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/vr/ - Retro Games

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[ERROR] No.7484302 [Reply] [Original]

Is the final mission (Cradle) unusually hard or is it just me?

>> No.7484349

There's two body armors in the mission. Use them.

>> No.7484367

I do. The enemies seem to have perfect aim on this mission for some reason

>> No.7484450

Assuming you're playing on 00 Agent, try to pick off the very first guy before he's in range to shoot you (the auto-aim on 00 Agent is virtually non-existent and the range on your PP7 is ass. Just gotta manually aim as best as you can). Don't take too long on that first guy, or else some enemies may spawn behind you before you even get past the first ramp. Try to take out the sentry guns in that first room Alec goes in while out of their range. When chasing Alec, don't follow too closely cause sometimes he drops grenades. Don't really know what other advice to give.

>> No.7484452

What difficulty level are you playing it on? It's probably the hardest level on Agent, but while it's still difficult on Secret Agent and 00 Agent, it's nowhere near how hard other levels are. Also you realize there are two more levels to unlock right?

>> No.7484464

If OP is having trouble on Agent, he's just shit at the game. I was giving him the benefit of the doubt and assumed he was playing on 00 Agent

>> No.7484468

If you made it to cradle, you've made it through enough that you've seen worse. Reroute your attempt. You got it.

>> No.7484470

Secret Agent
I finally beat it but I'm also finding Bunker 2 pretty hard
Maybe I'm relying on auto-aim too much because it seems pretty shit at dealing with crowds, it will lock onto one guy until he's dead which is bad when the enemies each take like 7 hits to kill

>> No.7484475

Learn to use the walls to your advantage. Guards won't shoot through railings, but you can. Also, don't chase after 006. Stay on the middle part and run back and forth between the two rooms and shoot him when he's at the bottom of the ramps.

>> No.7484478

Break line of sight when a guard opens fire. Run around enemies why they stop to aim at you. Learn to take advantage of doors and cover.

>> No.7484482

If you get overwhelmed, run back to your starting cell and close the door. The guards won't shoot through the bars, but you still can.

>> No.7484490

That's a good idea

>> No.7484505

Also, don't just lay on the trigger of the KF7. Just feather it and use the burst fire. Otherwise, you'll draw in all the nearby guards.

>> No.7484517

Always found Control harder

>> No.7484556

Train, Jungle and specially Control are a lot harder. Cradle was kind of a disappointment in that regard, just running around shooting 006 ocasionally until the mission ended.

>> No.7484570

Also you can shoot through the small glasses in some of the doors. As the anon above pointed out noise can be an issue so don't go guns blazing, you get some throwing knives near the cell with the watch magnet so you can use those as well. Also try not to trap yourself in a room if you're getting tailed by too many guards, just kite them. You can clear the path with sentrys first if you need to circle them around too.

>> No.7484587

You can cheese Bunker 2 by using throwing knives/slappers on easy targets, and silently luring everyone else to the cells and shooting them. If you shoot outside of the cells room any guards nearby will hear you and spawn infinite guards until you go into the room and kill the guards that have been flagged.

>> No.7484616

>If you shoot outside of the cells room any guards nearby will hear you and spawn infinite guards until you go into the room and kill the guards that have been flagged.
That explains a lot

>> No.7484656
File: 2.97 MB, 853x480, i-got-this.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is the final mission (Cradle) unusually hard or is it just me?

If you feel Cradle is hard you are in for some bullshit later on.

>> No.7485013

Aztec is the hardest.

>> No.7485039


This. Took me forever to beat this on 00. Just getting out of the first room was an accomplishment.

>> No.7485062

>kids still think a fucking 10FPS console FPS controlled with not only a fucking console controller but one of the worst goddamn console controller ever is worth talking about in any positive way
I really can't understand how you kids can even breathe.

>> No.7485065

Pleb status: filtered.

>> No.7485089

Yes, that's a perfect explanation of why you like this trash. Why didn't I think of that? Oh wait.
It's hilarious how you kids can't actually defend your point of view when someone shows you that the emperor has no clothes.

>> No.7485092

Cope elsewhere please.

>> No.7485098

You're still doing it. Come on, nugamers, defend your supposedly great games.
Except you know you can't and that's why you default to personal attacks.
Give it up and accept that gaming DIED in the mid-90s and /vr/ is fucking supposed to be 8/16 bit gaming only. Leave shit like this to the brainlets on /v/.

>> No.7485102

That's nice grampa.

>> No.7485109

Every time you post an insult you are validating my point even more. You have nothing to contribute and thus are proving this and your other shitty games are bad. Congrats, you've actually proven my point, and I win.

>> No.7485110

Good for you.

>> No.7485123

So will you now stop thinking your fucking N64/PS1 era and onwards is any good? Will you actually start playing only 8/16bit games? Will you lobby 4chan to turn /vr/ into 8/16bit only because that's the only thing that is truly retro?

>> No.7485138

What's the best way to play this game?

>> No.7485147
File: 49 KB, 720x340, muttley-laugh[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha watch out guys don't mess with this one, he's not only an internet tough guy but he's no KID either. We're dealing with a real ADULT here. That's why he uses "kid" like a comma while trying to express any thought.

Now please type "kid" again to affirm your big boy status while we discuss a 20 year old shooter.

>> No.7485148

filtered hard

>> No.7485149
File: 2.90 MB, 640x480, Goldeneye train action.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me it's real hardware. For most people it'll be emulation with KB+M.

>> No.7485153


>> No.7485193

The XBLA version

>> No.7486157

i only remember sort of getting lost, probably beat it in two tries
i remember this level/game having limited enemies, so just deal with them better i guess
i mean in that sense most players essentially kill all of them