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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 21 KB, 300x337, Ristar_by_deathjester[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
745756 No.745756 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.745789
File: 430 KB, 936x854, ristar_full_by_elesis_knight-d5y99az.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the fact that queer NiGHTS has received more attention from Sega than Ristar is annoying

>> No.745808

You're lackluster as fuck

Just accept you're a clone of mario and sonic

>> No.745821

The fact lots of people wanted him in the Sonic racing games warms my heart, and hopefully there will be more we can do to get him a downloadable title, at least.

>> No.745892

It was a great game, to be sure. Admittedly, the enemy design was pretty forgettable, but the stages were great and Ristar himself was a cool character with a enjoyable gimmick.

This guy, Billy Hatcher, NiGHTS. Sonic Team had such cool ideas, why'd they have to let them fall by the wayside?

>> No.745906

I loved the original game, but part of me is happy we don't see him since I would hate to see what Sega would do to Ristar now.

A Genesis-style sequel for virtual consoles ala MM9 would be pretty cool, though.

>Admittedly, the enemy design was pretty forgettable
The generic enemies, yes. The boss fights were pretty great, though. The giant mole armor on Scorch and the final match against Greedy are probably my favorites. Bonus points since Greedy's theme syncs with fight amazingly.

>> No.745914

that feel when you are no longer the only Ristar fan on /vr/

>> No.745915


Scorch's boss is one of my favorites, just because you're fighting him while falling down a shaft. There needs to be more bosses like that.

>> No.745920
File: 62 KB, 700x771, ristarcar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gotta go fast

>> No.745927

When were you ever?

I only had the GG version growing up and even that was a stellar game.

>> No.747613

Ristar thread? Okay.

>> No.747646

He's neither you douche.

The stretching mechanic hasn't been used the way it was in Ristar since Werehog Sonic. This shit needs a comeback.

>> No.747672

Such a great game.

>> No.747673
File: 182 KB, 768x576, ristar sanic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not both

>> No.747705

Ristar is one of my favorite Genesis titles.

I imagine it would have been more popular if they hadn't released the very useless 32x. Now don't get me wrong, there are some good games for the 32x but there are so few that it wasn't enough to carry the add-on to success.

Knuckles Chaotix and Tempo could have found a warm welcome if they were just released on the Megadrive, but things didn't happen that way so who's to say.

>> No.747837
File: 15 KB, 328x277, Nice Porky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mario and Sonic clone
>Not a brilliant little platformer making him Sega's Kirby

>> No.747861

>Your face when Tempo got more of a chance to a sequel in the Sega Saturn than Ristar

I do like Tempo as well though and played through Super Tempo, but it would have been nice to see how it would be if Ristar ever had a sequel on the Sega Saturn.

>> No.747915

Why no Ristar fan games?

>> No.748116

There's so little good Ristar fan content. Mostly terrible fan ideas like the Sonic the Comic story they had, and terrible flash animations.

>> No.748124

Been looking for a cheap Ristar and Tempo Jr for GG for a long time now. Perhaps I should just give up and emulate

>> No.748502
File: 9 KB, 284x284, ienjoywhatiamreading.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw the best genesis games are less than $40, Ristar included
I hope this lasts long enough for me to buy the stuff I want. I really do.

>> No.748514

>Tfw they just made him a flagman and not an actual racer.

Damn it, Sega! ;_;

>> No.748545

>even importing Super Fantasy Zone from the UK and getting a game genie to play it is less than $40
genesis does what nintendon't

>> No.748558
File: 12 KB, 278x200, Ristar__Wallpaper_by_darkburraki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While Nintendon'ts were busy with the same three franchises over and over, Sega Master Race was busy plumbing the depths of awesome games. I keed, I keed
sort of
Ristar needs a revival, or an HD remake, or SOMETHING. they've re-released the original, like three times.

>> No.748571
File: 3 KB, 182x170, 1369451749233.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kinda wanna see more Ristar porn. He's cute as fuck.

Also, wasn't Ristar a Treasure game? Treasure, IIRC, were sort of a second party to Sega at one point, weren't they?

>> No.748573


I have the scariest feeling that if they even tried something like this they would hand it off to some idiots.

Remember Golden Axe: Beast Rider?
The Rocket Knight Revival by Climax?
The horrible remake of Turtles In Time?

I'm also people would dismiss him as rip off of another character if he came back in anything. I'm being real negative, but eh shit happens.

>> No.748578


Nah, Ristar is all Sonic Team.

>> No.748585

no, Ristar is Sonic Team. Maybe you're thinking of Dynamite Headdy, the two games seems similar to me for some reason.

>> No.748593

Oh, alright. I always thought it was a Treasure game, who knew.

That's what happens when you outsource to western programmers. I bet even TOSE could make a better game than those three.

>> No.748608

>The horrible remake of Turtles In Time
oh dear lord, I did not know about this, I'm not even going to look it up for fear of ruining my childhood

>> No.748619

it has that same sort of quirky feeling to it that lot of treasure games had... though maybe not as heavy on it as Dynamite Headdy

>> No.748657
File: 11 KB, 384x416, Headdys_up_and_in_and_stuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I could see why somebody would make that mistake, both are very colorful and vibrant.

Plus their gameplay mechanic is based around a part of their body. Ristar gropes his enemies and Headdy launches his skull at stuff.

what a couple of dingus game characters, amirite?

>> No.748707


That's a great picture.

>> No.748770


He's a playable character in a fan-made Super Smash Bros game I play a lot. Didn't really know about him before.

>> No.749023

Looks like a black meatball with a slice of melt cheese on top.

>> No.749082

I honestly couldn't get the attraction of sonic or sonic games, I enjoyed finishing the first sonic game but the games that came after didn't really appeal to me, ristar on the other hand, man.. dat level design, dat enemy design, dat character..

>> No.750357

>you are now aware Ristar was originally going to be Sonic's partner in Sonic Unleashed, but they weren't allowed to use him and made Chip as a last minute replacement

>> No.750360

weren't allowed?

>> No.750403

I highly enjoyed the inclusion of Ristar in Sonic's Ultimate Genesis Collection. Then again, I highly enjoyed that collection in general. I mean, 40 Genesis games on one PS3 disc, for $20? For the most part, it was a good deal.

I'm a bit surprised the Game Gear version hasn't seen a rerelease in something like SUGC yet. I thought that version was fun, too.

>> No.750404

Fully Delitized Ristar

>> No.750412

The werehog sections of Sonic Unleashed were basicly 3D Ristar. How does this make you feel?

>> No.750418


>> No.750450

Licensing issues I think.
They were also considering him for All-Star Racing Transformed but couldn't use him due to that very same reason.

>> No.750453

don't they own him?

>> No.750483

Oh, snap. I must have gotten him confused with another character, he had a brief flagman cameo in Transformed.
Yes, they do own him and poor sales of the original must be a factor then (not surprising seeing it was a late MD title).

>> No.750763


The one and only Ristar fan site.

>> No.750946

I wish Sega would do more to revive their old franchises. Seems like the only thing they've managed to keep going is Sonic.

>Ristar porn

What? How... How would that even work?

>> No.751117

>People who know about Tempo
I love you. Let's be friends.

>> No.751182

Wasn't Stretch Panic kinda like Ristar in some ways?

>> No.751258
File: 69 KB, 419x365, Ristar-capsule-toy2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least he was in Shenmue

>> No.752826

No joke, better than any Sonic game (yes, even 1-Knuckles, come at me bro). Better music, better visuals, better gameplay hook. If there was ever any justice, Ristar would've been Sega's mascot.