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7498356 No.7498356 [Reply] [Original]

This game is simply a masterpiece, i love it

>> No.7498373

Now beat it without savescumming.

>> No.7498375

I like 4 better, and bloodlines a close 2nd, the nes games are too outdated looking for me.

>> No.7498378

The only Castlevania game I've played is Rondo of Blood and it was amazing, ended up 100%ing it. Was gonna play SotN next and be done with the series, is it worth adding the OG as well?

>> No.7498414

Can't savescum on original hardware

>> No.7498445

>is it worth adding the OG as well?
Absolutely. Play 1, 3, 4 and chronicles too, if you're man enough

>> No.7498467
File: 1.67 MB, 576x360, absolute_kino.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>playing the Anyess version

>> No.7498731


It's like twenty minutes long, what would you be risking by trying it?

>> No.7498839

I like 3 more. Feels like a better length, the levels kinda have more interesting concepts/layouts, and I like the options of different paths and gameplay styles with the multiple characters. By comparison 1 feels a little too basic/straightforward, which it should since it was the first, but yeah.

But yeah obviously 1 is good. I think I came to appreciate it a lot more after playing some of the slow-ass GB games recently.

haven't even played half of it yet but right now I'd be willing to say Rondo > all

>> No.7498872

is that msx or amigger?

>> No.7499101

>Was gonna play SotN next and be done with the series
Why the hell would you do that? Unless you end up disliking SoTN, there's no good reason to stop there. No, the later games that follow SoTN's template probably won't scratch that anime gothic aesthetic itch in the same way if that's what you end up obsessing over, but they do prioritize things differently and improve on the gameplay.

Also what >>7498445 said since you enjoyed Rondo of Blood so much. Circling back to the above, even, you might like Circle of The Moon even if don't like SoTN and the other metroidvanias since it focuses on a whipwielder who has to pace himself in a game that requires patience and good timing on attacks like an older CV.

>> No.7499320

Is there a way to play rondo of blood without emulating? I can only find Dracula X.

>> No.7499323

Do you think CV1 is hard? The game is mad cheesable.

>> No.7499329

Imo the absolute must-plays of the series are
SOTN (and maybe Aria if the metroidvania style grabs you)

There's plenty more that are great and easily worth a play if the series grabs you, but I feel like these are the ones that are kind of odd to skip over.

>> No.7499338

Imo some of the level concepts in 3 fall flat and end up doing more harm than good to the games quality.
>the aqueduct room before Doppelganger
>the falling block rooms that take forever
>the stair rooms with flying demons and bone pillars overstay their welcome
>Alucard's cave has a cool gimmick but some of the waiting for blocks to melt can get tedious
Granted 1 does have Death's hallway.

>> No.7499340

>the absolute must-plays of the series are
This list is almost perfect. Just needs Bloodlines

>> No.7499342

Death's hallway is fun as fuck. It has a rhythm to it that's satisfying as fuck when you get it down.

>> No.7499347

Based and Belmontpilled.

>> No.7499357

Bloodlines is great, I was just trying to narrow it down to the main titles that the series is mostly built off of and generally gives you an idea of what most of the series has to offer. Once you've played these ones, you can kind of see where the others decide to try new things.