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File: 31 KB, 220x312, Super_mario_sunshine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7479559 No.7479559 [Reply] [Original]

Was this the Sonic '06 of Mario games?

>> No.7479567

And it's still not very good.

>> No.7479589

No, it’s even worse.

>> No.7479591

I didn't realize Sonic 06 had by far the best movement in the series and its only drawback is that it's clearly unfinished. Huh.

>> No.7479613

you can definitely do a lot of crazy stuff in sunshine if you take time to, and i hate this term but it actually fits, "git gud", that i think lots of people try to do things in a conventional sense when you really just need to cheese everything to death. same for an 11% run on super metroid. you can get away with murder on both if YOU can

>> No.7479618

I liked Mario Sunshine

>> No.7479621

also forgot to add i personally think sunshine has the best controls and ive played all the 3d marios

>> No.7479684

It do.

>> No.7479694

It was the quintessential hop 'n mop.

>> No.7479708

Are people serious about Sonic 06? I don’t trust e-celeb opinions on Sonic after they blatantly fucked up in SA and called it a broken game. They’d make Sonic come to a halt while going through a loop and blame the game for dying. They’re either bad at the game or fucking up on purpose.

>> No.7479725

Sonic 06 is a genuine mess of a game, creatively and especially technically.

>> No.7479874

There is no Sonic '06 of Mario games.

Nintendo never sunk that low and their quality never descended to the trash levels that Sega did in the 21st century.

>> No.7479880

Shut up. I wouldn't even bother with this lousy bait if I wasn't at work. It's flawed, but it's not a complete '06ian abortion and you fucking know it, shithead.

>> No.7479946

>They’d make Sonic come to a halt while going through a loop and blame the game for dying
I've been saying that for years too. "Bad controls" is too often a copout for just fucking sucking at video games. If my 6-year-old self could play games like Sonic Adventure, Crash Bandicoot, Mario 64 well then an adult gamer who can't is just pathetic.

>> No.7479958

A lot of the Wii, Wii U, DS and 3DS library is shit.

>> No.7479960

cant speak on sa1 but SA2 has some lame controls. I recall sonics ring zip move being finicky.

>> No.7479972


>> No.7480000

Yeah, but not THAT shit.

>> No.7480014

were you not alive when the game released? Jesus Christ, I hope this is bait

>> No.7480029

If you cant find anything that you like in those libraries, then its time to quit gaming.

>> No.7480092

I probably had a better time playing Sonic 06 than some of Sunshine's levels, to be completely honest.

>> No.7480134

not retro

>> No.7480437

No it was the your mom of my dick

>> No.7480448

No that would be Odyssey

>> No.7481091

there are no good 3d sonicxs

>> No.7481095

No, this is easily in the top 5. You being upset about the blue coins doesn't make it a bad game

>> No.7481157

No, but it was the start of mediocre Mario games. It's weird how Mario and Zelda started to be subpar once Iwata's took over as CEO, and how everything started getting better once he died.

>> No.7481165

Iwata saved nintendo from bankruptcy dont talk shit.

>> No.7481201

The 3DS and Wii U failures showed that his success with the DS and Wii were flukes.

>> No.7481203

The DS and Wii are the best selling Nintendo consoles. Nintendo would have went the way of Sega by 2008 if it wasnt for him.

>> No.7481204

Mario Sunshine is by a landslide the worst 3D Mario but it's still like a 6/10 game or so.
Sonic 06 is legitimately one of the worst video games ever released.

>> No.7481210
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Wrong. You opinion has been cancelled.

>> No.7481218
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Also to the idiots hating on Wind Waker. Shut it! The majority out weigh your opinion.

>> No.7481980


Mario has sucked since, so yeah, sure.

>> No.7482278

there is always without fail some underage retard who quotes metacritic to defend sms and wind waker because they were 4 when those games came out, so they have no actual first hand knowledge of how those games were received back then by normal people

>> No.7482765

Wind Waker was received decently by people I knew in person but every single person I talked to about it back in the day dropped it during the Triforce hunt. The artstyle caused a huge stir online at first but people were generally all right with it when the game was actually out.

Sunshine no one cared about at all. Not a single person I knew that owned it has favorable things to say about it today and never brought it up back when it was relevant either. Meanwhile Mario 64 is still widely revered.

>> No.7482808

>art style change bad!
the only reason people could think of to badmouth wind waker

also who gives af what people said at the time of release when both games are widely accepted as good almost 20 years later, get off your high horse and enjoy a game

>> No.7482814

Review critics aren't normal people?

Its like sport judges you might not agree with their scores but you must respect them.

>> No.7482816

*Game critics

>> No.7483058
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>and their quality never descended to the trash levels that Sega did in the 21st century.

Mmm yeah idk about that...

>> No.7483297
File: 447 KB, 346x367, Vivian-james.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>seriously saying to respect games "journalists"

Look at this fucking retarded zoomer tranny degenerate cunt. Zoom the fuck off >>>/lgbt/

>> No.7483461

>Triggered normie is upset about superior humans that make money reviewing games.

Le Super Mario Sunshine was bad. Le childhood mario game better.

>> No.7483747


The level design of the bowser fury is worse than that of this game.

Has nintendo lost her level desing skills? They spent everything on that just cause clone

>> No.7484125

Starfox Zero is a worse game than Sonic 06. I'm being dead fucking serious.

>> No.7484146

The level design was fine, what the fuck are you on about? There's more actual platforming in Bowser's Fury than the entirety of Sunshine.

>> No.7484148

The ocean is incredibly annoying to navigate and makes the game feel empty.
The dungeons (the entire reason to play a Zelda game) are fucking boring and short. The last two with the novel co-op mechanic are the only decent ones, and even then only because the co-op puzzles, not because they are memorable in theme or music.
Too many islands are basically inaccessible until you've done all the dungeons and have -all- the items, there's no natural exploration like Ocarina where you can organically grab things throughout the game as you progress.
The Wind Waker itself is used way too much, even moreso than the Ocarina in Majora's Mask, so it becomes very annoying to sit through its animations every time.
Despite being a short game, it is still blatantly packed with either cut content or downright filler, in fact the filler in this game is so iconic it's used as the go-to example for bad filler in video games.

Wind Waker excels in story, in visuals (for the Gamecube version, not the garbage Wii U port), music, and enhanced controls and combat. Nothing else.

>> No.7484163

Most of their libraries are shit

>> No.7484249

My fucking god he touched a nerve, huh? Wonder how much of your post is actually projection.

>> No.7484257

>Was this the Sonic '06 of Mario games?
Sonic 06 did Shadow justice in characterization
Did Sunshine do any of that? hell no, Bowser Jr. is lame.

>> No.7484267
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>I found a flaw therefore it's just as bad as '06.
Try again.

>> No.7484647

There are no Mario games on those consoles that are as shit as Sonic 06, and even the worst games by Nintendo on those consoles are just boring rather than unfinished garbage.

>> No.7484651
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>> No.7484664
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>person goes out of their way to slander Sonic Adventure by purposefully doing a glitch in a botched port
>Someone finds a glitch in any 3D Mario game
>Its considered "cool and interesting"

Double standard heathens make up the majority of ninteniggers Ive come to realize

>> No.7484668

That's not a good game.

>> No.7484673


>> No.7484680
File: 39 KB, 800x600, nintoddler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find your taste in games questionable at best.

>> No.7484685

Next time just say you didn't play it

>> No.7484698

I did and I think it suffers from the same problems that all 3D sonic games have.

>> No.7484706
File: 242 KB, 1280x720, sunshine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah it was pretty kino for the tropical theme and great movement alone

>> No.7484709

Which are?

>> No.7484710

Great movement only matters if you have remotely decent level design. the only fun level in Sunshine is Ricco Harbor.

>> No.7484717

Sunshine did even better than that, it made Peach getting dicked and impregnated by Bowser canon, which is great for my penis

>> No.7484719

these same retards gave The Last Of Us 2 the most Game of the Year awards ever received by a single game, fuck off, they have no taste.

>> No.7484726

Bowser Jr is not actually Peach's son. He realizes this later. His mother is Miyamoto.

>> No.7484824
File: 14 KB, 790x790, Nintendo Apartment.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying she's not
Peach x Bowser is canon and has been since the 90s

>> No.7484841

How do you explain Bowser Jr. being pure Koopa like his dad and not a human koopa hybrid

>> No.7484853

I'm assuming Peach laid an egg, not gave mammalian birth.

>> No.7484858

Peach is a human. She can't lay eggs.

>> No.7484870

The only good thing about bowser fury is the level navigation, and in that I'm being generous with this mediocre game

>> No.7484891

1. Sonic 2006 is legitimately bad
2. Sonic Adventure is also pretty damn bad

>> No.7484919

SA is still more playable than 2006 which is the worst shit I've ever wasted money on

>> No.7484936

100% no. One of the big differences between Nintendo and Sega is that the worst official Nintendo franchise games are still great games in their own right - period. They're just not at the sublime standard. Meanwhile the bad Sega franchise games are utter DOGSHIT. And in the end Sega's best games also suffered, because it's whole company model.

A mainline Mario game will never be allowed out of Nintendo doors unless it's really great to play.

>> No.7484952

Sunshine's level design for its normal areas is the absolute worst out of any 3D Mario game, easily. The levels are no fun to traverse and there are very few platforming challenges within the stages proper. Not to mention one of the few examples in it has the most awful camera in Mario game history. All real examples of platforming along the lines of what Bowser's Fury offers on the regular are trapped within contextless bubbles made out of wooden and toy blocks floating in a void inserted since the devs realized their levels sucked ass.

Meanwhile virtually every Bowser's Fury island subportion has context and a decent amount of platforming challenge with interesting concepts like the invisible tower.

>> No.7484974

The biggest problem with sunshine was the navigation system, but the level desing is more interesting than bowser '' gimmick '' fury

>> No.7485023

Bowser was trying to cover up

>> No.7485027


>> No.7485030

So Bowser inseminated Miyamoto?

>> No.7485075
File: 282 KB, 847x1080, 1611035902374.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's fanboys and console war retards in general that do this. Can someone who is a brand fanboy explain to me why you can't stop sperging out over the products of companies who don't give a shit about you? Why is it so important which console, brand, franchise is better than others? Why can't you just enjoy games, full stop? Why do you think your taste in videogames makes you superior? And if you truly are superior for your taste in games, why can't you stop yourself from using double standards, cherry picking and other disingenuous means of arguing your point? Doesn't the inherent nature of superiority mean you don't have to rely on cheap childish gimmicks to win internet pissing contests? It's fucking depressing knowing there are niggers in their fucking thirties and forties here who can't enjoy their hobby without comparing themselves to other niggers on an anonymous image board.

>> No.7485104


>> No.7485106

It's not bad, it's just that it pales in comparison to Mario 64, which was supposed to be Sunshine's predecessor.

>> No.7485114

Why should we care about what you think is fun? The whole game was a masterpiece 10/10

>> No.7485120

3d platformers are shit. Full goddamn stop. It's insane that you kids played fucking garbage Mario 64 and all the other games with the same laughable control and camera issues and thought "this is real gaming". You have serious mental issues to believe this trash.

>> No.7485129

Lets hear what genre of gaming you think is the best.

>> No.7485139

Good games. What a concept. 3d platforming is inherently bad because their design is against everything good and quality in gaming.
You kids are so fucking mad whenever I dare insult your bad games. I don't get it. Why can't you fucking open your goddamn eyes and see how fucking shit this trash is? Go play old games and see how gameplay and controls are fucking put on a high pedestal on the best old games and no "good" modern era (mid-90s and later) can even come close.
It's pathetic, kids. Just pathetic. You really need to let go of this lie you've constructed and see how gaming has been feeding style-over-substance bullshit to new gamers since the mid-90s because they got too lazy to actually want to make quality gameplay games.

>> No.7485142

Go outside dipshit, you're having an autistic overload

>> No.7485168

One sentence is all it took

>> No.7485231
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I want Sunshine 2, not Sunshine pretending to be BotW

>> No.7485854

Your opinions do not matter and never will. Cope.

>> No.7486045

There is no Sonic 06 of Mario games the worst Mario game is as good as Sonic Adventure.

>> No.7486046


>> No.7486491

Sunshine's level design is to make real locations and then put Mario into them.

Which could have been ok, but all of the Shine objectives blow and don't take advantage of that. The only decently designed levels that properly incorporate the idea are Ricco Harbor and Noki Bay to a lesser extent, with Noki Bay's issue being that it runs out of content super fast and forces you into a god awful subgame for three of its Shines. Sirena Beach is downright laughable in how obviously it tries to use a super small amount of content and stretch it into a supposedly full stage, while having tons of jank related to trying to make a Mario level out of a hotel while not doing anything interesting with it. Pianta Village is a truly bizarre stage in that it's literally a boring village with no interesting design to it at all but they slapped a strange obstacle course underneath it because they realized it sucked as a part of a Mario game.

Pinna Park SHOULD by all means be a great level, it's actually got a fun idea to play around with for the purposes of converting a real world location to a Mario level ,and it IS fun to move around in... and that particular area is used for exactly one singular Shine, the rest are all either subgame gimmicks, in the offshoot beach part of the level that doesn't fit into the rest of it at all, or what could have been a good platformer section if the camera was not truly heinous.

I could go on but then I remember that the final level of Mario Sunshine is a short hover nozzle "platforming" challenge followed by a boat ride and then one of the worst/easiest final bosses in gaming history and I wonder why anyone would bother defending the game in general. At least the boat controls well if you're not retarded so I'm not even complaining about that part.

>> No.7486497

Only Super Mario Galaxy 2, Odyssey, and 64 are better. SA is a great sonic game

>> No.7486798

Why is it so hard for zoomies to admit that Sunshine was a mediocre Mario game? Even the boomers who used to fellate SMW eventually let go of their nostalgia bias and admitted it was an easy piece of shit and not as good as SMB3

>> No.7486829

Cringe opinion if I'm being honest

>> No.7486832

I love both of these games but using Metacritic scores as any kind of objective marker of the quality of a game is just stupid. Enjoy the games you like and let people hate them if that's their genuine opinion. Games are subjective.

>> No.7486835

Take your meds and go touch some grass.

>> No.7486873

To account for the Nintendo bonus you have to grade Nintendo games on a curve with the metacritic scores of only other Nintendo games to find the rating it truly deserves.

>> No.7487351
File: 24 KB, 400x315, Himans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Was this the Sonic '06 of Mario games?

Sort of.

>> No.7487396

hello /v/

>> No.7488202
File: 1.39 MB, 748x949, sonicheros.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just passing through

>> No.7488210

this game isn't even really bad, just mediocre.

>> No.7488659

Why do people have such a hate boner for Super Mario Sunshine? The people that like it are like it are just like "yeah, it was a fun game". Meanwhile there's people like OP that make this same thread every single week because why? He's pathetic, that's why.

>> No.7488665

I was immensely disappointed by it as a kid and that feeling's stuck with me pretty hard, I assume a lot of others are the same.

Trying to play it nowadays only further solidifies how bad of a game it is. It's a frustrating title because by all means, the followup to Super Mario 64 should be godly but it's so much worse somehow. And then they decided to never make another game similar to 64 until Odyssey, which was pretty great but took a lot of departures from the concept itself. Sunshine was the one chance to have another game truly like 64 and it missed the mark.

Bowser's Fury is surprisingly kind of close to 64 in a number of ways at least.

>> No.7488673

They are enraged by games with soul

>> No.7489109
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No it's more like the SA2 as far as reception goes. People who played when they were kids will eternally love it but anyone who played it from their mid teenage years or older will immediately recognize its flaws.
Yes it's fucking awful. Don't listen to anyone even trying mildly sugarcoat it as being "kinda sorta not really bad it just has some flaws that ruin its potential" or some other faggot double speak.

It's a legit pile of trash and is only being reappraised as "not completely bad" because Sonicfags don't have much to go on anymore besides the occasional prototype leak and new movies.

>> No.7489125

>Review critics aren't normal people?
No, never have been, never will be. Fuck off >>>/twitter/
I'm sorry your careers as failed "journalists" are being eroded away by underage youtubers.

>> No.7489549

>You being upset about the blue coins doesn't make it a bad game
not who you replied to, and i think sunshine is a great game, but the blue coins sucked major balls

>> No.7489834

> Sonic '06
> Almost killed the franchise
> Got overall terrible reviews
> Was memed on for years to come

> Mario Sunshine
> Had water
> Some people who don't like change that don't matter didn't like it
> Sold millions an got great reviews

No, no it's not the Sonic '06 of Mario. You are thinking Hotel Mario for CD-I

>> No.7491386

Hotel Mario was shit but it wasn't so bad that it dragged down the entire image of the Mario franchise.

>> No.7492385
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