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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 114 KB, 920x691, tkzgg5xaboh41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7468771 No.7468771 [Reply] [Original]

What was the last good console generation?

>> No.7468780

I had fun with the last gen. Been enjoying Gamepass for this gen, still too soon to say much though.

Favorite ever is PS2 though.

>> No.7468805

The generation before dlc and microtransactions

>> No.7468841

Obviously sixth gen. Wasn't perfect but there was still a great variety of games before the push for monetization and homogenization happened.

Seventh gen was okay but I wouldn't say it was good.

Eighth gen was shit and made me permanently lose interest in newer video games. Ninth gen is just the same shit all over again.

>> No.7468868
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The first half of Gen 7. When Microsoft got rid of the blades UI in 2008 it was the beginning of the end.

>> No.7468874

6th gen, objectively. /thread

>> No.7468884

I have fond memories with the 360, Wii and PS3. For me its not so much what gen, as what year....probably around 2010 was when I started having much less fun with new games.

>> No.7468916
File: 5 KB, 153x149, A8EAB79F-8B8A-4737-BDAE-C79382DE2EC8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6th gen. something on the level of og xbox will be the most powerful hardware allowed in the post-boogaloo retrostate. smooth good-looking 480p performance is more than enough and devs will be forced to focus 100% on gameplay/story/aesthetics. dlc, updates, online gaming and all services like that will be banned. for multiplayer there will be couch co-op and also small to medium lan parties (nothing too huge and no girls allowed in either).

>> No.7468923

Either PS2/GC/Xbox gen or PS3/Wii/360 gen were the comfiest. After that it all went to shit.

>> No.7468929

I believe sixth gen as well.

>> No.7468939

6th gen to early/mid 7th grn was the sweet spot. Gaming was big enough to attract all kinds of talent and ideas but small enough that the corporate parasites hadn't fully bled into every pore yet.

>> No.7468950


7th gen was the last gasp of mid/low budget games that were still a step above indieshit (mostly thanks to the Wii and DS) but it also marked the point where high budget AAA games became too expensive to take risks.

Also, brown and bloom. I'm not looking forward to that becoming a source of nostalgia.

>> No.7468976


>> No.7469021

There's no last good generation, the current one is fantastic

>> No.7469030

spot on

>> No.7469085
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>the current one is fantastic

>> No.7469101

>Eighth gen was shit and made me permanently lose interest in newer video games.
Yeah, couldn't care less about consoles now, on the current gen launch I just decided to actually build a decent computer for once and play the rare game that interests me. My PS4 saw play but I'll be damned if I had to tell you what were the highlights of that generation.
I guess we're all getting old...

>> No.7469137

My PS4 is frequently covered in dust, and I won't be getting anymore consoles after the Switch.

9th gen is just going to devolve into more GaaS garbage, Sony trying to be the "Marvel Cinematic Universe" capeshit of video games and betraying and forsaking the Japanese forever in the process, and third parties getting swallowed-up by console manufacturers or worse yet- China. The future is not bright, to say the least.

DLC was the writing on the wall but opening the vidya market up to the Chinks and catering to them was the true death knell.

>> No.7469204


>> No.7469234

This. It's been a steady and marked decline ever since.

>> No.7469238

>betraying and forsaking the Japanese
Good, japanese game suck ass. You damn weebs deserve the rope for supporting shitty jrpgs and coomer trash for two decades.

>> No.7469249

Western games haven't been good since early seventh gen. Dilate.

>> No.7469253

Go back to the zoomer containment borad - /v/

>> No.7469283

Pong. Everything after that lacks soul

>> No.7469296
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Arguably yes, 6th was the last 'good' gen.
The 7th, while some niceties were had, brought in an era of shit. I think the worst thing 7 helped bring in was easy online play and the absolute shitshow that came with it.

>> No.7469317

5th gen

>> No.7469319

I agree. I was so disappointed when it happened. Blades was so much better. I remember being at a friends house and launching Oblivion from it. So nostalgic. The new one was pure bloat. I especially hated the avatars. I'm glad the PS3 UI has remained relatively the same.

>> No.7469353

Exactly this

>> No.7469380
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>> No.7469395

Fucking kill yourself. Gaming has reach levels of disgrace we couldn't imagine.
I won't give you a (You) for this bait.

>> No.7469420

Nice bait mate.

>> No.7469430

the west never made good games, go back to worshiping niggers

>> No.7469457
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Wtf is this

>> No.7469471


Not trying to bait, I just think there's a lot to love in both retro and modern games

>> No.7469494

>Says this while worshipping simplified wizardry clones.

>> No.7469518
File: 50 KB, 498x594, D60296D6-9EC8-46D9-8EA9-7CE9D6D83681.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw i bought a ps5 day one to try and recapture the feeling i had with ps2 on day one but it’s just become a youtube box and i couldn’t be less interested in upcoming releases or the direction sony’s going in

>> No.7469519


>> No.7469526


>> No.7469540

Last good generation was 6th. This thread in itself is not retro.

>> No.7469641

whichever was the last one that didn't have dlc. Expansion packs don't count.

>> No.7469707


>> No.7470217

east and west have both borrowed and innovated on each others ideas. If anything, they stopped doing this and that's why everything is shit now.

>> No.7470408

Absolutely agreed. End of blades UI was the death-knell of vidya. First half of Gen 7 was indeed great and the final dying breath of a mutating industry.

Somewhere between '07-'10 is when we fully entered the total-nightmare timeline in this reality.

>> No.7470409

PS2/GCN gen, but the best were the NES and PS1 generations

>> No.7470436

Well no shit the first year is tough because there are no good exclusives but it’s objectively better than Fantavision and the fucking billiards game the PS2 launched with.

>> No.7470440

Xbox 360/PS3 were the last good consoles, Wii was just a gimmick

>> No.7470441
File: 1.16 MB, 3335x1403, 2007Complete.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2007 and the years around it legit ruined everything

>> No.7470460

My declining interest for each console generation directly correlates to the rise of 3D gaming. Games started going downhill when they tried to be more than just games. Some of the PSX exclusives and especially PS2 was the beginning of the end for gaming. I'd argue fifth gen is the last truly worth a damn.

>> No.7470468

sell it for 3x MSRP to some normalfag on ebay and buy retro vidya with the money you make from it

>> No.7470547

Bought a Oculus yesterday, it's pretty sweet. Vr is the future, gang.

>> No.7470659

when internet penetration was set to overdrive, end of sixth gen/start of seventh gen

>> No.7470661

>buying the commieforniastation
you did this to yourself

>> No.7470703

I spent too long trying to figure out why you said "retro gaming is the future."

>> No.7470704

the 4th and 5th gen. i still like a dozen ps2/gc games and maybe 5 ps3/wii games but they're basically the end of it.

that's for home consoles though. the DS and PSP had the right hardware specs and dev creativity for some truly great stuff even into the later cancerous generations.

>> No.7470731


>> No.7470752

It took dozens of answers before the right one came around. /vr/ truly has become a zoomer hellhole. Cant believe anyone saying 6th gen is older than 30.

>> No.7470767

SNES/Genesis/TG16 generation, after that gaming went to complete shit because companies discovered throwing together storyshit games/pretty graphics games and not spending any time caring about good gameplay was more profitable.
Which is why /vr/ shouldn't be about anything Playstation/N64 generation or afterwards, because that generation is basically the same as modern gaming so it's not really retro.

>> No.7470782
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>The 6th Generation
The last gen that had soul.
Hardware made with soul, the Emotion Engine, to produce the most soulful games in the history of games.

>> No.7470810

Dude everything got delayed due to the cough the only system that got new games was the switch and even the all of them were wiiu and ps4 ports.

>> No.7470840

>/vr/ truly has become a zoomer hellhole
Good. Also chinks should work harder on the new batch of macarena, so it could remove boomers faster.

>> No.7470863

I'm convinced these kinds of threads are designed to gather peoples approx ages based on their nostalgia

>> No.7470902
File: 127 KB, 629x1024, 1613948985302m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>got rid of the blades UI
Can you explain what that is to a boomer anon whose last gen he paid attention to was 6

>> No.7470915

Agreed, since 2000 at 2007 the games are good shit.

>> No.7470946
File: 119 KB, 1280x720, sterile ui.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Xbox 360 originally shipped with the "blades" UI. It was very simple and functional and made a cool "swoosh" sound. It's one of my favorite console UI's ever. I will always think about the 360 being the "new" console, but wow I actually do have nostalgia for the blades. Unbelievable 2005 was 16 years ago. Time is fucked up.

Around 2009 or '10 they introduced a normiefied bloated social media UI. Just...look at it. This is the turning point of the industry right here.

>> No.7471118

>late 00s-ealy 10s vector graphic style circles, tree branches and water drops
God I fucking hate this era of design.

>> No.7471129

>forsaking the Japanese forever in the process

>Demons' Souls
>Project Athia

Wow, yeah, how dare a Japanese game company turn their back on Japanese games.

>> No.7471135

>Forgetting FF16


>> No.7471138

5th, 6th had companies with dev/financial problems, buyouts(and moving to wherever), etc.

>> No.7471172

I looked at blades UI and holy shit is it bad... PS3 and Wii had much better UI's, what the fuck is up with America and bad taste

>> No.7471210

i honestly think the switch is the only console i’ve liked since the PS2/GC/Xbox era.

I’ve had basically every console up until now. And while i enjoyed playing souls games on the PS3 i never really cared about the console.

If they fixed the switches shitty online and joycons itd be basically perfect to me.

>> No.7471417

>bloated social media UI

Never understood why the suits preferred tiles. It is still an unorganized mess in Windows.

>> No.7471510
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>He doesn't love expanded Wizardry IV clones

>> No.7471517

Don't wanna sound like a zoomer but yeah 6th gen was the last good one. Always online, DLC, microtransactions, and other stupid shit thats killing the industry was introduced in 7th gen.

>> No.7471568

The guy in the picture is so famous

>> No.7471572

6th gen absolutely. It was the prime of vidya as a whole. Even modern, absolute sell out, greedy companies reached their prime on the 5th and 6th gen
>EA Games

>> No.7471597

You will all REEEEEE like mad but i unironically say the 7th gen. I went back to those games few months ago and they felt so vastly different from the shit we have now. They feel more like video games. People back then were just on an auto-pilot hate mode for everything that is slighty different in their series or has DLC in it

>> No.7471609

>Don't wanna sound like a zoomer
It might not be the favorite of boomers, but they can recognize 6th gen is the last one where the game is complete on the disc, no installs patches or updates, no dlc, no paid online memberships or console user accounts

>> No.7471612

joycons are the worst wireless controller I've ever used

>> No.7471619

These are all themed with western settings shit. Sony is really just shitting on their japanese roots at this point.
My last hope is Ghostwire Tokyo but knowing how vocal the cum guzzling normies were with The Evil Within, that one will also fail in the market because it's not greatly homogenized and the trannies out there can't hence compute it

>> No.7471628

You will never be Japanese

>> No.7471635

You can ignore a lot of bad stuff from 7th gen, but the worst thing it did was introduce the day one patch. A lot of games are buggy shit on disc without that first patch.

>> No.7471642

i won't deny that, i will gladly agree that online services were the beginning of the end for gaming. Yet imo not every hate back then was justified

>> No.7471817

i did mention that, anon.

they have the potential to be good if the next console is similar in design to the switch.
personally i'd swap out the left face buttons for a proper D-Pad. Fix the drifting issues and make the sticks a bit larger (actually i'd prob make the entire joycon a bit larger while i'm at it), fix the bad wireless connection, and make it impossible to put the strap things in the wrong way around.

>> No.7471821


>> No.7471837

and now if you have an xbox with this still on it, it's worth extra

>> No.7471858

Still those patches were like usually under 3MB and they fix everything, unlike today where you get fucking 40GB day one patches and the game is still broken, ridiculous

>> No.7471974

Dreamcast was the last of the good consoles.

>> No.7472570

I've honestly enjoyed them all, there's just less and less games that interest me. Late 80's through late 90's was the best because of how exciting it was to see game technology progress.

>> No.7472679

6th gen was both the last good and first bad gen in the sense it still maintained a lot of the traditions and styles of the past, but also laid the groundwork for much of the BS that took off after it

>> No.7472742


>> No.7472780

4th gen

>> No.7472789

This. The jump to 3d was really the last major event. Everything since has just been reiterations on that

>> No.7472793

Those are all third-party games and Demon's Souls remaster was made by a Western developer. Completely outside the scope of what I was referring to which is

>The "Sony Check"
>Sony based in Cali, no-longer a Japanese company at-all
>marginalizing internal first-party Japanese studios

>> No.7473017

Fuck this post hit me hard. Its so true.

>> No.7473032

I only opened this thread to see if someone posted this. Based and 2007pilled
Also add that Runescape got rid of free trade and went to shit in 2007 as well

>> No.7473048

I personally never liked the popular “generation” concept of classifying video game consoles. I see the use of it, but ultimately its just a continuous spectrum of games of varying power and prices points released over time. I think the Wii and 3DS had more in common with 6th gen just because of their lack of online connectivity and processing power. If I had to answer the OP’s question, it would be sometime in the 6th to 7th gen gradient. PS2, GBA, NDS, Wii, 3DS was the peak. Thats when market forces allowed for creative and diverse games. After this point, the middle ground hollowed out, resulting in only cheap phone games and high budget triple A crap. It wasn’t like this and I fee bad for zoomers who only caught the tail end of a golden era of medium and low budget games that were actually fun sometimes. Sure there was a lot of shovelware but much like with biological evolution, the shovelware was very useful on generating novel mutations that could be adapted to better experiences.

>> No.7473365

I would agree with this, there are many 3DS/Wii/PSP games that feel like Gamecube/PS2 era games. It's hard to pin point why but I enjoy them compared to mid/late PS3/360 games

>> No.7473391

I’m cool when th the current graphics. I wish more games would be interactive like the breath of the wild games. I like how you can interact with almost everything in the game

>> No.7473473

Pretty much this. After that point console gaming became redundant with PC gaming.

>> No.7474542

i'll go with gen 6. early gen 7 was pretty good but it was already going downhill by 2010. i don't think i've played a new AAA game since 2014 or so. at least nintendo seems to be doing alright if that's your thing but otherwise gen 8 has been forgettable at best. not sure if gen 9 has started yet

>> No.7474550

360/ps3 was the last good generation. The explosion of online multiplayer and how fun free speech was there will never be duplicated. But it's also necessary to speak on DLC and the release of unfinished games just to make you pay more to download DLC that finishes them.

>> No.7474557

Sega Saturn/PSX, after that it was more and more nvidia/amd pc parts, and consoles that (input)lag right out of the box. In combination with shady business tactics like dlc.

>> No.7474564
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>i bought a ps5

>> No.7474749
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Video games seem so corporate after Sony enters. The 16-bit generation is so frivolous and consumed with style over substance. It was as carefree as my youth.

>> No.7474893

LMAO Wiz4 is simplified compared to Wiz1, not that a zoomer would know that

>> No.7474923

>Video games seem so corporate after Sony enters.
lol you know how silly it sounds when you compare sony's open platform tactics to the scummy corporate monopoly nintendo ran on everyone. The very fact we have game censorship and rating boards deciding what can be in games is down to shittendo.

>> No.7474932

>I looked at blades UI and holy shit is it bad... PS3 and Wii had much better UI's, what the fuck is up with America and bad taste
even our UIs need edge

>> No.7474950

Is there no way to mod this UI back into the console? I actually forgot how much better this looked and now all the memories are coming back.

>> No.7475079
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westaboos need to be gassed

>> No.7475253
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>Used to crave for the PS3 when it came out
>Couldn't afford it 'cause in highschool and parents didn't want to give money for toys
>Just forgot about it over the years, went full PC
>Got a used one this weekend for 30 Europoor dollars
>Played Bad Company, Resistance:FoM, Killzone 2
>They're all shit
>Dumbed down generic shit, made as accessible to normies as possible with dumb AI and simplistic levels

Glad I skipped it. This generation was the downfall.

>> No.7475298

>Killzone 2
It has a amazing presentation. Not even it's sequels are as packed with little details and graphical effects. Also the Killzone games had amazing multiplayer.

>> No.7475346
File: 2.65 MB, 720x404, FPS on console2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>graphical effects
Its so blurry my eyes started to hurt after 30 minutes.

>> No.7475563

Buy glasses.

>> No.7475692

Will glasses fix w/e blurry AA Killzone 2 was using?

>> No.7475706
File: 1.63 MB, 3024x4032, 360rgh1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can take back what they took from you anon

>> No.7475760

I legit feel bad for you anon, I get wanting to recapture that soulful era - I joined the CRT bandwagon just so I could get muh scanlines and screen-squeal.
But companies know that, and they're going to do their best to milk your nostalgia.

>> No.7475771

Most based post I've ever seen on this board

>> No.7475778

You two should fuck.

>> No.7475784

The only actual based response in this thread.

>> No.7475786

>Cant believe anyone saying 6th gen is older than 30
People aged 26-29 aren't zoomers, grandpa

>> No.7475787

Nope. Once you update it its over. There is a blades skin for og xbox tho

>> No.7475793

The fuck is wrong with Playstation?

>> No.7475842
File: 126 KB, 1280x720, the zoomer is put in his rightful place.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seethe harder zoomies. Your childhood was shit.

>> No.7475909

If your childhood is defined soley by the videogames you bought and played, your childhood was shit.

>> No.7475915

>the zoomer switches to overcope

>> No.7475957

Someone's mad the GBA is retro now.
Zoomies are here to stay. Have fun dying sooner than me.

>> No.7475962

6 for sure. 7 was almost okay, but it was the beginning of the degeneracy.

>> No.7476025

Haha I understand you anon. I bought a 3DS to recapture the feeling and I just couldn't get into it. Tried one last time with the Switch and same thing happened. I sold them and bought another thing. Sometimes I wonder if vidya is not for me anymore. Or maybe it's just Nintendo games

>> No.7476072

you fell for the "it's just nostalgia" meme. vidya didn't seem to go to shit because you got older, it seemed to go to shit because it did indeed go to shit

>> No.7476123

it will come back, periodically at least. i have barely played anything in the past year and thought i had finally grown bored of vidya. but on thursday i decided to give breath of fire 2 a shot and ended up playing it from morning til midnight for three days in a row. i haven't pulled a marathon like that since my mid teens.

>> No.7476160

It was and still is popular. /vr/ hates it for being "too mainstream" despite sony never indoctrinating it's userbase with tv cartoon, cereals and toys up the ass. People fanatically hating playstation are the victims of nintendo and sega marketing campaigns of the early 90s. You shouldn't EVER take the opinion of any US /vr/ user as they are pre-programmed drones.

>> No.7476283

Snoy bought their way into videogaming, same as microsoft, they never innovate, they just steal. Both have zero passion or integrity. They only exist to swallow up marketshares by any means possible. Thats where the hate comes from. Without snoy aversion there wouldnt even be retro gaming.

>> No.7476386

6th gen was the last round of video game consoles that, besides being mostly just game-focused, made you go "WOW" on release just for being such a big upgrade from the previous consoles. 7th was partially that, I remember the first time plugging in a 360 to a HDTV and flipping the HD switch on the AV cable thinking, wow, this is awesome, but not enough stuff in 7th gen ran at 60fps imo. Everything after is just incremental upgrades, retreads, and gimmicks

>> No.7476393

Pre Pong

>> No.7476403

>incremental upgrades, retreads, and gimmicks
its been like that for 20 years

>> No.7476412

Sigh, soon it will be the 9th gen was the last good gen.

>> No.7476463

>Snoy bought their way into videogaming
lol this is what I'm talking about literal drones without arguments. Yeah dude nintendo gave away their console for free so you could play their games they also provided for free. The cutthroat cart royalties and mafia like treatment of devs was just so you could get more nintendo games not because they wanted to marginalize other devs with cart limits up the ass and shady "you can only work for us or we will ruin you" policies!

>> No.7476503

God I fucking hate the Chinese so much lmfao nuke em

>> No.7476509

Using this scale
>very good

PS3 era wasn't great, but the system itself is pretty alright if you mod the thing.
>retro arch
>can buy lots peripherals (fightan sticks/controllers)
>plays movies, crunchy roll and youtube on CRT

>> No.7476513

I did this but with a Switch and zelda and it worked, fite me

>> No.7476515

Why? The system has no way to utilize its speed.

>> No.7476557

Microsoft did not make a single USD dollar from the original XBOX. You read that right, nothing, nada. They only started to make profit during the xbox 360. So its safe to say they bought their way into the market via their deep pockets. The original playstation used the same concept of entering the video-game market. This is how conglomerates operate. Sure gaming is a cutthroat multi billion dollar market, and you wont get anywhere by playing nice. However snoy has contributed nothing positive in the last 20 years, once they got market dominance. They flood the market with soulless, paint by numbers shovelware ever since. And their grip is crumbling. Market saturation has been reached, and customers are tired of the same old, freshly painted crap. If you cannot innovate. You will die. And thats where they are headed. And on the very topic of retrogaming. Retrogaming did not exist during the 90s. There was nothing older than last months games. I argue that around the time the PS3 and Xbox 360 went to market, lots of people turned their back on contemporary gaming. Because they remembered that the games of their childhood were of higher quality. Again thats exactly what happens when you flood the market with uninspired, soulless shovelware. Even japan hates snoy. Thats why they have to peddle their crappy games here. Where people are stupid enough to buy the same fifa/cod/ass creed game every year. If the past five years have shown anything, then its that the age of conglomerates dominating the market will come to an end soon.

>> No.7476604

You are deluded m8 just because microsoft can pump money into a losing project desn't mean they are somehow the good guys now. Also sony is plenty innovative - first rythm game made was a sony one, vehicle combat is another sony pioneered genre, motion controlled games were also pioneered by sony with the eye toy, the current standard for controllers, their number of butyons and shape is the dual shock layout, etc. You're just a brainwashed drone. Sony has a library of games of every genre and they fund new IPs ever generation instead of recycling bing bang wahoo for 35 years.

>> No.7476648

I don't disagree with this, but Ninty isn't really innocent either. I grew up as a Nintodler and still have a fondness for them, but honestly all of the big 3 fail in the innovation department. Nintendo gets points for still trying some new ideas like Ring Fit and Labo, but they lose those points with their shitty policies like trying to nuke all their roms from the internet and everything >>7476463 mentioned.

Consoles are stagnating right now and have been since 7th gen. The Switch is the most exciting platform in terms of innovation (imo) but they never do enough with it and focus waaay too much on their legal department.

>> No.7476656

>You are deluded m8 just because microsoft can pump money into a losing project desn't mean they are somehow the good guys now.
reading comprehension? i never said microsoft are "good guys", but nice try
>Also sony is plenty innovative - first rythm game made was a sony one,
NanaOn-Sha, not sony, again sony buying themselves into the market
>motion controlled games were also pioneered by sony with the eye toy
motion controled games were originally coming out of the arcade
>the current standard for controllers, their number of butyons and shape is the dual shock layout, etc.
Is based on the super famicom/snes controller
>You're just a brainwashed drone. Sony has a library of games of every genre and they fund new IPs ever generation instead of recycling bing bang wahoo for 35 years.
its really hard to think of any group that has been more indoctrinated and brainwashed than snoy fanboys, but nice projecting dude

>> No.7476746

Dude having employees isn't buying into the market. Might as well claim nintendo bought itself into gaming because sony designed audio chips for them LMAO Just stop being a drone. Also no the snes controlker has shit has shit to do with the dualshock and it's symetric button layout because if you don't know the snes pad dosen't have symetric face buttons a feature it copied from sega lol

>> No.7476790
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>and focus waaay too much on their legal department.
I agree with that. Nintendo having lawyers coming after their customers is just disgusting.

you know whats lmao? snoy huffing nintendos farts, right down to the mini marketing presentation, or the cringy playstation all stars/smash bros plagiarism

>Just stop being a drone.
Drone of what? Not even a nintendo fan. Thats just how your feeble fanboy brain works. If someone argues against snoy on the internet they must be nintendo/xbox/whatever bots.

>> No.7476819

Back to /v/ with you child.

>> No.7476846

>guy that equates studio aquisition by sony as bad but gives a free pass to nintendo
>guy that cries about buying into gaming but overlooks nintendo never designing any component just buying up designs from others
>guy that tries to deny that sony consoles have the most diverse libraries and calls a fact indoctrination
>the same guy tha unironically cries snoy every sentence
>the same guy that denies being a drone despite typing a butthurt tirade in every post
heh nice try kid

>> No.7476948

Popularized moviegame cancer (RE, FF7, MGS) which kicked off the death of arcade/skill-based gaming.

>> No.7476975

That's an fair/interesting response. Although I'd argue the blame lies first with the consumer for clambering for more moviegames, then on developers for focusing on only the loudest voices (which would lead to a youtuber "influence" feedback loop), but that's not really a Sony thing, if anything blame 90's kids on fifth grade playgrounds for bullying nintenerds for not playing FF7.

>> No.7477003

My grandparents miss swing music and can't listen to modern radio.
Trends change my guy, if it wasn't the PS1, it was going to be something else eventually.

>> No.7477006

>unironically cries snoy
Are you fucking retarded? You sound like you live in a cartoon reality or something.

>> No.7477021


>> No.7477036

Snoy deliberately expanded the video game market by selling no-skills movie-"games" to previously non gamers. Thats how you make the big money. By selling to idiots.

>> No.7477047

As if the early 90s weren't full of interactive movies one the highest grossing arcade games of all time was a literal movie too.

>> No.7477060

You can't fall lower than tendie waggle tho don't even @me if you think it isn't true.

>> No.7477073

Thank you. Like said, they didn't even invent stuff. They just steal. Then pump marking millions into making sure their soulless crap sells better. And you cant even blame them. That is how capitalism works. Whos to blame are idiots lapping up their crap.

>> No.7477085

Since you are acting stupid. Lets make this easy to understand. YOU FAIL TO PRODUCE ARGUMENTS.

>> No.7477154

The first wave of shit movie games (not including laserdisc arcade gimmicks) were on PC CDROM and Sega CD in the US marketed as "interactive movies". I don't think Sony went hard on movieshit games until late 7th gen. It might have started at Uncharted 2 (still an action game with cutscenes but also appeals to storyfags), but it was definitely The Last of Us that was the basis for the Sony AAA Movieshits genre.
You could argue that MGS and Final Fantasy games did attract a large number of faggots that play games "for da storee". they demanded more story based games, and devs give them crap that's only slightly more of a game than the old interactive movies, but with less entertainment value.

>> No.7477190
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I think my personal favorite was the sixth generation. At that point, you had just so many options on consoles and PC. With the PS2, you could play two era's very easily, and it was reasonably priced. PC games really had some high marks in that area too.

>> No.7477420

>Well no shit the first year is tough because there are no good exclusives but it’s objectively better than Fantavision and the fucking billiards game the PS2 launched with.
Go look at the ps2 launch titles again. It is one of the most impressive launch lists in gaming history.

>> No.7477469

Just bought a used ps2 slim from ebay, God I hope it fucking works.

>> No.7477781

2012 was the end of new games for me. 5th gen was the best.

>> No.7477847
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The point of an SSD is not the transfer speed, but the lack of seek times that regular hard drives have.

>> No.7477870

I must say, early 360 was great and bring me back to console gaming after spending all 6th gen on PC. 5th gen before, was also great plus the arcades. After this it was truly a downfall will all that remakes and shit.
So, for me, 5th gen was the peak and PC gaming after PS1 era

>> No.7477937

it's because it's the first console in a long time that hasn't tried to be some soulless multimedia machine
I don't pull it out a tonne due to not really having a need for the portable ports of 10 year-old games and the few Nintendo series I have a real interest in not really having too many good games on the Switch but it's nice to have a console that doesn't try to be a PC with less functionality

>> No.7478029

>is not the transfer speed, but the lack of seek times
bit of both anon

>> No.7478098

why did he need a strategy guide for call of duty?

>> No.7478126

playing dead rising or any other early 7th gen title that plays like an uplifted ps2 game is such a bitter experience now.

>> No.7478164

unironically the colecovision

>> No.7478234

The absolute state of the snoyboi cultists, constantly trying to enforce an us-versus-them mentality. You are fucking stupid. Sorry but there is no other way of saying this. And that is exactly why the gaming industry keeps preying on you.

>> No.7478242

Early Gen 7 still had the spirit of Gen 6. The games felt the same but in HD resolution and with some new effects. It's just that it quickly devolved into brown & bloom with massive amounts of DLC.

>> No.7478254

by that you mean games that are still fun and not some cinematic trash right?

>> No.7478440

Gen 5 was the first bad generation

>> No.7478816

Beyond gen 6 was a mistake

>> No.7478879

All he would have to do is push you down and you wouldn't be able to get up.

>> No.7478989

>says the guy claiming nintendo games are "high-skill"

>> No.7479028


>> No.7479067

Dear brainlet, i dont give a flying fuck about nintendo, are you so threatened and desperate that you have to make shit up?

>> No.7479257

kek at the tendie seethe itt

>> No.7480230

Sixth Gen was the last good gen. Once the 360 arrived in 2005 the fun times were over.

Does it also not fuck up anyone else knowing that the 3DS waa the last bastion of experimenal games and double AA smaller games? From 2011 to 2019 3DS was like a mini 6th gen serving as refuge the shitshow of Wii U/Xbox One/PS4.

Now we have LITERALLY nothing. Xbox Series X and Switch are just virtual port machines and PS5 literally has no games. And PC is flooded with garbage wokie indie crap. It's all super fucked. I'm seriously considering abandoning this hobby.

>> No.7480264

>I'm seriously considering abandoning this hobby.
Literally no need to when you have a lifetime's worth of games from 1st-6th gen to play

>> No.7480275

Literally stupid. It may be somewhat cute now. But will be really ugly once you grow up.

>> No.7480339

>he doesnt know of the term: Nintendo hard
zoomie zoom zoom

>> No.7480361

360 wasn't that bad, XBLA was cool shit. The PS3 with all those moviegames was a fucking atrocity upon gaming though.

>> No.7480372

360 was nothing but dude bro bloom and brown fps cancer. PS3 however, was art.

>> No.7480445

Exactly not only do we have so many games to play but this era actually had replay value instead of focusing online multiplayer

>> No.7480449

I think the best gen is (whatever generation I grew up with).

>> No.7480620

Sixth Gen is my favorite but early 7th did have the wow factor with everything moving to HD but it got bogged down in microtransactions and DLC that got everyone's asses lubed up for the following gen.

>> No.7480852

>Does it also not fuck up anyone else knowing that the 3DS waa the last bastion of experimenal games and double AA smaller games? From 2011 to 2019 3DS was like a mini 6th gen serving as refuge the shitshow of Wii U/Xbox One/PS4.
Can you recommend me some of these games?

>> No.7481040 [DELETED] 
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Why do PS1 games look so good on the 3DS 320x240 display? Is it because of how low its resolution is?

>> No.7481129

6th Gen

>> No.7481159

You're mostly right, but it's hard to deny the death of arcade/skill-based gaming began in 4th gen. Super Mario World and A Link to the Past are dramatically easier than their immediate predecessors. Playstation had lots of sports games and action games also, not just JRPGs.

It was really 6th gen with its 3D absolutely everything that killed creativity.

>My grandparents miss swing music and can't listen to modern radio.
Sounds like your grandparents have good taste. Modern radio music is heavily shit. Fatalistic relativism is a cancerous mindset you should avoid.

>> No.7481164

>Fatalistic relativism is a cancerous mindset you should avoid.
Like this.
There is literally always a midwit who thinks he's clever that posts something like this on every single board. Pure cancer.

>> No.7481171

6th gen is my least favorite. There I games I like in every single generation except 6th.

>> No.7481257

5th gen

I remember less about the games themselves than I do the fun I had playing them with other people, like my brother and my friends. I like gen 6-7 fine, too, but N64 was definitely that golden-age feeling for me. Goldeneye, Wrestlemania 2000, Mario Kart

>> No.7481279

as a whole: 6th gen
7th gen actually got off to a reasonably good start, but was shit by the end. every home console that followed has been completely and utterly pointless.

>> No.7481296

Thats a shame. 6th was amazing for me

>> No.7482319

6th gen was amazing: so many classic games from that era. Brilliant launch titles, too. 5th gen still better tho