the prices are ridiculous online and I doubt I'd have luck finding a copy at my local
flea market for a moderate price.

>> No.771258

I enjoyed the game 'Road Rash 64' which was not mentioned.