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File: 472 KB, 589x585, gx wide.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7474129 No.7474129 [Reply] [Original]

So Genesis Plus GX has a widescreen version now that extends games to play in 16:19 with some glitches.


>> No.7474136

Sounds gay

>> No.7474152

nooooo how can my favourite eceleb can say sonic is unfair now???

>> No.7474159
File: 1.51 MB, 2400x1344, 1614525552663.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's still going to need patched roms to not look weird.
But the option is there and that's always nice

>> No.7474161

I can't wait to see this thread for the next seven days, oh

>> No.7474297

just kidding

>> No.7474982

retroarch, ruining retro games, one pixel at a time.

>> No.7474985


>> No.7474997

So, where's the guy who was going to test Panorama Cotton? It probably doesn't do much in that game, but still

>> No.7475063
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>> No.7475072

Finally we won't have to not play those games in 16:9 with some glitches

>> No.7475090

Stop shilling this also it doesn't even work with most games and it looks like shit

>> No.7475092

*opens Kega Fusion instead*

>> No.7475095

Fuck off crybaby, zsnes has been ruining games with it's 2xsal filter for a lot longer. Maybe if the asshole who made this emulator ported the standalone version to something besides the Wii I wouldn't have to use it in retroarch.

>> No.7475098

update your cores danny

>> No.7475124

>32x emulation
>you can't do this on Genplus!
>Multi-disc Sega CD games
>you can't do this on Genplus!

>> No.7475192


>> No.7475196
File: 111 KB, 266x280, 323563628.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And yet Fusion still beats it for 32X emulation.

>> No.7475206

Genesis Plus GX doesn't support 32X at ALL does it?

>> No.7475210

Apparently not, which is very silly.

>> No.7475217

yeah it's not like developers put widescreen modes in their retro games or anything haha

>> No.7475223

They didn't.

>> No.7475272

Genesis actually had native widescreen games tho

>> No.7475275

Such as?

>> No.7475278

Did they ? Virtua Fighter on 32X is the only thing that comes to mind and not a Genesis game

>> No.7475291

Ok it's only one game but still. It's World Cup USA 94

>> No.7475303


>> No.7475305

>sprites still appear where the old screen limit is
>meaning enemies and shit appear in the middle of the screen

What's the point?

>if someone changes the game so that enemies can spawn and move in the new areas it'd radically change game balance

If devs had widescreen to begin with they'd have accomodated gameplay for it. See the remasters of Wild Guns and Ninja Warriors Again for instance: there are more enemies on screen at once because widescreen but each individual enemy is less of a threat.

tl;dr: nice thing but ultimately useless except in a couple of cases I guess

>> No.7475306


This requries the game to be overclocked as well right so the game doesn't slowdown?

>> No.7475343

Drawning background isn't that hard on the CPU. It's usually movement and hit detectionn routines for sprites that cause game slowdown.

>> No.7475358

the intro and cutscenes in Ranger X are widescreen.

>> No.7475372

Genesis Plus GX was originally developed for GC/Wii and not only happens to be one of the most advanced Wii homebrew projects, it actually advanced the state of Genesis emulation. It is also available on other frontends such as Bizhawk and OpenEmu.

>> No.7475482

GPGX on wii is fucking amazing.
proper 240p using composite cables is better than real hardware for practical purposes.
SegaCD works amazing too.

>> No.7475596

32X is garbage anyway so who cares? There's not a single good game on that.

>> No.7475614

kolibri is the only good game on 32x anyway

>> No.7475628

>Virtua Fighter, Tempo, Kolibri, Space Harrier, After Burner, NBA Jam TE
It's fun

>> No.7475646

will this run on my mister?

>> No.7475675

most of those are ports. i mean really why would you play space harrier on fusion instead of mame?

>> No.7475689

Because the fag you're talking to is a Nintoddler STILL SEETHING about the Mega Drive

>> No.7475698

I don't know how or why you came to that conclusion but please stop thinking with such a childish mentality.

>> No.7475767

>people giving a shit about a gimmick like glitchy widescreen
>when MSU1MD exists, allowing for CD quality sound for Genesis games
An end to "bleeps and farts" shitposting is at hand, and people are screeching about this crap?

>> No.7475773

The best MD game soundtracks are intrinsically FM synth music, so MSU is a downgrade for those games.

>> No.7475806

>Buster's Hidden Treasure kind of works well
Neat. It's not perfect but I could probably play the entire game with it.

>> No.7475812

>/vr/ is angry about something completely optional

>> No.7475817

Hopefully people actually do create patches. bsnes had a similar feature for snes, but I think only Super Metroid got a patch, if that.

>> No.7475858

The slowdown must be horrendous. Genesis could barely even run Sonic 1

>> No.7475861

Not my thing but more power to the devs

>> No.7475868

kolibri and tempo are pretty good (and run just fine even on shitco drive), but the rest are better played elsewhere
I think chaotix is kinda fun
I don't like this

>> No.7475882

Silence plebeian

>> No.7476051
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>> No.7476084

>people willingly bought butchered movies because "I don't like the black bars" back when widescreen wasn't the standard
>people now will ruin classic games because "it no fill whole screen"

>> No.7476232

That gimmick is more exciting to me on SNES.


>> No.7476838

> butchered movies
4:3 releases were not always "butchered", in many cases the 4:3 version was actually superior because it actually showed more height rather than just having less width.

In the case of widescreen, it will not universally ruin every game. Simple traditional platformers are mostly fine with the extended viewport. Some patches to the games code would be desirable though to increase the draw width for objects. What would ruin the game though is doing the mod wrong.

In the case of sonic1 for example, if you were to widen the viewport, it would change the behavior of the game as various game objects would activate sooner when they detect that they are on screen. You would need to modify the game to draw those object but not activate them to maintain the original game behavior.

>> No.7476889

>defending pan and scan
How far /vr/ has fallen

>> No.7476898

He's not though? Movies were sometimes shot in 4:3 in preparation for the home release but everything important was kept in the center and cropped for the theatrical release.

>> No.7476902

Very nice filter anon

>> No.7476904

>And yet Fusion still beats it for 32X emulation.

Based Steve Snake

>> No.7476941

Is this really the best 32X fans can come up with? Kinda sad. You didn't even put Chaotix in there (which is a bad game anyway)

>> No.7477045

No not all movies were actually shot in cripple-vision (cinimascope), many movies were shot taller some even in 4:3 and then cropped into widescreen for theatrical release.

>> No.7477064 [DELETED] 

You can do both Sega CD and 32X on GenPlus. Good attempt though, I liked it.

>> No.7477084

>in many cases the 4:3 version was actually superior because it actually showed more height rather than just having less width
This is the case for some TV shows, also. I noticed modern "HD Seinfeld" cut off the top and bottom of the pciture that is displayed in "original broadcast/old DVD" Seinfeld, even though the 16:9 also added content to the screen.

>> No.7477091

*the 16:9 version

>> No.7477107

Thank you for confirming this, I did a casual rewatch recently and I noticed Elaine pointing to the floor off-frame and getting a big laugh, I hadn't realized til like season 6 so I kept going, but I felt like a dope for not realizing it'd been in widescreen the whole time.

>> No.7477417
File: 34 KB, 500x500, avatars-000562479273-wjm5ix-t500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I played through Buster's Hidden Treasure on my 3DS and it looked fabulous. The tiles loaded properly and any pop-ins were way on the edges of the wide screen. 90% of the time it could pass as a remaster.
Ecco also looked pretty good but I only played it for a few minutes.
Every other game I tried had too many glitches.

>> No.7477465

Why not both? it's not like I'm personally emulating anyway
I'd say there isn't a better home version for Virtua Fighter. Chaotix is fun
He said none, those are more than none. I understood Chaotix is a controversial pick which is why it was left off, those are all good games despite the size of the library.

>> No.7477604

>novel new feature that is togglable introduced to emulators

really getting tired of 4chan's rep for edginess poisoning discussion on this site

>> No.7477619

retro games are gay, sorry son

>> No.7477690

you made a funny, good job.

>> No.7477912

If you play in widescreen, you didn't really beat the game.

>> No.7477967

What filter is this?

>> No.7477975

>in many cases the 4:3 version was actually superior because it actually showed more height rather than just having less width
such as?

>> No.7478005

Royale xm29plus.
used to be shilled a lot in emulation threads and such

>> No.7478010

>anons realize it's not purist nor a perfect implementation
>"how edgy!"

>> No.7478048
File: 772 KB, 2401x1345, RetroArch Screenshot 2021.03.02 - [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no filter, for comparison

>> No.7478051

16:19? you mean 19:16?

>> No.7478096

I tried Dynamite Headdy and it's too glitchy right now.

>> No.7478106

Just as the developers intended it to look.

>> No.7478143

We already got the sonic mobile ports backported to PC.

>> No.7478321

as GOD intended it to look anon, as God intended it...

>> No.7478336

Don't understand why you'd want this, it reminds me of playing a game like this

>> No.7478782

It's optional and also looks like shit. Sonic 3 didn't work at all, Castlevania Bloodlines was glitchy and then I stopped caring
play the games in 4:3 and don't bother with frivolous graphics hacks

>> No.7480598


>> No.7480605

damn this is kino

>> No.7480618

Anon have you ever actually tried playing Space Harrier on MAME? Because if you have a flight stick, great, but otherwise you're fucked. That said there are still better ways to play it on PC than the 32x port, as impressive as it is.

>> No.7480754

Wow, looks better than I expected, almost feels like a modern retro-styled game (in a good way, for a change)

>> No.7480768

Finally, another tickbox feature that doesn't work like runahead that emulaters will brag about until they're blue in the face despite nobody caring or actually want to use.

>> No.7480978

>2xsai is bad
>yes I use a CRT filter, why do you ask

>> No.7480987

Letterbox is not widescreen

>> No.7481025

learn how to use runahead i guess

>> No.7481116

well I got it working but nothing is really playable with it thanks to the ways sprites pop in/out
this is pretty cool but requites patches per game

>> No.7481550

When Panorama Cotton 2 released on the DreamCast, one of the chief criticisms besides the MC model lack of transparency, was that enemies and tea time elements could spawn off screen, visible but out of reach for your projectiles.

The irony this is happening to the original too...

>> No.7482652


>as developers intended it to look
>on a modern lcd

Lol, no

>> No.7482757

That's what confuses me about a lot of this. I get it if you're replacing a shitty Mega Drive soundtrack but why the fuck would you put it on something like Sonic? It's like a shitty HD texture pack for your ears.

>> No.7483132

Ok, I've been sleeping on emulation subject for the last 10+ years. Why do you need some sort of frontend for this? Can't I get this emulator standalone? I'm all in for the idea of favourite MegaDrive games looking properly on 16:9 display, but wtf.

>> No.7483157

is there a way to get this in a standalone win32 ui emulator instead of downloading a huge retarded frontent fancy ui rom library thing

>> No.7483169

Retroarch isn't a generic frontend like Launchbox or Hyperspin are. Retroarch cores are built specifically for it.
This emulator does not have a standalone version right now.

>> No.7483253

Stargate SG-1 seasons 1-8 have this problem on DVD and Blu Ray.

They are separate film scans, but it still looks like crap.

The original airing and the current Comet airing use 4:3 scans.

The last 2 seasons were shot with 16:9 in mind.

Babylon 5 on the other hand was shot in a manner so that it looks good in both 4:3 and 16:9.

You can put your DVD player or tuner on 16:9 mode for over scan and it still looks right on a 4:3 TV.

>> No.7483265

I'm a videographer and I prefer aspects with more height such as Academy/4:3 and 1.66:1/16:10.

Works better for sitcoms and dramas because you can show people better and don't have to screw with the background as much.

Certain things like sky scrapers and waterfalls also benefit from more height.

>> No.7483947

thx bro

>> No.7484465

is this Sonic Mania?

>> No.7484472

Knuckles Chaotix is good
wish there was a hack where you can play the game without the stupid Combi Ring gimmick.

>> No.7484584

This shit is why I can't get people using streaming services for a lot of older shows. Zero control, you just get whatever shitty release they give you.

>> No.7484610

Fake news, retard.

>> No.7484618

That's pointless

>> No.7484767

Should be right up your alley then

>> No.7484807

heavily respecting those 25% scanlines

>> No.7485458

it's sonic 1, genesis

>> No.7486067

I can update the core and it shows up under the list of available cores when I go to "Load Core" but if I reset a game's core association and then try to run it, it doesn't show up as an available core.

>> No.7486240

Anyone got this core working? When i try any games, including ones that are listed as working in 16:9, they're all still in 4:3 or glitched. I did a search and others are also having this problem. So are any extra steps needed to get widescreen working?

>> No.7488419

Ease of use + not many other options for some shows, sadly

>> No.7488427

Anyone have a Sonic CD save state in one of the special stages?
Trying to test performance on a few devices.

>> No.7488458

>yes I use a CRT filter, why do you ask
A CRT filter is mandatory for Genesis games because of transparency color dithering effects. Either on the emulator or play it on a CRT TV. If the waterfalls in Sonic1 look like lines, you're not really playing the game.

>> No.7488525
File: 1.43 MB, 3516x896, comix.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A CRT filter is mandatory for Genesis games
not necessarily, you have other alternatives like ntcs filters and dithering shaders
but I get what you mean

>> No.7488579


I agree with the sentiment overall but desu in this case you have to admit that the concept is flawed. It's optional, you're correct, but I think it's fair to admit that it needs work.

Unrelated but Mr Nutz has a cheat code built in to activate wide screen anyways. Dunno how it works but it's there.

>> No.7488628

Specifically a composite/RF filter mimicking analog chroma and luma blend, it needs neither emulate NTSC (the effect is the same with PAL) nor anything a CRT TV does. And it's not only dithering, but color and even percived resolution developers calibrated their graphics to taking advantage of composite/RF artifacts. The Genesis (and it's expansions) is the only system I simply can not play without a composite cable or chroma/luma blend filter, it's such an integral part to that system and how the games where designed for it that not taking it into account would downright be inaccurate emulation or purposefully wrong configuration in the case of real hardware using RGB cables etc.


>> No.7488716

Much like BSNES HD it's extremely situational and often not jank free throughout the whole game.

>> No.7488726

It's not *that* important. Yeah, I get it, I replicate those things too but I was emulating Genesis long before this shit was implemented/mainstream and was enjoying myself just fine.

>> No.7489139

What is the rightmost filter?

>> No.7489145
File: 210 KB, 857x867, trysoy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So Genesis Plus GX has a widescreen version now

>> No.7489148

>raw pixel output is because of LCDs
Goddamn filter niggers are retarded

>> No.7489989

i'm aware
i was just gagging.

>> No.7490425

not everyone has the luxury of still having a working CRT around anon

>> No.7490568

>extends games to play in 16:19 with some glitches
>It's not *that* important
it's very important. why do you think people still use proper CRT screens for old systems? wew. this board is getting dumber as each year passes.

>> No.7490617
File: 30 KB, 400x400, 1613680983142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm a videographer
a faggot is what you are

photography is composed the same paintings are
improving it by choosing a different passpartout is only possible if the original photographer had no idea what he was doing and luck on top of it

>> No.7490631

Computer science used for reasons other than political bullshit, especially to do interesting things in game emulation, is always a win in my book.

>> No.7490741


>> No.7490828

CRT-Royale combined with Gdapt looks excellent. You get the dither blending for pseudo-transparencies like Sonic's waterfalls, but with the super sharp pixels. The only thing I change is just making sure halation and diffusion are both set all the way down to zero. I hate that fake glow.

>> No.7490858

This desu.
Fuck 16:9 and fuck zoomers.
4:3 is kino.

>> No.7490862

This filter looks horrendous.

>> No.7490865

Miss me with those slow bosses.

>> No.7490901

>why do you think people still use proper CRT screens for old systems?
No input lag, zoom zoom
>wew. this board is getting dumber as each year passes.
Speak for yourself

>> No.7490908

I fucking hate MSU1 scene for Super Nintendo.
Instead of fixing games which had issues with sound cutting out because some songs were using all channels(e.g Breath of Fire inn theme, most Secret of Mana songs etc.) instead they use it to insert their own crappy "high quality" renditions. Fucking scum.
Just fix Secret of Mana and Breath of Fire 1 already by streaming the original tracks or smth, I fucking hate how the music cuts out every time a sound effect plays.

>> No.7490918

>This is the case for some TV shows
*all TV shows

>even though the 16:9 also added content to the screen.
That's because it was shot on academy ratio(1.37:1) as opposed to 4:3, just like a lot of pre-widescreen old movies.

>> No.7490932
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>> No.7490943

>No voice acting during the intro
Lazy and soulless as fuck
How can you fuck up this badly?

>> No.7490946

Also, in reference to screen size, 4:3 and 16:9 are both fine. Anything between 4: and 2.39:1 is fine by me, there is literally nothing worse in all of video than a portrait aspect ration, and the fucking chinks and their tiktok faggotry are worthy of a nuclear hellfire.

>> No.7490974

No point to this anymore when you can play BigBlueFrontend's remake.

>> No.7490993

Not him but a lot of old double matte stuff benefits from 4:3.

>> No.7491023

Is that you?
Time to go to bed sonny.

>> No.7491028

>there is literally nothing worse in all of video than a portrait aspect ration
t. consolekiddie who never played vertical shooters on arcade
portrait is kino
superwide is cringe(outside of Darius and some other Taito arcade games)

>> No.7491060
File: 57 KB, 525x270, 525x525px-LL-b26d4720_vbattach236932.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kubrick got mad they butchered 2001 on tv broadcasts and started filming in 1:37 so it could be displayed on 4:3 screens with only minimal cropping
right now he's probably rolling in his grave because aspect ratios in bluray releases/streaming sites are all over the fucking place

>> No.7491091
File: 424 KB, 1223x946, Sanick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As >>7488628 said, you don't need a CRT for the Genesis to look right, just a composite chroma/luma blended signal or a emulation of it. I play my Genesis on a CRT with a composite cable but could just as easily play it on my LG OLED TV (7ms lag though) through the OSSC if it had supported composite signals and got the games looking right.

The picture in this post is from my Genesis using a RGB cable, you can still clearly see the waterfall doing pixel palette-cycles.
Another thing, the scanlines in this photo was not visible IRL when I was taking it. To see scanlines on real CRTs you have to get real close, this is what CRT filters always get wrong: the look like photo-stills of CRT images through a camera.
Video signal types are far more important for getting retro videogames to look right than playing them with CRT filters or even on real CRTs.

>> No.7491098
File: 987 KB, 200x150, wut.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>20 year old me rolling my eyes because my boomer dad still thought that widescreen was 4:3 but the top and bottom were cut off
>35 year old me now seeing that this is actually happening

>> No.7491167
File: 453 KB, 1903x1002, Zoom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*Adding a zoomed in picture.
Here is what real scanlines look like up close, note that there is a lot going on and uniformity of color, brightness and symmetry is poor.
It starts to illustrate just how corny CRT emulator filters are, we're going to need at least 4k and have them animated on top to even start getting away from that "bars superimposed over the game" look. Composite/rf filters will better get you that analog look as it stands today.

>> No.7491173

No way is that RGB.
And it still looks different from composite somehow. Doesn't look fully transparent.

>this is what CRT filters always get wrong:
No, this is what YOU get wrong.
To replicate the look of consumer a low TVL CRT(especially slot mask) you need a lot more resolution.
Approximately 7416x5405

Emulating a CRT Mask is not an easy task.

>> No.7491254

That is indeed using a RGB cable into the RGB scart on my CRT TV, I'm using a 32x on the Genesis but the link cable between them is RGB too and it (to my surprise) does not deteriorate the signal, some even claim the 32x makes the Genesis video output even cleaner.
Keep in mind I took this picture with my phone off-hand, so it looks a bit better IRL, but the point was to show that RGB on the Genesis will still look worng on a CRT and you won't get that seamless liquid dithering filter effect of using composite video cables.

>no, this is what YOU get wrong
I'm not sure what you mean I'm wrong about, I just minutes ago reaffirmed with my own eyes that when sitting but a meter away from the TV I couldn't really clearly discern scanlines until I looked at the photo I took from the same distance. Hence why I'm saying CRT filters look more like the photos of a CRT than a CRT in live use where you don't really notice the scanlines. I do agree on needing probably more than 4k to mimic authentic CRT looks and behaviors, it's just that 8k is not widely available and filter programmers should at least begin to experiment with 4k.

>> No.7491259

>And it still looks different from composite somehow. Doesn't look fully transparent.
That's because RGB doesn't blend the chroma signal, zoom zoom.
>To replicate the look of consumer a low TVL CRT(especially slot mask) you need a lot more resolution.
Emulating shit in a cathode ray tube isn't whats being discussed.

>> No.7491341

"Son, I just want you to know you're a fucking retard for not seeing this shit 15 years ago when they were fucking up DVD releases with "anamorphic widescreen" because it was another bullet point they could put on the damn DVD box. Also I fucked you're mother."

>> No.7491359

No (lolly)gagging!

>> No.7491364

>Hence why I'm saying CRT filters look more like the photos of a CRT than a CRT in live use where you don't really notice the scanlines.
It depends what shaders you're using, some of them try to emulate high TVL CRT's like BVM's which has noticeable scanlines.
But in general the various low TVL shadow mask or slot mask out there look terrible because 1080p is not nearly enough for them.

>filter programmers should at least begin to experiment with 4k
Do you not known how to mess with .ini settings dude?
They've already made the shaders and you can customize them.
The way mask shaders are made is that they zoom in on an actual CRT mask and photograph them in really high resolution and after that they work on a shader based on that. Then they optimize them for 1080p or whatever or emulate the various weaknesses(such as the blooming the slight misconvergence and whatever).

At this point all the user has to do is change the phosphor triad size in the ini file if if they're resolution is larger.
For example CRT Royale Kurozumi which attempts to emulate a high end Sony BVM has phosphor triads set to "1" by default because it was geared towards 1080p but if you're running 4k you should change it to "3".

Shut up retard. I wasn't talking to to you.

>> No.7491368
File: 2.74 MB, 1758x1344, Comix Zone .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still prefer a shader, you can keep all your sharp edges

>> No.7491449

>not using gdapt

>> No.7491453


>> No.7491462


>> No.7491468

>how dare you not use thing I prefer
uh huh, you see how the building looks like it's in disrepair on mine and on yours doesn't

>> No.7491917

Or you could do what >>7490828 said, and combine a dither blending shader like Gdapt with a CRT shader like CRT-Royale. That way you get properly blended waterfall, with sharp pixels.

>> No.7492043

That's a destructive filter. I don't want that. It alters the original graphics by filling up areas that may or may not be a gradient.

>> No.7492116

Maybe you should go back to reditera then?

>> No.7492810

It's probably better for a game like buster's hidden treasure.

>> No.7493062

Here it says the limit for Sonic 1 is 12, but setting it to 20 doesn't seem to reveal any pop-in. Are there only certain sections of the game where 12 is the limit?

>> No.7493206
File: 1.83 MB, 1881x1440, sonic gdapt crtroyale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Screenshot of Sonic 1 with both Gdapt and CRT-Royale applied, with halation and diffusion turned all the way down. Properly blended waterfall and sharp pixels. Looks even better in motion.

>> No.7493395

kani kani kani

>> No.7493465
File: 2.48 MB, 2560x1378, sonic gdapt crtroyale widescreen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Widescreen version.