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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 185 KB, 256x360, NES3dworldrunnerbox_mod.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
760872 No.760872 [Reply] [Original]

I'm about to start a video playlist on Youtube where I attempt to play and beat every game for the NES. Granted this will probably be impossible due to language barriers or crazy difficulty, but I'm gonna try anyway. The first game on the list is 3D Worldrunner.

Any of you played it?

>> No.760890

This game is hard as balls.

>> No.760904

Wait until you beat the game. You get a code to access the "Hard" mode.

>> No.760929

Or maybe you just suck at platformers.

>> No.760952

I just beat the first two levels. I didn't have any trouble with it, so it must be harder on later stages.

>> No.761004

Here is my video for anybody that cares.


>> No.761046

Wait for it...

>> No.761119

Holy shit! I forgot about this game.

>> No.761374

I remember playing this as a kid. I sucked at it.

>> No.761423

Just got it cheap the other day. An amazing game especially back then when there wasn't anything like 3d.

>> No.761472

True. Although the 3D kinda fucks up your depth perception. ESPECIALLY with the 3D mode activated.

>> No.761475

I wonder if playing this game with 3D glasses is worth a fuck.

Never got to try it as a kid.

>> No.761498

Not at all. It didn't work with a damn.

>> No.761562

Didn't Squaresoft make this?

>> No.761628

Yes, they did. Akklaim just distributed the game in America.

Here is my second video for those interested. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O_deyL3p3ns

>> No.761681

Doesn't look that hard to me.

>> No.761696

Looks can be deceiving, friend.

>> No.761716

>Any of you played it?

Yeah, I own it. It's pretty cool. I've been wanting to try it with 3D glasses, but I don't have any and don't know where to get some.

>> No.761721

I think I saw a brand of cereal that had some in the box, but other then that...I'm pretty sure they stopped making those ages ago.

>> No.761729


it used basic red/blue glasses, you can make your own in a couple minutes


>> No.761740

Sweet, thanks.

>> No.761758

Dat early Nobuo Uematsu soundtrack


>> No.761814

The bad part is that every stage has that song on it.

>> No.761846

Chrontendo does the exact same thing, in chronological order, and it's taken him years, and he hasn't beaten every game, and he's not really that close to done.

>> No.761884

Just checked him out. I'm not really putting in that much effort. This is just a casual thing to give me something to do. If people watch, fantastic. If not, well, I got to play me some games.

Here is my channel. https://www.youtube.com/user/Lamorosii

>> No.761935

You say God dammit a lot.

>> No.761981

I actually didn't notice until I rewatched the video.

>> No.762030

Are you seriously thinking of beating every game? That's quite...ambitious.

>> No.762041

I got a nice pair on the cheap from Deal Extreme. They're not even paper either, like plastic sunglasses, and I think they come in more than R/B (Like violet/teal)

>> No.762047

Well, I'm going to try. If I don't beat a game, it's either foreign or it's a game that's not worth recording that long. Tetris is a good example. I'll have a video for it, but there isn't much to show. For those kind of games, I'll probably play until I lose and then stop.

>> No.762068
File: 12 KB, 456x362, alfred.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huh. On the brief part of the video that showed the crappy 3d effect, I tried my red-GREEN (not blue) glasses (just cuz they happened to be nearby) and the 3d worked better than it ever did when I was a kid. Mind moderately blown; I need to experiment with this a little.

>> No.762107

It'd probably look better if you played it yourself. My recording software didn't pick it up, but it'll randomly fluctuate colors.

>> No.762128

>using cheats

So what reason do we have to watch this if there is absolutely no tension to make it interesting?

>> No.762145

Well, if it makes you happy, I'll attempt to play the last two stages without any codes on. Prepare to hear many a God Dammit from me in that one.

>> No.762179

Or boring if he can't beat it and we watch him replay over and over.

>> No.762192

>attempt to play and beat every game for the NES
This would take years.

I applaud your enthusiasm, but I don't see it following through the entire way.

>> No.762297

And you're probably right. But, at the moment, it's a way to pass the time. HUZZAH!

>> No.762345

Well, to each his own. Good luck with your ventures.

>> No.762391
File: 2.22 MB, 290x595, snoop dogg dance.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm doing this for SNES. Working on Donkey Kong Country and Lufia 1 right now.

I hate Lufia 1.

>> No.763343

Don't know if you'll see this, but what is your YouTube Channel? I'm always interested in other LP.

>> No.763609

This game is a bitch. You're only going to get the 7th level in the next video. Took me 13 minutes to freaking beat it and level 8 is pissing me off. lol

>> No.763665

You make 13 minutes sound like a long time.

>> No.763701

It is when you spend a decent amount of that time failing.

>> No.764650

But, that's what makes it interesting.

>> No.764694

Not if you're the one playing. Here is the video for part 4. One more and I'll be done with this game.


>> No.765320

So...you're going to cheat on all the games you play?

>> No.765370
File: 37 KB, 425x283, nes_ebay_collection.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>every game for the NES


>> No.765452


Yeah. There are only about 1800-1900 games for it.

>> No.765454

Would be a neat idea if it was plausible, OP. Unless are a fucking demigod with nothing else to do with your life, you're not going to be able to beat even half of the NES library in this lifetime.

I would personally do something more reasonable like a more obscure console with a smaller library (7800, Jaguar, Turbografx)

>> No.765462

Or if you're really insistent on NES, just play an hour or so of each to showcase each title, unless you particularly like the game.

>> No.765505


Ultimately, this will probably be what will end up happening. I say I'm going to beat each game, but if I don't enjoy the game, I'm not going to force myself to play it.

>> No.765582

Maybe I'll change how I do the channel. Depending on the genre of game, I'll play each one for either a specific length of time or until I beat the first level. This way I can showcase the basic merits of each title. Then if I find a game I enjoy or there is a game that a lot of people want to see, I can create a full playthrough of it.

Would you guys find that more enjoyable?

>> No.765605

Sounds like it could be pretty informative.

>> No.765623
File: 5 KB, 224x288, Split_Screen_in_Pac_Man.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you going to do about games that don't have a defined ending, like arcade ports?

Getting to a kill-screen is usually a huge feat within itself.

>> No.765670


With the format I think I might try, I'd probably play them for a set amount of time.