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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 386 KB, 800x400, mist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7448223 No.7448223 [Reply] [Original]

With the abundance of cores being developed and constantly improved for the MiSTer FPGA platform, it is, in my opinion, the future of retro gaming.

Lets talk about it!

>> No.7448239

how much does this bs cost

>> No.7448245

I don't have much to say other than I love my MiSTer. I made some daemonbrite usb adapters with arduinos and I'm using 8bitdo 2.4g controllers with them, feels awesome to play. I'm looking forward to the PS1 core, hopefully some time this year.

>> No.7448253

It definitely is the future of retro gamin. I can't wait until cryptocurrency miners find a use for it, though.

>> No.7448270

PS1 core would be incredible if they getting working well.

>> No.7448275


This is the most common bundle that people purchase.

>> No.7448295 [DELETED] 

As much as a SNES, a Genesis, a Dreamcast, and a Saturn all combined.

>> No.7448348

inb4 'gee mister'

>> No.7448358

Gee MiSTer, I rather not waste my money on something my PC can already do.

>> No.7448365 [DELETED] 

Faggotry Pedophilia Gayest Activation?

>> No.7448374

lol so fucking predictable

>> No.7448382

>my PC can already do
unless your pc is an fpga, it can't

>> No.7448429
File: 388 KB, 2048x1536, mister.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not convinced on the gold version but these aluminium cases are pretty neat

>> No.7448479

My PC already has FPGA built into it. Game over, MiSTer.

>> No.7448490

Those look ugly as fuck.

>> No.7448491

Lmfao my PC can emulate literally everything that can possibly be emulated, at the moment the mister can’t compete with anyone’s PC.

A mister won’t be a viable option for years until autists develop for it, and you’re never getting 6th gen emulation on it. In five years we’ll see how things go.

>> No.7448510

they r based on ur face

>> No.7448710

The difference is that it's not emulating the games.

>> No.7448726

another 8 bit 16 bit garbage box?

>> No.7448727

I'm going to pick up a black one when they become available again.

>> No.7448731


List of cores on the right, under "FPGA Cores" section. This is hardware level emulation, not software.

>> No.7448739
File: 321 KB, 1125x501, 2E7353EF-443C-40DC-A1EF-96F49C0362D8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol paying $600 for a snes emulator
And the slightly cheaper "bundle" that's on the misteraddons website is forever on pre-order
Just buy an everdrive, fucking retard

>> No.7448747

Yes, it is.

>> No.7448754

>forever on pre-order
I bought one literally a week ago, before he closed his shop for a week so he could move across the country. Don't act like you're looking frequently to see if they're in stock. If you can't wait a few weeks to get something then you don't deserve to have nice things anyway.

>> No.7448761
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No, it's not. It's emulating the hardware at a physical level.

>> No.7448767

>it's not emulating it's emulating
Yeah, we know.

>> No.7448787

thanks for the indo, this machine is worth just for the pc cores.
I really don't give a damn for the consoles.

>> No.7448790

honestly the PC cores and the arcade cores are the biggest selling point for me, as well.

>> No.7448802

>posts a $549.99 listing
>it includes a JAMMA adapter, not part of the regular bundles or even required for 99% of people's setups
>"forever on pre-order"

This guy pretending to know fucking anything lmao

>> No.7449173


>> No.7449192

how'd that koolaid taste? I hear you have to be computer illiterate to fully enjoy the sweetnes

>> No.7449204

guys FPGA's physically morph into the hardware it's playing games for

>> No.7449208

That's what their marketing department would like you to believe, yes.

>> No.7449212

yes, the gate arrays are, well, programable.

who's marketing department? kys

>> No.7449216

Who do you think makes most of these threads?

>> No.7449224

that's right, and I'm looking at a massive beta faggot (you)

>> No.7449225
File: 17 KB, 692x612, ye_olde_horseshit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yes, the gate arrays are, well, programable.
Explain to me, using as many words as you feel are necessary, how this is different and/or better than software emulation.

>> No.7449242

I think you mean Facilitates Perfect Gaming Adventures

>> No.7449243

The FPGA is able to emulate the physical logic of original consoles. They are literally programmable to "become" the chips they are attempting to recreate at a logical level.

Emulators attempt to do this by brute-force and approximation. FPGA's are able to just run with the exact specifications of the original hardware. This eliminates (100%) input lag, allows you to accurately reproduce video in its original intended format (RGB), and is virtually indistinguishable from the real thing. You could stick a mister and a mistercade into a JAMMA cabinet and no one would know the difference.

>> No.7449252

too expensive, i can play most of those games for free, because i already have them

>> No.7449270

>They are literally programmable to "become" the chips they are attempting to recreate at a logical level.
No, they are not capable of any such thing. This is magical thinking. Also, you have no idea what "on a logical level" means in this case.
>FPGA's are able to just run with the exact specifications of the original hardware.
How? If the exact specifications of the original hardware aren't available, then they're not capable of any such thing. If the specifications ARE available, then they're just as available to software emulation development. No need for "brute force" or "approximation" at all.
>This eliminates (100%) input lag
No, it doesn't. This is just factually wrong, like most everything else you've typed.
>allows you to accurately reproduce video in its original intended format (RGB)
So does any competent software emulator.

Do you have anything that can help you answer my question without rewording snake oil off the mister website?

>> No.7449283

Wake me up when it can run every arcade game up to the Capcom CPS2 perfectly

>> No.7449297

I’ve never even read the mister website
And yes, field programmable arrays allow you to recreate the logic of a physical chip.

There are people who literally x-ray these chips and reverse engineer them.


>> No.7449306

You put those goalposts right back where you found them, kiddo.
>I’ve never even read the mister website
In the last ten minutes.
>And yes, field programmable arrays allow you to recreate the logic of a physical chip.
This was never in contention. What WAS in contention was your absolutely ridiculous claim that they were capable of "becom[ing] the chips they are attempting to recreate at a logical level." The ONLY thing that is a MOS 6502 is a MOS 6502. Literally anything else is emulation in some form. Period.
>There are people who literally x-ray these chips and reverse engineer them.
And your point would be?
Yeah, I'd be trying to run from this conversation, too. At this point you have to realize that your bullshit isn't going to fly.

>> No.7449386
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I heard the mister can perfectly replicate your shitty inefficient brain perfectly WITHOUT emulation! How you might ask? Through what is technically emulation! But remember, it ISN'T emulation! You'll feel REALLY smart dropping that 600 bucks down on yet another electronic brick that will collect dust.

If the digital foundry reviews of FPGA products are anything to go by, then they really are glorified emulation machines for your average hobbyist/vintage gamer.

FPGA is extremely interesting and will make a big impact on the emulation community, and has a lot of potential for emulating the tougher consoles, but it's going to take years for it to reach it's apex.

Go on though, be an early-adopter cuck and beta test it for me. Then when they are 150 bucks I'll consider it.

>> No.7449398
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>> No.7449407

>"Email me when available"

No. It is not. Its not even readily available.

>> No.7449430

I'll stick to emulation, thanks.
Call me when this shit is 50 bucks.

>> No.7449481

False. If I were a robot, maybe, but nope.

>> No.7449483

Except that's not the question I ask. But if that's what FPGA means, cool.

>> No.7449669

Dude they are using FPGA since the penultimate decade.

>> No.7449802
File: 112 KB, 688x1434, poorfags.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see the poors found another MiSTer thread to hate life in.

>> No.7450024

That's likely to be in a month or two's time then. Jotego is currently well in to CPS2 implementation

>> No.7450028
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Reckon we'll ever get to PS2/Xbox/GCN cores?
I wont ask about N64.

>> No.7450335

>it's a mister thread on /vr/
Why fucking bother. This board was infested with ignorant fuckwits years ago.

>> No.7450341

I think they look nice. I like how it doubles as a passive heatsink so it actually has utility. Pretty expensive to ship one to me so I'll probably just get a buddy to 3d print a case for me.

>> No.7450349

>Do you have anything that can help you answer my question without rewording snake oil off the mister website?
Are you that fuckin retard that we laughed out of a thread a few months ago who thinks that the "misteraddons" website is somehow THE official website run by "big mister"

Putting you on blast again. Stop shitting up these threads and fuck off, autist.

>> No.7450363

What's the point in these if you already have original hardware? More accurate arcade emulation or rare systems?

>> No.7450368

hide all shill threads.

>> No.7450372

>What's the point in these if you already have original hardware? More accurate arcade emulation or rare systems?
All of the above. It's an alternative device that gives people more options on how they want to play retro video games. Having more option is always a good thing, but apparently this makes certain people irrationally angry.
Leave the thread if you don't have anything constructive to say. It's clearly not a device for you.

>> No.7450479
File: 83 KB, 497x663, 23984792373.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting my comfy MiSTer setup

>> No.7451021

Good idea. Thanks for the advice.

>> No.7451061

pgas arent a perfect recreation of the original system

>> No.7451191


i got the de10 nano on amazon, what are you talking about? that is literally all you need to get started

>> No.7451291

Another reason for me to never buy a MiSTer. lol My PC is miles better than the MiSTer.

>> No.7451342

>I'm poor & retarded

>> No.7451383

>muh fpga

>> No.7451401

>fighting over emulators
cringiest and most gay shit ever

>> No.7451576

>I can't afford a $2500 custom built PC but I'ma call other people poor for refusing to buy a MiSTer.

>> No.7451728

>wishes he could afford a MiSTer

>> No.7451865

>wishes he could afford and build his own PC

>> No.7452128
File: 108 KB, 820x1146, EPh3EjKUwAAnOLV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well hey there MiSTer,
Can I be your SiSTer?

>> No.7452198

>please just let us larp about all the magical powers our emulation boxes have in peace!

>> No.7452228

Correct me if I'm wrong, but while anything is technically possible you'll probably run into an issue with the current Mister where there's not enough gate arrays on the DE-10 nano currently in use to simulate any of those consoles. If it happens it'll probably be on a future generation of FPGA hardware.
Keep in mind these things are monstrously expensive to purchase at a certain point, and for any given core someone has to decap and trace all the ICs on the original console mobo and then write them in a language the FPGA unit can understand. Console power grew exponentially from 4th > 5th > 6th generation before kinda plateauing. With proportionate increases in console hardware the task of creating cores becomes significantly harder. I think people are already busy just trying to get PSX and Saturn cores running. So maybe in like 10-20 years?

>> No.7452269

You can explain the technical details until you're blue in the face. They don't understand them and wouldn't care even if they did. All they care about is that their piece of consumer electronics isn't a software emulator running on a PC. They can't even tell you why that matters. All they know is that by buying this thing, they've avoided the "le poorfag emulation meemay xD" and managed to score what they've convinced themselves is the next best thing to owning original hardware.

>> No.7452313

I'm cool with however anyone wants to play. Personally, I was just burned out on modern gaming, and saw the MiSTer as something "new" to tinker with. It was nearly a toss-up with the Pi, but the prospect of going all-in for accuracy tipped me over.

>> No.7452373

is it only a matter of time and money? Could Dreamcast WinCE games be up and running on FPGA before software emulation if higher end FPGAs were easily accessible?

>> No.7453453
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>gate arrays
LE's :-)

And yes there are two limitations -> amount of LE's and max clk.
PS2/Xbox/GNC are out of scope.

>technical details until you're blue in the face
>technical details

It seems like it's the least important thing that matters to you.
Kinda funny how all that cancere like this from the last threads convice me to do some resarch and make a very good decision.

Still, the only purpos of this threads seems to be just throwing shit at eachother, larping and pretend to have any CS or EE knowlage.

>> No.7453639

Another chad joins the MiSTer gang. Poorfags on suicide watch.

>> No.7453719 [DELETED] 
File: 142 KB, 966x909, 1613591278407.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posts like this keeps the cancer up.
Why don't we have threads like "Hey, anyone tested the new cps2 beta? How is it?" or "Got any tips for new user, I want to try XY, but I can't find the files" or "Hey here is a good DIY case you can use XY for YZ"
Instead we have every fucking time the same cancer.
For the first time, after CRT's mostly diapered, it's not about scalers, cables or settings it's about turning "it" on and play some good in the old fashion without thinking about "ah you know ... the sounds seems odd it's not the same as it was" or "Dude how the fuck did I miss that jump!" or "No no you see those jail bars your cable is shit" or "Yeah look there is the problem you need to set the input to sdl not xinput".

I don't like to play on my original SNES because modern TV's handles analog signals like shit and as much as I like CRT's I don't want one anymore because of reasons.
Emulators on PC or a PI are nice but the experience is shit.
I had some good memory using a GBA Emulator as a kid because I don't had one, and I didn't care much how they run as long as I could play some "free" games.
Playing Metal Slug on the PC was the shittiest experience ever.
At one point i tried the highly praised bsnes it was okay but still missing jumps, needs to setup runahad to compensate problems then the sound was off jitter ... etc.
Now I have finally found peace and don't get mad because missing any jumps or some shit ... I played Super Mario World, F-Zero, all Metal Slug games, Sonic CD and started Snatcher recently and from time to time I enjoy a couple rounds of Street Fighter and a few puzzle games.
I even recently started Snatcher.

So better let this cancer thread die finaly and never open up any other "Muhhh hur dur" threads.

>> No.7453736
File: 142 KB, 966x909, 1613591278407.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posts like this keeps the cancer up.
Why don't we have threads like "Hey, anyone tested the new cps2 beta? How is it?" or "Got any tips for new user, I want to try XY, but I can't find the files" or "Hey here is a good DIY case you can use XY for YZ"
Instead we have every fucking time the same cancer.
For the first time, after CRT's mostly diapered, it's not about scalers, cables or settings it's about turning "it" on and play some good in the old fashion without thinking about "ah you know ... the sounds seems odd it's not the same as it was" or "Dude how the fuck did I miss that jump!" or "No no you see those jail bars your cable is shit" or "Yeah look there is the problem you need to set the input to sdl not xinput".

I don't like to play on my original SNES because modern TV's handles analog signals like shit and as much as I like CRT's I don't want one anymore because of reasons.
Emulators on PC or a PI are nice but the experience is shit.
I had some good memory using a GBA Emulator as a kid because I don't had one, and I didn't care much how they run as long as I could play some "free" games.
Playing Metal Slug on the PC was the shittiest experience ever.
At one point i tried the highly praised bsnes it was okay but still missing jumps, needs to setup runahad to compensate problems then the sound was off jitter ... etc.
Now I have finally found peace and don't get mad because missing any jumps or some shit ... I played Super Mario World, F-Zero, all Metal Slug games, Sonic CD and started Snatcher recently and from time to time I enjoy a couple rounds of Street Fighter and a few puzzle games.
It's not about the settings or cables or mod's ... it's about finally being able to enjoy the old games again.

So better let this cancer thread die finaly and never open up any other "Muhhh hur dur" threads.

>> No.7454638

Gee MiSTer, that looks really cringy.

>> No.7454713

It's a fun curiosity but the cores currently do not support the oddball unlicensed mappers like FCEUX, NintendulatorNRS and hhugboy do.

>> No.7455982

>This was never in contention. What WAS in contention was your absolutely ridiculous claim that they were capable of "becom[ing] the chips they are attempting to recreate at a logical level." The ONLY thing that is a MOS 6502 is a MOS 6502. Literally anything else is emulation in some form. Period.
thanks for being needlessly pedantic

>> No.7456404

>recreate the logic of a physical chip
so it's emulating them?

>> No.7456643

The same way a SNS-101 does an original SNES, yes.

>> No.7457312

Do you really think people here are stupid enough to believe this? Do you actually believe it yourself? Serious questions.

>> No.7457937

Can you explain how he is wrong? Serious question.

>> No.7458131

>spend money on new cpu instead of this onions shit
>can play vidya and also do real work

i guess its kind of a neat toy if your wife's bf gave it to you as a gift

>> No.7458140

So do we have an idea of how far an Analogue Pocket will go compared to the Mister?

>> No.7458142

>doing work on a $200 cpu

Wow we've got the next Elon Musk here, guys.

>> No.7458145

Original hardware is 15-30 years old at this point and will eventually fail. That's like asking, "yo man why you switch ta mp4? We still gots da vhs and cassette tapes."

>> No.7458151

We'll probably see hybrid approaches going forward where certain things are fpga and other are strictly software. An N64 core is being worked on, but modern FPGA chips will likely not be able to run them at full force. Still good that cores are being worked on though.

>> No.7458168

Blatant marketing post is blatant. Shill your hipster trash somewhere else. Original hardware with flashcarts or go home.

>> No.7458169

My VHS' and cassettes still play great as do my consoles that are over twenty years old. Why waste money on inferior replicas when I can maintain things I already own

>> No.7458173
File: 146 KB, 850x233, cassette lifespan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure thing kid. Go play in the street or something. The intellectuals are speaking.

>> No.7458183

>sure thing kid
I have cassettes from the 70s that play fine, but go ahead and post another internet factoid from your ass

>> No.7459736

Sure. An SNS-101 isn't emulating anything. It is, in fact, a SNES. Same hardware with slight tweaks/omissions to lower the unit cost.

>> No.7459741

The SNS-101 uses different chips the SNES though. The FPGA and SNS-101 both play SNES games in a way that's cycle-accurate to the original SNES hardware version, but with a circuit board and components that are different.
The FPGA is just non-first party hardware.

>> No.7459836

>The SNS-101 uses different chips the SNES though.
Except it doesn't.

>> No.7459847

Except it does. Which actually causes issues in a very small handful of games, and I realise that weakens my argument but I mention it anyway because it serves to emphasise it's fundamentally a SNES either way.

>> No.7459849

>Except it does.
Except it doesn't, though.

>> No.7460814

It does though. The SNES Jr has radically different PPU behavior and is functionally a licensed clone console.
Examples of the issues I mentioned include the plane's shadow in Air Strike Patrol, which is drawn by setting the brightness register in an IRQ, and is very faint on a SNES Jr. In most other cases it causes white dots to appear.

Regardless look on Google Images for pictures of the respective circuit boards. The chips are clearly different.

>> No.7460925

Why is /vr/ so ignorant about Mister? .. forget about Mister, FPGA in general.
This people think Mister is a big corporation or some shit.

>> No.7461167

>It does though.
It doesn't, though, unless you're referring to specific chip revisions, and then your argument completely falls apart and spontaneously combusts instead of just being comically wrong.

>> No.7461429

I also want to know what's going on with their retard head
"muh my pc do the same"
If FPGA is so similar to PC, then why it exist in first place ? All the professionals in tech industries using it are just moron ?
They just want to use a fpga board for the sake of using it ?!
Even if you know jack shit about this technology at least you should acknowledged it can be used in a way that a PC can't offer and make things more convenient for the use intended.

Oh well whatever, by the way let me end this rant with a good news

PS1 core is almost ready

>> No.7461525
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>> No.7461551

Intel owns mister confirmed

>> No.7462135

Yes, let's pretend that the MisterAddOns website doesn't exist. Let's also pretending this thing isn't getting sold for $450. Let's also pretend that no one is shilling for this product to make money off it for the Mister website.

>> No.7462304

Assuming you want every game supported by the mister, how much space would that even require?

>> No.7462312

You can build your own Mister with the DE-10 Nano kit, nobody owns mister, mister is a community project, same as Mame.

>> No.7462329

Samsung evo 128gb

>> No.7462336
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>> No.7462359

I was looking at the DE-10 on digikey. So about $135 which isn't bad. It needs the ram module which seems to backordered everywhere until March.

What about rgb output board, the few sites I visited glossed over it. Is misteraddons the only source for these?

>> No.7462364

The wiki has links on where to buy boards.

>> No.7462417

>DE-10 Nano kit
>Price: $145 on Amazon
Gee MiSTer, for something that's not owned by anybody, it sure cost a lot.

>> No.7462453

Not him but it looks like there is sdram, an IO board and USB hub that goes into it. I haven't tallied it up yet but it doesnt look like anyone is getting rich off these.

>> No.7462540

gee mister, you sure are a fucking retard.

>> No.7462579

yeah but think about what you're doing: you're going to one of the most retard sites on the internet and letting what some of the most retard people there say bother you. Life is too short. We should be worried about understanding what the smartest people are saying, not the dumbest.

>> No.7462589

Ridge Racer running on upcoming PS1 core


>> No.7462598

The DE-10 Nano is owned by Intel and actually sold at a loss for the company. And obviously Intel is in no way affiliated with the open-source community-led Mister project. So what the fuck are you blathering about you absolute fucking moron.

>> No.7462616

All the addons comes to about the same as the board itself, but you only need ram & a cheap USB hub. Well worth it, imo.

>> No.7462618

If you just want RGB out you can get an HDMI to VGA converter for ~$6. If you turn on direct_video in the config it works the same as the analog out on the IO board, but the tradeoff is that HDMI out won't work until you turn it back off.
This is the converter I have, but it's just one of many that use the same chip. Make sure yours also has an audio out on it.

>> No.7462641

That looks decent, I would be pairing it with BNC cable.

>> No.7462661

Does this make an analog io board basically worthless?

>> No.7462692

No. The cheap dongles are fine to use, but they do put physical strain on the DE 10 connectors. The addon boards transfer all that wear and tear to a cheaper to replace board.

>> No.7462790

That's true. Is the analog board more useful than a digital one then if I plan on doing HDMI most of the time, but occasionally maybe use analog.

>> No.7462865

Yes bro, Mister is owned by Intel...

>> No.7462902

Occasional dongle use is fine, the DE 10 HDMI is as solid as any other consumer device. I prefer the dedicated board myself for other reasons (extra SD, power switch, fan, audio) and of course you can play through VGA and record through HDMI with the addon board. Also the VGA board does render to screen quicker than the HDMI as you can see in this video.


>> No.7462925

Mister came out not long after I got my neo geo flash cart, I really would have had some thinking to do if they were availible at the same time. I've heard of mister's being about $100 if you get em on special, you don't need the ram for everything. Still seems like everything is still a work in progress with little bugs.

I'd like an n64 fpga to just replace the rsp to get better framerates on a real n64 motherboard

>> No.7462996

I cashed in my coomlection, put it toward a MiSTer and don't regret it. The bugs get fixed as they crop up, but you do need the 128 MB ram for Neo Geo and 5th gen cores will need it also. N64 will be the last of 5th gen to be completed, simply because it's more complicated than 32 bit PS & Saturn.

>> No.7463565

I think these fpgas and flash carts have really made it clear that there are at least two types of collectors. Those that collect, because they want to play the games and those that collect because they just like the act of collecting. If you're the former the idea of collecting quickly dissipates when the awesome convenience of not having to deal with fucking cartridges and CDs becomes more prevalent in your life.

>> No.7463971

It will never be that cheap, the hardware itself is already only cheap because its used for education and beginner FPGA programming, FPGA is often way more expensive

>> No.7464002

>FPGAy will never be cheap
That's okay, I got HDMI adapters to use on my original consoles. I don't need no stinkin' emulator device.

>> No.7464839

>Except it does. Which actually causes issues in a very small handful of games
OH NO muh flickering dots in the overscan of the image which would be offscreen anyway if you were using a crt.

A snes mini and a simple rgb amp to fix the brightness levels is perfectly fine. Fuck off with the "clone console" compatibility shit.

>> No.7464842

Call me when the Chinese release a clone. Not paying 300+ for this shit.
Sticking to real hardware.

>> No.7464870
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Who needs this bs

>> No.7464910
File: 37 KB, 640x853, IFv8BQo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think we'll see a core exodus when the pocket comes out?

>> No.7464928

if you don't understand the topic of a thread you shouldn't post in it anon

>> No.7464952


>> No.7464978 [DELETED] 

Pekora fried tasty tigh...

>> No.7465018

Lack of ps1 is basically the only reason I haven't gotten one yet. My Rpi3 with RGB works amazingly well on my CRT but I'm looking forward to upgrade once the ps1 core is working well.

>> No.7465042

I've been interested in the DOS core.

>> No.7465263
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>> No.7465318


I'm so glad I didn't listen to /vr/'s bullshit and built a mister 6 months ago. I fucking love it. It just werks when I want to go play an old game, and I've discovered heaps of cool shit with the vintage computer cores. I got deep into making tracker music on the Amiga core for awhile.

Plus, it's not even that expensive. All I got for mine was the DE-10, the RAM expansion, and USB board. I didn't even bother with a fan or a case or all that overkill, the unit runs fine as is.

>> No.7465334

t. MiSTer Shill doing damage control

>> No.7465342

t.seething poorfag

>> No.7465346


who do you imagine shills this and for what purpose? it's literally an open-sourced DIY project.

>> No.7465349

What's new since the end of December 2020? That's the last I had my MiSTer updated.
I know there were a slew of arcade games added late last year.

>> No.7465354

George Soros busses them in to every thread.

>> No.7465356

Just buy a DE-10 for $110 and later on decide if you want the 32MB ram or the 128MB ram. Unless you want all the Neo Geo games there's no reason to get a 128MB ram card.

>> No.7465358

Hey look a retard that thinks he has to pay six hundred dollars to get MiSTer.

>> No.7465359

The black and silver one do look nice, but I'm happy I built my own case and only spent Forty Bucks to do it.

>> No.7465362

Aren't the Jamma adapters expensive as fuck? Six hundred for a full setup plus that probably isn't even that bad.

>> No.7465363

Nice. Other than the desk I like it alot.

>> No.7465368

Hey look another Anal ogue TrollShill.

>> No.7465378

Honestly I prefer playing PC-Engine CD and Sega CD games on the MiSTer than on Real Hardware. I have a complete Briefcase PC-Engine setup with the Arcade Pro Card. I also have a Model 2 Sega CD with a Early Model 1 Genesis with a V2 MegaEverdrive. I prefer to play both systems on the MiSTer. I just wish it was easier to play the MiSTer on the TV's I want.
And most people can't collect Arcade Systems or even boards now. The MiSTer is the chip accurate playing those games so it just makes sense to invest a little bit into building one instead of getting real hard ware. Neo Geo is the same.

>> No.7465383

Nobody is buying your BS, troll.

>> No.7465385

Wow, you're dumb.

>> No.7465389

I'm convinced this retard works for Anal ogue.

>> No.7465394

It's pretty awesome how many games you can get running good on the MiSTer. Heroes of Might and Magic II is pretty cool to see runing on it.

>> No.7465401

Thanks for an insightful response, I could see it being appealing for all of the systems/hardware you listed. What kind of problems do you run into with the video output on your MiSTer? I assumed it would be trivial to get RGB out of these

>> No.7465410

It works good out of the HDMI into a modern television. That's now how I like to play. You have to put a jumper on the DE-10 to get SoG working if you want to use Component through the Analog addon on board. I know there are ways to get Composite and S-video out of the Analog addon by buying another little board. I'd rahther just make that little board than pay much more than I'd have to for such a inexpensive board to make.

>> No.7465415

I meant *not, not now. I don't like playing older games on HDMI televisions.

>> No.7465430

got it, that's about the same effort as getting different signals out a raspberry pi, but more expensive I'd imagine.Thanks dude, finally got me intrigued enough to research these

>> No.7465509

Another chad joins the MiSTer gang. Poorfags on suicide watch.

>> No.7465627

>MiSTer Shill still doing damage control
>Even going as far as to samefagging
>Thinks PC Emulation Chads are "ANALogue shills"

>> No.7465771

>Still trying this hard
Nobody is fighting, you are the only one shitposter in this thread.
Mister is a community effort, the Intel fpga thing is commonly use on universities, mister is not like analogue, not a single soul is becoming a millionaire in the mister project.

>> No.7465879

I don't see what advantage this has over a Raspberry Pi 4.

>> No.7465885

Mister is a project that can be ported over to anything else. The Intel de-nano is just the most affordable option right now. Try harder loser.

>> No.7465975

Imagine getting this triggered just to defend a meme product.

>> No.7465987

The only Chads among the PC Emulation crowd are the ones that never mention they use emulation and only talk about the games they're playing.

>> No.7465995

Latency. Accuracy. Community. It's more of a hardware hobbyist thing, which is why I like it. If all you need to do is play a game and that's that then Raspberry Pi and PC Emulation are good enough.

>> No.7466001

It's a project. Not a product.

>> No.7466005

Cant you get better accuracy cheaper with a flash cart?

>> No.7466014


>> No.7466029

Yeah it’ll be available easily

>> No.7466047

Anon... How many flash cards would be necessary to cover every mister core?

>> No.7466063

Absolutely. And I have quite a few Flash Carts from Krikzz and Stone Age, but when it comes to CD systems. It just doesn't feel right to have them on hours at a time to play JRPG's anymore.
Plus you have to think about just how many systems you'll have access to with the MiSTer. Compared to how many systems and Flash Carts you'll need to play the same amount of games in nearly the same way.
I built my self a near zero latency USB to Genesis (9-pin Din) adapter with an Arduino and the code I downloaded for free from a guy that also builds and sells these things too. I built a double. Don't do that. Build two single controller adapters. The double can't be used for fighting games. It can only handle so many inputs at ounce. And you can pretty much make them for what ever controller you want to use. Saturn Controllers are amazing. PlayStation controllers are really good and cheap for now too.

>> No.7466106

You'd need 8 just to cover the most popular consoles, and the Neo Geo flashcart is like just short of $700 on its own:

Genesis/Sega CD/Master System
Game Gear
Neo Geo

>> No.7466113


Do they have cores for fifth gen yet? If not, do we have any progress on that front? I'm waiting for that before committing.

>> No.7466117

PS1 runs at 80% speed right now. Probably going to be good to go by summer.

>> No.7466132


That's good to know. And this runs on current MISTer hardware reasonable and it's just Core updates that are forthcoming?

Also, last I looked folks were sort of balking at the Saturn due to it's odd architecture. Is anyone having a go at that one yet? N64 I can do without. Hoping for Saturn/PS1 and previous gens.

>> No.7466142

This guy is doing Saturn https://twitter.com/srg320_

PS1 is making good progress >>7462589

>> No.7466178
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>Neo Geo flashcart is like just short of $700 on its own

>> No.7466196


Thanks. I will continue to keep an eye out.

>> No.7466247

>Implying the PC master race are closet emulation Chads
t. Delusional Console Cuck

It's being sold on misteraddons's website. It's a product.

>> No.7466252


>> No.7466317

Also available on Digikey for 135, you massive spaz.


>> No.7467284

Something like a PC Engine plus an SD System 3 is already far more expensive than a basic MiSTer build.

>> No.7467379

>It's being sold on misteraddons's website. It's a product.
How many times have you been laughed out of threads for being a retard? start using a trip please.

>> No.7467759

Are people interested in those systems?

>> No.7467937


Yes? Turbographx is dope as hell.

>> No.7468208

Holy shit you're right! You just saved me a $450. Thanks anon!

>> No.7468250

>>Lmfao my PC can emulate literally everything that can possibly be emulated, at the moment the mister can’t compete with anyone’s PC.

How does it feel to have no fucking clue what you're talking about?

>> No.7469006
File: 397 KB, 1768x889, pi vs DE10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People really seem to freak out over the FPGA stuff as if it was some richfag premium product. The same people who claim PI is for poorfags. Ignoring the shipping costs in this example due to Canadafagotry, the DE-10 is barely twice the price of a PI. It is not a prohibitively priced product. The DE-10 costs less than something like the NES everdrive.

The added costs come from adding RGB output and other add ons, but a PI has similar add-ons. JAMMA for PI RGB is 50 euros, and the JAMMA board for the Mister is 60 euros. You can build a fancy case for either, add a USB hub for either, nothing is stopping you.

>> No.7469010

How does it feel to lie to yourself?

>> No.7469832

Both of those are horribly marked up. Is this canadian?

>> No.7470253

Jotego was going to apply to dev for it but Kevtris was being a dick about it or something. Not sure it can blow up if they are being choosey.

>> No.7470576

Are you really going to tell me that a mister is better than my PC for playing old vidya? I understand wanting to get as close to 1:1 accuracy as possible, but talk about diminishing returns.

>> No.7470848

The first guy was arguing FPGA is akin to emulation, which makes it inauthentic.
The second guy was arguing FGPA is closer to a clone console, like the SNES Jr- which is a licensed clone console, with the caveat that the whole console was running on a single chip.

>> No.7470859

kevtris sold his ass to Analogue and leaves his cores unfinished when bugs still need to be fixed

>> No.7471887

Future of retro gaming? LOL That piece of crap device can't run PS1, Sega Saturn, N64, Dreamcast, Xbox, PS2 or Gamecube.

>> No.7472497

All of those systems = Not Retro.

>> No.7472579

>Both of those are horribly marked up. Is this canadian?
The canadian exchange is around 1.30 or so, so about $140 US for the FPGA and $64 for the PI. They are slightly more expensive on amazon than at a place like canakit.

Digikey.ca has the DE-10 for $184 but cheaper shipping. Canakit has the barebones pi 4 for $74 Canadian but add $10 shipping, so the PI works out the same.

>> No.7472891
File: 72 KB, 1279x587, 1280px-PSX-Console-wController.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a piece of crap, your telling me this thing can't fo PlayStation 2, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4 and even PlayStation 5?

>> No.7472897

bros my mister can't play ps3 games.. u_u

>> No.7472907

So the system is lag free, that's fine, but what about controllers and video output?
Any input lag or rendering delay?

>> No.7472973


To you. But not according to the board rules.

>> No.7472987

Analog video output for CRT or HDMI for modern displays. 0 lag.

>> No.7472994

Controller lag:

>> No.7473003

Mister has 1ms polling on USB but overall performance depends on what controller you're using. Controller test result can be found at the below link (via Twitter as I can't post the direct google docs link due to the spam filter):


>> No.7473004

> Mister Addons
Oh boy, you're really going to trigger the chink shit autist with this one.

>> No.7473023

>2ms of lag via raphnet adapter
Good enough for me.

>> No.7473030

Some faggot janny isn't the arbiter of what is and isn't retro, that would be me.

>> No.7473089
File: 131 KB, 960x540, MiSTer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The official USB deck at 1000hz poll rating will give you 1-2 ms latency wired unless your USB controller for some reason refuse to poll at that rate, the HDMI is digital-to-digital so it's up to how your monitor/TV negotiate the protocol and the displays inherent latency unless you enable vsync buffering. A high end PC gaming monitor has typically around 3ms input lag and with something like the LG C9 OLED TV in gaming mode you get around 7ms of input lag.

The MiSTer and the Analogue consoles (consistently well under a frame/16ms) is as fast as it gets without going OG hardware on a CRT. Other than lower lag, FPGA solutions offer consistency in frame-pacing, something just as important for giving you a authentic feel and response. It's here where "cycle accurate" emulators running on some kind of high-level OS always fail, the emulation isn't any more "cycle accurate" than the OS it's relying on running it.

FPGAs get configured to become the systems PCBs with all it's chips and processes running real-time in parallel straight to the HDMI port without going through the layer of a OS with a massive overhead scheduling hundreds of other unrelated processes/services at the same time. You can even see the benefit of this stable consistency on youtube videos running games on the MiSTer/Analogue systems, and as you can probably imagine you'll certainly feel i. It's kind of like that revelation you first get going from a 60hz monitor to a 144hz or when you first got a SSD system disk on your PC, it's just smoother, more natural, better.

>> No.7473103

im sure whatever you write is cool and all but if it cant run halo 3 whats the point

>> No.7473136

>I have no money and I must post

>> No.7473141

I don't get it. Can someone show me a side by side of one of these running against bsnes or genesis plus gx so I can see the difference?

>> No.7473168

Digital foundry did several deep dives on the analogue fpga systems.

>> No.7473176

can you link it?

>> No.7473198

Couldn't find a single video. Not a good sign I've seen it compared to a raspberry pi and someone compared a sonic collection on xbox and used that as an "emulation" comparison. Doesn't look good when they aren't being directly compared to accurate emulators, especially at this price point. Looks like a $100 optiplex is even better at this point.

>> No.7473203

> mister (forgot they did one on mister)
> mega sg
> super nt
> nt mini

You are a mega retard. Go away.

>> No.7473210

Can you not read? Where's the comparison? Calling someone retarded and not reading makes zero sense. To be expected from you I guess.

>> No.7473240

He literally compares it to various emulators throughout the video.

>> No.7473276

>Not using final burn alpha for cps emulation
>Using mame
>No PC Specs/Rom versions/Emulator version mentioned.

This guy already lost all credibility. I didn't see a sega comparison so I stopped wasting my time. Show me an unbiased video of one of these running against gxplus/bsnes/mednafen etc.. with correct configuration. No one will of course.

>> No.7473323

>find for me
>tell me
>show me
>do for me
Do you require us to wipe your ass for you while you're at it big boy?

>> No.7473328

we ain't telling u shit, do ur research punk

>> No.7473335

Ha, thought so. Until someone who has one that realizes what a waste it is, we won't be seeing a video like that. Got it.

>> No.7473339

No my fault I've had same level emulation for years at a fraction of the cost.

>> No.7473346

You have to go back.

>> No.7473350

What's with MiSTer that makes /vr/ seethe so much?

>> No.7473351

No use giving you a book if you're too fucking illiterate to read the goddamn thing. You can go now. We're done here. Nobody else is going to spoon feed you.

>> No.7473360

Asking for an actual comparison because there is none (wonder why) is not asking to be spoonfed. I want to see why people say it's better then emulation, but no one can show me. I'll gladly read your book if it exists.

>> No.7473361

The biggest thing is latency. You can get hardware exact latency on MiSTer and a CRT, where you really can't on emulators - no matter what you'll always have OS and USB latency to fuck things up.

Sure you can get pretty close with Runahead, but it's not hardware exact, you are essentially doing a bunch of rollbacks on the background.

Some people also don't enjoy playing old games on PC. Exiting the game and going back to a windows launcher kinda ruin the illusion you know?

tl;dr it boils down to autism, but the benefits are there.

>> No.7473367

It's mostly just peace of mind in knowing that you can flip a switch and have 100% accuracy and same latency as hardware, without dealing with an OS. Where to achieve similar results on PC you need Retroarch + messing with a bunch of settings.

>> No.7473374

>where you really can't on emulators
Do more research, you can even have less latency than real hardware.

>Exiting the game and going back to a windows launcher kinda ruin the illusion you know?
There are bootable usb images with zero OS. One time config is nothing.

>> No.7473376

its so ugly. Id rather have the look and feel of a real machine.

>> No.7473386

>Do more research, you can even have less latency than real hardware.

You absolutely can't. Your PC needs a framebuffer for Vsync, and that needs some frames. You also can't eliminate USB latency.

>> No.7473387


>> No.7473408

When I say hardware exact latency I mean everything. Try and make Retroarch not shit itself with audio lag settings remotely close to 16ms. I'll wait.

>> No.7473423
File: 337 KB, 541x680, Here'sLookingAtYouFaggot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's one guy.
I used to think he was trolling but no troll spends this much fucking time consistently shitposting a single topic every day especially something like FPGAs, it's a compulsion, he's mentally ill, he's like the Chris Chan of emulators.

Just keep this in mind when he's begging for attention with all his retarded questions and demands of anons constantly doing things for him to refute his moronic non-arguments.

>> No.7473451

This. It's like trying to argue with a dude that eats soup with a fork. You can give him a spoon, but he'll never accept it. A fork to him provides the same soup eating experience at a fraction of the cost. A spoon is unnecessary in the eyes of the forking retard.

>> No.7473654

Why waste money on that when you can emulate?

>> No.7473678

>It's one guy
Nah, there's plenty of people who aren't buying into this MiSTer scam. Why would we want to synthetic beef(MiSTer) when we can have the real thing(real consoles + CRT TV or HDMI converters to connect real consoles to your HDTV)?

>> No.7474179

Do you have a Neo Geo and all of its games? Do you have the entire SNES library? Can you play rom hacks on your hardware?

If you have a MiSTer, the answer is yes.

>> No.7474186

i'm not gonna lie i'd be really surprised if someone could document like, actual big differences between neogeo on mister, and neogeo via FBA Wii going into a CRT via component. besides a few hundred dollars of course

>> No.7474192

>muh outdated wii emulator is good enough
If that's what keeps you complacent when neogeo, then whatever floats your boat. Don't act like both options are more of a hassle than getting a hold of an actual AES or MVS, modding it for proper video output, and then buying either a flashcart or shelling out thousands for the best games.

>> No.7474209

so what you're saying is, you can't actually tell me specific, real differences in how the games would run between those 2 options. also, where in my post did I say anything about getting an actual neogeo? relax lol

>> No.7474218

people who jizz over the mister feeling more "natural" or w/e are like people who say that CRTs are better than any modern TV because they have more "depth" and "pop". it's basically just meaningless buzzwords and emotional bias (due to the fact that they spent hundreds of dollars to play snes roms and they need to feel superior for it no matter what)

>> No.7474224

>relax lol
You're all the same. You come into these threads with a smug predisposition to let people know that you're perfectly complacent because you play games on a pc emulator or an outdated emulator for a softmodded console that requires frameskip to even run the games at a near accurate speed. Nobody fucking cares. It takes five seconds to google and get the answers instead of shitting up the thread. If you don't think the device is for you then fuck off.
Oh look, another one
People have actually documented input reponse times based on a multitude of custom controllers and devices but you just have have the dopamine rush getting that (you) for acting like a smug retard.

>> No.7474229
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>t's basically just meaningless buzzwords and emotional bias (due to the fact that they spent hundreds of dollars to play snes roms and they need to feel superior for it no matter what)
There are actual technical reasons for the so-called perception between the two display technologies that we could argue all day about. But you've got the right idea, it's easier to just act an armchair psychologist and then fuck off from the thread feeling validated.

>> No.7474265

>comparing FPGA to Wii

Wow, now I've really seen all the copes. Apart from the blatant hardware differences that favour FPGA, the development scene for FPGA is much more active. It's already more accurate and heading to a point where an FPGA core is an exact copy of the original hardware. Software emulation cannot reach this point. The easiest way to explain this is to think of a piece of hardware as a maze with a number of items that have to be collected before exiting the maze. Hardware emulation recreates the same maze, software emulation is an entirely different and often bigger maze. Brute force is the only way to achieve parity and timing video, audio, input & output are next to impossible to synchronize. This is hard enough on one configuration of pc parts or a Wii, but when you consider the infinite configurations of pc hardware out there, you see why devs are moving to FPGA in droves. The difference between MiSTer Neo Geo and any software emulation of Neo Geo is people have documented actual Neo Geo hardware and recreated the circuit that run an actual Neo Geo, warts an all.

>> No.7474285

so basically, nobody has yet to point out a real tangible side by side difference between playing neogeo games on a softmodded wii and playing them on a mister. but they have made it very clear how sandy comparing the two makes their vaginas.

>> No.7474303

if the ability to play neogeo/cave 1st gen roms well is the killer feature of a $300 box I'm sorry, it's just not there yet. early adopters always get the short end of the stick, it's just the way it is. these things will be cool in 5-10 years maybe

>> No.7474341

Sync issues.

The "box" costs $135. They are cool now, you just can't afford the 135 shekels.

>> No.7474342

Don't you love it when mame speeds up the game for you, so the refresh rather matches the one of your display and not the one of the game?


Not all cores are perfect for now, but they are only getting better and better.


I'd rather stick with fpga's then throw more and more money on a Computer to get the same result.

And yes I don't have any of the "muh lag" problems even without running multiple instances of a game on X core's of my computer.

>> No.7474357

Bloody hell, even after just over a minute of run time it's already 13 seconds ahead

>> No.7474382

i think it's pretty much consensus among anyone who actually knows arcade emulation that you wanna be using a CRT or a display with variable refresh, granted, not everyone does, but I feel like this is not really an unavoidable situation with software emulation

>> No.7474387

they will be cool when they can run a variety of mid-late 90's arcade hardware and not a minute sooner. all I want is a small device, fpga or otherwise, I don't care, that can power through namco/sega 3D hardware, CV1000, etc. CPS1 and Neo Geo are the least exciting things I can possibly think of because they've been emulated to a high standard for years and years already, it's old news

>> No.7474425

In your opinion, and it's a perfectly valid opinion. You want X and FPGA isn't quite there yet. For me it's cool because it is consolidating the entire emulation scene around a specific configuration of relatively inexpensive hardware. It solves the problem of writing software for infinite hardware configurations and the problem of having a different piece of hardware for every system such as Retron or Analogue.

>> No.7474856

you need a $70 stick of 128mb sdram and a $30-40 io board with vga out tho, plus the only de10 nano on amazog costs
$145+ $15 to ship thats $270 to play your bleep bloops on an ugly box with twenty wires

>> No.7474864

Yes anon. And how many consoles with flash carts and wires everywhere would it take to accomplish the same thing? That's not even including various console mods to get a clean signal. You keep acting like you're just getting an NES or something out of a mister.

>> No.7474874

Only if you buy them from the shill site that is always mentioned in this threads.

The IO board is optional. 32MB and even 128MB can be bought for less than 35$.

>> No.7474876

This is actually the most honest opinion/description about/of the mister and fpga in general.

>> No.7474884

Hoping the Analogue Pocket is as open to develop for as they've been hinting at. The other Analogue products are entirely too locked down, but still leagues better than those shitty retron products.

>> No.7474895

wii emulation is asss lmao, emulators are getting more precise and heavier in each update, Your PC > weak ass wii, simple as.

>> No.7475004

You only need the 128 ram for 15% of the Neo Geo library. You only need the IO board if you want to play through VGA instead of using the onboard HDMI. The board itself is $135 from Digikey and runs cores with zero addons. So that's you exposed as a lying jew.


Even if it is, how many devs will get one? Analogue seems to like the artificial scarcity bullshit that has seen Super NT's being scalped for $1000 recently.

>> No.7475013

>Do you have a Neo Geo and all of its games?
Don't care about the Neo Geo, but there's a cheap and inexpensive way to play the Neo Geo and all it's games without a MiSTer. (The Neo Geo Mini)

>Do you have the entire SNES library?
No, because I don't care for RPG's, sports or racing games. I only play SNES games I like and thanks to the Everdrive cartridge, I can play every single SNES title if I wanted to, or just play the games I like.

>Can you play rom hacks on your hardware?
Yes, thanks to the Everdrive cartridges and my mini consoles. Don't need a MiSTer.

>> No.7475054
File: 50 KB, 540x524, fruit_salad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Neo Geo Mini
>mini consoles

Wtf is wrong with you?

>> No.7475059

Nothing. I love mini consoles. They look cool.

>> No.7475097
File: 15 KB, 228x256, what a tard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinks FPGA is a scam
>he spent more on minis and flash carts
>his minis lag
>his flash cards are FPGA based

This is the kind of mind we are dealing with when it comes to MiSTer FUD.

>> No.7475101
File: 203 KB, 500x324, 67086.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then i hope this is not (you) >>7473678

>Nah, there's plenty of people who aren't buying into this MiSTer scam.

The only big scam are the cheap ARM SoC in those mini consoles.

But if this is your thing that's fine for me.

Btw... The Neo Geo mini cost nearly much as the de10 nano itself.

It's kinda irrelevant to discus this topic with people that are happy with their emu boxes so better let em think this is just another raspberry pi emu box.

>> No.7475504

>mini consoles

Enjoy your atrocious lag and innacurate emulation.

>> No.7475508

Gotta love how idiots like >>7475013 simply ignore this.

>> No.7475517

> innacurate emulation
who gives a shit? if it works and i only had to pay 2000 rupees that's perfect

>> No.7475524

>who care if it's shit, I paid less money

>> No.7475535

a 20$ device that plays 200 systems poorly is better than a 500$ device that plays 20 systems perfectly

>> No.7475540


>> No.7475545

Yeah, if you're poor and can't have both.

>> No.7475549

It was an Indian all along. Alright, fellas. Not even worth replying too anymore.

>> No.7475561

He's just pretending to be a streetshitter to deflect from the fact he brought a mini to FPGA fight.

>> No.7475562

Wii for emulation is very inprecise, emulators on the wii are not meant to be precise, the intention is "can you play it?" "yes or no" "maybe the game starts to show slowdowns here and there, but that doesn't matter, game runs!" type of thing

>> No.7475579

No, they are a tresure in India.

>> No.7475737

I've played a lot of neogeo in arcades, and I gotta say, I really struggle to identify a major difference between that and emulating on a wii into a CRT via component. for me the major thing is when you're emulating on an LCD locked to 60hz or whatever, you'll notice the shadows below people or scrolling effects hitch every so often or repeat a frame, but because a CRT doesn't have to deal with that, it can just run at it's actual framerate with no issues. CPS2 works pretty great from what I've seen as well

>> No.7477037

Sure thing rakhesh.

>> No.7478259

Is there a generation of FPGA hardware planned beyond MiSTer?

>> No.7478601

You mean the De-10 Nano? Not that I know of, but the hardware the playstation core dev is using is slightly more powerful and similar in price.

>> No.7478957

t. Poorfag MiSTer shill

Emulation is fine on the mini consoles and there's no lag.

>> No.7479029


Pick one and enjoy your shitty chink ARM CPU mini consoles which is weaker than a raspberry pi.

>> No.7479042

Just bought a MiSTer last week boys. It's arriving today. I don't have the SDRAM yet, that's probably going to arrive tomorrow. Which cores can I try right now?

>> No.7479057

If it's not on this list, you're golden.

>> No.7479159

>Genesis and GBA work without SDRAM, but NES and GB don't

Go figure.

>> No.7479196
File: 15 KB, 689x352, retarded.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did you survive childhood?

>> No.7479226

I don't get it your point, that's exacty what I said.

>> No.7479236

My point: You are retarded.

>> No.7479239

I said Genesis and GBA work without SDRAM, GB and NES don't. That's what the table says. How am I retarded?

>> No.7479249

Because that's not what the table says, retard.

>> No.7479250

Yeah, I was just questioning why more advanced systems need SDRAM.

>> No.7479256

>what does "optional" mean?

>> No.7479280

I am very interested in the future of this project and the jamma accessory, but at the moment it seems too early as many arcade games I want are missing. Sega system 1 and system 16 missing is the biggest issue for me. They are being worked on apparently but for now there are huge gaps.

>> No.7479297

To put it simply: This will achieve 100% PS2 emulation in the future. PCSX2 will never come close.

>> No.7479350

People that own a MISTer, what's your setting ?
I'm using vscale_mode=1 and Integer scale only ( cause that's the best to use for a 1440p monitor )

and vsync_adjust=2 low latency mode.. and it's a bit weird but I don't have tearing despite my monitor being only 60hz, it doesn't have a freesynch mode either, so I'm not sure how I'm avoiding the issue ...

And regarding filters for the specific core, at first I liked using soft scanlines filters for 8 and 16 bits games, they are really well done on MISTer.

But after the update that allowed to output 1920x1440p, I just like having pixel perfect x6 scale with raw very sharp pixels.

My only exception is for the game boy games cores, they are better with the lcd filters.

I will share some pictures later if I'm not lazy to do it.

>> No.7479452

As much as I love df retro, john's mister video is pretty fucking awful. Barely goes into the actual thing itself and talks way too much about his awful arcade setup

>> No.7479498

You're a poorfag because you can't buy the mini consoles. Shills are still poorfags because they still have to try to sell a MiSTer in order to make money by selling to people dumb enough to buy it. Try again, shill.

>> No.7479504

I bought this for my wife's son recently. He loves it. I can't figure the thing out. But my wife's boyfriend figured it out easily.

>> No.7479505

>Patel is seething again

>> No.7479506

Yeah, for some reason he also had camera zoomed way more than usual, making it uncomfortable to watch, like he is reading script straight from your face.
But regardless of production issues, that moment was really stupid:
>this is DoDonPachi core which was just released a few days ago
>it looks different from MAME
>does that mean that there's something wrong with MAME?!!
Dude, bugs on release are common for MiSTer cores, even for the most trusted devs. Don't compare code straight from the oven to decades of programming effort without proper knowledge.

>> No.7479507

Yes bro we work for Intel corporation.

>> No.7479523

Ask him for toilet paper street shitter.

>> No.7479547

Nobody owns mister, you can go on whatever platform and search for the intel FPGA DE-10 kit and install mister on that thing.

>> No.7479634 [DELETED] 

Do not respond to pajeets.

>> No.7479732

Really wish mylifeinganing would do a video on mister. They usually go pretty in depth.

>> No.7479743

Apparently that one is in the works. The thing is that we are currently in Jotego's CPS-2 gradual release phase (new games supported every Friday), so it's better to do a detailed overview of MiSTer after that project is complete.

>> No.7479763

Too heavily invested in their coomlections to even acknowledge the superior form of retro gaming.

>> No.7479771
File: 335 KB, 598x414, Screenshot_2021-03-02 My Life in Gaming ( MyLifeInGaming) Twitter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7479776

They cover both flash carts and the analogue devices so not quite.

>> No.7479787

I saw it. I bet it killed them to climb down from the ivory tower. Guarantee the bald one pulls all kinds of faces during the conclusion.

>> No.7479791

Should I feel bad for having never heard of these guys before? Are they just another flavor of that AVGN guy or what?

>> No.7479802

Pair of onions bois who do galaxy brain videos.

>> No.7479810

Do they have technical experience and proper equipment to measure input lag, or are they more of "muh feels" types?

>> No.7479816

They go pretty in depth. They're onion as fuck, but I find them comfy. Way better than that boomer game sack shit.

>> No.7479820

They're just autismo-geeks who like their retro games to look good, whether on CRTs or HDTVs. They do really in-depth videos on the subject. Check out their RGB series.

>> No.7479824

Yeah I do prefer them to Gamesack and the absolute horror of Joe Redditor's teeth.

>> No.7479831

Two nerds who make videos about technical aspects of playing video games on retro hardware. One of their greatest hits is an hour long video about getting the best picture for PS2 games.

>> No.7479832

This explain why DF didn't make a MISTer fpga video explained in details, john is actually friend with the people of MLIG, so I'm sure he knew they wanted to make a video on it and let them the task.

>> No.7479849

After reading this shitshow of a thread its painfully obvious mister owners are very touchy about the subject and will do all sorts of mental gymnastics to convince themselves their emulation is somehow more authentic. Telling themselves all these lies and mistruths, Indians living in their head rent free.

>> No.7479860

I liked the video where they dissected various ports of Rondo and SOTN following that recent Castlevania Requiem release a year or so ago.

>> No.7479861

The bloody bastards!

>> No.7479867

pcsx2 is the equivalent epsxe! lol

>> No.7479868

I see you've found the shift key Suresh.

>> No.7479890

1 rupee has been deposited in your account.

>> No.7479897

I knew it!!!!

Except one of you admitted to working for the Intel Corporation.

>> No.7479905

Can someone explain in retard terms what I need to do to get arcade cores working? I have mame .217 set but I'm apparently retarded. I had no trouble sitting up the console cores and even stuff like apple computers, but arcades have left me lost.

I'm sure it's probably an easy process but it seems like a filter for retards like me.

>> No.7479913

Most people just use "update_all" script which downloads arcade game for you on its own. No need to go mental on MAME sets.

>> No.7479919
File: 2.20 MB, 4032x3024, 1614716068165848053023529356142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my first post retards but like I said, rent free. Get off your high horses your shit is still emulation and if the output between software, hardware and actual hardware is 1:1 it doesn't make no fucking difference and you dropped 300 on a toy thats fun to tinker with. Instead you have to try to convince us all its more authentic but really youre just trying to convince yourselves. Now fuck off ya stupid nerds

>> No.7479923

Ok, sweet, so I assume you run this and then put the roms in the correct location? Does this generate the .mra stuff? That's what has me.

>> No.7479927

Just use the Update all script, it's the easiest way, it will download everything you need for you.


>> No.7479929

Nice, appreciate the help anon!

>> No.7479932

It will also download the roms, you have nothing to do.

>> No.7479936

Golden cow for you good sir. Thank you come again.

>> No.7479945

Well, you have to manually add one file which is not present in MAME set if you want to play Vindicators Part II (check Gauntlet core readme) but that's literally it.

>> No.7479953

Yes yes I know they just installed the new mister powered cabinet complete with 30000 games in your favela but there is no need to have such an ego, you're still a third world shit monkey just like them.

>> No.7479964


>> No.7479970

>MiSTer Shill still trying to sell his shitty product, by samefagging to death.

>> No.7479978

Make sure to update to the latest version of Java. Many security holes were patched up my friend.

>> No.7479984
File: 150 KB, 700x615, mad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> the idiot that doesn't understand fpga is mad that the tables have turned
It's like pottery.

>> No.7480003
File: 117 KB, 996x868, 1509302627041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7480017
File: 261 KB, 328x272, 1605144194780.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(You) have never offered a solution to a problem that doesn't exist.

Rent-free in your head my friend.

>> No.7480032

Many solutions offered my friend. Glory awaits your downloadings of java.

>> No.7480069

Yes I am white south American shit monkey no different from your friend patel.
Thanks for the advice but you're still emulating mister.

>> No.7480082


>> No.7480108

Is that all you got Joao?

>> No.7480168

No its just impossible to have a conversation about it because dipshits like you have to come shit all over everyone's fun because you have nothing better to do. Windows adds lag, and getting it to output 224p at 59.7 hz component is quite a lot of work.

>> No.7480179

Coury was streaming some MSX games from MiSTer back in January and he mentioned they were making a video about it.

>> No.7480185

Gee MiSTer, what's Java? Is that a Star Wars reference?

>> No.7480201
File: 108 KB, 960x1280, 7735aa13-db18-45a5-8726-9ed0e57d2647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got the MiSTer. Don't have the SDRAM yet, still waiting on it. Had it all setup in less than 30 minutes. Shit just works, my 4k TV was compatible with the low lag mode (figured as much, since OSSC is fine on it).

Played some games, messed with settings. Tried it out on an old VGA monitor I had sitting around. It's amazing.

I'm honestly considering just selling my consoles and RGB crap now, will cut down about 80% of wires on my living room. Just gonna keep the stuff MiSTer doesn't support like N64 and PS1.

>> No.7480214

I'll also need a case and a fan I guess. Not a fan of the 3D printed shit that's online. I might get a nice looking Mini ITX aluminum case and stuff the DE-10 nano inside.

>> No.7480218 [DELETED] 

You cannot explain the white man's magic to the mud people. They do not have the capacity to understand it.

>> No.7480221

Another Chad joins the MiSTer gang.

>> No.7480238

It's nice dude. I kept my original retro stuff. The nice part is, all that can sit in my basement game room and I can play it upstairs on one compact unit. I have an RGB modded consumer set with the add on for the mister so I can play on it or my flatscreen.

>> No.7480242

No its because you faggots literally make bullshit claims about your stupid little magic boxes. I didnt say anything about pc emulation either I clearly posted a piece of real hardware, im sick of you faggots thinking your experience is somehow more authentic than the fags who emulate on raspberry pi or windows. You're not youre all fucking faggots emulating and your fpga powered favela mamebox doesn't make you better than pajeet and his Java emulator.

>> No.7480256

Bro, no one cares. Original is obviously better, but you should sort yourself on why you care what others play games on. It literally makes no difference in your life. Nobody on here is saying original, emulating, or GEEMISTER is better or worse. It's good for what it is, which is a great all in one way to play retro without paying scalper prices or having to jump through hoops too much.

>> No.7480272

That's nice. I have an apartment so I don't have that option, plus you know how bitchy women are with old stuff. Having less old consoles in there would allow for some better decor at the very least.

I love my old consoles, but they have their flaws. My RGB modded SNES Jr. still has some video noise here and there, on bright colors and stuff. Needs some caps replaced or some shit like that, I don't know.

I was thinking I'd use the MiSTer only for consoles I don't own like the PC-Engine, but honestly it just feels so much better right now that I have no reason not to use it even for the shit I already own.

>> No.7480283

I didnt care until I read the obvious bullshit marketing lines "it just feels authentic" reads like an advertising tag line. I know for a fact I could hook up hardware, a mister and an emulator to the same display and properly configured that faggot wouldnt be able to tell me which one is which. The posts read like people who bought something and need to convince themselves they're having a more legitimate experience it reeks of buyers remorse.

>> No.7480285

My dude. Just leave. We're just here to talk about FPGA shit. If that doesn't interest you close the tab or unfollow on your app. You add nothing to the conversation. You're just annoying fly that won't fuck off.

>> No.7480291

I have a complete and fully autistic RGB setup up to Gen 6. I also have a gaming PC. I like the MiSTer better.

Seethe and dilate.

>> No.7480292

>I was thinking I'd use the MiSTer only for consoles I don't own like the PC-Engine, but honestly it just feels so much better right now that I have no reason not to use it even for the shit I already own.

I totally get it man, I'm just too attached to my old stuff. The portable console cores are a blast to play on the big screen too.

Nah man, I get what you're saying but it honestly can't be worth your time to argue with cultists on 4chins. Just let em stew in their marketing vibes. I like mister but I'm not out to spread it like gospel.

>> No.7480296

Buddy. This is a thread about a niche subject on one of the slowest fucking boards on this entire fucking site. Nobody is being sold a de nano through this thread. Please take your medication and fuck off.

>> No.7480313

They're not selling it to us they're selling it to themselves. Can you fucking read, Buddy?

>> No.7480316

Let people enjoy things, idiot. No wonder you have 0 friends.

>> No.7480317

You like it better because its a convenient emulation box. I know. Cope seethe and dilate to you too

>> No.7480319

> i really like this brand of soda
> i will continue buying this brand of soda
> how is that soda mate?
> i like it
You're lame.

>> No.7480326

I'd rather have no friends than faggots who need to convince themselves their emulator box is more than just that. Go to your mister subreddit if dont like it here

>> No.7480330

It's a mister thread bucko.

>> No.7480335

>I like coke
nice strawman faggot

>> No.7480351

So this is the place to talk shit about the mister and its user base right?

>> No.7480354 [DELETED] 

Imagine seething this hard because you can't afford a MiSTer.

>> No.7480358 [DELETED] 

Yes Paulo hope your enjoying your king of fighters favela box.

>> No.7480359

MiSter Co., Ltd
Jotego CEO

>> No.7480378

Thanks man, it worked!

>> No.7480379

> guys I have a machine that can replicate the taste of coke at the molecular level
Your emulation shitbox is faygo faggo

>> No.7480381

Sorgelig is the mister project head dude

>> No.7480396

Lmao, literally has no friends. Can't make this shit up.

>> No.7480398

>The portable console cores are a blast to play on the big screen too.
I wanna mess with that as soon as I get the SDRAM. I have a clockspeed modded Super GameBoy but the audio buzz in that drives me nuts sometimes.

>> No.7480404

You seem to know too much brazilians.

>> No.7480406

Sorgelig Majority Shareholder
MisterAddons Creative Director

>> No.7480410 [DELETED] 

Sure thing Durglesh, enjoy your curry diarrhea smelling hacked Wii.

>> No.7480439
File: 137 KB, 640x504, 1610883082225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is a nice pic for (You) so you could feel at least a little better about your life. Things will get better soon annon.

>> No.7480441

Seek help and take your meds before it's too late.

>> No.7480465
File: 62 KB, 960x531, no_need_to be_unplesant_about_it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need to cut down on the caffeinated brahmin-piss and leave the internet-cafe for some breathers India-kun.

If you're not willing to spend more than only 2000 rupees to play literally several thousands of retro console and computer games nearly perfectly recreated down to component-level detail (needs to be for FPGAs to work in the first place), then I'm sorry but all you'll contribute on here is poorfag cope and seethe.

It would be better for all of us if you just started your own thread about what emulators work great on the types of Pentium II machines you'd find in the internet-cafes in your part of the world, and I'm sure you'd actually get a lot of people on here to chime in with helpful tips as they are retro machines in their own rights, heck it might even be downright comfy threads come to think of it :)

>> No.7480523 [DELETED] 

I agree thats what the mister is.
Yeah dude you sure showed me.
Its harsimanjeet singh and I only use my hacked wii to usb load wii games, its faster than discs and still on authentic hardware truly the patrician high caste Brahman option. I can see why favela trash have to settle for a mister to play your king of fighters. And I do not shit in the street that is for dalit scum we use the water closet like any civilized person. You will never play original hardware in the taj mahal jungle monkey.

>> No.7480530 [DELETED] 

Holy shit he's breaking.

>> No.7480540 [DELETED] 

You have convinced me I am Indian i have finally seen the light. Now I can put a swastika on my door and nobody can say shit. Sure is a lot of snow on the ground here for fucking india though. Hows the Amazon this time of year must be nice?

>> No.7480542

Pretty good video on FPGAs for those that don't quite understand how they work.


>> No.7480548

>Now I can put a swastika on my door and nobody can say shit.
Snowflake detected. If that's what you want to do, what's holding you back? Freedom of speech and all.

>> No.7480554

Why would anyone want to waste their money on an emulation box that can't emulate PS1, Sega Saturn or N64 games? LOL

>> No.7480559

>Why would anyone want to waste their money on an emulation box that can't emulate PS1, Sega Saturn or N64 games?
Some of us enjoy true retro games.

>> No.7480567

why would you not use vga? Dont the devs say the best output is through a crt?

>lying jew

Ok. Im considering buying one actually, just adding up the cost and figuring it all out. I have a C64 that will probably cost $50-80 to fix, plus im interested in an atari 800 which seems to run around $100-150 plus shipping and $20-30 to build an sdcard max unit.

>> No.7480569 [DELETED] 

Start a thread discussing putting swastikas on doors mate, nobodies stopping you. I'm sure it'll be a great thread and you'll have way more to talk about then whatever has compelled you to keep this tab open for the past week.

>> No.7480579

Well in that case, just emulate on your PC. There's no noticeable differences.

>> No.7480586

Explain how there's no difference. Please.

>> No.7480626

Because I cant be a white colonizers devil appropriating Indian culture. What if Rajesh sidhu knocks at my door and it turns out I'm just a nazi and not Indian?
Youre the ones who let harsimanjeet Rajesh patel singh live in your heads rent free. I will admit mister fags saying they have the magical ability to tell exactly what hardware they are playing it on live in my head rent free. I just can't stand bullshit it makes me sperg out, just admit youre a faggot and slightly regret spending 300 on an emulator box instead of trying to feed me bullshit about how your magical autist senses can just know when its emulation but the mister has you fooled. I dont emulate but the only possible reason you could conceive that I would have a problem with this thread was I was a seething poorfag Indian and not just a man who doesn't enjoy being fed bullshit by coping emulator box faggots.

>> No.7480639

I didn't read any of that. Now please. Answer the question.

>> No.7480693

Just scroll up.

>> No.7480696

A literal pajeet, ladies and gentleman.

>> No.7480707

I just started coming back here yesterday truth be told. Left after they changed the rules and hadnt come back until then. Sorry to say but I'm not the only one shitting up your thread. Was expecting to be most annoyed by 6th gen zoomies but its actually the coping emulator box fags. Id rather listen to a zoomie tell me melee is the greatest game of all time rather than this i cant believe its not butter bullshit because i know the zoomer isn't just coping and lying to himself even if his taste is awful.

>> No.7480714

For me, the reason I like Mister is it's just 100% dedicated to recreating the console it's emulating at any given moment. There's no OS, no additional processes that it's fighting for system resources with, no CPU spikes to ruin the experience or other PC bullshit that can happen with even fast computers. Just switch it on, start playing and forget about everything else.

>> No.7480725

Now thats an answer I can respect and you know what I can see the appeal when its put like that. But isnt there a front end like how do you launch a game? I've never understood how it's supposed to launch a rom if you aren't physically shoving a cart into it. Is it just like a flashcart firmware menu?

>> No.7480726
File: 46 KB, 552x518, 1601664588427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kinda funny how people raging about some hardware they never have tried and claim that its shit.

>> No.7480728

Same for me. Even if it's emulation to some degree, it's emulation with no OS overhead.

>> No.7480731

There's a Linux frontend that sets everything up and then ducks out. Also, many flashcards also use fpgas now.

>> No.7480735

The Best example of the people you are arguing in this thread with. But even they don't know anything about it, they for sure know its shit and a waste of money.

>> No.7480737

Just fuck off back then. There's literally no reason for you to be in this thread. Imagine getting riled up by something that's easy to ignore. 9 out of every 10 threads on /vr/ I couldn't give a shit about but I don't feel the need to jump in them and start shitposting just to be a dick.

>> No.7480746
File: 2.89 MB, 640x770, _lfQggnNQkXmIjt2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How long until we can have fpgas that replicate old video cards like the voodoo 2.

>> No.7480795


>> No.7480798

I had a similar idea.

But I don't have the skills or the money to do it.

>> No.7480810
File: 107 KB, 1280x720, FurrtekNeoGeoFPGA2019-01-25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>every time

>> No.7480814

That's a cute tv

>> No.7480830


>> No.7480886

These settings can all be changed via a built in script

>> No.7480893

I don't care if he's a furry, his core is fucking awesome and he's likely to be porting some 90s Konami arcade systems next.

>> No.7480960

>oh nooo my autism is putting me between his fursuit and his furdick...reeeee

>> No.7481121

I've had a MiSTer since early 2019.

It's crazy that a PSX and Saturn core could be released this year.

>> No.7481140
File: 594 KB, 249x214, 1457727714716.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was actually considering trying to pick up a PS1 and an ODE, but there's not a whole lot of point now. Just thinking about it makes me happy.

Only complaint with the MiSTer is the wire spaghetti.

>> No.7481141

Legit something that would make me pull the trigger.

>> No.7481276
File: 906 KB, 1600x2190, heckfire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that time the bald one called it Heckfire

>> No.7481381

When you're emulating 16 bit consoles, there usually is no difference between playing it on the PC and playing it on the CRT TV, depending on what emulators you use.

>> No.7482731
File: 514 KB, 598x650, Screenshot_2021-03-03 jotego on Twitter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Señor Jotego just casually dropped a Psikyo board teaser (alongside Ninja Gaiden arcade and Jaleco System 32) like it's nothing to sweat about. If he really means it, we are getting a lot of Tetris.

>> No.7482915

that is sick, yo

>> No.7483576
File: 380 KB, 927x733, 1608322651112.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Trying out the Genesis core
>Composite blend wtf's this shit

>> No.7483581

It has as much of a frontend as a flashcard does.

>> No.7483650
File: 681 KB, 951x583, Screenshot_20210303-153058_cropped.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit how did they mess this thing up so badly. The picture quality is horrible.

>> No.7483656

New core

>> No.7483660

Finally, some Stasi-approved fun for all ages!

>> No.7483663

Speccy fags BTFO

>> No.7483709

>frameskipping hell on GBA
What the fuck Hyperkin...

>> No.7483712

>The image look a little soft
>A little
why is metaljesus he like this? Tell it how it is, That thing is a disaster.

>> No.7483952

Hate to be one of those raspberry pi fags, but I really don't understand the appeal of owning these retron things. What's the point of using real cartridges if you're just going to emulate anyway. Also, 4:3 and 16:9 only with forced bilinear filtering. Who approved this?

>> No.7484121

They are marketed for idiots. If the retron pulls the rom from the cart then emulates, why not skip the middle man?

>> No.7484147

I'd go a step farther and say they're manipulating consumers that don't even realize these are glorified emulation machines. "Oh, this plays my cartridges? It must be like the real thing!"

>> No.7484607

Best output is somewhat subjective, though being a CRt purist i'd recommend using CRt, yeah. But anon's point was that you can use the onboard HDMI and get an AG6200 based HMDI-to-VGA adapter that also output audio (which is most $5 adapters that are more than 5 years old, new ones you have to check) and set the Direct Video option in the ini, and profit that way. HDMI is capable of better colour depth than the IO board is anyway :)

>> No.7484681

It's weird. He usually does.

>> No.7484689

I don't need another small electric thingy when I can emulate far better on PC...or just grab my original systems.

>> No.7484793

Retron sucks ass for playing games but at least it's a nice cart/save dumper.

>> No.7484806 [DELETED] 

I feel you man. Lucky there's a thread all about that. >>326088140

>> No.7484812

I feel you man. Lucky there's a thread all about that. Why don't you say hello. I'm sure they'd love to hear what you have to say. >>>/vg/326088140

>> No.7485257

Even the thumbnail is weird "So close.." like... so close to what? The trash can?

>> No.7486347

So close to not being completely worthless.

>> No.7486419

What do you guys think about cooling? I don't have a fan on my nano, just a heatsink. Never had issues but it does get a bit hot.

>> No.7486439

It'll make your parts last longer.

>> No.7486521

I don't understand what's the point

don't we already have emulated pretty much everything on windows and linux ?

is this going to fill the gaps, emulate xbox360, PS3 ?

>> No.7486532

I'm imagining this eventually moving on to a multiple fpga configuration where individual components are fpga based (gpu, cpu, etc). It would be a more expensive, but far more compatible machine, but that's in the far flung future if at all.

>> No.7486594


>> No.7486680

you can 3d print your own case, looks pretty good


>> No.7487724
File: 500 KB, 583x560, ScreenShot148.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This gonna be good

>> No.7487891

Just saw that on my feed, great stuff

>> No.7489910

Is that the Alien vs Predator arcade game?
I haven't played it, but I've heard good things.

>> No.7490021

its an industrial rated part, i dont think you will kill it for many years, heatsink is enough.

>> No.7490024

looks like you only need the 128mb ram for a few neo geo games, and 128mb might be less reliable than the others.

>> No.7490036

>heh, it comes to the same result but in a DIFFERENT way. I am so intellectually superior and you fell for my trap.
Everyone knows it's not exactly the same, but it still kinda is as it's still an approximation of the hardware it's pretending to be. It's worse than emulation in a lot of cases because of how early in development it is, and how limited affordable FPGAs are at the moment.

>> No.7490046

It's neat but why-bother tier? Just get a VRR capable display and use low latency emulators and its one benefit is gone, and you just have a gimmicky little device that's far more limited a PC at this point, and probably always will be for 6th gen.

>> No.7490070

You need either 64MB (basically extinct nowadays) or 128MB SDRAM module if you want to play the largest 32MB GBA games like Mother 3 or Urbz: Sims in the City. Also the new CPS-2 core will probably require more than 32MB for the largest games.

>> No.7490080
File: 207 KB, 1280x723, Sidi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SiDi is about $60 cheaper, has 4 usb ports and 32mb sdram on the board so most cores work out of the box, also vga on board instead of requiring an IO addon. No neo geo or other large cores though.


>> No.7490085

>GBA games
im mostly in it for 8/16 bit computer cores, not that interested in GBA or arcade

>> No.7490091

Neat, is there a decent upgrade path for this or is it what you see is what you get?

>> No.7490235

Jotego update is out

>> No.7490292

That's pretty neat, but what are the downsides compared to MiSTer?

>> No.7490297

That’s not really worth it when there’s tons of stuff it doesn’t support though. $60 cheaper isn’t that huge a difference

>> No.7491612

Yeah, but also we don't know what will happen in future- and with the difference in the cost between RAM modules being as relatively small as it is (vs. the cost of the DE10 itself) it's kinda silly not to go for broke.

>> No.7491976

I like mine a lot. I also have a pc and the original hardware. I also have a little money. I chose it because it seemed hobbyish and can play the games I give a shit to play again.

>> No.7492029

500 plus posts and not one specific example of how software emulation on a variable refresh screen or CRT is noticably different or inferior to fpga when it comes to the actual experience of playing stuff

>> No.7492042

>just buy a crt bro!


>> No.7492060

I'd only consider getting a CRT when I get a house or something. I don't want to lug that shit around between apartments.

>> No.7492068

CRTs are going completely out of production in the next 3 years, and good models in the wild are getting picked up all the time, so you may want to find one now if you ever plan on having one.

>> No.7492070

>600 bucks for emulation

>> No.7492081

I also got sizable collection of original hardware and mostly got it for the arcade stuff (don't have space for all that!) and as a more convenient Amiga and DOS computer (where accuracy is REALLY important beyond lag/frame-pacing). Whats also great is that I can use it on my CRT TV for max authenticity and nostalgia or hook it up to my 65" OLED for big-screen action most of us could only dream of in the 90s.

Seems like mostly hardware guys owning original kit are really into it, but I hope newbies consider it too since prices for real systems and games are RIDICULOUSLY expensive nowadays. If it's good enough for a lot of us hardcore enthusiast/collectors to be used interchangeably then I hope that counts for something before those late to the game get sticker-shock on original hardware and just fold.

>> No.7492087

>why spend $135 on a MiSTer when I can just burn out my irreplaceable GPU?

The mouthbreathers are out in force tonight it seems.

>> No.7492095

How the fuck are you spending $600 on a MiSTer setup?

>CRTs are going completely out of production in the next 3 years
When did you write that originally? Like, 2005?

>Seems like mostly hardware guys owning original kit are really into it
This. No idea why, but it's true in my case and for the people i know who have one or are interested.

>> No.7492107
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>When did you write that originally? Like, 2005?
There's a couple small business owners (semi-professional hobbyists, really) assembling new CRTs from warehoused parts for specific applications like museums exhibits that rely on the tech. However the parts have almost run out and it's impossible to manufacture both financially (without the large-scale demand) and legally (lead/toxic chemicals involved).
You can't go into a store to buy a CRT obviously, but if you have a lot of money you can buy a, quote, "new" unit. But in 5 years even that wont be possible.

>> No.7492129

This, It's now or never.

>> No.7492459

N64 will never run on the DE10 Nano with current mister configuration. It would need to include an extra chip addon. But it could happen eventually I think someones working on it. Still, so long as the open source code exists, any future revision of the mister project would be able to incorporate it.

>> No.7492463

those HDMI adapters are FPGA based faggot. So are your Flash cartridges and scalers. MiSTer just consolidates everything into one device.

>> No.7492470

5x scaling, Atari Lynx is coming soon, CPS2 is coming soon, Q-Bert was finally added.. that's about all I can think of.

>> No.7492492

>Imagine seething this hard over not being able to sell a MiSTer to a guy who uses HDMI adapters.

>> No.7492521

I don't particularly care if he ever gets a MiSTer, I'm just telling him that FPGA's are used all over the place in modded original consoles. In fact I'm happier if none of you faggots uses MiSTer. The less of you faggots asking stupid questions to MiSTer devs the better things will be for me. Just keep setting up retropie over and over again.

>> No.7492952

Yer... ok, i'll concede the point about NOS CRT's. You're kinda splitting hairs though. There are also still places all over Asia selling salvaged tubes with universal chassis in a cheaper-than-ever plastic and calling them new, and that's going to go on for longer. Either way you'll do better quality-wise picking up a used Panasonic or NEC off the kerb and RGB-modding it - those will mostly be good as they day they left the factory. And you're only kinda right about that well drying up soon, the long tail will keep going for a while yet, just have to look harder..

I have nevertheless hoarded six or seven 19" replacements for my two arcade cabs though, just in case :)

>> No.7493115

Absolutely delusional

>> No.7493434

Jotego the goat

>> No.7493442

Emutards absolutely destroyed by a $135 board.

>> No.7493456

>lead/toxic chemicals involved
People don't consider this aspect of the argument enough. Granted, it doesn't offset the total waste from modern technology very much (were making more of it and it becomes obsolete faster) CRTs and tube tech disposal is toxic as hell and flat panels are much safer to recycle.

It's good.

It's just an expensive high-end raspi. I got to tinker with one a few years ago and while they've come a loooong way since then they're much too pricey for my blood. I just do what most other broke blokes do on here and use my last gen PC hooked up to my TV because Its "good enough"

>> No.7493463
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>Its "good enough"

>> No.7493485

>It's just an expensive high-end raspi
absolute bollocks

>> No.7493514

What else is it then? Its an expensive, highly portable, all-in-one chipset that also happens to be as accurate as possible. Would you rather refer to raspis as "cheap, low end misters"?

>> No.7493519
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>> No.7493539
File: 426 KB, 500x383, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is. Retroarch with runahead and sync plays all of my games at a rate that is indistinguishable to the real thing to me.
>Your standards are just so shit you can't spot the differences
Nope, If there are any stutters, screen tearing or fps dips in any game (PC or emulator) I spend the time to configure them for the best performance. I apply the same effort to my separate emulation box and if I can't get completely smooth performance from an emulator, I drop it.

>> No.7493549

They're in no way related except that they both happen to be project boards.

>> No.7493552

I agree, its just a colloquialism for normie plebes.

>> No.7493572

> more expensive hardware requires hacks to be comparable
Cope, seeth, dilate, embrace monke

>> No.7493621

>more expensive
You jump to conclusions
>Configuring modern software=hacks
You have a very strange and incorrect understanding of software my good sir

>> No.7493634

This faggot is wasting hours of his life configuring Retroarch, meanwhile Chad just fires up MiSTer and is ready to rock n roll in seconds. What a fucking retard.

>> No.7494214
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>$300+ for some custom hardware
>$20-30 for an actual SNES and another $30 for an everdrive

>> No.7494248

Is there a $20 snes that can play CPS2 games?

>> No.7494274

Don't forget $400 for a Neo Geo and another $400 for a flash cart, plus the same for every other console, plus buying every arcade board.
Also don't forget to double the prices for an actual SNES and the Everdrive because that's what they realistically cost.

>> No.7494302

>$20-30 for an actual SNES and another $30 for an everdrive
even aliexpress doesnt have $30 everdrives.

>> No.7494354

Post a link to a $20-30 snes and everdrive. Also a flash cart for said SNES that lets you play every other system mister supports. Please.

>> No.7494376

I swear the anti-Mister brigade come up with the most retarded comparisons.

Master System
Genesis/Sega CD
Neo Geo

and coming soon - PS1 and Saturn

How much would it cost for all these plus flash carts for all?

>> No.7494403

That's not even the complete list of consoles nevermind arcade and computer systems AMIGA, 486SX DOS, C64, ZX Spectrum, Apple ][, Atari ST. You also forgot PCECD, Atari, Colecovision, Intellivision, Atari Lynx, Game Gear.. and I'm sure I'm even forgetting tons of them. Nevermind the fact that you don't need to do HD Mods, You don't need to buy flash cartridges, you don't need to own the original cartridges, you don't need to own the original systems with a power adapter for each.. It really is great value for the money.

>> No.7494446


>> No.7494457
File: 24 KB, 612x408, for only 2000 rupees.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not a brigade, it's one raging street shitter.

>> No.7494524

It's India-kun (the brown version of Australia-kun) and he doxed himself for only 2000 rupees.
You can see his mental breakdown further up in this very thread.

>> No.7494537

I love how he flip flops between saying emulation is just as good to just use real hardware and a flash card bro. He's so stinky.

>> No.7494554

it's a manchild toy that costs way too much for what it is.

>> No.7494575

Imagine being this poor.

>> No.7494697

Hey anons, Instead of flinging poop at each other, let's answer some questions :
The raspberry pi can be oc to get some dc games working, but it actually run at high temps (+ 80° ) does this shorten the life of the device ?
And what's the mister temp? Can it run fanless? Also any nice cases for it ?

>> No.7494728

The higher the temps the lower the life span. I wouldn't stress a pi out just to run DC games. Better off just getting an x86 device at that point.

>> No.7494778

Mister can run fanless, but at least get a heatsink. The FPGA chip can get pretty hot. There was a notable issue last year when FF6 for SNES would glitch out due to overheating. I am not sure if it was fixed.

>> No.7494779

That sounds fantastic, like the Dragon Quest III speedrunner who puts his Famicom on a hot plate to trigger a max level bug.

>> No.7494785

You're posting on a board dedicated to manchild toys

>> No.7494846

Singh is just scraping the barrel at this point.

>> No.7496249

A think a single Turbo Duo is more expensive than a DE-10 + addons nowadays, I often see that console as the biggest push for people to buy these things

A lot of the people complaining are literally just normies who want to play super mario bros for 2 hours and nothing else though, can't comprehend the value you get for the recreations of things that are super expensive now like a lot of retrocomputer cores. Ignorance is bliss though I guess, would save less money if I wasnt autistic about that stuff I guess

>> No.7496432

not sure about being cheaper than the Turbo Duo but it's definitely cheaper than the SuperGrafx which it can also do.

Nothing wrong with Emulation, but if you can get something that does the job better why not.

>> No.7496780

> turbo duo
> no flashcard support
> shitty emulation