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File: 147 KB, 400x535, marina_liteyears_by_dualzero-d4eslsi-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
758196 No.758196 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else play mischief maker's?

>> No.758206

Mischief Maker's what?

>> No.758207

Shake Shake

>> No.758220
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Never owned it sadly. And the emulator I was using always died at the track and field event.

>> No.758219

Bretty gud gaem


>> No.758223

Best Bias Emperor Fight Ever!

>> No.758224


I'll sell you a copy along with an N64 for a reasonable price, Anon.

It's really the best platformer on the system.

>> No.758225

I never get into the controls.

>> No.758227

I remember playing the game when I was really young, but I sucked at it and didn't get very far. I'd love to try it again, but I don't see that happening any time soon.

>> No.758228

I'm in no position to be buying games at the moment sadly. I'll be sure to keep my eyes open for it later. Thanks though.

>> No.758231
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Made a banner in hopes it gets added (it probably won't)

>> No.758234

Does it emulate well? All I know about is that there was a sizeable dust-up over AVGN making a face at it in his intro segments.

>> No.758235

Not really.
MESS (or MAME? One of those two?) runs it, but you need a fucking super computer to run N64 games at all.

>> No.758238
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>> No.758239


Not really, unfortunately.

AVGN apologized for the seemingly intention of the one intro. He just grabbed a random game for the shot.

>> No.758240

This game really needs a remake, on the 3ds or Wii U.

>> No.758249

Careful what you wish for. Treasure is REALLY inconsistent when it comes to returning to their past work.

>> No.758250

You sound like one of those speglords who think a bad attempt at a sequel/remake makes an earlier work magically be bad.

>> No.758258

When you get your hopes dashed for a sequel/remake, why wouldn't you be upset?

That's like saying Duke Nukem Forever wasn't a letdown because we still have Duke Nukem 3D. It lessens the blow, but it doesn't undo it.

>> No.758257


Damn. There's a few cart-only offers on eBay, but I haven't turned up a link for the manual. Is it necessary/fun to read?

>> No.758259


The big issue is that people confuse the C-Pad and D-Pad during the Track and Field runs. C-Pad movement leaves you in the dust whereas the D-Pad let's you go SANIC speed because double tapping a direction on the D-Pad enables the boosters.

The game literally uses just the D-Pad/C-Pad and the A/B buttons.

>> No.758261


That's a lot funnier than it has any right to be.

>> No.758262


Naw. The game walks you through the paces using the Ms.Hint Ball.

>> No.758275

Fun fact: Marina actually starred in 2 games. Although this was more a hidden cameo than anything.

>> No.758278
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>> No.758280

Because I don't have sentimental dependency on a game living up to my autistic expectations. Even if I get upset at them fucking up a game, that doesn't mean the other one is not good anymore.

>> No.758283

The Japanese ps1 game with the dodgeballs right?

>> No.758298

Why would you even want a sequel if you don't have any expectations for it whatsoever?

Yeah, naw. You're a cunt.

>> No.758302

That's not what I said, try again.

>> No.758312

Did anyone else PLAY Rakugaki Showtime? It's pretty good. I kind of wish it had a few more cameos.

>> No.758342


Cool, I'll probably grab it, then.

>> No.758371


It looks ecchi enough, I say it has chances.

Sin and Punishment 2 was GOTD

>> No.758379

To be fair, I didn't say "bad"... just inconsistent.

>> No.758381

Nobody Ever played mischeif makers.
Not even you. It was all an elaborate illusion.

You were right to come to /vr/ and confirm your suspicions. I'm glad we could show you the truth.

>> No.758385

Then where did all these memories I have come from?

>> No.758407

I wish I had it back when I first got my PS1 because it's the biggest fun I had in a darn while. Beats Super Smah bros 64 all the way imo.

>> No.758424

It's not quite as accessible to friends in my opinion, because of the kind of strange mechanics. Plus I personally prefer platformers to isometric. So as great fun as it is I doubt I can second the sentiment. To each their own though.

>> No.758439

How far are you willing to go to find out the truth

>> No.758548


Ya got my vote nyukkah

>> No.758554
File: 37 KB, 322x267, Marina stomps on ur shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn OP I was just talking about this game earlier on /vr/ (and I was playing it earlier too). Gotta say has to be one of my favorite games on the N64.

>> No.758563


It is absolutely my favorite game on the N64

>> No.758574

My nigguh

>> No.758636

shake shake

>> No.758639

what *are* clancers?

>> No.758648


>> No.758663
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>> No.758672
File: 26 KB, 200x150, haniwa[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Haniwa, early AD century Japanese terracota figures. See also Rance and Gyroids from Animal Crossing plus many more games

>> No.758956 [SPOILER] 
File: 6 KB, 202x287, marina-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of my favorite games of all time. Love it. Got all Gold Gems

Pic related, it's the ENDING I got back then for doing all that job.

>> No.758964

thanks. I think I saw them before. I also remember that Haniwa moster card in Yugioh.

>> No.758967


clancers have no hole for a nose.

>> No.758975

Dude, don't be rude, he was in a fucking accident.

>> No.759785

Another vote here!

>> No.760071

I loved this game. I still have it too.
had no idea about this game tho. Looking into it now. thanks.

>> No.760086

It's such a weird and fun game. I'm really excited to get Silhouette Mirage (coming in the mail), apparently it's very similar (and a bit better).

>> No.761069
File: 986 KB, 2764x2028, pags08-09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a good manual, has a lot of art not easily found online (unless you find an actual scan of the manual, that is)
I've scanned a few pages, pic related

>> No.761083
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>> No.761087
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>> No.761094
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>> No.761121

3 actually
she's in the intro of Radiant Silvergun IIRC (sold my copy recently, made big bux bcuz xbox live version)

>> No.761127

whats the appeal - tried out this game but all you do is grab stuff

If I see one more person tack "underrated" to this title in a sentence...

>> No.761129


>> No.761151

Picked up a copy at Anime North last weekend, and I finally got around to playing it earlier (roommate's been hogging up the 64 with his Zelda, all damn week). I just finished playing through the first world/training area. The controls felt a little clunky at first, but the difficulty curve is doing a good job of easing me into them. Also, I like this game's ball-jumping more than I like Dynamite Heddy's. It's not just that I'm better at it, but being able to hold still and take a second to do a jump is always preferable.

The only reason why I set the game down after the first world is because I'm expecting people. Otherwise, I'd still be playing it right now.

>> No.764502

I like the haniwa explanation better. the manual doesn't explain clancers well much.

>> No.764521

Just got my copy for $5US HOW'D I DO
just kidding about the "H.I.D" shit but seriously fun game. Never played it before. Takes a bit of getting used to.
Kind of like what I hoped a Ristar sequel would be

>> No.764557

Oh fuck, the nostalgia. I would read that manual over and over as a kid. This is easily one of my favorite games.

>> No.764594

Friend of mine owned a copy, and I remember it being pretty fun. All the SHAKE SHAKE-ing was hilarious back then. Also, Marina is one of the few vidya heroines that I've never seen any porn of. Maybe I should go look for some.

>> No.764625
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pls no

>> No.764635
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>General Merco