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/vr/ - Retro Games

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7485931 No.7485931 [Reply] [Original]

Gameplay and development discussion:
What homebrew / hacks are you playing /vr/ ?

Are you working on anything? Would you like to learn? Projects and questions welcome.


IPS Patcher:





GB Dev:

Genesis Dev:

Saturn Dev:

Previous: @ warosu.org/vr/

Want something here? Post it for the next thread.

>> No.7485935
File: 67 KB, 792x522, half_life_64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's your dream homebrew, /vr/?


>> No.7486582

Probably the might and magic series on gb/gba. Might look into it after my ironsworn project.

>> No.7486791

anyone got a download for "The Curse of Illmoore Bay"?

>> No.7486840

Since they're CD-based games the odds are tiny, but I'd love a Digimon World 3 hack that enables you to choose your team individually and cuts down the padding or a fully-fledged SotN randomizer like the ones on the DS

>> No.7487024

Any interesting hacks/TLs come out lately? I haven't been keeping up with Romhacking's new releases in forever.

>> No.7487168

I'm having a lot of trouble figuring out where to go in Vitality. Should I just look it up at this point or am I being a retard.

>> No.7487764 [DELETED] 

depends. do you have unexplored map sections?

>> No.7487774
File: 316 KB, 645x555, SM_vitality.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

depends. do you have unexplored map sections?

>> No.7487783

I figured out that I just missed a new area that the wave beam opened up, but I got stuck again after exploring everywhere I could and looked it up.
Now I don't know whether to feel like an idiot or be pissed with the game because most of the important stuff I missed was very cryptically hidden. Navigation in this hack in general has been a pain.

>> No.7488067

Cryptic is basically the name of the game with Vitality. Probably the only real downside in my opinion. I ended up completely missing the Gravity Suit until damn near the end the of the hack.
Overall I enjoyed it, however.

>> No.7488071
File: 78 KB, 1366x729, sml.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm making a Super Mario Land hack rn, this is gotta be good shit.

>> No.7488131

On my homebrewed Wii, I have all the ROMs on an external HDD but when I go to load them up in an emulator they all seem to want to load them from the directory of the emulator itself. Is there any way to circumvent this and just play the games from the external HDD? Also yes it is formatted in Fat32.

>> No.7488194

Now that I've finished it, I'd say the best aspect of it is the surprising detail that goes into the presentation with layering, even if that means hell for the actual gameplay. They should've done a lot more with the story telling to better compliment it, especially with stuff that isn't explained outright like what happened to the original Samus or how that clone took her place.
I had a lot more fun with Hyper though.

>> No.7488274

A Saturn port of Sonic CD perhaps.

>> No.7488297

>especially with stuff that isn't explained outright like what happened to the original Samus or how that clone took her place.
My interpretation was that you play as the original Samus until the first time you die, and from that point on it's all clones. The end-game stats gave that impression, at least, and you're forced to die at least once in order to finish the game.

>> No.7488298

Quake 2 on the Sega Saturn
Doom on Sega Saturn but with better framerate and lighting.

>> No.7488306

I think that's right actually since I looked back at the part with the required death and the point you spawn from is labeled "XVIII".

>> No.7488326

I really don't know why nobody's taken a stab at "Saturn Doom but it's not shit" yet.

>> No.7488395

Neat. I love that game. Best Mario soundtrack.

>> No.7488662

How would I go about hacking Super Gameboy/Super Gameboy 2 to use the Type A controls by default? For use on my FXPakPro.

>> No.7488710

looks cool, what game/hack?

>> No.7488723

We’ve already gotten Cave Story on the Genesis, so it’s only fair for us to continue the trend of indie games on older systems.

>Touhou on SNES
>Wargroove on the GBA
>Pico-8 on the Genesis

>> No.7489047
File: 344 KB, 960x544, 1 - JHAAXQE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just finished compiling around 100 different vita skittles that point to different retroarch/daedalusx64 roms, let me know if anyone is interested seeing each window, i got some fun ones, including romhacks in the GB folders

>> No.7489070

iv never used a vita, but assume they are just custom icons\theme packs? can you post a few please?

>> No.7489074
File: 458 KB, 960x544, 9 - OyMiAZS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mhm, i followed a quick guide, once i got into a groove 1 could take about 5 minutes

>> No.7489082
File: 480 KB, 960x544, 4 - CBOlJT6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7489085
File: 456 KB, 960x544, 7 - J5sELNp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7489192
File: 251 KB, 1920x1080, g4Xuaa6sYz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

really cocked this one up

>> No.7489380
File: 2.11 MB, 641x510, bp.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

blast processing, baby

>> No.7489617

wolf spirit, get it at https://valdirsalgueiro.itch.io/wolf-spirit

>> No.7489632

Since this is 2021, is there a easier way to modify Sonic 1?

>> No.7489674

Is it not possible to move and turn at the same time or are you just trying to piss me off? Otherwise, nice progress. The extra frames more than make up for the bit of pixelization.

>> No.7489862

Nevermind that, where's Darius Extra?
Also, what changes are in the Gradius AC hack for PCE?

>> No.7490389

You can but its a little difficult to do so accurately since it's on a game pad.
I also agree, framerate is much not important than some resolution.

>> No.7490410

Does anyone have a more up-to-date prepatched link? There was one MEGA that had translations, homebrew, and prepatched stuff alongside other ROMs, but it looks like that was taken down.

>> No.7490424

much more*

>> No.7490434

Hope it wasn't a speedrun.

>> No.7490463

This one? It's still up and in the description

>> No.7490687

Not him, but thanks!

>> No.7490706

Is this yours?

>> No.7490735


>> No.7490824

Can I get a way to contact you about this?

>> No.7490841

You might have some ideas, but I'm not sure how to go about this in a way that doesn't dox myself on 4chan...

But I'm on some sega genesis dev discords... hopefully that's good enough?

>> No.7490849

I don't use discord (it's cancer), you can give me a throwaway email, or I have telegram(which is pretty private, but it does need a cell) or I have skype

>> No.7490983

is this for a game idea?

>> No.7490985

yes, or just to ask you about how it works, take a look at the code, things like that

>> No.7491027

well I can give you a quick rundown here

It uses a standard portal traversal algorithm, with convex sectors. Wall are defined as 2d lines, with a floor and ceiling height shared for each sector.

Portal traversal works as follows:
starting in the current sector, go over all lines/walls
- rotate and translate them according to the current player position and view angle
- skip any walls that are backfacing
- check for near-z clipping, clip walls that are partially behind the player
- project to 2d screen space, clip against the current frustum (this starts as the whole screen)
- if the wall was a portal, draw the upper and lower steps if necessary, draw the floor and ceiling, and add the connecting sector to a queue of sectors to process, each queue item has a new frustum, which are the left and right extents of the portal in screen space. the queue also has a limited size.
- if the wall was just a wall, draw it, as well as the floor and ceiling.

the drawing works like this
- rasterize the top and bottom sides of the wall, interpolating y coordinates with a fixed point addition algorithm (there's a tricky optimization here, where I use the addx instruction to automatically handle fractional->integer overflow, without the usual shift to get the integer portion of a fixed point number).

- for each rasterized coordinate, clip it against any vertical clipping introduced by portals
- portal upper and lower steps will modify the clipping values, as they reduce the visible screen space per column
-if a portal has no upper or lower step, it still needs to modify the clipping values anyway, so I have a few different specialized rasterization routines for all these spcial cases.

>> No.7491034

part 2

- with the y coordinates of each column known, jump to a routine that can quickly fill the vertical spans with the according color (this was previously a giant asm jump table, fully unrolled so it handled all possible wall heights, now it's just a unrolled C loop, but I'll probably change it back to asm now that it's optimized and working in C).

this is partially based off doom, but also very similar to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HQYsFshbkYw

There's lots of tricks and optimizations in the source code since I've been working on this (in one form or another) for over a year, but there's still a lot of optimizations that can be done.

>> No.7491073

so it's partially in C or almost all ASM?

>> No.7491078

it's got decent chunks of asm in there, but a lot of it is still in C. The only parts I will probably optimize with asm are the rendering pipeline, so there's always going to be C.

>> No.7491080

Is it really common to get that kind of speed for software written in C on old hardware these days? I knew people did it but I assumed it was slow

>> No.7491108

Well it's still very optimized, and I've inspected all of the asm generated by gcc. It's not common, but I'm being very careful here. Where it matters, I'll be using asm, but as bad as gcc is sometimes (generating calls to 32/32-bit division routines for a 32/16 division), sometimes it does alright.

68k also has lots of registers and addressing modes, so it works better with compilers than something like a z80/6502/65816

>> No.7491117

neato, is it just a tech demo, or do you have any plans with it?

I was thinking platforming, I wanted to look at the code if you have it anywhere to look at the movement code and see if I couldn't make a simple edit

>> No.7491125

the movement code is rough, and the collision detection probably needs a whole re-think and re-write (it's entirely disabled right now).

it's still at tech demo/prototype stages, but now with this performance a game might actually be feasible.

>> No.7491156

Oh shit nice, always good to see GB romhacks that aren't Pokemon

>> No.7491158

lucky that gcc supports the 68000

looking at other posts, apparently the 68k backend isn't as good as I thought, but its a godsend compared to literally anything else.
and at least 68k assembly is actually nice, whereas the 8 bit CPUs are dumpster fires.

>> No.7491185

yeah, 68k assembly is quite nice. still tedious compared to c if you're writing a whole program, but for optimizing short routines is comfy.

>> No.7491625

Mega Man 8 on N64 would be pretty neat.

>> No.7492015

shit like gameboy studio has turned retro console dev into a joke, I don't even bother looking at gameboy homebrew anymore because I know it's just going to rpg maker tier trash shovelware

>> No.7492039

Yeah. Reason I'm not using it at all.

>> No.7492050

why is there literally no 32x homebrew aside from a couple abandoned tech demos

>> No.7492126

Likely a split between being a pain in the ass to dev for and lack of interest in the platform itself.

>> No.7492161

Is there even a proper hardware accurate emulator with debug features for the 32X?

>> No.7492175

>KJV Bible
Based Christ-poster

>> No.7492178

You know, with the fact that ROM size is basically irrelevant now, someone could probably make a pretty damn impressive 32X game. Obviously the fps is going to be shit regardless, but you could have all kinds of assets and textures crammed in there. Would be cool to see an expansive 3D game world done on the 32X.

>> No.7492241

So I've been trying to set up n64chain (a modern compiler, etc. for the n64). However, there's one problem: it doesn't include libgcc. Without it, a lot of very basic things will fail (like casting from u64 to float). And while it's possible to instead use libkmc from the official SDK, it's missing some of the required functions (like __floatundisf and __floatundidf). Implementing them myself seems to work, but that's more of a hack than a real solution.

Luckily, there is a fork of n64chain which includes libgcc ( https://github.com/ChrisPVille/n64chain ). With it, I'm able to compile and link without any errors. However, now I find that some of the functions from libgcc cause the program to crash.

After further inspection, it appears that __floatundisf is generating a "TLB refill" exception. Tracing through in a debugger, it's apparently caused by this instruction:

>ldc1 $f4,48(v0)

... with the following register values:

>F4: 00000000
>V0: 00000000 00000000

I don't really know much about MIPS assembly, but it kind of looks like it's attempting to dereference a null pointer. But why would that be happening?

Looking at libgcc2.c:1776, I see the following:

>f *= Wtype_MAXp1_F;

... where Wtype_MAXp1_F is just a regular old constant defined in libgcc2.h.

But why would it be failing to load a constant like that?

My only guess is that maybe mild (the linker frontend used by the official SDK) and, by extension, the official SDK's linker, is freaking out because it's having to deal with .o files generated by a much newer version of GCC. And while there is a modern replacement for mild called spicy, I've never managed to get a working ROM out of it. PJ64 always ends up choking on an unhandled opcode.

And that's about it, I guess. If anyone has any ideas, then please feel free to chime in. It's probably too specific of a problem to get any real help, but it's worth a try I guess. If anything, I just wanted to vent.

>> No.7492306

nope. none of the genesis emulators with 32x support are very accurate

>> No.7492326

- Metal Gears 2, Phantasy Star I remake, Castlevania Bloodline, Wily Wars, Hard Corp, Monster World IV, Cadillac and Dinosaurs on SNES/SFC

- Capcom Fighting Evolution, SFIII, D&D: Shadow over Mystara and Red Earth on GameCube
- Darkstalkers 2, Battle Circuit, Castlevania SotN, MGS, Chrono Cross and D&D: Tower of Doom on N64

Other thing too.

- Final Doom, Alien vs Predator, and Cyberbot on PC-FX or possibly 64DD

>> No.7492339

Touhou feel worth suitably on TG-16.
X4 and Misadventures of Tron B. too

>> No.7492349
File: 3.19 MB, 2048x1536, 0C03D5C4-F414-4F0A-930F-6302F0735EA7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

X-Women: TSV-styled Cyberteam’s video game on SNES/SFC.

>> No.7492370

Oh k, saw REM.

>> No.7492374

Can you even do PCE coding?

>> No.7492490

Ok wow ...did you uh, build Hello World?
>After the custom GCC build is completed, you should be able to build the helloworld example by running make inside helloworld folder or with make -C helloworld on project root. This will also build the libn64 dependency on the project root. When it is complete you should have a .z64 rom image ready to be run on a Nintendo 64.
Otherwise i have no idea. I wouldn't expect homebrew tools to just accept standard GCC being thrown at it. If there are any examples, stick close to them i guess.

>> No.7492496

Well, that would make 32X homebrew a lot more time consuming since I'm going to go out on a limb and assume most potential devs don't have a devkit or a unit modded for dev. I mean, you can still do it, but you'd basically be debugging by dumping the memory directly to the screen when a crash happens... The consoles that have a lot of homebrew tend to have extremely accurate emulators and emulators/forks with interactive dev tools.

>> No.7492717

I would love to see at least a demo of what metroid64 could have been. It certainly would have incorporated the analog aiming feature from the metroid 2 remake.

>> No.7492732

Oh golly, I was just looking for a thread like this. That's pretty handy. Anyway, here's a list of some romhacks I wanted to get through.

>Skies of Arcadia Maeson (this is the only post-ps1 romhack, I promise)
>Super Metroid Ancient Chozo
>Chrono Trigger + (I was told to avoid this because it was too political and low quality)
>Chrono Trigger Schala Edition
>Megaman X1-3 (all of which have Zero playable)
>Paper Mario: master quest
>Metroid: Mother
>Metroid: Rogue Dawn
>Final Fantasy 4: Ultima edition
>Final Fantasy 6: Brave New World
>FF4: Free Enterprise

Are any of these shit? Are there any you would personally recommend? I want to go in fresh with each of these.

>> No.7492834
File: 31 KB, 640x549, helloworld.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>did you uh, build Hello World?
That's... a really good suggestion, actually. I hadn't even tried it, being so focused on the samples from the official SDK.

So I gave it a shot. Things, however, didn't go as well as hoped. The resulting ROM will only display the text "libn64: Bad Virtual Address Exception!" along with a register dump.

Maybe I'm using the wrong 'header.bin' (it's the one from libdragon). Or maybe it's because I'm using an emulator. But on the bright side, at least it displays _something_.

Going back to the official SDK samples for a moment, I can get them working fine using the official compiler. But with n64chain, only some of them will work. That is, unless I override the offending libgcc functions. It's a shame, too. I'd really like to get them all working before I commit to buying a devkit (nearly $200 just for the flash cart!).

All-in-all it's pretty frustrating, and I'm close to just giving up on it. I do appreciate your insights, however.

>> No.7492864

Not him but I'd love to make a level or two for this if it turns into a game. I've already made a few FPS levels

>Mega Man 8 and X4

Someone needs to make hacks for these games so that life/weapon energy doesn't automatically refill at levels mid checkpoint. Or do I need to learn PS1/SAT/PC hacking to do it myself?

>> No.7492878

Free Enterprise is a randomizer, so that's not quite the same as the rest. I've heard nothing but good things, but FF4 is not my jam.

There's also a Mario RPG randomizer, which I can say is pretty good.

>> No.7492884

PCE as in pc-engine? I've never done anything on that system

>> No.7492903

maybe contact the maintainer of the library and ask him about his toolset, make sure things match up

>> No.7493098

Which Mario RPG randomizer? Super Mario RPG? Paper Mario? Mario and Luigi?

>> No.7493107

Hotel Mario

>> No.7493110

Super Mario RPG: https://randomizer.smrpgspeedruns.com/

>> No.7493262

Wow, that's really handy. I'm gonna give this a try, thank you.

>> No.7493654

>I was told to avoid this because it was too political

How is a Chrono Trigger romhack political

>> No.7493658

No, there was another one with more ROMs, not just the prepatched ones. Plus, the last update for that one was last year.

>> No.7493661

>>Megaman X1-3 (all of which have Zero playable)

Aren't the X1 and X2 ones just purely cosmetic?

There is also a Protoman hack for MM5

>> No.7493927

Okay, that's weird. No matter what I do, I can't play this. It says the rom is corrupt. Is there a specific version I have to use?

>> No.7493972

You say that like popular games haven't been made using tools like that. Hell, Risk of Rain was made in Game Maker, and it's easily one of the most popular indie games on 4chan. It's not the tools, it's what is created with the tools. It's not the tool's fault most people using the tool are beginners who struggle to make a Snake clone. Or if their goal is a basic and boring RPG. People have made tons of garbage shovelware in Game Maker, but that doesn't mean you can't create games like Risk of Rain in Game Maker.

I dislike Gameboy Studio because of how few options you have, and the lack of built-in graphical tools. Wanna set the memory mapper you will be using? No, fuck you, you are getting a 1MB cart, larger if need be, but we will decide that for you. So you wanna start building a map using all the 8x8 tiles you've made? Use a third party program, no tile setting tool here. Wanna put your tileset into the game? FUCK YOU, import it as a completed background and we'll decide your tiles. Wanna know how much space everything is taking up so you know how much more room you have to work with? HAHAHAHA, we aren't telling you shit asshole. You are getting a 1MB ROM even for Hello World.

>> No.7494068


>> No.7494217

>Aren't the X1 and X2 ones just purely cosmetic?
Actually, they increase the difficulty. Just fighting Chill Penguin, for example, he moves 3 times as fast and has far more unpredictable attack patterns. It's very fun.

>> No.7494229

find a 1.0 with a good checksum

>> No.7494353
File: 58 KB, 256x224, Secret of Mana Restored-001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made a bunch a restore patch for secret of mana using a shitty patching tool

Patch it with the american rom

Here's the patching tool if anyone cares:

>> No.7494369

modern PCs can handle an engine with 9 thousand layers of abstraction that lets you create basically any kind of game you want

the gameboy can't, which means the engine is so fucking restrictive that every game made on it is basically the same fucking game

on top of that the people who use it are insufferable retards who think they're "le epic programmer" because they "made a gameboy game" and that plugging sprites into some windows software somehow puts them on the same level as devs who actually understand the hardware and built real games for it

>> No.7494748

If it let you download something, you've got the right rom. I heard the site might not work right in Firefox, so maybe try Chrome?

>> No.7494851

Hmm I dare someone demake X7 for PC-FX.

>> No.7494852

It not even that hard.

>> No.7494858

Definitely would pay that at heartbeat.

>> No.7494861

So what if Metroid use doom 64 or any other fps engine?

>> No.7494872

>You say that like popular games haven't been made using tools like that. Hell, Risk of Rain was made in Game Maker, and it's easily one of the most popular indie games on 4chan. It's not the tools, it's what is created with the tools. It's not the tool's fault most people using the tool are beginners who struggle to make a Snake clone. Or if their goal is a basic and boring RPG. People have made tons of garbage shovelware in Game Maker, but that doesn't mean you can't create games like Risk of Rain in Game Maker.
>I dislike Gameboy Studio because of how few options you have, and the lack of built-in graphical tools. Wanna set the memory mapper you will be using? No, fuck you, you are getting a 1MB cart, larger if need be, but we will decide that for you. So you wanna start building a map using all the 8x8 tiles you've made? Use a third party program, no tile setting tool here. Wanna put your tileset into the game? FUCK YOU, import it as a completed background and we'll decide your tiles. Wanna know how much space everything is taking up so you know how much more room you have to work with? HAHAHAHA, we aren't telling you shit asshole. You are getting a 1MB ROM even for Hello World.

This is why you should instead use Pixel Game Maker MV, at least there you had a chance to make something with the tools you actually want and need, plus no (entry) coding and programming needed.

I know the idea of making a game with GBStudio and import it to GB hardware sounds tentative, but its nothing more then hipster s.0.y.trap, and at the end, most games end up looking like the sterotypical idea of ''indie games''.

>> No.7494914

Try modded Star Wolf & Krystal playable in Dinosaur Planets while remove Fox entire.

>> No.7494916

People are already making templates for games the engine didn't support out of the box and still doesn't officially support. Like first person dungeon crawlers.
>wah the users are insufferable fucktards
You say that like half the people on 4chan aren't.

I'd rather just use Z80 ASM since I'm a control freak, but like I said, the tool itself doesn't lead to crap. It's whoever is using the tool. People can create great things with shit like Game Maker, and people can pump out shovelware using pure ASM. It's the person using the tool, not the tool.

>> No.7495094

>modernization PC
Nu-player/"zoomer" gamer would eat that crap all up.

>> No.7495218

KEK, oh yea

>> No.7495284

That would be more of a prime demake, which would be awesome, but not really scratch my itch.

>> No.7495574


>This is why you should instead use Pixel Game Maker MV, at least there you had a chance to make something with the tools you actually want and need, plus no (entry) coding and programming needed
Is it free?

>> No.7495606

Anything can be free.

>> No.7495752

I mean the tool itself

>> No.7495761

So did I.

>> No.7495839

Prime Boom or Prime Beginning have nice ring to it.

>> No.7495897

Programming Ecco the Dolphins, Dolphin Blue, American Mugee’s Alice, new Contra, Castlevania Resurrection for GameCube.

>> No.7495924

Cute eye.

>> No.7495998

More more ton*

>> No.7496854
File: 1.05 MB, 200x200, dancing scout.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I figured it out. The rom I was using was the right one, with a good checksum. It just does NOT work in firefox. The devs said that javascript generation doesn't work properly in some browsers. Tried it in waterfox, and it's running perfectly.

>mfw running into the manager in Mushroom Way with geno
>absolutely obliterate him with Star Rain

This is gonna be fun.

>> No.7497053
File: 34 KB, 650x427, Megaman-2-test-start.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>first, switch mapper to MMC3 or later MMC5 or MMC6 if you don't want repro makers to sell it
>make the loading between screens faster, matching the later games
>change weapons menu to full screen menus like in the later games, allow to open up the menu even if projectiles are on screen (delete said projectiles, matching the behaviour of later games)
>get rid of the slippery physics, since people are going to bitch, make that an option
>fix the laggy underwater movement
>change ladder movement to be faster, matching later games in the series
>add M-tanks, put one in Wily Stage 2 replacing the E-tank, hardest to reach item in the game
>put one in Wily stage 5, easy to reach

>rebalance any shitty enemy placement with mandatory or near mandatory damage like the sniper joe with slow ceiling in Wily 4
>slightly rebalance
>rebalance CPU boss
>slightly tweak
>Fix quickman's glitchy behaviour when he's stuck on walls
>rebalance Air Man so all his shots are dodgeable

>fix any other known glitch like the dragon boss freeze
>fix falling down ladder coming out of the weapons menu
>any other known glitch

>on the continue screen get rid of the "stage select" options in Wily stages, beginner's trap

>replace PW system by save system
>add optional and unlockable MM4 style charge shot and sliding

>> No.7497059

should have proofread myself

>slightly rebalance
was for the dragon boss

>slightly tweak

was for the projectiles of Wily Machine, 2nd form. When there are 3 projectiles bouncing at once that shit is way too hard to dodge

>> No.7497071

No but it costs around 30 bucks on steam or standalone.

>> No.7497169
File: 1.39 MB, 384x348, MM2noslippery.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Getting rid of the slipperyness was really simple. They have a table for fraction added for each frame of movement, so I just replaced that one byte by 00.
I also tweaked the animation so the feet goes back into place quicker, which makes sense when the slipperyness is gone and which matches the behaviour of the later games.

I think the only tough things in that list (minus the optional stuff) would probably be remaking the weapons menu interface entirely and making the loading times faster.

>> No.7498519
File: 3 KB, 103x97, megaman7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice! excited to see what you can do with it.
are you the ninja turtles / solbrain hacker dude? also what programs do you use to capture / make those webm's =)

>> No.7498528

I am

also I realized someone had already make a hack that gets rid of the slipperyness right after being done with mine (although I'm not sure if he modified the feet animation to go with it)
I've been looking into the ladder movement code but it's shared with other movement (jumping) and so far I couldn't figure it out

For recording I just use OBS and convert to webm with 4chanwebmmaker

>> No.7499305

Yeah but I haven't tried because I'm working on this

>> No.7499413

does paprium dumped already?

>> No.7499985


>> No.7500004

tiniest tomahawk ever

>> No.7500198

Why haven't you started a disassembly of your favorite game, anon?

>> No.7500206

REM and Alisha’s Adventure

>> No.7500367
File: 57 KB, 642x551, autofill (working).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Progress update on setting up n64chain: it turns out that I was correct in thinking that 'mild.exe' was incorrectly handling modern GCC's .o files.

The issue lies not in the file format itself, but rather in how it's used. Modern GCC will, in some cases, emit extra data sections for various internal purposes such as stack unwinding and de-duplication of constants. It turns out that mild doesn't know how to handle these and ends up placing them in an area of unusable memory. Then, when libgcc tries to access said memory, a TLB refill exception is raised.

So I threw together a quick fix by recompiling libgcc with the '-fno-merge-constants' option. This avoids creating the offending sections entirely and more closely mirrors the behavior of the official compiler. Mild sees this and behaves appropriately.

All-in-all, it's not an ideal solution, but it will do for now. The resulting success can be seen in the attached screenshot (though it may be a little underwhelming to look at, being just a test program and all).

>> No.7500375


>> No.7500472
File: 365 KB, 848x546, 8971879871871.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you got a problem with my boy pj?