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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 169 KB, 720x716, 54640-Yakyuken_Special_Konya_Ha_12_Kaisen_(J)-1535299100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7470583 No.7470583 [Reply] [Original]

Wow, so this is the power of the Sega Saturn...

>> No.7470602
File: 846 KB, 1280x514, Saturn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7470634

What makes asian girls so cute?

>> No.7470667

well, Virtua Fighter series is dead, but mahjong is still going strong. problem?

>> No.7470672

IRL they're not cute bro.

>> No.7470795

It is. Do you know any other console that can make people seethe so hard?

Your asian fetish

>> No.7470921

The real life of this girls are crap. And we all know it, they will not give you as a hentai girl in your life, it will fuck your life, take off your children and make you bleed in the court without getting rights to men people. The reason why japanese male people doesn´t want kids or even sex with them, they preffer sex dolls, plushies and cushions to remove the depression.

>> No.7470924

Japan is too way around more for imagination then get a perfect little girl in your dreams.

>> No.7470964
File: 71 KB, 512x445, miniskirt police.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey that game came out on PS1 as well, at least post Saturn-exclusive kino

>> No.7470976

Isn't the PS1 version an unnofficial port?

>> No.7471009

proud to say ive jerked off to the girls in this game before

>> No.7471018

I think it's more fat/collagen on the cheeks and face overall.

>> No.7471027
File: 59 KB, 500x495, the hanafuda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>japanese male people
>too way around more for imagination
are you all drunk?

The title is "THE Baseball Special"? That's a strange cover for a baseball game.

>> No.7471029 [DELETED] 

Rent. Free.


>> No.7471042

I mean "THE Baseball Project: SPECIAL".
But it appears to be a porno game?

>> No.7471048
File: 2.90 MB, 304x208, lunar.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fuck the Shiturn and fuck its degenerate fans.

>> No.7471097

野球券 is the name for strip RPS. It has nothing to do with baseball beyond the name.

>> No.7471112

>That webm
Saturn might be the most based console of all time.

>> No.7471280 [DELETED] 

Thesr 2 aren't very cute. Alot of them look like albino nigs

>> No.7471281

I love the Saturn now

>> No.7471410

The characters for baseball are "field" and "ball" so that makes sense.
Ken is fist.
Any idea what the etymology is for Field-Ball-Fist not just being RPS, but *STRIP* RPS?

>> No.7471434

Jan Ken Pon
Gu Choki Pa

>> No.7471531

Those fetish is cancerous

>> No.7471556

No i am not drunk, a friend from brazil had that situation, and he lost everything. Is get back to brazil with nothing in is hands. Fuck Japanese Goverment, they only care about womens.

>> No.7471565
File: 89 KB, 640x907, 6_T7FFxWH8-ng7beA7Dw2AkvbjXomREiFLIEm7_ndi4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they remind you of the peak of girls, anime girls.

>> No.7471579

thas unofficial port that would never got approved by sony

>> No.7471598
File: 3.34 MB, 1440x1080, VIRTUA_PHOTO_STUDIO-210228-174833.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how hadn't i heard of this one? i love games with grainy videos of 90s japanese chicks
trying to remember the name of a racing game for psx that had clips of schoolgirls in between races

>> No.7471610


>> No.7471709 [SPOILER] 
File: 440 KB, 1920x1080, 1614533936882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>The Yakyuu Ken Special: Konya wa 12-kaisen (Sega Saturn)

>The Yakyuu Ken Special: Konya wa 12-kaisen Gameplay (SEGA Saturn) [Adult Erotic]

>> No.7471717

why are saturn fans a bunch of weeb creeps?

>> No.7471794

Anime girls have big multi color eyes though and a pointy chin. The more I look at the more I see none human alien features.

>> No.7471796

I think certain people should learn that western erotic games existed, and that Japanese didn't consider teenage nudity as such a big deal until this century strated and international pressure increased.

>> No.7471808

PS1 has all the weebs. Saturn is even worse, they're hipster weebs

>> No.7471843

A good chunk of those games were also on PS1, some were even on the 3DO.

>> No.7471998
File: 8 KB, 640x352, bscap1278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hipster weebs are literally the master race

>> No.7472004


I am addicted to gambling.

Can anyone tell me what is the best mahjong game on sega saturn?

>> No.7472013

Japanese women make me coom.

>> No.7472103
File: 3.99 MB, 1440x1080, Yakyuuken Special, The (Japan)-210228-211112.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7472458

>No i am not drunk
You're drunk with stupid

>> No.7472687

LSD is good for this

>> No.7472703

What shader is this?

>> No.7472726
File: 3.43 MB, 1440x1080, Yakyuuken Special, The - Kon'ya wa 12-kaisen!! (Japan) (1M)-210301-003141.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seems like the saturn version is the way to go, has all the girls from the 3DO release plus extras and a higher video resolution, for some reason strip-RPS games are very fun to me
*my name*presetpoopnigga.cgp in my files lol, its a version of slotmask-soft that i changed some values in to better fit the tv i remember gaming on as a kid

>> No.7472803

the fact they worship white cock. they literally believe anything a white man says.

>> No.7472990


>> No.7473019

They tried to kill the mahjong, but it would not die.

>> No.7473091
File: 3.57 MB, 1440x1080, Yakyuuken Special, The - Kon'ya wa 12-kaisen!! (Japan) (1M)-210301-004850.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>caring about this when you have 100gb/s internet and hundreds of terabytes of storage
its what retroarch defaults to and i can't be fucked to change it, also idk how much jpg compression would fuck with that crt filter
have a flat jap butt

>> No.7473098

what would you prefer they use anon? could you explain what your complaint is exactly? why wouldnt we use pngs on an image board its literally called Portable Network Graphic you dingus

>> No.7473109
File: 3.65 MB, 1440x1080, Yakyuuken Special, The - Kon'ya wa 12-kaisen!! (Japan) (1M)-210301-004008.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

people used to complain a lot about pngs because they're larger than jpgs, but as i said in my post that's not really a concern now
jpgs are better for things like photographs/screenshots of a movie while png is better for lineart and infographic type shit
pretty much everything saves screenshots in png now though since i guess they're of the same opinion as me where they just don't give a shit because 3mb vs 300kb isn't much of a deal anymore

>> No.7473182


The ones on that cover aren't cute... Every time I see an image like that of Japanese idols or whatever, I just feel sorry for Asian people, having to either look at that or look like that.

Of course it's all subjective though. If I were to move to China and live there for a decade or two, or maybe just fall in love with an Asian lady here in my English-speaking country, then I'd probably feel differently.

But yeah, it's mainly that person's Asian fetish I guess. And also maybe the fact that Asian ladies can look super young pretty easily a lot of the time, and so they tend to charm the many, many pedophiles among fans of nerdy computery stuff and anime-type stuff and whatnot.

>> No.7473359

what game were they talking about?

>> No.7473453 [DELETED] 

The filename was lunar.webm. Looks like some anime with fanservice.

>> No.7473462

Lunar - Magic School. Here's another good FMV:


>> No.7473728

What game is this. I dont know jap

>> No.7473730

It's in the filename...

>> No.7473737

出動! ミニスカポリス

>> No.7474032

Best game ever made. Show me a Yakyuken SP port on the PSX or piss off.

>> No.7474043

how many mahjong games does the saturn have i wonder

>> No.7474058


>> No.7474153


>> No.7474197

is that a bootleg?

>> No.7474204

he still thinks it's 2007 don't tell him anything

>> No.7474205


>> No.7474207

The girls are different/worse. Seems to be an unreleased proto/homebrew/bootleg of the inferior 3DO version. God knows what this is.


>> No.7474219
File: 151 KB, 864x1069, 1588583814575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The girls are worse
Is this even possible?

>> No.7474223

Come the fuck on now. The girl on the left is utterly delicious.

>> No.7474235

> that's not really a concern now
That's just your personal retarded opinion. Frankly, all of high frequency data in your arbitrarily upscaled screenshots are from garbage pseudo-retro filter, so no one is going to cry if some of it is lost to JPEG compression. There is no point in posting these as lossless images, as no one will ever need to process their exact original pixels.

Apart from theoretical reasons, there is also practice. Right now, it seems that Cloudflare caching node closest to my network doesn't serve a lot of 4chan users, and I basically have to wait for it to fetch each request I make. For 3-4 MB images and videos, it spends up to ten seconds transferring them, so big images load for me slowly from top to bottom, like in good old dial-up times. Needless to say, my internet connection is a real 100 Mb/s both ways, and that's just Cloudflare not giving all their bandwidth to 4chan for free.

>> No.7474256

so look at the thumbnails before you start loading the image?

>> No.7474269

Idiot. Go get a japanese girl and try to defence the law then... fucker...

>> No.7474270

How would it make the process faster?

>> No.7474273

Instead watching this shit, just get a real women...

>> No.7474276
File: 45 KB, 720x674, 1587584756759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But there's no ugly japanese women around here anon.

>> No.7474296

How many should i get?

>> No.7474459

>strip-RPS games are very fun to me
I think there are a lot of those on DVD (DVD menu system is complex enough to make them)
I bought Aoi Sora's a long time ago. (Is she retro yet?)

>> No.7474495

I'm going to start posting .pngs all over /vr/ just because of you being such a bitch.

>> No.7474520

For retro games png is the better choice.
The problem here are the shitty filters that bloat the filesize by a factor of 100.

>> No.7474521

If you're ugly but you have charisma it's doable. If you have no charisma but are hot it's doable. If you have no charisma and are also really ugly you're screwed.

>> No.7474642

lmao what a fucking goof

>> No.7474675

>nude girl
>closeted pedo: IS THIS LE PORN???!??!?!??!!!??

>> No.7475096

t. jacks off to nude little girls and projects his sick fetish onto people who hate pervs like him

>> No.7475115
File: 11 KB, 201x251, Segata sanshiro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no... segata sanshiro is.

>> No.7475119
File: 34 KB, 600x347, 1613312313291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw he's dead
Why live?

>> No.7475128
File: 3.57 MB, 1440x1080, Yakyuuken Special, The - Kon'ya wa 12-kaisen!! (Japan) (1M)-210301-005240.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>arbitrarily upscaled
lmao its just my screen resolution you angry fucking faggot

>> No.7475141

They're feminine unlike creepy white women

>> No.7475152

they're braindead but at least their minds aren't poisoned by jewish tricks, and that impacts their whole behaviour and mannerisms.

>> No.7475846

That is exactly the reason I call it arbitrary. It serves no purpose, and just happens to be native for an arbitrary monitor of an arbitrary person.

>> No.7475854

>The reason why japanese male people doesn´t want kids or even sex with them, they preffer sex dolls, plushies and cushions to remove the depression.

It’s because Westerners colonized them after WW2 and brainwashed them into being worker drones for the global economy.

Japanese anon, I implore you, fuck, raise a big clan of lil Japs and fight against globohomo.

>> No.7475945

Do they?

>> No.7475952

Fat distribution on the face giving them childish features in some areas. Notably the eyelid folds.
They're okay. I used to think like you, but honestly white women are better looking.
>inb4 some fag cherry picks the worst examples of western civilization

>> No.7476083

>their minds aren't poisoned by jewish tricks
So wanting to fuck white guys is compleatley normal for jap women?

>> No.7476119

So here’s the scoop on this game.

The Yakyuken was an adult arcade game the type of which you would find in seedy mahjong parlors and such. The game was based on MSX laserdisc hardware and there were 29 installments released over the course of 10 years. The last 4 games were rereleased with better video quality on CDi hardware of all things but use a modified BIOS which isn’t emulated. I don’t have dumps of the msx games, I do actually have the almost full video footage from every game which I got from some Japanese smut collector but unfortunately my laptop isn’t working right now to upload it nor would I know where to upload it since it’s full of nudity and youtube would probably just take it down. I also have dumps of the CDi releases but as I said they aren’t playable without the real hardware, i asked the guy who runs the CDi driver for MAME to take a look at it but he wasn’t too motivated in reverse engineering the custom bios to get it working

The games are 100% luck based. The Yakyuken is basically strip rock paper scissors. The games feature various random girls as well as porn stars of the period. As for home ports, parts 9, 11, 18, 19, and 22 were ported to Windows 3.1/Macintosh, however the video runs at 10fps which makes it mostly worthless. http://i.imgur.com/oS2R5ze.jpg

The port to 3DO contains a mixture of some girls from different arcade games, I don’t remember the specifics since I don’t have my notes right now, the port to Sega Saturn is the same 3DO but the “special” part is that it also includes a few Saturn exclusive girls which aren’t found in any of the arcade releases. And I think the PS1 port is some kind of bootleg as was mentioned earlier.


>> No.7476221

>The games are 100% luck based
Sure about that? I could swear the saturn version does button reading for the later stsges?

>> No.7476326

> those semi-holographic glittery labels with weird colors
I'm suddenly having flashbacks.

>> No.7476352

>They're okay. I used to think like you, but honestly white women are better looking.
Yeah. Until they're not.

>> No.7476426

Thank you for the info. I was curious about this game series. About the video footage, if your laptop gets working again you could just make a torrent for it. There are also places as dailymotion that are more forgiving about this kind of nude content.

>> No.7476505

I don't think you've actually lived around asians. They don't age as well as people seem to think. 90% of their retained youth is just that they eat healthier. Find any woman who does that and they'll be leagues ahead of their peers, regardless of race.

>> No.7476528

Actually based, Mahjong is the best table game ever made

>> No.7476660

I don't see why it wouldn't be. Japan has never shied away from portraying whites as the best mankind has to offer. They are honorary Aryans.

>> No.7476789
File: 1.26 MB, 1592x1888, The Moral Crusader.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7476916 [DELETED] 

>hurrdurr akshully anti-pedos are the real pedos!

end your life already, before you act on your desires and devastate an innocent child's.

>> No.7477357

You're obsessed anon.

>> No.7477370

what is that child turns out to be Hitler 2.0 and by taking away their innocence at a young age it ends up stopping their murderous genocide? didnt think about that did ya u fuck-o?

>> No.7477382

Take your meds redditor

>> No.7478494

Like i care.

>> No.7480151

asian women are ugly