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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 21 KB, 267x373, HauntingGround_NA_PS2cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7444873 No.7444873 [Reply] [Original]

What's your white whale, /vr/?

Mine's Haunting Ground. Yeah I know, it's PS2 so technically not super retro, but I've wanted a physical copy for years. Just can't afford the several hundred dollar price tag.

>> No.7444889
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>collectorfaggot thread
Btw, I beat that game for free.

>> No.7444891

I'm glad I scored a copy for $40 a couple of years ago. I don't really have a white whale. I've already got too much shit as it is.

Good for you.

>> No.7444904
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>4 days left of bidding
>Approaching $300

I've never played the game, but there is no way its that good.....is it?

>> No.7444916

don't really have a game white whale, because I could just emulate it, but I really want a candy cab. They are just too expensive to get on the east coast.

>> No.7444952
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Dad bought a small box of games for 20 bucks back around 2010. This game was in it, perfect condition lmao. Love this game

>> No.7445000
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>> No.7445009

Could always get a pal copy for $50

>> No.7445020

That won't play on a NTSC console.

>> No.7445035

Buy a PAL PS2 and the game, it would still come around to a $100 a 3rd of the price of a NTSC copy.

>> No.7445040
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>there is no way its that good.....is it?

Nah, it's merely ok. It's not worth $100 let alone $300.

Fiona's got great tits though

>> No.7445046
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>it would still come around to a $100 a 3rd of the price of a NTSC copy.

Yeah there's a reason for this. PAL games and hardware are all kinds of fucked up.

>> No.7445093

Thing is PAL Haunting Ground has a 60hz mode so it makes no differeance lol.

>> No.7445103
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That's fair enough then

>> No.7445210

meme game, rare doesn't mean good, in fact more oftenthan not it doesn't. though I'd like to get Chrono Trigger, Pepsiman, RE Gaiden and some other assorted rare games

>> No.7445325

Never met a white that wasn't a whale. What do you really want to know?

>> No.7445332
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>> No.7445370
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wanna buy mine?

>> No.7445776

This game was the best deal I've ever made.
Got it for 17$ sealed from a thrift store a year ago.

>> No.7445851

It's a really weird game for the genre and sold really poorly in North America. It's kind've like Resident Evil if it were about rape and unwanted pregnancy and gave you a dog instead of a gun.

yes lol. Maybe some day...

>> No.7445859

Dems just phat nigga

>> No.7445864

Why is it so sought after? Because of the survival horror meme?

>> No.7445865

Survival horror meme, abysmal sales, and the game is based off of unused concepts for Resident Evil 4 and clock tower so it attracts collectors of both.

>> No.7446614
File: 273 KB, 768x1024, SH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honest question: Why the fuck aren't optical media based reproductions a thing? Will they ever be a thing? I mean, time passes and copyright expires (or is abandoned) and if the developers can't be fucked to offer some readily-available digital version, why fucking bother paying hundreds of dollars? On PC, you have digital distribution, and even things like SteamGameCovers & GOG covers, but that's more for modern games (and very niche, not to mention amateur, especially in the case of the latter)
On topic, my white whale is SIlent Hill 2 for PC. I actually own the PS2 version, and the PC versions for 3 and 4, but God they're insanely rare (and even the PC copies of 3 and 4 I stumbled upon are the German versions, luckily they're multilang)

>> No.7446638

It's actually not that hard to do for certain consoles I believe. My memory is extremely foggy but I seem to remember either the dreamcast or sega saturn being notoriously easy to make bootleg discs for.

How well optimized are the Silent Hill games for PC?

>> No.7446649

>Why the fuck aren't optical media based reproductions a thing?
Because people who don't have severe autism are content with downloading disc images.

>> No.7446728

They sort of are a thing, but not really. Games like Yakuza 2 and the Fatal Frame trilogy got late reprints because the companies noticed there was a demand for it, and there sure was, I got them all.

>> No.7446759

My aunt has a copy of this game, but she's a hoarder, so herhouse is full of poisonous spiders, rats and literal feces everywhere, so is digging for it wirth the effort?

>> No.7446773

SH3 is unironically well optimized, both in terms of graphics and input. I've beat it a decade ago, so I can't say how well it runs on modern OSs or if you can mod widescreen into it, but it ran great at 1024x768 on my then XP machine (Core 2 Duo + NV 9600GT)
If you want to play with mouse and keyboard, it's totally doable, but it takes some getting used to. They mapped the right analog stick to the mouse so in combat you literally flick the mouse to change targets. It's odd, but it works.
You can also save at any time, but IMO it trivializes the already tame difficulty.

SH4...The input works fine here too, but they locked the game to 30FPS and the cutscenes to 15. It's VERY noticeable. Apparently the recent GOG release fixes that but I haven't bought it since you can fix the retail version just as well at this point (and also it has yet to see a deep discount). Also it has some game breaking bugs if you unlock beyond 30, so yeah, they fucked this PC version up if you ask me. Saving at any time was removed, but given the nature of these games I think it's a positive here.

Both version were done by Team Silent themselves. Usually JP companies would offload the conversion to another company, but here they did it themselves and the results (at least when talking about SH3) are shockingly good. These are not Dark Souls-tier ports

>He doesn't like holding beautiful printed discs
How barbaric! Anyway, didn't optical media last longer than disk drives?

I would advise simply downloading if all you want to do is play the game.

>> No.7446802
File: 1.24 MB, 716x900, white whale haunting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I played these three in a pirate way. I'm looking for them in original. They are fucking expensive, especially Koudelka. I want it with the stinky Spanish dubbing, which gives it a plus.

>> No.7446805

>Valkyrie Profile
>That one stupidly expensive dot.hack game (Seriously there has been a copy sitting at the local game shop with a $200 price tag on it for the last four fucking years, i've tried to work out a deal on it god knows how many times by now)
>Skies of Arcadia

>> No.7446826

ive had the pc version of SH2 for so long and wasnt until like recently i see people saying how rare it is and like holy fuck, i had no idea. i remember i bought it a day after christmas and was out buying shit i wanted like mario & luigi 2, final fantasy 4 gba and mario kart ds and i just decided to step into Staples quick to see what pc games they had and picked up SH2 in clearance for 5$. never thought a whole lot of it since i played the xbox version more, but i did semi fuck up the box trying to get the discount sticker off it

i wish i had gotten haunting grpund, it was one of the few ps2 games i always saw gamestop had in the last days they had them but never wanted to spend the 40$ on it. might go the pal route some day

i have all kinds of collectorfag white whales. i have like less then 100 nes games left, but there are a lot of the retard price ones among them. really want Super Tempo on the saturn, but fuck no am i paying the price for it. had a chance to get one of those hori gameboy player controllers at the nintendo nyc store for 12$ and fuckin passed on it. i need a replacement vectrex controller but you pretty much just might as well buy a whole new system for the price. i need a copy of faces of evil to finish my zelda collection and still need 3D Tetris as my last US virtual boy game

>> No.7446834

the same pawn shop i got .hack part 4 at years ago for 3$ now price checks fucking every single game

>> No.7446848
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I'm sorry...

>> No.7446851

I beat the first four SH games this year on PC. 2 has a lot of lovely fan patches that make it the best version to play these days. 3 has less, but enough to make it modern and still a great way to play. It has a widescreen patch as well. Then I played the gog release with 4, had a couple of crashes but it ran pretty well. 4 is a tough game to recommend these days but it’s still worth a play through.

>> No.7446861

just buy it, these games do not become cheaper

>> No.7446867

why do you have 4 copies of the same fucking game

>> No.7446870
File: 9 KB, 324x451, 1594284702361.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm sorry...
It's sweet that you care enough to lie to me..

>> No.7446883

I might break down and buy it for that price someday, but it sure as shit won't be from them. Fucking thing has just been sitting there collecting dust with the cover slowly fading and i'm sure they gave some putz $20 in store credit for it.

>> No.7446885

Years ago, I bought them cheap off amazon with the intent to flip them on ebay, but I never got around to it once i realized that it wasn't worth the effort.

>> No.7446887

What makes 4 tough to recommend today? The controls? The framerate? It's the weakest Team Silent game, but even that blows away the best Western developed Silent Hill games

>> No.7446979

Samefag desperate for (you)s

>> No.7447019
File: 8 KB, 336x108, nope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try again, fagstack. Your samefag radar needs some adjustment.

>> No.7447080

I would assume that all you need to do is press right and x to choose the 60hz mode, then the game will switch to ntsc.

>> No.7447105
File: 13 KB, 108x138, 1156475794960.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw bought PC SH3 for 7€ in 2010, SH2 for 15€ in 2013 and SH4 for 5€ in 2013

>> No.7447120

>best clocktower game
>isn't even named clocktower

>> No.7447126

I wouldn't take that shit for free.

>> No.7447132

Why are Americans so dumb?

>> No.7447156

Interesting. I've been meaning to get a PC to play games on for years and considering a good mid-range PC is the same price as a new playstation these days I think it might be time. Thanks anons.

>> No.7447173

Imagine your white whale being something you could have picked up on Amazon brand new for $15 up until February 2020. How much did you want it, really?

>> No.7447189

lol I mean the game does sell for like 500$ on ebay in my currency which would be like 300$ in USD. Might be worth a look if you think you have a good idea of where it could be and want to make a quick few hundred bucks.
The price has been pretty expensive for years dude, I think you might be talking about the PAL version.

>> No.7447197

I actually got them for even cheaper (~1€ a pop, got them from a gypsy at a flea market selling from a pile, probably didn't know their true worth), but again, German versions
5th & 6th gen PC versions of games from JP companies, particularly from Konami, ALWAYS had limited runs and no re-issues. Even if I wanted the ENG version, they're so rare in the UK they cost even more than the PS2 versions. In my country they weren't even officially distributed, so that probably doesn't help

Don't mention it. BTW, if you wait long enough, there's a chance SH2 and 3 will be re-released on GOG. Unless a game is literal trash or literally refuses to run, I buy the GOG version, even if I have the physical one just to save myself the headaches.
Also, now is literally the worst time to build a PC, to the point where pre-builts are the better option

>> No.7447205

>What's your white whale, /vr/?
Don't have one.

>> No.7447248

>I think you might be talking about the PAL version.
Yes, the PAL version which is exactly the same as the NTSC version.

>> No.7447278

Rule of Rose, Worms Armageddon 64, and Syphon Filter 3 9/11 Edition

>> No.7447294

Sure but it ruins part of the fun of collecting. Just feels like cheating.
Rule of Rose is another one. If I ever get actually desperate to play Haunting Ground I'll probably just buy the PAL version like other anons said but it's sad that the only way to realistically play Rule of Rose is to emulate it.

>> No.7447442

lmao at collectards
>b-but you're poor!
no, I just dont throw my money away on plastic like a manchild when I can just play the game for free. cope

>> No.7447457

idk man. it's just a fun way to spend expendable income just like anything else. I don't see the big deal.

>> No.7447635

Dont buy expensive games with your own money. What you need to do is start flipping games and save that money towards your goal. Or gather enough games to be able to do trades. You need to make a facebook and connect with your local collectors groups. also go to game shops. you know like the card shops that run magic the gather and board game nights. usually you will find big collectors in video games there as well. Being alone in collecting will cost you way more money than you need to spend.

>> No.7447643

I've always wanted a PAL copy of SotN. I've mostly everything else I want though, including RoR, HG, Kuon, Tomba... But I got late into PSX collecting and now it's too much to handle, I just pirate it when I have the itch to play it

>> No.7447701

I just find it more frustrating than scary a lot of the time. Some of the atmosphere in the third person segments is ruined by janky animation, a big fat HUD, some odd monster sound choices, and poor world design that you unfortunately have to suffer through twice.
I still like 4 well enough, and it has some really cool set pieces. The apartment is always creepy, and Walter is a good villain. I would say play 1-3 for sure and play 4 if you’re still hankerin’ for more.

>> No.7447706

Man do it. I’m super happy with my PC. I thought it was a meme but being able to run all kinds of emulators and having a media center, plus other stuff makes it worth it.

>> No.7447712

yet your life is so meaningless you feel like anyone should give a fuck about your opinion in a topic you clearly dont give a shit about

surely you waste your credits on some pointless retarded thing the rest of us would point and laugh at, probably some normie shit

>> No.7447909

I have no dog in this fight but I can smell the HRT through the internet

>> No.7447934

That doesn't work. It won't even play. It goes to the red screen that says insert a PS2 formatted disc.

>> No.7448170

>Sure but it ruins part of the fun of collecting. Just feels like cheating.
Brainlet take. 5-10% of my PC game collection is German/Dutch/Danish versions (I'm East Euro), because it was either that or nothing. On console I understand it's a little different, but if it works it works. THE END

Klaus? What are you doing on 4chan?
On that note, fuck streaming and y'know what, fuck digital distribution for its destruction of any semblance of ownership. Cracking installs on PC is a bit inconvenient, but compared to being at the mercy of an internet service...it's FAR superior

>> No.7448179

Marvel vs. Capcom 2 for the PS2
The Xbox/Dreamcast versions are a lot cheaper for some odd reason

>> No.7448292

>Sure but it ruins part of the fun of collecting. Just feels like cheating.
Got it so you're just a coomlector who wants to pay hundreds of dollars to stick something on the shelf

>> No.7448297

Personally I just enjoy the feeling of popping a cart/disc into a console and sitting in the dark playing on an old CRT.

>> No.7448432

Oh I assumed you were talking about the different tv standard. To play games from other regions all you need is Swapmagic and Magic Keys.

>> No.7448450

its not a masterpiece, it's just a 6 or 7/10 (if you like horror) game that didn't sell well at all and so is extremely rare and therefore expensive to collecters.

>> No.7448468
File: 89 KB, 320x338, Derp190725_162046132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that platinum silent hill 2 box

>> No.7448481

Director's Cut was only available in Platinum.

>> No.7448485
File: 11 KB, 480x360, Dspspanking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>recently missed out on a complete collector's edition (including art cards and separate ost disc + case) of Digital Devil Saga 2 which ended up selling for $15 because ebay was being autistic
>cheapest option after that is $110

>> No.7448489

was it that much different from the 2 disc special edition ?
i know the xbox version got the extra laura prequel.

>> No.7448537

I'm glad I bought both DDS games brand new back in the day. Same the Raidou games and vanilla P3 w/ artbook. I didn't realize how much they've shot up in price.

>> No.7448542

PS2 has Born From a Wish as well, and the extra endings.

>> No.7448605

I'd love a CIB copy of Vanark for the PS1 but I've never seen a copy in person, nor a copy online cheap enough to pull the trigger on.

>> No.7448702
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Jealous faggot?

>> No.7448712
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fucking kek

>> No.7448718

Imagine the smell

>> No.7448719

That dog looks smug.

>> No.7448958

Unsealed japanese version of Fatal Frame 2 for OGbox, nips asks one grand for it.

>> No.7449465
File: 1.54 MB, 3024x4032, ps1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Used to want most of the rare PS1 games, got these 4 for about $50 - $60 each 9 years ago fuck paying out the ass for them now.

>> No.7449658
File: 29 KB, 275x158, 275px-Reeve_and_Serfs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember buying it for $20 bucks unpunched many years ago. I still haven't finished it, as I kept getting frustrated by the chasers. They are really relentless and put any progress on hold whenever they show up.

However, I do remember the game having a great atmosphere which I keep thinking about. I do really want to play it again and will give it another go just to see to the rest of the story.

>> No.7449674
File: 40 KB, 356x500, 90cef037c92116095b32008d5c377eae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My white whale is Clocktower 3. I have wanted this game for the longest time, but I find it hard to pay a lot for an older disc game. I have purchased far too many expensive old games from ebay to only find out they don't work. I am sick of wasting my time with unresponsive sellers (I recently purchased something for cheap and it's taken nearly a month for the issue to be resolved).

My other white whales include:
- Silent Hill 3
- Skies of Arcadia
- Phantasy Star (SMS)
- Terranigma (I live in a PAL region)

>> No.7449831

>They are fucking expensive, especially Koudelka. I want it with the stinky Spanish dubbing, which gives it a plus.
Why the hell would you want the Spanish dub? Also normal english versions aren't expensive

>> No.7449848
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i also have koudelka, but i dont want to take a new pic of it, its 4am here.

>> No.7449854

It's also pal60 so it's superior

>> No.7449860

To you maybe, but being able to play it on a american console without hacking gives it value over Pal data that had to be emulated or have a hacked ps2 to enjoy it.

>> No.7449891

Ok but for the price you pay for a US copy you could buy a PAL ps2 the game and few other PAL only PS2 game

>> No.7449902
File: 129 KB, 1080x585, 1613990284967.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nips asks one grand for it.
Lol no.

>Silent Hill 3
>I live in a PAL region
Buy it then? PAL SH games aren't expensive. Neither is Clock Tower 3.
>recently purchased something for cheap and it's taken nearly a month for the issue to be resolved
Open a return request and escalate to eBay if the seller doesn't remedy after a few days. There's no need to wait for a month.

>> No.7449903

are we game collectan or bargain hunting?

>> No.7449913

first thing i did was buy all the expensive games over $100 games first and got them out of the way early. Everything else became a cake walk and drop in the bucket compared afterward. Everyone can have a library but only true collections have rare games.

>> No.7450157

Misspelled 'sealed' somehow.
Unused is 100,000 yen on Solaris Japan.
Spending more than 50 on used is an ultimate cuckoldry move though.

>> No.7450198

It's really not that hard to set aside a couple hundred dollars over the course of a few months just for a "retro fund"

>> No.7450229

but is it a good idea? Personally I get more enjoyment out of spending money on original hardware and backup devices, not too concerned with having original copies.
My grail honestly would be a Model 2/3/Naomi cab, I'm sure they're not even that expensive but I would need to find space for one

>> No.7450517

Sort of. If it's a game I really want to play but is out of my price range I'll just emulate or do the cheapest option, and worry about collecting later. But if it's a game I just think looks interesting and I'm in no rush to play I'll wait for a good deal to coomlect.

>> No.7450679

I have no clue where it could be.

My hoarder aunt also has Clocktower 3 and I've played it. It's shit, don't bother.

>> No.7450724

the ace combat 5 hotas for ps2 thats used only for 3 games.

>> No.7451246

I didn't realize there was a NA release.
Maybe buy the japanese version. Is there much dialogue in the game anyways?

>> No.7452010

PS2 doesn't support PAL60, it's NTSC.

>> No.7452030

I would trade my sealed Rule of Rose for a mint Actraiser, Soulblazer and E.V.O.

>> No.7452052

RoR and EVO are about the same in price.

>> No.7453327

I would hope you're bargin hunting if you're collecting not paying some reseller $500

>> No.7453403

So glad this game only costs like 30€ where I live. Brand new too!

>> No.7453407
File: 235 KB, 798x632, Rule of Rose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rightfully where it belongs, honestly. Shit game that no one should play. The only cool thing it has is a cool piece of fan art. Which oversells the game immensely

>> No.7453620

i'm never buying a used copy ever again

>> No.7453868

>So glad this game only costs like 30€ where I live. Brand new too!

>> No.7453897

Buy a PAL copy. They are like 35€.

>> No.7453904

>Rule of Rose sealed.
>PAL Kuon.
I hate you and want to be you.

>> No.7454086

What's so special about the jap version?

>> No.7454102
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I have Haunting Ground. Bought it when it was $30 in 2016. I didn't even spend that much for Rule of Rose.

My white whales:
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
CIB Power Strike II for the Sega Master System

If I ever get those games, it will be the X-Men games on the Mega Drive. And if I get all of those, it will be The Punisher.

>> No.7455581

OP if you really wanted it for years, HG was not that expensive. I got my copy for $70 in 2018. Covid made it spike alongside the SH games, Kuon, etc. If you're dead-set on a copy, you can get the PAL release of HG for much cheaper.

>> No.7455607
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My hard to collect games are all arcade boards: Spikeout FE, Planet Harriers, Virtua Fighter 4, Fighting Vipers 2, Vampire Savior, all the CPS3 stuff.
My white whale is Planet Harriers: a game that can't be properly emulated, never ported, and every copy of the game is a ticking time bomb that can break if you so much as wiggle it, so getting a copy shipped is impossible. I will probably never even have the opportunity to own it.

Fucking hell, a couple of years ago you could get the collectors edition with Jack Frost for cheap.
I'm remembering when Atlus reprinted Persona 2 in like 2010 but did a limited run and only once. Fuck them.

>> No.7455616
File: 332 KB, 1200x1600, FAMICOM_AV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found a boxed version of a Famicom AV for dirt cheap but I never have the money for it! Still there tho

>> No.7455715

doesn't look perfect but there

>> No.7456175

Yes, it's incredibly glitchy and prone to freezing. And I've enjoyed what I've played enough to want to own it, which I can never do.

>> No.7457014

>ass backwards

>> No.7457485

Several hundred? I got this for 1500 yen. It’s not that expensive

>> No.7457487

Wow a couple of 100-500 yen games. Super jealous, I can’t afford this with my minimum wage job. Oh wait I can

>> No.7457508

Lawl I pirated this game when it was new, and it sucked, imagine paying coomlector prices haha

>> No.7457514

>paying $500 for "you just know": the game

>> No.7457736

Metal Warriors for SNES.
It was stolen back in 2003, and I've been looking for it ever since. It's regularly over 200 Canadian.
Fuck that.

>> No.7457743
File: 371 KB, 1979x1319, B142FACD-0E50-4AA7-AE1F-F8DFB0C8733B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's your white whale, /vr/?
here she is

>> No.7457903
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>> No.7458257


Eat less you turd.

>> No.7458267

I've got a PAL copy of that brand new in seal, only cost ten bucks a year or two ago. Just get that version and play the NTSC version on PS2 with OPL ya dummy.

Also, since when are PS2 threads allowed?

>> No.7458283

PC Silent Hill 2 sucks anyway if you don't mod it. PS2 version is still the best one. I hate that PS2 Platinum box design though. I have the standard PAL edition that comes with the bonus DVD but doesn't have Born from a Wish and it looks so much nicer.

>> No.7458285

PC games don't do PAL or NTSC you moron. They're the same everywhere.

>> No.7458314

That was only really the case until the Dreamcast (and maybe some early DC/PS2 stuff), after the DC came out most stuff here supported 60Hz.

>> No.7458346

>it's sad that the only way to realistically play Rule of Rose is to emulate it.
Or you could make a Freemcboot memory card and use OPL to play any PS2 game from any region on your actual PS2 while the games are stored in a media share folder on a PC or on the PS2 HDD.

>> No.7458362
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PAL Dreamcast and Gamecube were both really good for 60hz, although there were some 50hz-only exceptions, especially early on.

60hz PS2 games were way, way less common, it wasn't practical to own a PAL PS2 unless 50hz didn't bother you, or you were simply oblivious to the difference.

And then obviously when gen 6 came along with HDMI, the PAL/50hz issue was drastically reduced, although it was still there lurking in regional video modes for those still using CRTs, and European PS3/Wiis continued to be saddled with PAL versions of classic games.

>> No.7458368
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fuck I meant gen 7

>> No.7458430

>was it that much different from the 2 disc special edition ?
>i know the xbox version got the extra laura prequel.
It's not that different. I have the 2 disc set. Born from a Wish and the UFO ending are missing and Mary doesn't make a sound during the part near the end where James watches the VHS tape and it distorts. You just hear static, while in the Director's Cut there's a scream to make it more obvious what's going on during that part. Instead, you get the bonus DVD which has a Making Of video and a couple of trailers for different games. That's it.
Xbox version should be exactly the same as the Director's Cut.

>> No.7458451
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PAL Silent Hill 3 is pretty cheap and it has a 60Hz mode. It also has a better box art (which is true for most Silent Hill games).

>> No.7458627

I'd rather be alone than make a facebook account

>> No.7458689

dont listrn to the scrubs, its one of capcoms best

>> No.7458694

Picked mine up for 80 january last year.

heh heh heh

>> No.7458715

i love these threads because it makes emulator nerds seethe.

they can go back to playing their buggy ps2 emulators muh software mode

>> No.7458891

but it has shitty logos all over the disc

>> No.7459238

Voice acting, duh.

>> No.7459712

How often do you even look at the disc? A few seconds from case to console and then a few seconds back into the case.

>> No.7460054
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After paying almost $100 for Silent Hill 3 and 4, I realized dropping this much for old ass games is nothing but a huge meme. I lucked out with 1 and 2, but that was before the coof.

Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed the games but I absolutely don't think they are worth that much. No game is, no matter how new or old it is. I'm now looking to get one of those network adapters in order to mod the PS2. it's not only smarter, but also will please my autistic desire to play on the console instead of emulating.