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/vr/ - Retro Games

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7470117 No.7470117 [Reply] [Original]

Thoughts on Doom 3? Is it really that bad or does it have some redeeming qualities?

>> No.7470141

I genuinely liked the world-building and the tension leading up to the moment all hell breaks loose. After that the game is just kinda eh.

The most memorable bits for me was reading the PDA entries regarding the future tech and the state of the mars facility.

>> No.7470142

i enjoyed it but didnt really like how the weapons felt

>> No.7470272

i saw someone running the engine at its full settings unmodded and much of the graphics looks current but with incredibly low-poly human character models lol

>> No.7470318
File: 395 KB, 750x506, 2C4C1927-7730-44D7-AF30-0A5D81A55C8F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related is the good survival horror Doom

>> No.7470321

Doom is literally just mindless reaction-based garbage that's no better than COD.

You get rushed and railroaded through levels where you shoot shit, smash shit, move on, and repeat. Minimal story and a cancerous fanbase.

This series has no redeeming qualities.

>> No.7470324

Is the version on Steam good?

>> No.7470326

I liked everything but the early combat and the jumpscares... which makes up a lot of the game, desu.
You're not getting a (you).

>> No.7470349

the ps4 version is good I assume the steam one is the same

>> No.7470420

I have been playing through the BFG edition, so I guess I can't comment on the original, but it's pretty boring. The suspense is great at the beginning but kind of wears off after you get more weapons other then the pistol and shotgun. Gameplay gets stale after a while even though the game throws new demons at you every chapter or so. They are just too easy to counter, other then the fucking imps posting up behind doors that almost always hit you with their lunge attack. Hell is cool but it's toward the end. Boss fights are laughable as well.

World building is good though thanks to the PDAs.

>> No.7470427

I didn't like it. 4 enemies on screen at a time is not want Doom should be about.

>> No.7470435

Doom 3 kicked ass when it came out and it kicks ass right now.
Literally only faggots ever seriously disliked it. Yeah it was kinda lame they gave it that new millenium grimdark treatment and redesigned everything to look more like a hollywood movie, but they had to show off that lighting engine, and the classic designs just wouldn't have worked as well. Even though I didn't like the aesthetic back in '04, over the years I grew to appreciate it. I honestly like Doom 3 MORE than NuDoom even though I would have much preferred NuDoom in '04.

>> No.7470443

I legit only got this game because I saw a poster for it on the front of electronics boutique in the mall and thought it looked edgy and badass

>> No.7470454

id tech 4 is a painfully ugly engine.

>> No.7470485

Basically what I did. It was the first game I ever preordered, and the preorder came with a little Pinky demon figure

>> No.7470516
File: 4 KB, 649x166, dhewm3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do NOT bother. BFG edition is the shittiest way to play because you can't turn off the ducktape mod. Not to mention you would be giving Bethesda/Zenimax trannies money, which is a dummy move only cucks make. The game being nearly pitch black is imperative to it's enjoyment.

Download the original Doom 3 and Resurrection of Evil ISOs.
https://archive.org/details/Doom3USA --- doom 3
https://pixeldrain.com/u/MTHHxZpc --- RoE

Then, download the Doom 3 source-port: dhewm3

You can optionally check out

https://www.moddb.com/mods/doom-3-enhanced-edition --- dhewm3 compatible mod with some QoL improvements (have not tried this myself)

https://www.moddb.com/mods/the-lost-mission --- A full port of the BFG exclusive campaign "The Lost Mission" to complete the package.

You can now play the game as originally intended on modern systems with all the bells and whistles.

>> No.7470520

Anon I was asking about Doom 64 not Doom 3 BFG, also Doom 3 vanilla is on Steam anyway

>> No.7470521

lol woops oh well, that will help someone out

doom 3 is free on archive, why on earth would someone buy something that is free?

>> No.7470527

It's a horrible Doom game, but as far as early/mid 2000s FPS games go its not bad. The cheap damage is annoying and it drags too long but it's a solid 7/10

>> No.7470528

Usually because Steam users are obsessed with achievements and/or recording gameplay hours. And also "having everything in one place [steam]". One of my friends is like this.

>> No.7470542

It's not Doom, Idtech 4 tech demo was neat, I think the highlight of the game was the monorail, although the whole intro sequence was great too.

>> No.7470758

Hated it when it came out, loved it a year or two ago when I played it in widescreen in 1080p with an HD pack.
Maybe I just wasn't in the mood when it originally came out.

>> No.7470773

Not a real Doom game, the only good/real Doom games were released in the 1990s.

>> No.7470807

It's a better Half Life 2 than Half Life 2

>> No.7470818

It's not incredibly Doom-like, but a fine atmospheric FPS with cool setpieces. Doom 2016 was a better Doom 3 then Doom 3 was.

>> No.7471101

Doom 3 > RoE > Ultimate Doom > Doom 2 > Final Doom > syphilis > NuDoom 2016

>> No.7471170

I bought it at launch (pre-ordered it actually).
Have to admit, I was somewhat disappointed.
The whole "demon spawns behind you" was cheap and got tiresome very quickly.
They were going for atmosphere, and it just didn't quite work out.

>> No.7471226

It's a mediocre FPS but a fantastic VR game.

>> No.7471231

It's a classic until you actually get to the action... I loved the introduction sequence and the early storytelling.

>> No.7471236

Id remain the only good western devs

>> No.7471247

>awful shotgun. blasphemy for a Doom game
>everything looks way too samey until you finally see a change of scenery with hell
>outside mars areas are cool but they're barely made use of
>some very boring forgettable maps
>low amount of enemies on screen
>a few shit enemy designs

>still some of the best sound in any game to date (if you didn't have a good Creative sound card at the time you MASSIVELY missed out)
>id tech 4 engine was technically impressive in 2004 with it's fully dynamic lighting, but many retards still preferred how Source/HL2 looked with its faked baked lighting
>was one of the most scary and immersive games ever (at the time, and especially with that sound)

It's a very decent game. Just not a great game. Playing Doom 3 in the dark late at night with a high-end speaker setup + Creative Audigy 2 ZS Platinum Pro was unrivalled, no other game came close in that regard. Peasants who played Doom 3 without a good sound setup should never be taken seriously. It's like playing a light gun game without a light gun. Your opinion holds very little weight. The sound in Doom 3 used OpenAL and EAX. No idea if that can be properly recreated today but you'll get a considerably inferior experience without it.

Btw, Prey (the original from 2006) also runs on id tech 4 and still looks surprisingly decent even today. Underrated game.

>> No.7471290

early weapons are lame and the damage feedback is awful
I liked the visuals and atmosphere tho

>> No.7471975
File: 724 KB, 3440x1421, shot2_11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you like HL-style adventure shooters, then you'll love this. I do, it's my 3rd favourite Doom game after Ultimate & 2016. It has a few problems like wide spread shotgun (though it's really fun to dodge attacks and destroy stuff point-blank with) and weird armor (it should work like classic green armor but doesn't feel so). Other than that it's the most immersive Doom game and it still has the best environmental sound design ever made.
Don't touch the BFG Edition. Higher brightness & mounted flashlight aren't the biggest problems of it, doubled ammo (there's too much in vanilla already) and broken mod support are.
Speaking of mods, if you can't stand original's shotgun & slow gameplay at all, I suggest trying a mod called Phobos. It fixes the shotty and ups the enemy count in general.

>> No.7472014

Nothing quite like hearing those baby cherub demons at 237am with the lights off.

>> No.7472020

I thought 3 was really boring

For me it goes 1>2>Eternal>64>2016>3

>> No.7472032

Neato. Thanks, friend

>> No.7472134

Whats its fps like on the console?

>> No.7472143

Wow that's the worst take i've seen on this board ever

>> No.7472153

Why do you say minimal story as if that is a bad thing?

>> No.7472221

Game is good. Ppl that shit on it are Doom 1&2 fanboys. 3 is not comparable with the first two, just because it bears the same name.
This issue is almost identic to the Halloween 1&2 movies vs Halloween 3. This is the best way I can put it.
It is good in its way, but don't go in it expecting doom1&2.
Same with the new two Dooms, idk why Doom1&2 fanboys seem to like them, they're nothing like the first.
Which bottomline proves that people can't be objective. Better figure it for yourself trying.

>> No.7472295
File: 411 KB, 980x809, 1413956122756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DOOM 1-2 mostly take place in hell or a location where hell has spilled into it.

In DOOM3 they crammed a handful of hell levels in at the very end and didn't really tie up anything with the expansion pack. I'm pretty sure another 10 hell levels would have made it a world of difference.

ALSO I rarely hear ID fans admit that a large portion of DOOM3 is literally a half life clone.

>security scanning station before an administration desk
>tram ride exposition (it comes a little later in the level but its still the same thing)
>health stations
>inclusion of a machine gun
>flash light
>Huge windows featuring picturesque red mountains
>Rail levels with a controllable cart
>even has crawly head enemies
>Expansion pack also steals the gravity gun

>> No.7472339

>In DOOM3 they crammed a handful of hell levels in at the very end
The only pure Hell level is Hell, which was definitely not at the very end. The final level starts out as an ancient civilization level but eventually you get to the hellhole as you descend through it. Furthermore there's plenty of Hell spilling into the tech base in Doom 3, the earliest instance being the tentacle-like growth in Administration (4th level in the game). There's bones, skulls, growths, hellfire, etc. visible throughout the game, as well as sounds of hell mixed in the ambience

>> No.7472348

It's cool when it's a horror game and bad when it's a shooter. I think DOOM 64 was actually better at both of these things. So was FEAR which came out a year later and was the best shooter of the 2000s.

>> No.7473604

It's not a bad game IMO, but it's also not even close to the same level of quality as the classic games.

They mostly leave some to be desired. The chainsaw ruled though.

>> No.7473615

Its a good game but Carmack shouldnt have used the Doom name on it

>> No.7473619

Kinda, but beyond the fact that it doesn't compare well to the originals, the whole hell thing with demons works ok enough for the designs and atmosphere.

>> No.7473641
File: 121 KB, 1024x735, 1603711264468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Doom 2016 was a better Doom 3 then Doom 3 was.
Doom 64 is literally the real Doom 3.

>> No.7473754

>a redditor expresses a horrid opinion
Must be a day that ends in Y.

If you mean Doom 64, yeah, it's basically polished up version of the Doom 64EX sourceport by the same author. Ran very well on PS4 for me, I assume it'll play just fine, if not better, with mouse and keyboard.
If you don't want to pay for it, you could go and grab a .rom and play it with Doom 64EX, which you can still find if you look around. Won't have the new bonus episode (which is pretty good), but I imagine that it could be added one way or another, if you had the relevant files. Mind that you aren't supposed to be able to look up and down, or jump and crouch, but you do you.

Yeah, the jumpscares are one of Doom 3's weak points. Like 80% of the game's horror is that, and it grows predictable, and it's kind of a weak way to scare the player when it can always effectively be resolved by applying physical force like with all the other monster encounters.

>> No.7473889
File: 961 KB, 3840x2160, DOOM 3 19_05_2020 13_03_35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big fan of doom 3 for what it was trying to do as something different. The game has balance issues but ultimately is a good time.

>> No.7473905

>(if you didn't have a good Creative sound card at the time you MASSIVELY missed out)
Do you think dhewm3 preserves that? And how would a layman know they're getting the full experience?
t. soundpleb who listen to mp3s instead of flacs

>> No.7474016

Yeah. I genuinely think it's a good game, quite flawed, but also quite enjoyable.

>> No.7474036

they should have done a survival horror metroid prime style game

>> No.7474039



>> No.7474057

>It's cool when it's a horror game and bad when it's a shooter.
I feel the opposite, I think the horror doesn't really work that well most of the time, while the shooting is kinda fun.

>I think DOOM 64 was actually better at both of these things
It's definitely a much better shooter, as it's still like 90% classic Doom in how it functions, for horror, it's ok I guess.

>> No.7474184

It is not bad and I liked it.
It relies too heavily on imps hiding in dark corners, and the shooting is subpar for the series.
The atmosphere is amazing and I am glad they salvaged some of it and some monster designs for the recent games.

>> No.7474203
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Was really impressed with Xbox port. It looked and run better than on mine early 2000s PC.
Especially impressed at solid 30fps through all the game (at maximum there's was only 1 encounter when fps dropped to 20-25). Real console power.

In comparison, HL2 port was shit in all directions: its low looks like shit, its performance constantly dips below 10-20fps.

>> No.7474220

>outside mars areas are cool but they're barely made use of
There's a reason.
id Tech 4 is bad with open areas.
Levels require to be made from boxes and couldn't be stretched to infinity.

>> No.7474225

10 frames per second.

>> No.7474231

Doom 3 is the worst game from the big 3 early 2000 shooters. HL2 was overhyped but at least it still looks good. Far Cry is the most fun of them and while not perfect id take it over D3 and HL2 any day.

>> No.7474245

You almost sounded reasonable before you starting talking about trannies.

>> No.7474279

>The game being nearly pitch black is imperative to it's enjoyment
I don't see how, the horror is boring and the shooting is the part that's enjoyable, where being able to see what you're fighting is actually conducive to shooting.

>> No.7474397

trannies are dumb!

Doom 3 is all about atmosphere. You are supposed to feel like there could be something lurking behind every corner, and the original version succeeds very well at that. All of Doom 3's scares are (mostly) unscripted jump scares, and you lose most of that in BFG when you constantly have super bright flashlight beaming on everything.

>> No.7474406 [DELETED] 
File: 88 KB, 512x640, poison.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trannies are dumb!
We are not. I'm thankful mods will remove people with your mindset.

>> No.7474450

mods are gods, and god hates fags

>> No.7474465
File: 827 KB, 1037x509, 1610670427960.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kids read this site. Have some decency.

>> No.7474467

>and the original version succeeds very well at that
I never felt that it did. It spooked me for like the first hour or so, but then I just expected it at every turn, and being armed to the teeth I always felt confident in facing anything and everything that'd lurk in the dark. I think the only jumpscare which got me after the beginning was that Trite which climbed out from behind the monitor, which was pretty novel and got me good, but otherwise it was just zombies pretending they were dead, or whoever skulking in the dark, and I always had more than enough ammo to just poke and prod anything suspicious to see if it bled.

>> No.7474480

Show peenus plz

>> No.7474492

you must be 18 30 white and straight to post on /vr/

That's fair, Doom 3 is still better than BFG though.

>> No.7474513

Peculiar with how many faggots are on this board.

>Doom 3 is still better than BFG though
True. The flashlight is one thing, but they actually upped ammo and health supplies a good bit, so even on Veteran it just isn't hard.

>> No.7474535 [DELETED] 

niggers > trannies > nigger trannies > you

>> No.7474543

Doom 3 is solid, just blahblahblah not a doom game blahblahblah.
Something like 60. It runs great, don't play it on console though. The controller does not run great.

>> No.7474549

BBC poster

>> No.7474554

Tell me about Phobos mod for doom 3. Is there a linux port, can it run on dhewm3 or any source port or do I have to fire up wine

>> No.7474854

For whatever reason they ditched the beefier gun sounds made by Trent Reznor for whatever the fuck they placed in there as default

>> No.7475194
File: 1.82 MB, 5119x2880, DOOM 3_ BFG Edition 01_03_2020 00_38_53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7475220

It's fucking bad even if you didn't call it a Doom game.
Guns are bad, enemies are shit, environment is shit, etc. It's utter trash and needs to be forgotten about, just like <offtopic>modern shitty NuDoom</offtopic>.
90s Doom games are the only good Doom games.

>> No.7475315

The non bfg edition is good. And it's dirt cheap. If you want to play d3 buy it.

>> No.7475334
File: 499 KB, 2560x1440, DOOM 3 redux.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get the redux mod.

>> No.7475365

Bitter, elderly, autistic fingers typed this post.

>> No.7475371

Doom 3 feels very out of place in the series. 1 and 2 are the standard and 2016 and Eternal are pretty good takes on what doom would be like if made today while keeping the same basic gameplay. 64 while more moody than them very much keeps the gameplay. 3 feels like a weird experiment

>> No.7475383

Well 3 is just carmack wanking over his lighting system and with romero gone there wasn't enough talent left to turn the tech into a game.

>> No.7475643

First time I played Doom 3 I did so after playing the first 2 cause they came with the bfg edition (Yes yes muh lighting muh flashlight muh lower ammo count). Picked it up cause I always thought the box art was cool when I was a kid but mom wouldn't let me play rated M games

I was of course disappointed. But after letting it weigh for a bit I've decided I was too hard on it. Some of it is pretty cool. I like the redone story of the original, i also really like the art direction for the game (best version of hell in the series by far) and honestly outside of the crap fest that is delta labs it's not too bad.

It's decent, but I think quake 4 was better

>> No.7476148

>awful shotgun. blasphemy for a Doom game
>waaaaaaaah I can't do a massive amount of damage from all the way across the map

>> No.7476164

Perfect for resident evil fans

>> No.7476193

Don't even joke like that anon, RE fans are a very special breed and not kind of special we all want.

>> No.7476220

You forgot to include Eternal, which is better than Doom 3.

>> No.7476307

It outstays its welcome - much of the game is repetitive busywork. The storytelling is mostly PDAs (makes sense, but it gets old), and the gunplay is unsatisfying. I get that the shotgun would make quick work of...everything if it was realistic, but its ineffectiveness beyond point blank range is...frustrating to say the least

>Text-based worldbuilding
>In 2004
Yeah, sure...

>id tech 4 engine was technically impressive in 2004 with it's fully dynamic lighting, but many retards still preferred how Source/HL2 looked with its faked baked lighting
The issue is the art direction is mediocre. The setting doesn't help but it still isn't easy on the eyes. Character models are also basic compared to those in HL2

>ups the enemy count in general
Doesn't that affect the atmosphere?

>> No.7476313

Gameplay was bad. everything is irrelevant to that and only made that issue more paramount.

>> No.7476392

why can't you doom faggots keep your cancer in one thread?

>> No.7476464

Is that what you get out of that?
>hilariously wide spread, aims like a blunderbuss at point blank
>unpredictable damage, enemies either laugh it off or get gibbed.
>unsatisfying, dull sound in a game that is carried by its sound design
>nonsense design

>> No.7476473

It sounds like a fucking toy cap gun dude. Compare that to the absolute bowel shaking boom of the shotgun and SSG in Doom 1/2

>> No.7476724

Lol no it's not
Eternal is trash, worse than 2016

>> No.7477046
File: 100 KB, 364x826, fans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like the half-life similarities
>go through the same labs at the beginning and again after the disaster
>friendly scientists and security robots survive
>giant inclined elevator
>the delta labs teleporter puzzles are a lot like the lambda labs teleporter puzzles
>vent crawling
>alien world is caverns inside rocks suspended in a nebula (kadinger sanctum also looks like xen)
>foreign growths all over facility
>unarmed possessed behave a lot like the headcrab zombies, including eating bodies or each other
it makes sense that doom 3 would be like an advanced half-life, because half-life was kind of an advanced doom 1. if only doom 3 had copied the half-life revolver.

>> No.7477110

The shotgun in Doom 3 is awful because it can't hit past 5 feet (and will miss a huge amount of its pellets at that range), which is ridiculously retarded, especially when the shotgun in the original game actually has a fairly realistic medium range.

It's a glorified melee weapon, which not even Doom 2's super shotgun was.

>> No.7477169

d3 better than ultimate and 2? Go jump in front of a moving train faggot, cunts like you are the cancer killing the gaming industry

>> No.7477204
File: 273 KB, 1332x850, akvarium-rybki-iskazhenie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>https://archive.org/details/Doom3USA --- doom 3
>https://pixeldrain.com/u/MTHHxZpc --- RoE

Neither works for me. They been taken down?

>> No.7477214
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>> No.7477232
File: 28 KB, 359x347, 1609521339470.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay they do work, it seems I wasn't supposed to include the end parts when highlighting.

>> No.7477243

3 is ok, definitely weakest of the series, it is what it is

I think he lost it by this point.

>> No.7477294

play it on hard and enjoy that Half Life style of a long unfolding adventure you go on. 3 is honestly a great game to play every couple years.

the shotgun has an insane spread to it, but there is actually a kind of fun meta to timing and hitting center mass with it to see how many one-shot kills you can get on imps and those other little skittery guys before getting scratched. the other potential heartbreaker with 3 is that it's BFG visual and audio design is really cool but you potentially could literally count the number of times you get to fire it on one hand, and then still one of those times it could easily kill you for charging it to long...fucking bone headed idea given the game's low encounter rate with large enemies.

>> No.7477339

Doom 3 had superior Hell Knight and Pinky designs compared to Doom 2016 and Eternal.
I enjoyed Doom 3 as a kid, but I guess that's because the only games I had on OG xbox were Doom 3, Halo 2, Halo 1, and Baldur's Gate Dark Alliance 2.

>> No.7477343

>worried about story
in the trash it goes

>> No.7478243

Windows Doom 3 is the only option as of now, unfortunately. Devs said they won't do a dhewm3 port until third (final) episode releases, which gonna take a while.

>Doesn't that affect the atmosphere?
Why should it? It's not like there are Serious Sam enemy counts, more like Half-Life. It's more nerve-racking than vanilla because there's actual challenge now. I genuienly died a few times on UV.

>> No.7478760
File: 1.71 MB, 320x236, tenor_dlntgi0aso.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is designed to trigger people who don't go on 4chan
Fuck off with your pitiful-ass bait.

>> No.7478790

killed id as we knew it

>> No.7479410

What if I don't like crabcore?

>> No.7479753

I agree with your first sentence, but the shotgun is not fun, it almost feels like using the RE1 shotgun but in first person (which is retarded). It only becomes enjoyable when you've played the levels enough to know all the spawns, so you just run up to each monster and point blank them speedrun style - which to me is a bit lame.

>> No.7479983

Doom 3 is bizarre, it feels like it should be fun, but isn’t. It feels like it tried to put the doom universe in a half life like gameplay setting and it just doesn’t work at all.

>> No.7479987


>> No.7480196

1 > 2 > 2016 > 3 > 64 >eternal

>> No.7480606

What exactly does this mean?
"Copy base/pak000.pk4 to pak004.pk4 (from the install CDs/DVD)
and base/pak005.pk4 to pak008.pk4 (from patch 1.3.1) here."
Thanks in advance Anon!

>> No.7480945

Problem is peoples try to play it like HL. Just press shift to sprint and zoom through monsters. Use shotgun to one shot monsters before they spawn or react.

>> No.7481196



>> No.7481482

I like it better than new Doom, because it doesn't force you to play at 100mph like all the slaughter map makers believe Doom should be played, thus influencing the entire community to go along with their vision of Doom. I always played the old games at a more methodical pace and took my time to take out demons in as small of a group as possible, but new Doom doesn't let you do that anymore, it's just Sonic with a shotgun now only.

Same reason I hate MvC 3, because it's Turbo 2 speed only when I played MvC 2 on normal speed and that's the way I liked it. But fuck me I'm an outlier, so I can't enjoy the new thing the way I enjoyed the new thing, only the majority get to.

>> No.7482010

play dead space instead, it was what doom 3 should ahve been

>> No.7482152


>> No.7482316


>> No.7483202

Doom 3 was the closest the series got to being good, meaning it’s the closest thing to survival horror. If you think doom has always been about some Serious Sam shit I think you’re missing the point of these... tech demos.

>> No.7483441

I got the same errors and now I can't make a new game with my old backup. The saved game from yesterday works still.
Can you please be more specific?

>> No.7483453

>dead space
You mean failed system shock 3

>> No.7483463


It's actually more about situational awareness, positioning, and threat-prioritizing.

>> No.7483470

It was a much needed graphics upgrade but it came at the price of nearly everything that made primitive Doom and its sequels so good. You can forget about hundreds of monsters on screen at once as well as a chain gun and plasma gun that were worthy of respect. I wish a modern doom would work out a way to have the old Doom fun back. Then they don't have to nerf the weapons and the demons can fight each other in huge masses. That old style made the Arch Vile an interesting challenge, as it would walk around and resurrect everything you just killed.

>> No.7483595

If you can wait until tonight I will literally preconfigure it in a zip and upload it so demanding computer illiterate zoomers can experience the magic of a limited flashlight

>> No.7483674

The fuck is a .rom?

>> No.7484112

WTF someone with actual taste on /vr/, not something you see all the time

>> No.7484373

A sleep deprived error on my part.

You're not getting anything from me.

>> No.7485817

*shrugs* I thought it was fun.

>> No.7485846

Horror action adventure + pixel shader graphics is what I mean

>> No.7485941

yeah it somehow managed to have one of the worst feeling shotguns of all time, guess it was the exaggerated metallic tink every time you fired, made it feel like a nail gun.

>> No.7486432

"the guns are the characters", and getting a satisfying recoil should be top priority in an FPS. It can't just look cool, it has to animate well.

>> No.7487451

Doom 3 was a tech demo for a game engine. Same as all the other ID games since Quake. It’s not meant to even be played.

>> No.7487458

Its best fan was eric harris

>> No.7487701

It's okay, but it's probably the worst in the entire series

That being said, it's probably the game I've always wanted to try the most in VR

>> No.7487765

Cry more bitch niggas.

>> No.7487885 [DELETED] 

>many retards still preferred how Source/HL2 looked
>The issue is the art direction
I think some of us just kinda didn't like art direction to some extent, but who cares anyway.

>> No.7488271

Yea, but it does it so well you dont miss any of that gay shit you mentioned.

>> No.7488856

>Speaking of mods, if you can't stand original's shotgun & slow gameplay at all, I suggest trying a mod called Phobos. It fixes the shotty and ups the enemy count in general.
Checked the Phobos out and it looks great, thanks!

>> No.7488976

Played on xbox when it was released and had a blast. The flashlight switching made the game super tense. It looked pretty mind-blowing for a console game at the time too.

>> No.7489224

Doom 3's good. Just don't play that shitty BFG edition.

>> No.7489801

I used to have the exact same opinion, so I understand how someone could think this, but the position is based entirely on not respecting the games or engaging with them. Putting aside that "railroaded" is obvious nonsense given that most levels past the first are labyrinths with a ton of optional space...

I recommend trying the wads Swim With The Whales or Sunlust. I promise you that you will not be able to beat them without changing your opinion. (SWTW has a puzzle for level 2, but aside from that it's only a couple levels long - you'll probably spend about an hour on the first level with combat before giving up.)

>> No.7490383

It takes from System Shock as much as from Half Life

>> No.7491876

Gr8 b8 m8 here's a (you)

>> No.7491987

its biggest sin was redesigning Hell Knights into generic grey blobs of nothing