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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 46 KB, 640x623, s-l640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7453397 No.7453397 [Reply] [Original]

Well /vr/, I finally did it. I have taken the CRT-pill, and I must say, it is glorious. Far better results than I could have imagined.
Consider this a thread for the people on this board still iffy on CRTs and not sure of the improvements they bring.
First game I popped in was Mario/Duck Hunt to test my NES Zapper of course, and sure enough, it worked. Getting to play Duck Hunt like that was fantastic and I'm happy I can get more light accessories now for games like Virtua Cop. Next game I popped in was Fatal Fury Special on my Neo Geo CD. The game looked incredible. That CRT blur as well as the way it displays video really gave the game a facelift and it was spectacular to look at. The next game I popped in was Super Mario Sunshine. I am extremely good at this game thanks to autistically replaying it for over a decade. It is my favorite and I know it like the back of my hand. I found lining up Spin Jumps a challenge on the CRT because of the lack of input lag. I'd trained my brain to account for the input lag on an LCD and thus my muscle memory was actually off on the CRT which is a good thing. I'd never seen such a stark difference in input lag before, it was incredible. Forgive me for the dumb blogpost, but it had to be done. If any of you motherfuckers are on the fence about a CRT, go out there and fucking get one right now. I can say with 100% certainty that it improves the retro experience thanks to the advantages it brings over LCD as well as the authenticity given how this is the display these games were made for. Pic isn't mine btw, just needed a somewhat relevant image.

>> No.7453415

>have people come over
>”Anon, why do you have one of those old TVs?”
>so I can have more fulfilling retro gaming experience

>> No.7453552

heres your (you)

>> No.7453569

I’m glad you are happy with your CRT anon, good pick up.

>> No.7453572

You gotta keep the CRTs in your bedroom or gaming room if you have one. I could never have a CRT out in the living room, but that’s just me. The look of a CRT next to a modern big flat screen just looks retarded.

>> No.7453608

>he has visitors

>> No.7453697

only beta faggots would have this mentality of feeling like they need to hide their hobby or being embarrassed by it. pathetic

>> No.7453929

This happened to me
>have people come over
>”Anon, why do you have one of those old TVs?”
>for my older video games. They don’t plug into modern TVs
>”oh that makes sense”
You can reveal your power level (flex your autism) when you lift weights.

>> No.7454065
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Just yesterday, i found out i've been playing with interlaced video on the PicoDrive emulator for the PS2 for YEARS. Switched to non interlaced NTSC which is 240p and the image is stunning, no more interlaced video flicker, thick scanlines.
This goes out to any other anons as dumb as me, check region and video settings. If the video is flickering, that means it's not 240p. RGB Scart (or component) is totally worth it too.

>> No.7454103


what the fuck are you doing

>> No.7454152

I was talking about the PicoDrive emulator for the PS2 (Sega Genesis/Mega Drive) and emulators on CRTs in general.

>> No.7454159

How's the Emulator working out for you? Do you need some other program to run it? I've heard of something called "Elf" for PS2.

>> No.7454164
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People think it's cool or weird, who really cares
Or is this some fantasy where you have to hide all your dork shit to attract a girl

>> No.7454176
File: 3.27 MB, 3057x2093, am2r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh I see, nvm. For emulation I usually use a Wii since it's so easy that way.

Also I have my previous PC set up next to my old games setup. It's got custom video drivers that allow it to output a 240p RGBs signal that I can display on a PVM. It's pretty cool for "retro themed" games like AM2R or Sonic Mania

>> No.7454182

>Or is this some fantasy where you have to hide all your dork shit to attract a girl
that's exactly what it is. Many such cases

>> No.7454191

It's the latter, like the shitposts on /tv/ about how girls' vaginas go drier than the sahara if you use an HDMI cord to put a computer into the TV to watch something rather than paying for netflix.

It's only weird if it's some turb-sperg shit like the guys who set up a room with entire aisles of shelves for game cases and toys and posters, like they want their house to look like the inside of a goddamn Gamestop.

>> No.7454193

pro tip, it's your personality never your hobbies or decor

>> No.7454291

.elf is the file extention for homebrew you can run on the PS2. You can launch it with "uLaunchELF" - a file browser that you get when you soft mod the PS2 with FreeMCBoot. PicoDrive runs perfectly and at full speed IF you don't turn on Vsync. As a result you do get screen tearing, but as you play you learn to ignore it. Dont forget to set the region to NTSC DE, you'll get 240p then. And turn off bilinear filtering.
I've been curious about both of those options for a long time now. What controller do you use when you play emulators on the Wii? And is going the CRT EmuDriver route not too much of a hastle?

>> No.7454335

You look retarded. And scared.

>> No.7454341

>Pic isn't mine btw, just needed a somewhat relevant image.
Why not just take a picture of the crt you're jizzing over?

>> No.7454353

240 is just a software level resolution.

Are you on LSD or something because 240p is garbage in comparison to 480i or 480p.

240p was always meant to be displayed on 480i, 576i, or higher.

My LCD TV, my CRT VGA monitor, my LED projector, none of them do 240p because 240p is not a hardware output standard.

They all do 480 or 576 minimum.

>> No.7454357

>240p is garbage in comparison to 480i or 480p.
>240p was always meant to be displayed on 480i, 576i, or higher.
wrong wrong and wrong
Almost all consoles were 240p until the Dreamcast which was 480i or 480p with a handful of 240p games

>> No.7454382

I used to think like this. Life gets a lot better when you stop giving a shit what people think of you. Ultimately other people's opinion of you is none of your business to begin with, so spending your energy focusing on self-improving and enjoying things instead of trying to monitor people's perception of you will lead to a more fulfilling life.

>> No.7454393

240p at software level and maybe to some extent chip level. Not at modulated output.

No commonly produced TV or monitor does 240p natively.

They weren't meant to be displayed at 240 p or i.

What we now call retro consoles were meant to be displayed on 480i(approximately 525 lines) or 576i(625 lines). SECAM was in some ways higher than both of those.

With NTSC broadcasting for example, resolution could be technically higher than 525 lines, as some TVs were more capable, and the Hitachi Z-4500W broadcast camera for example does 800-850 lines.

>> No.7454396

Why are you acting like you have never had a CRT in your home in your life? I mean I get that it's getting to that point with zoomers but you have a NES Zapper, surely you used it before?

>> No.7454403

When we say 240p we're obviously referring to the internal resolution and how outputting that to 480i adds scan lines

>> No.7454404

I mean you're acting like CRT is some brand new technology that we have only read about lol.

>> No.7454420

Or you could say 480p.

Because nobody uses your autistic 240p resolution besides people trying to save on phone data watching YouTube videos.

>> No.7454424

but it's not 480p when you're sending a 240p signal to a standard def 480i TV
Do some reading before posting paragraphs of bullshit

>> No.7454461
File: 379 KB, 800x600, IMG_20210223_113833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, a 480i signal is being sent.

Are you forgetting that many game designers knew what TVs did at the time and provided a "read between the lines" principle by doing tricks with dithering?

You know what happens when I send a progressive scan signal to my analog interlaced only Wega?

It bounces around to shit.

>> No.7454574

Fucking kek. I had something similar happen recently

>over a friend’s house for a party
>he has his smart TV playing a YouTube video of a DJ set littered with ads
>like every 6 minutes there was a fucking ad ruining the vibe
>grab his laptop and the hdmi connected to his xbox
>download adblock on Chrome because of course he didn’t have it
>connect laptop to TV and play the set with no ads
>”wow, thanks anon. Didn’t know you could do that”
I don’t know how someone can drop $1200 on a Macbook and be this technologically inept.

>> No.7454587

> I don’t know how someone can drop $1200 on a Macbook and be this technologically inept.

Huh? Buying a macbook is like the textbook definition of being technologically inept. "Hey, let me spend 2x the cost for the hardware in this computer, because it comes in a nice case with a cool glowing logo!"

>> No.7454635

I was being cheeky kek

>> No.7455004

I couldn't remember the last time I had a CRT in my house or it really having an impact on ny games mostly because I didn't pay attention to that shit. Last time I had a CRT was maybe when I was 8 and now I'm approaching 20.
As of right now, my setup is rough. The CRT is just sitting on the floor and I still need a longer composite cable to feed it behind and around my existing entertainment center to the CRT so it doesn't dangle in front of my systems. I also need a long headphone jack to headphone jack wire to connect the TV to my soundbar. Also my white consoles have shitty temporary dust covers on em so they don't turn yellow. My setup is really fucking ugly right now and by no means ready for a photo.

>> No.7457123

>not just telling them that you are going through a midlife crisis.

>> No.7457639

happy for you OP. bought a tv, and though the contrast and motion clarity(partly) were great, the amount of trailing/ghosting made it end up being worse than my current lcd overall, try before you buy.

>> No.7457728

I know this is a meme, but only people who have no human interaction think this

>> No.7457732

One normie friend reacted just like this. Others were surprised when I told them it had a 160hz refresh rate, and good for retro FPS source ports.

>> No.7457738

> input lag
Stopped reading here. That bait could be better, now it's 4/10 at its best.

>> No.7457785
File: 80 KB, 800x592, 874655655132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the kind of shit you're supposed to take pictures of and post, anon.
If we wanted photos of unamusing, pristine, OCD setups, we'd go to reddit and suck cocks by choice

>> No.7457867
File: 231 KB, 775x917, lag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You might prefer the CRT look, but a CRT wont have any advantage over many modern and actual *good* LCD and OLED TV's in regards to "input lag". I always find that most plebs on boards like /vr/ have really shit/cheap/old LCD TV's, with anywhere from 50 - 250ms input latency.

For comparison, CRT's do NOT have zero input latency, that would be impossible. A 60hz CRT takes 8.3ms before the center scan lines have displayed the image, but it takes 16.7ms before the bottom scan line has displayed the image, because a CRT draws the image from top to bottom. The industry standard of measuring latency is by using the center of a display, so at best, a 60hz CRT has 8.3ms latency or "input lag".

Now take something like a LG CX OLED or Samsung Q95T (LCD) TV. Each TV has input latency of around 10ms at 60hz, at least if you're using the Game Mode. A human can't notice 10ms. Some autists don't even realise they need to use Game Mode on their TV's though. For example that same LG TV will have over 100ms latency when Game Mode is disabled. You'd notice "input lag" at 100ms.

The reason LCD/OLED TV's have latency to begin with is typically due to all the image processing that modern TV's do, which is why you need to enable Game Mode to disable most (or all) of that shit to get the latency down, because that's literally all it does, it just disables image processing.

Some modern LCD/OLED's will surpass CRT with input latency when using 120hz and Game Mode (LG C9 and CX series of OLED's), as they get down to 6ms at 120hz. No one will ever actually notice such a small difference no matter how autistic, but i'm just pointing out the fact that the average 60hz CRT TV has now been surpassed.

If we're talking about gaming monitors though, then they surpassed CRT's long ago in regards to input lag. The whole point of this post is basically just to say CRT's have no advantage anymore with input lag, and they haven't for a long time. You just need to buy the right TV/monitor.

>> No.7457904

If you can't play Duck Hunt on it, it has too much lag. Simple as.

>> No.7457913

Omg this is so fucking stupid i can’t even...

>> No.7457940

If you are new to CRTs, please ignore this autistic BS

>> No.7458789

It's like how they say "a little information can be a dangerous thing", but it's "a little information can make people very stupid". So he learns a little information and decides to "correct" people who this is like a second language for them for over a decade.

>> No.7458805

What about motion clarity?

>> No.7458863

First of all, you can masturbate to that guy's face. What point do you think you're making by posting that? Idiot.

>You might prefer the CRT look, but a CRT wont have any advantage over many modern and actual *good* LCD and OLED TV's in regards to "input lag". I always find that most plebs on boards like /vr/ have really shit/cheap/old LCD TV's, with anywhere from 50 - 250ms input latency.
I bought a brand new lcd specifically for gaming last christmas and it's still utter shit compared to crt. Not gonna lie I went for the low-end but it got great reviews and was meant to be for gaming, I literally couldn't believe myy eyes how fucking horrible an slow it looks. This from a LCD where all the reviews are like that it's great for gaming. There's no point in even taking it back because I know even a far more expensive one would still be horrendous.

>For comparison, CRT's do NOT have zero input latency, that would be impossible. A 60hz CRT takes 8.3ms before the center scan lines have displayed the image, but it takes 16.7ms before the bottom scan line has displayed the image, because a CRT draws the image from top to bottom. The industry standard of measuring latency is by using the center of a display, so at best, a 60hz CRT has 8.3ms latency or "input lag".
They do have zero input latency, you're talking about the refresh rate of the source you faggot. Unless you want to get talking about the speed of light, which it approaches, it's zero input latency from being input to being viewed on the screen.

>Now take something like a LG CX OLED or Samsung Q95T (LCD) TV. Each TV has input latency of around 10ms at 60hz, at least if you're using the Game Mode. A human can't notice 10ms. Some autists don't even realise they need to use Game Mode on their TV's though. For example that same LG TV will have over 100ms latency when Game Mode is disabled. You'd notice "input lag" at 100ms.

My LCD is supposed to have 4 ms lag and as I explained utter rubbish.

>> No.7458873

>You'd notice "input lag" at 100ms.
What is this even supposed to mean you'd "notice" it? You have milliseconds too react to something the screen shows, you will not be able to "notice" something isn't there because you won't be able to see it until it's likely too late.

>The reason LCD/OLED TV's have latency to begin with is typically due to all the image processing that modern TV's do, which is why you need to enable Game Mode to disable most (or all) of that shit to get the latency down, because that's literally all it does, it just disables image processing.

Mother fucking duh, what sort of baby mind are you? Obviously everyone is going to put it on gaming mode to try to minimize lag.

..ah... come on I have better things to be doing than arguing with someone who as I now realize is probably 17 year old or younger wtf am I doing with my life.

>> No.7458942

redditors >>> normies >>>>>>>>4channers > you

>> No.7458962

>The 2 milk jugs
Tho.. those are filled with water right?

>> No.7460086
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The problem here isn't the premise, it's the pretentious wanker wording

Just say "it's for old games", and they'll say "cool, show me some"

>> No.7460139

>imagine being so retarded you've successfully conditioned yourself into believing complete bullshit you've read on a mongolion basket weaving forum.

>> No.7460546

yeah why obsess over the small benefits of CRTs when you could fork over an extra $900 for a good OLED?

>> No.7460556

Not all hobbies are equal. Carpentry or hunting are miles above fursuits and obsolete televisions.

>> No.7460560
File: 14 KB, 493x594, 1588745606019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy a cheap CRT from goodwill to play old games
>love the no input lag, scanlines, and general look
>learn about how bad composite input is, but my TV only has composite input
>CRTs with component inputs were only made later into the life of CRT technology and are semi-rare
>older consoles like the NES don't even have component output and the only mods anyone bothers to do are HDMI and RGB
>CRTs with RGB inputs are even rarer, and go for $1000+ on eBay
I wish i never knew this shit.

>> No.7460580 [DELETED] 

>$900 for a good OLED?
the cheapest oled that's specced for gaming is a good 700$ more expensive and its only available 48-55 inches so lowres content is going to look even more like ass.

>> No.7460587

Best option for the thrifty (relatively speaking) quality seeker would be to get a flat screen Sony Trinitron (will almost guaranteed have component and likely cheap or free), buy a Retrotink RGB2COMP, and learn to mod your own shit for RGB to later turn into component. The SNES, for example, doesn't even need modification.

>> No.7460606

>Trinitron cheap or free
where bro? This isnt 2012 anymore there aren't stacks of them at goodwill and in garage sales
my local cragslist, facebook market, garage sales, flea markets, and goodwills are all filled with SHIT old LCDs. CRTs are rare, and they're almost always 1. tiny 2. bad brand 3. composite only
i have emailed about 10 hospitals and TV stations near me inquiring about PVMs and they all ignored me
i am on the verge of suicide, if i don't find a suitable television

>> No.7460621

My mother bought a 36" sony trinitron with component in 2005 during the cultural/technological switch to flat panel TV's and when I left they kept it. I am so happy they never got rid of it because it is literally a cathode cadillac. I do not look forward to the day it dies on me.

We must manufacture CRT's again for the hobbyist market. It will happen.

>> No.7460630

no it wont retard, you are one of the lucky CRT elite. if i ever find you i will destroy your TV out of rage and i will fuck your mom while im at it

>> No.7460663

Yes it will. If retards are ready to spend 700 dollars on glorified NES's (analogue nts), they will easily drop 1K+ on a new manufacture tube set. You fags always act like this shit is impossible, globally we have fucking manufactured them for 90 fucking years lol. Some of the machinery to produce them still exists and is waiting to be re-purposed. I'm sure with enough gusto you could get a factory in the USA rolling made-to-order sets.
You can sell geeks ANYTHING, I would bet big on new CRT manufacture, you are short-sighted if you think these could never be sold as a vogue item for profit. I'll show all you faggots soon.

>> No.7460670

CRTs are still manufactured, they cost a thousand dollars and nobody buys them +

>> No.7460672

Not for the consumer market. Show me right now where I can buy a newly manufactured big screen trinitron with component cables.

>> No.7460680

>have people over
>see me old tv, say its for old games consoles
>will this work on a new tv

>get crt
>maybe it has input lag, light guns don't work properly
still it has rgb, its a loewe acadia

>> No.7460683

And why do you care?

>> No.7460742

>tfw I only use CRTs for art production and installation, and am treated with respect
>browse /vr/ because the CRT threads are unironically good sometimes
>most of my clients specify they're happy the PVMs aren't just sitting in the hands of "childish gamers"

>> No.7460750

my city only has a population of about 2 million and I manage to find professional viewing monitors at least a few times a month

reach out to defunct broadcasters, universities/prestigious high schools, regional television networks, live events companies, hospitals and military

>> No.7460761

my entire state has less than 3 million
like i said in the post you quoted i already emailed many businesses that would have CRTs. none responded
this economy and this world have declined. this world is fallen and i dont belong in it

>> No.7460769

Are you a reseller, or an artfaggot?

>> No.7460826
File: 2.04 MB, 265x200, Thumb.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been telling people about the wonders of using a proper TV for the type of content you indulge in ever since HDTV's started becoming prominent. Most people don't understand it even though the football game they were watching on their huge HDTV looked like shit because they were still tuning into SD channels on it. When I buy HDTV's it absolutely has to have low input lag, no exceptions. I've got a chonker of a CRT TV sitting in storage right now and you know when I get a place with enough room I'm settin' that shit up in it's own spot for my PS2/Gamecube/SNES.

>> No.7460957

>For comparison, CRT's do NOT have zero input latency, that would be impossible. A 60hz CRT takes 8.3ms before the center scan lines have displayed the image, but it takes 16.7ms before the bottom scan line has displayed the image, because a CRT draws the image from top to bottom. The industry standard of measuring latency is by using the center of a display, so at best, a 60hz CRT has 8.3ms latency or "input lag".

Technically speaking, at the top of the frame it is effectively 0ms. Also the electron gun can begin to change the frame while it is in mid frame as the player inputs, LCD with their frame buffers are incapable of this.


>> No.7461048


>> No.7461049

You are like a little baby

>> No.7461056

>loewe acadia
Is it 100hz? That'd be why light guns don't work properly. Loewes are quite good otherwise though. I've a 100hz one haven't noticed any input lag, guitar hero plays fine with no calibration.

>> No.7461068

How old are you?

>> No.7461762
File: 3.35 MB, 3264x2448, sonic mania title.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And is going the CRT EmuDriver route not too much of a hastle
That's the one I use, yeah. Isn't too hard to install, although you have to make sure your shit is compatible. I also soldered my own custom VGA-to-BNC adapter.

>What controller do you use when you play emulators on the Wii
classic controller

>> No.7461859

>Forgive me for the dumb blogpost,

It was interesting and on topic. You don't need to apologize for posting something like that, just because 4chan's community venerates meanness and stupidity. There are far worse threads here.

>> No.7461909

Before idiot proof HDMI people didn't know how to get the most out of their DVD players.

It doesn't help that the player manufacturers only gave 3 pin RCA cables with them.

I'd be over peoples houses watching shitty composite video on an HDTV when they could have been using S-Video or component.

>> No.7461918

Isn't Goodwill just a US thing?
Who the fuck uses SCART here for RGB?

Shouldn't you be using a VGA monitor?

>> No.7461930

>I'd be over peoples houses watching shitty composite video on an HDTV when they could have been using S-Video or component.
I used to make fun of my friends for having an hd tv but nothing hd to watch on it, and pointed out how my crt tv looks better with vhs and sd dvd. Needless to say we had to box it out a few times.

>> No.7461935

Hes probably a zoomer faggot whos just regurgitating the last thing a boomer yelled at him about.

>> No.7461949

He's worse, a LARPer.

>> No.7462120

I live in Cali, still shitloads of CRTs around and plenty of flat screen trinitrons.

>> No.7462153

>i have emailed about 10 hospitals and TV stations near me inquiring about PVMs and they all ignored me
Because that's not how the adult world works champ. If they really have PVMs left over they will either sell them (worth hundreds of dollars on ebay) or they will give them to staff, who will then most likely sell them. Regular CRTs back in the 2000s were dime a dozen, maybe then it would happen. So no wonder they didn't even dignify your request with a response.

>> No.7462484

But but.... codeine is so cool and badass opiate.....

>> No.7462748

Well worse is calling them "PVMs".
Nobody us going to know what the fuck you are talking about.

Just ask for old box or tube TVs/monitors.

People aren't familiar with terms like PVM or CRT.

I just got done watching The Pacific miniseries. One of the Marines gets home from the war and he immediately goes on an autistic rant about CRT technology.

>> No.7462808

But surely if I email info@ from my gmail account saying "u have PVM? How much $$$?" the minimum wage receptionist who maybe will even read my mail knows exactly what PVMs are and be able to authorize their sale.

>> No.7462903

you should try it just for shits with no intention of actually buying, just to see if they have indeed been ignoring you

>> No.7462918

adults in the adult world see them as 30 year old e-waste you fucking autist

>> No.7462930

Guitar fag here. People will fork 5-6 thousands USD for man wired tube-driven power guitar amps. And don't start me on the audiophiles.

It saved dying factories in eastern europe, because noone wants to buy china produced electron tubes.

All this industry needs is the CRT fashion to grow in japan(which is home to future trendy electronics for sure, but paradoxically, there is a large hobby electronic consumer group that worship old, japan made chips, caps, and other parts), and then some rich saudi to pair up with a rich californian hindu to build a start-up with piss-away money and get some factories build up to north-american consumers standard in Shenzen.
Then, they market and sell this shit to childless morons living in apartments. Then they mass produce two or three models, like, a 1300$ high-quality 40 inch CRT that nobody would've bought in the 90s at this price point.
And voila.

>> No.7462952

When I think of it, boomers were able to afford car, motorcycle, summer houses or fishing boat hobbies.

I have post-graduate education and still, I have to scrounge to purchase books and a few guitar pedals.

And they still won't leave power. X gen are well into their fifties and are still waiting for their place in the sun. What a glorious generation.

>> No.7462991

just find any CRT with component input and then get an RGB2COMP, you don't need to waste your money getting one with RGB inputs specifically.

>> No.7463410

You guys are all retarded. The term you're looking for to measure the latency of a display is "display lag". Input lag is for controllers/ games.

>> No.7463485
File: 229 KB, 1829x1632, ibmps2 portable.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It seems strange but actually now that I think about it I used to work for this company that still used ibm ps2 portables for taking horse racing bets in about 2018 in Melbourne australia, I would guess it linked up to some proprietary system. The building they were housed in was demolished a couple of years ago, I wonder if the builders would have salvaged them. I would have sounded like a nutter if I had rang up and asked about them, like legit crazy but the demolition crew could have got them.

Think about what it would be like if someone rang your house or work and asked about this wierd stuff.

When crt's became obsolete such as in schools, I think some would have just been shoved into a storage room under boxes of books and things, most people even working there would not even know about it.

I think a good way to go it about would be to advertise yourself as an e waste recycler specializing medical monitors and tv screens in general, maybe get yourself a uniform so people don't point out and say why is that guy hanging around here.

>> No.7463505

>I think a good way to go it about would be to advertise yourself as an e waste recycler specializing medical monitors and tv screens in general, maybe get yourself a uniform so people don't point out and say why is that guy hanging around here
this is what I do

>> No.7463516

whats the consensus on curved classic CRT screens vs later flat CRT screens? is a curved screen with component better then a flat screen with component? or does it depend on the the age of the game? (2D better on curved is some ramblings I had read before some where)

>> No.7463538

I had a curved JVC with S-video and it was great.

Have a flat Wega, it is great.

>> No.7463674

AFAIK flat TVs have worse geometry than curved TVs but flat PC monitors are fine. both flat and curved TVs probably bloom now due to aging caps though.

>> No.7464561

But PS/2 portables were cutting edge technology in Australia in 2018