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File: 56 KB, 729x628, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7454161 No.7454161 [Reply] [Original]

Megastash was superior idea!

Useful information: https://pastebin.com/7EaAeCeW

Previous Horadric Cube: >>7399056

>> No.7454180

Imagine leaving Griffon's on the ground because you stash is full and designer wants you to not hoard. Rofl.

>> No.7454210

I just wanted the skills fixed, bros

>> No.7454214

Stupid faggot I said I was making the thread.

>> No.7454250

So what are you anons planning on running first in the remaster?

>> No.7454454

I never played Diablo and want to try, I had lots of fun with Torchlight 1 and 2 and other diablo-likes in the past.
Should I just play vanilla or are mods essential for QoL shit? I mean, the game is old and surely was made better with such dedicated fanbase and modding community. What should I know? I checked the pastebin, but it's just a dozen of links for the game and mod managers from what I understand.

>> No.7454554

Diablo 1: Vanilla, don't bother with the expansion, probably needs a utility to make it work properly on modern systems
Diablo 2: Vanilla or with PlugY for singleplayer QoL features, expansion is a must

>> No.7454556

I swear when I see D2 screenshots or videos sometimes their game is way better looking than mine, like sharper and crisper graphics. I'm using glidewrapper, could that be the reason?

>> No.7454673
File: 32 KB, 640x283, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, here we go.

>> No.7454763

I also recommend the Based mod, which mainly bypasses the 25fps limit in SP (some animations will be smoother). It shares some features with plugy so you will have to fiddle with the .inis a bit.

>> No.7454795

seen it in the pasta, I'll try, thanks

>> No.7454936

sven's glidewrapper has no issues, sometimes you need to use reshade to get a better look since D2 fed on 3dfx and crt dithering to get smooth looking graphics

>> No.7454967

D2:LoD singleplayer with PlugY is essential. Maybe get maphack and lootfilters when they get made for 1.14 but it's not neccessary for a beginner. Played Bnet and it's a shitshow of toxicity and botting, and after PlugY there's no way I'll ever go back, except maybe for Resurrected.

>> No.7454995

I want runewords fixed. I was reading the wiki other day, and literally only a handful of runewords are used, the rest is charsi food. I can't understand what was the logic behind em, did entire BNorth have stroke diarrhea attacks or what? As useful as +1 stamina grandcharm.

>> No.7455014

What the hell are you talking about? Runewords are completely ridiculous, most of them only seem bad because they are compared to other, even more overpowered runewords. If anything, runewords need to be dumpstered since they are far too consistently obtained and magics/rares/uniques/sets need to be buffed.

>> No.7455024
File: 31 KB, 540x540, 1585112889004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's your favorite D2 build of all time?

>> No.7455059

Poisonmancer ;)

>> No.7455193

I plan on continuing to play 1.14d on plugy with a fireclaws druid

>> No.7455241

Yea, as a nooblet leveling, I'm using every runeword that my class can use, pretty much. Gave Nadir to my merc, use Stealth and Zephyr on my amazon currently, and I need more levels for Edge, Radiance, and Lore

>> No.7455283
File: 542 KB, 1920x1080, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This reminds me, you can play with integer scaling by downloading a free Steam app called Lossless Scaling. Sadly I don't have a big enough monitor for 1600x1200, but here's 640x with integer scaling on my 1080 monitor

>> No.7455395

Probably LF/Strafe hybrid, peak meme.

>> No.7455462
File: 2.43 MB, 1920x1080, Game 2020-12-17 15-40-46.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my only issue with your screenshot is the lack of proper dithering to fix the color issues
though reshade can do that, but something like a internal shader to fix it would be great

>> No.7455494

Wind Druid. Im a filthy casual who likes aoe killing everything without needing to get good gear.

>> No.7455509
File: 389 KB, 1920x1080, we got this.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can buy or pirate Diablo 1 from GOG and it comes with the expansion. You can choose whether you want to play original or expansion. It's set up to run on modern OS's already and it comes with optional integer scaling which I think looks great.

I have mixed feelings about the expansion. It has some great QOL features, like you can run in town, you can re-access any part of the dungeon quicky if you start a new game instead of having to start at level 1 gain, and you can select nightmare and hell in single player. But the new quests and zones and monsters are mostly really bad, though you can just not play them since they're optional.

Diablo 1 does not have a stash space in town, so you are forced to leave items on the ground in town. You can get a stash mod but it makes it way too easy to dupe stuff for infinite gold. Also shopping at Wirt or Adria is super gay. For these reasons, I recommend you just beat the game on normal. If you like it you can keep going on Nightmare (if you're playing hellfire or vanilla d1 multiplayer). With all that said, D1 has the best atmosphere by far. Not to say D2 is bad, but D1 is way more spoopy

As for D2, I found a youtube vid that explained how to run plugy, though I need to update to the newer version so I can rename my stash tabs but I dunno how yet

>> No.7455510
File: 2.10 MB, 1277x961, Screenshot 2021-02-23 161731.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is with sven's glidewrapper. Just looks blurry to me or something, not how I remember. Probably just me.

>> No.7455637

Any but the ones that force you to attack single enemies separately.
Sorceress literally burning entire rooms never gets old.

>> No.7455640

Looks fine to me.

>> No.7455669

Are you using perspective mode?

>> No.7455729

Summonmancer just because it allows me to chill and look at the nice environments, Javazon is a chadette and pretty cool too

>> No.7455738
File: 838 KB, 800x597, 6431231263.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe try it on a smaller window

>> No.7455983

>haven't played in years
>boot up an old character in hell
>can't play for shit, keep dying, feel like I have to click really fast and micromanage a bunch of things
Damn I'm getting old...

>> No.7456072

>Plugy now supports 1.14d
Fucking finally.

>> No.7456216

Muscle memory.

>> No.7456301

>young kids and their need to collect everything
>these days
Ahem One Hundred and Fifty One(now like 900ish+forms and shines) 151 One Five One 1 5 1 that is all.

>> No.7456305

Thorny Paladin

>> No.7456505

True that. Not only am I working on a holy grail, I am also ~300 shinies into the full pokemon dex.

Must be something to that.

>> No.7456515

>which mainly bypasses the 25fps limit
NO BAD RETARD BAD /v/ERMIN 2D animation must be 24fps 4,8,12 or 24fps 30-60+fps 2D animation is vomit inducing just stop doing this
3D animation on the other hand looks fucking jank in 24fps or less as you can see in the trailer everything looks off and stiff another thing would be 3DPD anime or RBREY wtv that shitty youtube cringefest is alled with its ultra fight scenes at silky smooth 12fps and 4s on everyother scene t
he remakes will need to bypass the limit hell modders are going to have to remake everything 30,45,60 fps
hopefully it wont be hard to edit shit import new models and etc omega levels of based if its derived from open source software I mean its just a shell thrown on top of the game makes sense not to make something from the ground up this costs way more money and time plus they did say this will work with mods and they like modders open 3D assets tools will revolutionize D2 modding adding even more to its lifespan and also sell more copies

knowing how pissed activision is at nu-bliz right now what with outsourcing the work to a competent company/devs I bet only legacy art from the bliz north archives is the only involvement bliz will have activision is showing what with letting 2 youtubers see shit and listen to what the have to say plus fan input and modernizing the game in the same art style but far more detailed and not in bliz's ugly game wor-warcraft cringe art style or anything looking like D3/4 are the only and toppest priorities for the sake of keeping investors from not jumping ship from a company that can not only not make good videogames but also ruin the ones the made in the past

crazy times we live in activision is the company that cares for quality and standards now even if its only about money/rep but then again why would bliz care about d1/2 they didnt make the series nor understand it as seen by 3 and again with whats been shown for 4 so far

>> No.7456548

I struggle with binding my hotkeys for this, characters that need shift to attack in place give me a lot of trouble when you need to heal, I end up either going full spastic or just press whatever and waste all my pots

>> No.7456623

What the fuck are you going on about? The mod simply makes the SP run the same as MP. Play the game before going full schizo next time.

>> No.7456648

A retard from reddit wrote this post

if only D2SE was the same

>> No.7456845

Strafe zon and it's not even close. Distant second place to skelemancer (with no corpse explosion).

>> No.7456857
File: 74 KB, 750x937, 11523623462436.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit.

>> No.7457052

Cactus works, it's not as good as D2SE but it covers most of what it does.

>> No.7457206

holy shit you're fucking stupid

>> No.7457268

>crazy times we live in activision is the company that cares for quality and standards now even if its only about money/rep but then again why would bliz care about d1/2 they didnt make the series nor understand it as seen by 3 and again with whats been shown for 4 so far
It always fascinates me to see what it is that makes people decide they're separate companies, which they're not, they've just PR'd themselves to look separate after the merger pissed customers off.

It's almost always one half being shit so the other is now good.

>> No.7457349

It's rare to meet a fellow such as yourself, so I must ask, what is it like having the intelligence of a squirrel and the temperament of a chimpanzee?

>> No.7458090

>skelemancer (with no corpse explosion)
You mean the older versions where you could have 40+ skeletons out?

>> No.7458231

No. Skeletons were too weak back then. I'm talking just sitting there near afk with your 10+ skeles and revives.

>> No.7458260

No it isn't. Why do people say this about non essential shit?

>> No.7458341

They should add an item called Dream that has 2x10^22 odds of dropping

>> No.7458471

Because it is essential. I was there the day the strength of Men failed, gimping us with retarded stash size because Brevik thought it was a good idea to force players to choose what to keep. In a loot rng fiesta where you literally wait for months for something specific to drop. It's a bad, no, moronic way to extend gametime.

>leave jah rune on the ground because stash was full
>nice, now he will play the game for another 8 months
>200iq game design

Not to mention hard points into skills, that was actually 20000000iq. Actually that's way better incentive to use PlugY.

>> No.7458473

Lets you access ladder drops and gives shared storage without fucking about.

It's not absolutely needed but it sure as fuck is a lot better than making life hard on yourself.

>> No.7458617

>Lets you access ladder drops
you can already get ladder-only drops in vanilla SP. it's the ladder runewords that are disabled. but even that is easily fixed simply by editing a text file.

>> No.7458638

this, infinite stash and respecs are making it playable even after over thousand hours

>> No.7458714

Is there a fix for glidewrapper to not bug out your mouse to the top left if you open your inventory or character sheet?

>> No.7458815
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Angelic's is so unbelievable based. I probably wouldn't play any melee besides smite if that combo didn't exist.

>> No.7458996
File: 83 KB, 334x332, gems.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

collect everything?
did this guy even play his own game lol
I run out of space just from collecting the gems in normal

>> No.7459053

nice reading comprehension.

>> No.7459135

Can you get away with playing a melee Paladin without ever speccing into hammers? Is it viable into nightmare? Probably not hell without getting good gear first

>> No.7459175
File: 618 KB, 1280x768, Screenshot039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can, I got to act 5 hell on hc self found with a spear paladin got killed by a nigger snake with strong poison at lvl 82

>> No.7459182

>Can you get away with playing a melee Paladin without ever speccing into hammers?
Easily. It's my go-to solo hardcore build. Hell, I've found Zeal Pally HC too easy so now I run vengeance instead.

Just take your time farming. Both levels and gear.

>> No.7459191

>nigger snake with strong poison at lvl 82
They're actually bugged to do physical damage that ticks 1 time per frame, fucking characters that don't have at least a bit of flat damage reduction.

I've been playing with anons 1.15 mod, that gives them the unbugged attack, for so long now that I haven't thought about them in ages.

>> No.7459197

huh, that explains why my health went to 0 instantly

>> No.7459198

Also, they do significantly less damage if you stand still and don't move through the poison.

>> No.7459212

Zeal/Fanaticism pally is probably my favorite build. absolutely doable. But since Smite is basically a 1 point wonder skill, and you're already going to be maxing Fanaticism, having CB from pretty much any source at all should let you just smite bosses down fairly easily while enjoying Zeal for the majority of your time.

>> No.7459224

filthy metafaggot thinking should be beaten out of peoples heads with a club

>> No.7459273
File: 134 KB, 640x516, 1250236384589.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw the Tristram theme notes play when you kill diablo

>> No.7459283

I just noticed this for the first time last night. Truly kino

>> No.7459418

Especially easy after iron maiden was nerfed so you don't instantly die if you get it on you while attacking.

>> No.7459515
File: 242 KB, 1360x768, Screenshot040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

will we be getting naked tortured rogues in resurrected?

>> No.7459526

Physical zealers are kind of meh without good equip. Elemental zealer is where it's at, especially Holy Shock pala. Deals insane amount of damage with mid tier rune equip. Holy Freeze is also good but weaker in comparison to HS.

>> No.7459564

why would her tits be pushed up like that

>> No.7459572

play diablo 1 vanilla first and tchernobog for future playthroughs.

>> No.7459596

javazon, something about LF just clicked with me
throwing a lightning bolt into a huge group of monsters and watching it explode all over is the most satisfying thing in the entire game to me

>> No.7459618

on one hand they said they wouldn't censor gore and shit
on the other hand they already removed andy butt and underboobs from resurrected so who knows

>> No.7459674

Blizzard are all up about selling China so they'll remove anything to get it sold there.

>> No.7459686

What good runeword weapon should I be looking at going into nightmare? I'm going through normal now having an easy time, was using steel and now using malice
I know the typical ones like lore are pretty easy to get and very good but not sure what to go for as a weapon

>> No.7459728

There aren't really any good "mid range" weapon runewords, Honor might be decent but it requires whopping 5 sockets.

>> No.7459737

Strength isn''t bad. Amn + Tir. not super high damage but it has CB. you could also try crafting with a knout or naga but that's a crapshoot and probably wouldn't offer too much based on your level if you're just entering NM. you may have more luck just running NM Andy for a bit for a decent unique weapon. or you could farm NM countess for thul io nef and make a black.

>> No.7459796

>plugy for 1.14d
Okay, this is some serious poggers

>> No.7459829
File: 1.34 MB, 800x600, worldstone hc.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hardcore expansion ladder, I need the adrenaline again. In fact it's going to be the best ever yet due to no bots and day 1 bnet traffic plus not being locked out of normal and nightmare.

>> No.7459896

>humans walking to baal

>> No.7459903

WW barb

>> No.7459907

>no bots
no lad
no dupes, but there will always be bots--it's a guarantee in every video game

>> No.7459915

Of course, not hard to play through the entire game with Vengence or Zeal.

>> No.7459919

Kings grace is good for mid.

>> No.7459928

This shit is thoroughly annoying

>> No.7460141

Crescent moon in a 3os wep (hopefully decent dmg and fast attack speed, a small crescent for example, not difficult to find), ias, lowers enemy light res, decent %ed, OW, ItD and other neat mods, relatively cheap to make compared to runewords like grief, don't make black, the knockback mod makes it a pain in the ass for a zealer, if you need res make rhyme (cannot be frozen is pretty useful if you don't have it anywhere else yet) or if you get lucky with a pala 4os pala shield make spirit, or better yet sanctuary in a 3os shield and you can easily stack over 90+ res and get fhr fbr ctb freeing up the gear for other mods.

>> No.7460382

Bowzon with good gear.

>> No.7460442

Does poison damage get displayed on the actual weapon damage itself?

>> No.7460448

no, it only adds it to your attack in the stat screen, not the tooltip of the weapon itself.

>> No.7460451


>> No.7460679

not at launch especially under the new battlenet which during the blizzcon panel they were willing to bet if hackers can defeat it

>> No.7460727
File: 1.81 MB, 1409x1027, plugy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gotta tell ya, this plugy thing is great. Not only does it work with 1.14 now, it's super mod compatible, too. Being able to name stash tabs and set them as indexes to quickly jump to is beautiful. Better fucking work in the remaster.

Was 4chins down for anyone else?

>> No.7461027

If you play HS zealer, go for what >>7460141 said. Crescent moon is basically your endgame weapon until you get to REALY advanced equip (several jah runes required). Use Treachery runeword in armor, with this and phaseblade you get max aspd zeal. Rest is up to you I guess.
If you play physical zealer, it's like other dudes said. Not many mid tier one handed runewords available that are very good. Honour might carry you for some time but on hell difficulty you will need a better deathstick. I don't know, maybe oath in a good eth elite one handed weapon might work pretty well, high damage, aspd and it's not difficult to make.

>> No.7461051

Prefer d1 over d2, but d2 is better in multiplayer. D1 has stats capped by class, with each class having a unique combat advantage. A warrior can learn all of the spells and raise them to the highest level, but it'll be more challenging than a mage. But, his melee swings are significantly quicker, and do more damage, obviously.

D2 feels too restrictive to me, with all of the classes having exclusive skills. Rightly or wrongly, it seems like having versatility in a character is more challenging in d2. Plus, no heal spell.

>> No.7461073

The D2 mod I'm playing now has about 20% of the total skills available on items as an off class skill and it also has all 'charge' items made actually useful, opening even more skils up for other classes.

It's pretty fun when something good drops, for example I've got a Stone Crusher that gives clay golem, an Arkaines Valor that gives fist of the heavens and the Sazabis set has energy shield and revive.

>> No.7461098
File: 29 KB, 480x360, 12363744695969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the best D2 youtuber finally released another video

>> No.7461174

>cool and informative

the iceman

>avoid at all costs

is this a good summary of diablo 2 e-celebs?

>> No.7461176

Here's to hoping the mod support will be decent and do online play.

>> No.7461183

MrLlamaSC is good but his videos are 2+ hour long livestreams. I'd read a guide if he made one but I don't wanna watch dozens of hours of streams to git gud

>> No.7461184

The different renderers actually look fairly different from each other. There's also some settings in the glide wrapper that can change how it looks.

>> No.7461189

That's how I see it, yeah, though I'd add Kruggers into the "Kruggers" tier in between "cool and informative" "and entertaining". Dude is just hilarious, there's nobody else like him.


jujjmentoz too I'd add into a "relaxing" tier somewhere. He's breddy gud.

He's got plenty of 10-20 min video guides.

>> No.7461192

Oh and there used to be a guy called Killrob, who did the most autistic D2 stuff, in a good way, but he's stopped diablo content.

>> No.7461219

Printscreen takes screenshots and saves them directly to your d2 folder. Also your glide settings could certainly cause the blurriness.

>> No.7461221

Was pretty common on PoD until PD2. Common on PD2.

Last time I played Bnet was 2016 and I recall it being all bots by then.

Only problem is that everyone is min maxing leveling builds so you basically fly through, and it's easy to end up having your character become irrelevant in a party of you're not running a build that doesn't require gear or have twinkled gear .

>> No.7461229
File: 1.05 MB, 1847x1361, low level trap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whats the way to make the game look better?
Also how do I unlock ladder uniques and runewords in a singleplayer?

>> No.7461234

>Also how do I unlock ladder uniques and runewords in a singleplayer?
Either install PlugY or https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7B2nzJwIDPI

>> No.7461243

Any idea why plugY didn't unlock ladder items? Are they too op or something?

>> No.7461251

Plugy does unlock ladder items from as a default, you're just being a brainlet somehow.

>> No.7461254
File: 245 KB, 811x687, plugY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where does it say that? Even if that was the case, how was I supposed to know?

>> No.7461260

You're referring to the unique items and not the runewords? They're enabled in singleplayer offline naturally, it's just the runewords that you need plugy for.

>> No.7461358
File: 553 KB, 800x600, 1587184832138.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>find the item you've been looking for
>it's ethereal

>> No.7461363

>13 durability
F. That's gonna break in 10 minutes.

>> No.7461371

just zod it bro

>> No.7461375

Do people here actually play online? These threads seem heavily single player skewed. Not that I'm complaining, I only play SP too.

just put a zod in it, simple as.

>> No.7461387

>all res 29
I wouldn't be mad bro because it's shit, SHIT!

>> No.7461456

I play bnet with my friends

>> No.7461627
File: 294 KB, 426x688, gface 40 15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ain't it beautiful?

>> No.7461635


>> No.7461662

Thanks guys, I'll be going for a holy shock zealer then. I'll probably respec sometime in nightmare, guess whenever I can make a crescent moon.

>> No.7461698

should i start a new grail now or wait until resurrected plugy?

>> No.7461732

Was thinking about this myself. I'm going to wait, but I am doing a single character HC grail just for fun in the meantime. I'm under no illusion to it actually being doable, I just want to see how far I can get.

Hopefully plugy or at least gomule are easily brought into the new version.

>> No.7461759

what happened?

>> No.7461764

Remaster of D2 at the end of the year or sooner. Are you being retarded in your English comprehension or are you genuinely so oblivious as to have missed that fact?

>> No.7461765

diablo 2 resurrected is coming out this year, and it's already march already, starting a new grail right now is somewhat pointless since there's no way i can complete it in under a year

>> No.7461776

ladder uniques are already "unlocked" in SP.

>> No.7461840

For lightning immunes you can use either physical routes (Zeal/Smite) or you can dual into Holy Freeze, which might be a good idea because it shares a synergy with HS. It's a fun dude to play.

>> No.7461906

I play LoD on bnet. Ladder us-west. I've never played with a mod before. All the stash and QoL life stuff seems so very nice, but I can't go without bnet. For me, the real endgame is giving free to and helping people who need it.

>> No.7461921

What drives you to play bnet instead of a private server?

>> No.7462101

What happens if minimum damage is higher than maximum?

>> No.7462126

Frenzy baba. I don't like sitting back. Frenzy baba gets right in the fray and can be a good tank.

>> No.7462140
File: 169 KB, 1080x964, 14 candles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are some builds that I could finish the game with in hell mode on SP

>> No.7462178

Maximum is raised. If you have a weapon that does 5-10 damage and min damaged is raised by 5, it'll do 10-11.

>> No.7462183 [DELETED] 

Depends on how you are attacking. If you do missile damage, like with spells or arrows or bolts or throwing weapons, then >>7462178 is correct. If you do an attack (attacks can trigger attack effects, which includes bows when used in melee with shapeshifted form), then minimum extends maximum. Meaning:
>5-10 damage
>gain +5 min damage
>you now deal 10-11 damage
>gain +5 min damage
>you now deal 15-16 damage
In effect, minimum damage is worth 2x more than maximum damage for melee attacks if min > max.

>> No.7462187

Use openGL, it has neat lighting effects. That's like all you can do graphically. Or just wait for the remaster later this year, it looks really nice.

>> No.7462202

Wait I'm retarded.

This post >>7462178 is correct for melee attacks. For other types of damage that are dealt by missiles, min/max are swapped. So if you are shooting with a bow that does 5-10 damage and min damage is raised by 5, it'll do 10-10 damage; and if it is increased again by 5 min, it'll do 10-15 damage.

>> No.7462286

Completely unresearched assumptions about regular bnet being largest player base size and laziness about looking for and choosing a private server. I play in several month bursts every handful of years so I'd rather just open the app and play without thinking at all about it.

>> No.7462296

literally every build except intentional meme ones.
do you want tough but doable fun times that actually might take some time to finish but are ultimately a blast to play through as you build your character over time? or do you just want an easy mode blow-through-the-game-with-crap-gear-build?

>> No.7462327

I get that. I'd be too irked about duping/botting when getting most of my enjoyment out of trading.

>> No.7462658

When I first beat SP I was playing lightning/frozen orb sorc (to pass both immunities) and my spells were doing damage by thousands, I just hardly can imagine doing as much on a melee character so I kinda assume they struggle. Maybe I'm wrong.

>> No.7462680

https://www.speedrun.com/d2lod#Any_Hell Can compare times to get an idea.

>> No.7462689

> 40/15 jool on that helm
Baller or cheater ay?

>> No.7462696

Because of all the D2R hype I picked up diablo again and am playing a cleric pally again. Game is kino. Might start a melee-mancer or enchantress again.

>> No.7462710

>dissing on based G-face
There is no fucking better helm for a physical fighter.

>> No.7462908

My merc keeps dying in hell, what armor should I be making so he doesn't die?

>> No.7462934

Actually, you give him life steal.

>> No.7463028

Treachery for Fade is my go-to.

>> No.7463039

Playing Diablo 1 and it's completely breaking my balls, got down to level 3 and I get swarmed in seconds doesn't matter how far I run. Warrior is impossible to play for me.

>> No.7463081

Play Rogue you get unlimited arrows

>> No.7463135

It's 100% legit. Got a 39/15 in a windforce too. All singleplayer

>> No.7463361

I don't understand how you can be this bad at games (AKA retarded) and yet you are smart enough to read and write and install the game yourself.

You gain experience points by killing monsters. Kill enough monsters and you gain a level, a character level, clvl, as opposed to dungeon level, dlvl.

If you skip to the next floor as soon as possible, the monsters will be stronger than you. You can instead "farm" easier sections of the game for experience points to level up to get stronger.

If there are too many enemies, use the terrain to your advantage and stand in a doorway such that only one monster can attack you at a time.

The start of a new level doesn't have monsters so you obviously dragged all those monsters to the entrance which is why you "get swarmed in seconds." You can exit the game and start a new game with the same character so that you can go back to easier sections and farm for experience and better items.

>> No.7463397

The problem is that the difficulty is in having enough of an attention span to actually go through the trouble of progressing through Diablo 1.
Not even joking or trying to make fun of the guy, I tried playing it again and either I've turned into a zoomer or I'm just retarded but it's slow as can be and pretty boring, the nostalgia wore off quick.

>> No.7463403

That's actually quite sad. How have you degraded your attention span so much?

>> No.7463431

I didn't know you could run the same level twice. Nice.
My attention span isn't bad I'm primarily a FPS gamer haha, but I ve also played every single Infinity Engine game bar IWD2 so I thought Diablo would be simple but it obviously has its nuances that go beyond simple game logic.

>> No.7463441

>I didn't know you could run the same level twice
Should we tell him?

>> No.7463450

Holy reading comprehension batman

>> No.7463469

You can repeat the game as many times as you want, from whatever point you are in it, keeping your stuff.

But you really shouldn't have to, all classes are capable of clearing diablo in 1 go, just don't be a fucking path of exile brainlet "gotta clear everything as fast as possible" zoomer and start taking your time and thinking about your choices.

>> No.7463476

Doesn't matter what class you play: max out magic, drain all your life to prevent hit recovery, eat all the books you can until you get at least one of each, cheese max spell levels with shrines and enjoy the smooth sailing of screenwide multi-chain lightning and broken mana life. In the case of the Warrior, it's obviously better to play a beefcake 1000+ life mage, but I drain his life out of spite regardless.

>> No.7463492

>imagine being such a pleb that you need to cheese d1

>> No.7463587

Ever wanna see what Diablo 2: PoE looks like?


>> No.7463592

jump to 37 mins in

>> No.7463609
File: 1.76 MB, 1920x1080, Game 2021-02-26 00-54-39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

use sven's glidewrapper to enable OpenGL, and then use Reshade with lottesCRT + LeiFX 3dfx dithering
Dgvoodoo has issues with Glide Atm, therefore no working bilinear

>> No.7463712

yes glide smooths the image and it looks like shit

>> No.7463716

>therefore no working bilinear
As in bilinear filtering? Jesus you have bad taste

>> No.7463768

Tell me what?

>> No.7463815

That all you do in Diablo is replay the same levels. I dunno what the other poster was referring to

>> No.7463842

I'm fine with that. I will beat Diablo 1 now.

>> No.7463932
File: 121 KB, 546x487, Ephimera.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I played this game from 2002 to 2004 or 2005, maybe. 17-20 YO.
>After lots of time, I buyed a digital copy (2016).
>Convinced a pair of friends to buy it, begin to play Bnet slowly, mostly for nostalgia.
>Almost nobody in Bnet in my region, just a handfull of lvl 99 chars and us.
>After some time we get playing some other stuff, chars get deleted.
>In January this year grab the game again. Old save (not so old) Sorc lvl 20-25
>Install PlugY
>Continue playing single player. Alone. Friends quited.
>OMG! this is awesome!
>Start collecting absolutely everything
>Grinding as a madman
>One month ago my first SoJ (ever!)
>Just now, Sorc reach lvl 80, kill Andariel(Hell), go to act II. i didn't think it was even possible.
>In the sewers: My first Ko Rune and my first Gheed's fortune. Not even in MF gear!
>Im having the best time ever with this old game. thanks PlugY!!!

>> No.7463980

You really don't need to repeatedly do the same levels over and over, that's only if you're on a harder difficulty. Anyone should be able to do it with just one playthrough. God, anon I did it when I was 6.

>> No.7463983

Wholesome posters are best posters. Glad you're having fun, anon.

>> No.7464145

All the sprites amd tiles have fixed res.
Increasing res beyond 800x600 without expanding view area by mods (and breaking the game) stretches everything out making it blurry

>> No.7464323

go to renderer in the glide wrapper settings and disable bilinear filtering

>> No.7465062

>he doesn't use the infinite free gamble trick to generate sojs

>> No.7465065

You mean escaping and ending the process in task manager? Or is there some cheeky thing I don't know about?

>> No.7465090

Having the attention span to enjoy watching paint dry ain't really something to boast about

>> No.7465094


>> No.7465125

if i remember well d2 on 3dfx had soft bilinear filtering caused by 3dfx cards dithering to bleed the detail
since wrappers can't trully replicate the effect unless you get reshade, you end up with what anon posted above, with a crappy filtered look

>> No.7465221

no what you and your old man need is a brain
even diablo 1 was autistic about space

if it wasn't a game about loot nobody would care

>> No.7465309
File: 20 KB, 600x421, c3b[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The new UI, inventory and character select screen are such cancer and AIDS that they alone are enough to make me never want to play the demake. They contrast so badly with the classical sprites look that I want to tear my eyeballs out just looking at them. The 3d graphics just look like a generic 3d game. It's really unfortunate they can't port some fixes to the old game rather than try to force me to install bnet launcher and launch bnet every time I want to play D2. I hate the turd burglers this game was created for especially the ones posting here now from the "hype". Fuck you.

>> No.7465315
File: 193 KB, 679x751, death spire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cant believe this isn't a unique item

>> No.7465350

listen faggot, i know that you desperately wish to be upset about something, and want to fit into the "look at me mummy i'm a purist!!!!" crowd, but you can switch to the old graphics whenever you want, you're not forced to play with the new 3d graphics

>> No.7465371

In no uncertain terms he offers a two day warranty on all his goods. Just a little pro tip (:

>> No.7465398

Was thinking of making a proc based barb who dual wields weapons and wears gear with lots of colorful chance to cast mods. I already know it will suck ass, but the idea of making the screen explode in ridiculous spell effects constantly sounds fun. Initial idea was dual destruction or maybe doom, but I haven't looked too hard yet. Anyone done something like this?

>> No.7465420

>get to 30 as trap
>realize lightning traps arent satisfying

>> No.7465434

Based but doesn't really do anything in the vanilla game, since the the spells are so low level and aren't synergized.

>> No.7465472

Learn some english, Pedro.

>> No.7465530


>> No.7465658

Is it ever worth considering an iron golem as a summonmancer? I've finally tricked out my merc and am thinking about what to do with some runes I'm getting now, but I don't really want to lose them since there's definitely some gear I could use
Does it die as often as a stone golem does? My golem doesn't die very often but it does every once in awhile just like my merc used to.

>> No.7465659

Run into a prison cell and close the door and use a bow.

>> No.7465680

depends on the area you're using him in
not recommended to use him in an area such as Chaos Sanctuary, but he's very viable in an area like The Pits where the chances of him dying are significantly lower

>> No.7465805

He has plenty of guides tgat are edited ~20m videos off of his streams (on YouTube)

>> No.7465873

Anon, you can literally toggle and get the old graphics back. Meanwhile you get a nice new stash and can play with tons of people who like the new stuff.

Personally I think the biggest issue with the remaster however is simply that some of the lighting effects wash out the colors. Just look at the act 2 parts where they're in tombs and sewers, everything is just in the same sepia tone.

>> No.7465978

I remember being super pumped for 1.10 to come out and then right before I discovered beer and fingered a girl for the first time and didn't play again until 2016. Had a pretty solid barbarian and necromancer then.

With the lockdowns I got friends to start playing Diablo I the Hell 2 with me for a bit and then got into POD and now PD2. They make a lot of good improvements. The reboot is cool pretty much only because my friends will play. Gameplay wise PD2 is better. Melee is better and more fun. Balance is better. More stuff.

But if I'm going back to vanilla I'm going necromancer and screen wiping mobs in hell with no gear on using the ridiculously OP original corpse explosion. I remember back when it scales with players too.

>> No.7465997

kek wtf

>> No.7466095
File: 23 KB, 342x342, 326232356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the ps1 version of D1 worth playing? I can't install the GOG version nor want to update my OS just to play it.

>> No.7466098

why even bother buying this release if you don't even wanna see it lmao

>> No.7466108

Not really. Its basically the same game but worse. Only extra features are dubs in languages that typically didn't get dubs.

>> No.7466289

GOG version needs only to be installed and later patched with belzebub

>> No.7466290

How viable is Sazabi's for Hell? My holy freeze paladins got gifted the set. The full bonuses look pretty good. High leech, and a whopping 27% increase to life and resists with the set. I have Sigon's boots and gloves so that's 70% IAS on a very fast weapon. I didn't know if the damage would be enough. It comes with a whopping 450% ED for demons. Does that get calculated like ED on a weapon? 318% is on the sword, 150% on the set. Any areas that are all demons? I know it isn't a good weapon but with the damage works like regular ED it's 650%, which should be pretty damn good.

Since it is PD2, the same synergies for HF also work for Holy Shock and Sanctuary. Sanctuary does magic damage now. So I figure I can dump some points in there and switch auras for immunes.

>> No.7466306

It actually has a few new affixes and prefixes and the drop tables are slightly different for some reason.

Basically only worth playing for the novelty of couch coop. I own it anyhow because D1 is one of my top favorite games.

Unless I'm lucky and % against demons sums on everything like in D1 with Civerb's Cudgel? Then I should one shot everything in the Chaos Sanctuary. I don't think it does though because no one chases % against demons in D2.

>> No.7466335
File: 2.19 MB, 1920x1440, 1569876923506.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you are going to play that you need a crt shader for it, it was made with ps1 dithering in mind for tv's

>> No.7466336

Only enhanced damage on weapons increases weapon damage. Any other stat adds to the +dmg% pool (+% dmg from skills, +dmg% from str/dex, +dmg% from non-weapons, +dmg% vs demons/undead). If PD2 monsters are as strong as vanilla, then you should have no trouble beating Hell with it, especially since you get free double damage from melee splash.

>> No.7466382

>no one chases % against demons in D2.
Laying on hands

>> No.7466414

Try DevilutionX. You just need diabdat.mpq to run it. I think you can copy that file directly from the disc.

>> No.7466420

Yeah I guess that's true.

Anyhow, it's a nice set to have. Could use it on a wolf too.

Kind of wish I hadn't of gone Paladin. When D2 Ressurected comes out again my friends will play, and I like melee the most. But WW barbs suck go level to 30 in vanilla and you can't really waste a respec since you don't know what weapons you'll have access to endgame, right?

So Paladin would be the way to go since it sounds like they aren't going to fix Fury being interruptible or do anything to make the bear not shit.

Come to think of it, auradins will also not be near as good compared to PD2 and POD. I hope they fix melee but it doesn't sound like they will.

>> No.7466427

I can get that too! 800% ED. Just avoid all areas with anything but demons and I'm golden.

>> No.7466457

I played it on android and it looked good without the shaders. High pixel density makes a huge difference.

>> No.7466476

You didn't read anything I wrote. The graphics toggle doesn't toggle to the old UI, inventory or character select screen. These are hardcoded and rewritten. They look like fucking ass and contrast horribly with the classic sprite look of the game. The new 3d looks fucking terrible. Everything about this remaster is cancer. FUCK YOU.

>> No.7466490

>The graphics toggle doesn't toggle to the old UI
Really? Where did they say that?

>> No.7466497

Think about it they rewrote these systems completely how would you even access them in the old UI? Show me anywhere I'm wrong.

>> No.7466501

>Think about it they rewrote these systems completely
They did?

>> No.7466505

Yes. For example show me a pic of the old UI with any of the new systems in place like the shared stash. They don't exist because they replaced them.

>> No.7466506

Oh okay so you're just making all this up and getting ass blasted over nothing.

Hope to see you here when the original UI gets shown off.

>> No.7466509

Do you even Diablo 2? You trade chipped for loot

>> No.7466510

Hope to see you here when you continue being a shit eating retard. The remaster is fucking garbage.

>> No.7466528

>auto gold pickup
This breaks so much of the game especially for newer players. The early game struggle of having enough gold for scrolls, pots and repairs. Running out of gold in a difficult spot from reviving your merc too much. Having enough gold to shop some key early items. All of this stuff becomes completely mindless and easy. Never even have to consider such a situation. Normally a player will stop picking up every pile of gold as it's too tedious. The game rightly punishes you for these things. This is a good thing. The tediousness of picking up every pile of gold is what causes these situations to occur. And that's a good thing. New players shouldn't be rewarded for not learning game mechanics. Staff mods are an important part of D2 and new players need to learn what they are and how they can pickup small items for more gold rather than being freely handed every pile of gold they come across. They're not going to run out of gold with auto gold pickup and thus they will never or hardly ever be punished for not learning the game mechanics. It may seem like a small detail but it's all these small details combined that add up to make Diablo 2 a great game. The satisfaction of learning how to overcome these little obstacles is critical to Diablo 2's gameplay. Being able to turn it off doesn't work. You're at a competitive disadvantage in multiplayer if you do. I don't even know why I'm raving about this stuff there's so much wrong with the remaster they obviously don't give a fuck about anything. It's all obvious lip service.

>> No.7466543

lmao this seething is unreal. The amount of dropped gold to equal a single fucking staff sell will take all of act 1 to match if not more. People learn pretty quickly anon. It won't make a difference.

>> No.7466557

No, you use chipped to make potions, stick in starter gear or save topaz/rubies for resistance against diablo (if you're not a fag and you actually play hardcore like you're supposed to). Selling chipped for like 250 gold is retarded

>> No.7466573

Nigga I never remember picking up gold very much and I would just sell items I'd pick up and would always be fine on gold, when did you ever run out of gold because you didn't pick up 50 gold 1000 times?

>> No.7466658

quit defending consolized casual features that ruin the game. it fucks up hell gold drops and gambling too. there's no reason to put it in pc version only reasons not to.

>> No.7466661

>worrying about gold in hell

It's trivially easy and quick to max your gold out.

>> No.7466708

Do people really max out gold? Everytime I reach 1M I gamble for fear of losing it all

>> No.7466713

I just stash it, but no I don't. It was just an example as to why that anon is a retard.

>> No.7466724
File: 2.79 MB, 300x252, 1468351181147.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>falling for obvious bait
Autogold pickup has been part of games for over one-and-a-half decades. Stop giving (You)s to obvious trollposters.

>> No.7467154

>LeiFX 3dfx dithering

where can I get this? I can't find this or any 3dfx shader for reshade anywhere

>> No.7467294

Literally searched "LeiFX 3d" and it was the first link. Do you have brain damage or are they just not teaching zoomers how to google?

Fucks sake I knew it was bad when they stopped teaching internet privacy in schools, but man now you're not even getting google?

>> No.7467298


I'm wrecking the game so far, killed butcher, killed King Leoric, found two rings. This game is easy.
I'm loving the music.

>> No.7467304
File: 7 KB, 699x199, 3dfx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7467306

You have to try The Hell 2, anon. It's fantastic. It's free, just hit show more under downloads.


>> No.7467334

if you drop jah and unanimously decide you can't afford to toss away anything else you should stop playing and wait until next season starts

>> No.7467405

So I downloaded Diablo II with expansion and that PlugY thing.
I was expecting some QoL features, but the game is still tedious as fuck, no autopickup and shit. Am I doing something wrong or expecting too much?

>> No.7467446
File: 109 KB, 646x508, d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're too coddled by current games, zoomer.

D1 and 2 were in development during the 1990s...I had to run a 20m cable, on a fucking spool, through my whole house to phone socket just to play with my friends and it got cut off every time we had a phone call, while getting my internet from "10 Free Hours of Internet" discs you'd get when buying a gaming magazine. You people have no idea how easy you have it.

You'd probably have a mental break if you tried D1.

It's still to this day debatably the best ARPG ever made, so put your big boy pants on and play it. Also, don't bother picking gold up, just sell stuff with skills on them like staff, wand and scepter items. Much better way to gather gold.

>> No.7467459

>/vr/ - Retro Games

>> No.7467526

I'm 28. I just never played Diablo, just like I never played any Heroes of Might and Magic.
I appreciate your nostalgic post, but please don't assume people are young because they've never played your favorite game. I grew up playing Sensible Soccer, Worms, Legion and Alien Breed on Amiga.

Anyway, I guess I'll just look up some mods for QoL stuff. I'm too old for this level of tedium, regardless of how nostalgic and superior it would make me feel to play vanilla.

>> No.7467606
File: 262 KB, 446x456, toe rogain in space.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>played d1 for over two decades
>only just now found out you can equip unidentified items

>> No.7467607


>> No.7467628

>people in this and the last thread both crying about d1 being too hard AND others saying it's too easy

>> No.7467662
File: 261 KB, 822x471, lmao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, Diablo anons? Which one? Beautiful hair or good fashion sense?

>> No.7467665

>The graphics toggle doesn't toggle to the old UI, inventory or character select screen.
Anon, there is literally footage where they switch between the old and new versions and the UI changes as well.

>> No.7467670

What the fuck? What about D2?

>> No.7467672

Not him but you can't in D2.

>> No.7467673

Huge, veiny, throbbing cock

>> No.7467717

>light armors are brown but on a sorc character appear green
>shako is green but on a sorc it appears brown

>> No.7467726

It's a sorc, anon, they use magic. It's not supposed to make sense.

>> No.7467729
File: 84 KB, 800x450, sgfkh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7467738
File: 2.05 MB, 1920x1080, bow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck that's a good drop this early.

>> No.7467781


>> No.7467802

It comes with reshade

>> No.7467885

PD2 is very similar to vanilla and takes like 6 seconds to install. Larger player base, no bots.

POD was larger too until PD2 released.

>> No.7467898

Stop picking up gold. Gold is doesn't really do much in the game. If you need gold pick up scepters, wands, and staves and look for +skills. They will be worth a ton.

D2 was a bit too sprawling IMO. It's best played with other players so you can move quickly through it.

D1 is a much better single player game with higher difficulty, quest density, quest randomization, and atmosphere.

Of course D1 moves even slower, but it's a very short game. More of a rouge-lite. You move slow but you also get done in a sitting or two.

D2 has a lot of endgame content but IMO it's best played online. I'd just go right to PD2 for on-line since Bnet is just full of bots.

D2 has a weird pacing problem where you don't get access to all your skills until the end of normal, and then the difficulty goes up massively in Hell. Online play let's you power level doing Tristram, Tombs, Cows, Baal in normal, and get quickly to Nightmare, which is the sweet spot for D2. Hard enough, but most builds work fine, and you have all your skills.

>> No.7467962

And you don't really want to in D2. D2 is all about mods on items except for the very beginning. You're mostly using greens and uniques or rune words for most of the game because rares and magic items scale poorly.

In D1, an unidentified item might be worth using because item types matter way more. Just getting plate mail is a big deal, doesn't matter if it has mods. A claymore with no mods > a saber with good ones. Plus your item might be cursed so you might not want to ID it.

D2 the item scaling is just bad. The first two handed sword you get in the Den of Evil and the final great sword aren't that far apart in base damage at all. It's like double, but several times the requirements to use. Damage comes from skill mods and item mods.

In D1, numbers are way more compressed. Based more on DnD. You start off doing 1-6 damage, and base damage on weapons really matters a good deal in a single playthrough.

Anyhow, best way to play D1 IMO is to also talk to the townsfolk your first playthrough. They did a much better job making that interesting in the first game. After that, really the best way to play is going down into the labyrinth once and either never coming back up, or only going back up once per section. Each playthrough is unique based on the shrines and items you get. This stops the sorcerer from getting OP too since you rely on book drops and stave charges.

D1 randomized quests so you can play through twice with two characters and get a fairly different game each time. Again, this is more rouge-lite, DnD inspired, and far different from D2 and the ARPG genre it inspired, but obviously similar in many ways too.

>> No.7467972
File: 184 KB, 620x465, THscrn0603.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see a fellow patrician is playing The Hell 2. Not to excuse the extreme difficulty in multiplayer in early patches, having to rerun levels just for potions and to grind exp sucked, but it did make the game play more strategic. You really did need to use each class together. Rouge uses infravision to pull mobs slowly, warriors actually need to tank, and sorcerers have way more damage output but are glass canons. I had a good playthrough with two warriors and a rouge and sorcerer. Makes for actual team play. At first I didn't like friendly fire being turned off but it does make team coordination much better.

>> No.7467983
File: 234 KB, 1088x566, class.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based. Literally just finished my playthrough on a Sharpshooter Rogue. Nightmare, so no town, saving, hardcore etc etc

Was doing fucking fantastic til I hit level dungeon level 11. Two bosses immediately near the entrance, one butcher type and one of the winged pit lord demons. I was spawned in a tight area and had absolutely nowhere to go, but managed to sneak past them further into the level only to instantly find a third boss, another butcher, and got caught against a wall and all three bosses. Killed maybe 1/2 the enemies just standing there potion guzzling, but it was just too much.

Just a fuck load of bad luck all at once. Tight corridors, small area and three bosses. Unironically some of the most fun I've had in a video game in years and I never feel bad dying, I could have played better.


One of these days I'll do a regular mode playthough just to actually beat the game and experience everything, but Nightmare mode feels like it was practically made for me and I can't stop playing. There's an endless amount of replayability from the character building and item drops. Gonna try pic related next.

I may actually be starting to like this more than D2, and I've all but completed a holy grail in D2, so it says a lot.

>> No.7468012

Dumb question: isn't glidewrapper just for 3d games?

>> No.7468029

It's just lame that some uniques get fancy colored models, while others do not

>> No.7468034

Part of the reason I'm really looking forward to the remaster is all the uniques getting actual on character models.

>> No.7468068

>I assume they're the same skills as the normal sorc ones, with synergies and how they interact with elemental damage multipliers that are outside synergies?
That is correct.

>Act 3 mercs (all): Can equip daggers
I would have to make daggers and swords equivalent since hireling equipment is hardcoded. I can however make it so daggers can be converted into swords via the cube, which would be nearly identical aside from the weapon type.

>Unarmed: Str bonus increased to 400%
The only way I can do this is with an item that simulates the behavior by giving you a passive skill or an aura or something like that.

>> No.7468358

It's kind of a shame they are doing all this work to update D2's graphics and doing almost nothing to the game.

Outside of the melee gimping and bugs, you could do a lot with making hirelings better. Mods have let them wear belts, glove and boots. I'm sure jewelry could be worked in too.

But more than that, graphics to let them use different weapon types would be cool. An axe or maul welding barbarian merc would be cool. Even better if you can get them using dual wield or a shield. Some of the friendlies in Act V use two weapons.

Mods have a good idea with giving more merc types auras too.

I also wish Act III mercs could up their skills a bit more too. With a necromancer, the Act II merc is always the way to go, but it'd be worth changing if you could load up an Act III merc with skills and have them start raining down firewalls and meteors on mobs to add AOE elemental damage to your army. Very weak holy fire, holy freeze, and holy shock would work for them if it also added to allies damage. Basically a way for your army to slowly crack immunes.

>> No.7468397

>Act 3 mercs
That change can get discarded then, it's not a very important one. Does letting Act 1 mercs use crossbows works easily since you didn't mention it?

Since it's tricky it can be dropped too, the practical uses would be very limited anyway.

Which stat/character stuff was hardcoded again? I recall you mentioned AR/Defense per Dex at least, what about life per level and per Vit? They can probably still be put in the "gameplay mechanic charm" though.

>> No.7468516

If it upsets you this much, then turn it off. It toggles, dumbass

>> No.7468573

??? i dont udnerstand that people are making threads about blizzard remakes after they fucked up the last 2 with vanilla changes and wc3 fiasco. let blizzard die already simps

>> No.7468579

>Does letting Act 1 mercs use crossbows works easily since you didn't mention it?
Yeah, Basemod has that in already.

>Which stat/character stuff was hardcoded again?
You can change:
>starting stats
>starting stam, hp, mana
>stam/vit, hp/vit, mana/enr
>stam/lvl, hp/lvl, mana/lvl
>bonus blocking chance
>walk/run velocity
>stamina loss rate
>number of seconds it takes to fully regen mana
>stats per level
The only hardcoded parts I can think of are
>hit chance formula
>ar/defense per dex
>how dex works with the blocking formula
>hp/mana potion crits from vitality/energy (although this can probably be simulated with randomized calculations)
>skill points per level

>They can probably still be put in the "gameplay mechanic charm" though.
Yeah, most weird behaviors that can't be directly added to the character can most likely be thrown onto a single charm.

Yeah, they're going for the purist route. At best, you might get 1.13-tier patches that mildly buff some mediocre skills. Of course, if they softcoded D2R as much as they said they did, then they surely will allow more moddable hirelings. Won't do anything for ladder play, but it should make modded hirelings more fun.

>> No.7468661

Because this is not actually a remake, the graphics and new UI are optional. Meanwhile they're removing a few broken insta death bugs, making modding easier and increasing stash size. Basically, this is more like them having found a way to launch 1.15 and getting people to pay full price for the game.

>> No.7468812
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>Khalim's Will on low level holy frost zealot
Too bad it didn't last too long.

>> No.7468824
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Just make a Khalim's Will hand axe. Not quite as fast or strong, but it's always handy for the early game on just about any character, especially trappers and kickers.

>> No.7469076
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The Hell 2 lets the warrior in D1 dual wield but I think it still just adds the damage of both weapons together with some formula to make it not so OP.

You could make a D2 barbarian weird an axe, but it's probably too much effort. Returns on capital >>> all. Don't forget the top 1% of the population in the US own over 90% of stocks and they print trillions to keep stonks up. Gamers will be given the minimum they will still pay for, less a rich man funds a project.

>> No.7469207

>I'll post it sometimes today or tomorrow. I've got to wrap some shit up first
>its been a week
Download link when?

>> No.7469378

i can't find the cd keys to my 2nd legit copy of d2. guessing i can't play pd2 on two instances with the same copy of d2? i want to play with my brother T_T

>> No.7469530

Is there any way to turn off Median XL for Diablo 2 in case I just play LoD+PlugY? Or do I have to install it in a second folder? Just tried to install Diablo 2 a second time but it just keeps launching my existing version.

>> No.7469572

Has anyone here ever gotten a Zod drop?

>> No.7469737

d2 with eax and 3d audio is fucking kino

>> No.7469742

Yes. a couple ladder seasons ago on regular battle.net, I was teleporting through WSK on a Baal run and dropped a blizzard down on a champion mob, and out popped a Zod rune. I could scarcely even believe it. I had never got one before in all the years of playing, and haven't gotten one since.

>> No.7469843

Install D2SE into your second Diablo. D2SE only runs off the Diablo 2 it is installed within. Alternatively, use Cactus.

>> No.7469862

I couldn't even install d2 the second time because the blizzard installer just wont fucking bother giving the option if you already have d2 installed. Should i just copy the d2 folder to a new one and continue from there?

>> No.7469926

D2SE and Cactus don't care about registries, so you should be able to freely copy Diablo 2 and install them in the copies. I've downloaded "mods" that are really just Diablo 2 + D2SE and it runs outright.

CD keys don't matter for private realms.

>> No.7469950

Are optional dungeons worth it? I usually skip them, but I went into one out of curiosity and immediately found three blue/yellow packs and got a rare, a charm, and a set item from them

>> No.7469968
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It was the start of Swampy Pit 1 on NM in case u need more info

Also I'm playing a frenzy barb, NM players 1, and nothing has been able to hurt me until I ran to these undead Stygian guards that are normal trash mobs but deal tremendous amounts of melee damage and nearly killed me

>> No.7469975
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*undead stygian dolls, excuse me

they mess me up

>> No.7469998
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The bottom floor was an actual maze, and the loot in the chest was a single magical sword, so it's definitely not worth it. I suppose I will just peek at the start of each one to see if there are champions or elites

Also I'm sick of my follower getting stuck. He is getting further and further behind in levels than me and I think it's because he is lost half the time and for some reason doesn't teleport to me

>> No.7470040

buy a teleport staff from Ormus. you should probably have one as a barb anyway, but it can also be useful to move your merc around with you.

>> No.7470056
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Those dolls exist in several places in the game and the damage comes from an on death explosion, dealt as physical damage. They end many hardcore characters. It does practically nothing to your merc, so let him fight them.

>optional dungeons
I'll tell you about farming in general.

(outside of hardcore) In normal you don't want to farm except on meme builds and only then just for XP. The only exception being farming the countess for runes.

Nightmare you can farm the countess again. But here you can actually start to farm the bosses like Andariel and Mephisto, mainly meph. It's the point when you can actually start getting decent gear from drops.

Hell gives you many more options for farming. Some places have an area level of 85, which means monsters can drop any item in the game there. The Pit, Mausoleum, Ancient Tunnels, Kurast Temples, River of Flame, Chaos Sanctuary, Worldstone Keep through to Baal. The mod I use adds another 20 locations to that. You can also farm Countess for runes and Lower Kurast chests for high tier runes. Cow level for item bases and socketed items.

There's nothing special about any other side areas that I didn't mention. They just have a chest and often spawn a few of boss packs, nothing you couldn't get elsewhere.

>> No.7470147
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>buy a teleport staff from Ormus
Ah, so that's how barbarians teleport. I saw it before but didn't know how it was done.

I haven't shopped at the vendors in a long time since I have all rare/unique/set items on. I saw this staff costs 328k. I don't have a sorc. Is this good for them?

>> No.7470158

Not particularly.

>> No.7470179

How come you don't use a skill on left click?

>> No.7470218

There's a supersampling option that makes it a bit sharper. Check WGL_ARB_render_texture in extensions and supersampling will appear in renderer settings

>> No.7470257
File: 2.75 MB, 1920x1080, AAAH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno how to best use hotkeys. I currently use the mousewheel. F1-F3 are Battle COmmand, Battle Orders, Shout. F4 is Battle Cry to debuff large packs or elites. F5 is Frenzy. So I shout/shout/shout, leave it on Battle Cry while I run around, debuff anything big, otherwise switch to frenzy to kill.

I'm used to D3 where I just press 1/2/3/4. Here in D2, I need to press F1 or F-whatever, then right click, which adds an extra step and feels weird and forces me to move my hand up to the F keys. I found it simpler to use mousewheel

>> No.7470263

you can put frenzy on left click so it's your main attack

>> No.7470268

>escape > options > configure controls

Remap them if you want, anon. Put double swing or frenzy on left click. You can also hotkey regular attack if you need to swap to it.

>> No.7470302
File: 2.66 MB, 1920x1080, telekill teim.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally got a teleport staff. I read that it's very expensive to repair charged items compared to other items. This means I shouldn't teleport all willy-nilly-like?

I feel like a brainlet for not thinking of this

>> No.7470305

Throw the weapon into the cube alongside an Ort rune and a chipped gem. Fully repairs and recharges an item.

>> No.7470332

Sweet, that gives me a use for all these Ort runes.

Tele-killing like in Diablo 1 feels great. Makes me want to resume my Warrior grinding, but sadly I ruined the fun in that character by duping items and maxing stats with potions. I even memorized which directions you face when you teleport thanks to this Warrior guide

I need to remake a Warrior without duping items... except spellbooks, fuck saving/loading for dozens of minutes trying to get those. I will shamelessly use the stash mod to dupe those. I still have them in the stash mod for that very purpose.

>> No.7470339

it's not about if hackers will defeat it, but when

no software is 100% secure

>> No.7470359

this nigga gets it

>> No.7470706

>Khalim's Will hand axe
And just how the fuck are you supposed to do that?

>> No.7470726

Use the cube recipe to upgrade items on quest items. Turns them into hand axes with odd properties. Works with the the staff and hammer, too.

>> No.7470908

Isn't Frenzy supposed to be on right-click so you can just hold the button down to zoom across the map auto-murdering enemies?

>> No.7471053
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I need to integrate some workout into playing diablo 2. I used to do that when playing dark soul/dark souls 2 every time I died.

I am a paladin playing on hardcore, what should prompt me to do a small excercise like 5 burpies.

>> No.7471065

Drinking a health pot.

>> No.7471090

Thats stupid and you know it. I drink pots every minute.

>> No.7471091

Return to town? Have a near death encounter? Each quest?

>> No.7471092

Maybe getting a rune drop or something, but pump up the exercise to something a little bit bigger.

>> No.7471109

I think "rune drop" would work very well. Not determined by me, so won't alter gameplay unless I decide to farm countess, repeatable, and rng to make it fun.

>> No.7471134

Every item drop and only play cows. You'll be shredded bro.

>> No.7471146

Duping doesn't really matter that much if you play Hellfire. If I recall correctly, the shops look at your gear, and always try to sell things slightly better. So if you play enough, King's weapons should be fairly common. My only King's of Speed (better than haste, same speed boost due to a bug, but cheaper to repair), came from Griswold.

Or play The Hell 2. I think it gets rid of duping and it is brutally hard. Definely gets that hell/hell warrior type play early on.

If you ever want to powerlevel, start a game on hell or nightmare I'm Hellfire and kill a few fallen with a bow or staff. You get like 2-3 level ups of each one, but they really aren't that strong. Sorcerer can do it, or warrior once he finds a firebolt staff. Hell level one monsters still have garbage AI and aren't that strong at all.

>> No.7471405

If I hold down Frenzy, my barb will stop attacking as soon as the first enemy is dead, so I have to repeatedly click anyway whether it's left- or right-click

>Duping doesn't really matter that much
I maxed all my stats with Strength/Vit/etc. potions, and bought extremely expensive gear from Wirt.

I like the atmosphere, but I hate that grinding Wirt for gear is the best way to get GG items, so I've yet to go back to it

>> No.7471423
File: 714 KB, 1376x1032, unknown-4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

D2 Pro. Ama Nerds.

>> No.7471431

Why does your charm layout need fixing?

>> No.7471441
File: 553 KB, 614x702, 1613450421110.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its perfect in its own way :3c

>> No.7471475

That pic is the best thing I've seen all week.

>> No.7471690

Where's your town portals? Surely even at the stage of almost never picking stuff up, that's gonna backfire eventually.

>> No.7471691

You can't buy a scepter with sockets from a merchant, right?

>> No.7471698
File: 1.78 MB, 1413x1027, scep.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Took less than 30 seconds to find one. If you're having trouble it might be because you're too high level and stuff is spawning as magic (blue).

>> No.7471712

Ah fuck I am probably outleveling the zone, annoying. Did like 10 resets not a single one with a socket and I need 4
Btw 2 socket 2 holy fire scepter is super good for low levels.

>> No.7471719

Run cows. You'll find what you're after eventually. Pretty sure 4 soc can't spawn til at least nightmare.

>> No.7471763

and merchants won't sell white/socketed items anymore by the time you hit NM.

>> No.7472093

Imagine buying things from merchants that aren't pots and scrolls ever.

>> No.7472120

It can get annoying, but everything I find goes in the cube. If it needs to be identified I'll talk to Cain.

Trying to min max your stats unfortunately means getting rid of scrolls.

>> No.7472168

What gear you got niggy

>> No.7472176

I think its soul.

>> No.7472356

>not shopping 3/20 gloves
>not shopping 100/4 armors
>not shopping GG hammer scepters
>not fucking gambling for GG circlets and 3/10 and rare 2/10 amulets
>not even gambling for GG rings
get a load of this pleb

>> No.7472361

Merchants in Nightmare should sell exceptional items, and merchants in Hell should only sell exceptional and elite items.

>> No.7472425

>D2SE and Cactus don't care about registries, so you should be able to freely copy Diablo 2 and install them in the copies. I've downloaded "mods" that are really just Diablo 2 + D2SE and it runs outright.
Just checked into these. D2SE doesn't seem to have 1.14d (newest is 1.13) unless there's a different version than moddb's version. For cactus, has anyone used it? The github repository literally just started existing yesterday, with no website or anything else referring to it. Because of that lack of history I'm a little hesitant in installing it. Trying to brute force this has odd behavior too

>make a manual copy of the main D2 install that uses Median XL
>use Median XL launcher, pointed to new folder, to remove Median XL files from it, then point back to 'main' folder
>works fine
>but Median XL bumps Diablo 2 back to 1.13 when it does that for some reason
>using Battlenet updater in second folder just doesn't work
>using patch installer doesn't work since it doesn't ask where to patch (so probably going to 'main' folder)
Damn. All I want are 2 folders. One for median xl version, one for LoD+PlugY.

>> No.7472520

Most of that shit isn't worth the effort.

>> No.7472532
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Elite shit doggie.

>> No.7472673

Just use 1.13

>> No.7472681

getting stomped in hell as a javazon, lightning immunes everywhere....

>> No.7472686

just get a Valkyrie

>> No.7472710

>not shopping white, +3 bone spear bone wands
>not shopping +3 lightning sentry/+3 traps Greater Talons
>not shopping 25% gloves and 35% boots for until you get Chance Guards and War Traveler
>not shopping a dagger for your starter assassin
>not shopping sceptres for your starter melee trash characters
>not shopping a +3/+3 skele wand
>not shopping for a shop only playthrough
>not playing mods/versions where vendored items are top tier

>> No.7472720

sorry bro, I don't do pay2win

>> No.7472751

>not shopping +3 lightning sentry/+3 traps Greater Talons

>> No.7472771
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>> No.7472782
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Hes full of shit.

>> No.7472784

D, cut the bullshit. Thank you

>> No.7472790

sorry for offtopic but who is this dude? lmao

>> No.7472792
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I dont think I will, N.

What are you guys magic finding with today?

>> No.7472795

straight drop

>> No.7472992
File: 602 KB, 800x600, 1594981920230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>playing a mod where pdiamonds give +2 barbarian skills, +100% enhanced damage and 75-100 fire/cold/lightning damage
>oh, this is one of those rare barbarian-favored mods, I'll make a barbarian and throw these gems into all my weapons
>already feeling like shit in nightmare
>going to have to grind tons of pdiamonds and get two 6 socket weapons just for it to be tolerable
>by the time I finish doing that, I could have beaten the mod multiple times over with a trash equipped sorceress or assassin
Why must the barbarian's existence be so painful?

>> No.7473009

Wow, how buffed are the monsters if gear like that isn't enough?

>> No.7473114
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>> No.7473121

The monsters are vanilla-tier. Consider if I were to grind out dual 6-socket Dimensional Blades and whirlwind around
>1470 average physical damage
>1575 average elemental damage
>6.25 APS
>19k DPS
>ends up being more like 15k DPS when you factor in attack rating sans Angelic's
>ends up being more like 11k DPS when you factor in enemies with block

Meanwhile, a random, retarded sorceress using garbage runewords and some vendor bought crap
>1800 blizzard damage
>14k single target DPS
>60k+ DPS easy when you factor in all the area of effect and that all the monsters blob together conveniently
The barbarian is so bad, that even when gifted seemingly godly equipment he still sucks in comparison to a cookie cutter sorc. Barb players truly are the most noble of all, I cannot even muster the willpower to beat the game with overpowered gear, yet somehow people do it in vanilla with absolute garbage.

>> No.7473134

Why would I though? Especially now that plugy works with 1.14d? Outside abject laziness, I guess.

>> No.7473140

Melee is trash, sorc is god. Welcome to D2. You also have the Sorc running laps around you as you level a melee character. Shit got more broken with 1.10 and they never went back to fix it.

Necromancer CE still > all though.

>> No.7473169

Diablo I is about a randomized stroll through an eldritch labyrinth, not loot slots like the shitty sequel.

>> No.7473212
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It's a shame that D2 patches never let you go back to the cathedral. It could have been a cool endgame dungeon. Being back the old tile sets.

Death Kights are among the coolest looking monsters, and big titty succubi were cool.

I think a big way D2 lags D1 is that the game becomes mostly about gear and skill selection. Yes, I get a necromancer can beat hell basically naked, but play is mostly about running past threats, and min/maxing against non-optional opponents.

In D1, the difficulty increase is more than half from the AI. You move from having tons of doorways to trap shambling undead opponents and fight them 1:1, to the increasingly open caves, to the wide chambers of hell. Level design naturally makes mob management harder. Meanwhile, succubi can actually outrun your hero, luring you deeper into danger. Meanwhile in D2 a level 1 character can outrun every monster. You're either winning with good enough gear, or dead. Leech went from cool to have on a warrior, to essential.

Gloams are a good exception. Gloams will wreck your shit, and represent the best AI scaling in D2. Most of it is shit.

>> No.7473284

Is Barb the hardest untwinked hell clear?

>> No.7473308

I'd argue barbarian is the easiest untwinked hell clear by far. Completely braindead if you know what you are doing.
>war cry does low enough damage that you won't accidentally kill yourself on bone fetishes
>war cry almost all of the game's dangerous content
>taunt invalidates the rest of the dangerous content
>fuckloads of life for both you and your hireling
>gear barely matters, can freely stack on res/life
It's like playing the game with a tard-helmet on.

>> No.7473349

>shame that D2 patches never let you go back to the cathedral. It could have been a cool endgame dungeon.
that's a great idea. would love to see that.
could also be a way to do Uber Tristram, having the ubers inside the cathedral with an abbreviated catacombs/hell area with Uber Diablo at the bottom.
or maybe Instead of the 3 portal fights to get the body parts, the keys could have unlocked progressive levels beneath the cathedral with Uber Tristram itself simply being the landing pad with maybe just standard hard enemies and maybe an Uber Griswold. still couldn't TP out of any of the areas.
and of course on the way down, you'd have to encounter Uber Butcher

>> No.7473396

Physical bowzon is the hardest, no question.

>> No.7473403
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Zerker Barbarian is the best magic finder in the game though.

>> No.7473440

Yup. Untwinked hell on a bowa is cancer solo. Weapons don't do damage, skills don't add any and have no synergies. Low level uniques and runewords are crap and fall off very quickly, mid and high tier runewords are too expensive.

They're not even THAT good when compared to others in endgame with gg gear either.

>> No.7473868

in Diablo 1, is the quest Anvil of Fury missable? I never got it.

>> No.7473913
File: 676 KB, 1068x600, Screenshot001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bros look what hell mephy dropped for me.....

>> No.7473947

Its not always there. The d1 quests have some randomness to them. 2 in 3 chance you'll have that one.

>> No.7474067

No, you do buy almost all of the stuff he mentioned from vendors but not claws.

>> No.7474084

Is this the same one retard who cries about melee all the time or are there actually more of you people?
He is the slowest at the beginning but not particularly difficult.
He is best at finding few certain items but not the best magic finder overall, not by a long shot.

>> No.7474384

Skip around through this. Quite impressive.


>> No.7474613


>> No.7474704

Kind of. A classic frenzier or WW barb and bowazon are extremely gear dependant. Without getting good drops you can end up pretty crippled. This is kind of true for the zealot and werewolf too, but you can offset it with skills on those characters. For example, a paladin can go for holy shock of freeze and get themselves enough damage to bring down monsters in hell (aside from immunes), while also having access to a lot of ways to hit max block and max resists.

That said, the crier barb is a lot better without any gear. IDK, people might talk it up too much. It actually isn't that great sans good gear. Like, you can do it, but it is slow.

Only character that can have a decent clear speed in level 85 areas without gear is the necromancer. This is only because CE is so powerful. Basic high level skeletons and revives will eventually bring down even the toughest mobs in the game, and CE spam will wipe out the most difficult monsters you face pretty easily.

But the gearless necromancer is pretty trash at clearing bosses. You really do need something with teleport, even a staff with charges to stack revived with crushing blow to do a truly "naked" run.

People will say a barbarian singer can do this, but my experience is that you don't deal enough damage and get wiped by Diablo's red lightning in particular.

>> No.7474727
File: 147 KB, 1022x767, 45024574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bad inventory data

>> No.7474734

Barb might actually be the easiest weapon damage character for a full untwinked hell clear despite being regarded as a meme. Battle Orders alleviates stat requirement problems by stretching your vit points further, Battle Cry helps with attack rating problems, Taunt is extremely useful for tough spots and War Cry is an aoe stun, and the last three are fine with just one hard point each. BO also makes your glass jaw untwinked mercenary a lot more tougher.

>> No.7474737

Playing melee versus mana burn is fucking cancer
FUCK ghosts

>> No.7474748

mana burn is actually bugged like twice over. Does 256x times it's intended drain. I wonder if they will fix it in the remaster?

>> No.7474774

The D2R devs did mention that mana burn is bugged during their Q&A with MrLlamaSC, IIRC. I do think this means they will fix it.

The only reason I carry mana pots is for fighting mana drain monsters. I have a frenzy barb with 3% mana steal and that's plenty for infinite mana, but mana drain instantly saps all my mana so I have to pop a mana potion to continue using frenzy

>> No.7474791

I have no sympathy for the bowazon after playing heavily during 1.07-1.09. Things absolutely mogged every class in PVP and destroyed PVM too.

Diablo single player has 3 possible quest set ups. First has the Butcher. Second has the Posioned Water Supply. There is a third that mixes quests from both of them, but doesn't give you them all.

Ideally, you get Arkaines Valor, The Anvil of Fury, and Lachardanin as a warrior because the items are pretty good. The Chamber of Bone, with the Guardian spell and Zhar the Mad with all the books are kind of best for the sorcerer. I think.you can get the Harlequin Crest from the fallen cult in that line too.

I always liked how in D1 the monsters give you a number of the quests and you get to talk to them.

>> No.7474815
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He is the best unique hunter in the game. I dont see how anyone else can top him


>> No.7474826
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Not an amerifat, but man I'm still holding out a flicker of hope for trump to pull some 9001 dimensional chess move and end up back in the white house. I'd laugh so hard I'd probably die.

It's not gonna happen, of course, but the memes would be out of this world.

>> No.7474851

Sorceress running act bosses will have better odds at finding unique items in general except for the highest TCs, where Barbarian is indeed the best because of his Find Item. Not that Barbarian is bad at killing act bosses but Sorceress is still pretty good because of her AoE.
Furthermore, magic finding also includes finding rares, blues and runes, where characters like Sorceress or poison Necro are much better than Barbarian.
So unless you wanna find that Death's Web or Tyrael's Might, you are better off running some other character, wherefore you can't claim that Barbarian is the best magic finder in the game.

>> No.7474879

Trump loves Sonic

>> No.7474938
File: 42 KB, 360x450, Foto_amo_de_las_mentes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think being the best at finding the hardest is a valid argument for the best depending on what your goals are. I cant say I disagree with you though.

If there was a top 3 id put sorc and necro up there too.

>> No.7474941

Bowzon is the best chaos farmer. Prove me wrong.

>> No.7474961

Never played on. Making them good sounds like a life long goal :3×

>> No.7475007

Physical is a awful to get going, yeah. It's my fav build. Cold is breddy easy tho.

>> No.7475050

It's not a conspiracy. Melee is shit in both Diablo games, comparitively. There is a reason you'll enter 8 sorceress runs non-stop early in a ladder.

I feel like D2 is in some ways better, and worse. On the one hand, dependence on items in hell is worse in D2, but on the other a decently geared melee character can out clear a caster. D1 the sorcerer could be packing 800+ life with mama shield, be immune to stun by using Black Deaths to drop their hp, and dish out 250 bugged splash damage a fireball. Meanwhile a higher level warrior has 300 life, maybe 400 at high levels, and does 70-95 damage a hit, of they hit.

>> No.7475080

If I'm playing D1 for the first time, should I just play vanilla or should I start with Hellfire?

>> No.7475085

Hellfire is more like a retarded mod than an expansion. Play it vanilla first.

>> No.7475116

Hellfire gives you 2x faster move speed while in town, which is very nice. I'm glad they included Hellfire in the GOG version.

>> No.7475123

the duality of man

>> No.7475125

Hellfire is okay. Game is good with or without.

>> No.7475140

thanks, think I'll start with vanilla

>> No.7475153

I used plugy and I don't feel bad

>> No.7475154

I don't see why you would. PlugY is fantastic.

>> No.7475167

Everyone runs sorceress early in the ladder season because she has natural access to the best ability in the game. That doesn't say anything about melee being shit, just that sorceress has an OP as fuck ability that dumsters every other character.

>> No.7475168

Metafags deserve the bullet. They are in large part responsible for the absolute state of the gaming industry today.

>> No.7475197

I would play Hellfire.

The Hellfire areas are a bit weird. The don't pace well. The Hive is for characters around the same level as the Caves, so you kind of end up over leveled doing both. The aesthetics of the Hive in particular are kind of off. The Crypt is pretty cool looking and has some fun monsters, but does have a pretty shitty story compared with the top tier atmosphere and lore of the original game.

That said, you can beat Diablo playing Hellfire without ever going into the Hellfire areas. It adds a bunch of cool magical mods and cut content. The new spells are cool. Beserk gives you another option from stone curse for crowd control. Reflect is worth running on a melee character since it lowers damage coming in.

Some mods like Jester staves can be fun. The repair potions and oil of sharpness give you more options for making weapons better and customization. Some of the new uniques are cool. You don't lose anything but get some cool new stuff.

The mana spell on staves also makes playing a sorcerer on ironman easier and more viable.

>> No.7475201

It's the worst with fucking fury druid. When mana burn inevitably nukes your entire mana globe instantly, fury becomes impossible to cast. But instead of just default attacking instead, your dumb fucking furry character just sits there doing nothing. You have to actually switch skills to attack if you want to continue doing anything. I swear zeal doesn't have this problem. If you try and zeal with no mana the paladin with use basic attack, no skill switching required.
This, among other things, is why I'm currently in the process of trading away all my ww druid's gear so I can delete that shitty hippy and make a frenzy barb instead.

>> No.7475214

Don't get why they didn't give teleport to everyone for QOL. Every D1 character could use it.

Leap kind of serves that function but takes way longer. Telewhirlwinds are more fun. The Hellfire Warp spell would be even more useful.

I always liked phasing too. Phasing actually takes less frames so it is worth keeping on a hotkey to escape mobs. My go to technique for PK attacks by dudes in duped Godly Plates of the Whale was to spam phasing and pop around randomly, hitting them with fireballs or nova every few teleports.

Then inevitably get caught and stun locked by a King's of Haste and die. Then you just sit back and type "res pls."

Ressurection would have been a useful D2 spell, sort of. I suppose heal other would be useless in D2 because the maps are so open and melee characters don't really tank to near the same extent.

>> No.7475219

One can only hope they fix the Druid for Ressurected. Having fury be interupptible makes it shit compared to zeal. Druid can actually compete with the Paladin in PD2 because fury works better and you can have wolves and a bear out to spread out damage. Vines can also heal allies.

D2 really missed having more ways to heal your party mates.

>> No.7475221

It's natural that people gravitate towards the best option if available. I don't blame anyone who starts a sorc as the first character. I would appreciate if they removed teleport from the game alltogether, though. Fuck that shit.

>> No.7475241

>I would appreciate if they removed teleport from the game alltogether, though. Fuck that shit.
1000% agree. Dumb choice ever putting that in the game.

I gave it a 1 second cooldown in my mod, but allowed it usage with no mana cost as well as in town. Turns it more into a survival spell and less a travel one. Still thought about removing it at one point though.

>> No.7475452

Picking sorc has less to do with "meta" and more to do with "grinding same boss 100000 times slightly faster"
But since the only people that are grinding for the top tier gear immediately after the game comes out are metafags, yeah, it's pretty much just metafags
The whole concept of a ladder is retarded in my mind, losing it would cut down on the autistic competition

>> No.7475462

Just respec to winddude.

>> No.7475570
File: 920 KB, 1035x647, rogue.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First time playing a Rogue. How am I doing so far? I've just been dumping everything into dex. Just got to level 8 in the dungeon and haven't died yet, so I assume that means I'm doing something right. Any reason to put points in vit or strength? I know I'll need strength for equipment at some point.

>> No.7475746

What are the chances Blizzard does something to ruin D2 Resurrected? Stuff like disallow modding entirely, require you to be always online, have anti-cheat that is also spyware, no Open Battlenet, censorship, updates that create substantial changes to game-play, retarded licensing, no LAN, no server browser, etc...
I want to be hopeful, but I have had zero faith in AAA game companies for the past five or so years.

>> No.7475838

Vit is helpful for not getting dropped by councilors and succubi. It's worth a few points. As you continue deeper you're going to face increasingly open rooms with more enemies throwing magic at you. The last levels of Hell basically have the screen packed with projectiles, so life helps you survive, especially if no resist gear drops.

Magic is useful for getting teleport and being able to hit groups with firewalls, or to stone curse for crowd control, but you can live without it on a single playthrough

>> No.7475851

>Only the autists
IDK, I remember ladder resets and being in game after game of 8 sorceresses at first because everyone wanted a Sorc to do runs for gear for the gimped classes.

Although the lance barbarian was pretty popular before LOD dropped and the bowazon was even more common and OP after Burzia was added.

>> No.7475852

Alright, I'll add some vit for good measure, and incorporate magic in my next rogue play-through. Thanks for the advice, anon.

>> No.7475873

Anyone here ever play Prince of Qin or Dungeon Siege 1/2?

>> No.7475886
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>births slug baby demon on you're path

>> No.7475936

Cute :)

>> No.7476014
File: 384 KB, 800x600, Screenshot072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>blocks you're path

>> No.7476110

>They're actually bugged to do physical damage that ticks 1 time per frame
Blizzard said it was working as intended.

>> No.7476118

cant stand his metrosexual voice and hes from commiefornia

>> No.7476146

They really are working as Blizzard intended, there's no bug. There is an entire column in missiles.txt that exists purely for the poison clouds of those vipers.

>> No.7476246

Its confirmed that they're gonna fix a few combat mechanics bugs that punish the player unfairly. The ones I remember being brought up were mana burm, invisible projectiles, invisible poison cloud, nightmare fire enchanted corpse explosion on death.

>> No.7476252

>Don't get why they didn't give teleport to everyone for QOL. Every D1 character could use it.
You can get teleport charged staves or enigma on any class that I know of.

>> No.7476276

They're absolutely going to fuck something up but a lot of the stuff you mention they've already confirmed to not be done. I don't know about LAN and open Bnet but they're not gonna have always online, they're actually making modding easier and giving us greater access to things that were previously hardcoded.

They've said that they dont have any plan for any substanial patches but I would be shocked if they didn't at least put out an extra expansion pack if Resurrected does well.

>> No.7476417

>but they're not gonna have always online,
they're forcing play through the battle.net application though. not sure how this will interact with their concept of offline play. Will you need an internet connection to start playing but you just won't be subject to disconnects if you internet goes out while playing SP?
I can open the b.net app and choose to "continue offline" without logging in to any account, but using WC3 as an example, I can't even start the game up without first "updating", which obviously requires an internet connection. And I'm not sure you could actually even open a game to play it without being logged in to your blizzard account through the launcher. So saying there will be "offline play" is not really the same as "not needing an internet connection to play" as D2 off the CD, or downloaded once from Blizzard (which could simply be a one-and-done download at a public wifi hotspot) currently is.

>> No.7476456

I don't know about other Blizzard games but I'd be shocked if there wasn't a crack that lets you play offline without b.net account and shit like that.

>> No.7476484

This is how the Paladin played early on. To be fair, it was shit. You got an extra swing for each level of zeal and if you missed one you got to watch an endless parade of missed hits as you were locked in the animation.

It's viable even now, just slow because Blizzard continually shit on melee and bowazons for no reason at all after 1.10.

Generally I'd say that if you're going self found and Auradin works easier. Then all you need is a a decent elite one handed blue. Reroll it with chippeds until you get decent % ed and worst case use a socket quest to throw an eth in there. Then you can hit shit and your aura does the damage.

Fire drops off kind of early. Freeze is nice because the slow makes bosses easier and you can outrun enemies with it on. Shock does the best damage and you can break lightning immunes better than cold ones. But let's be real, playing self found on non-autism mode you're not braking immunes. So yes, it will be pretty slow.

>> No.7476490

Why is forced online a problem, again? It's not 2005 anymore, internet connection is everywhere.

>> No.7476514

Playing a WW/frenzy Barb
When can I take these angelic set items off without fucking up my attack rating

>> No.7476516

Play it in your browser

>> No.7476521

You can easily go both Holy Shock and Holy Freeze at the same time, or physical zeal, smite. Immunities are not a problem at all. You can also buy a lower resist wand but that's kind of an overkill.
For weapon just use a cutlass with some +aspd and you are good to go until you get your hands on Crescent Moon or whatever. Damage roll is irrelevant.

>> No.7476546

my internet went down after a storm last year and I played D2 SP while it was out. I'd preferably like to retain that option, given that taking it away in a supposed "Remastering" of the game would solely be a removal of previously-existing functionality.

>> No.7476612

Diablo 3 was literally unplayable at launch because their servers couldn't deal with the load. That went on for like a week. Most people would probably have been fine with not having access to online play if they at least had the option for LAN and offline singler player. I don't think its hyperbole to say that it was one of the worst launches in video game history.

>> No.7476630

I shouldn't have to connect to a server to play a single player game. It's just adding possible problems on for no reason other than greed. Plus being online only will introduce connection lag. Hope you like latency added onto your hardcore playthrough!

>> No.7476668

Basically never lol. They done fucked up the armor shit.
If I recall the beta for 1.10 and notes, they wanted to make it more like Diablo I, harder, and part of that was AC made more of an impact. But they fucked it up obviously.

Monsters in D1 also block spells but as far as I know they can't in D2, right? Didn't matter that much because fireball was bugged so splash still hit.

>> No.7476674

>they're forcing play through the battle.net application though. not sure how this will interact with their concept of offline play. Will you need an internet connection to start playing but you just won't be subject to disconnects if you internet goes out while playing SP?
They said you will require a battlenet connection the very first time you open the game, but afterwards it will function exactly as it does now for SP.

>> No.7476721

>Don't you people have internet connections?

>> No.7476752

>I'm perfectly okay with mega-corporations dictating the terms under which I will use their software.
>No, I've never had to pay for my own internet, or had connection < 1Mbps, why do you ask?

>> No.7476773

I have a level 20 holy freeze with the better resist synergy almost maxed out and some points in salvation too and it takes 10-20 hits to kill each Act I mob. You have to pull them quite slowly. You definely cannot do both. I tried it. You'll do so little damage that the lightning enhanced mobs will absolutely stomp you. Better off running away.

Just buy a teleport staff to dodge the Arcane Sanctuary since the unfixed mana burn bug in combination with narrow levels and physical immune ghosts absolutely shits on melee builds.

>> No.7476857

Thanks guys.

>> No.7477053

Does Diablo II have anything like invisibility in Diablo? No invisibility or clipping spell was ultimately included, but you could dramatically reduce your exposure to enemies with minus to light radius items.

Probably the best way to beat Hell/Hell low leveled as a warrior is to run the Veil of Steel and cursed items so that your light radius shrinks to just one space.

Then no enemies see you until you walk up on them and can stun them. Add infravision scrolls and you are absolutely golden. You can teleport between small groups and wreck shit.

Never saw anything like that in D2 though.

Anyone play Hades? I hear it is similar to D1. I want to try it out. I always thought the first one was better and I like Greek stuff.

>> No.7477094

Cloak of Shadows?

>> No.7477128

Alright, there's not a lot of stuff in this batch, I decided against changing the hp calculations in the end because of few reasons. I'll try to figure out the charge affix changes and repair cost changes for the next one.


>> No.7477129

pod reset or pd2 reset?

>> No.7477146

Is Project Diablo 2 malware? The remaster news got me itching for a playthrough and I noticed this mod is being advertised really hard, I did a quick search and apparently it's flagged as ransomware on some anti virus systems.

>> No.7477224

I started playing(again) last night and for the first time ever I'm using PlugY. I've never used it before because I've never been a big single player type when it comes to this game, so I thought there was no point. Since I only plan to play single player this run, I went for it, and yeah I don't see why anyone playing single player shouldn't.

>> No.7477229

Why cant my diablo 2 run? I keep getting a memory problem when attempting to boot. Are you guys playing this in a vm?

>> No.7477236

restart your computer

>> No.7477345

>Anyone play Hades? I hear it is similar to D1. I want to try it out. I always thought the first one was better and I like Greek stuff.
I have no idea why someone would think Hades plays anything like Diablo 1. Hades is very fast paced action gameplay with only a specific set of weapons to choose from and barely any rpg mechanics to speak of.

>> No.7477872

The Hell 2 nightmare mode. Do it, pansy.

>> No.7477934

IIRC it does like 1k flat cold damage per pop 5 times per second with 60 points investment (20 of which is shared with Holy Shock). That's a lot of backup damage.

>> No.7477958

>per pop 5 times per second
Are you talking about a mod or something? It's like 1 hit every few seconds or so.

>> No.7478128

That's clever. 4 times per second then. Still a lot of damage. Few monster types have additional up to 30 % block chance but half of those are not lightning immunes and those that are have bad HP so they die fast anyway.

>> No.7478194

Holy fuck, this thing had a gaping, chest vagina all these years?!

>> No.7478206
File: 81 KB, 640x480, double titties.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The amount of stuff we're gonna really "see" for the first time in this remaster will be incredible. Take a look through this, especially the monster art toward the bottom:


>> No.7478270
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>> No.7478306
File: 143 KB, 640x480, 1510744259-2015321249.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I knew about the chained up people being used as clubs, but this is the first time I notice their nipple piercings being a flail ball + chain.

>> No.7478362

I started playing today with an Amazon, I have plugy enabled. Wish me luck lads, I forgot how to fucking play since the last time I played was around 20 years ago I think a Paladin is a better choice for a returning player.

>> No.7478370

Depends on what skills/build you're going for. Amazon is my personal fav and if you're going for bows, you're better off with the elemental skills, as building physical is difficult. Same thing for spears/javs.

Pally is a fair bit easier for newfags, yeah. Good luck.

>> No.7478371

Feel free to ask questions here too, we'll help.

>> No.7478443

Is it possible to edit the summon skelly mage skill, so that only ice and poison skellys get summoned?

>> No.7478491

>Be 20 years from now
>Want to play Diablo 3 for old times sake
>Blizzard out of business
>Servers no longer running
>No offline mode
>YWN play D3 again

I don't consider myself a "video game preservation" memer, but the fact of the matter is at some point Blizzard will go out of business, -nothing can last forever- and if they don't patch their online-only games to work offline, then the game you paid money for will be inaccessible. You can use the box as a paperweight, but that's about it. In the case of D3, stuff like 3D models and textures are stored locally on your computer, but things like loot tables are not. Gameplay is essentially wholly dependent on the Blizzard servers. If, ten years from now, Blizzard is financially struggling, they may decide to pull the plug on the D3 servers since supporting an ancient game will likely not be in their financial interest. They may or may not release an offline patch with peer-to-peer MP if that happens. You are ultimately at their mercy when it comes to you being able to play your game. You ultimately have no say in the manner.

>> No.7478507
File: 2.09 MB, 1407x1021, mages.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. There's two ways to do it. The easiest is just edit the 'missiles' file and make the fire/light necromages copies of pois/cold, which would give you pic related. Has the look of the four mages, but they all fire either poison or cold attacks.

The harder way would be removing the other two, but I'm not super savvy with d2 moding and don't exactly know what differentiates their model in the files. I'll dig around a bit and get back to you soon.

>> No.7478540

>>Want to play Diablo 3 for old times sake
C'mon, now.

>> No.7478545
File: 1.61 MB, 1405x1027, skeltals.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, I got it. It's really easy. I assume you know how to edit the txt files and all that?

Monstats2 > S4v and S5v > remove fire and cold.

>> No.7478552

I know, I know. It's the weakest part of my argument. But you can swap "Diablo 3" for any other online-only title.

>> No.7478557

Yeah it was a cheap shot, but I had to go for it. Truth is I agree with your sentiment, on the whole.

>> No.7478562

That's what stops me from sinking a significant amount of time into PoE. I've said it before but I'd genuinely be willing to pay $1000 for a fully offline version of that game.

>> No.7478613

Great, thank you a lot! I do know a little bit about editing, already enhanced the duration for revives.

>> No.7478617

>Great, thank you a lot!
No worries mate. I love figuring these things out and messing with the files. Lots of fun.

>> No.7478628

Sadly I had too much of that with another game, burned me out pretty good and soured me on getting into anything bigger.
It sure was fun though for a while, editing bits and parts and values and seeing everything work out ingame.

>> No.7478635

What game?

>> No.7478647

S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl

>> No.7478651

Ah I've heard it's gots quite the modding scene.

>> No.7478672

Add in at least 25% of hits missing due to attack rating, block, or interrupts. Then look at resists. Most mobs are rocking 25-50% resistance to cold. Monster HP by the end is 3,000 on the low end to 17,000. Your resisted attack is averaging 750 after AR and blocks, then 375 after resists.

This becomes apparent if you strip a character down and send them down with just maxed synergies into mid-Act 1. Attacks will barely be chipping life off of enemies.

You need a really fast weapon with quality damage too, which in turn makes the sacrifice boost worth more.

>> No.7478724

Yeah, it's pretty easy to mess around with.

>> No.7478737

To the modders: what AI does the druid summons use? is it possible to change them to the skeleton ones to make it "better", or... ?

>> No.7478768

The skeleton AI is not better. All it does is run around and whack things. Grizzlies and wolves use skills for damage/buffs. Moreover, wolves have both short and long leashes, spreading behavior and skill-based warping. You'd be better off modifying the AI directly instead of swapping it to an inferior model.

>> No.7478778

>what AI does the druid summons use?
They've all got their own unique AI. I don't think it'd be a good idea to swap them cause the druid pets have skills they use.

I tried it just now on the two wolves and the bear and they behave as you'd expect. They don't cast any skills and all they do is mindlessly go after enemies. If that's what you want, it's pretty easy to do.

>> No.7479209

I'm playing vanilla d2lod with a friend for the first time in years. I'm playing on a crt. I can't get 640x 480 to go full screen, I get. A small border around the game. 800x600 goes full screen but is slightly more zoomed in. I'd rather play the lower resolution with the wider view but would like to have it full screen. Does anyone know how to adjust this?

>> No.7479337

Someone talk me out of making delirium for my frenzy barb.

>> No.7479367

It's a meme helmet at best. Being turned into a bonefetish is never a positive thing and will get you killed.

>> No.7479389

>obnoxious ctcs that make it harder to kill things
>obnoxious ctcs that converts enemies, preventing you from killing them
>+2 to all skills, utterly fucking terrible, you'd be better off gambling a +2 class circlet
>great defense for a helmet
>1% chance to have to return to town, access a waypoint and teleport to another act when struck
>can cause crashes if it procs in the middle of a sequence, or if a hireling that uses sequences attacks while transformed
Without a doubt the worst melee helm in the entire game. You'd be better off using nothing. It is barely tolerable on other characters, but I'd much sooner gamble a +2 class circlet than waste an Ist on this trash.

>> No.7479416

I know what you mean. I played dozens of hours of D3, but I don't think I want to buy D4. With D3, I used to have some amount of hope an offline mode might come at some point, but with D4 I don't see any reason to have that hope, which is a shame, because the trailers I've seen look good. If you're looking for a good ARPG that can be played offline, I can't recommend Dungeon Siege 2 enough. It's an older game, and the maps aren't randomly generated, but it plays very similarly to Diablo 2, more so than PoE and Grim Dawn, but has a enough unique features to set it apart.

>> No.7479434

>dungeon siege 2
Never played it despite playing the first. I think I was heavily into the original Sacred at the time it came out and just never got around to it.

I'll give it a go.

>> No.7479442

Oh and yeah I'm not playing D4, despite tens of thousands of hours in D1 and 2, and a fair bit of time in 3. I just can't justify another D3 again.

>> No.7479656

Not without using third party software like borderless gaming.

>> No.7479664
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>> No.7479673

Points is sacrifice > a second aura for the most part. You'll benefit from the higher physical damage on life and mana leech. But if you encounter immunes you have to kill, switching auras does add a bit of damage. You're better off running vigor and ignoring immunes. The bigger problem is that resistances are super common in Hell. Auradin is a great melee build with low depedence into Hell. Around Hell you'll want to respec into physical damage most likely. Since the Auradin can shred nightmare, you can keep running Nightmare diablo and Baal for a weapon. Doesn't need to be top tier. Something like Death Cleaver works well enough.

>> No.7479706

When you realize that D2 in the late game is more about exploiting game's weirdness then brute forcing your way through.

Protip: Lawbringer makes all mosters be pretty much always under 'Decrepify'. Cutting damage inflicted to you by 50% while making you deal more damage. And pretty much nullifies undead because of the aura. Layer that with an holy-freeze aura merc. Or give the sword to A4 merc and have him be your battle bro.

'Eth' rune reduces enemy armor by 25% and works against any foe, including bosses.

Besides - I think there is a global chance to block each monster has, which means that even if you hit, you deal no damage.

>> No.7479736

>I think there is a global chance to block
You just laggin'

>> No.7479793

ever since synergies, monsters that have a shield and the rogue enemies with lances do have a 33% chance to block, this only applies to physical attacks to make melee worse for some reason

>> No.7479814
File: 59 KB, 1024x768, 35b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>physical bowzons not only get ranged damage penalty and no offhand to make up for it, crushing blow is nerfed for them AND they have to put up with the block chance meant for melee characters

love it

>> No.7479826

You could fucking TRIPLE the base damage on bows, and sorcs and necros would still BTFO them without trying.

>> No.7479881

You will miss much more than 25 % because elemental zealers have notoriously shit attack rating. That's why you are supposed to use Crescent Moon, which, besides the awesome -lres and awesome speed if made in phaseblade, also has ignore target defense. But since it does shit physical damage, you would need to have other weapon on switch.
The resistance thing is big overestimation and generalization. First of all, you only care about LI because for everything else you will use your Holy Shock. And if we are talking only lightning immunes, there is actually quite a few of them that have zero cold res. Like zombies in Ancient Tunnels.
If you are talking about stripped character the comparison is even more skewed in favor of backup HF instead of alternative physical routes for obvious reasons.
The blocking and interrupts suck but it also affects physical zealers all the same so there is no reason to even take this into consideration.
I guess this is also you. I'm not saying that you CAN'T do a HS/physical zealer, you can and it's pretty good, but if we are talking about untwinked character I personally would 100/100 times go for HS/HF zealer. Every additional point in maxed HF with maxed synergies ads quite a lot of damage. Level 25 HF is what, about 1,5k damage per hit? You are not getting anything better with physical routes because every monster has 50% DR in hell difficulty. Yeah, you can debuff that with merc using decrepify but you can use a lower resist wand on switch in combination with HF if you really want.
You also need to take into consideration that using physical zeal you need a weapon that is both fast and strong because if you can't reach the fastest aspd breakpoint, you are losing a lot of damage. There are only two one handed weapons that have native -30 aspd and both do shit damage. It's one of the reasons why I don't like fanatics too much unless I already have Grief, which also coincidentally rocks that nice ITD.

>> No.7479954

Unironically - triple the damage on bows and a 'Faith' carrying necro ( or whatever that Fanaticsm bow is ) with a cloud of skeles would out-damage just about any class.

>> No.7479982

>You are not getting anything better with physical routes because every monster has 50% DR in hell difficulty.

Which is why any physical damage oriented class needs some sort of debuff to be effective.

Decrepify or Amplify Damage. Decrep reduces global %DR by 50%, so essentially doubles damage output _and_ increases leech. On top - halves physical damage recieved.

Amp is even better, because with a tanky class you can sustain some 'ouch' but Amp reduces global damage resistance by 100 pints, effectively tripling both leech and damage.

People go out of their way to get Act2 merc, while for most melee classes actV merc with leech helm and 'Lawbringer' is the best one. It fixes both the damage problem and the undead physical immune ghosts problem.

>> No.7480025

The bow balancing is a meme since there's three specific bows (upgraded buriza, windforce, faith) that have a shitload more damage compared to literally everything else except beyond-godtier rolled rares.

>> No.7480030

Act V brodude can't equip utility stuff like Insight or Infinity.

>> No.7480056

And you need infinity/insight for a melee build precisely why?

>> No.7480072

Insight for teleporting around and Infinity for some physical/elemental hybrids and if you want your dude to actually do damage.

>> No.7480104

Anon. Before I berate you. We are here discussing physical/melee characters. For those decepify _doubles_ damage and amplify _triples_ it. And both remove physical immune for most monsters.

Besides - if you can afford infinity, then you can also obtain other meme dupewords so the discussion is moot. Insight is, really, only useful heavy mana users - so sorceress or necros. For a melee build the mana regen is useless when you have mana leech.

>> No.7480148

B-but my barbarian uses mana teleporting around like he does coke and when he gets hit by mana burn it kinda sucks and it is absolutely invaluable because if I have to use a mana potion it takes too long and kills my clear speed and I will never drop tyraels like this and my sorceress doesn't even notice that she is casting spells even without Insight

>> No.7480160

confirmed for pleb.

>> No.7480181

I like that. I play LF/FA java/bow hybrid on singleplayer, it plays decently in Hell even with low gear.

>> No.7480206

Okay thanks. Back to the drawing board on helmet choices I guess. I think andy's is my only choice now, and opening up the curse slot means I have to reconsider other gear choices.

>> No.7480208

Hammerdin has a special place in my heart, as shit as it is to play.

>> No.7480243

Yep, so few people using War Cry, even less do Taunt.

>> No.7480284

personally, I always have Taunt when I make Frenzy barbs since it's one of the synergies, on top of finding it very useful in combat.

>> No.7480321

I just beat diablo on my HC barb
It was a tough fight

>> No.7480343


>> No.7480658

How hard is it to mod Diablo 1? Specifically, I want to replace some of the sprites. I've never been a big fan of how the barrels looked, so it seems like it'd be fun to make my own sprites for it.

>> No.7480678

Is it going to be possible to play vanilla D2 on the remaster? Like all the way back when random items were good.

>> No.7480712


>> No.7480779

You seem to feel strongly about barrels.

>> No.7480782
File: 170 KB, 627x1600, s50l8nyzz1k11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we get a new class of mega giganto swords?

Always thought Giant Axe WW Barb was pretty cool. It's a shame it's basically shit compared to a maul thanks to dex requirements and damage.

>> No.7480819


>> No.7480871

Diablo 3 is down the hall.

>> No.7480918
File: 8 KB, 64x128, ebin d3 sword.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's your sword bro

>> No.7480929

Cloak of Shadows and Dim Vision.

>> No.7480979

Barrels probably kill me more than anything else...maybe dogs.

>> No.7481130

i'm taking you up on that shit

>> No.7481565

>How hard is it to mod Diablo 1?
the "source code" was released last year plus 25 years of autism and tools so define modding

it can be very easy or the hell 2 tier of giga autism difficult

>> No.7481576

get gface

>> No.7481617

I'm making a meme build, not allowed to equip anything that doesn't have spell cast procs. That's why delirium was on the table in the first place, because of all the helms it has the most procs.

>> No.7481626

>I'm making a meme build
Well that would have been fucking useful to know, hey? Go for delirium then.

>> No.7481657

Right. I'm playing on players 8 and so far it's been a breeze, just a bit of walking back to base for potions and stacking them up.
I will once I get stuck.

>> No.7481712

>The graphics toggle doesn't toggle to the old UI, inventory or character select screen
incorrect. retard

>> No.7481812

What's the best choice of Merc in Act 2 Normal? As a Javazon?

>> No.7481817

Blessed aim (offensive), probably. Tbh all normal mercs are fairly even and inconsequential most of the time. Pic what you feel you are lacking. Are you getting hit or missing to much? Or do you just want passive regen?

>> No.7481825

Right, I'm playing on p8 and I think I need some defense so I might get the defensive one instead. My skills deal with the enemies well enough at least, maybe I'll farm for some more yellow items from Andy first.

>> No.7481831

Keep an eye out for Crushing Blow on unique items. When on P8, it's especially powerful.

>> No.7481836

noted anon. thanks.

>> No.7482438

As a holy shock paladin, do I get frost shock or defiance merc?