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File: 65 KB, 640x880, 14977_front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7471413 No.7471413 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else finds this game criminally underrated? It's my 2nd favorite in the series, next to Thief 2.

>> No.7471447
File: 4 KB, 165x206, 16095.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thief 3

Thief 3 is the worst part of the series.

>> No.7471498

You mixed Thief 3 with the reboot again.

>> No.7471513
File: 34 KB, 527x351, 11826304-3x2-large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7471586

Game is complete shit with its fisher price scale maps, no sword, dumbed down sound system, and fucked up blackjack. Story is retarded too.

>> No.7472015
File: 114 KB, 720x960, 1614184985792.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least make a proper Thief thread.

>> No.7472342

call me a cumbrain but that background looks kinda weird...

>> No.7472351

Any more images in this style? Where's it from?

>> No.7472482
File: 3.00 MB, 720x960, 1584967727228.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was an artist in the other Thief thread dumping his stuff.

>> No.7472486
File: 1.46 MB, 1050x1589, 1586574433060.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He was asking what should he draw from Thief 3 since he did 1 & 2 already.

>> No.7472491

Only zoomers who played this 1st or got filtered by the good games can think this

>> No.7472558

Surely you arent calling this game bad. If you are let me know so I can stop paying attention to you.

>> No.7472583
File: 1.78 MB, 265x257, 1549654357112.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anyone else finds this game criminally underrated?

>> No.7472698

>levels less than 1/4 the size of t1/2
>level design suffers from segregators
>big bad is just a shittier version of the trickster
>all major factions are stones throw away from garrets house and eachother
>game is mostly grey stone compared to t1/2 bright vibrant colours
>rope arrows removed
Everything about this game other than the new lighting system is a complete and utter disappointment, most of the characters even have those Invisible War eyes, this game is a pile of shit and you deserve to wallow in it.

>> No.7472736

This, especially the small maps and loading screens. No reason to play it, not even Shalebridge.

>> No.7472860

Underrated, no. With the patches it's a below average game, still worth playing if you want more out of Thief.

>> No.7472898

>e-celeb makes video
>suddenly "For me, it's Thief 3" threads
Like clockwork.

>> No.7472925

Thief 2 > Thief 3 > Thief 1

>> No.7473042

no, DS is a genuinely bad game, at least in comparison to 1 and 2
The only good part about DS is the Cradle, and I'd argue thats only on a first time through
I've played DS more recently than either 1 or 2 and I can barely remember any missions from DS
Its a forgettable and disappointing game with not much going for it
movement, gear, treasure, aesthetic, secrets, missions and enemies are all a straight downgrade

>> No.7473472

I am playing thief gold right now, is black jacking the hammers that difficult? I can not seem to get behind them without alerting them. Is it necessary to set keys for walking?

>> No.7473582

You're probably running on metal.
>Is it necessary to set keys for walking?
Yeah it's probably a good idea.

>> No.7473624

If you want to torture yourself here's the worst Thief video ever made.

>> No.7473687

What was wrong with the remake?

>> No.7473693

Short answer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=asM9guG7KlE
Long answer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jPqwDGXxLhU

>> No.7473735

>five hours
I ain't watching this shit. What could you possibly say about those games that requires more than 5 hours. Autistic ally dissecting every level in detail?

>> No.7473775

This guy's opinions are some of the worst out there. You don't even need to watch the video, reading his posts on the Thief subreddit is enough.

>> No.7473810
File: 72 KB, 1020x895, he'll be fine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn't know how to rebind controls
>the levels in thief 1 and 2 are empty and devoid of guards
>he's playing on normal and didn't understand difficulty differences
How the fuck can you do this much and be so retarded

>> No.7473817
File: 68 KB, 654x713, 1575484853720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's where I recognize him from. He's been shilling himself nonstop in Thief forums all month and trying to say TDS is the best in the series and the reboot is better than the originals.

>> No.7473845
File: 166 KB, 743x622, nthfaggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought you might be exaggerating but you're right

>> No.7473861
File: 9 KB, 341x160, 1milcontest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The latest contest results are out, for those who play FMs.

>> No.7473925

if thief 1/2 are 10/10 masterpieces then TDS is like a 6/10, not bad but underwhelming, it has some decent stealth and good atmosphere.
but fuck that glitch that made you slide across the floor, almost killed the game for me.

>> No.7473930 [DELETED] 

Skipping around, this guy obviously got absolutely filtered by Thief Gold. He seems to lack basic observational skills, basic navigational skills, and whatever part of the brain it is that tells most people not to make five hour-long YouTube videos.

>> No.7473936

Skipping around, this guy obviously got absolutely filtered by Thief Gold. He seems to lack basic observational skills, basic navigational skills, and whatever part of the brain it is that tells most people not to make five-hour long YouTube videos.

>> No.7473953

Yeah I loved it but you're not allowed to say you like it to the cult of people who play the vastly superior game where you circle strafe around guards to hit them from behind while bunnyhopping on click clack marble floor.

>> No.7473990

Enjoy your hallway

>> No.7473991

Played it for the first time recently. Was mostly disappointed, especially coming off right after Dark Project and 2. It's a real shame though because I could see what the devs were going for but it just didn't pan out.

On the other hand some of the later levels were really fucking good. House of Widow Moira, the Museum and especially the Shalebridge Cradle were legit fantastic even if they were downsized compared to the first two games.

>> No.7474012

People bash Deus Ex: Invisible War for almost the exact same reasons: small maps with lot of loading screens, universal ammo, dumbed down menu and augmentations and mediocre story. I enjoyed it, however, so this makes me actually intrigued to play Thief: Deadly Shadows too.

>> No.7474017

I listened to this while working, but yeah, I disagreed with pretty much everything he said.

>> No.7474020

IW is a better game than Deadly Shadows.

>> No.7474029

The amount of basic stuff this retard misses is infuriating

>> No.7474047

>5 hours long

>> No.7474157

Yeah no thanks, anyone that uses 2014 as the thumbnail for a Thief video can go fuck themselves. Probably the first one he played and he doesn't enjoy the originals much because they don't pamper his ass with any of the bullshit that abomination does.

>> No.7474195

>actual fucking pseud
My god this is hilarious. Having those attributes doesn't make Thief 4 magically good, he clearly doesn't understand how things play off eachother to form a whole.
>mad that a stealth game has a stealth story
It keeps getting better.

>> No.7474369
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>> No.7474403

Well then, in that case I guess I can play something else from my backlog. Thanks for the review.

>> No.7474496

His shitty video kept me up all night angry

>> No.7474767

>subtly implying that T1 is garbage
nice bait

>> No.7474814

He's also implying MGS is better, which is even a more subtle bait, hehe. Glad we didn't bite it

>> No.7474816

>it looks so, so much better than the trilogy, not just because it's newer, but because it was a priority

>> No.7474964

>while bunnyhopping on click clack marble floor
Not possible in Thief 2

>> No.7474970

Why don't you like the dagger? I thought it was fitting as the sword was always OP imo in T1-2

>> No.7474976

Why is every eceleb suddenly making Thief videos? The series ahs been famous since the first game released and they are only now finding out about it? Must eb because there are no big releases at the moment.

>> No.7475000


>> No.7475030

What a profound argument...

>> No.7475218

>3k views in one and a half months
this guy is a literally who, and his retarded takes haven't had any inlfuence at all

>> No.7475228

sword = multitool for adventurers.
dagger = murder weapon for assassins.

it makes garrett look more edgy, while also reinforcing the stale stereotype that stealthy characters must be weak and poor at fighting

>> No.7475237

for me it's thief 3

>> No.7475316

Fair enough, I can understand why people would argue in favour for the sword due to the supernatural elements in the T universe. However, as far as I am aware, daggers have also been used for typical combat during the middle ages so the dichotomy does not entirely stand (nor do i think that Garrett looks more edgy with it. But that is a subjective assessment).
The issue, for me, is that it fucks with the balance of the game. I have no issues going on a murder spree in T1-2 killing all the humanoid enemies. I think that it makes the game trivial on normal whilst the same can't be said for T3.

>> No.7475618


>> No.7475654

this is my controversial opinion on the fallout series ("4" being NV).

>> No.7475687
File: 81 KB, 446x435, Halt pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would anyone waste time with this? Just play GMDX

>> No.7475897
File: 1.93 MB, 400x300, 1612831313526.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the first two games had water-thin story told through very brief cutscenes
AND notes/books detailing the events happening in the game, or what about all the conversations between the guards?
Just telling the story in a more immersive fashion, through gameplay...

>> No.7475928

Just a reminder that the abslolute geniuses behind the masterpiece that is Thi4f removed player agency such as jumping anywhere because they didn't want you to miss their amazing cutscenes and story beats.

>> No.7476082

>complains about rope arrows being inconsistent while shooting them at stone/tile
This is the Thi4f audience, holy shit.

>> No.7476159

he clearly breezed through both T1 and T2 on the easiest difficulty level on one afternoon.
then he spent an insane amount of time on the scriptwriting and production of the video (at least 50+ hours). literal masturbatory navelgazing.

how can a person have such a minute understanding of a subject, and still feel that it's important for the world to know your take on it? I blame social media for turning everyone into a public intellectual

>> No.7476186

nah bruh ure just a cultist

>> No.7476256
File: 73 KB, 800x600, F08A5633-25A0-42FC-8131-14F41B2A000C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Just telling the story in a more immersive fashion, through gameplay...
Exactly, you can find paintings of the builder, and the trickster foreshadowing the plot from the very beginning, and constantines real form is foreshadowed from his very first sheet by the hoofs on his chair the hammerite Bible excepts also do a masterful job at giving you a taste of the world, and the live action parts/comic art is far more unique and stylish then the basic triple AAA graphics of the 2014

>> No.7476610

surprised that piece of shit sinister night wasn't last, nightwalk was as barebones as it gets but it was more open and didn't have fucking amnesia enemies in it

>> No.7476653

alcazar deserved it

>> No.7476673

I'm more surprised Turning of the Leaves scored this high honestly, I thought it was a fairly mediocre mission.

>> No.7476690

What's a good big mansion/heist FM? I've finished playing Death's Cold Embrace yesterday.

>> No.7476701

>almost 400$ back in 2004
>pirate this game
>10 fps

never touched it again

>> No.7476735

Heist Society
Conspiracies in the Dark
The Portrait (second mission of the Black Frog campaign)
The Den (fourth mission of the L'Arsene series)

>> No.7476736

Even fucking Jordan Peterson has a review https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yk4V4mfUmRY

>> No.7476802

No. Nononononononononooooo. Holy shit what a retard. It works on wooden surfaces you dingus. Fuck me.

I kinda get where he's coming from. First time I played Thief 1 I was filtered and didn't understand the mechanics. It's just that, y'know, by playing the game more and more I figured it out and by the time I got up to Assassins the game had clicked. But I don't understand how someone can play through the entire series, make a 5 hour long video about it, and still not get the mechanics - at all. What?

>> No.7476826

Stop giving attention to the mentally ill.

>> No.7476840

Oh I just watched about 5 minutes of it. I'm not going to watch the whole thing, ever. It's just, Jesus, that dude has no fucking idea what he's doing.

>> No.7477078
File: 793 KB, 903x1268, 11B101C0-809B-4216-88AE-FA9AD6BF6DCD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are the people who got the reboot to very positive on Steam

>> No.7477476

I think its alright, but the janky controls, and smaller levels really don't do it any favors.

>> No.7477578

This guy is Irate Gamer-tier bad

>> No.7477627

for me is
Thief 2 > Thief Gold > Thief 3 > Thi4f > Invisible War

>> No.7477647

In 3 you constantly walk around the city. What sense does it make for a thief to carry a non-concealable weapon around guards?

>> No.7477649

>Why is every eceleb suddenly making Thief videos?
Latest retro gem to pluck for patreon bux. It's all so tiresome.

>> No.7477651

No it wasn't. I had the same card and Doom 3, HL2 and Thi3f ran good maxed out.

>> No.7477663

>best review is mandalore gaming
>came out a month ago

>> No.7477919
File: 455 KB, 828x881, 7489D8D0-19FC-48AA-B569-7285DEE13DFF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Knows how to play the game and gives 0 credence to the reboot unlike the reddit retard that got posted here.
If you think that's weird, look at how little Thief 2 reviews are on youtube. I think the most popular one was gggmanlives and you know what to expect from him.

>> No.7477992

He not only rightfully called out the hd mod for being shit, but also the awful Thief 2 texture replacements for Thief 1 and enhancement pack which seemingly every other youtube retard installed without thinking twice about.

>> No.7478017
File: 371 KB, 750x422, thief.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Do you have any side by side screenshots to demonstrate the change? I assume that if you just install tfix lite it doesn't include these, while the full tfix has the changes. I think I played with the full tfix and the graphics looked pretty good, I took this screenshot in the cathedral.

>> No.7478076
File: 2.25 MB, 1920x1080, screenshot1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not him, but Lite doesn't have them, so you're good. I don't have Tfix installed, so I can only show you a screencap from a youtube video - pic related has regular Tfix on

>> No.7478079
File: 3.74 MB, 1920x1080, screenshot2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and this is my screencap, with Tfix Lite

>> No.7478083


Differences between the shadows are incredible, thanks. Thanks for illustrating the point.

>> No.7478118

The difference is night and day. What voodoo47 either fails to understand or chooses to ignore is that the original Thief did not support colored lighting and instead had to convey color through the palette, which resulted in very vibrant textures. By contrast, Thief 2 was developed with colored lighting in mind and the palette is a lot more subdued. Using Thief 2's textures in a game without colored lighting results in a very washed out game, in addition to some textures being completely different.

tl;dr don't use the T2 textures that come with TFix.

>> No.7478178

Finished Thieves guild, jesus that mission took me a long time. I can not imagine trying to get all the loot on expert

>> No.7478179

to be fair seeing "fix" makes people download the whole thing without question

>> No.7478183
File: 48 KB, 600x449, Now what.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its not criminally underrated you fucking halfwit. Have you even thought about this for more than 5 seconds before you decided to make this thread?

>> No.7478260

doesn't voodoo also want to "fix" T1 by adding coloured lighting to it?

>> No.7478313

I think he added red light to the alarm bulbs, and sadly that's the case in TFix Lite too

>> No.7478317

Seems like a decent change

>> No.7478320

>5 hours
Looking at how he formatted the video, he easily could have just split each game into their own videos.

>> No.7478346

He can't because he keeps showing how the reboot/deadly shadows did things better than the old games he got filtered by

>> No.7478645

>there are people out there who watches this shit in its entirety, unironically, and agrees with his opinions
How? Why?

>> No.7478680

Speaking of long videos with opinions, does anyone here listen to the thief podcast?

>> No.7478786

It says a lot when Deadly Shadows needs more substantial patches to be enjoyable, compared to 1 and 2, where you could easily just slap newdark on them and call it day.

>> No.7478812

No it's not.

>> No.7479015

The sword was always dumb, you couldn't kill the guards, it was worthless against robots/zombies. In the last parts of T1 it had its place when you killing the chaos beasts and burricks but in most missions and all of thief 2 it existed to cut some cloth and reveal a door/treasure. Changing to a dagger was the only thing thief 3 did right.

Fuck the small maps and changing rope arrows into the "you may only climb in the designated climbing arrear" gloves though.

>> No.7479039

Fuck you retard, the sword was always useful as a defensive tool. You can knock down zombies temporarily, wound guards and have them run away from you, kill haunts. Stop defending the removal of an entire combat system for a wimpy dagger that only kills humans, making it completely useless. You could even bash open doors with the sword.

>> No.7479193

Do Melan's or Slacker's missions follow a timeline or a sequence? Where does Sound of a burrick fit with Endless Rain and so on?

>> No.7479206

Sorta like it's weird low poly Doom 3-ey, dude normal maps and stencil shadows look. I always drop Thief games though. Even the 'good' ones.

>> No.7479884

from what I gathered it's like this
Melan: Prowler of the Dark -> Bad Debts -> Disorientation -> Rose Garden
Skacky: The Sound of a Burrick in a Room -> Between These Dark Walls -> Endless Rain -> Chalice of Souls

>> No.7479930

interesting, I'm using Tfix with every checkbox disabled in the installer.
I have the same exact textures, but I think it looks slightly washed out on my end?
can I overwrite tfix with tfix lite?

>> No.7480464

Don't forget that Melan's chronology includes his TDM fms (they don't use the name Garrett since TDM is supposed to be legally distinct from Thief, but he's said all of his stuff shares the same protagonist and a common timeline except Unbidden Guest and possibly Rats Triumphant).

>> No.7480472

TFix with all the boxes unchecked still installs a bunch of shit and changes the maps. You have to do a fresh reinstall.

>> No.7480708

Is this any good? I never gave it a try because it just reminded me of the jankiness of Thief 3.

>> No.7480968

It's much, much better than Thief 3 but it was made by fans for free whereas Thief 2 had a budget over $2 million.

>> No.7481142

It actually plays like Thief 1 and 2, but level design overall is really poor. New patches keep making it better, 2.09 added a new installer allowing you to choose older versions, and came with a bunch of new optimizations, apparently it runs a lot better on older hardware now.

>> No.7481202

>doesn't understand something
>misinterprets his own stupidity as a fault of the game
>makes this claim in an authoratative manner
It's kind of enjoyable, more like a window into the mind of these well educated retards who never would have thrived in the hobbyist world of yesteryear.

>there are people who use the rounded as fuck "hd" models and the texture pack replacement where the artist put in pics of himself and his gf
How do you even get on to thief being this retarded?

>> No.7481207

>How do you even get on to thief being this retarded?
Unfortunately they are numerous and they insist on playing fan missions with that mod because "it just looks better bro, trust me".

>> No.7481209

not bad at all. NV is overrated

>> No.7481239
File: 259 KB, 420x420, 1497938996149.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post yfw you realise that the drunk guard inside bafford's manor is friendly unless provoked or alerted by another NPC

>> No.7481245

So is the other patrolling guard who greets you.

>> No.7481269

no, you misunderstand. I'm not talking about the well guard. I'm talking about the drunk guard INSIDE the manor

>> No.7481278

Ah sorry, I read that too fast! My bad!

>> No.7481346

You know that would explain some things. I remember falling for the ghosting meme on my first playthrough, didn't know any alternative routes and trying to get around him without blackjacking. I was always confused how I managed it.

>> No.7481351
File: 146 KB, 440x1002, Garrettsketchthief4concya0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kinda want to see what sort of clusterfuck Ion's T4 would have been like. Basically set in the Thief world, with Hammerers and Pagans and the like, but advanced hundreds of years in the future.

>> No.7481376
File: 972 KB, 1982x1441, Thief-4-Dagger-of-Ways.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It would have just been World of Darkness/Vampire the Masquerade with Garret. Also, seems like the Trickster would have been the badguy again.

>> No.7481384

>The Thief series has always been held back by esoteric, unrecognizable fiction and passive, slow-paced gameplay

>Thief 4-Dagger of Ways intends to broaden the appeal of the series by providing faster-paced more active gameplay and using more universally recognizable (stronger) fictional elements.

Any you've lost me.

>> No.7481393

what is rdj doing in this chart

>> No.7481414

Where's that FM infograph? Can someone post it here? I need some recs on what to play next.

>> No.7481639

Didn't the design docs leak? It was literally going to be Deus Ex: Invisible War, but with Garrett. I'm not exaggerating either. Modern times, hacking, etc.

>> No.7481704

I sucked through the whole first 2 games, haven't the patience to wait and rushed to the guards constantly

>> No.7481726

Yeah but did you make a fucking 5 hour video complaining about how the game's shit while clearly not understanding any of the mechanics whatsoever? No? Then you're at least not a total retard then.

>> No.7481789

me too honestly, i kinda enjoyed it but it was far worse than Cinder Notes, Midsummer and Recipe

>> No.7481793

That's like playing through 2 RPGs and just skipping every dialogue. Why would you even play the games to completion?

>> No.7481865

Gameplay issues aside, I always felt the reboot was too edgy. Like they read that the old games were dark, but didn't actually know what made them dark, so they just made everyone emo or evil, with lots of swearing and an obligatory nudity level.

>> No.7481939

>Calendra's Legacy
This is fanfic-y as fuck but are the levels any good? Should I play it?

>> No.7482039

>World of Darkness/Vampire the Masquerade with Garret
Hey, I want to make that, don't steal my idea Ion Storm.
What's laid out in that design document actually sounds really bad, just because it makes Garret seem like an even worse person, why is he helping Drug Dealers? why is he sabotaging someone straight off the bat? I thought he just wanted to make rent, why does he have a silenced pistol? he can only fire bullets out of that, and they can be traced to that pistol. It legitimately sounds retarded, possibly not thought out, why is Constantine introduced so fucking early and not in the subtle way like the painting hanging in Lord Baffords estate? Why are they reusing Bafford's name other than for some shitty reference to the original, it's like they are trying to appeal to the OG thief fans with (sneaky) references while shitting on them at the same time.

>> No.7482040

>bla balalalala balalala
Cri everytiem:(((

>> No.7482061
File: 2.66 MB, 1920x1080, thief mantling bullshit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I liked the parts where you explore abandoned locations from the original games, but the gameplay is really frustrating sometimes thanks to how specificly contextualized everything is, and it doesn't help either that the every location in the game looks the fucking same

>> No.7482076

Holy shit I just tried it. That's fucking great

>> No.7482341

>Who...the hell...are you?

>> No.7482347

>Ahahay....Quit taffing around!

>> No.7482358

I tried, probably wasn't in the mood. Gonna try DS and fan missions later without mindless rushing

>> No.7482395

The second mission (Murkbell) is brilliant imo, (just don't be put off by the timer at the start (it's generous if you use your map) and don't bother if you hate zombies.

>> No.7482648
File: 155 KB, 500x420, ebony nibba.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fisher price scale maps

>> No.7482653

i thought the open levels would be fine if you can play it after completing the game but for some reason you can´t, GTA lets you do that

>> No.7482661

>I think the most popular one was gggmanlives and you know what to expect from him.

what´s wrong with him? i like ggmanlives

>> No.7482670

looks like CS 1.6 map

>> No.7482680


>> No.7482693
File: 96 KB, 1280x720, bb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did he do it bros?

>> No.7482819

Alright, Thank you

>> No.7482896
File: 908 KB, 2560x1440, TFIX lite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I'll be, It's a subtle change but a change nonetheless.
Tfix is making it run in the Thief 2 engine if I'm not mistaken? since It's a little washed out? the more you know..

>> No.7482901
File: 1002 KB, 2560x1440, Tfix'd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And Tfix (1.27) for comparison, open up the images and switch between them and it becomes apparent, gamma setting on default

>> No.7482910

NewDark is the actual dark engine update makes the games run on the same engine. Tfix's main purpose is to install newdark (because extracting a few zips is too complicated for some people), but it also adds a bunch of other random shit that its creator never fully documented which is why you end up with these differences despite unchecking everything.

>> No.7482913

yeah, in some places the texture alignment is different too

>> No.7482926

>with these differences despite unchecking everything.

what should i have in order to not have Thief 1 messed up graphically?

>> No.7482927

yeah I definitely understand it better now, I've heard of some changes like with Newmantle, where the creator put up new barricades so you couldn't climb out off the level, that's a change I can understand, but I would never want new models or textures, and again the old lighting is better.

I think the first time I played thief and SS2 newdark didn't exist so I had to install DDfix (pretty sure that's the name)
yep! you can see it on the balcony texture in my screenshot, he readjusted it a little and that stuff is great, for sure.

>> No.7482950

Your best bet is to download newdark 1.27 and install it directly. The zip includes a readme with installation instructions, and you might have to go through cam_ext.cfg to set some settings you like, which can be a bit annoying but it's worth it to learn what files like that do.

>> No.7482954

Am I missing something or is it supposed to be REAL FUCKING JANKY to grab on to ledges and climb down ladders/ropes in Thief 1 and 2? I keep having to quick save everytime I need to do those actions because half the time I either face plant into the floor and die or I make a loud sound and lose 3/4 of my health and get every NPC in the whole universe going after my ass.

>> No.7482957

this is for Thief 2

>> No.7482959

TFix does have some sensible, actual fixes like adjustments where lighting is blatantly broken, or wall lights that are facing the wrong way. But it's mixed in with random undocumented crap that oversteps the line between a fix and a mod, with no way to leave them out. So that's why I prefer to play the original version, with all its blemishes.

>> No.7482961

The naming is confusing but it works for Thief Gold as well. As the readme will say, there's an extra step for TG installations compared to T2.

>> No.7482962

>So that's why I prefer to play the original version, with all its blemishes.

where can i download that?

>> No.7482964

it doesn´t change anything about the graphics right? or does it?

>> No.7482980

It doesn't change textures or models or anything like that. It just adds options for display resolution, texture filtering, anti aliasing, etc.

>> No.7482990

did somebody played this campaign? is it good?

Thief: The Black Parade


>> No.7483004

steam or torrent

>> No.7483026

>is it supposed to be REAL FUCKING JANKY to grab on to ledges
it its, even with NewMantle i think.
simply trying to drop down a rope arrow is a feat in itself and can at worst make you fly off the edge like a damn catapult

>> No.7483036

it's not out yet, but it's close

>> No.7483038

gog version is using tfix Lite in some form or another, but NOT regular TFix from what I know

>> No.7483065
File: 122 KB, 1100x859, community_image_1410610819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's a big mansion mission but it has a spooky twist near the end and it turns into a haunted mansion
I fucking love moody gothic shit like this. What are some other FMs like Scarlet Cascabel? It took me hours to complete it and it's pretty immersive. 10/10 best FM I've played yet.

>> No.7483083

It does not use TFix, but you would have to set off the alarm in Cragscleft to know if it's truly using TFix lite or just NewDark as voodoo47 added colored lights to them for some reason.

>> No.7483109
File: 161 KB, 600x599, .....jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7483146

Actually an easier way to check would be to just look for a miss3.mis.dml and open it up in notepad to look for references to colored light.

>> No.7483149

do that now

>> No.7483172

No, I don't feel like backing up my configs and keybinds to check.

>> No.7483173


>> No.7483187

That's a shame. It almost ruins the game for me.

>> No.7483192

How about play the game and judge it for yourself

>> No.7483208

>slashing purse strings with a sword

>> No.7483214

try crouch mantling

>> No.7483218
File: 89 KB, 598x683, colorlights.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

found the culprit.
So yeah this is the gog version just as it is when you install it.
That will have to be it for me now, got a night shift to get to.

>> No.7483221

truly voodoo47 is a niggerfaggot

>> No.7483508

The combat is not the draw of the game, it has the very basics, block, attack, slower more damaging attack that staggers and that's it. Losing it doesn't make much difference, and injuring guards isn't really playing in the spirit of things either. It goes at great lengths to explain garret isn't a dumb thug who goes around murdering anyone who gets in a way, he's a thief who sneaks in, making a massive racket, near-killing them and drawing all the guards nearby might not actually fail the objective but it's hardly fitting.

The super magic sword's power being "it's dark and isn't polished so doesn't reflect all the light from everywhere" also seems like something that shouldn't require the trickster to achieve.

>> No.7483510

>Losing it doesn't make much difference,
It makes a massive difference, stopped reading there.

>> No.7483524

Rowena's Curse, Ominous Bequest, The Den, Conspiracies in the Dark

>> No.7483528

Grabbing on to ledges and going up always seems fine to me. Climbing down is a hassle that often kills you though, I think it's an issue for all the games of that era. I remember quicksaving everytime I wanted to climb down a ladder in Deus Ex as well (until you get the leg boost that makes fall damage and enemies catching you something that happens to other people) at least.

>> No.7483532

Okay, enjoy your ebin adventurer Garret swashbuckling drunk guards then.

>> No.7483616

Ironically, the dagger is safer in combat. Garett is faster than NPCs in DS so he can just weave in and out and hit guards as he dashes past them.

I think it adds flavor. I was actually really good at the clunky combat in DP, and could even take on haunts 1v1 without losing health. So the Garett I played on expert was the best swordsman in the game, but chose not to use it because of his morals/standards. Killing people with bow or sword would be the easiest thing in the world, but he'd rather go for a nonlethal approach, more for their benefit than his.

>> No.7484194

I like it, I still remember playing the demo for the first time, good times.
>Thief 3 is the worst part of the series.
Invisible War? Why?

>> No.7484203

Heard people complaining about this for a long time but I never had this problem, even after completing both games three times.

>> No.7484212

I kinda like it but it's not underrated, it's a huge downgrade when compared to previous games and objectively 6/10, maybe 7 because the atmosphere is still good.

>> No.7485094
File: 317 KB, 1020x902, 1609532798858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's okay Anon, it's really easy to accidentally type 3 instead of 4, they are right next to each other on the keyboard

>> No.7485191

Most people don't consider that game part of the series.

>> No.7485206
File: 366 KB, 656x415, nu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yikes..... thief trilogy chads win again i guess

>> No.7485856

The "producer" is his reddit username he uses to shill

>> No.7485859

who does this guy remind me of.

>> No.7485918

Did the trickster swap his hair place? Is this why he's is so mad about Thief?

>> No.7486036

Forgive me for my ignorance but what do i need to patch the steam version of Thief with so the cutscenes will work but nothing else will be bastardized?

>> No.7486061


>> No.7486116
File: 442 KB, 1439x1148, Screenshot_20210304-065605_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's above it all

>> No.7486121

TFix. However I would recommend TFix Lite as full TFix contains a load of changes, some for the worse, even if you don't check any of the optional changes in the installer. Stuff like Thief 2 textures and AI in the first game, neither of which really fit at all.

TFix Lite is just the game ported over to NewDark.

>> No.7486132

basedjack, he's just doing the wrong expression

>> No.7486249

The absolute state of baldies

>> No.7486261
File: 25 KB, 632x756, smug soyak looking at you ears.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7486267

The saddest fact is that NO ONE in this thread who replied to this post have actually watched the video. Everyone decided to just collectively shit on it out of principle and comradery. Yeah, you can pat yourself on the back and reassure yourself that you did what other people in this thread did when replying to this post, but it doesn't change the fact that there's a merit and a grain of truth to this video.

>> No.7486282

If you seriously spent 5 hours of your life watching a video made by a guy desperately trying to prove that new Thief was better, you should seriously reconsider your lifestyle.

>> No.7486297

No shit, it's 5 hours long. You can play like a third-quarter of the game and see how bad it is for yourself in that time.

>> No.7486303

I watched a few minutes here and there. I'm not wasting a day of my life watching the whole thing.

in the places I did watch, I saw footage of him running around and slashing people in lit areas on the easiest diffuculty setting, while remarking on how poor/aged/clunky the games feel.

>> No.7486313

The saddest fact is that SOMEONE actually wasted 5 hours watching this crap, and they are never going to get those 5 hours back.
Do yourself a favor, if you are really interested in this guy's opinion on thief, visit the thief subreddit and waste about 20 minutes reading his pseud arguments.

>> No.7486316

Are you butthurt enough you have to shill your video here too baldie?

>> No.7486329

Yeah bro, just wait there for 5 hours while I watch some random bald fuck on youtube regurgitate their opinion. Don't leave.

>> No.7486339


The problem is that the very things that he criticises are the exact things that make Thief a worthwhile game to play to this day.

The sword being a bad weapon means that you're heavily discouraged from using it. Garret is a thief, not a master swordsman. You're meant to fear the guards and run from them when they discover you, not clean out the map of enemies.

At times, you get lost and confused as to where you are or what to do. Once again, this is a good thing. There are no stupid directional arrows, or someone telling you what to do - you have to explore and construct a mental map, look for clues etc.

There's less of a strong central thread - but the way they build up the world is brilliant. Shipping and Receiving lays the seeds for pretty much everything that happens later. And it goes on to show a magical world pushed to the outskirts of civilisation due to industrial revolution without yelling in yoyr face about it.

Thief 1 and 2 are far from flawless - there are some very poor maps and blackjacking guards gets repetitive and too easy as you get a grip on the mechanics. But the reason people still love Thief is that we lost its restrained and deliberate design in favour of power fantasies where you could do anything and kill everyone with ease.

>> No.7486341

I'm not used to eat shit and I'm not going to try, just post a tl;dw or begone

>> No.7486358
File: 62 KB, 446x400, 175249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the laugh.

>> No.7486362

I watched about an hour of it in the background before it got posted here and had to shut it off because the dude kept on getting basic facts completely wrong and kept blaming the game for his own failures. I ain't watching another 4 hours of that shit dude.
>but it doesn't change the fact that there's a merit and a grain of truth to this video.
The fuck are you talking about? The dude didn't even know how the rope arrows worked.

>> No.7486378

As much as I like it, the fucking controls are ass, even with the sneaky upgrade.

>> No.7486393 [DELETED] 

Who did these?

>> No.7487054

I saw it.

Its long winded apologism for thief 4. for the "sake" of modern gaming or some shit.

>> No.7487647

I'm honestly baffled at how many things he's gotten wrong about the originals. Like thinking that rope arrows only work on ceilings and are inconsistent about it (when its actually just that it needs to be wooden surfaces, and can work on walls), or that guards respawn after a while (Besides Gold's fire shadows, which only exist to provide supplies for fire arrow objectives, this is completely false in 1 and 2, and with deadly shadows, is only true in the city hub).

>> No.7487656

>but it doesn't change the fact that there's a merit and a grain of truth to this video.

>> No.7487738

Man, it's like the memes are writing themselves. I just checked who this guy was and the first thing that appeared is him complaining about the price of onions on reddit

>> No.7487745

Yout video is shit and you got filtered on normal

>> No.7487920

Its not even worth of being a remake that's what.

>> No.7487993

I dont think its that bad. Also the better guard models are worth it.

>> No.7488091

I mean, technically they are better, but the old models have a charm to them.

>> No.7488109

the old models are designed with T1's art direction in mind, much like the textures. it's all meant to have a stylised, cartoonish feel to it.

T2 went for a more realistic approach. it's not entirely fair to simply call them "better". they're more high poly, yes, but they're not designed with T1's art direction in mind. a lot of the original's style is lost if you use them

>> No.7488115

True. I still use the ai tweaks and candles in tfix and disable everything else.

I also liked the better sky in Thief 1 but disabled it as well not that big a deal. I feel like Thief could have used a better sky box.

>> No.7488121

Also Thief 1 with no tex filtering is great at high resolutions.
Even 2.

Fucking love this game.

>> No.7488151

Even System Shock 1 had texture filtering in certain cases, can't say I'm a fan of unfiltering everything for Thief.

>> No.7488153

its not as good as quake 1 buts its not as bad as half life which had very blurry textures for filtering in mind.

I like it.

SS2 is another story.

>> No.7488158

Half-Life used lots of non-power of 2 textures which would get stretched when not playing in Software mode. Xash3D fixes this but the official Steam version never did.

>> No.7488162

I mostly played 1 an 2 with filtering as a kid. With a Voodoo2 from my first summer job.
But T1 is really comfy looking with no filtering.

>> No.7488223

Played it for the first time recently. It's okay. The big problem I found was that the smaller levels kinda fuck the game up if you use your initiative and try to do that 'immersive sim,' emergent shit.

For instance I was having a hard time with one specific stealth section and decided to use a noise-maker arrow from the shadows, only to have nearly every single patrolling guard in the entire area run into the room searching for me. A single gas grenade later and bam, I'd gotten rid of almost every enemy in the level. A single noisemaker and gas grenade can pretty much jank every single level.

>> No.7488438

as stupid as this is I'd rather this than Thiaf
At least this is out there, Thiaf is just miserable and aping Dishonored

>> No.7488442
File: 3.98 MB, 1400x4537, 1446332665435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's the main one I used, I'll post another one
some anons apparently working on a new more comprehensive list but it'll be months before its finished apparently

>> No.7488445

>I liked the parts where you explore abandoned locations from the original games
that exists?

>> No.7488459

Cascabel was cool but outstayed its welcome, imo
The missions large enough, it doesn't need the Winter Wing

>> No.7488461

holy shit thats a reply to my comment

>> No.7488472
File: 1.34 MB, 1269x1089, 1468631388219.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's the other one, theres some overlap here and i haven't actually played any of the missions from this one yet

>> No.7488480

I like long missions though

>> No.7488506

the first one looks amazing. the way the light works makes it look like a real scene of blocky props.
The second one looks like garish garbage with completely unconvincing lighting. Pitch black in the cloister?
Now the question is... which one is the one that you guys are saying is wrecked because i fucking hope it's not the top one

>> No.7488508
File: 31 KB, 640x480, ohmyfuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hello, what mission is this from please? thanks

>> No.7488514

so do I but Cascabel was a little too long
there were multiple points in the mission where I was sure I was close to being done, only to have another objective or two thrown at me
Dont get me wrong, overall I did love it
The atmosphere of both levels was great, hunting for chess pieces was fun and the layout and design of the Blackwell Hotel was fantastic, I just started getting burnt out by the time I made it into the Winter Wing

>> No.7488530
File: 138 KB, 1200x900, a-stroll-through-horror-hallway.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd love to play an even longer sprawling FM, actually. Just different tastes I guess.

>> No.7488541

Pretty sure this one hasn't been released yet and has been in development for a decade or so.

>> No.7489026

I tried getting into FMs with some smaller stuff but holy hell, are all of them so stupidly linear? I tried Equilibrium, Sabotage in Eastport and Sinful Opportunities and all of them have literally 1 route.

Terrible design, and some of these are pretty highly rated. I want a short-ish mission that's well-designed, has a good story, and looks good. Is that too much to ask?

>> No.7489129

Endless Rain or anything from the image I posted above >>7488442
Eastport was a recent submission for a small missions contest, but even still it has at least 2 ways to infiltrate that I can think of off the top of my head
Haven't played the other two you mentioned though

>> No.7489258

The first two levels are great because of how much optional loot you can find if you just feel like exploring, but there's no requirement for you to find them, if you'd rather just follow the main objective you can just do that.
Even on expert, your list of objectives are relatively short, unlike a lot of other fan missions nowadays.

But the story? Yeah total crap so ignore it...

>> No.7489268

I think gog owners are screwed regardless, it comes with tfix lite pre-installed

>> No.7489281

You can just look here to know which version is which

>> No.7489329

this one has overall better taste than >>7488442, but there are a few mediocre/gimicky missions that don't belong among the great ones. I'm also missing some sort of organisation (e.g. by game, by theme, by "tier", etc.). it feels more like someone just listed random missions he liked

>> No.7489332

Literally all I hear about, my man.

>> No.7489339

Can this be true. I was going to go through all the hassle of installing the game pretty much because of one or two shots of this area in this level and you tell me i am not even gonna be able to go to it?
I really need a name or link or something to confirm this please

>> No.7489347
File: 206 KB, 1280x960, xavs1F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i found the forum poster who's ? making it ? i think. this was the other side of the room with old engine lighting
but his post was from 2012
it just looks so fucking cosy

>> No.7489354

ok i found it its this
>thief dot starforge.co.uk/wiki/Xavier%27s_Library
and its
>Status Slow progress
>Release date Not available
great. at least i dont have to go crt hunting at the tip

>> No.7489368

You could try A Midsummer Night's Heist, it is in my opinion the quintessential small-sized Thief 2 mission:
>Manor with at least three ways to break in
>Several routes inside including some that are a bit hidden and reward observation
>Lots of vantage points if you're observant enough
>Security that isn't impossible to bypass with tight patrols
>Optional no-KO objective for additional challenge

I'm really not sure why this one didn't get second place in the contest because it's obviously designed by a pro who knows what they're doing. It's a bit light in story (even if the readables are well written) but the rest is impeccable.

>> No.7489379

You should skip most if not all FMs from before around 2005 then. People back then had no idea what they were doing and every map that I played sucks.

>> No.7489438

I listened to the whole thing during work, and yeah its a bad video.

>> No.7489445

check out Death's Cold Embrace for similar comfy vibes

>> No.7489802

>People back then had no idea what they were doing and every map that I played sucks
you must have missed the following missions, then:
>lord edmund entertains
>lampfire hills
>bloodstone prison
>calendra's cistern
>the order of the vine
>mystery man
>the varyx obelisk (and its sequel, heart and soul)

>> No.7489848

What is the point of being overly long? I assume most of these people did some time in university. They always teach you to condense what you need to say without flowery language or meandering. I just don't get it.
Not watching the video I know that 5 hours is too long for any point he is making. It's just a series of video games.

>> No.7489853

I'll admit in the first one I posted I honestly dont like most of the T2 missions
I say dont like but I more just cant remember any of them except for a handful, the list of Gold fms are much more memorable

>> No.7489861

>It's just a series of video games.
a series of video games he didn't even bother to thoroughly understand before making a 5 hour video about

>> No.7490039

Yeah to agree with this guy: >>7489861
Not only is this dipshit overly long he gets everything wrong in the process, especially about the first two games.

I get your point anon, but this is something a bit different. It's a dude owning himself while playing a game whilst not getting he's owning himself and blaming the game because he's a retard.

And he fucking spent 5 hours doing it which is longer than Lawrence of Arabia which is 4 hours long and they fucking journey to Aqaba and back again within the first 2 and a half hours. What's this guy's excuse?

>> No.7490086

Longer is better, obviously!

>> No.7491410

I actually watched the whole thing, and its not that bad as people replying in the thread.
The only really stupid thing he complained was he was basically to dumb and ignorrant to find ramirez in the assasins mission and it took alot of time to him to find fucking ramirez which he is bitching about.
The points are basically:
>Thief 1 is not that good as people trying to tell
>OMG iI LOVE Thief 2, but it has some shitty missions in it
>Deadly shadows are underrated
>Ti4f is not that bad as people trying to tell you

t.subhuman with no life

>> No.7491424

its awful for what two of us said above
he didn't actually try and undetstand either of the first two games at all before making this in depth and detailed review
he skipped half of Haunted Cathedral for fucks sake
its just bizarre watching this highly detailed ultaimate thief series review and find surface level understanding

>> No.7491601
File: 923 KB, 1920x1080, thief2_2021_03_05_21_56_42_537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Rose Cottage
goddamn that is fucking gorgeous
no idea what's inside and if you can turn the lights on though


>> No.7491613

>all of this fighting against the engine for decent graphics
>still no way to replace the character graphics
Desperately needs a full open source project.

>> No.7491983

Looks a lot like Thief 3, it even has that disgusting greenish blue lightning.

>> No.7492427

>soul vs soulless

>> No.7492453

I had it on in the background while I was playing dwarf fortress but got bored, I made to 2:18:47. What am I missing? So far he just seems like another zoomer that gets filtered by cragscleft and janky old games. I shit you not basically 95% TG or TMA clips in the video are either him dying or stabbing guards. Also most of his commentary so far is pretty unsubstantial stuff that could be omitted or condensed if it's not outright redundant (I assume he's padding to reach 5hrs for meme views). Is it worth continuing?

>> No.7492524

Yeah, mantling never seemed too bad to me.

>> No.7492532

You never got catapulted across the map trying to climb a rope arrow? Or made a loud noise randomly when trying to mantle some crate? Happens way too often for me.

>> No.7492571

Not him but yes, in the original engine mantling often felt like a gamble. Sometimes standing too close to a ledge would lead to a fuck up, sometimes you would just jump instead of climbing etc.
Newdark "fixed" a lot of this, now it is way more reliable and you can mantle stuff that you couldn't in the original.
Rope physics still are wonky, but only 1 out of 10 times

>> No.7492602
File: 1.36 MB, 1920x1080, thief_2021_03_06_03_44_42_439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like a halfway-done "Thief1: Fixed" mod

>> No.7492612

Yeah even a lot of the highly regarded ones just seem kind of shoddily designed, like you're immediately slapped in the face by basic shit they get wrong compared to ttlg.

>> No.7492623

funny how the midday lighting is better than night and darkness.

>> No.7492629

How's TDM nowadays? I remember trying it a few years ago and it ran like shit on my old gtx 970.

>> No.7492793

>it even has that disgusting greenish blue lightning
bad taste

>> No.7492858

newdark and newmantle did help but it still happens sometimes
the most annoying one is the loud noise as if i've jumped onto something, it happens way too often even with both fixes

>> No.7492875

no u

>> No.7493050

runs pretty good nowadays imo, only thing that's still a performance killer is soft shadows. But I prefer the sharp doom 3 esque shadows anyway

>> No.7493737

who are your top 3 fm authors?

>> No.7493759
File: 42 KB, 640x769, chad13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1. schlock
even though his missionography is short, it's consistently top quality. I also love his vision of how the city looks.
>2. dooal
he only made two missions, but those missions are among the best ones I've played. the story is a bit pulpy, but that just adds to the charm.
>3. JIS
a meme author, I know. I still love the visuals and style of his missions. I've played everything he published, even the demo versions. my favourites by him are:
1. elevator mission (ver1)
2. hammer and garrett
3. hell 2

>> No.7493763

*doaal, but you get what I mean

>> No.7495117

>>1. schlock
unbelievably based
I didn't even realise until just now that he also did Alcazar, makes sense
Into the Odd is the best fan mission I've ever played
>>2. dooal
doubly based, I played Sinistral 6 years ago but its still one of the most memorable fms

>> No.7495559

He's doing a stream right now where he responds to the comments
he sounds like he's genuinely about to cry

>> No.7496024

He's a caricature, don't pay him mind

>> No.7496162

I'm posting this in all of the thief threads on 4chan. Look at this standalone fan made project on unreal 4!

>> No.7496312

>you will never be a pseud getting filtered by rope arrows

>> No.7496418

fuck yourself

>> No.7496596

>fan made project
You should add your own twist to your game because this niche is already full with Thief itself, just see how many FM are still made today and how The Dark Mod is not really that active.
The vertical slice you made seems good but doesn't show enough about the interesting parts of the gameplay, a lot of things Thief did back in the day like physics-like interactions aren't a novelty anymore.

tl;dr nice work but try to make it interesting in its own way because you're betting against Thief FMs and you will lose.

t. another gamedev

>> No.7496632

>doesn't show the gameplay
that IS their gameplay. obviously it's your classic UE 3D-artist guy who couldn't code or animate a guard in a million years, so trying to pass off a scene as a game by exploiting the ""stealth genre""

>> No.7496697

i cant get over unreal, i've always thought it looked like shit
its a shame no project will ever look as good as thief 1 and 2, MAYBE tdm but I haven't gotten around to trying it yet

>> No.7496870


Bald man responds to /vr/'s accusations.

>> No.7496893
File: 91 KB, 399x519, 1614728359586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I would have gotten half a million likes if I said it was a good game
>seething about other people making popular thief videos
>doesn't admit he literally could not understand the basics of the game
About what I would expect

>> No.7496948

>his only points are about the story and graphics >says nothing about the gameplay

>> No.7496963

>he clearly breezed through both T1 and T2 on the easiest difficulty level on one afternoon
you'd think so but he also spends an insane amount of time bumbling around hoping to run into the right place by sheer luck

>> No.7497086

>he clearly breezed through both T1 and T2 on the easiest difficulty level on one afternoon.
Can you blame him, 99% of game journalists do the same thing, some don't even complete the game before giving it a score.

>> No.7497161

That's probably your project but it looks too derivative.

>> No.7497241

Anyone else think strange bedfellows is an underrated mission?

>> No.7497256

Sure, a bit too early but not an unreasonable pick as all 3 of the missions he put work into were really good.
One hit wonder, other than SotS the other missions he made are extremely mediocre or bad. Still not the worst choice, but there are FAR better authors out there now and even back then when he was active.
Alright you should actually kill yourself for this one. Like you said he's a meme author. This is borderline disrespectful as a pick.

You should broaden your FM horizons, it feels like you've just confined yourself to older FMs or ones that are in their style.

>> No.7497257

>It took him over 3 hours to finish cragscleft

>> No.7497265

>>7497257 (Me)
>it also took him 3+ hours to finisj Assassin's
Okay, what the fuck?

>> No.7497295

>You should broaden your FM horizons, it feels like you've just confined yourself to older FMs or ones that are in their style.
my list is mainly for T1 since I've played way more missions for that game.
however, I've unironically played every T1 mission except the dromed exclusive ones. the authors I listed are those whose missions gave the me the biggest joy

>> No.7497306

I agree, bro! It's not my game but i wish I could be involved in it.
You can see the AI in his other videos, anon.

Currently he's having this bug here. Sometimes I think 4channers judge the book way too much by the cover. The first guy (>>7496596) really made good critics about the project instead of just saying "he can't program!!!!" The guy is trying to make a good thief like game an as a fan I hope it turns out well.
I wish I could voice some character in the game (No, the project is not mine)

>> No.7497337

stop shilling your shit and just work on the game dude

>> No.7497342
File: 109 KB, 1000x923, 1592299318190.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying it's my game just bcs i posted about a fan project

>> No.7497410

Same thing happened to this guy >>7486267 people claim he was the guy who made the video even though I never explicitly said that.

>> No.7497524

Is he obese or is it just his clothes making look so?

>> No.7497623

I liked shadows of the metal age.

>> No.7497750

Judging from the shape of his hands, obese.

>> No.7497791

it's not a bad campaign. in fact it's very ambitious.

however, some people shilled it a LOT, called it the best FM campaign of all time, and even lauded it as some kind of spiritual sequel to T2.
the hate you see against it now is just a backlash against that sentiment

>> No.7497812

histhief video has an overwhelmingly positive like/dislike ratio, and only a few critical comments.
yet he talks as if he has faced some huge backlash, and everyone is at his throat

>> No.7497824

I like it more now than I used to.

>> No.7499256

Will The Black Parade be the new T2X?

>> No.7499278

No it will be the new DCE.

>> No.7499350

>you can see his ai
not seeing any ai

>> No.7499365

>that inventory
probably just a placeholder i'd hope but i cant do it, i cant get over how shit unreal looks

>> No.7499589

this video reflects exactly the experience i had when playing thief 1&2 for the first time a year ago.

>> No.7499769

>female protag

Thats a gross looking unreal game. Not that different from tdm.
Unreal can look good however.

>> No.7499856
File: 129 KB, 1439x397, Screenshot_20210307-210936_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's going to kill me

>> No.7499905

Some people are just obtuse and dumb.

>> No.7499919

As if anyone would even count the reboot as part of the series

>> No.7499976

TBP isn't 60% reused maps so that's not it.

>> No.7500263

Sound design is horrible.

>> No.7500287

Considering he very clearly is allergic to experimentation, wouldn't be surprised if he just didn't know what moss arrows even did until after he finished the games.

Also, i saw his later reply in that comment thread, and why does he keep using nostalgia to dismiss what fans are saying? I never played the Thief games until 5 years ago, and I didn't have any of the issues with the games that he has.

>> No.7500310


>> No.7500335

is this on the stream video? I cant see this comment for some reason.

>> No.7500374

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>> No.7500425

aah, i see thanks